Showing Posts For Wiseman.4075:

Hobo Sacks: A Terrible Fashion Statement

in Engineer

Posted by: Wiseman.4075


Really more than anything the hobo pack needs to toggle on/off. For those that put a lot of their time and effort into earning a Jet pack or fractal capacitor back piece but cannot display it due to flamethrower or other kits really sucks. All other classes can constantly show that effort and uniqueness but only the engineer is stuck looking like any other engineer when in a kit.

My argument is purely on the cosmetic side and I dont think this change makes any difference on making us hide our class in WvW or PvP. Not really sure the pack makes any difference for that.

Hobo Sacks: A Terrible Fashion Statement

in Engineer

Posted by: Wiseman.4075


Yes Yes Yes Please!

As a high tech Asuran, with futuristic T3 cultural gear with the hopes of a fractal fusion device on my back, I am so happy too look like an Asuran Gate Techy. Then, I get so disappointed when I swap to a kit and I suddenly look like a 1900’s Army Soldier. :’(

I would love to at least be able to toggle kit pack on/off or change color or upgrade them. I would also pay real money for this since this is my favorite character and favorite class but can not stand the hobo pack it comes with!

No, you should not have to pay real money to change the hobo sac. Especially since the hobo sac is a core item with our class and adding more hobo sac skins, or a toggle, should have been thought of when the game was in beta.

I completely agree that we shouldn’t have to pay real money that this should have already been thought of and dealt with long ago.


$$ $$
$$ I’m just trying to get Anet’s attention about how great this idea is! $$
$$ $$

Hobo Sacks: A Terrible Fashion Statement

in Engineer

Posted by: Wiseman.4075


Yes Yes Yes Please!

As a high tech Asuran, with futuristic T3 cultural gear with the hopes of a fractal fusion device on my back, I am so happy too look like an Asuran Gate Techy. Then, I get so disappointed when I swap to a kit and I suddenly look like a 1900’s Army Soldier. :’(

I would love to at least be able to toggle kit pack on/off or change color or upgrade them. I would also pay real money for this since this is my favorite character and favorite class but can not stand the hobo pack it comes with!

LFGuild that does fractals

in Looking for...

Posted by: Wiseman.4075


I am looking for a guild (that doesn’t require to be rep’d 100%) or a group of people that run fractals often. I recently completed up to level 22 with PUGs but after 4 attempts (up to 2hrs each) at these higher levels I can no longer find groups that understand how to complete these at higher difficulty or people are so “Pro” they rage quit groups as soon as someone makes a mistake. My guild is WvW focused and is my family but I can’t ever get much help for Fractals.

Please help a very patient, but not endlessly patient, player out! I just want people that know what they are doing and are nerdy enough to look up strategies and care to complete these in a timely manner!

I have my Engineer at level 22 and working on my Guardian (currently lvl 6).

Annoyed I missed the Fractals bandwagon when they first came out

Engineer skin suggestions

in Engineer

Posted by: Wiseman.4075


I love the engineer and wanted to throw out just a couple suggestions.

I would really like to see the mechanics of backpack on kits change. I would be happy with just being able to alter the color or at least be able to turn them off so my normal back piece shows (fractals/jetpack) while I’m in a in kit.

I also would suggest for a future skin for the rifle to be a cross-bow. I think the mechanics would remain the same as the rifle just a new skin suggestion so the Quiver back piece could make sense for the engineer.

Just some thoughts for consideration I felt like sharing.

Portal Gun Kit

in Engineer

Posted by: Wiseman.4075


I love love love this idea!

Lodestones...Where are they?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wiseman.4075


This has been very helpful! I forgot lodestones can be crafted as well. I mentioned the lack of stones on the TP due to their being less than 250 Charged Lodestones at one point this weekend when I wanted to see how much they would cost total. I see now there are plenty. The legendary is one thing but weapons like Mjolnir are exotic but require 350 Charge Lodestones.

Thank you for those that helped!

Lodestones...Where are they?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wiseman.4075


I have farmed for Lodestones for nearly 10hours with 167% Magic Find gear in the areas that are known to have them. In this 10hour time frame I managed to find 1 Corrupted Lodestone. I just want to make a couple weapons and a legendary. I tried to get Charged Lodestones from the sparks and never found one. The Trading Post doesn’t even have enough Lodestones to buy to make certain weapons. I feel this drop rate is WAY WAY too low. When I started collecting supplies to make this legendary I am constantly told to go farm dungeons or work the trading post. This is not why I play the game though. I am happy to destroy mobs in areas where these things are found but spending all my weekend game play to get 1/200 lodestones required to make my weapon is ridiculous.

I guess my point is:
1.) I want to play the game and I want a legendary
2.) I’m spending HOURS/DAYS trying to get mats for this legendary and I am getting virtually nothing for it
3.) I would rather fight for my mats in the different areas and NOT just run 15min Dungeon runs so I can get money and buy them.
4.) I would rather fight for my mats in the different maps and NOT just be a boring Trading Post Wallstreet broker so I can get money and buy them.

Maybe I’m just doing this wrong. Who knows but

PLEASE PLEASE make lodestones easier to find!
PLEASE PLEASE make lodestones easier to find!
PLEASE PLEASE make lodestones easier to find!

"Mini Me" Mini?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Wiseman.4075


I love this idea! I want it! I want it! I want it now!


2013 - BG-Kain-TC

in WvW

Posted by: Wiseman.4075


Crazy fun fights this weekend have been ruining my ability to study. Creating new Zerg fighting builds have been fun. My favorite is a thief lure build to tempt thieves to come and play….then smash their faces in the ground! Grahahaha!

I have to bow to the Thief/Warrior duos out there! Impossibly strong synergy! I believe I have seen a pair on both TC and BG, so nice team work. I run like a scared kitten and hide in corners if I manage to see them first. I can handle the thief for the most part but when the warrior lays down the hammer its game over.

2013 - BG-Kain-TC

in WvW

Posted by: Wiseman.4075


Oh yeah I think Jeff Bridges aka the Dude

or Sterling Archer (Rampage)


2013 - BG-Kain-TC

in WvW

Posted by: Wiseman.4075


I was sad I missed the Dolyak Parade so I decided to prance around as a Raindeer on my own! I was politely escorting a dolyak but had a lone ranger sick his dog on me and hunt me down. Then later I tried to fly away from a BG zerg but fell back down in front of the storm of blades and was turned into a pin cushion.

One day I will find my fellow barefooted skimpy hippies and frolick in the rose pettles but until then…NO BODY BETTER MOUNT RUDOLPHS HEAD ABOVE THEIR GARRISON FORGE OR NEXT TIME SANTA WILL PUT YOU ON THE NAUGHTY LIST!

2013 - BG-Kain-TC

in WvW

Posted by: Wiseman.4075


KN and TC. Please dont give up on BG bl in NA prime :/ You guys used to be able to put up a good fight on all maps. What happened tonight?

Sorry, We are getting ready for the one day of the year we pretend we have girlfriends that like us.

2013 - BG-Kain-TC

in WvW

Posted by: Wiseman.4075


I just have to say this is the best WvW fight I’ve ever had! I love that all three servers are throwing down one awesome battle royal in the fields of Tarnished Coast! Most fun I’ve had in GW2 for a very long time!

-Baltharaz the White