People seriously don’t read do they? The caption under the picture states that the symbol is the symbol for the company that made the metronome. Seriously people….
Anet’s refusal to give us expansion-style content with the Living story has been one of their biggest mistakes so far. I seem to recall Colin stating something along the lines of the LS being just as good, if not better than an expansion….boy what a lie and letdown that was. If they had actually given us expansion-themed updates with every LS update (aka, new zones to explore….Southsun does NOT count, the place was a joke….., new skills to learn….and no, 2 new healing abilities for each class does NOT count….., classes learning how to use different weapons, new traits, etc, etc), then it would have been a lot better.
But as it is, we’re still stuck with the same ol’ world we saw at launch, with nothing really exciting or very permanent in nature. They said they wanted to use the current world they’ve already built and change it over time. In that regard, they have failed miserably so far. Now that I’ve said that, they will probably blow up half of Tyria with the end of the Scarlet arc, but I highly doubt it knowing Anet’s track record.
TLDR: Anet needs to start focusing on actual expansion style content and forget about this pathetic and laughable excuse at a “living world” they have tried so hard to do and failed miserably at.
Good graphics, good artwork, and good music are pretty much the only things GW2 has had going for it since about November 2012. Everything else the Devs have done since then has been pretty bad.
What do we want from the Living Story?
To see it die in a fire and never return.
What we really want is new, permanent, expansion-style content instead. Aka new skills, new traits, new weapon options, new maps to explore, new activities to do that do not involve grinding achievement points for 2 weeks at a time, new coherent and thought out storylines that do not crap all over the already established lore, etc, etc.
You think all the past years’ LS content would only equate to 1 new zone? I’m pretty sure we’re talking about a continent’s worth of zones. And yeah, I’d go there a lot if it was set up well. On the other hand, I might avoid it entirely if it’s tied to the LS.
A single, fully fleshed out zone would take a significantly longer period of time to develop than a series of LS events, being worked on simultaneously by multiple teams in existing zones. A continent’s worth of zones, with hearts, dynamic events, PoI’s, Skill points, way points, etc. in addition to the artwork and races/lore/voice overs/etc. would not equate to one year of LS releases. How long did they take to build Tyria, pre-release? Probably only slightly longer than it would take to build Cantha or Elona (to account for their work on classes/balancing/etc.), which is why a release of that size would likely take ~2-3 years to develop. It would be unheard of for a game just over one year old to release a major expansion, and in the meantime we would see minimal change or evolution; this issue with player expectations has been discussed endlessly by developers, from every major MMO out there.
The fact that you think the crappy LS updates are in any way, shape, or form better than the alternative you just described, just goes to show how little we should listen to your opinion. You are in the minority on that line of thinking, and if you’re not, then you need to be. It’s that kind of thinking that’s killing this game and making it one of the biggest jokes of the gaming industry.
And other updates can be done while they work on new zones. Balance updates, skill updates, trait updates, etc, etc can all be done independently from designing new zones. If a developer is not capable of doing that, then they should stop making video games period.
Guild Wars keeps me through living story. I’d rather have new content every two weeks for something new, novel and of a short duration, as opposed to a year or more of utter stagnance for a new map to be developed, designed, tested and implemented (as well as all of the additional content a new zone demands). Yes, I would love to see the entirety of the world map unveiled, however not at the expense of LS. Exploring a new zone is definitely fun and exciting, but that excitement is about as lasting as a new LS release. I’ve played the other games with new maps every 1-2 years with expansions, and new zones don’t have a lasting draw to the community aside from dailies or farming mats (which coincide with a raised level cap, new crafting recipes, vertical gear progression, etc). There is also little change between expansions, they add dungeons, raids, and daily quests, but everything can be obtained/completed (at a reasonable pace) within a fairly short amount of time – obviously much faster for those who don’t savor content – and shortly thereafter, people return to the original populous zones (after their dailies) and continue to repeat the same content (raids, dungeons, dailies) until the next expansion or they burn out/level an alt. There is very little else to break up the monotony in the meantime.
Were GW2 to abandon LS entirely and focus their resources on a new zone, they could add a series of events and perhaps it’d wind up like another Frostgorge and thus see some consistent use, but we would give up all content updates aside from small bug fixing updates every few months, for the duration of a year or more. No change, nothing new, whatsoever. Perhaps some players would enjoy that, and the game itself, unchanging would suffice – however in my experience, the shine of a new zone wears off about as quickly as it does with LS. Thus the beauty of LS; it only lasts a short duration, usually timed at about when the novelty fades. The LS may drive some players away – nearly every other MMO lacks that particular feature, and may appeal to said players – however the LS cycles are a draw for some of us as well, those of us who want new changes on a regular basis to shake things up a bit after the staid monotony of other games. That is what drew me back to GW2. I don’t even mind having missed 6-7 months of LS releases – because more are coming.
A new zone will offer some new events, hearts, additional resource nodes, and opportunity for exploration – and perhaps I’m less of an explorer, but once the hearts are completed, how much time would one likely spend there, after fully completing it, without a champ train or something like the temple events? Even on a large server, it’s at times hard to muster up a crowd for those in Orr. If we got another Brisban Wildlands, Harathi Hinterlands, or Blazeridge Steppes, how often would you truly spend your time there, having completed the zone?
