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Megaserver the WvW

in WvW

Posted by: eugenstash.8610


I feel your pain, OP. While I don’t agree that a megaserver WVW is the solution(EotM is that)…..I used to wvw on Kaineng, and experienced the same troubles as you. I didn’t mind the constant beat downs in WvW that comes with being on a small server…..but what did finally get to me was porting in and not being able to find anyone on the map. That was happening just too much for me.

So I finally bit the bullet and transferred to a much larger server. I can’t begin to tell you the huge difference. Almost constant action….whether it be zergs, havoc groups, pugs, etc…..people in wvw almost all the time…..has changed wvw completely for me. So pleased I transferred…it was well worth it. Nice thing about the megaserver is that I can still stick with my kaineng guild for pve, while repping the new guild I joined while doing WvW.

I would highly recommend transferring to a larger server. It made all the difference in the world to me. And yea, I know it costs a lot of gems……which sucks…..but in the end I felt it was worth it.

And the comments I read that say that even the T1 servers can be ghost towns at times…..I imagine that is all relative. I might be wrong, but I would be willing to bet that the ‘ghost town’ periods on the T1 servers are like the busy times in WvW on the small servers like Kaineng.

And fwiw, I spent a lot of time in Kaineng wvw and it was very difficult abandoning my comrades there. On Kaineng, no matter your experience level, every person in WvW matters, due to its small server size. My guild was very understanding, especially since one of our leaders and another one had already transferred to a larger server for WvW. It is horribly sad to see wvw in Kaineng dying……but it was time for me to transfer. My sincere apologies to my Kaineng wvw buddies.

I’m currently on Kaineng server and it really has come to my attention that things are a little bleak there. Eotm has been fun at times, but ultimately I really want to participate in a battle that has meaning and a long term goal. Kaineng’s Eotm presence isnt at all bad but I’d love to actually hop in to WvW and not see someone only every 20 minutes or so. The worst part is I had my best friend join me in Kaineng and now I’m having thoughts of switching even though I claimed “I wont switch servers” even here on the forums. Frankly I just want part of the action and to be a part of these larger scale battles (and smaller scale). The fact that a transfer costs so much isnt an issue for me but for a new player who finds themselves ultimately interested in WvW and on a small server what choice do you have if you want a more action packed experience.

What is this thing you call Guardian?

in Guardian

Posted by: eugenstash.8610


Hello people,

I have come to this side of the forums for a little food for thought to feed my hungry mind. Currently it is munching on possibly switching from ranger as my main to guardian. I find myself attracted to the versatility of the guardian, being able to dps and heal/buff allies. I always start any rpg off as a ranged class but find myself losing interest over time shooting off arrows from the sidelines.

I took my ranger to lvl 80. Gearwise, i just currently have full exotics. I have unlocked most of the traits and have put in a fair amount of time in to the class.

So I come to you fellow guardians and ask:

How do you like the pve aspects of your guardians?

How about PVP and WvW?

I’ve been having this nagging feeling in the back of my mind to play guardian for a while now, but never fully went through with it due to time investment to lvl to 80. But I’m ready and willing to do so now. Dont get me wrong, I love the ranger, but I feel like it needs a good tweaking.

If you love your guardian speak up and tell me why because atm, I dont have that same passion for my ranger and am looking for a class that can give me that good feeling when I play it.


WvW Druid Gameplay - Wizzö @ youtube

in Ranger

Posted by: eugenstash.8610


That’s crazy, I just watched a video of yours last night by accident and thought to myself, “kitten he is a kitten”. Anyhow, great vids and awesome build man. I hope your channel gets some love. I’ll sub or sure.

Rangers! Vitality or Toughness?

in Ranger

Posted by: eugenstash.8610


How bout Power Rangers, are they a thing of the past? That was kind of what I was goin for really….

Bye Fail Wars 2. I'm done with this kitten.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: eugenstash.8610


Wow, simply wow. I’ve read my fare share of “I quit” threads and I’ve even made one or two myself. For the most part, I can sympathize with what the person has to say because it is usually due to a decent issue that they have a gripe with.

However, this…this…

Seriously you self entitled, little brat. Grow up. Are you seriously going on a rant because the clock where you are at just passed midnight into the 18th and the patch wasn’t ready for launch that very second. Good bye, good riddance, the games player base has just jumped up in quality without you.

Its very possible his mom forgot to change his diapers. That would explain the OP’s crankiness…..

Bye Fail Wars 2. I'm done with this kitten.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: eugenstash.8610


Can I has your things (Gold)?

