Showing Posts For WesleySnipes.3917:

Can we please get a working Mac Client [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: WesleySnipes.3917


I’m thinking about getting a new iMac so this thread is very interesting to me. Do the issues everyone is having also apply to the windows client running thru Bootcamp? Just curious as I don’t think anyone mentioned it. I know it’s not the best solution, especially with Apple’s forced drivers for video that are usually a few releases behind AMDs catalyst drivers.

I just checked AMDs site and the versions (windows 7 and OS X bootcamp) are both 15.x

Bootcamp is the only viable solution to playing gw2 on mac. Doing so it was the only time i was able to enjoy the game. Sadly my optical drive died and now im limited to os x client

Can we please get a working Mac Client [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: WesleySnipes.3917


This lack of communication, and any care in the world for mac players is pretty insulting.

That’s because maybe you didn’t know, but, this is probably the 4th or 5th thread that gets this many pages of mac users begging for some help and they just ignore, all the other threads get burried under the windows one.

I’m so tired of this crap honestly, i’m about to go on my 4th break of gw2 because it’s so stressful to play this game. Everytime I play it i can’t enjoy myself and it reminds me that i put money into this game, all because of false advertisement….

Was it quite as bad as it is now? Because the feeling that I get is that previously, as long as the game was playable, nobody took the Mac users seriously, because hey, they are able to play the game, so we shouldn’t focus on them, right? Well, now it’s impossible for 95% of Mac users to even launch the game, and the 5% of us that are able to do that don’t get anything done anyway.

It’s funny in an ironic way, though, because if Windows users had gotten the problem we’ve had for 3 years now, the issue would have been resolved within 24h.

All the bugs i have today are the ones i had 3 yeArs ago.
- completely unstable fps
-fps stuttering
-being forced to play with everything on low and still get the 2 problems mentioned above
-now the client takes ages to open
-ocasional graphics glith in game
-TP works only when it feels like it
-autoruning without the command
-not autorunning when the command is given
Those last 2 are a extreme pain in the nutz i assure u, not like the other bugs aren’t

Those constant crashes since the expansion

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: WesleySnipes.3917


I’ve been waiting more than 3 years to finally properly playing this game

Can we please get a working Mac Client [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: WesleySnipes.3917


Can we please get a statement from anet today? This is starting to bore me

Can we please get a working Mac Client [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: WesleySnipes.3917


Found this very useful link (from a google research):

“Is Guild Wars 2 offered in a Mac® version?
Yes. Guild Wars 2 is offered in both Windows® and Mac versions. The Mac version is currently in beta. A release version will be available after testing and optimization have been completed.”

-Nowhere I see them mention that it’s a wrapper.
-They write it with the sole purpose of the customer buying the product and wait forever for the client to come out of “beta”.
-They don’t mention obrigatory bootcamp
-They don’t offer a windows copy when purchasing the game

What bugs me the most is buying a broken product with the false pretext that it will be a complete product one day. 3 YEARS OMFG!

I really don’t want to be forced to quit this game ONCE AGAIN! Especially after i just bought the freaking expansion. This is a complete lack of respect to the customer

Google GW2 for Mac or Guild Wars 2 for Mac like many customer that use Mac will do to see if can play game on Mac before buy. Tell first search result not sponsor. I bet 100 gold it is this page talk about better when finish client and how Anet excite to play on Mac and how Anet president love his Mac.

That’s the announcement that led me to this customer forsaken game… I wish i never read it. I always wanted to play gw2 but didn’t for the obvious reason of it being a windows only game. That announcement was a trap for me, and i bet most of mac users

Can we please get a working Mac Client [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: WesleySnipes.3917


Found this very useful link (from a google research):

“Is Guild Wars 2 offered in a Mac® version?
Yes. Guild Wars 2 is offered in both Windows® and Mac versions. The Mac version is currently in beta. A release version will be available after testing and optimization have been completed.”

-Nowhere I see them mention that it’s a wrapper.
-They write it with the sole purpose of the customer buying the product and wait forever for the client to come out of “beta”.
-They don’t mention obrigatory bootcamp
-They don’t offer a windows copy when purchasing the game

What bugs me the most is buying a broken product with the false pretext that it will be a complete product one day. 3 YEARS OMFG!