Honestly, it’s people like you who are helping to hold this game back. You reinforce the BAD IDEA that LS is, and praise Anet for doing such a crappy job on maintaining an MMO. People like you need to leave this game forever.
Current map purpose is to level up characters and to make place for living world releases. And it serves that purpose. But take note that all maps are pretty dead besides those that are hosts for current LS release. So LS releases makes people play… Not the vast world.
LS makes people play, because it’s the ONLY NEW THING TO DO. There are no other options available in terms of new content. Doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be trashed for something MUCH MUCH BETTER. Because it should. And adding new zones, with new things to do would be perfect. The faster LS dies, the better.
Scarlet can’t die fast enough. The sooner she’s gone, the better.
So…is Scarlet gonna…..die? I pray to the six gods she does.
Bona fide brand new player here, chiming in.
From my point of view as a new player, the living world events added nothing to my game experience. On the contrary, it was confusing to see these random toxic things that had no relationship to my personal story or anything the game was describing to me via lore, etc. Not only did they make no sense, but those toxic spawns are extremely difficult and frustrating to a lone newbie who is making his way through mostly uninhabited maps.
From my point of view as someone who has been playing MMO’s since EQ1, small biweekly content patches are NOT a substitute for expansions. I worry that this is the kind of mistake that will only realize “too late”.
I think this system has the opposite of its intended effect. It’s resulted in people feeling that the game has peaked / is stagnating or in a state of decline. A better formula was established by GW1, and by the real storyline of GW2 (which is perfectly fine). You have only to release a new box with a new dragon each year – the whole arc is right there.
In closing, to I would just put it this way: why do you think 3.5 million people bought GW2? Was it because of an entire new world, new classes, new skills, new game systems and an epic adventure against an evil dragon? Or was it so that they could farm a pet from a meta and learn about toxic spores?
Thank you for this. This is a perfect example right here, of the failing of the LS idea.
Start giving us bigger, more spaced out (needs to be spaced out since Anet’s QA department apparently doesn’t know what an MMO is or how to make it work as intended) Elder Dragon content, while adding new skills, new weapon options, new armor, new traits, etc, etc (expansion style content basically). Not this 2 week set of achievement point content that most people could care less about and that new players don’t have clue what it even is.
And to the people who say if we burn through Elder Dragon content to fast, we won’t be left with anything. Ummm, hello…..we have 4 or 5 more dragons to contend with (that could give us at least 2 to 3 more years of content) as well as Elona and Cantha (each one of those could EASILY give us 2 to 3 years of content, if not more). One thing Anet is not short on is the lore and availability of areas to expand more content. The problem is their refusal to even get started in the most basic way of progressing us this direction. Instead, they insist we only use the world/zones we already have (and quite frankly are bored to death with) and try to force us to care about some crappy villian that appeared out of nowhere and continues to break lore with every content update she appears in.
The people who say they actually like Scarlet and the story surrounding her just boggle my mind.
Like, are you people incapable of a coherent thought process? Do you even know what critical thinking/analysis is? Do you do anything in this game other than mind-numbingly mash skill #1 and farm the next 2 week set of achievements?
It’s people like this that are supporting the ruination of a game like GW2.
Since this is my first paid mmo and I lack a lot of skill.
What would be an easy to play class?Warrior.
It’s one of the most overpowered classes and seems to be the Devs’ love child.
Would you recommend it as a fun class for first time play through?
Yeah. It’s extremely OP and easy to use and get the hang of. Not to mention it can spec into pretty much any kind of build that’s required for different kinds of content.
Like I said, warrior is Anet’s love child. They even go as far as constantly buffing the warrior and nerfing every other class. The amount of bias and favoritism they show to the warrior class is disgusting.
Since this is my first paid mmo and I lack a lot of skill.
What would be an easy to play class?
It’s one of the most overpowered classes and seems to be the Devs’ love child.
The game doesn’t start until level 80.
Funny that you say that considering the devs themselves claim that the whole game is endgame and therefore everything from 1 to 80 is the “start of the game”.
Obviously, it’s a failure overall, but still…just pointing that out to you.
Short answer: No.
Long answer: Hell no.
You’d be BIS in WoW for a couple months only, after a horrendous grind and begging your friends and guildies to run last tier’s raid to grab those last few essences, at which point they release a new patch and you throw your legendary on the scrap heap with all the other useless tinkertoys of obsolete stat sticks that you can’t even use as a transmog.
Here my legendary is truly Legendary, BIS forever. GW2 respects my time investment, something I never got from WoW.
The only thing legendary is the grind. Or your ability to open your wallet wide.
Truth. So much truth.
1. Launch of GW2 and everything up to November 2012.
1. Pretty much everything that has come after November 2012
That may sound a bit harsh (there are some things we’ve gotten since Nov. 2012 that were nice) but overall, this game has been in decline since the release of ascended gear. The vast majority of people I knew and played with all quit playing after Wintersday 2012. Some of them have tried coming back every so often, but they log in, see the game is just as bad, if not worse, and then log back out again (not to return for several months, if at all). I myself am about to hang up my GW2 hat for good. If we don’t get something good before the end of the year, I WILL be uninstalling GW2 from my computer (to many other good games coming out in 2014, plus the wife and I are planning on doing a lot of play time on the new consoles).
