I thought this same thing at first. Also, I’m totally semi guilty of this on occasion…grab treb, aim at enemy tower, hold down #2 skill and…..do homework lol That being said it did get me in there to help flip the tower for people and when occasionally I get annoyed I’m running over to flip a camp or fight a zerg. Honestly, I remember the days when you would get ZERO rewards for Trebbing over homework all night so this is a nice change. I’ve also really enjoyed all the new people in WvW. There is a big variety of skill and experience out there right now. I miss the first two years after launch in WvW. Full maps with several guilds groups and tons of chatter and fights! Glorious!
So honestly, if a few people take advantage of the system so be it….most people would rather get out there and play the game and I appreciate the additional population right now. I’m sure it will shrink when the pvp tourny starts again and people start getting their legendary armor sets. I for one am AMP’d for legendary armor and especially for the fact that I can do it while enjoying my favorite game mode.
Only got to play briefly but had a lot of fun on Firebrand! I cant wait for the new expansion and elites!
Why does the Holosmith get to ride the raptor AND throw grenades?! lol….I might need to switch classes after all (also should probably fix that) It was pretty entertaining to watch. Especially when the Raptorsmith was jousting things with the sword hahaha
I only have done Chuka Vol 1 so far but it was easily the best so far. I had not expected it to be as entertaining as it was. Now I want to do the rest of Chuka after hearing the story of it bridges and continues. I love the themes they inspire and challenges they offer. I’d definitely recommend the Chuka one if you are considering doing one.
I have to admit I think these precursor missions are super fun! They have brought me to maps I havent played in a long time. The renewed exploration of the core maps has been great. The HoT precursor for the shortbow in-particular was awesome! One of my favorite missions to date (not going to spoil it). I have a few of the core legendaries made from the old way by getting lucky to find a precursor but am so happy to have this additional way of getting them.
Bravo! I still havent made a new precursor yet but I have unlocked several of the vol. 1 books. I just wanted to say I enjoy the content and the hunt. It feels so much more interactive than gold farming!
TBH a lot of people run the builds put out by [qt] as standard builds. Or at least a variation of it. They are tested to provide maximum efficiency in dps. Also, many people monitor the dps meters now apparently so if you’re not holding your weight you will risk being removed from group. With that said, more often than not you will be fine in whatever build you feel most comfortable in as long as you’re providing the group plenty of damage, keeping up with what is going on and not dying. As you move up in the fractal levels you will also realize most people wont need support as they have played the level so many times they will avoid dying on their own. I would challenge you to put more zerker gear on and consider traiting in Dragon Hunter to use the traps. Also, consider watching Videos of people running the levels to learn tips on how to get through them. Play with friends whenever possible as it will make your life much better
When PoF comes out, using condition stats may work better as it will allow you to also take on more healing/boon support role that you want. So keep an eye on the forums for build advice. Keep trying to add more dmg to your build and ease off on Toughness/Vitality as much as possible.
Other than that, I think your build seems fine for the “still learning them” phase with friends but swap soldiers with zerker trinkets asap. They only kitten you as they let you be lazy. Keep in mind you used Crusader armor and you still only have about 200healing…that really doesnt help your heals very much.
This has ALWAYS been the primary problem with all guardian builds. Speed /mobility always seems to be our primary trade off to the devs, and its an unfair one to shoulder in an ever increasingly fast combat system, both highend PvE or in PvP.
Totally agree! This has been my issue with a few other professions as well. The weakness of the class should be strengthened through elite specializations, not sustained. Taking an elite over the base class should give you access to counters to your own class’s weak points. As some have already done so.
Ultimately I think Elite specializations should:
1.) Strengthen an aspect of the class
2.) Strengthen a weakness of the class
3.) Provide an alternative playstyle to the class
4.) Have focus for support or damage
a.) Benefit both condi and power, equally, if dmg
b.) Benefit tanking, condi cleanse, healing, if support
Firebrand felt great but the mobility issue for guardian drives me nuts. Either I spec for it using runes or I spec for it using utility slots. I used to be able to at least use the staff as a mobility tool but now it feels like a hobo stick that is useless if I get caught with it in a fight. You lack the mobility to get close enough to do dmg….what minor dmg the weapon does in the first place. I completely agree that having a pull on the axe versus having a gap closer just doesnt work as great. The mantras and tomes need you to be near your allies as a caster. Mobility is key to this specialization so not sure why it is totally lacking it. Staff doesnt work anymore as a mid-range weapon after the nerf, please fix it.
