Showing Posts For gobax.6185:

How is this game doing?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: gobax.6185


Bad. Anet is becoming worse every patch. They keep on saying they listen, but with the changes theyre doing, they are proving otherwise.

Please No Profession Loot

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: gobax.6185


It is significant. I earn 30-40gold per hour via zerging and 5-10gold comes from salvaging armors. The others from t6 matts and ectoplasms.

Now if they increased the drop rate of profession loots then light armors will clearly have the advantage. Sure there will be no decline in the amount of cloth you get as other classes but it is good as proven than necro will get more.

If they however changed the system so that you get more of your profession loots but did not increase the drop rate, then not only you will see a decline in gold when farming with other classes, you will also see a huge gold income from light armor classes.

Please No Profession Loot

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: gobax.6185


Each armor classes has a good farming profession.

Light armor = necro
Heavy = guardian
Medium = ranger and engineer

If you farm in CS to salvage mats for profit, these classes almost have the same gold rate per hour.

Implement the new patch and majority of the light armors (which is one of the items with high worth) will shift towards necro.

Will GW2 ever have Oculus Rift support?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: gobax.6185


That would be awesome! But i doubt it. It requires a lot of resources and currently they are busy doing some changes which in their own words “are barely noticeable”

The Gem Store: It has contaminated GW2

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: gobax.6185


With the insane rng blc has to offer, i doubt a lot will buy keys just to open them. Others will just prefer to make a light armor for maximizimg profit and buy the skin itseld from tp.

Your point maybe valid, but everything on the gemstore is fine. They improve quality of life and not game breaking. The best cash shop in a free to play game.

Except for 1 item. Silver fed. This just shows how anet is becoming the greedy corporate like.the rest of game developers.

Is anyone happy anymore?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: gobax.6185


Hey anet staff instead of focusing on this topic why not read other topics as well??

Silverfed, smart loot, class balancing, skill bugs. These topics are rampant here in forums and need attention and yet you choose to ignore them.

Anyway, im contented with this game but not happy. And from what im seeing, the declining population, this will soon rot. Hope anet pull something great and actually do something before implementing patches.

Good thing cdi is back though. Atleast players can help anet do some changes instead of anet doing changes blindly.

Tbh i dont believe anet staffs play the game at all. Some of the changes theyre doing, while looking good at paper, will worsen the game experience if implemented.

Please No Profession Loot

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: gobax.6185


The amount of people who needs to read carefully. -.-

it will barely affect the amount of cloth because other classes will have reduced cloth drops so its only a matter of shifting the gold income from all three classes to light armor class.

And if people choose to farm using light armor clases it will again barely affect the supply and demand because

A. Light armor users needs the most scraps
B. People who wants gold will make them.

Increase in demand and increase in supply will not affect the prices.

Simple economics my friend.

boycott silver fed salvage o matic!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: gobax.6185


Mf stones are is easy to get as long as you do dailies and world bosses.

Except it almost never drops for me
Got like 3 in this year. All Daily.

Wow. Did you play like an hour a day?

Just do teqatl and youll get like 3 or more in a week.

Anyway anet staff still havent replied to this issue.

Please No Profession Loot

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: gobax.6185


Well what about balancing silk that already got out of hand since months?
was even told a dev would monitor silk and act accordingly.

Yet silk costs more than gossamer.

Maybe the issue is how they took a T5 mat wothing nothing AS OTHER T5 and decided it should became the most expensive just multiplying the amount required in recipes.

If you play a guardian, a warrior or a thief you already have cheaper equipment so you can afford less drops btw.

Well I agree with you about t4 and t5 being more expensive than t6 needs to change.

But wtf is wrong with your logic on the last part?!

Just because mediums are cheaper doesnt mean they deserve lower gold per hour. That’s insane and discriminating youre sounding like an anet staff.

Tbh, the other features sucks but I told myself meh i can deal with it.

This however pushed me to my limit.

I cant understand anet’s way of thinking. Why the hell would you discriminate other classes of your own game?! Where the hell is the balance they are talking about when hyping this game?! Is this their idea of balance? Trying to make people want to roll light armors for better profit gain?

Come.on Anet staffs! I challenge you to answer this.

BLK farming even worth it now?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: gobax.6185


It really isnt worth it. You can farm i cs for fgs for a lot more gold per hour.