With Waypoints and Swiftness, I don’t see why mounts would matter outside of aesthetic reasons. I guess along those lines, I’d be fine with that. But as a mode of transportation, they’d be practically pointless.
Would make gathering A LOT better. Gathering now in-game is boring as hell, made even more painful by how slow everyone moves, even with +25% passive speed buffs.
This game needs mounts. Period.
I wasn’t for mounts at first because of all the WP’s they gave us in the game. But I’ve been playing since BWE1 and I have to say, having mounts is becoming more and more of a good idea to me.
I get so sick and tired of running around a map trying to harvest materials (wood, ore, etc) at base run speed or the paltry +25% passive that some professions get. It makes gathering a HUGE chore….one that is already boring to begin with and it is only made worse by how SLOW we all move in this game. Seriously….add mounts if for no other reason than to help collect materials faster.
It would also help people get back to certain Dynamic Events faster….especially ones that tend to be farther from WP’s than is usual.
Leave it to Anet to charge money for something that most other games do for free. Instead of incorporating it as a feature in a patch, they make it a consumable item that people will pay real world money for instead. Anet is becoming the definition of greedy and is making every single design decision now based on how they can milk the most money out of the gem store. This game is becoming Gem Wars 2.
Short answer, no there isn’t anyone who likes Living story as it is now, though the concept of a living world is nice in itself, had it been developed in a good way.
What does it feel like to be so incredibly wrong? Do you use a random word generator to write with? Climbing usage indicates that people do in fact, like the living story.
I’ll ask you the same question. What does it feel like to be so incredibly wrong? (because you are)
I’ve seen or heard very few people who actually wholeheartedly enjoyed the LS content for what it was meant to be. The most enjoyment I’ve seen people post about is the fact that they were able to farm some decent gold during the “lolzergfest” LS events. And that’s not even really enjoyment….that’s just performing a mindless task to increase one’s wealth and nothing more.
The fact is (whether Anet fanbois want to admit it or not) that the whole LS idea so far has fallen pretty flat on its face. It’s so disjointed, buggy, and downright boring at times that to call it anything remotely close to fun or a success is lying through one’s teeth. I dunno…maybe there are some delusional people out there who have found some form of actual “fun” in these kittenty updates, but they are few and far between.
And the increased activity during LS updates? People log on to farm kitten and then log off. It has absolutely NOTHING to do with the LS “lore” or “content” or w/e you want to call it. It has EVERYTHING to do with people grinding gold to pay for the kittenty legendary system that Anet has put into place or that 0.00000001% chance of getting a new item to drop. To think otherwise only shows one’s stupidity and blindness.
Your trivial anecdotes are no match for actual data. You just wrote a large post describing how clueless you are.
I could say the exact same thing for you. Only difference is, I’d still be more right than you. Nuff said.
Short answer, no there isn’t anyone who likes Living story as it is now, though the concept of a living world is nice in itself, had it been developed in a good way.
What does it feel like to be so incredibly wrong? Do you use a random word generator to write with? Climbing usage indicates that people do in fact, like the living story.
I’ll ask you the same question. What does it feel like to be so incredibly wrong? (because you are)
I’ve seen or heard very few people who actually wholeheartedly enjoyed the LS content for what it was meant to be. The most enjoyment I’ve seen people post about is the fact that they were able to farm some decent gold during the “lolzergfest” LS events. And that’s not even really enjoyment….that’s just performing a mindless task to increase one’s wealth and nothing more.
The fact is (whether Anet fanbois want to admit it or not) that the whole LS idea so far has fallen pretty flat on its face. It’s so disjointed, buggy, and downright boring at times that to call it anything remotely close to fun or a success is lying through one’s teeth. I dunno…maybe there are some delusional people out there who have found some form of actual “fun” in these kittenty updates, but they are few and far between.
And the increased activity during LS updates? People log on to farm kitten and then log off. It has absolutely NOTHING to do with the LS “lore” or “content” or w/e you want to call it. It has EVERYTHING to do with people grinding gold to pay for the kittenty legendary system that Anet has put into place or that 0.00000001% chance of getting a new item to drop. To think otherwise only shows one’s stupidity and blindness.
Nice opinion piece…which is pretty much just that. A very long opinion piece, but you blow it at the end.
You say this could be avoided,. but you don’t really know that. It’s pure conjecture. I’m not sure you’d said anything here that hasn’t been said in countless threads.
Guys, don’t listen to what he says. He posts on any post that has criticisms on the way Anet handled their game (criticisms with a good foundation!) and he always defends Anet, not even looking at the arguments the criticizers give. Sad.
Hey guys, don’t listen to what he says, he doesn’t have a clue about me. If you’re going to ignore the negative posts I’ve made, you have no right to call me out for defending what I like about the game.
Oh look, he doesn’t agree with me, so therefore he’s a mindless fan boi.
Not even close.
