Showing Posts For stpetemermaid.5947:

Dear gamers, please don't ruin this for me.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: stpetemermaid.5947


The amount of bitterness is proportional to the amount of wrongdoing (perceived).
I personally would be off the forums by now, as much as I am out of the game fror a week now, if it wasn’t for the fact that I can’t ge ta re-fund because I pre-purchased too early.

So since I’m stuck with the product, I’d like to see it back to the state that was marketed to me, or at least some real communication adressing the true issues.

You’re wrong. If you prepurchased online, you can have your refund. Guaranteed 100%, try.

Up to six months after purchase.
I pre-purchased in April.

Your ticket has been escalated to me as a supervisor for NCsoft Payments and Account Support.

In regards to your refund request, I do have to report that the information that you were provided with previously was correct, we are unable to extend refunds on purchases that are greater than 6-months in age.

You truly bough the game more than 6 months ago?

MANY of us bought the game more than six months ago. We participated in the beta weekends. We listened to what the devs were saying the game would be, and we saw it coming to life.

We waited over three months. There are GW1 folks who waited FIVE YEARS. That’s how long ANet was working on the game, and talking about the game’s premise. Five. Years.

So, yes, it is quite a shock to be told the premise has changed after 2 1/2 months of being live.

Ascended Gear - Really that much hate?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: stpetemermaid.5947


To answer your question more specifically, OP, it’s a matter of playstyle. I have played WoW and Rift. I did the constant gear grind for PvP and some for PvE. I didn’t raid much, so I was more into PvP gear.

In this game, I liked being able to level slowly. I like having five characters at the same time. If you ask me which one is my main, I honestly can’t answer you, except to say which one is a higher level. I play them all. I had almost 500 hours in, but my two highest are 60, and the lowest is 30.

I like crafting. It was my intention to craft my own Exotic gear (and some may have needed two sets). It didn’t matter how long it took me to get that done.

The comment of leveling up in a week made me smile. You and I are worlds apart on playstyle. But it would not have mattered. If you were level 80 for five months and I just got there, it would not matter. As long as I made some effort to have decent gear at 80, we would have been equals. We could have paired up, or joined the same guild, and done the whatever 80s do at that level.

If you had ledgendary or fancy dungeon gear, I would not have cared. Stats would be no better than mine, and I would have congratulated you on your achievements. If I had transmuted all my stuff to Vigil Order, you might have said, ’that’s a cool outfit’.

But I would not have worried that I couldn’t keep up with you, and you would not have worried that I was not geared enough to play with you. That’s how I roll. Or at least, how I wanted to roll.

Ascended Gear - Really that much hate?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: stpetemermaid.5947


Thanks for asking the question, OP! It was my choice to and my guy’s to buy the game and supported it afterward with RL money. That choice was based on a stated premise. Now that the premise has changed, it is right now not a game I wish to support. It’s that simple.

I don’t want the additional gear grind and what that brings to a game. Specifically what it brings to WvW and blocking content.

I think the game still needs work. I was willing to overlook those and give ANet time to work on the game, and add more content, build events guilds could do together, more challanges, go back and work on dungeons and PvP and whatever else, and still support the game in the meantime.

As it stand now, it is up to the persons who like the changes, or are willing to put money in the game regardless of the changes to support ANet. I am no longer angry. I won’t say I’m over it, as I won’t forget what was done. I won’t support with RL money a game that turned out to be something else.

And as another posted stated, now I have a choice to make. Continue to support this game, or go play another game with stat progression, or don’t play at all. There was no choice before; I was only playing and supporting this game, and would not have even thought to look at what else is out there.

(edited by stpetemermaid.5947)

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: stpetemermaid.5947


Perhaps they leave this thread here as theapy. The stages of grief:
Shock & Denial
Depression & Detachment
Dialogue & Bargaining
Acceptance; exploring options, new plan in place
Moving on

I gave money to a start-up on Kickstarter today. I never played Ultima, but people say it’s kind of that breed of sandbox game. Called Greed Monger (I know, stupid name), and it looks interesting. I won’t be spending anymore gems in the cash shop anyway, so my holiday gift to the gaming world.