I really don’t want to be forced to quit this game ONCE AGAIN! Especially after i just bought the freaking expansion. This is a complete lack of respect to the customer

(edited by WesleySnipes.3917)

Can we please get a working Mac Client [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: WesleySnipes.3917


This lack of communication, and any care in the world for mac players is pretty insulting.

That’s because maybe you didn’t know, but, this is probably the 4th or 5th thread that gets this many pages of mac users begging for some help and they just ignore, all the other threads get burried under the windows one.

I’m so tired of this crap honestly, i’m about to go on my 4th break of gw2 because it’s so stressful to play this game. Everytime I play it i can’t enjoy myself and it reminds me that i put money into this game, all because of false advertisement….

Can we please get a working Mac Client [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: WesleySnipes.3917


Another thread (this time not made by me) completely obliterated by trolls and utter idiots, I just don’t get the hate for Mac ppl? wtf?

Why is it so hard to understand we don’t really care if the client is 32/64/128/whatever bits, we just want a WORKING client that doesn’t crash (ever since HoT) and is able to operate on decent graphic settings while completing a SINGLE event in the new areas.

NOTE: I have literally a freaking beast of a MacPro, 64GB RAM, 6GB VRAM, the latest and the greatest, I was getting 70 FPS (!!!) pre-HoT, why should HoT make the game unplayable for me? and no I don’t accept the client is in “BETA” (for 3 years) as an answer…

It’s depressing how people treat mac players. Somehow it’s our fault for buying a game that 3 years back announced mac support. But anyways the one in fault isn’t the company that mislead the customer, but the customer itself, for owning a different os.

I would never have bought gw2 if they didn’t announce this piece of dump “client”.

Their answer is always bootcamp or buy a new pc. What about a more honest company that sold a broken product to their customers?

I couldn’t agree more, especially about those “bootcamp” replies? why should I give away half my HD space (which I don’t really have) to install another OS solely for playing GW2? why do I need to pay an additional windows license fee that costs more than GW2 itself to play GW2?

If by mac support they mean this bulldump, they should edit their advertisement for the client

Can we please get a working Mac Client [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: WesleySnipes.3917


Another thread (this time not made by me) completely obliterated by trolls and utter idiots, I just don’t get the hate for Mac ppl? wtf?

Why is it so hard to understand we don’t really care if the client is 32/64/128/whatever bits, we just want a WORKING client that doesn’t crash (ever since HoT) and is able to operate on decent graphic settings while completing a SINGLE event in the new areas.

NOTE: I have literally a freaking beast of a MacPro, 64GB RAM, 6GB VRAM, the latest and the greatest, I was getting 70 FPS (!!!) pre-HoT, why should HoT make the game unplayable for me? and no I don’t accept the client is in “BETA” (for 3 years) as an answer…

It’s depressing how people treat mac players. Somehow it’s our fault for buying a game that 3 years back announced mac support. But anyways the one in fault isn’t the company that mislead the customer, but the customer itself, for owning a different os.

I would never have bought gw2 if they didn’t announce this piece of dump “client”.

Their answer is always bootcamp or buy a new pc. What about a more honest company that sold a broken product to their customers?

Can we please get a working Mac Client [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: WesleySnipes.3917


The HoT sale page still say Mac beta client work on many Mac. But it seem from what I read here and from try to play on my Macs that are in that requirement it does not. If you have Mac that does not meet requirement please say here. If you have Mac that does or is above please say here. Sale page mislead if you have Mac above minimum requirement or what they say on sale page work good and still broke broke for you.

got a 15" late 2011 mbp with 1gb dedicated gpu cpu i7 750 gb hdd

From what the SS shows, my laptop has more than it should for the game to run properly, instead it runs like a car with bricks for wheels and a hamster for engine

Can we please get a working Mac Client [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: WesleySnipes.3917


the replies on the thread are just as i expected.
Trolls everywhere trying to justify ANet’s lack of responsibility for the mac community they wanted to bring to the game. Telling you to bootcamp or buy a pc, instead of actually helping the mac players get a working client.

