Showing Posts For rhodoc.2381:

How to rearrange chat tabs?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: rhodoc.2381


You cant drag and drop individually. They all move as one. I mean seperating them.

If you mean the order of tabs, just drag and drop their name

[VcY] Velocity – Gargamell

Culling not Fixed

in WvW

Posted by: rhodoc.2381


Interesting how the system behaves different

[VcY] Velocity – Gargamell

Flame & Frost launch time

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rhodoc.2381


Guild Wars 2 ?@GuildWars2
We have not announced a time for today’s update. ~RB2

[VcY] Velocity – Gargamell

Ressing Lord with banner?

in WvW

Posted by: rhodoc.2381


Is this really intented? This is really OP atm. It really saves too much time and reset the capture progress bar.

[VcY] Velocity – Gargamell

Ground target:range indicator for cursor

in Suggestions

Posted by: rhodoc.2381


Right now if you move the ground target symbol to the out of range, it becomes red. So far so good.

But sometimes you cannot see the symbol. Especially in a zerg or if you ground target the skill on water surfaced areas(not underwater).

My suggestion is simple, just change the mouse cursor to the red when the ground target is red.

Another suggestion is dont let the ground target go out of range. So it always stays green and you can simply target max range. This is great for mobility skills.

[VcY] Velocity – Gargamell

Remove "Use" from manned sieges

in Suggestions

Posted by: rhodoc.2381


The siege weapons which are currently controlled by some1 shouldnt have the option “use” for the other people.

Well, this is both unnecessary and misleading. And it will be easy to find unmanned sieges if there is many siege in one place

[VcY] Velocity – Gargamell

Stutter and slow down

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: rhodoc.2381


I ve a similar problem.

Almost everyminute, mu CPU goes from 3.4Ghz to 1Ghz for about 10 sec that causes really stutter in game. Otherwise it just runs flawlessly.

[VcY] Velocity – Gargamell

Fireball range 1500+?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: rhodoc.2381


1200 range + aoe range

[VcY] Velocity – Gargamell

Cannot type specific letters

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: rhodoc.2381


I found the reason. If you use “the large font of chat” it doesnt show those letters. If you switch to those other 2 font, they became immediately visible.

[VcY] Velocity – Gargamell

Cannot type specific letters

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: rhodoc.2381


It cannt be my keyboard im using same keyboard and same option in windows as before. Also this is also same for my other friends. They all cant type those 3 letters.

As we see in forum i type those keys but after submit they are changed to ???. So this is not a problem of my side.

[VcY] Velocity – Gargamell

All guild upgrade progress lost.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: rhodoc.2381


The guild updates specific to server. All your updates stay at the previous server. You get fresh guild in new server. If you change server back to previous server. You will have all upgrades back. But in new server you start from stratch which doesnt make any sense

[VcY] Velocity – Gargamell

Cannot type specific letters

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: rhodoc.2381


Hi.Im using Turkish Q keyboard and I became unable to type ??? letters in game. This is just happening recently. I can type others my language specific letters like ÜÇÖ but not those. The game just puts space in stead of those letters. I hope you can see what i type here in forums.

I realized that i cannot also type those on forum, i will try to show those ones.

Attached pic


[VcY] Velocity – Gargamell

(edited by rhodoc.2381)

Hot Join Bugs

in PvP

Posted by: rhodoc.2381


i ve been having some weird bugs that annoys me so much. Let me explain it;

1. Sometimes i list hot joins by player and join them. Lets say the server i want 13/16 which is battle of kyhlo. But i end up with another map which is not just started. Teams already got 300+ total pts so it cannot be that the server i joined just changed the map to another. This happens %40 of the time to me.

2. Lets say i joined a map and it is 16/16, after a short time, lets say 3-4 games later, i end up being in 3 or 2 /16 map. I understand that people may leave matches but this can be compansated with matchmaking system i think. We can be merged with other games that is low also and just ended.

Because of those problems, my 1h hot join games has always interupted at least 4-5 times.

[VcY] Velocity – Gargamell

Is WvW bonus cumulation rate scaled?

in WvW

Posted by: rhodoc.2381


When Anet planned WvW to be 2 week intervals, they adjusted their WvW bonus cumulation ratio as 2 weeks intervals.

What i mean, in the end of the 2 weeks, your server has probaly, lets say, %x magic find, %2x crafting chance and etc.

Now the interval is 1 week and i want to know if they multiplied this ratio by 2 or they are just happy with 2week interval ratio in 1 week interval matches.

[VcY] Velocity – Gargamell

Siege Weapons and AOE Limits

in WvW

Posted by: rhodoc.2381


Arrow chart single attack consist more than one attack maybe 5 or 10 shots. So every shot may restricted to 5 or 10 targets.