Lol. But you ARE a mindless fanboi. All of your posts prove it. You disagree with ANYONE who criticizes this game in anyway (even when it’s good, constructive criticism that we need), and defend it to the death, all while trying to make everyone else seem wrong. If that’s not a fanboi, then I don’t know what the hell it is. You really need to stop sucking Anet’s kitten for once and open your eyes to the COUNTLESS flaws, bugs, glitches, and overall bad things that are present in this game. White knighting a game as hardcore as you do actually hurts it more than it helps it. Devs see people praising their terrible game and think “Oh, nothing’s wrong…we don’t need to improve or fix anything. Carry on!”
Seriously dude. Enough with the fanboi orgasms you have all over these forums. It’s extremely pathetic to watch.
+1 to you OP.
Very well said. And I pretty much agree with everything you said. GW2 had SO MUCH potential, but Anet fell flat on their faces trying to cater to the “run of the mill” MMO player and also trying to grab as much cash as possible through the gem store. This game has turned into nothing but a grindy, time-gated, “give us your money for shines!” type of game that I and countless others are rapidly losing interest in. Many others have already left. Many more are about to leave. Unless Anet does a 180 on their current stance (which who knows? they might, considering they did it once already with the Manifesto….but probably not, they’ve chosen the bad path and seem to be sticking to it).
And ah yes….Vayne. The valiant white knight of GW2 on these forums. Anything and everything criticizing this game, even if its intent is good and meant to help improve the game, is instantly met with his fanboy wrath. To him, Anet can do no wrong, and this game is absolutely perfect. Makes you wonder if he’s actually an Anet employee in disguise, considering other developers have done that trick many times before. I find most of his posts less helpful than the ones he accuses of not being helpful. But alas, every game will have blind, rabid fans who run their own favorite game into the ground, faster than any bugs/glitches/crappy content ever could.
(edited by Zeph.5927)
The Living Story has been nothing but a joke since it was first announced. And the release of all the LS content so far has done nothing but confirm that it is a joke. A huge waste of time and effort that could have been spent on something WAY better. Oh yeah, and it’s nothing more than a cash grab for the gem store every two weeks.
And the idiots who valiantly defend it and say it’s the best thing ever and want more of it…..are nothing but a bunch of blind, fanatical, fanboys who ruin perfectly good games, time and time again.
I stopped caring about the LS “lore” when we got the goth/emo/depressed norn manchild and the cracked out, crazy anime talking charr cat. Anet can’t tell a story to save their lives anymore…..which makes me wonder….what happened to the developer who made GW1? Because the current Anet would have never been capable of making a game on the same level as GW1…..not anymore at least.
So I’ve tried using the LFG tool a couple different times now, and every time I never see any groups posted. Like ever. It seems like I’m the only one using it. Is this a glitch or are very few people actually using it at all? Cuz if this is the level of participation we can expect out of the LFG tool, then I’d have to say it’s already a fail.
Sooo … is there really something like a higher luck number if you haven’t logged in for a while or are those only rumours?
You know, I’m starting to believe that more and more. Every time I start to get fed up with Anet and their stupid decisions, I’ll stop playing the game for a month or two, then come back to see if it’s any better (it’s usually not), and lo and behold, I’ll get some decent drops right off the bat after returning. Then my crappy RNG kicks back in and I won’t get kitten for drops again.
Having said that though, I still have yet to get what I would consider a “good” drop in this game. I’ve played since BWE1, and have put thousands of hours into the game, and farmed both with and without MF gear on everything from fractals, to dungeons, to world bosses, to champions, to jumping puzzles….you name it, I’ve done it. Multiple times. Over and over. And in all that time, the absolute BEST drop I’ve EVER gotten is a Cobalt….after I had already given up on getting one and bought one off the TP -_-. kitten you RNG, kitten you.
This game is by far, the absolute WORST game I have ever played in terms of RNG and loot. You can’t tell me it’s ok for someone who has invested as much time, money, and effort into a game like this and gotten almost NOTHING to show for it. Especially when I personally know of some people who have gotten 3 or 4 precursors to randomly drop for them. I mean seriously! 3 or 4 precursors for one person and ZERO for me!?!?! WTF!? I’m getting so kittening sick and tired of dealing with Anet’s bullkitten. I’m just about to hang up my GW2 hat for good, unless something drastic changes in the next few months. Otherwise I’ll be spending all my game time playing the new MMOs coming out in 2014 and saying “kitten you” to Anet for good.
1. Make Smite on the scepter a freaking symbol already. That skill screams symbol. I wouldn’t really want the damage on it nerfed however to compensate for the fact it gets turned into a symbol, so therefore give it a buff (or condition) on pulse that isn’t so OP that the damage would have to get nerfed in order to compensate. This would also allow our only VIABLE ranged option to benefit from symbol traits. Why it hasn’t been done already is beyond me. Someone at Anet must really hate guardians is all I can say.
2. Another ranged weapon option. Preferably longbow, seeing as how the other ranged weapons in game don’t really fit the guardian lore/playstyle. And yes a longbow would work. We already have the equivalent of our other spirit weapons except the bow, so why not give it to us and finish it out? I want a viable ranged option as guardian….scepter isn’t terrible, but my god it is annoying to deal with at times when ranged is required no matter what.
3. Give us back the lower CD on greatsword symbol. The fact it was nerfed to begin with was a terrible idea and knee jerk reaction by Anet and their endless stupidity on balancing. Lowered the usefulness and effectiveness of GS.