This game just plain upsets me, every time they release a new build i get my hopes up that AT LEAST TO THE POTATO BARE MINIMUM the fps problem will be fixed, but they just release new cash itens instead

Can we please get a working Mac Client [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: WesleySnipes.3917


x64 cider even beta would be dream for us boiz =(

I agree. Things can’t get any worse at this point.
1- client doesn’t open
2- if it does, it won’t let you enjoy the game with its terrible fps stutter even though you are running the worst settings.
3- client after 3 years has the same problems since its birth
4- no mac support

I seriously can not see how the situation can get any worse for us mac users

64-bit Client Beta FAQ

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: WesleySnipes.3917


No mac version? I has a sad.

i cry after every patch when i find out nothing changed

Can we please get a working Mac Client [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: WesleySnipes.3917


Do you guys think it would work if we all sent in complaints to Anet, or would they just treat us like spam? (Like they have basically been doing for the last three years.)

‘Cuz, see, this is the last drop in the cauldron (feel free to use another metaphor), and the fact that Mac users were able to stomach this crappy excuse for a ’beta client’ for three years is a freaking miracle.

I saw where someone made a complaint on Anet better business page. Anet response basically client is beta and do not promise to work on different Mac and make support ticket.

Still, it feels like if enough complain, they’d take us seriously, considering that we are LITERALLY UNABLE TO LAUNCH THE GAME.

Being unable to launch the game is just the beginning. If you are one of the few people that are able to launch the game, you will be stuck with a terrible perfomance gameplay even if you tune everything to the worst settings possible, limit your frame rate, reduce resolution, window mode. What ever you try you will be stuck with 15 fps and stuttering frames.

EITHER WAY IT’S UNPLAYABLE! All of the fps stuttering and what not happens on any map, HoT maps, old maps…

Can we please get a working Mac Client [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: WesleySnipes.3917


This topic is gonna turn 2 weeks old and we’re still being ignored.

Give us some news ANet! Stop treating us like fools!

(edited by WesleySnipes.3917)

Can we please get a working Mac Client [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: WesleySnipes.3917


Anet testing 64 bit client. Wonder what this mean for Mac beta client. Maybe nothing maybe worse.

“Is there a 64-bit Mac client?
Unfortunately, a 64-bit Mac client is not available at this time. We are hoping to be able to provide one in the future, but have no timeline to provide it.”

GG boys. We might as well uninstall the game and move on with our lives.

Do you guys think it would work if we all sent in complaints to Anet, or would they just treat us like spam? (Like they have basically been doing for the last three years.)

‘Cuz, see, this is the last drop in the cauldron (feel free to use another metaphor), and the fact that Mac users were able to stomach this crappy excuse for a ’beta client’ for three years is a freaking miracle.

I know right?! I find it utterly offensive what they are doing. They do treat us like garbage, ignore our pleas for help, and work only towards the windows community…

Can someone please explain to me the actual meaning of a “mac client”… because i apparently don’t know anything about clients, or english, because to me this is not a mac client.
It’s the same crappy excuse it has been since its release and i am so tired of being ignored!

First they work on an expansion, without even fixing the “mac client” or even test the expansion on the so said “client”.
Now they work on a 64-bit client for windows and once again (F word) the mac customers!

We also paid for this game! stop using our investments on windows only tweaks!

About the new client:

“Is there a 64-bit Mac client?

Unfortunately, a 64-bit Mac client is not available at this time. We are hoping to be able to provide one in the future, but have no timeline to provide it".

Oh, don’t worry, we can wait another 3 years.

Oh sure, let us all wait with no deadlines and no news, nor patches. it’s ok.
What’s 3 years to some1 who already waited 3 years?


(edited by WesleySnipes.3917)

Can we please get a working Mac Client [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: WesleySnipes.3917


My husband and I were doing the verdant brink area together a little and started having synchronised crashing every 20-25 minutes while doing stuff. It was very romantic.

