3rd Flora Artillery Unit
3rd Flora Artillery Unit
cannon fodder for salvaging and crafting.
3rd Flora Artillery Unit
Not really having a problem with this, I always help downed players and I always get gold status in events I was a part of for the majority of the engagement. I’m a shortbow ranger, so take that for what its worth, but I feel autoattack should be enough to get your gold status even when you do take time to revive others, and if I’m not mistaken, a few classes either have talents or traits that offer healing bonus based on attacks.
3rd Flora Artillery Unit
I believe the issue these frustrated players are failing to point out well is that they are no longer driven to play through the content due to the lack of an invisible carrot on a stick.
Funny, I was no longer driven to play through the content of other MMO’s because of the invisible carrot on a stick. So in that regard, I have no suggestions that will help these lost souls who can’t enjoy dungeon progression without these kinds of rewards.
Unfortunately, not everyone is like me, but for those who are, my suggestion would be to tie dungeon progression into ever increasing epic lore revelations. That would do it for me, and as far as some way to show off your accomplishments to fellow players, I would venture to say unique gear that isn’t statistically devastating but definitely indicates ones accomplishments would be as far as I would want to go with that.
Also, glancing over this topic, I just wanted to say that there really haven’t been any interesting dungeons in any MMO since I was running them in BC. That’s probably rose tinted glasses because everything was new, much like Kara as far as raiding. Everything after has failed to meet my expectations.
I just ran my first dungeon on Friday, story mode Twilight Arbor. Considering everything I’ve heard, I didn’t think it was exactly a walk in the park. (What was up with that second boss?) So I expect explorable modes to be a pita. But I didn’t see alot of what people were comnplaining about with mob pinging and our group handled it very well. But I did think it was somewhat boring and definitely tedious.
I wish we had more dungeons like the Black Talon flashpoint in SWTOR. That was why I felt that game was going places, too bad the rest of them didn’t deliver like that one did, bringing the excitement and chaos, weaving in a story, and moving through the instance fluidly while still delivering a few challenges at the boss fights.
3rd Flora Artillery Unit
Honestly, I don’t see how you can make world bosses hard when 50 players are droppnig stuns slows and knockbacks constantly without making them completely immune to it and then you just have alot of dead people.
By the way, Lok says Hi. He’s got alot of HP and even though I didn’t find him personally difficult to master alot of people didn’t seem to grasp that when he hikes his leg its time to dodge, or just flat out got the timing wrong. Alot of people died constantly and I actually found it entertaining to make my way to downed players and bring them up, all while keeping myself safe on the ground stomps. That fight took at least 5-10 minutes minimum, and it seemed like it took longer.
I think other players nailed it, when the population begins to normalize and there aren’t as many people readily available DE’s will become more formidable and entertaining for those looking for a challenge.
3rd Flora Artillery Unit
Not a chance I’ll go back to other MMO’s. I’ve been so incredibly frustrated and bored to tears with the genre in general until now.
3rd Flora Artillery Unit
As long as its an option, I’m fine with it. <(^_^)B
3rd Flora Artillery Unit
I just wanted to suggest that the forums have an option for one of the many awesome painted motifs for a background, or at least an option to make it darker. I really dislike all the white. =P
3rd Flora Artillery Unit
To be honest I am glad there isn’t spectacular loot and I’m glad this isn’t going to be a carrot on a stick where end game content ultimately winds up being a few dungeons that you run over and over just to get a few pieces of gear a few points better than what you had before. I don’t subscribe to better gear being “content”, and lets be critical when we talk about memorable boss fights, when was the last good one you had? I have to go back to Karazhan myself. Everything else has been lackluster, even Arthas.
3rd Flora Artillery Unit
I am surprise that people aren’t using Shortbow + Sword/Axe. Normally I switch to melee when I am running for my life and the Sword/Axe combo has nice defensive abilities.
Kind of why I’m reluctant to move off longbow, I am very good at kiting, so I would like a secondary weapon that is ranged to compliment my shortbow.
3rd Flora Artillery Unit
I’ve noticed it some, but I’ve also noticed on f2 plus other abilities the bar begins to flash a kind of sucked into a wormhole effect that I’ve come to understand that the ability is next in queue waiting on another ability to finish. So I’m 50/50 on things working as intended and actually bugged.