Ask not what your developer can do for you...

in PvP

Posted by: stpetemermaid.5947


Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: stpetemermaid.5947


Most complaints stem from Ascended equipment being the strongest, which isnt true.

They can only be upgraded via infusion, which only gives you Agony resistance, meaning no runes and sigils.

The main problem would be if they made it mandatory for future content, but for

now it is mostly fine, other then being needed for really high Fotm difficulties.

This is totally not true. Ascended gear is much stronger than Exotic. Look it up in the Wiki, or other player posts. It is a much higher level of stats than Exotic. It WILL be usuable in WvW, and any other place outside of FoTM.

The agony infusion itself is for FoTM, but the gear comes with higher stats naturally.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: stpetemermaid.5947


So I guess people are peeved of more that that there will be too much grinding, rather than grinding itself.

Didn’t players complain that the prerequisites for legendaries were a grind?

You cannot satisfy everyone.

Of course, players complained that the prerequisites for legendaries were a grind. But most folks didn’t see legendaries as a must have or need to have. The stats were no different that Exoctics. It was totally for the looks. Having a legendary didn’t get you into content. It just gives bragging rights and coolness.

There are other cool/rare skins that can be make in the MF with fewer mats too.

And Anet said that they now too believe it might be a tad hard, so they are going to tone it down on legendaries.
*Note: Legendaries are going to get their stats boosted to ascended level, but they were no better than exotic level.

(edited by stpetemermaid.5947)

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: stpetemermaid.5947


Ok, look…some of us want stat progression and some of us don’t. That doesn’t make anyone a bad person. What’s dividing the community is that the ones that don’t want it are being left behind or locked out of content if we don’t do it. It can be said, “well just don’t get ascended gear,” all day long. But the fact is, there is content locked out if we don’t.

Ascended stat gear is usuable in WvW. That gives some WvW players a gear advantage. Add to this that many WvW players already had their exotic stat set(s), and thought they were good to go, and it just adds insult to injury. Even if eventually the ascended stat gear makes it way to being obtainable outside of FoTM, some folks have to regear. This is something that those of us who have been playing since beginning were told we would not have to do.

It may also very well affect the older dungeon content, as groups may look for only players in ascended gear to run those. It won’t be necessary, but it could very well happen.

And there is the new island. Will be more new content. How hard will it be to do without ascended stat gear?

The folks that wanted stat progression, got it. Those of us that didn’t want it, and were in fact counting on it not being in GW2 got…what? The loss of WvW eventually. The loss of new content. And I didn’t even get a “sparkly pony” (to quote another poster), as compensation! Even if I did get a Sparkly Pony, I expect the ascended gear folks would want that too.

It’s not a fun place for non-progression players to be in. Not saying we can’t play at all anymore. It’s just not as fun a place for me anymore. And it was supposed to be about fun.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: stpetemermaid.5947


A golem named BUY-4373, an NPC named Subdirector Blingg, and a jumping puzzle named Under New Management.

I’m sorry, but those references are too coincidental to just be funny. Thanks for letting us now, ANet.


Hey Anet guys who were against all this crap… you might want to try getting a job at Neverwinter online or do something with kickstarter.

Tell us about it when you can, and sorry they trashed your game. heh.

It gets better.
From the Wiki: Subdirector Blingg’s objective is to “intimidate Subdirector Noll.” Noll means head or top of head. I think we all know what Blingg means. The word intimidate is nowhere else in the wiki, except to describe the cripple ability of some ranger pets.

Googled 4373 and find that it is a reference to a MS security error relating to remote attacks, and also assigned to a software vulernability code that allowed attackers to execute arbitrary code.

Easter eggs are usually for fun! These…not so much.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: stpetemermaid.5947


I cannot I can get a refund for the 3 deluxe copies I bought as I bought them all on the first day of pre order.

But this change in direction has made it so I will not spend another dime and will be taking a break soon from this game.

Went from 3-4 hours a night of casual play, doing sPvP wvw, some dungeon, many alts (between me and the wife we have bought 8 new character slots). to since the announcement 3 hours in 4 days.

Tonight was the first time I have ever logged off a Anet game in a rage because I heard

“LFG FoTM 80+only, no noobs!”

Seriously… my god, these are your dedicated gamers???

