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The fire trait line has an adept trait skill, and the 25th skill slot that both give 5% extra damage to burning. Do these effects stack to give 10%? Or does it stack multiplicatively? I can’t find an answer through google, so I figured I would ask everyone here.
Earth is generally portrayed as a physical object. Fields are like liquids, able to coat a physical object, adding more properties to it.
Generally, a earth field wouldn’t make sense, because the field would be a solid and not allow another object to pass through it. To have an earth field, it would have to be dust, which would be the same as the smoke field. Underwater, this is what earth 5 is – dust in the water, creating a smoke field.
They could make the system more complex and do something like water field + earth skill = mud field, which would be a combination combo field, but that’s another story.
Our earth 4 skill in staff should be a combo field. Our fire wall in scepter is a combo field for fire, it would be cool to have our earth wall be a combo field too.
I love the idea of magnetic aura as a leap finisher, magnetic aura is such a useful aura, and we need more of them. Although with all of the protection buffs already in the game, and the very nature of the boon I would say it would be too strong to give aoe protection. I think it would be cool to give aoe stability to a team though, and it would be useful in a couple places.
we already have air combo fields, our staff 5 skill is a combo field.
And technically speaking our underwater earth 5 skill is a combo field too, and it inflict blind on projectile finishers, and stealth on blast finishers. It would be interesting to see an earth field on ground too, there could be some awesome DD elementalist tricks you could do with a blast finisher that causes stealth.
I like being level 80 a whole lot more than having to level up, but it’s understandable if people see 80/full exotics as pretty much finishing the game where they don’t fell any inspiration to go any farther.
For me it’s all about keeping myself busy. There are a ton of wholly different aspects in this game, that I haven’t even begun to start. Only a couple days ago I finally finished my personal story, and I have never run an explorable dungeon path yet. It’s just something I see myself doing later.
in the contacts menu you can set yourself as invisible.
Best I can find on the TP is 28c whites items. Its 750 salvages so that would come to 2gold 10 silver. Seems alot of people are crafting low level gear and salvaging, but its not possible for me to do as I don’t have a large supply of low level mats for that :/ Going to keep looking!
you could sell back all of the salvaged mats on TP and probably recupe 70% of that money you spent.
needs to be fine/masterwork quality. check the trading post there are a ton on there for very cheap.
here lies saintbookman.
He realized while falling for the 100th time in the windy station jump puzzle that this time he could see the ground.
If they just rotated the colors every server week, it would never be a problem. I didn’t want to wait 1 month to get a lucky rotation for the one borderlands I didn’t have. and if you don’t get a lucky switch it’s going to take a week anyways for the next borderlands swap. It’s better to wait for the switch friday, and if your team isn’t on the borderlands you want, then switch to another server, and wait out the extra week. You can still run dungeons with your friends on a different server, but unfortunately you get locked out of WvWvW and open world PvE content.
-If you need to capture a channeled skillpoint, and don’t want to fight your way through, start the skillpoint, and then go into mistform. the invulnerable time should be just long enough for you to acquire the skillpoint and get out. (Also works with Obsidian Flesh)
-while mining be careful with your skills. Changing attunements at the wrong time can lead to ruined ore chunks, and log pieces. Although I haven’t done enough thorough research you can mist form while mining, and still get items
-If you go down while trying to get a channeled skillpoint go into mistform and you will be able to get a full channel before you die.
-Magnetic aura in Earth Focus skill 4 is not considered an aura. That Aura is in Staff 3
-The trait Blasting staff will make your aoes from staff larger, but it will not be shown on the targeting reticule.
only two atm. I have a full set of rare mf gear w/ pirate runes to get my tailor to 400. It killed two birds with one stone, and I have a set of knight’s exalted, with rare trinkets (I was too cheap to go full exotics). I was thinking of crafting a full set of zerker gear, but halfway through I decided not to and see how soon they introduce ascended gear, so I wouldn’t be sol after I got them.
How do you guys carry more than one set of gear with you? I use invisible bags, but with all the emergency junk I never use I don’t have enough room. (blueprints, instant merchant/bank items, repair canisters, staff weapon)
My scepter/focus build I go with uses 20 in earth, 20 in water, and 30 in arcane. Your choices can vary, but for my trait skills I use
elemental shielding/geomancer’s alacrity for earth
Cleansing wave/Cantrip mastery in water
elemental attunement/Vigourous scepter/Evasive Arcana for arcane.
I’ve found the key to running with a good scepter/focus build is staying tanky, while trying to keep up might stacks. It’s pretty simple to get 25 stacks of might up, in two full attunement rotations. throw down fire 4, blast finisher with 2 and 3. Switch to earth and dodge roll into the fire field. Use 4, switch to water and throw down 5.
The reason I use a scepter focus build is because of its great survivability. Each attunement has multiple damage delay spells. Earth gets extra toughness, an aoe blind to delay damage, a reflective shield that cures condition, and a 5 second invulnerability. Air has a protective bubble that blocks projectiles, an instant blind, and a great knockdown. Water has its trident heal, chill, and the daze. Fire has the least survivability, but with the elemental shielding it makes the aura give protection. I’ve found that in addition to using cantrips (armor of earth, mist form, lightning flash) it is a pretty good bunker build.
This is all my personal opinion, but I think the only way Scepter/Focus works out is a survivability defensive build. building crit doesn’t benefit your autoattacks very well. Fire auto is used for its condition burning and has awful direct damage, water is low dps, and air is really bad at putting out damage, unless combined with its 2 skill, but even then two skills make up for one autoattack. Earth has the same problem with Fire, it’s used for condition damage. You will mainly use crit for your Fire 2/3 which are both easily dodgeable. for PvE it’s fine because mobs don’t dodge or move, but its harder to hit somebody unless you lead with the knockdown in air. I find crit to be wasted in a scepter/focus build.
Again this is all my opinion, because if you want that sort of thing go for a DD build. Scepter/Focus got me solo through Orr, and for PvE I think it’s amazing because you can easily set up 25 stacks of might, and mobs can’t dodge fire 2/3 and both skills deal good damage. the invulnerable is perfect for any channel skillpoints, and combined with mist form guarantees a safe channel time. Also you deal decent aoe damage with Evasive Arcana, and Fire 2/3. However, I wouldn’t use it outside of PvE, too much, there are better options.
18 gold is the max I’ve ever had, and I spent it on crafting my cloth exotic set. Combined throughout my entire play time I probably made about 30 gold.
also take into account that Fire autoattack splashes quite a bit. Also Earth causes weakness, so all of the staff effects should have lower dps scales since they have alternative effects.
What really saddens me is the scepter dps output. I like running scepters and I wish it put out more damage.
it should. I would find no reason it wouldn’t.
The wiki says the effects are dependent on the number as well as the grade of the rune.
I’m finding that I have too much toughness for my liking and not enough Vitality. How does the interaction between those two work? Does armor give diminishing returns past a certain point? Or do I get more effective HP past a certain amount of armor?
I’m asking because I’m starting on my trinkets, and I’d like to know if i should keep speccing into more toughness or go for some vitality items to pad my hp pool a bit more. I play a lot of League of Legends so I’m confused because there isn’t a whole lot of info about how to build survivability.
Thanks in advance.