How is the fix coming? Are you guys considering some sort of in-game compensation for mac client users given that you knowingly released a completely broken product to us? Could go a little way toward getting back of some of the goodwill from the mac community that you’ve squandered over the last three years.

Being able to play the game on auto detect settings with stable fps is all i ask for. Seriously i wouldn’t even mind not getting anything but that and an apology

Can we please get a working Mac Client [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: WesleySnipes.3917


Doing some research i was able to find something about cpu core unparking, although it was for windows pcs.
Does any1 know if there’s a way to do that on os x, and if so, is it harmful to the computer? does it improve gw2 fps?

I’ve not heard of OS X “parking” cores like that, although I wouldn’t be particularly surprised if it did, since Apple’s been all about the battery life lately.
There is a way to tell OS X to give higher priority to certain processes (the “renice” command, if you’re curious). I just tried it though and it didn’t make much, if any, difference.

Hmmm good to know that there’s not much difference, that means only ANet can fix our problems… And speaking of fixes.
Apparently the next patch (probably still weeks away) will have perfomance improvement and some fixes. Don’t want to get my hopes up though, they didn’t mention the mac client at all, so these fixes probably are for the windows community, while we are still struggling to lift the fps above 15 running potato graphics for the past 3 years

(edited by WesleySnipes.3917)

Can we please get a working Mac Client [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: WesleySnipes.3917


Doing some research i was able to find something about cpu core unparking, although it was for windows pcs.
Does any1 know if there’s a way to do that on os x, and if so, is it harmful to the computer? does it improve gw2 fps?

Reduced performance in HoT maps

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: WesleySnipes.3917


I feel your pain.
The game has terrible fps in general over here, running on a macbook pro 15’’ but when i go to HoT areas the fps just gives in and it feels like im playing a comic book

Can we please get a working Mac Client [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: WesleySnipes.3917


I wish they just never announced this god forsaken “client”.
I have more headaches over this game than enjoy myself. I simply can’t enjoy a game that i have to run on the lowest settings as possible just to set a frame rate limit to my game and STILL HAVE THE SLUGGIEST FPS IN THE UNIVERSE!

I’d have stayed playing Dota2 (which actually had some fps stuttering, but they actually worked on their client to improve and make it playable) or WoW; Heroes of the Storm… you know… games that don’t even announce their compatibility to mac but they have clients for it!

(edited by WesleySnipes.3917)

Can we please get a working Mac Client [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: WesleySnipes.3917


all of HoT maps are simply unplayable, unless you don’t mind the comic book feel of playing at 10fps.

Nothing runs smoothly with this client. The fps stuttering is just driving me crazy!

Mac Heap Error Crashes

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: WesleySnipes.3917


I’m on yosemite still. i rarely get crashes but i always have fps stutters. Even playing with everything on the lowest settings. fps oscillates from 10 to 30 fps (if i dont set the fps limit to 30 the game’s fps will go even crazier!).
Sometimes even when the fps is at 31 you can see the frames stutter.

The client ALWAYS acted like that. Shame

Mac Heap Error Crashes

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: WesleySnipes.3917


Since El Cap. and/or the GW2 expansion… same. You guys ever gonna make a legit. Mac version?

I wish they would.
But… It’s been 3 years, we had no updates regarding the development or even improvements to the wrapper.

It’s sad because the only time i managed to run this game on “auto detect” settings was when i installed windows on bootcamp, which is not possible for me now as my cd-r doesn’t work and either way mac users shouldn’t be forced to bootcamp to be able to play a game that was announced mac support 3 years ago

Can we please get a working Mac Client [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: WesleySnipes.3917


So. I just noticed the mods deleted a few posts in this thread, but didn’t bother giving us some feedback.

So yes guys, we wasted more or less 110 dolars to be treated like … f2p

Can we please get a working Mac Client [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: WesleySnipes.3917


i don’t have a Mac (i don’t have windows either) but for the toon who forgets to stop running, i just press the forward key once more.
i don’t know if that trick would work for you, but it’s worth trying.

I’ve tried that, walking to the sides, back paddling. nothing works. he continues running like a kittened potato.