My husband and I each play five characters. Spent plenty of RL money on gems. No more.

This weekend we played PvE and personal story. We would like to finish the story on all our characters, but don’t know if we will continue playing that long. It’s hard to be in LA and see the chat messages about LFG.

I spent time today just looking at my lovely ladies and playing with their dyes, because I don’t know how much longer I will be playing them. I spent some time in WvW, because I probably won’t be able to play that much longer once the gear starts hitting there.

I pray to the gods, but they rarely answer…

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: stpetemermaid.5947


Anyone know the planned progression model for elder scrolls online?

Not yet. They stated they want to implement raid dungeons, PvP, and “Adventure” areas. Adventure areas are for solo, small groups, or large groups. I am gathering that the Adventure areas are for more casual style. But no word on gear progression yet, and whether gear progression is a part of PvP or Adventure.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: stpetemermaid.5947


It’s a done deal. even if this change causes a mass exodus, and huge drop in revenue, they can’t go back on it now. Look at SWG. Instead of admitting they were wrong and reversing the changes, they allowed the game to close.

What we have now, and going forward is GW2. Nothing is going to change that now. If you are so opposed to this change that you can’t live with it, then I would start looking for another game.

the only way I could see for them to reverse this would be to create new servers that had different rules. Everyone starts at 80, there is no leveling. Everyone gets access to the best gear immediatly, of every type. All zones are level 80. There is only end game crafting and you buy the right to craft from vendors. Progression is cosmetic based only.

Trading post is seperate from original servers. overflows are seperate from original servers. No hosting between server types.

This thought crossed my mind as well. They are already going to split the community. One group is not going to want anything to do with the other. It would help WvW too. If you want more level WvW, you take the original servers. You want to show how “good” you are in your upgraded gear, take the new server.

I think it would be too hard to implement in reality, but I like the idea.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: stpetemermaid.5947


I really don’t understand what the big deal is? They’re giving us more game to play, what’s wrong with that? If you hate progressing your character then why don’t you just sit at level 1?

You people complain about anything. If Anet bumped max level up to 85, you’d complain then too about “hey you said no grind!” Seriously they’re giving us new content, totally for free, and you complain? What the hell is wrong with you.

I would not complain about game to play. I am expressing opinion about gear progression being the only way to implement “more game to play.” New dungeon, new area for 80, that’s all cool. But why make content gated with agony stat, and why make it a grind for higher gear. More Game and Gear Grind have nothing to do with each other.

And “progression”? It’s not progression to get better gear all the time. Why does a new dungeon/area have to have higher bosses? Is it the same fight with just higher bosses? That’s not progression; that’s just the same with higher stats on you and boss. Is it different fight? Cool. But if it’s a different mechanic, then why do you need different gear? I would see overcoming the new fight/situation as progression in itself.

Developers can’t think up any new fights? They can’t come up with new situations? New stories? They seem to be able to do so with new island and new dungeon idea. Why isn’t that good enough? I would have been thrilled if that was the focus of the update. But…it isn’t. The focus is on ascended gear/agony mechanic. The focus is on having to regear. And I don’t see the purpose of that at all.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: stpetemermaid.5947


To those that say it does not affect you so you have a wait and see. This is valid and if I had not seen this kind of thing happen in plenty of other MMOs I would be in your shoes.

Here is what will happen assuming they only add more tiers of items every say 6 months from here on out.

Week 1 ascended gear comes out. Exotics will drop in price slightly meaning it will be easier to gear up for those looking to start the treadmill.

week 2 The grinders are are getting close to finding the sweetspot for the dungeon runs. LFG for FoTM will start seeing “LFG for FoTM lvl 2 only send /w”

Week 4 “LFG for FoTM lvl 4 only +link ascended gear” Those without will begin waiting a longer and longer time to get a group together. Current dungeons will be nearly abondoned as PUGS except for COF and AC with the popular skins.

Week 6 Current dungeons nearly a ghost town except for guild invites only. Grinders have flooded the market with un-wanted exotics that no-one wants to buy anymore. Your exotics will be worth what lvl 80 greens are now. WvW will be ran by the richer guilds that have grinded out the new FoTM dungeon for their ascended gear.