3rd Flora Artillery Unit
Brown Bear / Forest Spider for pet rotation
Short Bow / Long Bow for weapon rotation (based off of a ranger guide on ArenaJunkies, though I only really use the longbow for the AoE ability. I spend so much time kiting that I don’t know if any other weapon combination will work but I may start researching as the longbow really isn’t getting much use.)
I’ve been stacking power and precision with vitality every so often.
Specced down marksmanship/skirmishing20/20 and survival 8. Level 58
I run signets of stone/renewal and hunt and use healing spring. I use take root for the elite ability. 3rd Flora Artillery Unit =D
3rd Flora Artillery Unit
I’ve always been partial to bright, magical nature settings. I could tell right off the bat the Sylvari would be that race with this type of starting area.
3rd Flora Artillery Unit
Any way the wind blows doesn’t really matter to me…..to me!
I just pick a direction and go. I do like the events that chain into a final boss fight, particularly if that boss isn’t a pushover.
3rd Flora Artillery Unit
Not my pet, NO!
My pet is mortally wounded!
Don’t worry, I will save you!
Yeah, I’m bad with pet management. Good thing I know where the f4 key is.
3rd Flora Artillery Unit
For me (huntsman/leatherworker) for lw I have head/shoulders/chest/gloves/leggings/boots with at least 4 possible low level upgrades and at least 3 high level upgrades (that I’ve found). After you exhaust all refineable material that should put you in range for the discoveries to boost you to the next level. The high level upgrades were giving me 3 levels a piece in some cases.
3rd Flora Artillery Unit
Dunno about you but Rangers get a skill that removes condition damage every 10 seconds. I haven’t done pvp yet but I am assuming in a party they can grant that boon to you.
3rd Flora Artillery Unit
Just fyi the best way to go about crafting is to refine your base mats, then make just enough components and upgrades to discover one each of every piece. The bulk of your xp comes from discovery and this allows you to get to the next mat level without burning through so many of the previous level mats.
3rd Flora Artillery Unit
I would recommend walking outside the starting city, pick a direction at random, and roll out. Kill anything that opposes you and heed the call of those in need, explore every nook and cranny, and harvest ALL the nodes.
Hope this helps! <3
3rd Flora Artillery Unit
Gotta be out in the world where you can actually represent them (through xp, quest completion, etc.)
3rd Flora Artillery Unit
I prefer the shortbow the longer I play, I’m starting to get the hang of kiting and the increased firing rate plus the additional escape move makes corner kiting fun.
3rd Flora Artillery Unit
I have the opposite problem. I tend to lock on random targets further away than what I’m actually fighting (without ever using the tab key). This has killed me many times in PvP.
This. I don’t pvp, but during champion boss fights I tend to make things interesting by unintentionally aggroing any and all nearby wildlife during the duration of said fight. On the flip-side, bonus xp.
3rd Flora Artillery Unit
I was not aware of this, I assumed the new profanity bans caught on like wildfire and it was cool to say kitten in place of one particular word I had in mind.
This is far more hilarious.
3rd Flora Artillery Unit
For me, I think running across the map in random directions slaughtering anything stupid enough to be in my way will be entertaining enough. It’s fun to just dive right in to dynamic events and keep trucking across the plains. Sure beats the snot out of queueing up for lfd everyday and at this stage in my MMO career, it beats raiding any day. Period.
3rd Flora Artillery Unit
You can do like I do, I bought roughly a monthly subscription’s worth of gems and so far have bought an additional bank tab + bag slot. When next month rolls around I’ll buy another monthly subscriptions worth and upgrade some more. Before long I’ll be maxed out and I’ll be looking for anet to have custom dances installed! =D
3rd Flora Artillery Unit
I’m sure this is common knowledge, but I’m going to post it anyway.
/w (or /t)
no need to type it all out.
3rd Flora Artillery Unit
I always pick spamming. I didn’t see scamming, that’d be a good one too. In the end it probably doesn’t matter much, when arenanet reviews the report they can see what’s going on themselves.
3rd Flora Artillery Unit
Check bottom middle of the page while you’re looking at teh mail in question for an orange stop sign. They snuck in that report feature a few nights ago.