The problem with burnstaff or burnbow is “burning” itself. Conditions are out of hand at the moment. Guardian needs the mid-range support option. Poking someone with the end of the staff doesnt feel very shockwave feeling and its certainly not mid-range. Guardian staff has always been unique in the staff’s use which is awesome so keep it that way please. Besides, if the Firebrand further requires us to be behind our allies as a support with mantras then this nerf to staff is counter-intuitive.
I enjoyed the Firebrand spec! I did pretty well in pvp running a burn build. For someone that is fairly high ranked in WvW I oddly didnt ever try it there as I was too excited to try out the other elites and the state of WvW that weekend was not…normal… due to the high amount of random people just trying to find a space to try out their random builds. I wished the tombs were easier to access as you can only use a couple skills from it and it felt like it interupted my flow to pull one out. It would be cool if they were treated like kits as several people have already suggested…I mean this Is an Elite Specialization is it not?! Axe was neat. The pull skill usually didnt work and the #2 symbol felt like it took Forever! Scepter its fast, sword its fast, GS its fast. Maybe its following Mace and Hammer. I feel like everyone is being pulled into the Power/Condi hybrid meta to force everyone to get the new expansion gear stats….
I wish conditions would take a nerf overall in this game though. I dont like the sit in the circle with your foe and try to out cleanse the 14k condi skills you both are constantly throwing at each other….feels pretty dumb compared to the high risk, high reward power builds. Plus it feels dumb that there are so many ways to condi bomb someone and nearly insta kill them….I thought conditions are supposed to impair people and take awhile before killing?! These days its BAM! eat my 20stacks of confusion, bleeding, poison, torment and burn! as they run away and you whither and die alone immobilized in place because you only had one condi cleanse available…or worse yet if your playing Rev and have no condi cleanse…but “hey, thats your weakness so be happy you have 2sec of resistance once in a while”,,,,
Renegade: Shortbow was way too weak. Long cast times with little actual dmg and it was so buggy with sevenshot getting blocked by terrain ALL THE TIME. Where was the burst/mobility? You basically poorly kite with it and dmg just never felt viable. The kalla utilities were terrible…You spend All of your Energy just to have someone CC your spirit thing and now you are just running around trying to auto 1 because you cant do anything else. I did like the renegade trait line for the power build. I liked it very much but would not use shortbow or kalla utilities in their current state.
Soulbeast! So much fun to go pet-less ranger with a buff!!! The buff needs to be higher as the overall dps is less. Activate the pet-swap in beast mode. This is supposed to be a pet-less ranger option despite it not being a camping option. They can go hand-in-hand. Pet is always going to be useful situationally in this game. The pet-swap is needed for more on-demand adaption to a situation. If people need to know which pet your attuned to just make the green aura glow a second color or slightly different color based on defense/support/fighting based pet or something. Switching out of beastmode, waiting for CD, swapping pets, waiting for CD, going back into beastmode is a long and cumbersome task while trying to focus on a fight…and nobody is planning 10sec ahead of needing to swap. PLEASE! Remove the noise from the bird mode skills! That noise is piercing and if you’re using for buffing speed and leaping 2x every 10sec your ears start to bleed. As for dagger, it felt too slow, dmg felt low and the skills felt clunky so I stopped using it right away.
Soulbeast was a lot of fun to play this weekend! One thing I’d really like to see changed is the noise from the beast skills…PLEASE! I was using eagle beastmode for the constant swiftness and leap to move around WvW. I was stuck listening to what sounded like someone snoring LOUDLY with a whistle in their nose…seriously. Every 5sec it was a whistle breathing in or out. The pitch was piercing compared to the rest of the noise in the game…. It drove me nuts, it drove my wife nuts and I’m sure it drove somebody else nuts.
