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Sad state of NA PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Vandal.8029


lets be honest here, the maps in this game for these matches are just awful..Boring and bland..

As much crap as SWTOR gets, Huttball is still probably the best PvP Map i’ve played in an MMO, followed by a couple of the Warhammer Online ones….(TSW El dorado map was also really well designed, just never popped)

Till they make the SPvP maps interesting and add a reason to actually do SPvP (Also another thing that keeps this game down..Warhammer Online,TSW,SWTOR all gave you something for doing it..hell even WoW did.. same with Rift… There really isn’t any reason for me to ever bother with SPvP in this game) no one will actually waste time with the game.

Elder Scrolls Online has already saw the writing on the wall, and are just going to flat out not have instance pvp in their game.

There are people who are only interested in instanced pvp and play just for the competition. I never was a fan of open world pvp or pve. I thought this game would be perfect for someone like me, but I think wow’s arenas still hold most of the instanced pvp’er population. Which is a shame because GW2’s gameplay and combat mechanics are far better than any game I have ever played. A-net has created an amazing game, now they just need to build on it. I still believe that spvp can make a comeback since there is no sub fee. Its too easy to log in and check out changes that have been made.

Downstate Balance

in PvP

Posted by: Vandal.8029


Any time you down someone and you have 50% health remaining and cannot stomp them in time before you are downed yourself – yeah… something is wrong.

If they can take 50% of your hp while downed before you can stomp, that tells me you are playing a glass cannon. Thats just part of the risk of playing a glass cannon. You can’t have your cake and eat it too. I suggest using a utility to secure a stomp, like mist form, plague form, elixir s, stealth, or even quickness.
This is just my opinion, but I feel the downed state has worked pretty well since they reduced the downstate hp.

Sad state of NA PvP

in PvP

Posted by: Vandal.8029


I like whoever suggested just matching two teams up to play a best of three. This would of course need a ranking and matchmaking system. Each team that joined would get at least two games and they would feel like they got their tickets worth. It would only take two teams to start so queue times would be shorter.

Dont get me wrong, I loved the idea of tournaments and entry fees, but the population can’t support it atm. Some changes need to be made to build the population back up. Reserve the tournaments for the monthly/yearly competition.

Map-Stuck is back

in PvP

Posted by: Vandal.8029


You have got to fix this soon. I only play this game for sPvP, and it is almost unplayable right now. I don’t know what is causing it. It seems to happen at random times. All I know is I can still hear people fighting over my dead body while I am stuck at an endless loading screen. It can ruin a tournament when multiple players have to alt+f4 out and restart the game.

Time for more Combos!

in PvP

Posted by: Vandal.8029


The first 2 abilities can be used together from range, so you can’t really interrupt it. Now you are stealthed and behind the target to use 3. Number 4 is not necessary. So basically you can just stop the heartseeker spam. But dont even try to run away after because heartseeker is also a gap closer.

I dont have many problems with thieves unless they catch me off guard, so dont take this for a whine post. I just didn’t agree with this thread.

wars OP in pvp?

in PvP

Posted by: Vandal.8029


Just because you can cycle through an engi’s abilities and kill someone 1v1 does not mean that you are playing an engi to its full potential. Engi’s have tons of utility and decisions to be made during a team fight. If you are just cycling through abilities, you might not have that smoke field when you need to stealth rez a teammate, or you might not have that poison available to drop on a downed enemy to keep his teammates from rezzing him. Just the shear amount of options and tools engi’s have for different situations are why they are considered to have a higher skill cap than warriors. Most warriors literally just wait for a target to use their stunbreaker, and then they blow all of their cd’s on that target. Warriors need some utility.

Next patch. Going e-sport or not.

in PvP

Posted by: Vandal.8029


Sure this game needs a lot of work for it to become an e-sport, but they have plenty of time, imo. This game has a great foundation and some of the best combat mechanics for an mmo. People can leave if they want to, but if a-net adds some of the missing pvp features, people will come back. Without a subscription, people will log back in just to check things out, and if they like what they see, they will stay. Not many games become an esport as soon as they launch. LoL for example.

PS- We could be a little more patient and positive about the game. A big update each month is a lot more than most mmo’s. Wow only gets a new pvp map in a new expansion. If your unhappy with the game right now, just take a break for a while.

wars OP in pvp?

in PvP

Posted by: Vandal.8029


Maybe someday the meta will shift and teams will need someone to lockdown targets or interrupt ressers. Warriors do have a ridiculous amount of cc.

wars OP in pvp?

in PvP

Posted by: Vandal.8029


The warrior suffers from being the jack of all trades but master of none. This makes them a very good class for hot joins, but they suffer in tourneys. The only viable role they have in tourneys is the glass cannon greatsword, which is very good at killing unsuspecting foes, but top tier teams tend to have good awareness. This is probably why the warrior is the least represented class on the qp leaderboards.

