Pass me the account info. I’ll get it out of “mmr hell” and into legendary for you.
Sure you will. If you’re so hot, do it. You can do it all by yourself. Just make an alt account. Deliberately tank the character – get the win/loss ratio at about 47% or lower – usually takes about 100 losses – you usually need a long consecutive streak to catch the loss bus. Now start streaming. Breeze your way to legendary from there. Do it. Prove it.
Or shut up.
Sorry I upset you. Pass me your info too and I’ll get you out of emerald.
You didn’t upset me. I’m in ruby. Why on earth would I pass my acct info to u? Just pair up w/ me and get me out of ruby. Or, make an alt acct yourself, tank it, and then stream the ride up. GL!
Why would I team up with you to carry you out of ruby when the whole point is to show that getting to legendary can be done solo even with low mmr as long as you improve your game.
People need to stop making excuses and improve at the game. Coming to the forums and complaining about mmr hell is never going to help you.
I have improved since start of season – just not enough yet to carry teams
I would be interested to know that as well
MMR hell is no excuse for being less than ruby. You just need to get lucky and draw a good team 3-4 times in a row. I have usually 15-20 loss strikes, than i go 5-10 pips up in ruby than again 15-20 loss strikes, but that should be enough to go trough the lower divisions.
You obviously didn’t play day 1 of seas 2. If you did, you obviously caught the win gravy train.
absolutely agree day 1 of S2 finished my season no doubt
Here’s a tip for anyone who thinks that they’re stuck in any sort of “MMR Hell” or w/e:
Play a high mobility, high spike DPS roaming class.
Here’s why: When you play a meta team fight class, you do great in even fights and even fights slightly against your favor. However, when you have teammates making bad rotations or not supporting you, then you’re at a big disadvantage.
With a roaming class, you can adapt to bad rotations and +1 fights to turn the tide or at least decap points if you have teammates charging into outnumbered fights. You can also quickly rotate to steal beast kills and such, which is a lot easier in games with lower skilled players.
Consider the Thief, Revenant, or to a lesser extent, Mesmer class (mesmer isn’t the roamer it used to be with the old power shatter builds shifted out of the meta, but it’s still not bad).
Think of it this way: Being an expert dog trainer is great when you’re paired up with dogs, but if you’re in a room full of cats, you’ll get a lot farther following the cats and reacting to what they are actually doing than trying to teach them to do what they should be doing.
One of the classes I play routinely is meta rev. I also play meta reap and medi dh and meta ele. That’s all I play. Still stuck in mmr hell. Changing classes or skills or playing meta doesn’t help. Neither does “get gud.” Neither does pairing w/ pros (unless I can find a 4 man pro team to “carry” me at this point. You fail to realize the problem, and the extent of the prob. There is no easy fix to mmr hell.
Yea, I’m still not sold on that, but w/e. Even if there is an “MMR hell”, I really don’t think it’s happening to most of the people who say they’re going through it.
Believe me it is
try reading pls – my point is that your skill and rank SHOULD NOT be determined by when you start playing the season – I am where I deserve to be
good that you were able to climb!
I have practiced in unranked teamed up as well done everything
you escaped good for you – I have not despite all I can do and all the suggestions made
I have got better myself and perform better than I did at the start of the season but my season was over long time ago I admit I cannot carry 4 other players – so I still have to improve don’t know how – but I wont give up !
and gratz to you for getting "gut!! I know you will enjoy it !
(edited by godsie.2864)
Have they tweaked matchmaking with Tuesday update? Seriously what is happening?
Anet’s MMR……….. who knows what it thinks sometimes. In my experience, when you’re on a winning streak, DO NOT STOP ON PAIN OR DEATH. Seriously, cancel your date, txt your mum and tell her you’ll call tomorrow.
When you hit those losing streaks though, stop. Wait till the following days reset, before you try again. Even if you planned to have a 5hr marathon, don’t do it.
PS. I classify 3 games in a row as a losing streak.
well I have tried taking breaks until reset does not work – basically screwed whatever season was over long time ago for me
This is yesterday and this is today. I can’t win today no matter what I say or do or try. I try to talk and post tatics in chat before the match. I swap professions as needed. There’s just nothing….