Other than that the stances seem pretty situational. They fill some niche areas on the ranger but non were very exciting. Soulbeast was fun to play besides that. The maul/sic’em combo seemed crazy but all in all you lose utility slots and only have one chance to pull it off each encounter using a very animated skill people are used to avoiding. The dmg increase would be Greatly appreciated in PvE.
I thought this combo was fine. At first I was I amazed at the big spike dmg but in reality you lose 1-2 utility slots to pull off the big dmg and you basically only get one chance at it per fight due to cooldowns. Most people are going to evade the Maul due to the high visibility of the skill. Outside of Maul, the ranger really doesnt have any big spike ability so its not spammable imo. I’m sure the combo will get nerfed but hopefully not so much that the skills are no longer useful.
Renegade trait line is honestly pretty decent for either straight dmg or condi but the shortbow and the Kalla utilities suck. I’d definitely use the specialization but I dont think I’d ever use Kalla utilities as they are. They dont offer any thing useful enough for how easy they are to kill or cc. I’d love to see shortbow get more burst or utility but until then probably wouldnt have any reason to pull it out. This specialization/weapon feels BY FAR the weakest compared to any of the other new specializations.
I’ve been pretty disappointed by the shortbow. I think the potential is there but the overall dmg and utility from it is totally lacking. There is no burst and no defense you get out of it. Just a slow kit sustain which just isnt that useful in this game. I like the renegade profession but not the shortbow skills. I was pretty excited to use it but not sure if in reality I would for any part of the game.
For sure, the Revenant is supposed to use unconventional means to meet their goals. I think there are lots of options to deal with condition roamers but the profession definitely lacks in the normal condi cleanses. I’ve used power Rev in PvP a decent amount and it seems to come down to evading the spam or negating it with resistance. There really isnt too much straight cleanse so if you get caught you get screwed…but that kind of makes it fun tbh
I’m just curious but is Ventari’s Tablet at all able to keep up with condi cleanse? I am always tempted to try it but I hate trying to micro manage the darn thing.. have you given this a solid try while roaming?
I played last night without issues but logged in again this morning and can no longer summon the mount. I left the city in hopes of that being the issue but still dont get the option.
I really enjoy Celestial “armor”. I have been going with Runes of the Berserker but thinking about switching to Flame Legion. Trinkets and Weapon stats I switch out depending on if I want more straight damage or more condition dmg. Lately, I’ve been going more of a Power/Burn spec. I think ideally in the future I’m going with a combo of Viper and Grieving for armor/weapons and adjust trinkets to get my defense were I want it. Celestial is a great set to get comfortable with while slowly shedding your defense for more dps in advanced content.
That’s awesome! I am definitely taking some pointers on this. Ulion is the bomb. I was in a WvW guild with them for several years. Great player and have always been impressed by the skill and sportsmanship.
I’ve been playing for 4yrs now. First 2yrs almost entirely dedicated to WvW and the last two years a little more PvE focused. Achievement points =14907. WvW rank = 1975 Gold Footman. I play most classes but Guardian/Rev are my mains. I havent done any raids and havent touched fractals in a couple years but would really like to get into them. I’m pretty busy but try to log in every couple days for a few hours. I’m currently on Tarnished Coast but am willing to transfer for a good guild if its necessary.
Send me an email if you think we’d work well,
I’ve been playing since this game started. I’ve been heavily involved in WvW and am in a WvW guild [TC] but would like expand to other things when things are slow. Dungeon groups are pretty sparse these days without a guild group. I’ve never done a raid and took a half year break and just getting caught up right now. Lately, I’ve just been enjoying the game with the revanant in all game modes with no real need to be competitive as I work three jobs and dont have too much time to play these days.
Drama Free, have TS, willing to learn and running builds is if its considered necessary although I dont mind the challenge of working with PUGs on random gear.
Name is: Nyx Mistborn
I have to agree with the OP. This weekend has been a blast with the Rev! Playing Hammer/Staff with Shiro/Glint or Glint/Jalis in PvE and WvW has been really satisfying. It has been really fun and become difficult to make myself play any of the other professions.
