3rd Flora Artillery Unit
3rd Flora Artillery Unit
What Rangers really need is more cowbell.
3rd Flora Artillery Unit
It really bothers me because of the rotation I had (leap, put the blue circle thingy on the ground, and spin in cirlces and kill everything), admittedly leap was out of order in 4, but still, everything was relatively in order. Even though I’ve only been playing a Guardian for half a day, the new order confuzzles my poor fingers.
3rd Flora Artillery Unit
For reference:
Pre-patch http://youtu.be/B_vxkGomAKI?t=14s
Post-patch http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LE6fvw_UKnU (used zephyr on latter part of attack)
3rd Flora Artillery Unit
Well I havent changed my talents since, give me a sec I’ll upload a shot. I’ll edit this post.
EDIT: Here we go, nothing particularly special about the 10 pt talents I chose.
3rd Flora Artillery Unit
(edited by Moderator)
Ituhata, my bad, I forgot about condition duration increases, I apologize.
That’s ok. Just for reference, here’s a short clip I shot a while back trying to see if a ram would win a fight with a leopard, but it got jumped by a second leopard…long story short I got caught up in it and you can compare bow speeds in the two videos I posted, but unfortunately I was not positioned properly to get bleed counts, but I know I consistently got 9 before tonight.
3rd Flora Artillery Unit
I’m not really sure what you guys are all doing, but before I could stack 9 bleeds, now I can stack 8. Not that big of a deal.
Please don’t lie, before the patch you could only stack 6-7 bleeds, not 9.. now you can stack 5-6.
You were saying?
3rd Flora Artillery Unit
I’m not really sure what you guys are all doing, but before I could stack 9 bleeds, now I can stack 8. Not that big of a deal.
3rd Flora Artillery Unit
I seem to remember getting a maximum of 9 stacks of bleed beforehand. I’m down to 8.
3rd Flora Artillery Unit
Having seen the manner in which Jumpgate Evolution fell apart, I am certain if this game was pushed to production early because they were running out of time, that this is preferable to what happened to JGE. I would much rather have the opportunity to play a game that still needs work than to never get the opportunity because the publisher pulled the plug.
3rd Flora Artillery Unit
I do love this game, but so far Orr has been a buzzkill. The general feel is drab, gloomy, and depressing, and reminds me of dead rising without the comforts of a mall to lock yourself in or a tank to bulldoze a path through the infinite drones of mindless zombies.
I really feel like I stepped through the portal to the lost deimos base, or possibly like this:
This feeling is definitely solidified on the platform in Malchor’s Leap where there is a karma vendor I’m not sure how people talk to because it is perpetually overrun by waves of veteran risen mobs and trebuchet launchers. =P
3rd Flora Artillery Unit
Never underestimate anti-social trolls, even in this game. Shared EXP is great as it minimizes KSing, but some abilities are used for trolling purposes like hunter knockbacks, which funnily only seem to be used when others are around. Not saying all who uses these kinds of skills are trolls, but the context in which they’re used makes me a bit suspicious.
To be honest with you, back when I actually ran a longbow, I would use that knockback skill in groups because I felt like one player was taking too much damage and I wanted to get that mob or at least one mob off of him or her for a second so they could recover.
3rd Flora Artillery Unit
In the rose colored glass days of early WoW, I was still very much the same person: Introverted, awkward, aloof and alone while questing. It was only occasionally that I had to suck it up and ask in local for help on a quest. Then I found out about dungeons and I would wait in the cities to find groups. I was still very timid about this because I had no idea what I was doing and back then, that could mean a very miserable and long time to finish any particular dungeon out. (Wailing Caverns, anyone?) The way I remember it, I started out just being honest and up front with everyone, ‘Hey, I’ve never done a dungeon before’ ….‘Hey, I’ve never done this dungeon before’ ….‘Hey, I’ve never tanked before’ …etc. Amazingly enough, most everyone I can recall running with not only didn’t appear agitated by this, they were actually willing to help and I sctually turned out to be a very decent tank in the end that more than enough people actually began seeking me out when they needed a tank and it landed me a spot in a raiding guild as an offtank. (the beginning of the end, but that’s another story) Back on my server, I felt I had made a name for myself and many people who helped me along the way made a name for themselves to me. I felt like I belonged in this community.