3rd Flora Artillery Unit
You are welcome :p
3rd Flora Artillery Unit
I’d have to go back into the character creator but since I chose a pale blue body with deep purple accents I made the hair some form of dark purple with sky blue accents.
Keep in mind you have an over arrow for additional colors.
Draeath yeah, I knew this was going to be a good game when I could literally spend that much time getting my character together! XD
EDIT: Testing it out, apparently the secondary color for hair is missing?
AHA! It’s glow color that does the blue accents. It’s ‘Streamlet’ with glow intensity on max.
3rd Flora Artillery Unit
(edited by ituhata.6830)
Thanks. The presets allow you to get close to the look you want, the sliders allow you to mold that face fairly precisely. I was pretty methodical about it, with the eye size, slant, pupil size, nose bridge and width, mouth width and fullness, chin and cheeks. I literally spent 45 minutes in character creation making her just the way I wanted her to look.
I actually could have rolled with the one preset with the double creased line that runs across the nose and all the way down the face, I could have made that look sharp too. =)
Though I think the blues clash with the leather/earthy dyes on the armor – try giving it some blue on the accents? I think “Teal Jeans” (one of the ones you start with) would fit.
I was actually going to try that, I’ve gotten a ton of dyes that I haven’t messed with yet. I’m having a hard time moving off hte brown, it gives my character a ‘rangery’ feel, I also could have gone with brown and green like Robin Hood.
3rd Flora Artillery Unit
3rd Flora Artillery Unit
I think my Sylvari is pretty pollinateable.
3rd Flora Artillery Unit
Don’t certain or even all classes get skills/traits/abilities that actually buff healing by doing damage?
3rd Flora Artillery Unit
I get credit on every dynamic event even when I run around rezzing the poor melee guys who get instagibbed on champion boss fights. Heck, I gt credit even if I fired a single arrow or quite often (and I feel this may be a bug) I get credit just for being there. (Several times I have arrived late to an event, was in range just as the boss went down, and got credit)
3rd Flora Artillery Unit
I think I will, as I already pointed out, I have already sworn on more than one occasion in local chat and I’m still running around, so I’m inclined to believe that anet isn’t running around banning people for the slightest slip-ups. I’m more inclined to believe when people get banned, they said something to directly offend someone, who in turn reported it, anet reviewed it, sided with the person who reported the player in question.
3rd Flora Artillery Unit
This includes posting insulting, offensive, or abusive comments about players, repeatedly sending unwanted messages, reporting players maliciously, attacking a player based on race, sexual orientation, religion, heritage, etc. Hate speech is not tolerated.
I think you bolded the wrong part.
3rd Flora Artillery Unit
I do find it amusing people think because there is a profanity filter it gives them carte blanche to talk like Howard Stern in local chat.
3rd Flora Artillery Unit
Norn Guardian Druidy paladin.
3rd Flora Artillery Unit
I got a surprise for some of you: I have sworn in map chat on more than one occasion. So there is no automatic monitoring system waiting to drop the banhammer on you. It’s more than likely people who received the banhammer were reported by other players, which means it was probably more than just a slip of the tongue and was offensive enough that another player reported it.
All I can say is be mindful if you’re speaking in a public channel, what seems fine to you may not be taken so kindly by others. I’m inclined to believe during conversation a few slips here and there of the less flagrant words that are not directed at other players will go unreported, and I would expect 99% of all guild chat and private conversations to go unreported as well, unless you royally ticked someone off.
3rd Flora Artillery Unit
I am running an EVGA GTX560 Ti (1MB) paired with an AMD Phenom II x4 945, I’m getting 34-48 fps pretty consistently.
EDIT to say: That’s with 6GB PC10600 DDR3 mem and a crappy 7200rpm HDD. That is with max settings at 1900×1200 resolution. Have not done much w w w but I have been on alot of zergfest world DE boss fights. The worst I can remember those being is around 24fps but it rarely dips that low.
3rd Flora Artillery Unit
(edited by ituhata.6830)
The way I understood it, as I was previously on Tarnished Coast (wonderful server btw, those guys are awesome to map chat with), but the bulk of the guild I was hanging with were on Fort Aspenwood. I had to do my own research using my own points I had made representing the guild. If there were a few more of us on the server it would have been ok, in the long run it just made more sense to move over to FA.