I returned to GW2 from ESO...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: eugenstash.8610


I played ESO when it launched and in open beta , I actually didn’t mind any technical difficulties since all launches doesn’t always go smooth . The reason I left was the nasty community and the devs that didn’t manage the game from bots . Bots were just everywhere and out of control , then there was the vampire fiasco where players would grief people that wanted to get bit by vampires or werewolves . The griefers would kill these vampires just so they could monopolize on selling bites .

With ESO, every patch made by the devs broke some portion of the game that required a fix that usually broke something else that required a fix that broke something else that required a fix that broke something else. Shall I continue?

The Forgotten Realm of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: eugenstash.8610


As someone who has played EoTM more that WvW, I can say this. The reward system is much greater in EoTM. Not to mention, EoTM is much more new player friendly. However, all it amounts to is endless circles and a few massive battles. It really doesnt feel like there is really much accomplishment. Last night in WvW, 5 players and I took a castle by ourselves. It wasnt easy, but kitten , did it feel good. I really wish players from EoTM would migrate over to WvW, but as it stands, there literally is no insentive unless you are a die hard player. And this is not something that takes time to realize. I realized it very quickly. Sadly, the loot/karma train is addicting. But, thats all it is. Simply a hollowed out version of WvW. And this is coming from someone who isnt a veteran.

You Know You've Played GW2 Too Much When...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: eugenstash.8610


When your strategies for breaking down communication barriers with your girlfriend involve siege weapons……..wait what girlfriend?

Rangers! Vitality or Toughness?

in Ranger

Posted by: eugenstash.8610


Since you are referring to mixed trinkets and exotics which seems to be pertaining to wvw I will speak from a wvw perspective. I don’t know about the pvp game mode enough to comment on that.

I have not played warrior or mesmer, but for every other class which includes ranger, I’ve noticed toughness is generally the superior stat unless you are going for a dps build with mostly zerker and offensive traits and you’d like to pad out your survivability a bit, in which case adding a chunk of vitality may stop you from being instagibbed.

Of course, this depends on your ability to deal with conditions so you may want some extra health to be comfortable. Rangers generally do not have as strong condition removal barring certain grandmaster traits so if you’re not taking these, you generally want to have a minimum amount of health. Also, if that other thread in the ranger forum is correct, toughness doesn’t mitigate retaliation so that can be an issue.

You have to realize that the main heal skill (and this is true of many classes) doesn’t scale well with healing power and thus as your health pool increases, your heal will usually not catch up with it. Thus making every unit of health worth more due to more toughness means your heals are more valuable.

Tl;DR Vitality is better in quick fights where you’re just looking to not get instagibbed by thieves or whatnot while toughness tends to be better in longer fights. But given the prevalence of condition damage, having a buffer will save you more. In larger fights where cleanses and heals are more prevalent, toughness becomes increasingly better as you mostly have to worry about direct damage, the opposite is true in small groups and roaming.

Thank you for the information. Would you be willing to give my ranger a bit of an evaluation if I were to post my stats, runes, etc.? Just an FYI, my gear isnt perfect but you sound well informed on this topic and I’d like to get your opinion. I’m at work so later today I could post my stats.

Rangers! Vitality or Toughness?

in Ranger

Posted by: eugenstash.8610


Also, I am a fairly new player to PVP and WvW so I do understand that surviving those types of encounters will get better over time but I still am curious about the Vitality vs. Toughness delima.

Rangers! Vitality or Toughness?

in Ranger

Posted by: eugenstash.8610


I’m sure this topic has been beaten, no smashed in the head multiple times over multiple threads but I’m curious to hear the wisdom of some veteran rangers as to what they think is the more valuable trait in terms of PVP. I have no trouble surviving most PVE encounters, but my issues lie within the player versus player encounters I have. Currently I run Valks armor and have around 21k Vit. Trinkets are a mixed bag of berserkers and some vit, power, and toughness. All exotic (havent made ascended yet). Can anyone give me their enlightened opinion on which is more important for survivablity in PVP?

Thanks in advance.

Gaming mouse for GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: eugenstash.8610


thanks for the input, I just ordered a razer naga, and new mouse pad. Tired of mine sliding all the time. Gonna be epic!

Gaming mouse for GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: eugenstash.8610


Or would a gamepad be a better option?

Gaming mouse for GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: eugenstash.8610


Hey guys,

Been strongly considering buying a gaming mouse for to play GW2 with. I have small hands lol and it would be nice if i could have all the necessary buttons with in reach of my midget fingers. I wasnt sure where to post this topic but it is related to GW2 as I would be purchasing a gaming mouse for this game. Can anyone recommend a solid gaming mouse to enhance my GW2 experience.

Thanks in advance!

Looking for WvW guild on Kaineng

in Looking for...

