This is the thing that bothers me, that skill was really useful in PvE. I used it all the time, because stupid bosses always 1 shot AOE all your clones anyway. I haven’t seen anyone complaining about this 1 skill. Whoever priorities their bug fixes hates mesmers. That’s pretty much it. This ‘nerf’ was pretty much out of no where.
This is pretty frustrating overall. I don’t know if the ileap ability to swap was ‘op’ or not in PvP. It was part of the play we had and I haven’t seen people complaining about it. But, it feels like Anet is getting thier kicks out of kicking mesmers to the ground. stepping on them, and then kicking them somemore.
The ileap had a lot of useful PvE applications. I use the ability to escape often on boss fights which 1 shot clones anyway. e.g. Molten Berserker in Fractals.
There’s a fairly extensive list of things the Mesmer community would love to have fixed, but time and time again they look at it. ignore it, and find something else to nerf.
I kind of know what Tyrion Lannister feels like. To be born a mesmer, and always picked on…
Join a big guild a do it yourself? ‘Borrow’ from all willing investors in the guild, short their commodity, skin, or whatever item and buy it back at a future date?
Good point maybe, but a trolling answer because they failed to explain why. As for the salvage value of low level gear, bullkitten. That requires you to always and only get light armor out of the bags. Level 80 gear can give you silk, ori, ancient wood, and ectos. All of which are more valuable. Not to mention much higher chance of getting regular exotics out of the bags which you can then salvage for inscriptions or runes, or outright sell.
We’ve collected some sample data, and it shows that there is NOT a higher chance than level 50-60s for getting exotics.
While ori is more valuable, mithril isn’t compared to platinum. Same with ancient wood, elder wood, and hardwood.
The main difference was getting the level 50-60 rares that you can’t salvage for ectos and can only re-sell or mystic forge.
On the pro side, you don’t get bloodstone dust when you salvage on a low level.
To be honest, one way doesn’t seem clearly better than the other, it kind of depends on your personal luck for salvaging item upgrades and getting rares.
Strangely enough, between all the players we were gathering this information from, we actually had more rare drops each, on lower levels than 80s. There might be some sort of bias in there. Same with exotic drops as well, it was nearly 50% when an exotic dropped between 80s and level 50s-60s, with even the lower levels coming out a bit ahead.
Try retraiting while you have stacks. I don’t know what they want to do for stacking sigils. Just not worth the hassle anymore.
If you’re lucky enough to get in for a gold boss blitz you’ll gain equipment and levels very quickly. I recommend you keep your gear fairly updated for your level and see if you can get into an instance. It’ll be time well spent. Just make sure you follow the commander’s directions.
This has been great, halfway done my working day. Your post keeps me interested while I’m at work. Thanks for your contribution to the community. Did you ever go back to finish off that champion spider?
Not killing everything then? Tell them they should have read the lfg. Once you make an exception to the rule, society will break down and they might move to skipping mobs. If you’re not careful, soon It’ll be gasp stacking. If they didn’t want to kill everything they should make their own lfg. ;p
(edited by captainteemo.6537)
No stacking, play as “intended”. Post total completion time.
May Grenth have mercy on your souls.
I was looking for him as well. I hope he’s okay. Stocking up on new wares? Something useful from bladeshards?
I just wanted to know, is this seriously all we can do with the blade shard vendor we’ve waited months for? Was there anything better than to expect a bunch of greens? You can trade tokens for tier 6 materials. How about trading blade shards as well?
Do you get better loot for silver?
Like I said:
Forceful Greatsword triggers Phalanx Strength for one stack of might for six seconds. A GS rotation should look approximately like 2 GS chains > HB > WWA > run back for an average of 6 + 9 + 4 = 19 hits every 10 seconds. Let’s round that up to 20 per 10 seconds and you get 2 hits per second. At 50% critical hit chance that means you get, on average, one crit per second. That equates to one proc of Phalanx Strength per second for 6 seconds, or a sustained 6 stacks. For Great Justice is 3 stacks of might for 25 seconds on a 25 second CD = 3 stacks sustained. PS gives an extra 3 stacks for 6 seconds = 3 × 6 /25 = .72 stacks average. All together: 6 + 3 + .72 = 9.72 stacks of might.
Add in boon duration and Strength runes = +75% might duration. 9.72 × 1.75 =
~17 stacks of might, BUT:- PS through FGJ only gives might for about 10 seconds. That’s 10 seconds where you have +3 might, 25 without.
- FGJ only gives 3 stacks of might from the start and won’t overlap until 25 seconds in.So in reality you’re looking at closer to 11 stacks of might for most of the fight, unless you burn your super-long-cooldown elite or the fight’s been dragging on a while.