That issue has existed since GW1 (which is one instance where you do really realise that GW2 is built on GW1). I think the way I always got it to stop was by double tapping forward, or by going into the keybind settings and figuring out which key sets your character to auto-run, and try tapping that when they keep moving and see if that stops them?

Guess i’ll give that a shot next time.

Can we please get a working Mac Client [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: WesleySnipes.3917


i don’t have a Mac (i don’t have windows either) but for the toon who forgets to stop running, i just press the forward key once more.
i don’t know if that trick would work for you, but it’s worth trying.

I’ve tried that, walking to the sides, back paddling. nothing works. he continues running like a kittened potato.

There is a word for intentionally selling people a broken product, I think.

There is!
In my dictionary it’s also known as scam.

I find it extremely offensive how ANet tries so hard to ignore this thread. WHAT IS UP ANET?

1 week of silence is a disgrace for customer support!

(edited by WesleySnipes.3917)

Toon doesn't come to full stop

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: WesleySnipes.3917


So I noticed recently that my character has serious obedience problems when it comes to running forward.

Before you tell me it’s autorun, no it’s not.

When i hold the run forward command for sometime (more or less 10 seconds) and suddenly release it, instead of the character coming to a complete stop it continues running for a few meters (sometimes a long distance) which is very frustrating, especially with the new maps where you are constantly at very high places.

I’d like to know if there’s anyone with the same issue as mine, or my character just lost respect to its master.

(my W buttom works fine anywhere else, it’s not getting stuck neither).

It’s probably relevant to mention that I am playing on a Mac client which is known for its flaws.

Can we please get a working Mac Client [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: WesleySnipes.3917


Can someone please tell me this is a joke.
We still have no word from ANet.

Are they seriously trying that hard to ignore us? I mean, the topic has over a thousand views, over 130 replies. Even though it’s a mac related thread it manages to stay in the first page.


Can we please get a working Mac Client [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: WesleySnipes.3917


Yeah, I actually noticed that a couple weeks back. It is pretty funny that the top hits for Guild Wars 2 on mac is that original announcement and I think some posts on maybe. Then again, ArenaNet has never been particularly savvy at managing their brand online, relatively speaking.

And WesleySnipes.3917, I’m not saying don’t complain. I’m saying you might enjoy yourself more if you reset your expectations. We can’t even expect them to have a relatively stable Cider client, people demanding a native client are just setting themselves up for massive disappointment.

I get what you mean. Honestly my native client hopes were crushed ages ago. out of the 3 years i have the game i never played a complete year without a break, just because i couldnt take it anymore.
My hopes were ressurected with the announcement of an expansion. i thought "oh well, 3 years is enough time for a company to make a game so they probably tweaked the wrapper at least.

I’m so naive. lol
All i ask is for stable frame rate. If you want to torture a gamer, all you have to do is make his fps oscillate from 10 to 30 at the worst setting possible, which is our case.

Can we please get a working Mac Client [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: WesleySnipes.3917


Things change.

Except the client. It never changed

Can we please get a working Mac Client [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: WesleySnipes.3917


They’re not doing a native client nor did they ever promise one. Many many games used Cider to port. Some are horrendously bad. Some are pretty good. Others fall into the middle area. On top of that you have the problems of an MMO in active development trying to redo large chunks of their game engine (EVE Online is another example of a mac client in a similar spot).

I’m not defending ArenaNet’s behavior. Far from it. But we really need to have realistic expectations. My realistic expectation used to be ArenaNet communicating how they were progressing with the Mac beta. I no longer have that expectation. I doubt they’ll ever effectively communicate anything to us and the game client will continue the pattern of slow degradation with occasional improvements due to them fixing issues that overlap with Windows bugs. They’ll maybe fix things like the Mac Guild Treasury UI too (lol, who am I kidding, it isn’t connected to the gem store UI so they don’t care).

My new reasonable expectation is that they rename the client. Call it Hobby. Remove beta from the title. Call it a meat popsicle. I don’t really care. This isn’t a beta and never has been a beta. I’d appreciate it if they were at least honest with that part.