People do this run not for farming but for stress release if they get bored zerging stuffs in fgs or cs map

boycott silver fed salvage o matic!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: gobax.6185


Mf stones are is easy to get as long as you do dailies and world bosses.

Please No Profession Loot

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: gobax.6185


That’s what mainly green and blue items are for. For salvaging purposes for profit.

I understand low levels need them. But it doesnt have to affect those farming level 80s.

boycott silver fed salvage o matic!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: gobax.6185


I made the mistake of buying the silver-fed salvage-o-matic before doing the math. I would ask a refund, but it’s my mistake for not thinking beforehand. So I will have to just keep it in my bank and hope for a change in the item’s cost-per-use.

Sadly, a lot of us did :/ some are still in denialt though xD keep on saying to themselves its worth it, well if thats how they cope up with the mistake they did.

Just hope an anet staff shed some light about this issue.

Market Implications of Profession Loot

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: gobax.6185


Its funny how people still think heavy and medium is still as good as light armor after the patch hits.

Stop lying to yourselves / playing blind. Anet already announced the new mechanics. No matter how hard you try to counter it, the fact that it was stated that light armor users will get more light armors than the other 2 is already enough of a statement that says kitten medium and heavy classes.

Light armor have the cleaves. Elems have auto attack fire staff, dagger, aa water dagger, fire staff number 2 etcetc lots of aoe potential. Necros have marks. Never played mesmer. But currently the most classes i see running around in zerg tagging mobs are

Necros, guardians, elems, rangers and engineers. Sadly after patch, it will be down to elems and necros

Please No Profession Loot

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: gobax.6185


Hi everyone,

The article about profession system only presented the idea behind this system and we generally don’t give precise details about these systems unless these details are needed to understand the idea. In this case we can’t share details but we want to reassure players that they’re not going to see changes in loot so visible that some components are going to “rain” or they’ll stop seeing loot variety. It’s more complex than that.

The adjustments to the loot system are fairly subtle and the goals are that, after a certain time, your characters will effectively have more components you can use. So it may take some time for you to see a difference, or not, but it’s not going to feel like a very visible change each time you loot a mob. We want players, in particular new ones or those creating alts, to more often be able to use the items they loot directly or get something that is relevant to their profession. It does not mean that you’ll get less varied loot overall. We’ll keep monitoring the changes to kitten its affects.

Thanks for your early feedback!

So basically this will either change the market making it harder for heavies and mediums or it will have no affect that anyone will notice or really care about. This is an item that you feature? Again…your communication-foo needs some work.

If you want to improve the loot system, try removing the unidentifiable items from the champ bag and replace it with an actual useful reward.


We’ll keep monitoring the changes to kitten its affects.

Your forum swear filter needs some work or you are saying things between the lines that I don’t think you mean too.

Yes. I doubt it will not be noticeable though. Because if it isnt then they shouldnt even bother wasting resource on such a patch and tries hyping it up as a feature. So yea, the first scenario is most likely what will happen. Heavy and medium classes will suffer.

Is anyone happy anymore?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: gobax.6185


I’m pretty sure the bored outnumber all the happy and sad put together… and have simply moved on.

The balance team is positively glacial. I haven’t been excited about builds -> testing -> tackling the content with a new set-up in something close to a year now.

This. A lot of people are simply moving on. The decline of population since last year is very noticeable. Sure sometimes they return but after a week again or so they leave. A lot of reasons why but mostly on how anet manages to bring changes which are supposed to be positive but actually brings the game down even further.

Some patches made the game worse. And this upcoming september patch will once again bring it down further.

The game is still fun overall imo but patches are making it worse instead of improving it. So not sure until when til this game run out of fun.

I hope anet learns from their mistake on silver fed. It made people realize they became greedy. Unlike before where everything in gemstore is fun and worth it.

Please No Profession Loot

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: gobax.6185


Ive finished and got bored on all the game’s content. The only goal i have now is to go for legendaries which im sure majority of the veteran players are now doing. So yes, gold for us is the most important thing in game right now. And gimping us to playing classes we do not like is not fun at all.

