Showing Posts For phys.7689:

do you think this game is fun

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: phys.7689


I’m not sure why you think this would bother me.

I didn’t; you assume I care enough to “bother” you.

The point is that we can’t have a discussion or a conversation about these issues when everything you post ultlimately reduces to opinions that can’t resolve anything. Yet you continue to post that people who don’t think the game is fun are really just wrong about mechanics being broken and/or underdeveloped or that they are wrong about the direction of the game and development.

You can’t have it both ways. Either your opinion is just as valid as mine, or one of us is objectively wrong on some shared criteria and/or set of facts.

For example:

Are skills tied to weapon sets a good thing or a bad thing? As it stands, I find such an arrangement poorly implemented, reducing creativity and depth of combat. Developers could introduce some more meaningful skills that don’t entail a great deal of redundancy and aren’t centered mostly around DPS; control and pressure elements would bring a great deal of diversity to build style and play. However, such skills couldn’t be introduced without finding a way to overhaul some or many of the weapon skills, either allowing some skills to be swapped out on particular weapons or introducing a whole new set of weapons.

If I make such a claim, what people are interested in discussing is whether the core mechanic needs to be changed or whether it can be salvaged with significant changes (or some ingenious set of tweaks). What specific improvements could be made and would they work?

If someone thinks the set of core mechanics is fine, people who think it’s flawed aren’t interested in hearing that your friends, guildies and/or some other set of people have an opinion that differs. What they want, if anything, is a set of compelling reasons that demonstrates or otherwise attempts to argue that the system is either: (a) going to improve with some set of specific and identifiable changes or (b) is better than perceived or really quite fine if a certain set of other facts are taken into account. Testimonials about the quality of someone’s experience don’t count in this situation in any meaningful way.

Whether or not someone likes a game’s core mechanics IS opinion.

You can say there’s not enough variety. I can say there’s enough variety for me. You can say the balance is bad, I can point to other games where many people have said the balance was bad, including Guild Wars 1.

But all of this, every single bit of it, is just opinion. You think gear progression is the devil incarnate, a lot of people don’t. Just opinion.

You don’t like the combat system, other people do. You can’t quantify everything in life. It’s just not possible.

Plenty of people don’t like the combat system in Guild Wars 2 and plenty do. It really is that simple. You can discuss it till the cows come home, but I doubt anyone is going to change their mind.

have to agree with giblet here. Saying everything is opinion may be true, but it also pointless. One can claim that everyone’s perception of blue is in fact different, and thus we cant really say what color any one should wear. But thats pointless, and adds nothing valuable to the situation.

If your work is going to institute a dress code, and they want people to wear blue, if you want to take part in the debate of dress code and what it should entail, discussing the subjectivity of reality and perception is pointless.

The issues are, what are the real pros an cons of a dress code, and if there is a dress code what should it entail, and how to make the dress code work the best to achieve whatever goals it set out to achieve.

And though i dont agree with clay that much, and do think that at some point one may have to let go of the anger and decide its no ones fault, and some things just dont appeal to you, i cant deny that the truth is, this is a work in progress, and the game will change with time, so its not totally useless to try to make his opinion known on the matter.

(edited by phys.7689)

Not getting hooked on GW2 [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: phys.7689


Yes, gw2 is an action MMO, it doesn’t have much strategy besides “survive/DPS”. it lacks control, shut downs, pressure and therefore strategy.. sadly 70% of the few forms of control were given to guardian (bubbles/reflects, etc ) instead of being fairly distributed among all classes. so all that’s left is DPS

and DPS.. shines the most on classes who’s class mechanic allows for greater survival such as stealth or clones

And about quality over quantity.. that’s not true at all. I’m not sure if Anet is saving up under-power skills/traits to later shift the meta but.. too many skills/traits lack quality, and the ones who do have it and tend to be nerfed on less popular classes such as kit refinement/ Empathic Bond because traits(skills too) shouldn’t be build defining.

You have “quality” traits like Ele’s earth embrace which for 10 points, it grants long stability/protection/stun breaker, if traited also regen/vigor, remove a condition and even has a glitch that for a short window it will suck in all projectiles. and then you have ranger traits that give you 5s might after activating a signet, not too much quality there..

every games based on killing strategy boils down to survive and dps. CC is about survival, healing is about survival.
I think you have a personal bias when your talking about clones, i have played mesmer, and its clones really dont make being DPS that much easier, (course when i leveled mobs ignored clones more, but even now, unless i have toughness clones die too fast to give much protection)
Stealth is also a really crappy mechanic for survival in PVE, and has always been. I guess you must mean in PVP, but i think PV kitten uch a different animal that you really should mention you are talking about pvp balance.

and yeah ranger 1 stack of might on signet use is trash (especially when ranger has some of the longest cast times on signets), but thats a balance issue, i think the thread isnt about imbalanced skills, but more about overall systems.

Not getting hooked on GW2 [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: phys.7689


1) GW1 skills were perfect, to you. To me GW1 had too many skills, i mean i enjoy deck building, but it reached the point where you needed a side program with search features to make a build. Which is sort of entertaining to me, but i dont think its an optimal situation for players at large, and lead to many cookie cutter builds and builds that overperformed. Balance was a lot less important in GW1, because it was by an large instanced, it was fairly easy to ignore what everyone else was doing as the game progressed.

That said i dont think GW2 is at optimal amount of skill choice either. I think they probably need at least 1 alternate skill choice per weapon type (which would greatly help them having to try to make every weapon set have so many things it can do, and yet still be balanced)

2) re speccing in GW1 was not really that easy in prophecies, everyone remembers how easy it was after factions and nightfall, but when i first played prophecies, minor runes cost 1 plat+ highly valued runes were like 6 plat plus. You couldnt change the prefix on weapons, and your earning potential was fairly low. Not to mention they didnt give out as many perfect salvage kits.
That said, i think that respeccing in GW2 is also pretty bad with regards to gear, not even really due to money, but due to inventory, and each gear having its own unchangeable stat distributions. IMO they should develop a system where you can store and change your gear stats. This can be a form of horizontal progression, and makes it so you dont need to walk around or store 3 different gear sets, and makes it so you can actually experiment with different stat builds.

3) health versus damage, i believe it has been shown that for programming it is easier to scale up rather than down. Rounding and trunacation causes some issues, as well, GW had a level cap of 20, it wasnt really meant to scale at all, so lower was fine, even for that it had some problems, like some skills benefitted from one point of attributes, and others didnt, sometimes it was worthless to add a stat point due to to truncation/rounding effects.

4) depth of battle. GW1 wasnt very deep in battle to me. It was deep in terms of planning i suppose, but once you had your plan, even robots could beat the hardest content in the game, aka 90% of hero battles. This had its strong points an some fun, but the visceral combat in GW2 is way better to me, there is also still that ability to, with the perfect plans make content a lot more faceroll ish, but it requires more coordination and planning. I think this will be subjective to whether you prefer to come up with an equation that equals winning, or whether you prefer to have to actually execute well. Its going to be subjective.

Honestly i feel GW2 combat is pretty good, though i wish they had more synergy, less nerfs to synergistic systems (they nerfed combo fields effectiveness, predictability, nerfing, mes boon building, rangers use of quickeness to burst, everyones ability to CC)
and more difficulty levels wherein higher level difficulty requires better use of personal synergy and team synergy.

do you think this game is fun

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: phys.7689


This isn’t true. Anet’s loyalty isn’t to the WoW playerbase. Anet’s loyalty is to keeping the game alive.

He didn’t say Anet’s loyalty was to the WoW playerbase. It’s fairly clear the meaning of his comments, in context, is that Anet had to cater to some of the impulses/desires of the same kinds of people who play WoW in order to increase game sales. Reading comprehension is hard.

And, as is turns out (and you tacitly admit), developing content that appeals to people who also like WoW is what the developers think will keep this game alive. Yet that’s exactly the kind of content many of us aren’t interested in playing and bought this game to avoid.

Except it’s not “like WoW”. That’s what you Guild Wars 1 players seem to be missing. I keep hearing the words more like WoW, more like WoW. You guys are so sensitive to any change that wasn’t in Guild Wars 1, you can’t admit that it can be a positive change for the game over all.

Reference the so-called gear grind in this game. In WoW, you’re gated out of content by your gear. Very gated. Lots of gated. You have to run the same instance over and over to have an RNG chance at a drop, but it’s not just something you “want”. It’s something you absolutely MUST have. Not because it makes you 1% or 10% or 20% more powerful..but because you absolutely can’t enter the next raid until you’re geared for it. That doesn’t exist here, except in the fractals, which is self contained, because they give you what you need.

This game isn’t anything like WoW…unless you’re a Guild Wars 1 player. WoW people who play this game sure don’t seem to think it’s like WoW.

Not true you go to the AH and buy the pvp gear and start running heroics. Before mop you could buy gear with jp and jump levels content wise. I ran heroic dungeons for 2 days tops and was in raid finder. Wow content isn’t gated to the extent it used to be. Fractals are gated and so were dungeons in this game as far as skill is concerned until players ran the dungeons enough and discovered how poorly designed they were so they could farm them.

Dungeons are gated based on skills and knowledge of the dungeon? Thats just called experience and challenge, its kind of what dungeons should be about. As far as people learning how to farm them, that will always happen. People will always find the easiest path, and make things more efficient, learning is what humans are all about.

As far as your wow comment, so what your saying is you buy X gear, so you can run heroics, so you can get Y gear so you can run X content? yeah thats what GW isnt about.

yes WoW made it so you can skip gear teirs, thats because the design of the treadmill is that your only supposed to have to do it like 2 or 3 times per expansion. It would be ridiculous if you had to do it for every teir that came out since the game released.

look man, the game isnt your thing, i get that. Its understandable, the game cant appeal to everyone.