Flash forward some, and to be honest, I believe we need only go as far as the first time the new lfd tool went from server only to cross realm and suddenly all that changed. People seemed to have this attitude that if someone in the group came out and said at the beginning that they had just hit level cap, didn’t know this dungeon, or were new to the most crucial two parts of the holy trinity and without so much as a word they were kicked from the party, or certain people just left. Then came the gearscore naughtsies that didn’t even need to talk to you, they would wave their magic gearscore wand and if you weren’t up to par you got kicked. Alot of times people weren’t even willing to explain boss fights and one wipe often meant the group just disbanded and the run died because most people don’t want to join a dungeon in progress if you’ve already cleared the first boss….unless its a tank fishing for the last boss dungeon clear.
I could go on and on but at this point the community feel almost instantaneously died. The feelings of camaraderie gone. While it’s true there’s nothing stopping you from grouping up with players from your own realm the truth is when people aren’y synced up and waiting on their friends they can queue and then they get their dungeon runs in and then suddenly they don’t need to go so…..then you have to queue yourself. At this point in the story you can tell I’m not a fan of lfd whatsoever.
Of course in GW2 the feelings I get of camaraderie have been largely restored, but there is still a hollow feeling of community simply because we don’t really need to get to know each other when everything can be accomplished outside a group, and everything is so fast paced (either by design or by human nature) that there’s barely time to waste typing in say or map chat when we’re busy dodging stuff and whatnot. And I’m still left with a bitter taste in my mouth about the gaming community and I feel like any pug runs I may be a part of I will find the same people that turned me off to that other MMO long ago. So that’s really why I roll solo most of the time. It doesn’t seem worth my effort to put up with abuse or witness others putting up with it….much like in real life, unfortunately, it seems I’d rather play alone.
I’m Ituhata, and this has been a 60 second rant. Thanks for reading.
3rd Flora Artillery Unit
(edited by ituhata.6830)
Go fit a pvp drake and head out to VFK.
3rd Flora Artillery Unit
Having not played the first gw I have nothing to compare to, but I did play a feral/resto druid and am familiar with having quite a few spells at my disposal depending on what form I was in. At the end of the day, I learned to simplify and honestly only used around 4-7 spells in any form, the rest was just taking up bar space for the most part.
3rd Flora Artillery Unit
No, I’m pretty comfortable with my set of skills. I often swap out utility and elite skills depending on the situation and between that and swappable weapons I don’t really feel like I’m restricted to just a few spells, and if I do, I can always change out weapons….been eyeing a greatsword as a replacement to axe/horn axe/dagger for a few days, actually. Melee Ranger.
3rd Flora Artillery Unit
when you’re sick and tired of playing.
We’re being serious, right?
3rd Flora Artillery Unit
This is not the way I wanted to look but it’s how I’m rolling until I can acquire a more leafy set of leather.
EDIT: Crappy lighting FTL….this is slightly better….Hey! Who put a scratch on my bow!
3rd Flora Artillery Unit
(edited by Moderator)
MMO with 9mil subscribers to pool from and a massive non-stop on every channel ad campaign manages to sell 2.7 mil. copies.
I suppose that’s not bad.
3rd Flora Artillery Unit
no, but when i go to dungeons I ask my guild, I try my best not to pug, no matter the MMO. Back when I first started WoW I wasn’t like that, but after landing a guild and doing guild runs I can’t go back to the train wreck that usually is pugs.
3rd Flora Artillery Unit
Someone was telling me about monkey mobs in MoP, that they interrupt and charge….I told him to just dodge the charge. ^(^_^)^
3rd Flora Artillery Unit
On more than one occasion while I was not in any way targeting another mob (left/right mouse buttons held down heading towards an objective decidedly not near a mob) she just decides to start ripping off arrows at something well off to her left.