I would like to see another condition weapon though. Right now, we only get mace/axe and then some random one that doesnt really jive well. I would also like to see the tablet more worth while. I’ve played around with it and I like the idea but it is just too much work to constantly play two characters…its frustrating.
Awh, I see! Thank you so much!
I bought the edition that had the green glider but I’m not sure where it is or how to use it. Can anyone please enlighten me? I think maybe it was a consumable?! It has been so long since I pre-purchased and just not sure if maybe one of my characters is holding or it or if it is in wardrobe?!
I definitely bought the edition with the glider. How do I find it?
I am pretty sure I bought the edition with the green glider but I dont seem to have it equipped. Is there a way to check where it is? I might have not bought that edition as well…I just can’t remember.
haha oh gosh…F1 is stun break. that is so random but okay, my bad
Why do these utility skills stink so much considering they are supposed to be such a main part of this profession?! Why is the cast time so long and why do you need to remain still to cast them?! I can’t tell you how often I’ve canceled my own skills not expecting there to be a skill lock. With the energy cost, I don’t see how anyone would be able to just spam this stuff anyway. I see stun break as a trait but not currently present anywhere on this profession from what I’ve seen. Is stun break located on the yet to be unlocked legend?
Overall, I like where this profession is supposed to be going but it is seriously lacking viability, speed, team support, versatility, dps, boons, gap closers and sadly fun in general. I want to like this profession but not where it is at currently. I’m really looking forward to seeing the new weapons, legend and improvements across the board!
I agree for the most part. I love the staff animations and the general idea of staff. However, if this is your only weapon you get to use…I have no idea why you would ever want to rely sololy on staff. Healing is such a minor part of this game and not that great on staff anyway. Mostly staff feels like your a martial arts master trying to kill things with a pool noodle. No thanks.
I feel like Rev’s Hammer 2 skill should cause cripple, knockdown or a field. I like the skills on hammer over all but but skill 2 just feels like it is missing a supportive bonus to make the other skills more insync
Boring and lackluster
Weapon swap makes your attack options limited and the Rev. currently deals little to no dmg in full zerker. The utility skills are somewhat useful but nothing feels fluid with this profession yet. Running around with a zerk longbow ranger is more exciting than this class as it stands.
dagger offhand.
Awh yeah! I would love to see warrior get dagger off-hand for sure. Something you could throw to cause conditions. Better yet something similar to ranger’s dagger but direct damage only. I think torch off-hand would be a suitable condition weapon as well. It would be nice to see warrior be a little more complex and fun to play.
Most of all I agree fully with the idea of adding a spear or great axe idea! GAxe would be more powerful and maybe better AOE than GS but without the mobility.
Fun stuff to think about anyway.
I noticed this as well. I only noticed the toughness bug on the FT kit though.
Welp, it worked after I connected directly to the LAN line so it must be some wireless connection issue.
I’m not sure if this is on my end or the game. I have played through the “Hidden Arcana” mission at least six times now and it has crashed every single time. Most of the time it is when I’m in the crystal area learning about Glint but this last time it was after getting out and talking with the Dwarf. Is this an issue anyone else is experiencing? It is super frustrating obviously. I’m going to move my computer so I can connect directly through a LAN line to make sure it isn’t a wireless thing. Not sure what else to do.
I chose hammer as the alternate weapon for the defensive ability. It is not a mobile build! The hammer shuts down the enemy so they can’t fight back while you finish them off….if they have stability And mobility the build is not going to do well. Stick to the zerg as a hammer warrior but pick off people when you get the chance or just stay back as a ranged sniper. Axe/shield or Sw/Sh or GS of course all have their place.
Just wanted to throw this build out there for anyone that cares. I was just farting around with a making Star Wars “Storm Trooper” when I put this build together. It is a sustainable Front line build that can withstand being in the front line hammer train, pick off annoying back liners, snipe commanders, snipe low health enemies and has proven successful many times in 1v1 today. The build revolves around the idea of how thieves build tanky but maintain high dmg with the 100% Crit dmg from stealth. Warrior uses the 100% Crit Chance for burst skills. So I just put together a build with mostly power and added in ferocity as much as felt was necessary. Add in the bloodlust stacks and guard stacks and you a tanky build with very high burst potential.