From T5 Ruby to T2 now …Editing to add, my last match, I was even barked at by two players for being “rude” for swapping. Yes, you read that right, rude for swapping. And, it was a match of 5 Ruby’s vs 4 Ruby’s and a Sapphire. Guess which side I was on and which had the Sapphire? Yeah, I’m basically nothing more than cannon fodder. I’d love to let someone use my account and experience this. There’s just no words to describe it really.
Are you me? 2 days ago everything was going fine 9 wins out of 10 games. Slowly climbing ruby as I play only few games per day. So yesterday I log in and merely start my pvp session in the morning.. and what do you know? last 10 games 8 losses 2 wins(7 lost in a row) Went from Ruby t5 to t3. People I’m teamed up with aren’t just bad at pvp they literally have no understanding how pvp works, what are the rotations, they are snowballing mid and die 1 by 1, die to an animal, keep farming far and die repeatedly, refuse to swap professions when it’s obvious we gonna loose before the match even starts.
WTF happened? did I go from half decent pvper to utter kitten in one night while sleeping?
Have they tweaked matchmaking with Tuesday update? Seriously what is happening?
welcome to season 2!
1 in 7 is perfectly normal lol, you probably had a large winstrek before this, or willl have a long winstreak after this
not necessarily from personal experience!
I have to mention that I told you on forum that don’t wait 1-2 week than play, because the best players progressed very fast, you were good player too, but if all best players end up against you, and your good team, then bye bye, you won’t progress… I played every day, now I’m legendary, wuahhhhh shaka lakka!
another useless pointless post!
skill should not be dependent on when you start in the league!
good players should be able progress no matter when they start! on the skill
another elitist thread there’s a change!
yep I’m screwed then!
why post this! unless to satisfy elitism
again not sure any point to this thread – maybe poke fun at others
about sums it up!
can ppl please stop promoting handing over their acc info team up with them instead no one is going to nor should threaten their acc security and risk hack
Honestly take a break. Whenever I’ve lost two or three games straight I’ve taken at least a one hour break and came back. And everytime it’s been a win coming back. It allows you to not get the same teammates and gives you a second to relax so you don’t go on tilt which only makes it worse.
fed up with ppl suggesting this
I have always long breaks after 2-3 losses come back and still losses after that losing streak – doe snot always work so stop posting it I have never come back after taking a break and had any wins – in fact my wins come the more I play at times
From ruby MMR hell is real, but if you can’t get out of emerald or sapphire, that means you’re a trash, really, with honesty! How in earth some ppl can’t win 3 ina row? or 4 in a row? For me it is unreal when I see players saying that’s not their fault they can’t get out of those divisions!
well even in the lower tiers its a struggle to win3 in a row when your MMR is in the pits and u are teamed with 4 other bad players afker’s trolls etc every single time, then yes you can get stuck in emerald and sapphire even if your skill improves MMRHell exists in emerald and sapphire as well absolutely and I am not trash
Pass me the account info. I’ll get it out of “mmr hell” and into legendary for you.
Why not just team up with POP instead of having his account info
Because I don’t need to team up with anyone. I did it solo. My friend did it solo. Hell, half the people in my guild are diamond or legendary at this point. Most of them solo or duo q’d. But we must ALL be blessed to have great teammates every game and high mmr amirite?
I thought you were offering help to the OP not the other way round! I assumed you did not need any help
if it makes u feel better i was one game off diamond then went on a 10 loss streak, there’s that.
At least you made ruby
if it makes u feel better i was one game off diamond then went on a 10 loss streak, there’s that.
I feel you pain bro, even if its a different think to not even be able to compete for that pip because of a game crush, i understand how u feel, same think happened to me in the 1st season.
Taking a break after losing 3-4 games in a row and doing something else for a couple of hours is the key i think.
Not worked for me
This is yesterday and this is today. I can’t win today no matter what I say or do or try.
From T5 Ruby to T2 now …After 2 losses in a row you need to walk away.
If you HAVE to play you need to party up with players of your own skill level so you can get some wins.
Have done both those tips – walked away for 24-48 hours – not worked MMR still the same also have tried teaming up but that’s a struggle too and then you open yourself to full pre made teams sometimes of much higher rank
end result still the same
MM is picking winners if he had win streak when he start he would be at legend ranked as a solo player,it is pure RNG if you hit top ranks or not as solo player after how good teams you got in your first 20games.