3rd Flora Artillery Unit
They are adding more forum categories when they feel the forum is performing up to par when under a heavy load, just read it in another topic where they asked us to stay on topic with what the forum was. So we just need a little patience and time for them to do it.
This. In the last three days the forums have grown from merely support forums to the players helping players and now guild forums. More will come.
Personally I’d like to see forum color options. White seems so plain for the main background color….be nice if we could have a cool paintd background like alot of the loading screens.
3rd Flora Artillery Unit
Don’t worry, it will take a few days to get used to. One thing you want to put in your mind right away is, regardless of how frantic it seems during combat, remain calm and think about what you are doing. You have two dodges available to you plus whatever abilities you have to control a fight with. Slow down, observe what is going on around you and react accordingly, rather than hapless button mashing.
Mobs often telegraph when they are about to hit you, learn to save dodges for that and only when its a move that is going to hurt bad.
Targeting is a little wierd but you wil lget used to it. You don’t even have to target anything, just point in a general direction and fire, your character will auto-target the closest thing in your line of sight. You may also tab target and mouse-click target. Again, targeting can get a little tricky in a large fight and you may wind up tab-targeting the wrong thing, so take it easy….migth be best to take the time to mouse-click an intended target rather than risking bringing in more mob aggro unintentionally.
The overflow system is a little annoying with the pop-ups, but it only happens on session change going to overflow and again when there is a spot available for you on your own realm. IT is important that these pop-ups exist because if you are in the middle of a dynamic event you may not necessarily want to be ported to your home server, where the event might not be taking place.
Quests are super easy. Pick a direction. Any direction. Go there. The UI will let you know if an available quest is nearby with all the information you need to know in the top left, and a quick look at the map tells you where you need to go and what you need to do.
I hope this helps _
3rd Flora Artillery Unit
There are loot items that, if you pay attention, that say they are trophy/salvageable. You use the basic salvage kit to get the leather of of them instead of vendoring them.
3rd Flora Artillery Unit
I got a ton of these yellow/gold diamond/square things that allow a 1 time transfer of item stats from one piece of armor to another. Whenever I find a set of gear I like, I’ll be able to transfer a full set. =)
3rd Flora Artillery Unit
Soooo, what PvE content will you be doing as a guild when you are max level and have crafting/skills/etc. capped and the world explored?
^ The same thing I was doing in every other MMO I suppose, standing around the major city with nothing to do. Because at some point, people start getting that running the same dungeons over and over to get gear is pointless and if those dungeons were dull (and most of them were), the only point was to run them until everyone had gear and then wait until that gear became obsolete next expansion. Its a poor excuse for content. Heres 3 new raids, have fun for the next 7 months with that carrot.
3rd Flora Artillery Unit
Yes they are tethered, so circle them. If you turn tight enough tehy will always miss your hitbox and if they are too fast for you use an escape ability or dodge to reset and try again. =)
3rd Flora Artillery Unit
And exactly how is this different to end game raiding in other MMO’s?
Perhaps I read it incorrectly, however I thought Belcross was posting due to a concern that there is no particularly difficult content designed to test players at the level cap. I don’t really get the relevance of your response; it comes across as a stawman argument.
I’d be interested to hear how Belcross faired on explorer mode dungeons, however the relevance of my response is aimed specifically at your comment, because end game in other MMO’s has always been the same: Run a few raids that are hard simply because you don’t have the gear, get gear by farming easy bosses and progress through till your entire guild has all the gear from the dungeon and the entire thing becomes trivial. After weeks or months of running the same dungeon over and over you are done. Now you have nothing to do until the next expansion or major patch and you repeat the process all over again. It is also interesting to note that vertical progression causes each and every previous raid dungeon to be obsolete, there will only ever be a few top raids at max cap that are worth raiding, so any new players coming into other MMO’s can skip over all that content.
So when you fear that when you hit 80 you will have nothing to do and repeat things you’ve already done, I seriously want to know how you think this is any different from the traditional method of progression?
3rd Flora Artillery Unit
No need to air it out on the forums, and I’m almost 100% positive you can simply right click on that guys name when he whispered you and use the dropdown menu to report him.
3rd Flora Artillery Unit