It’s pretty safe to say at this point:
Anet does not give two $H|T$ about how armor looks on Charr. They’re to kittening lazy to put in the necessary effort to make armor look even remotely acceptable on Charr.
It’s so, so sad.
It couldn’t possibly have anything to do with the fact that most of the armor sets in-game look kittening stupid on Charr…..oh no, it couldn’t be that! Until Anet stops being so kittening lazy with armor design in regards to Charr, there will continue to be people who refuse to play them.
This has been my opinion since about the 2nd Living Story update.
Enough with this stupid, insignificant side story crap.
Give us Elder Dragon content or GTFO Anet. I bought this game to kill dragons. Not to play politics and help emo norns/anime charr.
Honestly? Kiel won because she has had WAY MORE facetime and lore built up around her than what Evon has. She’s been in LS updates. Evon really hasn’t. She won simply because of the fact that GW2 players have been exposed to her more and know who she is.
Common sense really.
I’ve said from the beginning of this whole Living Story idea that it was gonna be bad. While I can understand that Anet wants to keep throwing content at us to keep us playing, it’s actually having the exact opposite effect. It’s driving people away because they can’t keep up and/or it’s burning them out on the game. Anet needs to slow their kitten down and start developing more permanent/meaningful content instead of this fast-paced/farm like crazy idiocy.
And seriously, it’s about time we got more Elder Dragon content. Enough with this stupid side story kitten that honestly hasn’t made a lick of difference in the kitten game other than making people farm like crazy morons.
With the Queen’s Champions guarding entry to some of the balloons, yes…30 is way to many. With all the perma-KD, perma-stun, etc, etc that these champions have, it becomes boring, annoying, and time consuming to do even a few balloons, especially if you’re forced to solo the champion. I’m not surprised at this though….if there is one thing Anet is consistent with, it’s that they don’t know how to make a good fight strategy….it’s just chain CC you till you die and call it a day. They really need some new ideas, cuz this same ol’ kitten day in and day out is getting old fast.
The OP is not talking about the gauntlet guys. Read his post. He’s talking about the champions guarding the balloons.
And I agree OP. The champions have WAY TO MUCH kittenING KD. And if you’re forced to solo one, you spend 90% of the fight on the ground. There isn’t enough kittening stability in the world to remotely help. But, I didn’t expect anything less from Anet. All they know how to do is make mobs KD you and one shot you. It’s the only kittening strategies they know how to implement. So freaking sad.
People expected something other than OHKO and perma-KD from Anet?
That’s all Anet knows how to kittening do. It’s so pathetic. They are TERRIBLE at encounter design. Have been since launch. The encounters in this update are par for the course as well.
Anet is one of the most bipolar game developers out there. They constantly say one thing and then do the opposite. It’s getting really, really, REALLY kittening annoying. They are doing a kitten fine job of destroying their game before they even reach the game’s one year anniversary.
Sometimes I feel like they are simply trying to get as much money out of the gem store as fast as possible before making the game obsolete.
You guys were actually expecting something like common sense from Failnet? The one thing that Failnet has been able to consistently prove is that they don’t have a kittening clue what they’re doing with this game or how to make it enjoyable or even playable at times. I knew this Karka Queen event was gonna suck before it ever came out. Stop expecting competent game design from Failnet, and you guys won’t be disappointed so much.
well lets take a moment here. Sure they’re releasing content in bits and pieces, and sure it’s not really big changes… but how many other games release new stuff (even if it’s just a little bit of new stuff) every month?
Honestly? The fact they release little bits of content every month is completely negated by the fact that A.) It’s usually bugged like crazy, B.) It can be completed in (most cases) an hour or less, C.) Some of the content almost always relies upon RNG/Gambling.
Yeah, I’d rather wait 4 to 6 months for something more substantial and that has had more time to be tested and fixed than to get the little pieces of crap they’ve been giving us.
I have to admit…the whole living story thing so far (except for MWF, that was actually kinda fun) has been a HUGE let down. Their lack of effort (at least I hope lack of effort, if they’re really trying here, then it’s just pitiful) shows. If this is the kind of regular updates we can come to expect from Anet, then I’ll be leaving as well (and probably won’t come back till the first expansion or ACTUAL, MAJOR content update).
Terrible let down. Bosses are boring and kittened. This is seriously what we get for updates now? Oye.
Developer laziness anyone?
Last thread got closed because people were qqing and not constructively discussing the topic. Way to start the spiral.
Sooooo….threads calling out Anet on their apparent laziness and terrible lack of quality control aren’t allowed? Hmmm….