Week 12 Anet announced a new infusion that gives better stats. IF you were lucky to get infused before to max level you will now be forced to do the grind again to stay up with your friends.

Week 16 Anet announces the old dungeons are getting a revamp, new upscaled rewards to make the grinders want it and harder enemies to match the ascended stats. Those new players or casual players that still have exotics or lower? They are not going to be able to play the dungeon until they grind out the 600k karma in Orr to get the exotics, to be able to begin running the lowest levels of the FoTM dungeon.

This is the structure of what is to come. The time frame may be less or more but this WILL be the future, as it has always been the future for a gear based treadmill.

I totally agree. But since I already paid for this game, and there is no subscription fee, what other choices do I have other than not play a game at all? Are there any other games out there that offer me the experience I get from GW2 (aside from dungeons, which I don’t do anyway)? I tried GW1, but didn’t care for it. Already burned out on two other games over five years.

I was hoping GW2 would be long term. I know now that it may not be. That’s sad. But seems all the games turn out catering to the ones that like to grind for better gear constantly. Frustrating actually.

(edited by stpetemermaid.5947)

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: stpetemermaid.5947


I bet this is getting a good laugh at some other game companies, and a few “I told you so’s” around their dev cubicles.

I bought GW2, so I intend to play it…my way. I actually like leveling, and personal story, map completion, WvW and sPvP. If WvW gets stupid over gear, then I’ll just stick with sPvP.

The problem with that idea for me is that sPvP is a totally different game from WvW with the small teams and control points (I like killing people, not running around capping points.) I do the public games for a diversion at times but I’ve never been able to really get into it. Still, good for you if you can find solace there.

I agree that they are very different. I was actually looking forward to WvW more, but I won’t grind gear for it, or MF. Have done that too much for PvP in other games. It’s a shame that the Ascended gear is going to affect WvW too.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: stpetemermaid.5947


I bet this is getting a good laugh at some other game companies, and a few “I told you so’s” around their dev cubicles.

I bought GW2, so I intend to play it…my way. I actually like leveling, and personal story, map completion, WvW and sPvP. If WvW gets stupid over gear, then I’ll just stick with sPvP.

I’m not having anything to do with this new content. Not doing event, not doing dungeon, not buying from gem store.

I’ll have to decide what to do about gear at 80, but since people have done content that’s here so far without Ascended gear, can’t think why I would need it. In the meantime, will be interesting to watch how it all plays out.

Deputy Mira... Battle of Claw Island

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: stpetemermaid.5947


Did Claw Island last night, and also had the problem of the NPC not wanting to respond. Left the area, and started over. It worked the second time. The only difference was that I went up to the NPC while they were still “talking”, with the text over their head. I didn’t approach them immediately the first time, and it was almost like they timed out, and then wouldn’t recognize that I was there.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: stpetemermaid.5947


As mentioned many times above, new tiers of gear doesn’t even satisfy the people you think you’re pandering to. The no-sleep/employment grinding machines will polish off your new gear upgrades within 2 weeks and be back at the forums crying for more gear upgrades to gorge on.

You’ve just created a beast withan insatiable appetite that will never be happy.

Not sure if this hasn’t already been posted on the forum and too drunk to check (spent this months gem money on Gin) but did they fail to see this?

um hmmm. Exactly!

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: stpetemermaid.5947


I understand why some folks are excited about the new gear. That’s the only way they view progression, and so it’s valid for them. And I understand why they would want it in this game, as there is no subscription. So they had nothing to lose and everything to gain by asking for it. If they get it, then they don’t have to pay monthly to some other game.

What I don’t understand is why ANet gave in to them. Why not just give Exotics the slots they need for the Agony buff? Or even give a new set for the dungeon with the same Exotic stats with the Agony buff? It is seems they are trying to make the gear driven players happy. But that’s unfair to everyone who alreay had Exotics and thought they were maxed gear. That’s what we were led to believe until now.

And I was hoping that this would not flow over into PvE or WvW, but it seems that Mr. Whiteside’s post is saying that the gear will be there too. So that just makes it worse, not better, imo. It affects everyone, not just the persons doing the new dungeon. Sigh.