Absolutely – ok if you are lucky at the start
But doomed if you are not
I agree but also blame matchmaking as well
There should be a way that the higher ranked players if they are not grouped could be split better – as far as queue times go I would rather wait longer or not play than be forced into such uneven matches because there are not at the time enough to make an even match – I would prefer longer queues than the awful experience of being stuck in the usual blow out matches that occur with no hope from the start
This is yesterday and this is today. I can’t win today no matter what I say or do or try.
From T5 Ruby to T2 now …
That looks so familiar
Same for me
@OP I am in exactly same situation as you describe and agree entirely
I am in sapphire MMRHell at the moment paying for mistakes I made at the start in Amber which tanked my MMR and I cannot escape even though I have shown improvement personally I get stuck with the same team players you describe and make it impossible to gain wins to even try and vaguely improve MMR. And teaming up does not seem to help as then you can get paired against full pre made teams
Pass me the account info. I’ll get it out of “mmr hell” and into legendary for you.
Why not just team up with OP instead of having his account info
(edited by godsie.2864)
let me guess you are in ruby now!
absolutely same with me made ruby before and I feel I am a better player now than I was then from me practising in unranked! – and on the end now of endless losing streaks
I have improved but still cant carry teams and am stuck in MMRHell and it does exist believe me! there is nothing you can do if your team is nowhere near the level of your opponents
I am not trolling and find that offensive just saying how I am feeling for mistakes I made earlier in the season I have no escape – just saying get better is not very constructive as I have done just that
It is a TEAM game
(edited by godsie.2864)
But experience is more. Experience is how to play the map, how to read the map.
No, skill is, where it all comes together.
In other words: MMR measures how you perform in your matches. This includes every button press you do in the game.No, it’s not. Because you play in a team. You win as a team, or you lose as a team. And that will higher or lower your personal MMR.
The result of a single game shows how your team played.
MMR measures your individual skill, which includes your capability inside the team.You might not like that, but after several MMR resets in the past, it has already been proven, that it actually is working. Ofc it is not working as good as purely 1v1 based game like chess, but well, that still the best unit of measurement we have.
the last I heard pvp is a TEAM game not played solo!!
I agree talented new pvp players can probably beat a lot of “experienced players” one on one as you suggest but that does not determine victoryNot sure what you are meaning. Since you are not playing with the same team over and over again, MMR can actually measure your individual skill.
absolute nonsense! not when you are stuck in MMRHell with awful teams time after time after time no its NOT an accurate indicator of MY individual skill that’s the whole point!
my heart bleeds ! sorry not much sympathy especially from those struggling in the hell of S2 matchmaking
is there any point to this thread
well, just me expressing my happiness in reaching ruby division.
there are way too many negative topics in here.
some positives would be nice yes?
no not really definitely not makes it far worse especially for those still struggling in MMR Hell
I am currently in Ruby division and have a win rate of 80%. The build you are playing aswell as player skill makes a difference.
Also, most of my games are by doing solo queues.
same here and of course builds are a factor
not sure I really understand this thread
is there any point to this thread
The company just needs to delete SoloQ system and ensure that players can enter Ranked games only in full premade. This will sort most of the things out coz people will then try to match up and play closely with others players based on skill levels and experience.
Thus SoloQ should be for Unranked while for Ranked it has to be at least in full premade.
“How to kill gw2 pvp 101” your idea its terrible, the pvp population is very small and if you force ppl to go full premade the population will shrink even more
Anet killed it already by not differentiating between Solo Q and Team.
You cannot have a league based system where results and progress is made in a team format, when you keep switching the players in the teams.
Can you imagine a Soccer world cup tournament where before every game, players are randomly assigned to a team from all of the available pool? It’s just utterly ridiculous.
agree this +1
I don’t think ascension was designed to be done before end of season 2 there are 2 other seasons left its meant to take while
and getting smaller !!
Uhm no. You are new to everything concerning matchmaking, right?
There are a lot of things wrong with the league system, but it has absolutely nothing to do with ‘experience’ of the players fighting each other.
and MMR does not reflect improvement in skill over time once you are in MMRHellExperience is only an indicator how good a player is, but it certain not a requirement for being good or the only criteria. A talented new player can easily beat 80%-95% of our the players who have played for over a year, since almost no one bothered to actually get better in this game.