4. Rework the entire Zeal trait line to be viable and useful beyond 10 points in it. The tree that is suppose to be focused around damage, and yet no one hardly ever takes it in damage builds. Something wrong with this picture? I believe so.
5. Give us some kind of permanent speed boost like most other classes have, even if we have to trait for it. I get tired of relying on staff and shouts just to be able to keep up with everyone else’s PASSIVE speed boost. It’s kittening ridiculous and annoying as hell.
6. Better elite skills. Preferably a new one that rewards a solo guardian as opposed to all the group oriented elites we have now (minus Renewed Focus).
7. A fourth (and make sure it’s useful) virtue. I like the idea of a fourth virtue that acts like AH does now. It would make perfect sense to do this, allowing offensive guardians a better way to sustain themselves and tanking guardians a more versatile way of traiting.
(edited by Zeph.5927)
Hell, WoW has a fantastic LFG system and has done for years
(and yes that is the only thing I genuinely like about WoW)And it only happened at the end of the 2nd expansion. I quit wow because of what the lfg did to the community, but thankfully gw2s isn’t an auto group finder / teleport into dungeons.
I started playing WoW back in ’04, and the LFG tool actually got me to play more, not less. It was great to be able to log on and jump in to a dungeon without having to wait around. To each his own, I suppose.
This right here. A LFG tool tends to make people WANT to play a game more because it offers better accessibility. Because we all know how much fun it is to stand around in town and scream “LFG!” in chat for hours on end. Most people play games to have fun, and the faster they can hop into a game and join a dungeon group, the more fun they will have. Waiting and waiting for a group to come together on its own, however is the direct opposite of fun for most people. I’ll never understand the idiots who think spamming chat for groups the old fashion way is in any way fun at all. I guess there really are some masochists out there.
And the better community comments. Lol. No proof whatsoever of statements other than anecdotal evidence. Some people love looking through their rose-tinted nostalgia glasses don’t they?
I want all the world bosses harder. I want them all to have fail conditions. I want them to be as difficult as Grenth and I wish the Scarlet event would stop dropping loot if you fail it.
Standing there firing my #1 button and yawning isn’t my idea of fun. These are WORLD BOSSES. They should be DIFFICULT with the APPROPRIATE REWARD for defeating them.
And frankly, I don’t know what you people are talking about with the Orr temples. Ehmry Bay is one of the smaller servers and people are ALWAYS doing them. In fact we’re doing a run tonight. Keep in mind the reason why you probably see them locked all the time is that they reset in like 2 hours. In face out server is doing a raid this weekend for them and against the Karka Queen and next weekend as well.
I really wish people would stop saying, “But my server does Orr Temple Events! We clear them at least once a night!” Guess what? Doing them once a night isn’t enough! Are they on farm like the world bosses are? 9 times out of 10, no they’re not. Just because some servers do them (and maybe Karka Queen) once after server reset doesn’t mean kitten, considering alot of players will miss out on the completions if they aren’t logged in at the appropriate times. And 1 or 2 guilds clearing things once a day DOES NOT count either. The Orr Temples are STILL a failure by those standards! If the temples aren’t being completed MULTIPLE times a day, every single day like the world bosses are, then Anet has failed.
So stop saying kitten like this. Unless your server is clearing temples every single time they become contested, then this excuse holds no weight whatsoever in conversations like this.
People are lazy and take the path of least resistance. If all bosses were of Grenth difficulty, would you do Orr temple bosses more?
You pretty much missed the entire point of my post. Gratz to you.
I want all the world bosses harder. I want them all to have fail conditions. I want them to be as difficult as Grenth and I wish the Scarlet event would stop dropping loot if you fail it.
Standing there firing my #1 button and yawning isn’t my idea of fun. These are WORLD BOSSES. They should be DIFFICULT with the APPROPRIATE REWARD for defeating them.
And frankly, I don’t know what you people are talking about with the Orr temples. Ehmry Bay is one of the smaller servers and people are ALWAYS doing them. In fact we’re doing a run tonight. Keep in mind the reason why you probably see them locked all the time is that they reset in like 2 hours. In face out server is doing a raid this weekend for them and against the Karka Queen and next weekend as well.
I really wish people would stop saying, “But my server does Orr Temple Events! We clear them at least once a night!” Guess what? Doing them once a night isn’t enough! Are they on farm like the world bosses are? 9 times out of 10, no they’re not. Just because some servers do them (and maybe Karka Queen) once after server reset doesn’t mean kitten, considering alot of players will miss out on the completions if they aren’t logged in at the appropriate times. And 1 or 2 guilds clearing things once a day DOES NOT count either. The Orr Temples are STILL a failure by those standards! If the temples aren’t being completed MULTIPLE times a day, every single day like the world bosses are, then Anet has failed.
So stop saying kitten like this. Unless your server is clearing temples every single time they become contested, then this excuse holds no weight whatsoever in conversations like this.
You guys do realize there are 4 classes that use Greatsword, and it is the most used weapon in the game? That is the reason there are more GS skins.
As someone said earlier, Sword is used by 5.
two of the most played professions (warrior and guardian) tend to have GS as their most used weapon.