Market Implications of Profession Loot

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: gobax.6185


Since everyone is drawing conclusions based on a complete lack of facts, I’ll play too. I think Profession-influenced loot will work just like Magic Find:

  • At first, everyone will claim buffs/nerfs, but no one will actually collect any data for weeks.
  • The first people who do will fail to compare apples to apples, since that’s difficult when doing multiple runs and since different builds collect loot at different rates.
  • When people finally have useful data to present, most people will misinterpret it and there will be another huge whinge/whining-fest.
  • John Smith will attempt to explain what we’re seeing, and people will accuse him of lying and falsifying evidence.
  • The actual result will be that new players leveling up their characters won’t have to buy as much on the TP (or sell as much) and hardly any of us will notice, because the difference between any two runs of AC will be negligible.
  • A handful of players who regularly chain grenth, melandru, and arah will see some differences, and then realize that it’s still better to run Guardians, because auto-attack loot stick generates far more loot than anything a mesmer can do.

Wrong! Necro tags as great as guardians.

I played both and honestly no difference on tagging mobs i still make around 30-40gold per hour on both classes. Guardian is more like easy mode because you have autoattack while using necro you have to play a little bit wiser.

But when patch comes necros will yield more gold because of the stupid system.

boycott silver fed salvage o matic!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: gobax.6185


Yep they totally fooled us xD our fault for buying it guess the day to stop trusting anet has come. kitten so sad to see gw2 becoming one of those greedy games who just wants cash and not player satisfaction.

Please No Profession Loot

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: gobax.6185


No matter how barely noticeable it is. An advantage is an advantage even if it is just 1% which i doubt it will probably be higher. At the end of the day, light armor users gets more gold than the other 2.

Please No Profession Loot

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: gobax.6185


While its true for now that guardian is an efficient class to farm with, when the new patch hits youll be flooded with heavy armors instead of getting equal distribution of light heavy and medium which makes your gold per hour less.

Dont worry mesmer will be viable again after patch. Since it will benefit the most. (Gs + light armor most expensive items). The reason why mesmer sucks today is because of all the guardians and necros runnimg around making it hard to tag mobs.

Is anyone happy anymore?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: gobax.6185


No. Majority of the members of my 5 guilds are all unhappy. We still play because it is a way to bond with each other but the game itself is heading down.

First they will implement the smart loot where light armors will have clear advantage on farming. 2nd, the nerfs and buffs are useless. They did not listen to the players about the things needed to get nerfed / buffed and decided what to change by themselves. Third silver fed salvage o matic only shows how anet is becoming greedy and doesnt think of the players anymore.

Please No Profession Loot

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: gobax.6185


Yea. Why implement a change if its barely noticeable. It doesnt make sense. Im sure people will notice it. It is just a way to appease majority of the players who are upset of this unjust change.

Stop promoting your game as play the class you want because clearly youre giving light armor classes the advantage.

Go back in time with drops

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: gobax.6185


Ohh i did not know that. All this time i keep on remaking to lvl 60.

My friend told me loots are level based and once im 80 ill be getting 80 drops from low level areas as well.

Go back in time with drops

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: gobax.6185


Where? Ö i always get silk scraps and gossamer when opening heavy bags and salvaging 80 light armors :/

Is there another way to get linen?

Go back in time with drops

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: gobax.6185


I like this. Price of linen scrap on the market is really high because you can only get them from lvl 60 characters. Once yiu reached 80, theres no way you can get them again so you have to level another char to 60

Silver-Fed Salvage-o-Matic

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: gobax.6185


Nnnnnnoooooooooooooooooooo unless your goal is to spend more than you should then yes.

is perma total make over still in bl chest?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: gobax.6185


I see. Thank you for that information sir lakoko. Guess i need to open more the and hope i get lucky xD

Wiki is unreliable as ever.

[Suggestion] Remove level restriction on ecto

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: gobax.6185


Looks like you do not know basic economy.

Currently ectos sell for 40silver and is one of the most traded items. Meaning it is a good gold sink. The listing fee of those selling it somehow holds the value of gold in game. Ofcourse not only ectos but others as well. Im just saying it is one of the items that contributes the most.

If ectos becomes available to everyone like the absurd idea you are proposing, its value will dive since the supply will increase and since low level players do not need ectos the supply will tremendously increase while the demand remains the same.

If it goes super cheap, the listing fee will be cheaper and thus the gold reserves of players will increase too and it might devalue the maim currency of the game.

[Suggestion] Remove level restriction on ecto

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: gobax.6185



Ectoplasms should never be available to everyone it will destroy the economy. Stop looking for an easy way out and farm it like the rest of us. Funny suggestion btw made me lol irl

is perma total make over still in bl chest?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: gobax.6185


Well it was alreafy high in the first place x.x

Anyway i just want some clarifications because back when it was available, i got 1 from opening 200chest, my friends also got 1 from opening around 200-400chests.