And AC was never easy for level 35s. I actually remember when we first stepped foot in there, the graveling room in the howling king path was super tough (which has since been nerfed)
It is however doable.

And herein lie the problem, while you say AC is too hard for level 35s, some people say its not hard enough. Who is right and who is wrong when different sides want different things? The devs got to pick sometimes, what can you do.

(edited by phys.7689)

Class balance still off? Changes too slow?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: phys.7689


I think Anets balance team is either to small, or too cautious. I understand not wanting to play wack a mole, but what we currently have is very stagnant changes, that dont even necessarily seem to be evolutionary. They do one thing, then 2 months later they undo it. Some things need broad strokes.

Also their overall trend seems to be one of making things weaker. This is the balance trap. Bringing things down is tempting in the short run, but its bad in the long run.

They need to do more actual balance changes and less number tweaking. Say for example, one build of theif is supposed to be about debilitating and destroying enemies through various poisons. If you feel that its too powerful and you just change the numbers… you get a thief who can kind of annoy your for a couple of seconds. That will never be a viable build.

do you think this game is fun

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: phys.7689


This isn’t true. Anet’s loyalty isn’t to the WoW playerbase. Anet’s loyalty is to keeping the game alive.

He didn’t say Anet’s loyalty was to the WoW playerbase. It’s fairly clear the meaning of his comments, in context, is that Anet had to cater to some of the impulses/desires of the same kinds of people who play WoW in order to increase game sales. Reading comprehension is hard.

And, as is turns out (and you tacitly admit), developing content that appeals to people who also like WoW is what the developers think will keep this game alive. Yet that’s exactly the kind of content many of us aren’t interested in playing and bought this game to avoid.

And, specifically what GW1 was able to do in the past and the premise of GW2 when they said it was a game for people who don’t like MMO’s.

GW2 is just another themepark MMO. Sure, it has better graphics, but it is just another themepark MMO like WoW. It isn’t different or groundbreaking or genre changing. Everything GW2 has done has been implemented in some way in another MMO previously.

But other mmos do at least one thing well and this game does none of them well. It’s like a clusterkitten ADD theme park Korean casino grindfest.

Even the cash shop is pointless. How hard is it to actually put things people want in a cash shop?

the game does open world better than probably anything Ive played.
Downscaling makes more zones at least some what relevant when you go back

Dynamic events where npcs move and different things are happening depending on when you go into zones, You can actually watch some events play out.

No claiming of monsters and items. (this is one of the best things to happen, playing games with claiming mechanics is one of the worst things once you go back to other games)

Hidden areas with items in it. Not so hidden areas with things in it. Vertical exploration, even underwater exploration (i hate underwater combat, but i actually dont mind underwater exploration)

Events that scale up in difficulty.

If they continue to expand and evolve these ideas, the game will be truely impressive in time.

One thing, their reward guys arent very good. Not just in amounts of rewards, but where rewards are placed, and what gives what. They should be highlighting the game, but they seem to overall make a lot of the more interesting content worthless in comparison to the grindier things. That said they have kept a fairly stable economy so far, but to be honest, id rather have an interesting game than a market that doesnt move up or down drastically for the items no one cares that much about.

do you think this game is fun

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: phys.7689



The game was fun. I have issues with the way anet is handling the cash shop, and some of the optional grind is just a tad tooo insane. I had to make my boyfriend do the “super box”. I got fed up within the first hour, and just gave up after I learned the diffrence between a bubble bauble and bauble.


So true.

This super box content added to the game… pure grind.

I’m sorry, but I don’t want to grind the same content 100 times to get a unique item that is offered with the additional content.

So what happened to the “no grind” gameplay… seems more like they are ‘encouraging’ grind play.

So essentially I am being told that if i want to reap the rewards from additional content… I must grind the content to no end.

If you think SAB is a pure grind, i dunno i think when you look at it objectively, its a bad example.
Sab gives you 2 bauble baubles per boss defeated and 1 for the first stage.
SAB allows you to trade 250 baubles for 1 bauble baubles
SAB can probably be completed in like 3 or 4 minutes per level.

If you beat the current SAB 1 time, and hit a few obvious digging points you will get 7 baubles in like 12-15 min
50/7 = about 7.2 so you have to beat it 7 times to get a skin.
If you enjoy doing something, you ll probably do it 7 times just for kicks. If you dont enjoy doing something doing it 7 times may suck for you.

I honestly think 7 times isnt a crazy number, and SAB is fairly accessible. If you do it with 1 friend, and you actually go back outside, you ll probably easily get an extra 2 baubles out of the run. so that cuts it to closer to 5. Truth is, if you hate SAB, just buy the skins from the TP, you can do what you like and just buy it with gold.

Now there are somethings i think anet definately made too grindy, anything that needs multiple 250 mats, legendaries, I think dungeons could probably have thier costs reduced by 1/3rd. I think ascended backpiece is an abomination. I think that their time gates are a bit too hefty. Precursors are one of the worst things they have done to the game imo.

But SAB is a pretty bad example, to me because, its soloable, its fast, it takes like 7 runs or so to get a skin, you can buy the skins from tp for an affordable price.

Back to the overall topic, i think people are realizing they have a low tolerance for playing the same content forever. Ok, thats fine. I can understand how you see some promise and want this game to be everything, but it cant be everything, it cant appeal to everyone. It also cant equate to any mmo that has been out for 5 or 6 years in content.

To be perfectly honest, to me, prophecies was the dullest and least entertaining expansion, with the most amount of grind, and least feeling of heroism, I played story for maybe a couple weeks. For me the game got a lot better with factions, and was probably most fun after nightfall. When they introduced HOM and you were able to go back and do all the interesting missions and get some credit for all armors you got, etc, you really got to see a variety of content. This was great, but that is not how it was when the game came out.

Superior runes costed multi platinum
best rune was rune of superior vigor, it costed like 26 plat?
some minor runes were like 1 plat
you couldnt fully customize weapons
earning full platinum for gear was fairly expensive
there were no heros, and hench had no controls
you couldnt take hench into endgame dungeons

it really was a very different game than many people here remember and love. It developed into what most people loved over the course of like 2-3 years. So if your lucky the game will develop. If your not, the game will get worse. All you can do is relax, and come back if the game entertains you, dont come back if it doesnt.

That said, i think they will have to release more serious content updates in the future, the type of thing you would expect to find in expansions;

more classes (8 is not enough for the life of a long game)
more skills (the current amount isnt enough)
more evolved plotlines and dynamic events
more armor variety per armor type
more in depth horizontal progression
new zones, far off lands
more evolved instances, closer too how they presented dungeon explorables,
I guess i should write up all my suggestions so they can be properly ignored.

The Cantha Thread [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: phys.7689


Ok, i been looking at somethings recently, and though its been said before, i think its just going to be a fact.

NCSOFT nixed cantha primarily because of blade and soul. Looking at their spread of MMOs, its clear they are willing to produce multiple MMOs but they dont want them canabalizing each other.
this generation they are planning on releasing
Blade and soul

as is all of these tackle fairly different genres and playstyles. You could easily see a player playing all of these games, or possibly only having 1 than fits his demographic. So they killed the asian themed things in GW, because they dont want to canabalize the market of Blade and soul. After all, they are basically marketing Blade and soul as a very different asian themed MMO, if GW2 has cantha, and spiritulists, martial arts masters, and an asian themed story/world, its offering a lot of the selling points of blade and soul.

SOOO probably not going to happen, the only way cantha may make a comeback is after enough time passes that ncsoft doesnt really care, an extremely large desire from the user base for it, or if cantha is substantially different from blade and soul world, which means it either becomes a lot less asian themed (which seems kind of why botherish) or its period of history is substantially different. IE cantha developed faster for whatever reason and is more of a steampunk or industrial experience, which I might find interesting, but it probably isnt what people want.

Dawn price back ad 690 g agen

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: phys.7689


Profit potential from farming is no where close to that of trading, to the point of not even being comparable. With the use of assistance tools (which have no official stances…see posts) the effort needed for trading is diminished substantially.

I don’t understand. If the person providing the supply in the first place uses the same tools as the trader to figure out what to supply and what price to sell it at, their profit potential can be just as good because they don’t have the cost of buying up any supply and doubling up on the tax and they don’t really shoulder much risk that they’ll lose their investment when the market takes a turn. The thing about farming is that you can always go get more stuff. If a trader loses their bankroll on a bad trade, they start back at square one.

Yes, it means that you might end up with stacks of stuff in your bank or on your sale tab for a while until the prices swing back around, and that you can’t just grind in the same spot without thinking about what you’re doing, but a trader doesn’t flip the same items over and over either. Maybe the farmers would need to craft also so they can transform some raw materials into something more salable (like rares->ectos).

Regardless, I remain unconvinced that the gap in potential profits is overwhelming. I think we’ll probably not be able to agree though because there aren’t a lot of hard facts to point to… how much money you make depends not only on effort but on talent. A bad trader won’t out-earn a good farmer.

What we have now is relying on the tp 1st. Imo it should be a supplemental tool, not a primary system.

Well I think we’ll have to agree to disagree on that. I can’t think of any argument that can change a personal bias – and I don’t mean that in a negative way. I simply mean that’s your view and there’s no point in trying to talk you out of how you feel about it.

the person who is selling a good, can only get as many goods as they can get at the time. The person buying and selling is only limited by their starting capital. The difference is person who can hunt 20 items in day can make 3 copper more per item if they play the market. The person who plays the market can 3 copper more per item if they play the market, but they have 1000 items sold per day.

not to mention that because people get random items they dont need, the value of an item is often determined by a large amount of people who have no need for the item. Which is one of the reasons so many items barely sell above npc value.

goodbye thirst slayer

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: phys.7689


Okay, I have to admit I’m a little surprised this thread is still around. I just want to
Clarify one thing….I never once considered the story method “cheating.” I, perhaps naively, assumed that since it was still In the game seven months after launch and most players seemed to know about it, it was a viable option. Clearly I was wrong. However, this doesn’t change the fact that I think it’s a ludicrous amount of work for a little achievement that doesn’t even grant a title. Grinding just to say you’ve done something is dumb.

its not supposed to be an achievement you get by grinding, its supposed to be an achievement for people who like drinking all the time, achieved over a long period of time.

take a look at the other long term achievements, do you really think there is supposed to be easy ways to do lifetime achievements?