MMR is THE unit of measurement for skill.
A new player in PvP can have the same count in matches, the same position in the league and the same MMR like a pro player, who’s playing on an alt account.
Well, the MMR system needs some time to measure your skill. If you are changing accounts, it takes some time to do so. But, the system is intelligent enough to measure how accurate it is at measuring your skill and therefore, it adjusts the impact every single game has on your MMR.
the last I heard pvp is a TEAM game not played solo!!
I agree talented new pvp players can probably beat a lot of “experienced players” one on one as you suggest but that does not determine victory
Amber -> pip and tier lock
Emerald -> tier lock, 5 pips per tier
Sapphire -> division lock, 4 tiers
Ruby -> no locks, 5 tiers
Diamond -> no locks, 6 tiersNo bottleneck in amber, none in emerald, season not long enough for a bottleneck to form on sapphire.
Ithilwen, your posts are getting a bit ridiculous. Of course there would be enough players above sapphire to sustain matches. There have been enough players in pvp long before they added pve rewards to draw in all those mostly useless pve-achievement-grinders…
If you want to stop the “…useless pve achievement grinders…” from being in YOUR game mode then take out pve rewards and achievements from pvp – its very simple.
If there are enough players in pvp already why lure more PVE’ers as u call it by adding rewards – the competition and challenge for pvper’s is in the rank badge and title. You should not need anything else ! So if you are right then anet does not need to draw more pver’s into pvp !!
I wills ay again MMRHell does exist – I am in my tight place now in rank I am not pro and don’t want to be any higher than I should be, BUT I should have the chance to see evidence of my improvement as I hopefully progress in pvp -that does not mean I need to carry while teams of low MMR to see this , and that’s where the system fails ! for those who are low rank and not good to start with but improve later in season it does not work !! season is over for me according to the system now – because of mistakes I have made in amber I am now trapped with no escape. I say again I don’t want to be any higher than I deserve on MY skill level (not my team!) but I feel I am below my rank for factors outside my control – Again if the only way to show improvement and progression once in MMRHell is to carry whole team then there is problems and will put the majority of “new blood” off pvp for good!
Players do deserve I believe a chance to redeem very low MMR from times when they were not skilled but which has subsequently changed due to their hard work and effort in watching videos reading up on classes and practicing in hotjoin or unranked as I have done.
The game is a roulette you get win/loss strikes. Good side is I only get the good maps to play
Anyway you can get to ruby easy, just farm win strikes. If you make it trough ruby just soloqueue!! means you are really good. I am not.
no you cant get to ruby easily! not good if u cant farm win strikes been stuck for over 1 week on loss streak in MMR Hell so don’t post inaccurate information its not true! no chance of progression now despite me improving as best I can am stuck will keep trying like toss of coin! season over
(edited by godsie.2864)
My post wasn’t intended to help you. I was describing my experience, which you took personally somehow. But perhaps you could find useful advice in my third paragraph.
not really have worked hard to improve taken all the advice I can including your third paragraph but due to the system I cannot show to myself any progress for factors outside my control! – and has not helped- you may be enjoying it – I am not!! worst experience in my 10 years of guild wars play.
(edited by godsie.2864)
this is the best thread I have read for long time agree with OP entirely – the backpack has really harmed pvp for all the reasons suggested – I think either remove it or allow it to be awarded for unranked or even take away the cross the league requirement – all these would help I think
As a solo player, I’ve enjoyed this season a lot more than last. Last season the matches were so random. Win then lose then win then lose.
I play casually (only about 3 a night, sometimes more). I breezed through amber, emerald, and sapphire. Ruby has been much slower going, but I’ve been enjoying it. My wins still tend to be blowouts (other team has less than 350 points at the end), but my losses are usually close. The big thing is that I’m seeing progress. I wasn’t seeing that in season 1.
Sure some losses can be frustrating, but don’t let them get to you. I’ve found a poor attitude is detrimental to win streaks. It’s still something I"m still working on as I’m apparently annoying my teammates when I make rotation calls. :o Though I’m trying to limit those to really bad calls, like going for lord with less than 350 points (usually less than 300) against a team we are not steamrolling.