I’m cool with it, girl likes to kill stuff. I gotta be honest, if I were a hero capable of rattling off 60 well aimed arrow shots per minute I’d probably want to kill stuff too.
3rd Flora Artillery Unit
Dynamic (regular) Events were done in Rift on Day 1 – well before GW2.
Only they weren’t exactly dynamic. Open a rift, kill stuff, rift closes. Life goes on.
Nah, Rift had plenty of wandering bosses, camp defenses, etc.
Are wandering bosses counted as dynamic events these days? <(0.o)>
What happens if the camp defense fails? Do you get a new quest to retake it? Inquiring minds want to know what other people think the word ‘dynamic’ means.
3rd Flora Artillery Unit
Dynamic (regular) Events were done in Rift on Day 1 – well before GW2.
Only they weren’t exactly dynamic. Open a rift, kill stuff, rift closes. Life goes on.
3rd Flora Artillery Unit
I can kill around 10 things easily solo in low level zones. Elite skills ftw
3rd Flora Artillery Unit
Just keep your hands off my bulbs and we’ll get along just fine, Johnny Bravo.
3rd Flora Artillery Unit
Now it’s Twilight Arbor armor and t3 Sylvari cultural armor. Before it was 100% map completion but I am going to hold off on that. And then I’m still exploring a few other classes outside of Ranger so….lots? I’ve not even touched pvp yet…
3rd Flora Artillery Unit
I always rez people, even if it might get me killed. I might dodge out of the way, but I come back as soon as I can. Can’t say I’ve run across any jerks on my server, I’ve always been rezzed in kind.
3rd Flora Artillery Unit
After seeing cloth and leather tier 3 cultural armor sets for Sylvari and now seeing the leather Twilight Arbor dungeon set, I’d say my racial armor looks pretty awesome.
I wouldn’t suggest disagreeing with me either, unless you like getting a beatdown from a walking plant.
3rd Flora Artillery Unit
End Game means I’ve beaten it or no longer wish to play it. =P
3rd Flora Artillery Unit
Eh, JNKM are as near to one another as IJOK and I’ll give you a guess as to how my cat named herself Kijo.
3rd Flora Artillery Unit
I think they may have actually meant to type “goons”.
The letters aren’t close. They must have been angry with some Chinese colleague while typing up the quest description.
Check your qwerty keyboard. k & n are literally next door neighbors.
3rd Flora Artillery Unit
Sylvari for sure. I pretty much just sit in one spot all day growing fatter and soaking up sunlight.
3rd Flora Artillery Unit
You can swap any weapon you like out of combat, as well as your heal, utiliy an elite skills. So really it’s jut a matter of planning and once the fight starts working with what you got. Pretty much exactly like EvE when you plan by fitting your ship with the modules you want then undocking and starting a fight.
I spend 6 years playing WoW as a druid in various specs and I pretty much only ever used about 7 skills consistently.
3rd Flora Artillery Unit
Nono, deploying the 3rd Flora Artillery Unit (Take Root: Sylvari Racial Elite) is never a bad option. Just wikittentayed a little longer than 4-5 volleys.
EDIT: Oh wow, forum filter. Just…wow. So I guess I should say ‘I hope it stayed’. Put two and 5 together folks.
3rd Flora Artillery Unit
To me its learning to play a new class. Because I want 100% map completion on my main I’ve been to all the starting zones and really only have the top 3 zones left to explore, so no matter what race I chose to play I have seen it all. I’ve gone solely down the Ranger route without really giving any of the other classes a fair chance to mature and see what they are like at least until all the weapon skills are opened up.
3rd Flora Artillery Unit
I don’t. I re-upped my EQ account once a few months before launch here and I quit playing after 15 minutes. Nostalgia didn’t last long and the reality of how bad the game is overall compared to recent ones coupled with the grind taught me a lesson about “the good old days”.