Posted by: eugenstash.8610


This thread was moved to an area where it recieves no attention. Theres a reason I put it where it was.

Population imbalance

in WvW

Posted by: eugenstash.8610


I dont remember having the source code in front of ME to make the necessary changes. This is on Anet.

He/she/it is talking about spreading out, which is basically what people suggest ArenaNet forces people to do. Which does not require anything except stuff fully available for everyone in-game.

FYI, it costs $$$$ to “spread out”. I understand the need for constructive suggestions but it is painfully obvious that players only have the blue prints in their hands while Anet holds the nails and hammers to fix this broken situation. If there solution is to switch servers all that says is “give us more money b**ch!”

Except for money and the ability to know the exactly amount of players on each server.

Who said we wanted to remove White Swords?

in WvW

Posted by: eugenstash.8610


How is anyone supposed to defend anything without white swords? You know what, I think Anet is trying to kill off WvWvW, because this is just BEYOND stupid. I, am primarily a defender in WvWvW, and I know how it is doing so. I am normally only 1 of less than 3 usually. So we can never stay in one place long, so we can’t stay in towers or keeps. And WHY WOULD WE? That is possibly the most boring thing and unsatisfying thing to do. Anet, you do this, you kill WvWvW, at that point it will be unplayable. We want changes to population circulation, even out the servers.. But this? Obviously, you want to kill of WvWvW, why? I don’t know, but when you do this, know that you’ll lose at least 20 % of players, which I find funny since Anet seems to be trying hard to get more people to play Gw2, what with their advertisements and discounts on the game.. This was the first, and likely last, mmo I will get to max level and enjoy. I could never get into any other mmos but this one just spoke to me. You can imagine my disappointment.

The less people they have playing WvW, the easier it is to justify not doing anything to improve it. Make it worse, ppl leave, no reason to improve. Nuff said.

Siege Disablers Ruined the Game

in WvW

Posted by: eugenstash.8610


Getting rid of white swords is their fix for siege disablers. Genius, right?

What you wouldnt chop off your hand if your leg had gangreen?

Population imbalance

in WvW

Posted by: eugenstash.8610


They can just do like ESO and open the servers, allow guesting, and let the players balance the game themselves.

Players already have the ability to balance the game themselves. The majority choose not to and instead transfer to the top tier servers to stack them.

I think it’s time to finally admit that the players are at fault here at least as much as Anet is, but that doesn’t seem to be happening in significant enough numbers so far. It’s easier to continue to live in denial and play the blame-game.

I dont remember having the source code in front of ME to make the necessary changes. This is on Anet.

Solution to fix the population imbalance

in WvW

Posted by: eugenstash.8610


The problem is your posting “a solution” to something that the majority of players and Anet do not think is “a problem that needs to be resolved”.

Bill: "Hey Frank, you remember that time we helped develop and implement WvW? "
Frank: “WTF is WvW?”

What do the devs want me to do?

in WvW

Posted by: eugenstash.8610


Usually if something is still alive but barely clinging to life, where I come from we just shoot it. I guess Anet forgot all their guns at home.

World vs. World lack of dev attention

in WvW

Posted by: eugenstash.8610


Oh yeah, in be4 the people saying we got Edge of the Mists… that’s not World vs. World… that’s a pve/pvd champion karmatrain.

And yet it was something that was created and tweaked based on what the WvW-players said and wanted during the closed beta of said map.

As I recall the groups who were invited to test EOTM were sPvP guilds, not exactly WvW players.

That said, from adopt-a-dev devs somehow got the impression we want white swords removed. Well the majority of WvW players have already posted on these forums saying they dont want that!

So question is, after spending time with WvW players, how did the devs come up with a change which, after posting about it, almost all WvW players said they dont want it?!
It’s like going to a takeaway ordering a pizza to eat in, and the person taking your order shouting back to the kitchen “One salad to go”

Clever good sir, clever.

Looking for WvW guild on Kaineng

in Looking for...

Posted by: eugenstash.8610


Hi there folks. I’m looking to join a guild that is serious about WvW and EoTM. I realize that I am already on a largely kitten server but I would rather quit WvW than transfer.

A little background: I’m a fairly new player, I play a ranger, and am usually on about 2-4 hours daily except weekends when I go on GW2 binges. I live on the west coast of the US and hopefully there is a guild somewhere that is active in that time zone.

I know Kaineng is kitten, but I’d like to make a difference, if even small.

Population imbalance

in WvW

Posted by: eugenstash.8610


Here’s a solution that the dev’s can implement immediately: Let us, the player base know that they are working on coming to some sort of a solution instead of starving an already sickly dog.