Fact is, it was a cheat/bug/oversight, you can tell because not doing it that way takes a lot more resources. It was fixed. The achievement now takes forever and uses up resources, which is what it was meant to be.
surprised it has no title though

Condition vs Crit

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: phys.7689


Wondering if condition damage isnt a fool kitten
Somehow I get the feeling its not really a winning pick with condition removals available.
Also getting your stacks up might take time depending on class.
Duration seems rather low and before you got enough stacks no doubt a removal pops up.

Crit has the obvious instant damage that seems to make this worth tons more rather than conditions?

I used search mode but somehow I havent found a topic about this allthough I would love to see what others think. Any links from older threats perhaps?

i assume you mean crit dmg, and yeah condition and crit are different playstyles. Conditions are less bursty, but also dont have as much mitigation, they proc even while you arent attacking (depending on class and condition duration) Its really a very different playstyle so comparing them isnt that accurate. But in terms of raw damage, if you could just wail on something with no response, direct damage is going to be higher.

We were supposed to be GODS!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: phys.7689


Heh, could be a combo of the longbow damage code and the dynamic leveling code.

Anyone got any solid numbers for how much the game changes power and armor via dynamic leveling?

its pretty drastic, you ll notice it when you fight monsters 5 levels or higher versus you. So yeah its basically due to level difference.

Pets forget how to pet around thieves

in Ranger

Posted by: phys.7689


Thief’s can’t perma stealth anymore and heavy stealth builds are garbage…..

Tactics do what I did ask a good thief to let me train vs him to understand how they work and worked on finding a weakness or combos that work against them.

I spent hole week in SPvP duelling thiefs just to learn them. WvW sure there stronger but so are we.

LR or Signet of renewal and a sword is all you need these days to beat your avg thief.

I personally use Signet now over LR as it help with condition remove and team support and its good vs condition thiefs let them spam stack you then just wipe it and with right skill set counter attack.

They can spam cnd still in wvw just fine. Your damage uptime on them vs how much they regen while stealth makes them a real pain in the kitten

You still haven’t described what these tactics are. If the thief doesn’t want to die, he won’t. He can reset the fight however much he pleases. The best you can do as a ranger is deny them killing you, but I don’t consider that a victory.

and how is it a victory for the thief? are you saying a thief is OP because they can run away from battle? I will admit its better for not taking armor damage, but running away is not winning a battle, and usually not of much service in sPVP or WvW

Pets forget how to pet around thieves

in Ranger

Posted by: phys.7689


The thing is this, they can spam C&D as much as they want. The good thieves don’t do what the bad thieves do. If they are going to gain an advantage while unstealthed, they’ll restealth and wait for it. Regenerating HP and gaining large stacks of might are pretty good advantages.

You can swing your weapon all you want, but the thief can see you and move accordingly. You can’t see the thief. Your best bet without traps it so simply swing continuously at thin air … which is ridiculous. If they see you swinging at your pet, you’re not dodging so they’ll just C&D off your back. If you aren’t, then they can C&D off the pet. Good thieves exploit the heck out of their broken class.

no they cant spam C and D as much as they want, it costs 5 inititive per attempt failed or not,
no swing blindly or doing AOE is not ridiculous, it makes sense, also spin around, so you do not present a stable back target.
As far as Cand D off your pet, if you neutralize the advantages to being invisible, by doing dmg, AOE, and not presenting your back, they are wasting a large damage spike on your pet, who can disappear every 15 seconds with full health.

Now i do agree that pets get kind of crappy when someone stealths, it usually interupts skill use, and they kind of act stupidly, but C and D off your pet makes perfect sense mechanic wise, eliminating a rangers pet should be an option for an opponent. As well as using your pet to get situational buffs. Its kind of foolish to say class mechanics shouldnt work on pets.

I understand people want thieves to fight on their terms, but really this is not an issue with theif being OP, its an issue with pet AI/controls.

Few people play female Charr

in Charr

Posted by: phys.7689


I find it bothersome that you’re wearing cultural armor. Charr have a huge problem with armor choices (especially medium armor).

A huge problem such as? Personally I think both the T1 and T2 medium cultural peices are amazing looking. My engi rocked the T1 set for the longest time.

My one gripe about cultural Charr armor is the fact that tails clip through the T3 cloth.

That’s exactly the problem. The only good armor on Charr is the cultural armor and it’s sad to see that Anet devs see it that way as well.

this is because, char are fundementally different animals from humans/norn/sylvari The truth is a lot of charr gear doesnt look quite right on humanish races and vice versa.

I honestly think they should have more race specific gear, or at least charr and asura should get some different ones. This may also solve some issues with some existing armors that they havent used, probably because it doesnt work with an asura, or a charr, or a human.

Dawn price back ad 690 g agen

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: phys.7689


TP warriors will most likely always earn more than farmers. As a guildy once told me, I don’t farm mobs, I farm farmers. I’m not sure anyone here is saying this can be changed completely but the compromise is making general PvE rewards feel like it is a close comparison.

Well I think you’re assuming that farming mobs and making money on the TP requires the same amount of work and skill, which I don’t believe is true. Farmers can (and many do) increase their profits be being smart about what items they farm and when and for how much they sell them. The reason there’s a gap in earnings is not because TP investing is inherently better, it’s that the folks involved in it that do make a lot of money put effort into researching the best way to get the most value, whether they’re purely working in buy/sell orders or whether they’re selling the items they found by farming.

The TP creates a dependence on other players to farm needed items for you rather than allowing a player to get them themselves. Anet loves to use stacks of 250 of something for recipes rather than more reasonable amounts. It would be good from an individual player’s perspective if it were a more difficult decision to either farm something or buy the items rather than the current state of having to buy them.

So, you want folks to feel more rewarded for farming, but you want to reduce the market for the items they’re farming? I understand that lots of folks would rather find items than earn gold, but I think what you’re missing is that buying things on the TP is basically trading the stuff you find that you don’t want to someone that wants it, and getting what you want from someone else who found it and didn’t want it.

Currency is a good thing because it frees you from having to find and make everything yourself. You’re looking for armored scales, but oops, an exotic weapon drops. Are you just going to toss it in the bin, or are you going to sell it and buy some armored scales? That one weapon drop could represent 10 armored scales dropping from one mob, but only if you turn it into gold.

What if somehow achievement points were used to purchase high end rewards?

I actually think this is in the works, but I don’t remember where I saw that so take it with a grain of salt.

the problem with your whole theory is that when your trading stuff you dont want for stuff you do, its fine. But when its nearly impossible to get what you do want, it essentially means the large majority has to go to market. By forcing everyone to market, you only increase the profitability of middlemen.
heres how this game works,

you work
you get about 1/5th minimum wage, and random items picked from amazon
you sell random items from amazon on amazon

now you can say how its good that you things can be bought be because you can turn the things you dont want into cash, however. The system forces you to get many many many items you dont want, and essentially requires you to sell them to get what you do.
The overall effect is the value of a lot of items is too low, and the value of the rare items is extremely high. Also, if your a person who makes money just off the massive transactions that occur, its your ideal market, every one must transact constantly, with no vested interest in the items they are selling.

freedom of stats allocation: why don't you want it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: phys.7689


well i seek to know what the official guild wars 2 forum frequenters think.
thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

i have still to see someone elaborate an over powered build though.

so they say CONition damage/toughness/vitality could make necro over powered.

what i see is just a necro with decent health and defense, high condition damage and low base attack damage. how would that be over powered?

I know that would make you happy. You’ve said it in at least three threads. Just post one thread in the suggestion forum and that’s it. Because making the same thread over and over again, or a thread with the exact same agenda isn’t winning you any support.

It may be that devs will do something like that, unless they have a reason not to, which I suspect is the case. Anyway, good luck to you.

The necro is powerful for a couple of reasons. Though he has low armor, he also has the highest health in the game, along with warriors. Bringing his toughness high, at the same time as bringing his condition damage high, would make him almost impossible to kill. Because you’d end up with a character that was high healh, taking damage like he had heavy armor, with a second health bar like death shroud, who could condition damage you down really fast with poisons (which also slow your ability to heal), bleeding (which can do a lot of damage), life steal, there’s so much a necro could do.

Because of their high health, giving them power, toughness and condition damage could almost make a necro unstoppable.

but there is already a CON toughness precision set, so they have already made the tough high condition dmg type, in fact it will do more dmg and have better long term dmg to survivability than con toughness vit, because vitality is only the starter. To be honest i dont think they have done this because they got other things they want to do with that dev time, but at some point the current armor system is going to be problematic. Most MMOs end up having to do various things such as armor storing npcs etc. Its something they will have to deal with eventually. There is a lot of excess space being wasted in armor inventory.

But conditions don’t benefit at all from precision. That splits some of the effects. Many of the skills that do condition damage, however, will benefit from power.

precision is the hidden condition stat, almost every class has a condition that procs on critical.
warrior bleed 33% chance on crit
33% chance to burn 30% chance to bleed
chance to bleed on crit
30% chance to burn
arcane precision with fire or earth element
66% chance to bleed.
illusions bleed on critical hit

along with sigil of earth.

precision and condition dmg is basically the burstier condition build.

only guardian and theif dont have traits that tied critical hits to condition application.

freedom of stats allocation: why don't you want it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: phys.7689


well i seek to know what the official guild wars 2 forum frequenters think.
thank you for sharing your thoughts with us!

i have still to see someone elaborate an over powered build though.

so they say CONition damage/toughness/vitality could make necro over powered.

what i see is just a necro with decent health and defense, high condition damage and low base attack damage. how would that be over powered?