Poeple don't buy what you do but why you do it

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: stpetemermaid.5947


Thanks for sharing this! It’s true that I bought this game because of the company’s expressed vision. Why they were doing what they were doing. Because there would be no gear treadmill. Because the whole game was endgame. Because no other player would gain an advantage.

It’s not the what they are doing right now that is so upsetting, and has set off the firestorm. It’s because the beliefs that we had, the things we ourselves believed in, are being left by the wayside. Innovation, player helping player, fair battles, open world, crafting keeping up with non-crafted.

It feels wrong now. It feels like betrayal because we bought into the expressed beliefs. I have played other MMOs where the hardcord crowd was catered to, and the rest of us in both PvP and PvE were left behind or at the least had to play catch up. Perhaps there isn’t a game where that won’t happen.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: stpetemermaid.5947


I will be playing this weekend, but I will not be participating in the event. I’ll be going about my business as usual. I hope the boss doesn’t die.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: stpetemermaid.5947


If Abyss dye was not so expensive, I would put it on all of my characters to signify their mourning.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: stpetemermaid.5947


the way around all this is to have dungeon sets unlock hidden fights for you in the ex modes of the dungeons that way u do the first ex paths with normal gear but the sets of that dungeon unlock hidden paths make the game more fun for people quit using stale old ideas of mmo ,


What is wrong with expanding the current dungeons? It’s not like they take up physical space. And fix the bugs and loot and whatever else is making dungeon people unhappy.

New island for 80s? Fine! New land! New dungeons even, if you think that’s really necessary. But new gear? Really? That’s not innovation. That’s old and tired.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: stpetemermaid.5947


I played in the betas. I wanted this game so badly, I couldn’t even imagine how it must have felt to be a GW1 player and waited years for it. And now this.

I used to watch the manifesto video every week during beta. I would just sit there and say ‘thank you’ to Arenanet, even though they couldn’t hear me. It would bring me to tears to think of being given a game that finally…finally!…broke the mold.

At cap level everyone would be equal. Equal. WvW equal. PvE equal. Dungeons equal. Everyone. Gear was for looks, not stats.

I am stunned. For those folks that want gear progression…that say it’s only for the dungeon, so it’s ok (even though it’s also gated now)…
Will you take off that gear outside the dungeon?
Will you not wear it in WvW?
Oh, and all the folks with legendary that will get bumped up now…will you not bring that to WvW?

Gear progression affects the whole game. I am not in a guild (except my own) so far, but in other games, there was always pressure from the guild to “go on the raid” so you can “get better gear”. I am over it. I am sick of it. I am so sad this is happening. I’m sure watching the manifesto right now would bring me to tears again…but not for the same reason.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: stpetemermaid.5947


What made me and hubby quit Rift:

1. Raid gear that could be worn in PvP. In GW2, that would translate to WvW.

2. Crafted gear no longer meant anything. In fact, you had to have items from the raids in order to craft higher gear.

I don’t care if people want harder content (dungeons, raids, whatever you want to call it). I don’t even care much that they get special gear to run them with. If I don’t want to run it; I don’t need the gear.

BUT, if it flows over to my world…that is not fair to the people that don’t have an interest in doing it.

(edited by stpetemermaid.5947)

GW2 PVP Feedback [Merged Topics]

in PvP

Posted by: stpetemermaid.5947


My husband and I play GW2 together. In the other two MMOs we have played, part of our time was spent in PvP. But not in GW2. I have play sPvP alone.

We CANNOT join a free game together. There is no grouping mechanism. We are always in a party, but most of the time we either get separated on opposite teams, or even in different maps. So now he just won’t do sPvP at all. And although I still join once or twice a week, it’s not as much fun.

I would appreciate a little longer break between map rotation. And if I get Capricorn, I’ll just return to the Mists most of the time; I don’t care for that map.

It is a bit boring that all the maps have the same concept. I am used to different kinds of maps. I may not like all the different kinds, but I usually like 4 out of 5 of them. But I can’t choose my map anyway in GW2. I find that strange.

I stated in the Beta Weekend feedback that the Mystic Forge way of getting different armor skins was not a good idea. I can’t use my points to get the skins I want. I have to look mismatched until I luck into two things that look good together, if I get anything at all. Why can’t I just have the look of my normal armor, which I will NEVER get from the Mystic Forge, because some of it is cultural and/or from an Order. Why can’t I be an individual?