When a company sells you an unfinished product they have the obligation to fix it.
It’s not about expectations but about being tired of not being taken serious.
A client with a beta stamp for 3 years is not taking their fan base seriously.
Announce a Mac client, sell it for the same price the windows client, and not mention in their advertisement that they are basically scamming you, is not being taken seriously.

If they put in their advertisement 3 years ago “Guild wars 2 is now on mac, though a very poorly designed wrapper, not an actual client, but anyways pay us full price and receive no support whatsoever!!!” none of us would have the right to complain.

Can we please get a working Mac Client [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: WesleySnipes.3917


And still only 1 dev reply, I unrest and you guys are working on all bugs and issues running on the game and its expansion….but how about dedicating just a small fraction of your team to working on the Mac cause….I don’t think it’s that hard considering we have all payed for it.

Couldn’t agree more. If they are incapable of doing so themselves they should hire a company to do it for them.


Uh, they did. It was called Transgaming with the product Cider. Transgaming sold cider now, to Nvidia. So who knows what is going on.

I obviously meant a native client, not an excuse to take our money.

Anyways, i just saw this post and got really upset

They didn’t mention anything about our client or tweaks to it, and in their words “We’ve had an incredibly smooth launch with very few major game issues”. I’d love to see ANet staff play on their mac client and tell me that the game runs smooth

Can we please get a working Mac Client [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: WesleySnipes.3917


And still only 1 dev reply, I unrest and you guys are working on all bugs and issues running on the game and its expansion….but how about dedicating just a small fraction of your team to working on the Mac cause….I don’t think it’s that hard considering we have all payed for it.

Couldn’t agree more. If they are incapable of doing so themselves they should hire a company to do it for them.


Can we please get a working Mac Client [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: WesleySnipes.3917


Are we going to see some update to the wrapper or are you going to continue with the silent treatment?

From the amount of replies they gave on other threads and completely ignored this one, it only seems like they are ignoring us. A thread with over 100 replies is not something to let it slide.

The only time i was able to play gw2 with a stable fps was when i got tired of being ignored or given empty superficial advise from ANet and went surfing on the internet for tweaks (which are nearly impossible to find as most of the threads date back from 2012).

Still after I purchased and activated HoT expansion yesterday, for some reason my game was unable to go back to its stability and now its fps oscillates from 10 fps to 25

Frequent crashes in High population (OSX)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: WesleySnipes.3917


shaden, what are you current in-game settings? I’m referring to things like character limit, and such. This sounds like an out of memory error, which is rather common with Cider due to it emulating 32-bit Windows.

Ouch .. the big zones of HoT seem to make 32-Bit windows crash fast even with
very low settings. So i fear the times of Cider are counted.

Since actual Macs are in the end normal intel PCs, isn’t it simply possible to install
a dual-but of Mac-OS and Windows on such a machine and simply play under
Windows. Or is it just that Mac Users hate MS so much ?

And no, this is no insult or whatever .. i really ask out of pure curiosity.

Else you should maybe ask NVidia for a 64-Bit Cider version.

When I bought GW2 for mac, it did not come with a copy of windows.

Truer words have never been spoken

Can we please get a working Mac Client [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: WesleySnipes.3917


Anet should at least give us something useful in compensation!
Maybe some Gems or Birthday Booster or so.

or a client that doesn’t crash and makes you feel like your computer is completely crap

Can we please get a working Mac Client [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: WesleySnipes.3917


Day 4, still no answers. Mac players still not acknowledge by ANet staff. This is utterly frustrating.
Before i bought the expansion my game would run between 25-30 fps (i capped the fps to 30 so the fps is not sluggish) even at WvW or Lions Arch, there would be no fps slugginess.

Upon buying the HoT expansion my game IMMEDIATELLY goes to 10 fps and it sits there forever with the sluggiest fps a gamer could ever ask for.

I growing so tired of battling this….

