Showing Posts For darkdomino.9578:

Why is the tone and style of GW2 so "goofy"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: darkdomino.9578


I can’t speak for the other storylines because I haven’t finished them yet… but I can tell you this: the Order of Whispers storyline is the most non-serious of all the 3 factions (At least from what I’m reading on here)

There’s Tybalt’s antics. Drinking contests with pirates. A mission where you accidentally drug yourself with psychedelics and become a babbling idiot, saying “OOOZES OOZES OOZES” …. Not to mention infiltrating the pirate camp, where you meet a whole host of clowns… Then you’ve got a whole Skrit thing, which wouldn’t be unbearable if the Skrit weren’t a parody race (just like the quaggan) – simply there to make people giggle…. It was just one “gag” after the next, and clearly I didn’t pick the right faction for wanting a serious story.

But you guys are right – the story does get semi-serious up to the point where you begin dealing with Zhaitan… but a huge chunk of my story with Order of Whispers was just one weird event after the next, and getting through a lot of it felt like “work” because of how much I didn’t like the tone and theme of everything.

Fury of the Departed [Fury] –

Why is the tone and style of GW2 so "goofy"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: darkdomino.9578


This is something that has kinda bugged me from the get-go. The tone and style of Guild Wars 1 was fairly dark, post-searing… The dialogue was fairly serious, people talked about serious things. Even though the storyline was kinda disjointed, it still had an air of legitimacy. As the series “matured”, we saw a little bit more levity and comedy in the game – such as Kilroy Stoneskin – or the quest NPC in Factions who implies, more or less, that he needs you to help him get viagra to make his wife happy.

Guild Wars 2 seems to take everything a bit far. The entire game feels like one running gag after the next. The dialogue feels like parody more than something to be taken seriously. The asura, for god’s sake, are an entire race devoted to parody – everything they say is in the context of something outlandish, goofy, or absurd. It reminds me of when you clicked units in Warcraft too many times, and they said funny out-of-character things – well the entire game of GW2 feels like one big reel of out-of-character one-liners, inside jokes, and running gags.

The character of Tybalt, for example, is one running gag after the next. One mission involves him disguising himself, (via magic of course) as a woman and … talking like a woman… and just acting like a complete and total kitten I’m sure the GW2 writers thought all this was terribly clever, but I found it to be a bit tiresome. What I’m really saying is that I would have been much more receptive to some mature writing that actually treats the audience like they’ve got an above-average IQ.

The whole game feels like that guy who thinks he’s a whole lot funnier than he really is. He’s always elbowing you, making wisecracks at everything…. eh eh eh eh eh – It’s like for the love of god TAKE SOMETHING SERIOUSLY. Not everything is a gag, A-net. Not everything has to be some goofy inside joke. Can we get some actual writers to do some serious storylines for Guild Wars? You’ve got an enormous amount of lore in the Guild Wars universe and it feels like you haven’t tapped into any of it.

We get it, A-net … you can make a joke. But can you actually tell a compelling fantasy story? I guess we’ll see.

Fury of the Departed [Fury] –

Dragons and Lag

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: darkdomino.9578


GW2 is the only game I own that lags during events and even just mouslooking through Lion’s Arch. It’s ridiculous. I more than meet the system requirements, and can run the Crysis 3 Beta at 40 FPS. A-net just simply hasn’t optimized their game since the beta, and clearly has no intention of optimizing it further.

Fury of the Departed [Fury] –

In my opinion, Dailies are a shallow gameplay mechanic

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: darkdomino.9578


The GW2 dev team seem to have a fixation with dailies now – and this is a trend that I find somewhat disturbing, especially for a game that was touted as “above all that”

I invite you all to watch the GW2 dev manifesto, in case you’re interested in a good laugh:

We were promised something different – and yet here is A-net, encouraging people grind away for dumb rewards. Did the same dev team that made this manifesto ALSO make the game? ‘cause it’s like GW2 is suffering from massive bipolar disorder.

I’ll say it one more time: “Dailies” are not gameplay. There is no difference between having a quest NPC tell you to “kill 10 centaurs” and have a daily objective of “10 underwater kills” – THERE IS NO DIFFERENCE.

I don’t care that there are dailies. I get that a lot of people are into that… but the focus of GW2 (As stated in the manifesto) was something bigger, and deeper… So far I haven’t seen that. C’mon A-net – you can do better than this. This isn’t why a majority of us are playing GW2, or got into the series in the first place.

Fury of the Departed [Fury] –

Here's the final battle w/ Zhaitan...

in Personal Story

Posted by: darkdomino.9578


summed up for anyone that’s curious….

Mash button
Mash button
Mash button
Mash button
Mash button
Mash button
Mash button
Mash button
Mash button
Mash button

Zhaitan is dead.

People dance.

Traehern takes all the credit.


Really A-net? Really? I’m at a loss for words.

Fury of the Departed [Fury] –

A-net - PLEASE fix Guild permissions!

in Suggestions

Posted by: darkdomino.9578


A-net… you need to fix guild permissions so that Leaders can’t demote and kick other leaders.

Why on earth you guys thought it was a good idea to let leaders demote other leaders is just completely beyond my comprehension? Don’t you realize the potential chaos that this creates?

C’mon A-net – let’s get this fixed already. Jeez.

Fury of the Departed [Fury] –

...and we still don't have guild halls?

in Suggestions

Posted by: darkdomino.9578


Seriously A-net…. seriously….