Sword is highest DPS on Guardian, Ranger & Mesmer (who, quite often, actually dual wield swords), and highest trash-clearing DPS on Thief. It is the most viable second offhand option for Warriors who opt not to use GS (negligible DPS difference between AM/GS and AM/AS).
It’s impossible to deny that more Twilight/Sunrise are around than Bolt, but please stop trying to claim GS is the most used weapon. Please.
Your comments assume that everyone who plays those classes use the absolute best dps weapon in every scenario. In that you would be WRONG. Simply log into GW2 and see what weapons you generally see mesmers, guardians, and warriors have strapped to them or using in events. That’s right…GREATSWORDS. Get over it.
And people tend to use the greatswords because A.) they’re bigger and easier to see, B.) generally look more awesome than a 1H sword, and C.) still do decent amounts of dps themselves. Once again, get over it.
Argue with this statement all you want, you know it’s true and that you’re wrong.
Also, tote that chart around all you want. I see more warriors/guardians than any other class, EVERY time I log into the game. That chart takes into consideration alts made that people no longer play or only use as bank toons. I still see more guardians and warriors than any other profession…period. And besides, according to your chart, there are more thieves than guardians….so where are all these thieves? I see maybe 5 to 6 thieves on any given day. I see probably 50-100 different guardians and warriors individually on any given day.
(edited by Zeph.5927)
I feel that anything bought on the gem store that is bound to you needs to be account bound. Period. Im sorry, but $10 for a pickaxe that only ONE character can use is dumb. Alot of people play multiple toons and gather on all of them as they play. Or they might make a future alt that they want the gathering tool transferred to. I get that Anet is trying to make money, but come on…..account bound or GTFO.
As far as I have heard it will be one of every weapon including Greatsword.
You guys do realize there are 4 classes that use Greatsword, and it is the most used weapon in the game? That is the reason there are more GS skins.
Swords are used by 5 classes. Staves by 4. Daggers by 4. Spears by 6. Yet only GS-es get a special treatment.
Yes but greatswords tend to be more of a kitten weapon that everyone wants as opposed to a tiny dagger or a spear that no one ever sees except when in water. Greatswords are big and noticeable and so people want them to look good and have lots of options for them. That and the fact that two of the most played professions (warrior and guardian) tend to have GS as their most used weapon. It makes sense if you stop and think about it…..more GS options is a good thing.
People talk about the Karka Queen as if it had been abbandoned, but it is done regularly in many servers.
Being done once a day after server reset doesn’t really count in my opinion. If Karka Queen isn’t being farmed on a consistent basis like the other world bosses (aka, many, many, many times a day) then it doesn’t count because that still leaves out large portions of the playerbase who can’t be there when she is actually being taken down.
One must ask, however, why it took them over a year after release to incorporate a useful LFG system in this day and age (honestly, EVERY new MMO should have a functioning LFG system at launch….to not have one shows pure laziness or uncaring on the devs’ part). Disconnect from reality maybe? Or just lazy devs? Or maybe they just didn’t give a kitten. At any rate, I guess it’s better late than never. To bad they already lost a big chunk of players who got tired of waiting for them to get their kitten in gear and put this in the game.
you sure? he’s still a world boss.
It will drop Ascended stuff, including new Ascended Weapons with unique skins. It will also drop a mini Tequatl.
you mean like the black lion chests drop scraps all the time? or how champ loot boxes drop loadstones and the new exotic weapons?
boy they sure do drop a lot. i’m gonna tell you what you’re gonna get.
1 rare and about 5 blues with maybe a green.
This is what I keep saying. The reward you get from the amount of time, effort, and coordination you have to put in is way out of balance. Do people honestly think the majority of people will do Teq every time he is up (with a very, VERY good chance at failing him still) when they could do 2, 3, or 4 other world bosses in the same time frame? The efficiency of farming Teq will hit rock bottom when the update goes live. And if there is one thing we’ve learned about the GW2 playerbase, it’s that people do the farms that are most efficient/profitable. Teq will no longer fit that category. And no, adding some new loot items with a 0.00000001% chance of dropping is NOT a big enough incentive to do Teq on a regular basis (and is honestly a slap in the players’ faces by Anet).
Calling it now……after people have gotten their Teq achievements or fail it the first few times, they will start to ignore Teq all together and take it out of their world boss farming rotation. Just like everyone did when the Orr Temples were updated to be harder and more time consuming. People just said screw it, it isn’t worth the extra effort with the current reward system.
If capturing those four camps was changed to capture the four camps in sequence and then fight the queen then people would do it.
Another suggestion would be that the captured camps stay freed for quite a time.
Why should we ever try to free the camps (eg. in a smaller group), when they become contested again too soon whilst we are still trying to free the rest of the camps?
Or maybe there could be a timer that displays as soon as people are trying to free the camps.. not just after they achieved that and the karka queen has spawned so people come and kill her for the loot. -.- (Not sure if it works that way, but can’t remember when the karka queen currently is displayed in the timer.)
Well, that brings me to another idea.. they could easily increase the reward for the people that are involved in all the freeing and so on..Why not give a world wide announcement that there is something up in Southsun Cove? (similar to invasions)
After that people have a certain amount of time to free the camps and kill the karka queen (the karka queen could be spawning at different places.. like scarlet, who knows?).. and the event would give a reward for completing as well as a reward for failing..I would visit the karka queen more often, if they would tweak the situation to get her spawned a bit..