Developer laziness anyone?
All I know is that they had better step it up for the next part of the living story. F&F was such a joke. I took a 3-4 month break from GW2 to play some SWTOR and came back this past Friday. I did all (and I mean all, achievements and everything included) the F&F content in about 3-4 hours (minus the one achievement I got when I clicked on a bonfire Sunday). I mean seriously? ~4 months of content completed in 3-4 hours? What a joke and waste of time. The story telling and immersion during the F&F stuff was pitiful as well. I couldn’t care less for Braham and Rox. Especially Braham…the weird, kitten, emo norn child who has mommy issues. Rox was at least tolerable, but by no means a worthwhile character to get involved in. And the rewards for all of the F&F stuff? Please…don’t make me laugh. The best (and really only good thing) that came out of the F&F content was the infinite use pickaxe….but of course you have to use gems in order to get it! Go figure.
All I can say is that I hope Anet steps it up with the next chain of living story content or this game is going no where fast. I held out until all F&F content was released to try and give myself something to do (I was at least hoping to get a few days worth of play out of it)…but alas…it was nothing more than an evening of mediocre fun at best. sigh
All I know is that they had better step it up for the next part of the living story. F&F was such a joke. I took a 3-4 month break from GW2 to play some SWTOR and came back this past Friday. I did all (and I mean all, achievements and everything included) the F&F content in about 3-4 hours (minus the one achievement I got when I clicked on a bonfire Sunday). I mean seriously? ~4 months of content completed in 3-4 hours? What a joke and waste of time. The story telling and immersion during the F&F stuff was pitiful as well. I couldn’t care less for Braham and Rox. Especially Braham…the weird, kitten, emo norn child who has mommy issues. Rox was at least tolerable, but by no means a worthwhile character to get involved in. And the rewards for all of the F&F stuff? Please…don’t make me laugh. The best (and really only good thing) that came out of the F&F content was the infinite use pickaxe….but of course you have to use gems in order to get it! Go figure.
All I can say is that I hope Anet steps it up with the next chain of living story content or this game is going no where fast. I held out until all F&F content was released to try and give myself something to do (I was at least hoping to get a few days worth of play out of it)…but alas…it was nothing more than an evening of mediocre fun at best. sigh
All I know is that they had better step it up for the next part of the living story. F&F was such a joke. I took a 3-4 month break from GW2 to play some SWTOR and came back this past Friday. I did all (and I mean all, achievements and everything included) the F&F content in about 3-4 hours (minus the one achievement I got when I clicked on a bonfire Sunday). I mean seriously? ~4 months of content completed in 3-4 hours? What a joke and waste of time. The story telling and immersion during the F&F stuff was pitiful as well. I couldn’t care less for Braham and Rox. Especially Braham…the weird, kitten, emo norn child who has mommy issues. Rox was at least tolerable, but by no means a worthwhile character to get involved in. And the rewards for all of the F&F stuff? Please…don’t make me laugh. The best (and really only good thing) that came out of the F&F content was the infinite use pickaxe….but of course you have to use gems in order to get it! Go figure.
All I can say is that I hope Anet steps it up with the next chain of living story content or this game is going no where fast. I held out until all F&F content was released to try and give myself something to do (I was at least hoping to get a few days worth of play out of it)…but alas…it was nothing more than an evening of mediocre fun at best. sigh
I have a Charr guardian and yes I agree…..the Charr elite racial abilities are pathetic. I haven’t used a single Charr elite ability in months. Artillery Barrage has way to long of a cooldown for paltry damage. Charrzooka is always a huge dps loss. And Warband Support has a huge cooldown and they usually die within ~10 seconds of being summoned. So yeah, all in all….worthless. And being a guardian, pretty much the only elite ability that is remotely useful is the 3 second invulnerability which recharges my virtues. The two tome elites can be useful in certain situations, but overall, Renewed Focus is the only way to go with a Charr guardian, hands down. Which is sad really… severely limits charr guardian play style.
Now go back to fixing your busted game and stop screwing around.
Lol. And people thought that Anet would implement this system in a fair and logical way. If Anet has proven anything with updates to this game, it’s that they don’t know how to properly update and balance a game. The fact that so many people, to this day, are surprised by this still astounds me.
Any server that currently has Temple of Balth open? I’ve checked about 10 servers so far and every single one is contested.
I agree OP. I think its really dumb that Anet forces people into pvp in order to complete a pve achievement. Add in the fact that some servers are bad enough to never control certain spots and youve got something that not only sucks to do but is impossible for some people. Thats not fun for anyone.