I was very excited about GW2 leveling everyone to 80, and not having to do a gear grind for stats! However, the way everything else works in sPvP is causing it to a very small part of my GW2, instead of an integrated part of my normal play. I find that sad. I miss those nights when we would ask each other ‘what do you want to do tonight?’ —- PvP! Doesn’t happen at all in GW2.

And yeah, I tried joining ticket tournament once. Didn’t work out at all. Won’t do that again. lol

Good post. Hope someone pays attention. I wished ANET luck with the PvP community during Beta. I still do. I would like it to be viable, and I want to be a part of it.

Quest "A light in the darkness" Still bugs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: stpetemermaid.5947


This is not a problem unique to GW2; I have seen it in other games. Hubby and I were working a legendary story line and had a spider (a stupid spider!) enter a wall. We had already cleared tons of elite mobs and only had 2 left to spawn the boss guy when the spider disappeared. It then walked around in the wall and only occasionally showed enough of a leg that we could hit it once in awhile. We eventually killed it, but since it wasn’t an instance, in the meantime, some of the elites spawned again, and it took three times longer than it should have.

My hats off to players here for finding the fin the floor, the mob in the tree, etc. and overcoming the “extra” challenge. Been there; done that.

I totally agree that mobs should not be allowed to enter “objects” like floors, trees, walls! But I don’t have much confidence that I will see that fix anytime soon.

Lets see your Necromancers/Reapers!

in Necromancer

Posted by: stpetemermaid.5947


Happy Halloween!


Lets see your Necromancers/Reapers!

in Necromancer

Posted by: stpetemermaid.5947


Happy Halloween!


I'd rather have reanimator disabled until a fix is ready.

in Necromancer

Posted by: stpetemermaid.5947


I only use Flesh Golem, and I don’t spec into Death Magic. I love minions, but didn’t feel the other minions were quite right.

My Flesh Golem does sometimes just stand there, even though it is clear I am attacking something. He wanders off on his own a LOT. Clearly noticable in Gendarren Fields in the centaur area. He will attack every weapon stand and cart in the area. The most recent area I was in was Lornar’s Pass, and he insisted on taking out every wolf along the road, even if it was just standing back among the trees minding it’s own business.

I wouldn’t give him up though! He is most helpful when he actually listens, and I do use him in PvP as well.

FOV (Field of View) Changes Beta Test - Feedback Thread

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: stpetemermaid.5947


Nice change. Thank you very much!

Before and After.


Halloween Event Help

in Halloween Event

Posted by: stpetemermaid.5947


You should also eat the Candy Corn! Achievement is tracked for eating 150 of them.

Trick or Treat Doors stuck open

in Halloween Event

Posted by: stpetemermaid.5947


Saw several of the haunted portals stuck open tonight. All the way from Queensdale into Gendarren Fields. Example: one behind Delanian in Kessex Hills.

They are very cool to look into! It’s like standing on the edge of the universe. Awesome.

But you can’t trick or treat at them.

Mad King for the Newbie

in Halloween Event

Posted by: stpetemermaid.5947


Oh, and there will be a big event in Lion’s Arch on Sunday, 10/28, around Noon pacific time.

Mad King for the Newbie

in Halloween Event

Posted by: stpetemermaid.5947


The event is currently taking place in Lion’s Arch and the human areas around Divinity’s Reach. There is a purple portal in Hoelbrak at the end of the crafting plaza. That will take you to Lion’s Arch. Take note of where you land in LA; there are other portals there, and you can take the one to Divinity’s Reach anytime you like. There is no travel cost for the purple portals.

In both places you can find pumkins to carve. I think it takes 50 to get the achievement. The NPC to turn that into is outside Divinity’s Reach.
You can mine candy corn around DR as well. There is an achievement for eating 150 of them.
Achievement for killing things coming out of doors as well.

As mentioned, there is a quest in LA to pick up from the main plaza. The area will be outlined in Orange on your map when you get there.