Anyway, I’ve enjoyed this season so far.
well I don’t share your sentiments – am trying my hardest and have been improving myself but I am not seeing any progress mainly because of MMRhell so nice for u but again not very helpful!
I assume that eu players can’t team up for this – otherwise I would be very interested
I don’t understand why people are making a fuss about being stuck in a certain division- I moved on to Smite and am stuck in bronze 1(aka trash) and i couldn’t care less. Eventhough I sometimes convince myself that I’m better than your average bronzie :p . Unless you’re on one of those 16 game losing streaks or whatnot.
What I’m getting at is maybe that’s where you belong? This ain’t directed to the guy above me just in general
yes you may belong there now but if you improve and so could end up higher you wont get there as you are stuck that’s the point . The system does not allow people who actually improve to show that in their progression
People citing 10+lose streaks are either having an UNGODLY amount of bad luck ( i doubt it), OR they really just arnt as good as they claim to be
I had a 15 game losing streak last week. I just kept Q’ing to see how long it would last. The system is broken in that it creates very high winning streaks and losing streaks. Most of it is based on how you performed in Amber. As a person already pointed out, he’s having no trouble on an alt account. This system is basically a, “once you’re screwed, you’re screwed”. That matchmaking will consider you a “bottom 5” player and place you with other “bottom 5” players to fight against those deemed “top 5 players”. So if you made it into the category of “Top 5 player” in Amber you’ll have a much easy time all the way up if you keep playing consistently.
agree this is it entirely – stuck forever!!
I feel for the OP I am in same position in sapphire – the problem is that the league does not help those who are trying to or have improved since the start. Once in MMR hell no matter how hard you work to improve yourself you are stuck I am in the right place now I assume because everyone says so. But even if I work hard to improve I will never leave sapphire – because I am not able to carry a whole team and my MMR is tanked. Progression should not be about this but more improvement in my personal skill level. It does not mean anything to progression though – hence demoralization and now apathy has set in with the expectation of losing every time. this season is my worst gw2 experience but there u go past caring
(edited by godsie.2864)
1. How many people have just as many winning streak games?
2. This is competitive play and not something where everyone should get a medal for participating. Although it’s easy enough where people can do that with enough time. Yes, everyone loves to win but in order for someone to do that, someone needs to lose.
3. There will be outliers. I believe that season one had something in place that prevented this but it was removed because there were complaints about it.
4. While it may seem like that, it’s not really true. You took the unskilled players out of the equation but that doesn’t mean that the somewhat skilled players filled that place. There would just be nobody occupying that designation.
5. How many people are really stopping to play? At what point would it even be noticeable? There are matches constantly going on. Let’s say that at any given time there are 50 matches. If 100 people quit, would this really matter. Yes there would be less matches going on but your competition to get into a match wouldn’t have changed much if at all. There is a scaling of sorts when it comes to this.
6. Yes, I believe most people want short wait times but there’s usually a trade off.
7. Skilled players have a long wait time because not many have made it up there yet. You have to remember that these are not rewards tracks or at least those divisions from a ruby and onwards. There is skill involved which includes personal skill and that of your team working together. Another reason that those who made it to that division have quit is because there’s no point. What are the rewards if they already have everything?
1. I have no doubt for everyone who has 20 math lossing streak there is someone who has 20 matching winning streak. The problem is the guy with 20 match winning streak no matter how happy he is, can’t become 2 people to make up for the guy who has quit because of 20 match losing streak, . :P
2. Yes it’s not suppose to be everyone win game. That my friend is why we have divisions . A well put together league manages to have a very competitive scene AND keep the new players/masses happy. You don’t see starcraft , dota heck even wow arena players complaint about 20+ match losing streaks..
3. Yes outliers exist don’t you think it’s odd these outliers long losing streaks didn’t show up in s1? Any reasonable examination of the match making system would come to the conclusion that s2 match making actively tries to make streaks happen.
4. Skill vs unkilled is relative. Take any pool of players if you call the bottom 10% unkilled. Then if the bottom 10% leaves the next 10% is now the bottom and therefore unskilled. pretty simple concept.
5/6/7. Simple, que time. There has been a 2x if not 3x que time increase. Only explanation is people stopped playing.
agree this +1