Showing Posts For dom.2748:

Dont Nerf Zerk Meta

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: dom.2748


Why was this thread merged with the other thread about why zerk should be nerfed? This thread is about somebody asking if it is going to be nerfed and the other was reasons why it should/shouldn’t be… These two threads were unrelated…

Dont Nerf Zerk Meta

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: dom.2748


You can’t “master” gear. The Meta isn’t really zerker. This games trinity is DPS, Support, CC. And every class is expected to bring at least 2 of those to the table in my groups and I want one of them to be dps. Some classes like Guardians will bring DPS and support and depending on what weapons they’re running some CC. Warriors bring a lot of DPS and support. Thieves bring a lot of DPS and support. Eles bring a ton of DPS and CC. Necros bring DPS and if you dont have other classes doing vuln.. they can bring that. Mesmers bring tons of support and some DPS. etc,etc,etc

The reason nobody wears other sets is because they are not good. The stats either don’t work properly like healing power which is just weak and doesn’t scale at all. Or the mechanics simply don’t work correctly like condi. Condi stack limitations in PvE make it all but pointless. So the solution to balancing out the stat sets a bit more isn’t to break the optimal solution but to make the other solutions actually useful.

Dont Nerf Zerk Meta

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: dom.2748


If they remove rallying they might as well remove the downed state.

I feel like a lot of the anti-zerker people really want to be playing a different game with different combat mechanics. Which begs the question, Why are you here? There are tons of games out there with combat mechanics the way you want them.

I’d go as far as to say that GW2 combat system has crushed every other game because it is more dynamic. You don’t have to hide behind a tank, you can dodge, block, blind, evade, and reflect attacks if you time your skills and cooldowns correctly. The solution to a non-issue like zerker isn’t to destroy what makes the game the game.

Do any sigils work underwater?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: dom.2748


None of the ones I have tried work

Stealth needs to drop on damage

in Thief

Posted by: dom.2748


Disagree. I don’t play a thief (anymore) but I know that the thief would be a completely useless class if any damage took them out of stealth.

Does anyone actually Like Necro???

in Necromancer

Posted by: dom.2748


I enjoy the class, and I truly believe it has as much potential as any. I’ve a few complaints about certain aspects, but I’ll give it time to see what Anet does first. The first year of an MMO is always the rockiest, the fixes will come as class data is analyzed.

Accept the fact that, balance is always and forever an issue; it’s absolutely impossible to please everyone. To this boards credit there’s plenty of constructive discussion, but unfortunately the kitteny threads draw attention. For those serious about the necromancer, let’s strive for the most constructive board on the forums, and it’s guaranteed Anet will pay more attention to our concerns. No one likes sorting through the QQing kitten’s spam anyway.

tl;dr kittens, it's time to stop posting.

Though I disagree with this guy. Anet (and any other developer) will always listen to the “QQ”, eventually. And honestly, if enough people believe that X should be nerfed or buffed, I don’t see why it shouldn’t be.

Does anyone actually Like Necro???

in Necromancer

Posted by: dom.2748


One of my favorite classes for sPvP…so yeah, someone does.

Actual, unofficial, minimum requirements?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: dom.2748


For experiencing the entirety of the game?

I believe that I meet the official requirements (Athlon 64x 5600+ 2.9Ghz [running at 3.1Ghz], 3GB RAM and Radeon HD 4670—barely, but none the less. Even at the lowest imaginable settings I have low FPS, with sPvP being just barely playable at times and WvW being completely unplayable ever (is negative FPS possible?).

Anyway, I’m not here to whine about how my ancient computer struggles to run such a modern game, just acknowledging that the official requirements are rarely ever enough to actually experience a game in its entirety. The point of this thread is to find out what the worst possible machine that you could bring into WvW, on the lowest settings imaginable, and actually have a good time is.

Easiest way to get a full set of P/T/V armor?

in Guardian

Posted by: dom.2748


Thanks for the quick (and I’m sure accurate) responses.

Easiest way to get a full set of P/T/V armor?

in Guardian

Posted by: dom.2748


Is there any that you can buy on the AH? I can’t find it.

Triumph Plaza Vista Unobtainable [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: dom.2748


I also had this problem. Was trying to get up there, finally checked it out on YouTube and realized why I couldn’t. Anyway, I found another thread where some guy said that they’re still there, they’re just invisible, and indeed he was correct. Just thought I would share this info.

I used smite (Guardian Scepter ability) to navigate.

Endless Halloween Tonic

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: dom.2748


Mine was already account bound when I got it during the Halloween event.

Why is every event centered around a dungeon?

in Wintersday

Posted by: dom.2748


I don’t normally do dungeons either, or even really play PvE much at all, but just suck it up for the event…seriously. It takes 1 second to find a group, no communication is required (you don’t even have to say hello), and it will be over in no time.

Option to Preview Armors Outside Our Profession

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dom.2748


Adding another disappointed voice. That’s all.

Preview broken

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: dom.2748


This is horrible. Should we create this thread somewhere else, seeing as how it’s not a bug? This change has been pointless and annoying.

Elementalist - op or not ? Discuss.

in Elementalist

Posted by: dom.2748


I don’t know if it is OP in the top level of gaming, but in terms of average player skill it is the easiest to pick up and be “good” at.

Is Shelter bugged?

in Guardian

Posted by: dom.2748


That makes a lot of sense, thanks.

Is Shelter bugged?

in Guardian

Posted by: dom.2748


Thanks, that’s good to know. But why the full 30 second cooldown and not the normal interrupt cooldown?

Is Shelter bugged?

in Guardian

Posted by: dom.2748


It would appear that this only happens if the skill is interrupted while casting, the skill will go on full 30 second cool down without healing me. Also I was under the impression that nothing could hit you (and thus nothing could interrupt you) while you were using Shelter but that doesn’t seem to be the case.

Is Shelter bugged?

in Guardian

Posted by: dom.2748


It seems like it sometimes goes on cooldown without healing me at at all.

Endless loading screens are BACK! [Merged threads]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: dom.2748


This didn’t happen to me until the day that this thread started, and the topic title itself says that they are BACK, so how hard can it be to fix by now if they already did it once before?

Endless loading screens are BACK! [Merged threads]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: dom.2748


Repairing the client did not fix it for me. At least not for very long if it did.

Endless loading screens are BACK! [Merged threads]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: dom.2748


Can hardly go a single match without this happening now. Is this not priority?