Of course there are an endless variations of this build to either further max out dps or further increase condition cleansing but this is the general idea. Running in WvW, I can Killshot people for 8k-15.6k yet I maintain large amounts of defense and CC. The build is of course highly vulnerable to certain types of enemies but it is still tons of fun to play!
Just wanted to be a Storm Trooper for a day!
Just curious..Would Adrenal Implant be more useful than Armor Mods?! Block per second?
Yup, I understand how it works. It currently isn’t working like it had been.
I have slyvari t3 helm and t1 pants on. Sylvari body glowing but helm and pants are not.
Yeah luckily it was night time in game so I’m grabbing a couple screen shots before work. The Helm should glow and the pants “jewel” looking spots should glow. In the screen shot you should clearly be able to see the sylvari body glowing but not the armor.
Has anyone else noticed the heavy armor is not currently glowing or is it just me? I have T1 leggings and T3 helm and T2 Chest/boots and dont notice any of them glowing right now.
I agree with the OP! Great start to LS2! I’m assuming as the story continues the map will continue to open up to new areas??!!?
However, I don’t like that the LS is not account wide…super annoying to have to unlock everything over and over again. I like that it is lvl 80 so it doesn’t get packed full of people trying to level their lowbies. It also makes the drops better too.
Overall, it has been fun playing with the elemental aspects in map and combining puzzles along with map roaming. Fun fun
Don’t forget about Branded Sylvari! They are dark purplish blue and glow pink! Such a neat look!
Why not get the MIB noisy cricket? The Overcharged Shot would be fitting?! :P
Yup on my engineer I’m usually the first to be focused down…until I spam blinds and confusion and escape with swiftness, blocks and leaps. Run a condition engi and most people will avoid you or focus you down since you are the bigger threat.
I also have lvl 80s in every profession (multiple of some) and outside of Engi the Ranger is my favorite to just run around and solo stuff. I enjoy all the weapon sets. OH Sword auto locking is super annoying sometimes and can get you killed in some situations but it is still a lot of fun. I usually use the Jungle Stalker for the AoE might stacks and heavy dps. For the second pet it is whatever the mood is. The poison and lightening Drakes are good for AoE and can tank decent while providing good dps. The Wolf (found in Eternal Battle grounds) is really good or the sylvari hound for the AoE heal as a back-up support. The other hounds are all good as well. The Jaguar has the highest dps from what I gather but the F2 skill never seems all that useful. The (Red?) Moa that grants AoE Fury is the only moa I ever use and it is not all that often. For big fights or for WvW I like the devourers since they have range attacks and can usually avoid being killed awhile longer. I always liked the raptors but never seem to use them much. Ranger is really fun to play so enjoy it!
(edited by Wiseman.4075)
Awh I wasn’t reading correctly. Thank you for clearing that up for me!
What happen to getting Might on the Sword auto-attack? It is in the tool tip but it isnt working?!?! Is this how it always has been?
Sorry I missed the forum but I work and can’t check this all the time! These were my brief thoughts.
Strengths: Condition applications and CCs as well as okay sustain through blocks if using shield or Tool Kit. Pretty good at Single and AoE dmg.
Weakness: Countering stealth players unless using Nade/Bomb build since since Engi has no real melee to just swing around randomly except tool kit but that just isn’t viable when fighting a stealth player due to lackluster dps/range in TK. Poor Condition removal and not very group supportive.
Kryponite: Hammer Warrior and Stealthy Thief. I have Still never managed beat a Condition Thief or Condition Mesmer.
Bug/Fixes Elixir Gun Tool Tips for Elixirs would be awesome if they were affected by Elixir Traits. This would allow for more Condition removal for the Engineer (since the Automated Response nerf hurt our condition defense with nothing to make up for it yet). Fumigate could be traited to cleanse the Player as well and both Elixier F and Super Elixir could then be used as additional group cleansing support! This would be super awesome! Hobosack options would be valuable to end-game aesthetics. Static Discharge still really needs work on being more accurate…I have yet to find this to be at all reliable and worth using since it can’t ever seem to even hit the largest of Norn.