Just the other night, I needed one more PoI in an opposing BL and even though we had the superior numbers, supply, and siege to easily take it, our kitten commanders ran right by it and ignored it. And this was after several people requested we take it because they needed it as well. Its because of this stupidity and dependecy on others that make map completion impossible at times.
Ive also ran into the problem of my server NEVER controlling certain areas of the BLs, even though we are always the winning team (green). Of course an easy fix to this would be to make every realm alternate colors instead of always being the same one, but it seems even Anet cant be bothered to implement this simple solution to help people out.
I agree. Like the “defend Maggs” part, this one also needs a do-over with the new system in place.
Wait….are you serious? The defend Magg portion is SO MUCH EASIER NOW. No one died in my run last night of path 2. There is no need to rez rush that event now. If you still need to rez rush that part, then you need to L2P. Or quit GW2, because obviously you haven’t learned a thing in your time playing.
To help you out…..just AoE all the regular mobs that spawn and then make sure you and your team are focusing Assassins as they appear. That’s it. It’s that easy. Only way to make it any easier would be to have no mobs spawn and just sit there and wait on Magg to arm the bomb.
Some people…..
Their advertisement WAS very misleading. They really made it sound like there was gonna be some big, super duper, awesome thing happening at Noon PST that you couldn’t absolutely miss! And it turned out to be…..a cutscene. A cutscene that bugged out for a lot of people. I know on my server the Mad King actually didn’t appear in the hole….all everyone saw on my server was the hole itself…that’s it. So the BIG ONE TIME EVENT THAT YOU CAN’T MISS was a cutscene that didn’t even work right for alot of the people who watched it. I would call that very misleading and a huge fail in my book.
Problem is, we’ve been telling Anet this. Along with a lot of other things. It all seems to fall on deaf ears. Sad, really.
Then they should state they fixed an exploit. Which they didn’t state. They stated that they increased the reliability of the skill. Which they obviously didn’t do. It’s still just as bad as it was before.
No, the patch notes specifically stated that the reliability of Leap of Faith was improved to make it more useful and act as intended. And yet it didn’t fix it at all. It sill misses and causes funky things to happen just as much as it did before.
I’ve always thought that it was stupid that scepter #2 isn’t a symbol. In fact, when I started playing my guardian, I saw the ability and was like “oh cool, another symbol” and then had to do a double take when I noticed that it wasn’t. I mean come on, if Anet isn’t going to give us a better ranged weapon option, then the least they could do is increase the utility of the scepter. The damage increase trait for scepters is in the Zeal trait line for crying out loud! You know, the one with all the symbol minor traits in it? So why doesn’t the scepter have a symbol to synergize it with Zeal? It’s like Anet was going to make scepter #2 a symbol, but at the last minute removed the symbol status and just changed it into a damage ability. Some of their design ideas for guardian are pretty messed up.
I for one barely scratch a guardian (too much Toughness), and when he finally reaches 1/2 hp, uses heals to 100% ! And yes as a Thief I lost all my initiative all 15+ points.
Kill him if you can !,I have tried different builds, never won even 1 time, and no, it is not 100% skill….Thieves aren’t very strong against Guardians (but from what I hear, they’re pretty good at plenty of other professions), but that doesn’t mean they can’t win. Also, it’s important to know what kind of Guardian you’re up against. Most Guardians seem to run a bunker build, since the rest is less effective.
In order to beat them, you’ll have to rely mostly on condition damage and other kinds of sustained damage. Burst isn’t very useful. Also, try to put Poison up once the Guardian starts losing health.And you know what I find curious? That so many players come to this (sub)forum claiming we are overpowered, but no-one comes here asking for our weaknesses, or how to kill us.
It’s because it’s so much easier for all the baddies to just complain about OPness and demand the devs nerf X profession. Sadly a lot of people don’t want to try to figure things out on their own and instead immediately start demanding nerfs when someone kills them in PvP. I generally feel very sorry for those types of people because if they’re like that in a video game, I’d hate to see what they’re like in real life.
OP is a carebear who is having a L2P issue. Nothing more. Either that or a troll. Most likely both. Nothing to see here folks. Move along.
Yeah, I’ve noticed that the Leap of Faith “fix” didn’t make the skill any more reliable. I’m still missing mobs like I did before (yes they are within range). It still sends me flying way over their heads, even when on the same level as them. It also still sends me flying the OPPOSITE direction of the mob sometimes (don’t know how that even happens, but it does). The “fix” did jack squat to improve the reliability of the skill. Once again, Anet proves that they don’t seem to know what they’re doing.