How do we not have Guild Halls yet? I’m really at a loss here.

I don’t get it A-net … I really don’t get it.

Fury of the Departed [Fury] –

[Fury of the Departed] - Gate of Madness

in Guilds

Posted by: darkdomino.9578


Hey new Fury members (and potential members!) I just wanted to let you all know that we are still looking for awesome people. It doesn’t matter if you’ve been playing since Day 1 or just picked the game up yesterday. We don’t discriminate based on experience levels, classes, or anything like that – Come join an awesome group of people. We’re doing dungeons just about every weekend and having a blast!

Like I mentioned in the original post – we’ve got a big mumble voice chat server, a forum (that’s now Tapatalk enabled!) and we’re rocking The Gate of Madness server… the only thing we’re missing is YOU!

Wanna join up? or just get more info?
Send a whisper to:

Domino: darkdomino.9578
Talverion: talverion.6074

for joining up.

Fury of the Departed [Fury] –

need GW2 financial advice

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: darkdomino.9578


Is it a good time to cash out gems, or should I be investing in them?

I have been holding onto some gems for a while now, and I’m curious what other traders are doing.


Fury of the Departed [Fury] –


in Suggestions

Posted by: darkdomino.9578


I agree totally. I would like to see more “RPG” in this MMORPG…. they got the MMO part down, now let’s see the rest of it, A-net.

Fury of the Departed [Fury] –

GW2 needs depth - there I said it.

in Suggestions

Posted by: darkdomino.9578


This post is, for the most part, in response to the 2013 preview video that was released. I’m going to summarize that video for everyone:

“We’re going to keep doing what we’re doing… better”

That’s all well and good, but it isn’t what Guild Wars 2 needs. The grindy endgame content for this game has been a turnoff for a lot of people in my guild. In fact, once my guildies hit level 80, raid all the dungeons, and then WvW for hours on end… it’s hard to keep them coming back. I’m sure I’ll get a bunch of replies from people saying their guild doesn’t have this problem, and blah blah blah. Bottom line is that if you’re not into grinding areas for completion, there isn’t much to give this game a sense of depth.

Guild Wars 2 needs to have a wide array of activities that players can participate in that don’t involve clubbing things on the head. I think the game needs things like player housing – a place where we can customize and display our weapons, store our loot, and hang out with friends. This game needs GUILD HALLS (this game is called GUILD WARS and we still don’t have Guild Halls??? WTF?) … I want to see more complex NPCs that have simply daily routines, instead of GW1-style patrol paths. I’d like to see mounts, if only in the wide open world areas. I’m tired of NPCs saying the same things over and over… it breaks any sense of immersion that there could be.

We need more, and I hate to borrow concepts from Skyrim again, but Radiant AI style quests… such as hunting a fugitive, that is randomly spawned in an area for players to chase.

The bottom line is that this game needs way more depth to keep people involved. The hardcore people that enjoy grinding will stick with the game no matter what, and that’s fine. They are not the majority though. A majority of players are a bit more casual, and expect a more immersive experience than repeating the same events over and over again. Guild Wars 2 has enormous potential, and I really hope that ArenaNet taps into this for 2013. More events and better rewards are a start, but it indicates that ArenaNet might not realize that their game needs a bit more work than that. I really hope the initial success hasn’t gone to their heads.

Fury of the Departed [Fury] –

[Fury of the Departed] - Gate of Madness

in Guilds

Posted by: darkdomino.9578


We’re still looking for new recruits! Message me on Steam also if that’s more convenient:

Fury of the Departed [Fury] –

On Botting and What We’re Doing About It

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: darkdomino.9578


The problem is that A-net is trying to implement these “automated systems” to catch these people, instead of actually going down into the trenches and banning these people manually. Every system they put in place, the botters are going to adapt to.

Considering how much money ArenaNet made off GW1 and GW2 – I don’t think full or part-time GM’s on each server is out of the question. GM’s would be able to monitor situations in real time and actually act on information in a reasonable, human way.

I got 3+ gold spam mails a day, every time I log in. They’re not doing anything about it because they think they’re gonna be clever and implement auto-ban algorithims to try and quantify this behavior… It doesn’t work that way. The minute you set up an set of variables to identify a gold seller or a botter, they switch their game up. The only way this problem will be solved is actual real-life GM’s on each server keeping an eye on things. That’s the reality, folks.

Fury of the Departed [Fury] –

[Fury of the Departed] - Gate of Madness

in Guilds

Posted by: darkdomino.9578


Hello, we’re Fury of the Departed and we’re looking to expand our membership. We are a very old guild – we’ve been around since about 2005 when Guild Wars 1 came out. We have a very solid group of people and are very passionate about this game.

We have a mumble server that’s up 24/7 for voice chat in-game – or if that’s not your thing, we have also just set up a forum at (We’re still in the process of getting our membership registered and active over there, so things might look a little slow at the moment)

We try to have a brief meeting every saturday where all guild members are invited to discuss the guild issues, vent concerns, and vote on issues. A majority of our members are doing the PvE thing right now – getting those 100% completions – and having a great time. We are expanding in World vs World as well, and hope to participate regularly.

We need people with a sense of humor. We like to have a good time and if you join up with us, we think you will to.

So if you’d like to join – I invite you to register on the forums at: or message me in-game at darkdomino.9578 – Everyone on Gate of Madness is invited. We look forward to seeing ya!

-Fury of the Departed-

Fury of the Departed [Fury] –

(edited by darkdomino.9578)