I slapped a build together and after ~6 hours of tourneys my experience was that this is all i’m reading…anti-hype.
Note i’m not speaking of known bugs or issues of that sort, y’all know that better than me for sure.
Nothing special here:
dagger/dagger – dagger/focus [sigils of hydromancy on both]
Runes were that of increased chill duration and vitality i believe. sorry i can’t remember the title.
Soldier’s amulet
30-0-0-30-0 (10) – extremely basic trait dispersion – I put the 10 in the toughness line
[H] = well of blood or the condition munching one.
[U1] = X (For myself X started out as spectral grasp but ended up bone minion. I mean to try the spectral wall next)
[U2] = Well of (X)
[U3] = Well of Suffering
[E] = Flesh golem
No I could not keep 2 or 3 people as ‘busy’ as I can with my mesmer, but I held my own against 2 for a very respectable amount of time. Nothing to be ashamed of.
What was not hot was my lack of speed. I tried the horn but it was “ok” where the dagger keeps you on two feet longer in bad situations (+ condition removal of course).
Also not hot was the lack of stability. In fact I came to learn that necro in general just flat-out lacks stability. So what can you do but just shrug your shoulders and deal with it. If that’s how it’s supposed to be that’s fine. If that’s an area that someone who matters wishes to improve I recommend the spectral walk skill as something to tweak into that direction.
Also for the record I see a bunch of complaints about Death Shroud “2” ability and that is just horse-bleep. As a dagger necro that power is crucial for maintaining closure on my target of choice.
I’m sure the profession could use tweaking but who can’t say that about any profession.