I guess this is where you guys claim that math is for nerds and you don’t believe in it until I make a video of a warrior not getting 25 stacks of might etc. You know, same old deal? Or should we just skip to the part where I turn out to be right as always?
We run a Phalanx Warrior for our group. Without external might stacking (or very little) we easily maintain 20~25 stacks of might for all fights (bloom hunger, trash mobs, etc) Based on in game experience.
you can’t. I bought a few thinking I could after unlocking the skin. I can’t salvage or put them in the mystic forge.
(edited by captainteemo.6537)
Oh, you can still get them in the black lion chests so a side benefit to all the key farmers.
So much fake demand being generated. There is so much hidden stock, 90% of my friends have stacks waiting to unload and everyone bought all the colors they wanted already. China market is separate so it won’t effect start we have. If you want to lock up what gold you have for another half year or more then I guess you can buy some now.
This is terrible, so people who ran missions but didn’t guest because they were already with everyone loses out? Would’ve been really nice to have those commendations this week…
A couple of questions if anyone happens to know the answers. With the introduction of the megaserver, how does this effect guilds that are cross server?
1) Can cross server guilds help with Trek missions?
2) How is influence generated of 2 or more people from the same guild (guild name?) but from different servers doing events together on the megaserver?
Bump this. I remember there was a comment/post that we’re going to ‘love’ the new mystic forge. I seriously wonder who thought we would love increased chances at getting items we don’t want and lower level items from higher level stuff? Like people wanted a new mystic forge with more random chance?
Seriously, guest to Eredon Terrace. We have no one. I’m sure people would even be happy if you asked them to join. It looks like only bots in Cursed Shores.
This was terrible, people killing things not knowing how to spawn SB. Everything died, but still we failed the event. You can’t hurt the portals?
I think, you should find a different group that fits your strategy. You had enough time to write this, you could have wrote your own LFG by now.
Nice work! I think it would be a sad state of this game if they started limiting us even more where we can go in a ‘world’. It won’t be a world anymore, just a box. Hope this will stay for dungeons as well! Keep up the good work exploring the world!
Mesmer is the worst. You can’t push anything away, you can’t hide for very long, about 75% of the time you move closer to the danger you’re trying to escape making it even harder for people to help you.
Good to know! Thanks, so apparently not all flame legion and dredge are part of the molten alliance, but all nightmare court and krait are!
Maybe unlike most people, I don’t come from a long background of MMOs, so maybe my opinion is the minority? But, as I posted else where, I think the flexibility to skip or traverse areas of the dungeon and not being linearly locked down to a set path, is a good thing. The freedom to choose is good imo. Zerging in the corner is a bit more efficient, but it doesn’t mean you as a player don’t have options to not do it that way.
Well, I think we’re thinking about this in different ways.
1) Lore wise – yes, not every member was part of the alliance. So timeline wise, it might not make sense for certain dungeons and areas.
2) Game wise – I’m guessing each unit has a ‘marker’ to denote a type for that unit. So assuming all krait are marked as ‘krait’ and the potion triggers against anything marked ‘krait’ etc.
It works against Nightmare Court.
Thanks! can get rid of those nightmare court potions then! More inventory space!
The topic of dungeons in GW2 is quite diverse. People love and hate all aspects of it, and discussions and arguments break out all the time. I play with, and have played with people who have enjoyed totally different aspects of the current dungeon systems.
There really isn’t a way to make everyone happy. This is a fact, and this is life.
What I believe moving forward for either new dungeons or re-designs (hopefully in the future!), is that Dungeons should offer some flexibility of choices.
1) Path choices. I don’t mean path 1,2,3 choices, I mean don’t try to time gate from the start to the finish. Some people want quick efficient runs. Some truly amazing skips can be thought of to save time and I think the option is great to provide. Not everyone wants to be directed through a fixed linear dungeon. Allow for those times when a set of moderately advance jumps can help you avoid a troublesome group of monsters.
2) Reward people who invest extra time to complete content. My group spends the extra timing clearing the Champion wolf in CoE, and Kholer in AC. We like picking up the extra loot, and the fun of it. If the group doesn’t feel like it that day or the group composition changes and seems too difficult (unpleasant?) to do, then we fully have the option of skipping it. Small rewards for the time spent doing it, while still giving the flexibility to others who choose not to. A friend picked up a precursor in one of those chests so it was another reason WE as the players DECIDED ourselves to do. It was never forced on us. Again this goes along the line of not having the linear path progression.