Then wiki said it was removed since august 12. But i saw another topic saying he got one and that topic is after august 12.

So i was wondering if i should get more keys to try and get one before sale ends ;s

Magic Find... is it worth it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: gobax.6185


Imo, i didnt feel the effect of magic find until i reached around 200% base. From 0-150% + i didnt feel any changes at all. Then i boosted my magic find to 300% by using globs of ectos and selling the dusts i get from them and buying again.

300% is exactly like 200% once again i didnt notice any significant change at all.

So for others, it would be best to just stay at around 200-220% as it is the number that will make you notice the difference.

is perma total make over still in bl chest?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: gobax.6185


Just bought 300keys cause of sale and havent got one ;c

Best pve classes

in Profession Balance

Posted by: gobax.6185


If youre looking to farm in cursed shore and other zerg maps go for guardian.

Warriors are easy to play but lacks the range aoe required for tagging mobs.

Guardians have slight lower dmg but higher survivability than a warrior and the staff AA is the best for farming. You tag almost every mob that spawns with it.

But anet is going to change the way loot works wherein being a guardian will net you more heavy armors.

So i suggest an elementalist. Good aoe and you get more light armor drops in the new patch. Necro is also a good choice.

The devs need to stop listening to the forums

in Profession Balance

Posted by: gobax.6185


This game is for casuals. Pls leave if you want a game that caters to hardcore players

New SILVER Fed Salvage-O-Matic

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: gobax.6185


The sad part is anet is already laughing to those who bought it impulsively. Not sure but i think they dont have any plans on changing it. They even do not recognize it as a problem.

Seriously i wish anet read their forums from time to time and listen to player complaints.

boycott silver fed salvage o matic!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: gobax.6185


I still think it would be better to go the other way and improve the SFSoM’s functionality. Make it a permanent BLSK, raise the price to 1000 gems, and increase the per use cost to 3 silver. (3 copper -> 3 silver. Continuity!)

And then, one day, they can introduce a Gold Fed Salvage-o-Matic that costs 3 gold per use and functions basically as an unlimited Upgrade Extractor.

Nobody will buy blsk anymore if this happens. And you know how anet is becomimg greedier and greedier. First by introducing this to trick players who do not calculate before buying, who knows whats next.

Our best chance for change is to lower the cost to rival that of mystic salvage kit.

But then again, i dont think anet listens to players here at all.

Elder wood prices, will it last?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: gobax.6185


Ever since release, the prices of wood and leather remained the same as the lowest among the three.

But yeah probably it will reach 20copper max not more.

Please No Profession Loot

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: gobax.6185


Thry are just saying that to appease the players. Im sur we will notice the changes.

But yeah, i wonder if anet is eve reading this. Lots of valid points here and it would be really great if they reconsider backing out from this absurd idea of making 1 class get more gold compared to other 2.

ANet, I need a goal.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: gobax.6185


Make more legendaries. 2 is not enough.

New SILVER Fed Salvage-O-Matic

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: gobax.6185


I have it (and I DONT REGRET it) – AND the copper one. If u use both (silver-one for yellows and up and copper for Whites to greens)… Then u actually SAVE Money compared to buy yellow salvage kits (wich I used to do Before). And not only that. It saves space and the running buying new kits all the time too. It IS a handy tool – if u know how to use it.

Know how to use it? Theres no scenario that using it is actually much cheaper than using mystic salvage kits.

No matter when where you use it, it will always yield higher cost than alternatives.

250/stack of mystic salvage kit is more than enough to last you for a week. I doubt you never go back to town for the entire week. Once you go back to town you can always craft another one.

boycott silver fed salvage o matic!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: gobax.6185


Good for you! But only minority of the players are so friggin rich that they almost have nothing to spend on. Majority are struggling wether it is to craft an ascended set or legendary weapons. So to most of us, that 60copper difference is huge.

Smart loot system = death to med and heavy!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: gobax.6185


Feels abit more like stuff that is more valuable tend to drop more with specific classes, the prices will start to drop.

If everyone move away from Medium or Heavy, the amount of that weight relevant drops will diminish and prices would rise.