I know that would make you happy. You’ve said it in at least three threads. Just post one thread in the suggestion forum and that’s it. Because making the same thread over and over again, or a thread with the exact same agenda isn’t winning you any support.

It may be that devs will do something like that, unless they have a reason not to, which I suspect is the case. Anyway, good luck to you.

The necro is powerful for a couple of reasons. Though he has low armor, he also has the highest health in the game, along with warriors. Bringing his toughness high, at the same time as bringing his condition damage high, would make him almost impossible to kill. Because you’d end up with a character that was high healh, taking damage like he had heavy armor, with a second health bar like death shroud, who could condition damage you down really fast with poisons (which also slow your ability to heal), bleeding (which can do a lot of damage), life steal, there’s so much a necro could do.

Because of their high health, giving them power, toughness and condition damage could almost make a necro unstoppable.

but there is already a CON toughness precision set, so they have already made the tough high condition dmg type, in fact it will do more dmg and have better long term dmg to survivability than con toughness vit, because vitality is only the starter. To be honest i dont think they have done this because they got other things they want to do with that dev time, but at some point the current armor system is going to be problematic. Most MMOs end up having to do various things such as armor storing npcs etc. Its something they will have to deal with eventually. There is a lot of excess space being wasted in armor inventory.

Unofficial "Dueling" Area in WvW: Look!

in WvW

Posted by: phys.7689


If this ever happens on my server’s match up, I’m going to find my way over, and mist-form STOMP any and all participants.

Nah, you won’t. The person would get revived immediately and you would be instantly murdered by everyone else.

Go take a breather. This is just a game. There’s no need to be so upset about it.

haha now this sparking an actual war would be amusing to me. WvW zerg versus the duelists association, who would win? hmmm

Problems with Engineers and Legendaries

in Engineer

Posted by: phys.7689


I keep hearing that they are not working on an expansion, even heard it on Guildcast recently, and that is….upsetting. Arena Net themselves said that the plan was to have a split team with one half starting work on the expansion as soon as the game launched, heck one of the writes even said they have enough stories pre-planned for several expansions. I wonder what caused this change.

i think they mean they arent working on an expansion any time soon. Essentially the day to day, month to month work is more important right now. however, i dont think this is a good idea, unless they plan to do a lot of expansion level additions. And by that i mean, new weapons, more traits, new zones, new storylines, new proffesions, evolved dynamic events and game systems.

Problems with Engineers and Legendaries

in Engineer

Posted by: phys.7689


Well that’s the issue. That is the main Guild Wars 2 related topic on my mind right now. Discuss.

Ok i think the problem here is two fold, and i agree with you.
1) engineer is seldom without kits. The solution is to make more kits get unikittenfects when you have a legendary equiped. But if this was me, i would make a new legendary for engineer that better achieves this. I may throw some simple effects on quip and hunter, but most major things id make some new legendary that more lends itself to the idea that its a weapon that effects transform.

2) the game needs more fun things to do with somewhat of a purpose that are more varied.
a) repeatable content needs more of a random, or variable element. It feels like they kind of wanted this before the game came out, but settled on some very static things. For example, while explorable was presented as being able to explore the dungeon more in depth, and talked about how things might be different each time you do it. It really is far from that. They should add a new mode to the dungeons that is more randomized, and has various paths, and different possible bosses. There should be secret paths, rare enemies, seemingly random occurences, hidden lore, and rewards for this type of play.
b) they could use more high end objectives, that are accessible. Ascended was a bad implementation of this idea honestly, because its stat based. Looking at the gear grind of other games, the real carrot is new content. you get the gear, so you are ready for the new content. (or to murder people in pvp) Skins is a good carrot, when properly rewarded, to extend this i think they should also add ability “skins” where they have the same functionality but different charachter animations/effects. But to be honest the most worthwhile rewards would be abilities, thats what really makes your charachter feel like its growing.

c) I think they need to challenge themselves to take the engine they have, and push it to create INTERESTING new content. Dynamic events have a good architecture, but they are not very developed in terms of story, or events or gameplay. Many of them are just fight a bunch of enemies. And many dont really go anywhere past a shallow dip in the world. Some of these dynamic events should be telling stories/revealing lore, some of them should have more complex conditions for occuring (maybe related to the players involved) Really anet, you have strong basics here, but you got to take it to the next level. And dont forget you have to give people a reason to do them.

they said they arent working on expansion, and that worries me a bit, because usually this is where you get this kind of evolutionary jump in MMOs. They got the base systems but now they have to advance them. If you guys need ideas i got 1000s of em, but im guessing that its more of a managing resources thing.

Unofficial "Dueling" Area in WvW: Look!

in WvW

Posted by: phys.7689


if there was a down vote button i’d use it for the OP, personally i see this as a complete waste, and it interferes with WvW, all around just bad..

What do you think of jumping puzzle achievements and world map completion POIs, vistas & skill challenges?

jumping puzzles in WvW serve a purpose, especially for cheap people, they give siege equipment. Controlling your JP is not a waste of time, you are signifigantly effecting the supply of the enemy. I remember one match up where one of our enemies camped the JP, suffice to say the siege in the field was a lot more barren. As far as vistas and poi, part of WvW is actually exploration as well, and people have to actually take part in seiges etc to get access to these points. So no, its not really the same.
Essentially if 400 people decide they want to do get a POI in a castle, that either means they will have to seige it, or it is already open, and they are only in WvW for the 5 min it takes to run there.

I have no problem with the idea of duel/dueling/etc, in fact properly implemented it would probably be a pretty cool feature, however dont act like 100 people dueling isnt going to effect WvW, and dont act like people actually playing the WvW game are trolls if they actually want to fight.

freedom of stats allocation: why don't you want it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: phys.7689


the highest toughness with a secondary in power isnt that impressive, youd have no crits and no crit damage. Im not saying its trash, but its not really stronger than anything else.
Far as saying OP with conditions, is essentially accurate, im not saying this stuff is weak, im saying its not OVER powered. like i said most condition applying is tied to critical hits, Id say probably mesmer would be the craziest with condition and toughness, but the vit wouldnt be that necessary for that build.

like i said, do you really think either one of those builds would be stronger than any other statistic build? especially in PVE? is the high hp necro that afraid of getting hit they wouldnt rather have CON toughness prec? its just not overpowered versus builds we already have is all im saying

Can you tell me an OP build we have right now with the existing stuff? zerker mes/war? cleric guard? condi necro? The fact is, all of those builds/stat allocations all have a trade-off between killing power and surviving power. And all of them are counters. The suggestion above is also a good example of an OP build. T/v/h or t/v/H will really be OP on a guard.

i dont think any build is OP, but i think that at high level play, the builds that focus the most on synergy will be the most effective, due to the fact much damage is avoidable, and a lack of guaranteed agro mechanics.
put it like this, we can all kill any dungeon fairly well with average stats, what overpowered level advantage does one get from having a harder to kill guardian or necro? keeping in mind they are sacrificing their dps or utility in order to do so? (utility would mostly be boon duration at this point) Neither will make any encounter faster, they may make it easier, at the price of being slower. With an average experienced party, it doesnt really need to be an easier.

The real issue is WvW balancing, but to be honest the amount of times a WvW fight comes down to an even match up is rare. Given that thought process id say the most dangerous would probably be the condition/toughness/vit necro, mostly because he still does damage, however in honesty i think the CON/toughness/precsion is more deadly because many more bleeds/weakness/life steal can happen without skill use, he will have less hp, but vitality is only a lead in a race, its not the speed of the runner.

like i said, it wouldnt be weak, but OP? dont think so.

freedom of stats allocation: why don't you want it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: phys.7689


If I could choose my stats, I’d just go on my Guardian and deck her out with Healing Power, Toughness, Vit, go into WvW, and drink the tears of my enemies.

They have enough troubles trying to kill me in Cleric’s armor, even when I have a stat as useless as power. I say it’s useless because my goal was to make a pure defensive / support build, and power’s utterly useless for me with this setup. If I could choose Heal / Tough / Vit, people would talk about how OP it’d be, despite the fact that I’d have literally 0 offensive abilities.

However, part of me wants more combos of attributes, at least. Boon Duration and Condition duration are “relatively new” to affixes, so I’d like to see other combos using those ones. Part of me thinks we should be able to have Heal / Tough / Vit, (Despite the outcry of OP) mainly because we have the “pure offensive” setup of Power, Precision, Crit Damage. I’d like pure defensive. I -guess- giver’s could be considered defensive.

Point is: We have foods that are like “Turn X% of Y stat into Z stat” so glass Cannons could potentially become even MORE cannon, and bunkers would become even MORE bunkers. People are already complaining about the effectiveness of Glass Cannons and Bunkers already, and free stat allocation would make it even worse.

you’d be pretty hard for me to kill, but honestly, who cares, you wouldnt even kill berserker builds. I can just walk around you and kill the targets i need to kill, like guild lords, veteran supervisors, complete objectives, etc. I just busted out the calculator, and power is a direct multiplier in the dmg formula. this means that if you lower your power by 30% you lower your dmg by 30%, so yeah you have 162% more power using clerics than if you didnt have clerics, which means youd essentially do 38% less damage than you are used to doing if you got rid of that useless power. Who exactly are you a threat too like that? no one has to fight you. You flip this to pve, youd be doing substantially less damage than every one else, you could be doing decent support, however people with givers have similar survivability with better boons, a guard with knights, is giving might stacks for similar survivability with every crit. Are you really better than any other build? im not saying it serves no purpose, but giving up that power stat changes your effectiveness greatly. even your retaliation is weaker.

you basically are sacrificing your ability to kill anything and increasing your survivability, in a game with no forced taunts, and ability based short duration CC, how are you going to force people to actually fight you if you are not a threat?

freedom of stats allocation: why don't you want it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: phys.7689


The problem is you’re not a game designer and so you can’t see it.