That may occur as a result of client vs. server side lag, I believe. This often can be problematic with movement based abilities like leaps and charges.
Only except the skill just doesn’t work correctly still. Has nothing to do with lag. I see it affecting people with or without lag. I myself hardly ever lag and yet my Leap of Faith doesn’t seem to work any better than it did before. Doesn’t matter if I’m at max range, point blank range, somewhere in between, facing the mob, not facing the mob, etc, etc……it still is just as bad as it was before. Still sends you flying over the mob, sometimes misses even though it should have hit, sometimes sends you the opposite direction of the mob, etc, etc.
Learn to take some criticism. Seriously. And yes, I personally believe that your line of reasoning is flawed. PvP and PvE changes need to be separated. It’s been proven time and time again in other MMOs that skill changes for both PvE And PvP have a negative effect on one of them. You cannot effectively balance a skill for both, generally speaking because they are two entirely different beasts. PvP and PvE situations are usually completely different from each other. Nerfing a skill for PvP reasons almost always negatively affects the skill in PvE and vice versa. To WANT a system that makes the SAME change for both is, honestly, stupid. It creates way more problems than it solves. For you to not realize this is……well, I won’t even go there. If it all comes down to learning a PvE and PvP variation of a skill, then that is not a problem. If it is a problem, then maybe MMOs are not for you. I hear Hello Kitty is an easy game to learn.
I’ve been saying this since the beginning….Anet should give guardians a TRUE ranged weapon. Every other class has at least 1 weapon or weapon combo(some have more than 1 available) that is solely for ranged dps. Guardians are the only ones who lack in this department. And no scepter+focus is NOT a viable ranged option. It’s a kittened option at best. My suggestion all along has been to give guardians a longbow option. The weapon still fits with the guardian theme and the fact that one of our spirit weapons is a bow, it just makes sense (all the other spirit weapons we can wield their counterparts, so why not the bow?). It would solve A LOT of problems with guardian ranged issues while allowing Anet to keep the scepter+focus/torch as is. Why Anet didn’t implement something like this from the beginning is beyond me. Yet again, they’re proving that they don’t seem to have a clue what they’re doing.
Yeah, I’ve noticed that the Leap of Faith “fix” didn’t make the skill any more reliable. I’m still missing mobs like I did before (yes they are within range). It still sends me flying way over their heads, even when on the same level as them. It also still sends me flying the OPPOSITE direction of the mob sometimes (don’t know how that even happens, but it does). The “fix” did jack squat to improve the reliability of the skill. Once again, Anet proves that they don’t seem to know what they’re doing.
Wait….so you’re griping because they actually made a change that affects PvP and PvE differently? Are you freaking insane? That’s what they SHOULD do. It’s what they SHOULD have done with the Symbol of Wrath nerf, changed it in PvP and left it as is in PvE. Balancing skills separately in PvP and PvE is the ONLY way to go. It worked WONDERS in GW1 and it’s most definitely the way they should handle skill changes in GW2. I hope they do this more often. Because nerfing a skill for the sake of PvP and then having huge repercussions in PvE (or vice versa) as well is the most kitten thing ever. Don’t know why you would want it that way.
Seriously, think about what you just said. You would rather them make the same changes to a skill in both PvP and PvE, and possibly have one of them suffer a lot more because of it? Are you high? Some people……
The problem I have with this right now is that abilities like this have been broken/not working correctly since beta, but instead of actually fixing them, Anet decides to nerf us instead. Good job. Hand out those nerfs while a crap ton of other things remain broken or at least not functioning correctly. I just wish they would get their priorities straight. Way to many abilities and traits (for all professions) remain broke but instead of fixing them, they decide to start nerfing stuff instead. It would make way more sense to fix things and have it all working correctly and THEN nerf stuff if it still needs nerfed. Not sure what they’re thinking with their current “fixing” design.
It’s not all about the damage nerf. It’s about the nerf to the GS’s ability to support in general. Before, you could have a symbol every 10 seconds (8 if traited) that you could lay down for different effects depending on how you traited. One example would be the trait that allows symbols to heal allies. Now, not only has our overall damage been nerfed, but the GS’s ability to even remotely offer any kind of support to allies around you has also been nerfed because of the 100% increase in the cool down. I will say yet again, Anet made a knee jerk reaction fix for retal, but broke a lot more stuff in the process. And they didn’t even fix the retal issue. Guardians can still have perma or near perma retal without SoW. So in essence, the nerf didn’t fix the retal issue (which is what Anet said it was suppose to be for), it merely nerfed overall GS damage AND support. Why can’t people like you see that?