At any time I can re-up my EvE account. It doesn’t get much more unforgiving as that. I chose not to despite my love of space ships and fleet fights because the game is far too much work for what little enjoyment I can get out of it. I’m reminded of this everytime I miss it and re-up my account and within a month or two I cancel.
3rd Flora Artillery Unit
As a college football fan, I can say I’d still be a fan if there were no championships. Rivalry games are often far more fun and intense to watch over watching a bowl or even a championship game. Bragging rights go a long way for rewards, and in the WvWvW world that really ought to be a ‘thing’, in my opinion. It probably will be a thing, unless that whole ‘if you’re not from bg9 you aren’t a real pvp’er’ thing was just overblown hype.
3rd Flora Artillery Unit
Zero. Say hello to my new vigil set
3rd Flora Artillery Unit
Map completion and that sick looking sylvari tier 3 cultural armor set. Also because I haven’t seen any of the dungeons except for Storymode TA and I’ve not even touched PVP yet so I got alot to do on top of trying out another class.
Just got my full Vigil armor set tonight. I look pretty cool from teh neck down, the headband makes me look like Rambo, or somee plant variant of the same name.
3rd Flora Artillery Unit
I’m on a boat, Motherkitten, on a boat!
EDIT: No prisons here, but a surprising amount of rendered material back inside that island where you’re supposedly not supposed to be able to go.
3rd Flora Artillery Unit
I don’t want to be known as the one straight guy who doesn’t like breasts, I will wear more pink than anyone.
3rd Flora Artillery Unit
Some people need rewards to have fun. Some people think having fun is a reward in itself. I am part of the latter group, and to anyone who would argue to me that a game needs a reward system in order to be fun, I would simply ask them if they would play a game where the main objective is to stare at a wall: The longer they stare at it the more powerful and outstanding rewards will be given to the player. I’ve pretty much given you a successful formula for an MMO by their standards, how many of you would like to play it?
3rd Flora Artillery Unit
I just follow my friend around wherever she is going and aggro and kill everything in my path. Works for me. =D
3rd Flora Artillery Unit
I think that was the best part about lfg in other MMO’s.
3rd Flora Artillery Unit
Anyone who thought this would kill WoW was deluding themselves. That being said, last I checked WoW wasn’t exactly gaining subs. You can only milk a cash cow for so long before people get tired of it no matter how much you try to dress up the latest rendition of it.
3rd Flora Artillery Unit
I bought all vigil armor as soon as I hit 80. Medium looks nice, but Sylvari Cultural T3 armor looks epicly sick and I want it so bad.
So bad….
You should see the Sylvari female cultural armor. It’s fantastic.
^ Yeah, what that guy said.
3rd Flora Artillery Unit
“Thank you, hero of the hour, here’s a pile of experience and money, now @#! off! "
God I love that guy. =D
3rd Flora Artillery Unit
Honestly? Destroyer crabs. =P
I dunno what it is but they put burning conditions on me constantly and I have no idea when they are doing it or how to avoid them. Fighting one is ok but it seems I’m always fighting around two to 3. My heal will clear one condition and my signet will clear one every ten seconds and my pet can even clear one if he isn’t dead or the ability isn’t glitched but….if I don’t kill them fast they will….they will do horrible things to me that I can never forget and have nightmares about and have to seek counseling about.
3rd Flora Artillery Unit
To be honest, this game is so young it doesn’t have a good market yet. Not everything you want to buy will come from the BLTC, but from the TP itself.
That being said, the gold to gem conversion thing seems alot like EvE plex, only someone once pointed out that the players don’t control the market price. If that’s true, then I’m not really sure how that’s going to work out and I’m wondering if people are trying to play a market game they have no way of controlling and waiting for gems to go up before selling or prices to come down before buying.
Also EvE has alot of bots even with plex. They just farm other things besides isk. There’s always a black market for something.
3rd Flora Artillery Unit