Uh, anyone can be a game designer. It’s not a title that presumes the bearer is a bastion of knowledge or talent in their field, like “doctor” or “lawyer” or “virtuoso”. Game designers are promoted to their duties from all sorts of jobs, from programmers to artists, to even lowly Quality Assurance personnel hired on as temporary workers. Markus “notch” Persson, one of the most influential developers in PC gaming today, has no more formal training in creating professional software entertainment products than any given GW2 forum poster.

I don’t think it’s safe to assume that Arenanet has some immaculately cohesive vision for Guild Wars 2, where there is nothing left to add or take away, that none of us lowly mortals could ever comprehend, when there is so much evidence to the contrary.

I"m pretty sure that game designers (not the guys who just program or do graphics, but those responsible for actual design), actually do have some sort of vision, certainly starting out. But that doesn’t really apply to this conversation. What does apply is this…

Every single person who plays the game sees it from their point of view…that is they see the trees, but not the forest. They suggest changes, but they don’t necessarily have the vision or experience to see where those changes will lead. The same might or might not be true for a game designer, but a game designer is generally less self-interested. Their interest, if they’re any good at it, is the over all health of the game.

So you got guys in the thieves forum who play thieves who cry over every nerf, or make suggestions that would make thieves massively OP. Why? Because they’re only thinking about their game, and their character.

The OP has posted this topic I think this might be the third time and has gotten several people who disagreed with him. He even said so in this OP. He doesn’t understand why people disagree.

I’m not even sure I disagree, I’m just saying that if certain combos aren’t in the game, it’s entirely possible they’re not in the game for a reason. But the OP only wants what he wants…whatever that is.

Someone gives him an example of a combo that could be OP and he says he doesn’t think so. Okay.

The OP is beating a drum about something he wants, but I’m not so sure the OP is experienced enough in game design to see the long term ramifications on every aspect of the game. Of course, it’s not his job to see that. But that doesn’t mean that if he can’t see something it doesn’t exist either.

your objection seems based in some history of his ideas. Im merely looking at it academically. I do beleive that anet probably initially limited combinations because they werent sure how things would pan out, and also for other reasons they have alluded to. I am also not positive that there are no OP stat combos, however, as far as PVE is concerned, i tend to doubt it. Most attacks are avoidable, in this type of system the most OP stat combos already exist, they are the glass cannon types, power prec crit dmg, and cond prec _.
as far as being super tanky, they already have clerics givers and shamans. Since these extremes exist, i doubt that other mixes would break the game.

I mean hey the designers can test it, but to be honest, the current system will continue to get bloated and become harder and harder for players to manage. People who want a mix of stats basically have to try to use a simulator. In trying to make it easy, it has become more complex. And really if they actually have certain stat combos that are insanely OP they can just make them uncreatable.

freedom of stats allocation: why don't you want it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: phys.7689


Lots of things could go wrong with it. The problem is you’re not a game designer and so you can’t see it. You’re interested in what you want to do…which is fine..since you don’t get to design the game.

The more “freedom” you give in builds, the harder everything is to balance. The less control you have. Games with too much freedom often have the worst balance.

Right now, stats are pretty much capped at how much you can put into them. Changing this so it’s a free for all, means that certain builds could be created that would quite literally break the game.

We had that in Guild Wars 1 sometimes, where a certain build would come out and until it was nerfed, it was all you could do if you wanted to play the game.

could you give me one example of how freely allocating
x1 major attribute
x2 minor attribute

to 17 – 19 pieces of blank armor / trinkets / weapon could break the balance etc?

lets theory craft maybe?

off the top of my head, a couple imba stat allocations would be:

i dont really see toughness major power heal minor as OP

i dont think
condition dmg vit toughness is OP either. because most condition damage builds need critical to apply a lot of conditions, you really wouldnt have OP damage with just conditions, especially in PVE

Are you kidding me? 3.5k armor on a guard with decent power and healing. or even p/T/v for guard to offset the condi damage.

Condi damage on a high-hp necro with decent toughness. There are a number of classes that apply condition on hit. And to say you can’t be OP in pve with conditions is just… fail =/

the highest toughness with a secondary in power isnt that impressive, youd have no crits and no crit damage. Im not saying its trash, but its not really stronger than anything else.
Far as saying OP with conditions, is essentially accurate, im not saying this stuff is weak, im saying its not OVER powered. like i said most condition applying is tied to critical hits, Id say probably mesmer would be the craziest with condition and toughness, but the vit wouldnt be that necessary for that build.

like i said, do you really think either one of those builds would be stronger than any other statistic build? especially in PVE? is the high hp necro that afraid of getting hit they wouldnt rather have CON toughness prec? its just not overpowered versus builds we already have is all im saying

freedom of stats allocation: why don't you want it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: phys.7689


Lots of things could go wrong with it. The problem is you’re not a game designer and so you can’t see it. You’re interested in what you want to do…which is fine..since you don’t get to design the game.

The more “freedom” you give in builds, the harder everything is to balance. The less control you have. Games with too much freedom often have the worst balance.

Right now, stats are pretty much capped at how much you can put into them. Changing this so it’s a free for all, means that certain builds could be created that would quite literally break the game.

We had that in Guild Wars 1 sometimes, where a certain build would come out and until it was nerfed, it was all you could do if you wanted to play the game.

could you give me one example of how freely allocating
x1 major attribute
x2 minor attribute

to 17 – 19 pieces of blank armor / trinkets / weapon could break the balance etc?

lets theory craft maybe?

No, I can’t, because I’m too lazy to care if you get it or not. But the logic of it is pretty simple.

Right now, there are X numbers of possible combinations of stats. That’s it. That’s how many stat combinations there are.

Once you have more combinations of stats, that means that certain stats could, conceivably go higher than “intended”.

Simply put, the options that are available are options for a reason. Now I may not know that reason, but it’s not beyond the realm of possibility that Anet didn’t test other stat combos and find them OP.

Since I don’t know, I can’t say, but it seems to be a logical reason why certain stat combos exist and certain others don’t. I can’t think of any other reason, off the top of my head.

So if you can put any stats you want, you’d then create a combo which hasn’t been balanced for.

It’s pretty simple logic.

gear wise, in PVE i dont think there is really that power for OPness. from selecting major and minor stats by choice. Except for extreme min maxing you can already do this by combining different types the problem is, the implementation of doing that is extremely un user friendly and daunting. Also, i think they will probably release most stat combinations eventually anyhow. we already have a great many of them

We do have a great many of them…which makes me wonder why some have been excluded and if it’s intentional. If it is, we can’t obviously open it up.

I’d assume several combos aren’t offered simply for balance reasons. Naturally I could be wrong, but until I hear otherwise, it’s not such a poor logical leap to make.

they said one of the reasons they dont have certain stat distributions en masse, is because they havent got around to actually implementing them physically, IE some one has to make a name, make the items, put them as drops. Also they want some combinations to be obtained in different ways. I would imagine that option shock may also be a factor.

Honestly as far as PVE goes, i dont see too much OPness coming from selecting minor and majors yourself. Most of the issues i see are logistical, which doesnt diminish them, but really its fast approaching something like this being necessary.
too little inventory, too many stat option prefixes.

freedom of stats allocation: why don't you want it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: phys.7689


Lots of things could go wrong with it. The problem is you’re not a game designer and so you can’t see it. You’re interested in what you want to do…which is fine..since you don’t get to design the game.

The more “freedom” you give in builds, the harder everything is to balance. The less control you have. Games with too much freedom often have the worst balance.

Right now, stats are pretty much capped at how much you can put into them. Changing this so it’s a free for all, means that certain builds could be created that would quite literally break the game.

We had that in Guild Wars 1 sometimes, where a certain build would come out and until it was nerfed, it was all you could do if you wanted to play the game.

could you give me one example of how freely allocating
x1 major attribute
x2 minor attribute

to 17 – 19 pieces of blank armor / trinkets / weapon could break the balance etc?

lets theory craft maybe?

off the top of my head, a couple imba stat allocations would be:

i dont really see toughness major power heal minor as OP

i dont think
condition dmg vit toughness is OP either. because most condition damage builds need critical to apply a lot of conditions, you really wouldnt have OP damage with just conditions, especially in PVE

freedom of stats allocation: why don't you want it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: phys.7689


Lots of things could go wrong with it. The problem is you’re not a game designer and so you can’t see it. You’re interested in what you want to do…which is fine..since you don’t get to design the game.

The more “freedom” you give in builds, the harder everything is to balance. The less control you have. Games with too much freedom often have the worst balance.

Right now, stats are pretty much capped at how much you can put into them. Changing this so it’s a free for all, means that certain builds could be created that would quite literally break the game.

We had that in Guild Wars 1 sometimes, where a certain build would come out and until it was nerfed, it was all you could do if you wanted to play the game.

could you give me one example of how freely allocating
x1 major attribute
x2 minor attribute

to 17 – 19 pieces of blank armor / trinkets / weapon could break the balance etc?

lets theory craft maybe?

No, I can’t, because I’m too lazy to care if you get it or not. But the logic of it is pretty simple.

Right now, there are X numbers of possible combinations of stats. That’s it. That’s how many stat combinations there are.

Once you have more combinations of stats, that means that certain stats could, conceivably go higher than “intended”.

Simply put, the options that are available are options for a reason. Now I may not know that reason, but it’s not beyond the realm of possibility that Anet didn’t test other stat combos and find them OP.