[VcY] Velocity – Gargamell

Colin Johanson on GW2

in WvW

Posted by: rhodoc.2381


I hope they didnt forget commanders…

[VcY] Velocity – Gargamell

Must kill guards before yaks.

in WvW

Posted by: rhodoc.2381


1. Give yaks a ‘reveal’ skill that uncovers any stealthed player within 1500 range of it as it walks along.
2. Give yaks a 1500 radius that prevents movement at faster than walking combat speed within that radius so d/d eles can’t kite back and forth all over the map and kill your yak without 5 players being able to do anything about it.
3. Give yaks 5 times as much HP points as currently, so no class can burst it down on their own in a few seconds.
4. Yaks take no damage before the guards are killed.
5. A yak being attacked flashes up on the map as soon as the guards are aggroed by a player.

Simple changes that could make escorting yaks with a chance of it actually reaching it’s destination

Brilliant ideas, they do need to be more tankier. Their current HP is rediculous, especially since there is a rune named after them meaning Toughness and Vitality…. (See Superior Rune of the Dolyak)

Good point..

[VcY] Velocity – Gargamell

Dat Jumping Puzzle in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: rhodoc.2381



I think it is great how it is. I really hope ArenaNet does not listen to all the random complaining here on the forums. If they did we would be reduced to playing pong… but in a box that making it so you cannot lose.

This is a great game. I find the JP in WvWvW to be one of the many fun parts of this game. Thanks for including a interesting and challenging bit of gameplay to WvWvW in the form of a jumping puzzle ArenaNet!

What i m talking about is not something contradicting your ideas.

[VcY] Velocity – Gargamell

Claw of Jormag Corrupted Ice Shield bug [merged threads]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: rhodoc.2381


The bug happens %100 of the time. If it doesnt happen you devs, you are not using the darn client that we are playing.

[VcY] Velocity – Gargamell

Dat Jumping Puzzle in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: rhodoc.2381


Yes.. But if there is a mesmer in said JP.. They are in there for two minutes and out. Don’t really see how this ruins the gameplay.

Because it is not two minutes. There occurs even some siege for hours there. Those people just wasting EB cap if it counts.

[VcY] Velocity – Gargamell

Must kill guards before yaks.

in WvW

Posted by: rhodoc.2381


+1 This will make guards now usefull. But can lead the buggy yaks :P

[VcY] Velocity – Gargamell

Dat Jumping Puzzle in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: rhodoc.2381


What you said, is totaly true. But this can be achieved in a total seperate and isolated map from EB.

[VcY] Velocity – Gargamell

Dat Jumping Puzzle in WvW

in WvW

Posted by: rhodoc.2381


This JP just ruins the gameplay of EB WvWers. I have one question and a related suggestion.

Q- Is EB player cap also includes dat Jumping Puzzle?
If yes, this should be changed obviously. Just being as a seperate map.

S- The map chat for dat JP should be seperated from EB map chat. Everytime player asks “Mesmer in JP”, people in EB just wont be kind to him and i really want to kick that player away from the map.

This problem hurts the community in WvW. So there should be some changes about this issue

[VcY] Velocity – Gargamell

Messages suppressed for over an hour [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: rhodoc.2381


Also, Commanders should be out of this restriction.

[VcY] Velocity – Gargamell

Why can not salvage the Ascended ring?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: rhodoc.2381


Because Anet first release things then fix them.

[VcY] Velocity – Gargamell

Annoying Sound Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: rhodoc.2381


[VcY] Velocity – Gargamell

Veteran Collosus, double projectile reflect

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: rhodoc.2381


As a staff ele, the mobs at Jade Maw drives me crazy. Since they have a full time buff that reflects projectiles. Since most of the Ele staff skills including all auto attacks are projectile, i really get bored at those mobs

But sometimes they activate another projectile reflect skill which lasts short that make me think the permament projectile reflect is just a bug or leftover from previous builds.


[VcY] Velocity – Gargamell

Getting fall damage while downed

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: rhodoc.2381


Even if you get 1 fall damage while downed, you go directly defeated state. I think this is not intented.

[VcY] Velocity – Gargamell

Things i love in GW2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rhodoc.2381


Anything cross-server. PvP, Dungeon, WvW, Trading Post, Mailing, Guilding, Chatting


[VcY] Velocity – Gargamell

I almost ate my hand today

in PvP

Posted by: rhodoc.2381


Also in GW2 a dialog can overlap with another dialog with darker background, if you manage to increase dialogs the screen has multiple dialogs at same time and the background gets black.

Try to go any WvW map while the WvW matchs just ended and gives you error in a dialog, Be close to any WvW portal and spam F (default). The dialogs will countinue to overlap infinitely

[VcY] Velocity – Gargamell

No Legendary achievement for Sunrise/Twilight [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: rhodoc.2381


For the record, you need to equip those legendaries to get the achievement.

[VcY] Velocity – Gargamell

Elementalist *Ride the lighting skill bug*

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: rhodoc.2381


Those skills work fine in PvE but in WvW they mostly undershoot or overshoot.

Burningspeed undershoot, Magnetic Grasp and RTL overshoots

[VcY] Velocity – Gargamell

[Visual Bug] - Ring of Earth

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: rhodoc.2381


And the Rocks comes from earth arent symetric. I know they dont have to be but i prefer a symetric rocks around me lol.