3) Bosses. I have no issues with having required boss fights. It is in no way reasonable to be able to skip through the entire dungeon to complete. Each dungeon has a mini story, and it’s own objectives to complete. As long as the group can creatively complete (kill all main bosses) those criteria then they should be rewarded. If they skip the boss, since it is a requirement to defeat to complete the story objective, then they forgo the reward. People complain time and time again about Boss fights and AI. If you’re a gamer, you’re always trying to fight/exploit the A.I. That’s what gaming is (minus the PvP aspect of it). I think A.I. and boss fight mechanics will need it’s own month of focus to truly improve. Everyone judges Anet for these dungeon A.I.s that have been around for well over a year. If you look at some of the new fights, for example in the T.A. Aetherblades path, the fight with Sparki and Slick is (imo) a pretty good design. You can stack to dps/melee with a high risk/high reward (more damage) option. You can range for a safer lower risk/lower dps option. You can not sit in a corner and smack 1,1,1,1,1,… and people need to some what pay attention. The skip cap isn’t so high that it is only for ‘elite players’, and the team work involved can be done with even PUGs.
I hope this opinion makes it’s way to someone’s desk/meeting for consideration. I appreciate how Anet is trying to improve and this was just my opinion on the direction it should go.
Why should that be a bug? Krait were part of the alliance. So was the nightmare court. It would be great of someone officially could test/tell us if there’s actually a buff while fighting them? In dungeons and the open world?
The only ones that worked with Scarlet but weren’t officially part of the alliance was the inquest?
I think the answer is always ‘it depends’.
Your requirement of " sPvP, WvW, roaming and PvE" is so broad. Almost all classes can do ‘well’ in those areas (which doesn’t answer your question but lends to the difficulty of the decision).
for sPvP and tPvP only the mesmer is in a poor position. Though there seems to be group comps that can work with it, if you follow some of the other PvP threads, the thief has pretty much taken over the spot for the mesmer. Again situational and really depends on the group composition. Likely you’ll find a warrior, guardian, or thief in a team. Frequent are Necros and Engineers. Occasionally they’ll work with Eles and Mesmers, though Eles tend more to the Frequent compared to Mesmers. Of course this really depends on rank as well.
for WvW/roaming, everyone has a roll in a group composition. You might want to look at your friends and guildies to see if you wouldn’t mind picking up a class to compliment them.
PvE open world is open. If you’re just farming and tagging then pretty much anything with decent mobility and AOE.
PvE Dungeons can be further broken down into casual runs/pugs which anything works and if you’re just having fun then go ahead and play the fun class!
PvE organized Dungeon runs, depending on the dungeon are mainly Warriors and Eles for the damage and buffs, Guardians for protection/stability/aegis/reflects, Mesmers and thieves for stealth and to help skip. I seldom see Engs and Necros in these organized compositions. Rangers have a place in certain organized group parts for the dps buff as well, though generally not liked in dungeons. Not that they can’t work, but again there are others that can do their job better in a group.
But, as someone pointed out, pick something you can enjoy. No point spending your time in game if you’re just working at a class and not really enjoying the class.
I’m getting this A LOT now. Seriously getting annoyed. There’s nothing I can do to play the content that I want to play.
It’s still funny. This really brightens my day! Great work here. This captures the spirit of April Fools perfectly. It only lasts one day so enjoy it while you can! Our whole dungeon run stopped to laugh and take pictures. It was great. I saw tons of people out flocking to the world bosses to take a look.
Thanks! I’m really thinking about this :x
Casual player here. I like playing all modes of the game, and have managed to save up a decent amount of glory, but not a huge amount of glory. I have about 61,000 glory points at the moment which leaves me with the big question. How do I best use these?
From the post about combining the PvP skin locker with the new wardrobe system. I’ve given up trying to fill/forge for things like Arah armour, which I can easily buy with the tokens I have. Aside from Tribal and Commando, were there any other PvP specific skins that I should work to pick up? Though even those looks weren’t particularly inviting to me.
Off the top of my head I can think of the following options, and would love to hear people’s advice on them.
1) Use 60k glory points + 60g to buy T3 cultural. Basically treating 60k glory like 50+ gold.
2) Mystery coffers. Though from the people I know who have used them, they report about 1 good skin out of 50 coffers. As I said above, a lot of the skins just come from crafted/found gear out in the normal PvE world. Seems like a waste to use glory on them.
3) Mix/mats for unidentified dyes. Filling out colours I’m missing, and selling/putting duplicates on alts. Basically not really helping out my wardrobe for skins I might want. Though the common skins I don’t really have such a desire for, and ‘nice’ skins like infinite light require a high rank (which I don’t quite have. I’m a Wolf) or luck with mystery coffers.
4) Tomes of Knowledge? seems a bit like a waste, I farmed up about 50 during the LA events. We’ll be getting them just playing the game and I’m not exactly rushed to level all my mules.
5) Any other suggestions? Once the glory’s gone.. it’s gone..
Thanks in advance!
Feeling a little sad about starting off on a ‘medium’ population server and finding the population low. WvWvW has been a struggle and with the free transfers I just found out that some large WvW guilds transferred to stack on 1 server.