Since I don’t know, I can’t say, but it seems to be a logical reason why certain stat combos exist and certain others don’t. I can’t think of any other reason, off the top of my head.

So if you can put any stats you want, you’d then create a combo which hasn’t been balanced for.

It’s pretty simple logic.

gear wise, in PVE i dont think there is really that power for OPness. from selecting major and minor stats by choice. Except for extreme min maxing you can already do this by combining different types the problem is, the implementation of doing that is extremely un user friendly and daunting. Also, i think they will probably release most stat combinations eventually anyhow. we already have a great many of them

freedom of stats allocation: why don't you want it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: phys.7689


because it would require a lot of work to rebalance things so it makes sense, and would probably lead to a mass nerfing of traits. (part of the balance in grandmaster traits is that it comes with X stat commitment, and thus limits your choices elsewhere)
Its not impossible, but it is something that would turn the entire game on its head, and there is no reason to believe it would actually improve the game in doing so.

what could go wrong with:
- giving us blank skins
- filling it up with x1 major attribute and x2 minor attributes ourselves?

i think they should implement something like this in the future, but not exactly blank skins. But your initial post in this thread just says free allocation of stats, which is not even what you just suggested

Scavenger Hunt?

in Crafting

Posted by: phys.7689


I can’t see how they’re going to “dramatically” alter the prices unless they just straight out ban the kitteners that purposely increase the price of precursor weapons. Those imho, are the true scumbags in the game.

You mean the players that really really want a precursor and are willing to pay top dollar for it? Ban the rich (or at least the folks with more gold than I have)! Where’s my pitchfork and torch? (yeah, I’m rolling my eyes right now).

You can post a precursor for any price you want if you can afford the listing fee – that doesn’t mean that someone will buy it. Certain precursors are really expensive because they are rare and lots of folks want them more than they want 700G or whatever they’re going for. What you don’t see on the TP is the buy orders that are getting filled – you only see the sell order that sits there for a while because it’s priced to high to sell right away.

The “prices are high because of manipulators” conspiracy theory has been beaten to death in the Black Lion Trading Co forum. I think Prices of Ectos being controlled? thread is probably the most comprehensive. The “Dawn Price” thread got interesting after John’s first post.

which is a problem becuase the amount of money the rich can earn versus the normal player is only continuing to rise. Which essentially means, the longer the game goes on, the more out of reach desired legendaries will become for new players. Really the honest truth is the game should design content in a way that doesnt overlly reward one playstyle over others. Currently playstyle that emphasizes earning money is the most effective for achieving most high level goals.

Mystic Forge for precursor

in Crafting

Posted by: phys.7689


Personally I think you’re overselling TESO. I’ve heard the claim “X mmo is gonna kill everything when it comes out” and usually it holds true for about a month, then it becomes the same ole same ole and people go back to their old mmo…..

Well that’s not true. This game would have been a king now and for long with a superb success, if the company didn’t ruin everything with bugged patches, karka’s event, various scams during festivities, etc etc etc.
TESO has superb graphic, a promise of huge battles, a great lore , a huge fanbase.
What is needed? A company listening the playerbase , an active forum where the community is truly able to communicate with the dev team, release cleaned patches (and if new bugs will pop, fix them quickly, 24 hours later), an active support team (ingame too if possible), don’t release near the final launch fake videos of something will not work at all ingame (like the huge battles we are talking about), don’t make an other casino (like the mystic toilet the best way to get a precursor, no special tricks or combinations as we explained, enjoy , OP) and many more.
Basically the exact opposite of everything is gw2 about management will be a guaranteed success lol
Am i exagerating?

what makes you think they wont have lots of bugs, and long times between patches, Elder scrolls is an offline game and it is one of the hallmarks of bugged games. And as far as listening to playerbase, Elder scrolls as a series hasnt really done anything like that before.
Now im not saying they wont do better this time, but i dont know what your basing your opinion of how they will run the game on. They have really done nothing that warrants that belief.

I think people may enjoy teso, as long as they leave their preconcieved ideas about what kind of game its going to be at the door. I see many people saying how they will do X Y and Z, but i see no mention of it from the actual game company.

freedom of stats allocation: why don't you want it?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: phys.7689


because it would require a lot of work to rebalance things so it makes sense, and would probably lead to a mass nerfing of traits. (part of the balance in grandmaster traits is that it comes with X stat commitment, and thus limits your choices elsewhere)
Its not impossible, but it is something that would turn the entire game on its head, and there is no reason to believe it would actually improve the game in doing so.

Unofficial "Dueling" Area in WvW: Look!

in WvW

Posted by: phys.7689


its nice that you guys are having fun.

and if there are enough people on both sides, trouble makers can be easily dealt with.

Yep, a couple people came in swinging, but they got taken down very quick.

except they probably have no idea what yall are doing, and are playing the game as it normally is.
I m not opposed to duels, but really dont go hating people who have no idea, and are playing the game normally for not knowing or caring about some outside of game agreements.

That said, i think that the Devs should be working on place for this type of thing in WvW, i think they should have some special objectives for different types of pvp, or different instances. WvW is fun, but it could really use some content expansion and development.

I can imagine an objective that is a large arena big enough for say 6 1 vs 1 matchups. the team that continues to win a higher % controls the objective for each tally. The WvW element comes in controlling access to the area, by defending the entry points they can limit the amount of players able to enter the arena (which basically doesnt allow pvp except in the matches). Uncontested wins count as wins for tally purposes, but not personal rewards.

string of wins can award increasing personal rewards, and area anouncements.

Can we design new weapons?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: phys.7689


Or armor for that matter? Could you possibly put in place some sort of art contest, suggestion box, or poll as for what kind of items we would like made? I don’t think anything like this is in place yet and it would be a good opportunity for Anet to involve their community in the game.

It would also help the people who are unsatisfied with what skins are available for their type of armor or weapon. Like for me there aren’t enough dagger and staff skins. So I could send Anet art or a concept and Anet can make a select few over a certain period of time? Like they will make these 5 skins this month or something.

Just a thought.

johanson mentioned in an interview, that while it sounds good, the amount of work in filtering judging etc, is a lot more than just designing weapons, hence its something that is time intensive, so it something if they did in that fashion would only be a one shot.

I however think it can be a good way to add content,
my suggestion
1)players can submit 3d model work of weapons they want to see added
2)Website is created that allows each account to vote for their favorite model
3) If the votes go over a predetermined number, say 100,000, anet gets final say on whether it should be added.
4)Recipe for skin is added to the gemstore (yes recipe it now becomes a craftable recipe)
for every sale of said recipe, creator account gets 1 gem.

This enriches crafting and allows user created content.
anet staff merely has either approve or disapprove of 1 weapon at a time
and implement it in game
anet makes money from sale of fairly desired cosmetic content
creator makes gold and fame for creating a weapon
crafters get the ability to produce new and interesting weapons for those who cant make it themselves.

Braham's Story ?

in Flame and Frost

Posted by: phys.7689


I enjoyed reading it, however… one major complaint.

You created this vast medium for story telling, and you’re going to tell me you could perhaps fit this into your game.

You know, like a flash back after his mission is complete ?

Just wondering why you decided to use this post as a stop gap instead of using the game people are playing. It makes little to no sense.

probably because writing a short story requires paying 1 person, and spending say 2-4 man hours. Putting this in game, requires much more, and honestly they dont seem to have people with the required skill set. Hey guys, no offense but you could make a lot better use of your engine if you hired a storyboard/sequential artist, or perhaps some one who does film. Still i think its a really good idea to add to the story through text, art, any form of story telling really
While i think its a good idea to spread this type of stuff around, i think you guys goal should be to try to be able to tell this level of story with the constraints of your current engine, in a semi timely fashion. I understand you cant tell every story with this type of thing, but you can tell parts of the story with this level of storytelling (visually) Keep in mind RPGs back in the day were able to generate these types of seens with nothing more than text speed, and hand pixelated sprites, You dont need to have Toy story level cgi to tell a story better.

Use the camera, you have complete control of it, Its built into the game. Build useful emotes, that you can reuse. Play with pacing and movement, sometimes npcs should run faster than normal to keep the story pacing high.

That said if you really cant improve the ingame stuff, i think expanding on this type of thing isnt that bad. However you can incorporate it into the game somewhat as well. Create a lore entry, and put some of these records in there, add a few choice images (like a light novel)

BTW i think it was a mistake tying Braham to Eir, doesnt really seem consistent with her charachter, and so far not really adding anything to his charachter. As someone who agonized about her father everyday and carries the burden of snaff, doesnt seem likely that she would not think about/mention her son at all.

The main warrior questions

in Warrior

Posted by: phys.7689


I agree with you Sharp.

But i don’t understand why you didn’t change ALL the skills, traits, runes and sigils that give quickness. And where is the trait that gives more damage against people with boons? or something for the constants movement controll that oppres warriors? Karl talked about that in the SoTG.
I was hoping in something like: XII strenght trait: you deal 20% more damage vs targets with protection.

That stuff is coming in later patches. We want Warriors to “punish” boons, which is going to balance out the quickness hits. Same with other classes. We’re going to slowly introduce those things to balance out what we’re doing to quickness.

And overall, we want to slow the game down so that new players aren’t dying to certain specs in 2-3 seconds. So the quickness change is one step towards that.

the game might be too fast on burst versus newbs, but its also extremely slow on bunker versus anyone else. As far as warrior punishing boons, that kind of sucks for the rest of the classes, since right now bunker is unbeatable for many builds. Building the game so its like, must have bunker, must have warrior(anti-bunker) is not a good idea. As of right now, bunker is even more powerful, since quickness style bursts have been reduced.

Then the whole other facet is, in PVE, where boss fights take a long time for most groups, slowing down the overall dps (which the current changes have done) makes the whole thing more drawn out, and not in an entertaining way. And boon punishment is by and large irrelevant to these encounters.