[VcY] Velocity – Gargamell

[Visual Bug] Skill - Drake's Beath

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: rhodoc.2381


You want 5 meter tall fire breath from half meter tall asura? :P

[VcY] Velocity – Gargamell

1 target dps for PvE farm

in Elementalist

Posted by: rhodoc.2381


S/D with Arcane Blast/Wave and 3rd one might be Gylph of Storms or whatever u want. Signet Healing and Elemental Elite. Glass Cannon spec

Just send DT and Phoenix at very same time.

You arcane skills and air 2-3 skills are instant.

[VcY] Velocity – Gargamell

Arcane shield and elemental surge

in Elementalist

Posted by: rhodoc.2381


[VcY] Velocity – Gargamell

Tips and Tricks by Elementalists!

in Elementalist

Posted by: rhodoc.2381


- RTL and Mistform will trigger your weapon swap sigils effect when you are in combat.
- You can use all you aoe skills behind WvW gates to hit enemny behind and close the gate.(You will smile when you see that much white damage on the screen)
- Ice spike, Eruption and Meteor Shower is best to destroy siege on the walls since they has most range of aoe on the walls.
- After you use Static Field around enemy, you can use Gust to push enemy inside/outside of Static Field and cause enemy to be stunned because of S.Field.
- Tidal Wave(Underwater, Water-5) will do insane damage if you manage not to move away from your targets.
- You can use Lighting Flash, while Burning Speed and make the blast where you teleported.
- Your fire staff auto-attack will hit in range more than 1200 since its aoe.
- Healing Rain, Eruption+Evasive Arcane into combo field, double Aoe Heal at very same time.
- You can first use Dragon Tooth and then use Ring of Fire and you still get the mights from combo
- If you have Zephyr’s Boon or Elemental Shielding and Powerful Aura, your allies will also get the boons from Zephyr’s Boon or Elemental Shielding.
- If your enemey has projectile reflecting and if you throw a projectile, you can make fun with activating Magnetic Aura. The projectile will do go crazy in air.

[VcY] Velocity – Gargamell

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: rhodoc.2381


Burning speed’s blast happens on its mid way in WvW. Not sure it is just graphical or actual.

[VcY] Velocity – Gargamell

NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: rhodoc.2381


Let’s say if you have 5-6 swiftness skills with auro, heal or etc.

After you get 50sec-1min swiftness, some of those skills doesnt add swiftness to your current swiftness. Mostly it happens when you grant swiftness in 2-3sec before you apply a new one.

And I think this is not specific to swiftness, it is same for fury. But i cannot talk about othes since i cannot have that much of them.

The game behaves like that “Hey what you gonna do that so much swiftness on you. I wont give you all you want just some of you want.”

[VcY] Velocity – Gargamell

Sigil of Hydromancy activates when I RTL

in Elementalist

Posted by: rhodoc.2381


RTL fires every weapon swap sigils.

[VcY] Velocity – Gargamell

D/D Elementalist Abilities Broken - Video

in Elementalist

Posted by: rhodoc.2381


Magnetic Grasp is even abusable. If you cancel you target after used that skill or, even you target dies after you started skill, you travel really long distance…

[VcY] Velocity – Gargamell

Party Perma Regen?

in Elementalist

Posted by: rhodoc.2381


[VcY] Velocity – Gargamell

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: rhodoc.2381


BLTC should remember last tab opened.

I hate everytime my BLTC opened showing last tab and reset directly to the first tab.

[VcY] Velocity – Gargamell

tPvP Items stackable in the PvP-Bank

in PvP

Posted by: rhodoc.2381


There may be different inventory for Pvp

[VcY] Velocity – Gargamell

Lupicus using grub skill on necro minions

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: rhodoc.2381


Also there needs a overhaul on all helping npcs, since they die in 1 nanosecond when they engage in boss fights.

[VcY] Velocity – Gargamell

Cannot Dye Transmuted Armor [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: rhodoc.2381


3 months later, and it still crashes when you use the “Remove Dye” option…

I see no problem. Be specific if you still having this problem.

[VcY] Velocity – Gargamell

Jumping Puzzles Monthly

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: rhodoc.2381


Just go the eastern JP in LA. Stop where you jump into water. Spam relog till you finish.

[VcY] Velocity – Gargamell

Broken events in Arah Explorable Dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: rhodoc.2381


Path 2: It is too long.

Lupi’s aoe range is more than shown when he goes to sky slowly.

[VcY] Velocity – Gargamell

Aura build bugs

in Elementalist

Posted by: rhodoc.2381


I just wanted to see the buffs that i can have from aura builds and went to mist.

Bug definition: You dont always gain fury/swiftness from auras and attunment switch.

- Traits: Fire 9, Air 1, Earth 2-5, Arcane 5-6

- Boon and Furry duration runs

- Healings and Utility: Full signets


- Use DD
- Spam Auras
- Spam Signets
- Spam Attunment switch

After a while about 40-50sec furry and swiftness, you sometimes/usually dont get swiftness or fury or both from signets or attunment switch.

[VcY] Velocity – Gargamell

Lightning Flash ground target out of range

in Elementalist

Posted by: rhodoc.2381


Or dont let us scroll our mose out of max range. So it always stays green.

[VcY] Velocity – Gargamell