Because this is Anet we’re talking about here. They never do things the way they should be done. Anything that is logical is completely illogical to them and vice versa. I really want to know what they’re smoking at Anet HQ. Must be some REALLY good stuff.
Teq will, to any player present since the beginning and exclusing pre-events, take atleast 15 minutes
If you can earn 1.5g for a dungeon run (once a day) of equal or shorter length, I think it’s a modest proposal that Teq rewards you with 1.5g as well, once a day. Maybe a bit less or make it two exotics to combat inflation.
It’s just the way it is that ANet can’t buff dungeon rewards and introduce massive inflation-causing LS events and then still expect people to dedicate 20 or more minutes on a zone boss event for a few silver and a rare.If they randomize the respawn rates, I will kittening quit this game. It will be bad enough trying to organize 80 people to get kitten done, and then throw in the fact that you will have no idea WHEN the kitten goes down, then kittening forget it. I dont have time to sit in a zone for hours on end just waiting for some boss to randomly spawn. That would be the worst idea ever. Less people would be willing to do boss fights if they have no kittening clue when theyre happening. And less people for the Teq fight will be counter productive. Bad idea dude….very bad idea.
How about then you stop waiting for hours for specific (dragon) bosses, and instead rotate between all the meta event bosses? I know thinking outside the box probably isn’t your forte but give it a go still.
You really didn’t understand what I was trying to get at did you? Perhaps thinking isn’t your forte?
One of the interesting things to note is that content seems to pile on in clumps of specific content instead of constant variety. We had the Crown Pavillion zerg farm, Scarlet invasion zerg farms, champion loot bag zerg farms and now Tequatl zerg content. All the large scale open world content is coming out at the same time. Then look at Dragon Bash followed by Aspect Arena, Southsun Survival and Sanctum Sprint. A couple months of heavy mini-games content. Around that time they had two months of Living Story based jumping puzzle achievements.
It’s like they unintentionally give us too much of the same thing at the same time. Too bad they didn’t give us “too much” dungeon content. That would have been nice.
I’d kill for “to much Elder Dragon content” right now. I mean seriously. Over a year later and still kittening nothing for the primary purpose and lore of the game? Enough with this meaningless side story bullkitten Anet. Give me Elder Dragon content or GTFO!
And no, the new Teq is not new Elder Dragon content. For one, he’s been there since launch, just has different mechanics now. And two, we’ve already killed Zhaitan, so anything pertaining to him now is just stupid. We have several other dragons to deal with now, so let’s get cracking on that!
I’m pretty sure if all bosses are made stronger people will still do them
People skip out on several of them with the diffiulty they are at now. If you increase the difficulty without some significant changes in loot it will just add more that are being ignored. Today I’ve soloed golem m2, and he’s easy. Simply put people want money in order to get things they enjoy. That’s pretty easy to understand for everyone I think. Now it just becomes which way makes the most money. It’s all fine as long as the bosses scale for small groups too. If there is a minimum of 10 put on them though then several world bosses will never be completed by the majority of the servers.
Go check that sometime. Even at prime time there are some that just aren’t done. Either because of the difficulty, time, or a combination of the two. I’ve seen people now just skipping everything except sb/maw/shatt. Anything that has a built in wait time though just isn’t worth it.
My point is that as long as they make the events so that they scale for small groups it will be fine. If they don’t give it a low minimum though people are going to have to transfer/guest just to do those.
This right here. I also said the same thing in my post. If the effort/time requirement outweighs the efficiency at farming the event, then people will start to ignore it. Just like the temple events in Orr. Anet made them harder/more time consuming to do, and now on most servers, they stay contested 24/7 because people can farm more efficiently doing other things. If all the world bosses become like the temples did, you’ll never see anyone doing world bosses after they’ve killed them for the achievements the first couple of times. End of story.
I’d like to see someone refute this considering the temples in Orr are the PERFECT example of this backfiring in a very major and very bad way.
I lol’d at the Mega Destroyer buff.
The ones that should only be buffed are the ones farmed on a regular respawn basis. But this is a step in the right direction and is long overdue. Thanks Anet.
Next project will be fixing the stupid fixed timers and fixed respawn location (although this one might be tricky) making it very random to allow for a more world exploration/discovery/surprise type of encounter and not like:
Check dragon timers —> WP to dragon --> spam auto attack —> loot.
If they randomize the respawn rates, I will kittening quit this game. It will be bad enough trying to organize 80 people to get kitten done, and then throw in the fact that you will have no idea WHEN the kitten goes down, then kittening forget it. I dont have time to sit in a zone for hours on end just waiting for some boss to randomly spawn. That would be the worst idea ever. Less people would be willing to do boss fights if they have no kittening clue when theyre happening. And less people for the Teq fight will be counter productive. Bad idea dude….very bad idea.
I’m all for some more challenging content, but I have a feeling this is going to backfire on them hard. You can’t make a playerbase that has grown accustomed to "whack a foot’ for over a year suddenly do something that requires a alot of effort and skill, and then expect them to do it without complaint. To many people are use to being able to just show up, spam #1, and go afk until the chest spawns for them. You start requiring fights that need a certain number of people and then require those people to actually think and put in effort, and people are just gonna start saying “screw it” and not do it.