Ranger update march 26

in Ranger

Posted by: phys.7689


I’m still here and lurking about (as is the balance team), gathering information to bring to meetings. For the first couple days after a patch, people are still figuring things out and getting used to changes. We didn’t kill rangers (I was doing some PvP last night, and have done a couple dungeon runs). It’s just that there’s a predictable reaction to when we change something, that we have killed classes and destroyed builds, and there’s nothing I can say or do to help in those situations. Sometimes you have to sit back and let the community sort themselves out… people depend on something (quickness) and then when that gets changed, there’s an initial period of confusion, but its always followed by “look what I can do” because people are being forced to try new things, and they do a bit of experimenting they may have not have done before.
Sure things need more attention. LB, pets, spirits.. they all need some love on our part, and they will get it. I may not be the best PvP’r out there, but I was first/second place on my team in the three games I played as a ranger (deer rank!), and I was still effective against other classes. the new quickness speed will take some getting used to, but it by no means destroyed rangers.

But me going into every thread about someone claiming bad things and giving expressions isn’t going to help (there are also a lot of those threads that I just wouldn’t be able to keep track of due to time constraints). So I sit back, watch, take notes for meetings, and try to find a good time to post to help guide the conversation.

I think the problem is, ranger quickness was pretty well balanced before, maybe due to the fact that its was sort of built into the class style. But now, quickness FEELS meh, so yeah, somehow you guys have to go in there and make it actually feel good again, or perhaps replace it. Ranger was the class that actually had quickness integrated into into itself, it feels like the animation times, and even pet animations were based partially with the idea that you can speed them up. Since BWE quickness has gotten adjusted downward multiple times, but ranger hasnt really been balanced much based on that.

Overall, going away from the bursty style of play at this point is also weird, because on the other side, The bigger issue in PVP is the prevalence and power of bunkers, and PVE wise, one of the big issues is the large hp pools and fights that feel very slow. So right now, reducing burst, just feels weird.

Quickness Changes

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: phys.7689


some of the timers were changed just not in patch notes. Time warp is 10 secs now, it used to be 8 i believe, still feels boring now though

Thoughts on the March 26th Patch

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: phys.7689


How was Time Warp OP? It has a ridiculously long downtime, as does anything in this game that does something cool.

It gave groups a huge boost in boss fights. The cooldown was long, but you only needed it for boss fights, so it doesn’t really matter. Also, stacked groups could often kill bosses before you would need another time warp anyways.

so what your saying is that increasing dps for 8 seconds out of 3 minutes and 30 seconds, boss fights were too easy?

Sounds like a problem with boss fights, not the skill.
lets be honest, this change had no good reason to happen in PVE at all. Its a pvp change.
if some one was going to kill a boss in 8 seconds, now they will take 12, wow we have solved the game.
Maybe if the other mesmer elites werent totally boring/useless it wouldnt be so annoying. To be honest time warp felt like a lot of fun, but it wasnt really that insane in pve, it was a lot more fun then a slow moa transform that barely matters or a mass invis, which in pve is pretty useless.

You just made a great point for and against your argument. The skill did not drastically change the outcome in a PvE battle. That means that the nerf is not very significant in a PvE battle.

That boss fight that takes 3 minutes and 30 seconds will now take 3 minutes and 34 seconds. Oh no!

the nerf is a big nerf to having fun and feeling like a hero, thats the problem. I dont care about dps charts to classes and all that BS. I like to feel cool and do cool things. Whereas before time warp was an adrenaline rush, now its like slight cup of coffee, and hate coffee.

You hate coffeeeeE?!?!?1 What’s?

Yes I understand your frustration. Have you used Time Warp since the change in any real fight? I have not yet, but I cannot imagine that the nerf is so bad that the skill will no longer be fun to use. It still provides AoE quickness, just not as quick.

I am going to log on during lunch break and see what I think, but for now I feel like people may be prematurely judging the change too harshly

i logged in to try it out, it feels really lukewarm now. It last longer however, but its no where near the excitement it used to give. If mesmer had another elite that was useful i would probably use it. But moa morph is generally unecessary and doesnt even work on some mobs, and mass invis is generally useless in a fight

The problem really is, it just feels like balance wise they want to suck the fun stuff out. Like i said, changing the functionality of blind and aegis type skills, and giving bosses different behaviors when they are getting smashed in the face rapidly would be more entertaining and interesting fight mechanics than simply reducing the fun factor on quickness.`

Thoughts on the March 26th Patch

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: phys.7689


How was Time Warp OP? It has a ridiculously long downtime, as does anything in this game that does something cool.

It gave groups a huge boost in boss fights. The cooldown was long, but you only needed it for boss fights, so it doesn’t really matter. Also, stacked groups could often kill bosses before you would need another time warp anyways.

so what your saying is that increasing dps for 8 seconds out of 3 minutes and 30 seconds, boss fights were too easy?

Sounds like a problem with boss fights, not the skill.
lets be honest, this change had no good reason to happen in PVE at all. Its a pvp change.
if some one was going to kill a boss in 8 seconds, now they will take 12, wow we have solved the game.
Maybe if the other mesmer elites werent totally boring/useless it wouldnt be so annoying. To be honest time warp felt like a lot of fun, but it wasnt really that insane in pve, it was a lot more fun then a slow moa transform that barely matters or a mass invis, which in pve is pretty useless.

You just made a great point for and against your argument. The skill did not drastically change the outcome in a PvE battle. That means that the nerf is not very significant in a PvE battle.

That boss fight that takes 3 minutes and 30 seconds will now take 3 minutes and 34 seconds. Oh no!

the nerf is a big nerf to having fun and feeling like a hero, thats the problem. I dont care about dps charts to classes and all that BS. I like to feel cool and do cool things. Whereas before time warp was an adrenaline rush, now its like slight cup of coffee, and hate coffee.

as for rangers, its a bit different, this actually hurts the dps of the QS on swap greatly.
3/15 seconds, and more direct nerf to pet dmg since they primarily AA, and already have problems hitting moving targets due to animation cast times that also lock movement.

but that aside, it also feels like a lukewarm cup of coffee, the boost on swap is now barely noticeable.

(edited by phys.7689)

Thoughts on the March 26th Patch

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: phys.7689


Since the specific thread has been closed, I’ll post it here again:

The patch added titles being displayed below player name plates, but without any option to turn those titles off. Many players don’t care about the titles and are now already annoyed by the additional screen clutter, especially with many people around. (cities, large events etc.)

Is there a plan to add an option to disable titles below name plates?

I think if they add such an option it should be an overall disable of names/titles at the same time. Whenever you are looking to see some ones name, you should also see their title.

This would allow you to have even less screen clutter, but still make titles relevant

This already exists. The former option now hides names and titles together. However, names are very useful (especially because of the party/guild name coloring), while titles are not.

so really, you just dont like titles. Sorry but i think titles purpose is to be seen, maybe they can change the font or something, but if titles cant be seen, they serve very little purpose.

I also think people are still getting used to seeing a lot more players with less culling, so its probably partly due to that you feel things are cluttered, but honestly, people wanted to see other players.

Thoughts on the March 26th Patch

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: phys.7689


How was Time Warp OP? It has a ridiculously long downtime, as does anything in this game that does something cool.

It gave groups a huge boost in boss fights. The cooldown was long, but you only needed it for boss fights, so it doesn’t really matter. Also, stacked groups could often kill bosses before you would need another time warp anyways.

so what your saying is that increasing dps for 8 seconds out of 3 minutes and 30 seconds, boss fights were too easy?

Sounds like a problem with boss fights, not the skill.
lets be honest, this change had no good reason to happen in PVE at all. Its a pvp change.
if some one was going to kill a boss in 8 seconds, now they will take 12, wow we have solved the game.
Maybe if the other mesmer elites werent totally boring/useless it wouldnt be so annoying. To be honest time warp felt like a lot of fun, but it wasnt really that insane in pve, it was a lot more fun then a slow moa transform that barely matters or a mass invis, which in pve is pretty useless.

Thoughts on the March 26th Patch

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: phys.7689


Since the specific thread has been closed, I’ll post it here again:

The patch added titles being displayed below player name plates, but without any option to turn those titles off. Many players don’t care about the titles and are now already annoyed by the additional screen clutter, especially with many people around. (cities, large events etc.)

Is there a plan to add an option to disable titles below name plates?

I think if they add such an option it should be an overall disable of names/titles at the same time. Whenever you are looking to see some ones name, you should also see their title.

This would allow you to have even less screen clutter, but still make titles relevant

Thoughts on the March 26th Patch

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: phys.7689


How was Time Warp OP? It has a ridiculously long downtime, as does anything in this game that does something cool.

it wasnt really OP in PVE, people felt it was too powerful in pvp. Some berserk warriors mes parties used it to destroy COF fast probably, but really they were going to destroy it anyhow. not to mention now they can just bring a couple banners and get huge boosts to power and precision for everyone in an area.

The other thing to remember about it, it didnt lower cool downs, so really it was just a burst tool, your not really increasing your damage by much in the long term, aside from AA damage.

Could they have picked worse skins for WvW?

in WvW

Posted by: phys.7689


WvW players out number all other aspects of this game. Only PvE has a chance to beat out WvW players. Remember tho most PvE’ers WvW, but there are tons of WvWers who don’t PvE.

no, whatever I do outnumbers every other aspect, because I’m the most important person and what I do, everybody has to be doing, couldn’t be any other way….

have you ever considered that the few hundred persons per server at peak times (because, if you didn’t know it, there’s a limit on how many people may wuvwuv at one time) are outnumbered by far by the pve players who have no limitations at all.