Can we please get a working Mac Client [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: WesleySnipes.3917


So I decided to buy HoT out of peer pressure and because the game seems very boring when every1 is enjoying HoT except you. Sadly for me I found out that the game becomes unplayable after you activate HoT. Today morning i was enjoying the game at 25-30 fps with no freezes.
After HoT activation my game immediatly goes down to 10 fps if i open my world map…

I feel so ashamed of myself for once again getting fooled by anet.

Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me

Can we please get a working Mac Client [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: WesleySnipes.3917


Btw i was able to open the game and play WvW for a couple hours and even do some SW only to crash when Waypointing to Lions Arch.

I’ve made some changes to my config file (the one in the actual app folder, not library one) which made me able to run the game ok on my mbp late 2011 15"

These were my changes:

“VideoRam” = “1024”
“AGPVertexRam” = “512”

“VertexShaderHash” = “600”
“PixelShaderHash” = “600”
“MTD3D” = “0”

and i also added a line that is not originally in the file right under “MTD3D” = “0”

“sRGBInPixelShader” = “2”

Please let me know if you guys see improvements

Gave this a whirl but still crashes. I’ve actually got a new crash since last night that actually crashes the login process or something and sends me to system login screen to log back in and load everything back up. I’m beginning to wonder if all these GW2 crashes are somehow causing some serious system problem.

You need to be careful with those settings. They’re telling the program to use more VRAM and if your computer doesn’t actually have 1GB of vRAM it could be harmful. If you just have an intel graphics card then I would advise against tampering with those settings. If you have a discrete AMD or NVIDIA card then check how much VRAM it has and alter the setting accordingly.

I must’ve mentioned my spec’s more specifically. But yeah, I put my VRAM there and the line under i halved it.

Can we please get a working Mac Client [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: WesleySnipes.3917


For you people that are crashing, did you try doing the tweeks i mentioned previously?
I play on a 15" macbook pro late 2011 1gb video.

Those tweeks don’t make the game run as good as it should run but it’s enough for me to play without crashes and able to run WvW at around 20-30 fps. Now i don’t know if it’s because i yet don’t have HoT, or what.

Save your original config file on a different folder and try it out, it’s worth the shot

Can we please get a working Mac Client [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: WesleySnipes.3917


Refund as Square Enix did with Heavensward.

I think refund is out of hand now, many mac users date from the mac client announcement which was 3 years ago, and the game is free now.

They should just plain and simply give us our client, hire some1 to create it for them if they are uncabable of doing so on their own. OR open a thread apologizing to all the mac users for scamming us. YES, scamming, because that’s how i feel.

I feel Scammed

Can we please get a working Mac Client [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: WesleySnipes.3917


You, guys, are lucky. I bought HoT today. Endless download, countless crashes and now I can’t open the window launcher, so I can’t start the game.

MacBeta: “This is another Windows game. If you try to play it with Mac, well… you know”.
And yes, it’s our fault. Don’t use Mac for gaming, it’s trash.

An Apple fan.

i agree and disagree with you on this one.
Yes mac isn’t mainly for gaming, that’s because microsoft just has a huge monopoly over all computers, therefore everything works better on windows.

The issue here is: If you announce that your game is releasing a mac client, you must deliver it. Especially 3 years after its release. Macs are able to run games smoothly, a good example are Blizzard and some of Valve’s games.

After waiting 12 hours nearly for the patch to complete (making the client open took a great amount of patience too) i crash within 10 seconds of map loading (SW)

Seriously…. words can NOT express how disappointed i am with this game.

Um. I hope you just patched your existing client instead of downloading the whole thing from scratch? 3GB shouldn’t take 12 hours to download :S

Yeah surprisingly it was just the patch that took that long, unfortunately my internet is not that good for downloads atm (3mb) still able to play the game.

Btw i was able to open the game and play WvW for a couple hours and even do some SW only to crash when Waypointing to Lions Arch.