Simply look to the Temple events in Orr as an example. Anet updated them to be harder and actually require some coordination, and people just stopped farming them. Even with the update to getting ascended loot from them, they still remain contested a vast majority of the time. Why? Because most players want the easy way out. If there are events/bosses that are easier to farm than the revamped ones, guess what those players are going to do? Yep, they are going to farm the stuff that only requires them to be present and spamming #1. It’s a sad truth, but a truth nonetheless.
And I also have a feeling that after the hardcore players that WANT these tougher fights get the achievements from them or skins (especially the Teq fight), they’ll eventually stop doing them. Especially if it gets to the point where enough people stop caring that the events become impossible to do. Next thing you know, the world bosses will become just like the Orr temple events. Aka, only coordinated guild groups who take the time to actually do them will ever get them done. The rest of the time, people will just ignore them for an easier farm elsewhere.
I appreciate what Anet is trying to do with these bosses. Unfortunately, after making content so trivial for over a year though, I have a feeling they will accomplish nothing more than to kitten off a big chunk of their playerbase. While some will like these changes, I forsee a large number of players leaving GW2 over this. Sad, but true.
Anet is so kittening out of touch with their players and their own game it’s pathetic. Seriously….who is the dumb kitten at Anet who thought adding WAY MORE GRIND to the game, especially at this point in its life cycle (aka not a good time), was a good idea?!? They’re killing their own game faster than what even Bioware did with SWTOR. It’s so kittening sad. I had such high hopes for this game. Anet has disappointed at every single turn. Literally, EVERY SINGLE TURN. I don’t know what the kitten they’re smoking over at Anet HQ, but they have got to get their heads out of their kitten before this game takes a dive in the toilet for good.
(edited by Zeph.5927)
If Anet had any sort of reliable and competent form of testing these patches before just tossing them to the wind, we wouldn’t have to deal with this kitten every two weeks. They have some of the worst QA I’ve ever seen in a AAA MMO developer.
Except no matter the QA you will still have bugs regardless. There is nothing that will ever come perfect. It could be worse where there is a bug that exist but it doesn’t get fixed for an extended period of time. The fact that it gets fixed fast is a good thing. At the same time QA will never pick up everything that players in a live environment will pick up because there are people who play in very different ways and do different things. That is how some bugs are discovered. An example is glyph of elementals on Elementalist where you can apply a condition to yourself under specific conditions.
Having bugs in a game is unavoidable. But seeing as how Anet’s testing methods are practically nonexistent, WAY to many bugs slip through to live patches. That’s the problem. SOME bugs are fine. The number with any given Anet patch borders on the absurd though.
If Anet had any sort of reliable and competent form of testing these patches before just tossing them to the wind, we wouldn’t have to deal with this kitten every two weeks. They have some of the worst QA I’ve ever seen in a AAA MMO developer.
Stop it with the personal insults . I very much disagree with Brutalisk and ABSOLUTELY HATE gendered armor and gender stereotypes with an undying passion, but that is no excuse for vomiting abusive BS at each other.
Thank you. I don’t have an opinion on the matter frankly, but seeing everyone resort to insults such as “You should be playing Hello Kitty Online instead” is sickening and you guys should be ashamed of yourselves. Someone having an opinion that is not the same as yours is not ‘wrong’, they simply have a different view than yours and if you can’t have a civilized discussion about the two sides then please drop the topic entirely.
Maybe I shouldn’t have used the Hello Kitty Online part, but I still stand by my point. To change the armor or to even suggest that it be changed IS stupid from the established lore aspect of the game. And considering more people like the fact that charr armor is the same for both male and female, it’s safe to say that gender different armor is in the minority and should be all together ignored.
Having an opinion is fine. Wishing that opinion would make a change that the vast majority of people would hate? Not fine. It irritates me to no end when people want to kitten all over a game’s lore just because of a personal preference. If they want that, then they can go make their own game, the way they want it to be made. Until then, deal with the lore or gtfo.
WTB: Decent Staff Skin. Anybody? Anybody? No? …….
Agreed. GS and Hammers came off smelling like a rose with these new champ weapons, but staff? Pffft…..pathetic.
Troll thread is, well, trollish.
Brutalistik, you just don’t get it.
Female charr will never and should never have different looking armor from the males. That’s the lore behind it, and to change that now would be idiotic and make zero sense. Just because YOU and maybe a select few others want it that way, DOES NOT mean it should be that way. If Anet makes a change like what you’re suggesting, then shame on them. If you can’t grasp the simple logic on why female charr armor looks the same as male charr armor, then maybe you should be playing Hello Kitty Online instead of GW2. This isn’t about what a select few players want in real life, it’s about the established lore and story of the game, which makes PERFECT sense to most of us. Obviously not you, but thank god Anet hasn’t listened to your idiotic suggestion yet (and hopefully they don’t).
That being said, Charr armor DOES need to be fixed with all the clipping issues and the simple fact that most armor looks idiotic on the Charr models. They need to start designing armors from the ground up with Charr in mind instead of just making it for humans and then stretching it over a Charr body. It’s pure and simple laziness and it shows.