Your point would be valid IF they had went ahead and kept the GS nerf held off until they were ready to release everything about it at once. To nerf GS now, and leave it the way it is for who knows how long, and THEN come out with the rest of the changes down the road is NOT practicing the belief of “when it’s ready”. Why you think the attitude in the article even remotely reflects what they’ve done to us in the present is beyond me. L2 reading comprehension.
You hit the nail on the head. Anet went completely in the opposite direction of what they promised us with combat with the recent GS nerf. GS guardian has literally become an auto attack build, with WW mixed in when it comes off CD. That is literally the whole rotation now. SoW, LoF, and BB are all VERY situational now, and are rarely used in most play.
Ah yes, yet another sheep blindly following the lead of a game company who they think can do no wrong. Seriously, why are there even people out there who think every change is ok, even when it’s a bad change and poorly thought out?
Except that now, GS play is even more dull and boring than it was before. Now it’s literally nothing but auto-attacks and WW. That’ s it. You only throw in SoW now when it’s appropriate and you only use LoF as a gap closer (because it’s a loss of DPS to use in the middle of a fight unless you REALLY need the blind for some reason). So yeah…you may have gotten use to the change, congrats….you can autoattack like a king now. rolls eyes
Basically they’re saying that to many noobs are melting their faces against retal in PvP and are changing the way it works to keep these noobs from quitting the game in frustration. Otherwise, there is no other plausible explanation for what they’re doing. It’s that simple.
My suggestion, and it’s one that I’ve been saying since BWE1, is that Anet simply needs to add another ranged weapon to the guardian’s arsenal. And my suggestions is a bow. Not a rifle or a pistol, but a bow. I mean hell, out of all our spirit weapons, we can actually wield all their “forms” except for the bow. It’s like Anet may have originally intended for us to have bow skills, but decided at the last minute to scrap it, and give us nothing for compensation.
Seriously, give us a freaking bow to use that focuses primarily on ranged dps (kinda like the greatsword focuses mainly on melee dps). It would solve SO MANY problems. Do it now Anet. Do it now.
It’s really just a retaliation nerf – all the good things about the GS are still intact.
Except they’re not intact. I used Symbol of Wrath’s damage component to help AoE stuff down in PvE, on top of providing healing with the major trait in the healing trait line. Now both of those aspects have been GREATLY NERFED for greatsword, all in the name of some half kitten buff (retal) that most people never even noticed anyway. And the Zeal trait line (which focuses on symbols and the greatsword specifically) have had all of its minor traits reduced in effectiveness by half. All because of this change for retal. Anet is off their kitten rocker with this nerf.
What is confusing about nerfing something that is just stupidly OP and takes absolutely no skill? Now, at least with the retaliation nerf, you actually have to play a Guardian and not just easymode faceroll. Good job Anet, keep them coming.
You are talking out of your kitten. You obviously never played a greatsword guardian. If you had, then you would realize that the retal damage was hardly even noticeable in almost every situation. The warrior forums are that way, by the way.
Retaliation will likely receive a major increase in damage once the rest of the abilities granting the Retaliation boon have been adjusted. The only problem I have with this change is that it severely weakens the aoe damage I can put out in PvE with Symbol of Wrath’s damage component.
Agree with last sentence there. I used it mainly for the damage of the symbol itself, not the retal. I usually ignored the retal most of the time. The fact that I am getting one of my primary damage sources nerfed because of some lame kitten secondary effect that I never even noticed (because it sucked to much to even really notice anyway) is beyond kitten They should have just took away the retal effect, reduce the effectiveness of the retal effect, or replaced with it another boon….all while leaving everything else the same with Symbol of Wrath.
I just can’t get over the fact that they are making the Zeal trait line even worse than it was before. The Zeal line focuses on symbols and greatswords. If they limit the amount of up time on symbols when wielding a greatsword, then what the hell is the point of Zeal in the first place? It makes me wonder if Anet even realizes what the kitten they are doing to guardians with these changes. My bet is no.
If this change happened because of PvP, then all I can say is wtf? GW1 had skill changes separate from PvE and PvP. Do that in GW2 and we’re golden. Why Anet abandoned that model of skill changes is beyond me. Why go backwards with progression instead of forwards?
And also, if it really WAS because of PvP, then all I can say is LOL. If people were dying to retal from an immovable symbol (that can easily be dodged out of, and then just not hit the guardian while they’re in it or pull them out of it), then that is a learn to play issue, not a “guardians need nerfed” issue.