I’ve made some changes to my config file (the one in the actual app folder, not library one) which made me able to run the game ok on my mbp late 2011 15"

These were my changes:

“VideoRam” = “1024”
“AGPVertexRam” = “512”

“VertexShaderHash” = “600”
“PixelShaderHash” = “600”
“MTD3D” = “0”

and i also added a line that is not originally in the file right under “MTD3D” = “0”

“sRGBInPixelShader” = “2”

Please let me know if you guys see improvements

Can we please get a working Mac Client [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: WesleySnipes.3917


After waiting 12 hours nearly for the patch to complete (making the client open took a great amount of patience too) i crash within 10 seconds of map loading (SW)

Seriously…. words can NOT express how disappointed i am with this game.

Frequent crashes in High population (OSX)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: WesleySnipes.3917


Since they merged the PC and Mac forum I think they disbanded the Mac team. We’ve had zero mac support. It is quite insulting to crash every 5 minutes after paying 50$.


… lol but seriously, we never had a mac team

Frequent crashes in High population (OSX)

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: WesleySnipes.3917


Welcome to the mac community my friend. We have been suffering with this poorly made client for the past 3 years. Join us in this thread:

[Mac] Crashes are an important to fix

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: WesleySnipes.3917


Same here.
Since HOT, game crashes constantly.

I never have had game crashes before.
But HOT is unplayable now because of permanently game crashes.

Bootcamp is NO solution!
So please ANet fix this very soon!

This is the exact reason why I still haven’t purchased the expansion! Not only they treated mac users like their kitten children for 3 years, but now they completely break our sorry excuse for a “client” and haven’t shown their faces to give us some explaination. I am not talking about their generic BS excuses saying they are working on it.
I’ve heard that story 3 years ago and trust me, if they are working at something, is probably a new game, because the client is still “breathing with the mechanical assistance”

Can we please get a working Mac Client [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: WesleySnipes.3917


Is it gonna take a protest at ANet’s office doorstep for them to stop ignoring mac users?!

PS: I will bump this thread until we get the attention we deserve! Sincerely deleting Mac assistance forum was Anet’s attempt to burry us amongst the windows bugs.
I’ll bump this thread so it continues amongst the top 10 topics. YOU WILL NOT IGNORE US AGAIN!

(edited by WesleySnipes.3917)

[Mac] Crashes are an important to fix

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: WesleySnipes.3917


I Did the bootcamp thing. Installed win7… Never crashes

Congratulations to you. Very good for you indeed.

Altough that is not what we were told to do by ANet when they announced a “mac client”.

We have to stop using bootcamp as an excuse for their slackness! It has been 3 years since the “mac client” release and it still sits exactly where it began!
I can’t bootcamp and neither can many mac users. BOOTCAMP IS NOT A SOLUTION!

We paied for a game that promissed us a mac client, bootcamp is not what we were promised!
Even when I was able to bootcamp i found it extremely annoying having to switch between OS just BECAUSE OF 1 GAME!

Can we please get a working Mac Client [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: WesleySnipes.3917


Since this thread was already made, I have a question. I have a macbook pro running mountain lion. Does anyone else have overheating issues on it while playing guild wars 2? My mac is fine until I get into game and it overheats within 10 minutes and the keyboard gets hot to the touch with fans blaring. This never happens unless I am playing guild wars 2. Any other game it works perfectly. Has anyone here figured anything out about that because I have looked in other places and it seems I am not the only one having this issue?

My mbp late 2011 has the same issue, whenever i open gw2 the fans immediatly sound like a jet engine and the laptop gets so hot my palms start sweating. You are not alone in this one.

It is nice that someone from Anet acknowledged that the Mac beta client is terrible, but what would be even better is if they communicated on a regular basis and fixed issues.

The wrapper will never be perfect, but it used to be pretty good back before the EotM patch. So, we know it is doable to have it not constantly crash, making many aspects of the game semi-unplayable and thoroughly unenjoyable.

Just a suggestion, but not answering Mac threads because there may be some windows overlap is a way to alienate the mac users and give the impression that our issues are not important and won’t be fixed.

Devs posted over a year ago about the constant crashing bug and said they were working on a fix. Then, they went completely silent and no fix ever materialised. I hope this post isn’t the last we will see for another year on the topic.

That’s exactly what has been happening ever since the first complaints. They send someone to say superficial stuff, never technical, never giving us a date, trying to foolish shut us up.