So we should lock those few hundred players (per server so more like a couple thousand) out of “cool” looking armor skins? Why because they choose wvw as there end game instead of dungeons? If wvw got unique skins pve only people would lose there kitten. So no unique skins for wvw I understand that. What I don’t understand is not making dungeon skins available from badges.

dungeon skins are,
DUNGEON skins. It doesnt make sense to offer dungeon skins to WvWvW players because those skins are specifically created to and are the main if not only real purpose in running dungeons.

now i wouldnt be opposed to Unique WvW skins, and i havent seen what type of selection they have, but really they should never put dunegeons skins in WvW UNLESS they make some sort of WvWvW versions of those dungeons with PVP in it.

Thoughts on the March 26th Patch

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: phys.7689


Le sigh, nerfing quickness speed really sucked a great amount of fun out of ranger. on swap quickness buff was pretty big part of certain playstyles.

Really quickness feels kind of over nerfed now.
On sigils it has a 45 second cool down, which means no other sigil effects can trigger
3 seconds of 50% attackspeed increase against 5 stacks of might in combat, guaranteed crits on swap, etc. seems like trash.
50% damage taken increase for 50% attackspeed (this is no longer really a buff, just a stance shift with a long cool down)
no heals for longer on ranger (who has many hot type abilities
no endurance for longer on theif.

And now visually and vicerally, quickness doesnt “feel” powerful 50% reduction barely feels faster for most skills.

COF nerf sucked the fun and usuability out of the skill.
this type of thing wouldnt be as a big a deal if we had more skills to choose from.
Can i get some new elites for my mesmer?
some other utility targeted towards burst potentiall, that actually feels cool.

The reduction style of balance is killing MMO’s we re supposed to feel like bad kitten heroes, id rather defensive abilities get more powerful than offensive skill feel bleh.

make aegis /blind last for like 1 second once triggered, give COF boss pushbuck/non damage skills it uses when enemies start wailing on it at insane speeds. (which can be dodges, or avoided, however this will lower DPS greatly for rushdown play and less for skilled use, but still lower it, while making sense as Just good AI to use a skill that helps it when people are using rushdown tactics.

Stop making the game less fun in balancing, and using simplified number nerfs to handle things that would be more entertaining for all and more fun to play with mechanics balance changes

WvW Titles/Rank/Skills & Multiple Characters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: phys.7689


I love playing alts, and I hate it when things are account bound, I want everything to be character bound, I want all my alts to not effect the other alts. This WvW Ranks thing is a fantastic idea, it lets each character progress, and not just 1 character progressing all the other characters. I hate how daily’s, achievements, laurels, monthly are all account bound and it kitten the progression of my alts

Sounds like you hate content that is time gated. Anet introduced laurels/ascended gear to the daily so that you could only earn one per day. It’s also lame that dungeon tokens are time gated and we hit DR even when we swap toons.

Fact is, all new content is time gated and grindy. Anet swaps character based and account based mechanics depending on which one will take us longer to achieve, which is the exact opposite mentality of their pre launch manifesto, a game with no grind.

Ranks are not new to GW2. It’s just new to wvw. Everywhere else in the game ranks are account bound and measure player progression, so why did they make them character bound for wvw?

WTF? Ill repeat again, W T F.

ok heres how i see it.

truth is, it probably shouldnt be account bound.
this is PvP is charachter based. Your achievements and skills you have learned and show off, are with a specific charachter. You could have played mesmer for 300 hours, it doesnt mean now you are a master ranger. Your Thief could be a master at sneaking up on people, taking camps and getting in small skirmishes, this doesnt mean your guardian would be built the same way. It doesnt mean you ve earned and mastered how to execute a similar playstyle on your guardian.

Truth is, the titles should be charachter bound.

however i do understand what people mean by it feeling like a grind, and maybe making you play one class. I mean it makes sense, why people are upset, but it makes more sense that you have to actually progress on a charachter individually.

Except, the WvW abilities affect non-class things that can be done regardless of what class you’re playing.
If someone is skilled with siege, then they’ll be skilled with siege regardless of what class they’re playing. But with wxp being character bound, this person becomes less effective on siege when they’re playing an alt, not because they specced for something else, but because that character doesn’t have the wxp to spec for it.
And then the more alts (and therefore the more teamwork-related utility) a person has the more they’re punished with low ranks.

not really true, the playstyle for a guardian on seige is to take a lot of damage probably best manning the towers, the playstyle for a mesmer or roamer on seige that works best isnt the manning of the tower, but being in that far off place/hidden place. One who is skilled at being on the edge of a keep or tower, is not necesarily the one who knows how to best make use of seige as a roamer might and vice versa.

If your have alts, and your thief is mostly about taking camps super fast and attacking dolyaks then seige is probably not your thing anyhow, why should your theif who you trained as a roaming camp stealer get access to the seige skills you learned on your guardian? If you are swapping jobs to fulfill different roles better, then why do you need the buffs that dont help that role.

your guardian plays 30 hours, gets the buffs relevant to his playstyle, your theif plays 30 hours gets the buffs that benefit his playstyle. your still the guy who switches charachters to be more effecient at a certain role. I think its logical that in order for your theif to get better at taking on camps and supply denial, you should probably have to actually play your theif, most likely doing that type of thing, rather than play your guardian so your theif can be an even better roamer.

as to the fact that all classes could use the ability, many classes have traits that give you 20% recast reduction on greatsword. Does this mean its applied in the same way on every class? Do you think once one character unlocks this trait, every charachter should?

Dawn price back ad 690 g agen

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: phys.7689


I am of course talking about the transaction fees from flipping. 15% of a 600+g item is not insignificant. If this happens enough to increase prices as you claim, it should be worth mentioning. I’m not convinced a lack of flipping would lead to lower prices. It would reduce the time it takes for an item to reach equilibrium (a number that is constantly changing btw.) So if a shift up in the equilibrium price happens, the price would remain lower for longer but it would eventually reach where it should be. Higher velocity insures fewer transactions take place away from the equilibrium price.

flipping in game or in real world isnt usually a sign of equilibrium. They really have nothing to do with each other. Sure on one side you have the businessman buying something below value and selling it at value, but on the otherside you have situations where the value of the item is no longer its value in the actual world, but the percieved value as a stock, or commodity, or whatever. At that point flipping represents not the value of the item, but more of a game of hot potato amongst businessmen/gamblers to see who can profit the most before the bottom drops out.

regardless of the whole flipping debate, the real problem is 2 fold
1) the descrepancy between the most wealthy and the average players wealth continues to grow
2) The most effecient way to get almost any item is to buy it on the tp

these two together mean, the people with the most money also have the most effecient means of aquiring items, and also that regular players cannot compete with them in terms of buying power.

This means that for someone not hunting money anything that is desired is out of reach, and if you try to get it outside of the TP , you feel like you are wasting your time.

Rejoice Small Guilds! Guild Mission Blog Post

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: phys.7689


The problem with guild missions is that they should have just called them missions and not packaged them as activities specifically for guilds. Doing so only tells guilds that can’t meet the requirements that they’re not real guilds from the dev’s point of view. Once you’ve been rejected by the devs, you can pretty much assume you will not meet the requirements of any future guild content, so quit or merge.

Raiding is normally a guild activity in MMOs, but they don’t call it that. Furthermore, an outsider of the guild still gets rewarded on the same level as everyone else. Guild missions should have been like that, fully rewarding people who are participating the entire time, rather than requiring them to represent or get nothing. If outsiders aren’t going to get the same rewards for doing the same thing, then the content should have been instanced. Normally, this type of content wouldn’t require a guild, but rather, a raid group. People outside of that group would normally get nothing, but the average MMO doesn’t feature scaling along with a “loot for participating” system. With the way it’s set up, requiring representation is basically going back to the old tagging system, which I can see why they would want to do that, but since guilds can already be a massive zerg, I don’t know why’d they care about the few extra people.

Guild missions should have been sold as “raid” content that anyone could start, but obviously a guild would be the best for, in the same way dungeons can be PuG’d but a static group is best. In this system, the item to start the content would have been tied to something like karma, where anyone could go and get one, then find a mass of people to do it, similar to how raid rifts are done in Rift.

ArenaNet’s problem however was that they specifically needed content for guilds, with people complaining guilds were useless and all, so they wanted to directly sell it as such. It would have been better however if this content didn’t revolve around guilds but rather simply benefited from it. If they actually wanted benefits for being in a certain guild, they should have gone with bonuses/rewards for how long you’ve been with the guild / how much influence you’ve contributed.

Lastly, considering they said guild missions were tested with around 30 people, requiring more than 10 people for any mission is going on the extreme side. 10 is generally considered now to be the standard smaller raid size so a guild of 10 should be enough.

The 30 people was for the largest guild bounty, which differs from the lower teir guild bounties only in organization (and slightly more guild reward) in the 30 man guild event, for the singular member its probably exactly the same as for a 10 man in tier one. in fact probably easier.

it was essentially designed around 10 man and scales higher for larger guilds (to a point)
Also its not really a raid type progression, its really a guild type activity, less than half of the events revolve primarily around killing, and its more of a thing for guilds to do together in the open world. Even the aquiring of influence rewards guilds for working together, Or sacrificing wealth for the guild, or both.

btw it can be completed by less than 10, it depends on skill of the players, and a bit of luck (which also effects larger guilds)

Truth is though its not content for 3 people to do alone easily, its not meant for 1 man, the entire point of the content is its something for larger groups.

And im going to say it, if you have a 1 man guild, thats not really a guild, you can expect them to make content based around that idea.
3 man groups, you can be a guild, but your a guild who already cant do content alone, why would you expect content designed for more people to be designed so you can 3 man it.

that said, i do think now with the current philosophy, they should add a rudimentry alliance feature, or at the very least allow you to see/talk in multiple guilds without having to switch all the time.

Ideally they could allow guilds that are alligned to share events if they all have the requisite event flag built. That would allow people to play together without having to marry people, i wouldnt be surprised if this type of tech isnt currently in the engine.