Ele's and thief insta self rez to full hp

in PvP

Posted by: Vandal.8029


I believe ele’s have a signet that lets them rez themselves too. Something like if they use it on a teammate in a certain attunement, they ele rezzes the next time he is downed. Could be wrong though.

Kitten this event!

in PvP

Posted by: Vandal.8029


This has nothing to do with A-net ignoring pvp. An apology is not necessary. Its just a part of playing a popular online game. Anytime there is a big event or patch, the servers will be stressed and lag may occur. It happens in almost every game I have played.

Least played profession

in PvP

Posted by: Vandal.8029


In tpvp (if you go by qp), warriors and rangers seem to be the least represented. Its a completely different story in hot joins though.

Top tPVP Classes from rank ladders

in PvP

Posted by: Vandal.8029


I know this list doesnt mean much because most of the players are listed as N/A or they play multiple classes, but when I watch some top tier teams stream, I rarely see any warriors. Its kind of discouraging for me because my warrior is one of my favorites. I wish banners would get a little love lol.

Advice for player PVPing for the first time

in PvP

Posted by: Vandal.8029


I would say to start joining some free tournaments once you get comfortable with your build and class abilities. It is less of a zerg when it is 5v5 so it easier to see what is going on. The 8v8 spvp is filled with glass cannons that can be hard to deal with until you learn to counter them, especially as an elementalist with a low hp pool.

Its been 2 months. Calm down.

in PvP

Posted by: Vandal.8029


Everyone does need to calm down. Arenanet is doing a fine job pushing out content for a game that doesn’t even require a subscription. They said they would start rolling out pvp features once paid tourneys come out and 15 days later we have another patch with a new map and who knows what else.
And no I dont believe that all of the pvp features like paid tourneys and a ladder should have been available since day one. Take wow for example, the arena season started shortly after MoP release and now it is completely ruined. Hunter’s pets were bugged and were soloing 3’s teams. Now there is a win trading exploit and people who have never been in arenas are getting rank one. Wow’s pvp is in trouble. So I say we just enjoy what we have and be patient while A-net does things right.

Please give us spvp gear progression. 10% difference from baseline-best.

in PvP

Posted by: Vandal.8029


Agreed, Arc. But there needs to be some really awesome looking gear that is not easy to get. So when you see a good player in the mists, you will know they are good just by looking at their gear. And others will strive to get better so they can look like that too. Most of the gear right now is obtained by farming glory. Hopefully paid tourneys will change this.

Jon Peters talks spvp - mesmer on trebs, bunkers op, etc.

in PvP

Posted by: Vandal.8029


People keep comparing the balance in this game to other games and it just doesn’t work like that. This game is a whole new monster with its own rules.

Bunkers in other games are completely different. They usually have high hp, high armor, and passive avoidance and mitigation. The bunkers in GW2 gain survivability through healing, boons, active dodging/blocking, and knockbacks/cc. In this game, burst counters bunker by being able to hit hard and fast before the bunkers can react. But a guardians retaliation is owning burst builds because it is up way too often.

Juking, dodging and other Advanced Gameplay skills:

in PvP

Posted by: Vandal.8029


I keep forgetting you can use instant abilities while casting other abilities since its not allowed in most other games. It makes for some creative gameplay.

For example, blinding someone while you are stomping an enemy to keep from getting interrupted.

You can start casting churning earth away from enemies and then teleport to them right before it finishes.

I’ve seen a thief stomping another thief, and and when the downed thief used his teleport, so did the other thief without interrupting the stomp.

Lets make our own Arena League!

in PvP

Posted by: Vandal.8029


I could see something like this working when they get private servers going. It would be pretty hard to do right now. It might be worth a try though.

I feel bad for..

in PvP

Posted by: Vandal.8029


I feel bad for rangers with quickness. Especially when they dont notice that I have shield stance up with reflect projectiles.

Warriors Discussion Thread

in PvP

Posted by: Vandal.8029


I’m not trying to be rude here, but I have a feeling these were staged, especially the second pic. Forgive me if I’m wrong but doesn’t 100b only hit 8 times, maybe 9 with the final swing. And the second pic shows no stuns or immobilizes hitting you, so you were just standing there taking multiple 100b’s.

Jon Peters talks spvp - mesmer on trebs, bunkers op, etc.

in PvP

Posted by: Vandal.8029


What is meant by “template” when he says templates are coming but paid tourneys first?