Well, this is abit optimistic view of it, as I’m not aware of the full extents of dangers that this could cause tho…

That is one way of looking at it but for a medium armor it is near impossible that leather will hike up. Because the only classes who needs leather are medium armor classes and light armor classes and the latter only needs very very few to craft their gear.

For heavy armors, ores can be mined by every class so i doubt its price will increase.

You see, light armor scraps are the most expensive among the three because of:

1. It can only be obtained by salvaging light armors.
2. Every class needs a substantial amount of it in order to craft their gears.

Unlike the other 2 resources (ores and leathers) light armor scraps are needed by everyone.

Thus implementing this said system, will give benefit to light armor users and kitten out the other 2.

Even if the supply goes up because a lot of people will switch to light armor classes, it doesnt change the fact that everyone still needs them and light armors need a whole lot of scraps. so the demand will most likely increase as well.

That being said, you can clearly see that this smart loot system will lower the income potential of the two classes and increase the income potential of light armors.

Even if you factor the supply and demand. It will never change the fact that light armor scraps will always be higher priced than the other 2 resources. Sure the value will lower if the supply is high, still if you compare it to the other 2. It is still the most expensive and most profitable.

All we really want is actual EndGame content.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: gobax.6185


Did you even read before buying this game?

The main point of this game is that this is for casual players. No raids no hardcore end game contents.

If they placed in raids and such then it will completely go against their ideals.

Go back to other old mmos if you want hardcore grindings and raids.

This game is meant for casual players.

Smart loot system = death to med and heavy!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: gobax.6185


Odd. That never happens to me and ive been zerging for 1year.

My bad then i didnt know you sometimes get bugged and not get loots.

Never happened to me and my 20+ guildies who zergs together with other group of people

The Gold Sink you pay for! [Silver Fed Salv]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: gobax.6185


Too many gold? No problem! Silver fed got your back!

Please No Profession Loot

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: gobax.6185


I dont think that will happen on silk scraps. It is one of the most traded items. In 1 hour farming with my ranger, i gain around 150-200 silk scraps. So even if they bought all the silk scraps in tp, the farmers will just sell it back up again.

The main problem on this system is like what the previous poster stated.

Regardless of value.

Cloth > heavy >medium

Cloth will always cost more than the other 2 because the other 2 needs cloth as well. While light armor classes dont need the other 2 mats as much.

Given that, light armors will have more earning potential compared to heavy and med armor users will be a fact.

No matter how small the difference in value, it will always remain that light armor users have better potential in farming.

Please No Profession Loot

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: gobax.6185


Yes. We are not sure if the supply goes up or not. Because there are two ways to make this happen.

One is that they boost the drop rate of getting addional items which is useable by profession meaning heavy will get more heavy while maintaining the consistency of getting light armors.

The other one is they decrease the chances of heavy armor users getting light armors and mediums and convert it to heavy.

Either way light armor will benefit from the change because as i have said, all classes uses light armor scraps to craft their armors.

Heavy needs bolt of damask, light needs it, medium needs it too.

Smart loot system = death to med and heavy!!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: gobax.6185


How ironic that the smart loot system is a very very stupid idea.

Im not sure if anet devs are playing the game or not but if they do, they shouldve notice how crappy medium and heavy armors are compared to light armors.

If this gets implemented, nobody will run medium armor and heavy armor classes anymore because compared to how much you can earn from salvaging light armors, the two are super cheap.

To Anet:

I hope you play the game once in a while before trying to implement some changes. Last thing we want from this game is to lose class variety.

Warriors are currently non existent in cursed shore farming due to them suck at tagging mobs. By implementing this system, cursed shore will be full of necros and elems since salvaging light armors gives you silk scraps which you can sell for 2silvers each. Nobody will farm using heavy and medium anymore once this smart loot gets implemented.

Think twice anet. Play the game and see firsthand before making changes to farming in game.

Think twice yourself. You haven’t seen how this system is going to work and therefore have no idea what you’re talking about. It would be more prudent to see the results before speaking.

You dont need to see the system first hand before knowing what will happen.

It is clearly stated that each profession will get more loots that is wearable by their classes compared to those who cant.

This statement alone says it all.

No matter how small the difference is. There is still a difference between light and heavy/med classes. Numbers doesnt change the fact that light armor users gets more cloths ans can sell more compared to the other 2

boycott silver fed salvage o matic!

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: gobax.6185


Well i just want to warn people too. So they can avoid making the same mistake as i did. I impulsively bought the item trusting anet and boom! Rip off