Worked hard for my personal guild influence so I don’t really want to leave, though I know other people are going just so they can get the skins.
What’s better? be greedy and go for skins and leave a dying server?
Very frustrating. Anyone have any clues how or why people in Asia are lagging so much on the NA servers? As opposed to previously when it wasn’t such an issue, this whole month has been frustrating.
I’m excited about sigil changes. I posted a while ago, we always got the short end of the stick, because of the who phantasms don’t inherit Critical Damage, and people said they won’t proc effects (air, purity, fire, etc) so it was up to our auto attack. Other classes have a chance to proc based on a wide range of skills on their bar (1,2,3,4,5!) and we usually have 2 clone of phant skills which couldn’t take advantage of either the critical damage or the on proc effects.
I guess with ferocity, our phant damage might go up so we’ll be more inline with damage with other classes. We’re so slow to warm up to damage unlike the other classes.
“Disillusioned” could it applied to those under the confused condition? Will we be able to get bonus burst on those that are confused? Like bursting a stack of confusion for instant bonus damage? Just my guess!
They certainly made the descriptions exciting. I really want to see some quality of life changes to the clone/phant AI’s. Hopefully mesmers will get some love! I’m excited!
I agree that the forums are generally really negative. The reality isn’t so black and white.
I think what a net is trying to do with living story is a good idea in theory. They also seem to be improving upon each release. Trying to address issues that have come up with previous releases. People saw that people going afk was an issue and they designed a more active participation system in the current event. They’re also trying to innovate each fight based around the limitations of the current framework / gaming system and mechanics. So I give them an “A” for effort.
However, on the downside. 2 week release schedule seems too quick and possibly should be scaled back to a month. As the current release has shown there is either too little time or a potential deficiency in the QA departure to properly test new content.
I would really like to see releases more thoroughly tested instead of using the player base as their QA. I spend time trying to enjoy the game, but I’m not here to find all thier bugs.
The fact that bugs exist isn’t a problem. Bugs are a reality in the programming world. If you waited for a perfect product, we wouldn’t have anything to use. Including your operating system. But, if your operating system stopped allowing people to work or save work after the first try. I think the testing parameters need to account for these things.
Communications is a bit spotty as well. Occasionally they’ve been good about acknowledging a bug and telling people it will be fixed. Better than keeping us in the dark and wondering if they’re really listening.
Knights aren't dropping loot [Resolved]
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: captainteemo.6537
Okay, mistakes happen. If some community manager could acknowledge that our complaints are being forwarded? I enjoyed my first fight against the knights, but I don’t want to spend another 40 minutes fighting just to mash buttons.
Knights aren't dropping loot [Resolved]
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: captainteemo.6537
There is a lot of frustration going on. I’ve also given up trying to go for knights. There’s a lot of time and effort that isn’t being rewarded here. If someone from Arena net would please so kindly provide an answer to either HOW we can qualify for a loot drop, or why so many of us aren’t receiving drops for our participation.
Knights aren't dropping loot [Resolved]
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: captainteemo.6537
Majority of the time No one in my party is getting loot drops from the knights. We’re all there from the beginning of the fight to the end when they go down, constantly doing our part. Pretty frustrating how many drops we’ve some how missed?
Oh, thanks. I thought that was only from the recipe he sells. There was already one there when I walked over.
What is that 50s “secret” item he sells? You pay and nothing happens?
Scarlet chests. Don't mislead us.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: captainteemo.6537
Girl friend actually commented before about slyvari in general not having any. I thought it was just a race thing, but I guess she breaks the norm? New body types coming soon?
Scarlet chests. Don't mislead us.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: captainteemo.6537
Thanks, for the reply!
Yeah, I don’t know why I end up collecting a lot of stuff in this game. Full bank tabs almost always full. The alts allow me to distribute a lot of my storage space and I was averaging a silver doubloon per day… So they weren’t useless…
You can laugh
Scarlet chests. Don't mislead us.
in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath
Posted by: captainteemo.6537
I’m still very concerned over the whole “scarlet’s lair is staying”, "but you didn’t ask about the chests so we’re taking them away " issue. Since my girlfriend started school she hasn’t been on much. She runs quick events and dungeons with her limited time online and even organizing and cleaning up inventory can be time consuming. Based on the previous forum post about the lair (and our assumption that it meant the reward chests, not the diary pages she keeps leaving behind after we burn them each time we’re in there) we thought it would be okay not to use up the keys and not to open up all those marionette bags we ended up with. Opening up 3 of those warden v bags pretty much fills her bags and salvaging and clicking on each “spare” keys just eats up so much time.
Will there be a final decision released to us if a possible 2 weeks, get your past earned loot, grace period will be given back to us?