Thiefs Discussion Thread [Merged]

in PvP

Posted by: Vandal.8029


I don’t really have a problem with thieves, but I can understand concerns about how initiative is designed to promote spamming. Swtor handled this in an interesting way. An operative had an energy mechanic but the lower the energy got, the slower it regen’d. It made it risky to blow all of your energy on one opponent. Just an idea I thought I would throw out.

( Hot Spvp ) Join Friend in PvP option problem

in PvP

Posted by: Vandal.8029


I would say it’s bugged or they were in a full server. Either way you can check the server browser and it puts an icon next to the server your friends are playing in.

sPVP Staff Elementalist

in Elementalist

Posted by: Vandal.8029


Staff is not as bad at 1v1 as you would think. Probably because it takes more than one person to kill a staff support ele. We have a lot of healing and utility. It usually takes focus fire from multiple enemies to burst me down.

Ele downed state

in Elementalist

Posted by: Vandal.8029


Am I the only one that doesn’t mind ele downed state lol? You can’t interrupt a quick stomp but if your teammate does interrupt it for you or the enemies are too slow, you’re pretty much golden. Once I get vapor form, I usually get away to heal myself or get better positioning to get revived by a teammate. I can usually create enough distance with vapor form so that when I do go back down, the root actually works to keep them from stopping me. And vapor form resets your hp. It only sucks when you’re fighting 1v1 against a melee class.

Ele as a healer in SPVP

in Elementalist

Posted by: Vandal.8029


If you’re really set on healing, then a staff ele is the way to go. The aoe heals from your water fields plus blast finishers are amazing.

Balance back-fired?

in PvP

Posted by: Vandal.8029


Hahaha. Thank your the laugh jgowans.

In which order would you place each profession atm?

in PvP

Posted by: Vandal.8029


1. Guardian
2. Engineer
3. Mesmer
4. Elementalist
5. Thief
6. Ranger/Necro
8. Warrior

I dont know much about rangers or necros, so I’m kind of just guessing there. I recently stopped playing my warrior and started learning the elementalist. I think I did decent on my warrior, but his potential felt limited. I feel much more useful as an ele now. This is all just opinion by the way.

Balance back-fired?

in PvP

Posted by: Vandal.8029


None of the top tier teams stack guardians or mesmers. They all have a guardian and mesmer but I never see them use doubles.

And the reason tourney games are usually blowouts is because it is usually pug vs guild. Once the new features start rolling out, that will change.

sPVP Staff Elementalist

in Elementalist

Posted by: Vandal.8029


The staff is amazing in sPvP. There’s a lot of top tier teams that run with a staff ele. They are very tough to kill because they can cleanse conditions constantly and they can throw out huge aoe heals with the water 3 and 5 plus blast finishers. They do decent dmg, strong aoe. And they are perfect for killing the treb in kyhlo. The treb has a huge hit box, so the fire 5 ability just destroys it.

sPvP - things to come.

in PvP

Posted by: Vandal.8029


You can’t have rankings/ladders/competitive play at release. ArenaNet can’t foresee what balance issues, bugs, and exploits are going to arise until after the game is released. Nothing would be worse for a game with esport aspirations than players exploiting their way to high ranks. They are doing the right thing by sitting back and observing for a while. We just need to make the best of what we have while this game develops.

they could still make that post ready if they already know what they are making?

Agreed. They do need to get that blog out as soon as possible so we can see what direction they want to take this game. This blog is a pretty big deal for the pvp community so I bet its being reviewed and revised multiple times.

sPvP - things to come.

in PvP

Posted by: Vandal.8029


You can’t have rankings/ladders/competitive play at release. ArenaNet can’t foresee what balance issues, bugs, and exploits are going to arise until after the game is released. Nothing would be worse for a game with esport aspirations than players exploiting their way to high ranks. They are doing the right thing by sitting back and observing for a while. We just need to make the best of what we have while this game develops.

We got some LOOOVE in the the patch!

in PvP

Posted by: Vandal.8029


If they didn’t fix things like that foefire exploit and went ahead released new content like rankings, people would abuse it in every tournament. Then you would be back here on the forums complaining that ranks mean nothing because people are cheating. The bug fixes have to come first before they can release any serious pvp.

Red/Blue Colours on gear in sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Vandal.8029


If this game does become an esport, having blue and red armor makes it easier for spectators. They could change this in hot joins however.

Most Played Classes In PvP Chart

in PvP

Posted by: Vandal.8029


Has anyone else seen a rise in rangers lately? I was testing a new build on my warrior in hot joins last night and each team had at least 3-4. It was actually quite fun. As they would pop quickness, I would use shield stance with reflect and watch numbers fly all over my screen.