Scoring Discussion

in WvW

Posted by: eugenstash.8610


Has this topic gone anywhere?

New Player, so excited!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: eugenstash.8610



Been playing for roughly 3 weeks and I’m having a blast. My journey has been amazing and I’ve no doubt yours will be too. Great community here I’ve noticed. Find yourself a guild and go crazy!!!

good dungeon ranger build?

in Ranger

Posted by: eugenstash.8610


Hello all,

I have recently started doing dungeons with my ranger and I have noticed that although the ranger was never meant to be the support god I still feel like there is much that I can do to benefit the folks that I am in a dungeon with.

So my question is this: Does anyone have some sound advice on skills, traits, pet selection that could be not only useful during solo play but also would be helpful to a group in a dungeon situation?

I realize that Zerk gear is the “norm” atm so lets leave that area out unless you have some valuable information regarding gear that might be helpful.

I suppose that I should mention that at this point in my dungeon career I am looking to be able to bring my ranger in to the group and feel that I am contributing more than just dps. I’m sure someone out there has some great info on a ranger build that is great for group situations and I’d love to hear your input.


Kiel is wasting time and tax money

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: eugenstash.8610


I was also wondering about this myself. It seems as though every time I go to Lions Arch it seems like the progress made with repairs is underwhelming to say the least. Are these workers union? state? government? Not only that, I do not see any sort of project management QA-ing any of their work. How do we know any of these repairs are up to code? I also noticed that there is not one sign letting you know that there is any construction under way. I have actually fallen through the holes on the bridges twice but I have no project manager or city official to express my concerns to!! Is there a city council member that I can at least voice my concern and utter outrage for such an unorganized attempt at improving high traffic areas of Lion’s Arch?

If anyone is interested I will be creating a petition for safer conditions for all citizens and non citizens of Lion’s Arch during the reconstruction of our beloved city.

-A concerned citizen

New to game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: eugenstash.8610


If you havent already found your class, I strongly reccommend trying the Baker class. First of all have access to dual rolling pins is probably one of the highest dps weapon set ups available. Secondly, kneeding dough for food buffs is very time consuming and the Baker gets a -20% reduction in Kneeding time. This means you are able to crank out lots more dough for baking various food items to buff yourself and sell to other players. Lets not forget elite skills. The bakers dozen packs a punch, let me tell you. It’s a great aoe and cc skill that is very spammable provided you take the trait Dough Rae Me which in effect decreases cooldowns on all skills. If i havent yet sold you on this fabulous class, this will. As a Baker, you can consume twice the gluten as any other class without developing any pesky allergies. Not to mention you get to throw pizzas at your enemies that immediately apply the “full” condition which is great for slowing their movements giving you time to re-position for your next attack. One more thing, did I mention that every time you use that skill your character yells “YOU WANNA PIZZA ME?” Oh arenanet, youre so clever. TTFN!!!

Tips for making gold? (New Player)

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: eugenstash.8610


Thanks for the info guys, much appreciated. It seems like there is more than one way to skin a cat in this game. If anything else comes to mind let me know on this post as I will keep my eye on it. Thanks for the warm welcome to the community.


Tips for making gold? (New Player)

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: eugenstash.8610


Hi, I was wondering if any vets/non vets could give me tips/tactics on making gold in this game. I’m new but aware of key farming but I’m curious to hear how YOU guys have made gold in this game.


Guild Wars 2 is amazing :) Stop complaining.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: eugenstash.8610


I’m happy to say that this is the most fun I’ve had gaming in a long time. I do notice that when reading posts of “doom and gloom”, it is a little disheartening for a new player like myself. However, I do believe constructive feedback is an important aspect of contribution from the player base. To me, complaining is some times also comes from people who are passionate about the game and want to see it improve but may feel their suggestions go unheard/unnoticed. That would be frustrating. So far though, I’ve had nothing but great experiences in-game so far. Anyways, just my thoughts…..headed home to play……

Thank you ArenaNet

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: eugenstash.8610


I recently just started playing GW2. With that being said, my only regret is that I didnt pick it up sooner. Actually, I purchased the game four months ago and put in about 2 hours worth of gameplay and cast it aside for ESO. I regret that decision because in all my time gaming, I have not had a more enjoyable experience in any game whether it be single player or multiplayer. Well, maybe dark souls. Recently, I was starting to feel like I would not find a game that could seriously excite me to play it. I was searching, on the hunt for the next fix. On the hunt for “my game” of games. The one I would play for a long while to come. And finally i decided to give this game another chance and I found “the game” for me. I’m having an absolute blast every time I log in and I plan on sticking around for a long time to come…….until GW3 comes out that is.

Thank you ArenaNet for making this faaking game.