Why are people complaining about Ele in Pvp?

in PvP

Posted by: Vandal.8029


Ele’s are actually good at stomping. The mist form trick is nice but it is on a long cd. Scepter/dagger ele’s have access to two instant cast blinds on short cd’s. They can be used while stomping without interrupting the stomp. You should never get knocked while stomping as a scepter/dagger ele.

Attacking while stealthed

in PvP

Posted by: Vandal.8029


There’s a few kinks with stealth atm, mostly rendering issues. They will probably be fixed. I like ANet’s version of stealth though. Its not permanent, and they can still be damaged. I love swinging at a stealthed thief because I know where he is going, and when he comes out of stealth, he is downed.

A night in tPvP with Jon Peters

in PvP

Posted by: Vandal.8029


It must be info that is coming out in the blog soon and Jon wants us to wait.

Auto balancing

in PvP

Posted by: Vandal.8029


Downed state is not too bad. The only classes that you can’t down on the first try are thieves and mesmers but teammates also cant revive them when they are teleporting around. Stability or any of the many blinds in this game will stop the other classes from being able to interrupt the stomp.

The Competitive PvP Blog Post

in PvP

Posted by: Vandal.8029


The game is still less than a month old. They are still ironing out bugs before they release any new features, which is smart. Someone said that they are just fixing some scalability issues with the paid tournaments right now. I’m sure they will be out soon.

A night in tPvP with Jon Peters

in PvP

Posted by: Vandal.8029


Then why can’t you share it? lol

Stealth finishes

in PvP

Posted by: Vandal.8029


It works both ways. You can also stealth res people. Each class has little tricks they can use and should use to stomp people. Stomping is one of the most important parts of the game. If you get knocked back and let them get a res off, it can completely change a fight. Warrior is the only class i can think of that doesn’t really have much in the stomping utility department. They have to blow their one stability on a pretty long cd.

"Let the meta develop first"

in PvP

Posted by: Vandal.8029


But there’s no way to know if you and AC were the highest rated teams in that tourney. You are just assuming that all other teams were pugs and you met AC in the second round. Maybe after AC beat you, they played Team Paradigm in the third round. (I know TP is EU and its not going to happen, but it was just an example.)

"Let the meta develop first"

in PvP

Posted by: Vandal.8029


You make a valid point. The meta would develop a lot faster if people were playing teams around their skill level. But there are still some bug fixes that need to happen first. There is supposed to be a blog out soon (hopefully today since its Friday) that might give us a timeline or idea of what’s going to be happening with spvp.

One thing I dont agree with js how you said you should have played AC in the last round. There is no way of knowing that. Matchmaking or ranks wouldn’t change that. You can’t know the rankings of other teams or how your seated in the tourney. The higher rank teams dont always win. I once got stomped by Super Squad (probably impostors) in the first round. Just luck of the draw.

An Elementalists View of the Current State

in PvP

Posted by: Vandal.8029


Downed states are pretty good imo. It is very easy to stomp every class if you do it quickly, except maybe a thief and mesmer but they also make it harder for their teammates to res them. Every class has access to blinds and stability and you should always be using them when stomping. I find blinds the best because they are usually instant and have short cd’s, so you can cast them while channeling the stomp. If your class doesn’t have a blind or stability then I would designate someone else to stomp.

Elementalits - Buff?

in PvP

Posted by: Vandal.8029


A well played ele is one of the strongest classes in tpvp. A mediocre ele will get destroyed in seconds. The class has a high skill floor, maybe some QoL changes could help with that.

I agree with fixing the bugs first though.

Thieves...working as intended?

in PvP

Posted by: Vandal.8029


To the person that said casual players are forced to play 8v8’s, I dont agree. I’m a casual player that logs on occasionally to do a tourney or two. I just wanted to let you know that you can queue for tourneys solo. I’m not trying to be rude. I didn’t know that at first so I’m trying to keep other people from making that mistake. 5v5’s are so much better.

Guild wars 2 E-sport?

in PvP

Posted by: Vandal.8029


Read the dev post in the other thread. He basically said that they are letting the metagame develop and are fixing bugs and balancing issues first. Once this is done, a lot of esport features will be rolling out rapidly. I would say this game definitely has a chance as an esport. We can’t forget that it is not even a month old yet.

Ladder / ranking / custom tournaments

in PvP

Posted by: Vandal.8029


Thank you for the update, Colin. Hopefully it will give players some peace of mind. You guys are doing a great job. Letting the pvp game develop and getting all of the bugs and balancing issues sorted out before you release ranked/ladder, is very smart in my opinion.