There are plenty of websites with directions to help with the quest. Just google it, or it might be here in the forums.

banning halloween griefers?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: stpetemermaid.5947


Unknown.2796 – That was a Guardian skill. And it was listed as a fix to this update. Yay!

banning halloween griefers?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: stpetemermaid.5947


Some things never change…sigh. I have seen winter event presents/trees blocked by mounts. I have seen portal NPCs blocked by mounts. I guess if you don’t have mounts, you just use what you have at your disposal. I have never understood the folks that insist on grieving. It’s not like there are even factions involved in GW2!

How to make everyone happy.

in Suggestions

Posted by: stpetemermaid.5947


I agree that having the attitude of not wanting it all is a good mental attitude to take. From experience in other games, I know that it sometimes took me 2 and sometimes even 3 years to get all the achievements for a holiday done.

As for the chests, I did buy a bunch of them on TP. However, I on-purpose did not buy the keys. I wanted to wait and see how that played out. If it was being reported, as it is now, that the drop rate on holiday items is extrememly low, then I won’t spend money on keys. If it gets adjusted, now or in another year, then I will. In any case, I’ll open the chests as I pickup keys, and be none the worse off. I do feel sorry for folks that spent a lot of money for keys and got nothing special.

The items you get from the MF are not worth my time and trouble. I don’t like the MF, but understand that hard core players need something to do/obtain. As a casual player, I don’t expect to be able to obtain everything, unless it is over a very long period of time. I think the recipes/mats are asking a lot, but perhaps that makes the ones that can do it more easily happy, in that they can say they have something I don’t have. I’m used to that with raiders in other games. More power to you. I don’t want to spend that much time/money anyway, and I’ll be OK with just looking at yours.

Why I am not enticed to buy costumes in GW2, but had ALL of them in GW1

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: stpetemermaid.5947


Thank you, Awesome.6120. I have edited my post.

Why I am not enticed to buy costumes in GW2, but had ALL of them in GW1

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: stpetemermaid.5947


Funny, just had this conversation with hubby last night in deciding how to best spend time/resources for the holiday. I agree that costumes are not worth the investment with current functionality.

The biggest issue to me is use. There is no wardobe page. Costume doesn’t let you use your real stats when out in the world. Thus, the name; Town Clothes. I understand this is working as intended. I understand that transmutation is very powerful, and I transmute much of my armor/weapons (on all 5 characters, so I spend a lot on transmutation stones).

But if I can’t use the costumes anywhere but in towns, then there is little incentive for me to use them. I don’t want to transmute holiday costumes; I just want to display them. For me to invest in a costume, I would outrun a centaur as a witch and mine candy corn in it!

(edited by stpetemermaid.5947)

Bizarre Name Restriction

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: stpetemermaid.5947


The funniest thing I have seen with the filter is an Asura NPC calling the Inquest folks a bunch of kitten-eyed so and sos, and the language filter filtering it out of my chat box. Didn’t realize I had the filter on until then.

Kill/Death ratio

in PvP

Posted by: stpetemermaid.5947


I have seen several sPvP won by just one or two points. That means that every node I attacked outright, regardless of whether I was outnumbered, helped. Or I might make the decision to not engage if I am outnumbered if there are other nodes I can get faster. Every node I defended to the end, even if I was going to die and knew it, helped. Every time I ran up to the node, and didn’t stop, even though someone clearly wanted to engage me and crippled me, helped.

Will I try to kill you if you are on a node, yes. Will I try to kill you if you come to my node, yes. But engaging in fights for just the purpose of killing for a stat, or even for my own satisfaction is pointless in my gameplay.

So, I am not afraid of you (well, most of you). I am not afraid to fight you, but every second counts. Every decision I make counts, as do the movements and decisions of my teammates.

I can tell when I am in a team that just wants to kill. If everyone wants to just stand around and fight, I’ll do that, but it won’t win the match.

I do understand wanting to engage. I do miss dueling…greatly…even if it is just with my hubby. It helps me to develop and learn counters against classes/specs. I learn a lot in sPvP. But I take the learning where I can get it, and don’t sacrifice team points trying to do it.

I never did arena type fighting in previous games; I much prefer the strategy of a team match. Stats that relate the the team match are all that matter to me. I will agree that Thief is a little different. Kills are more important to my Thief…that what she does. But she trys to limit that to kills that help the group or stop someone from getting to node.

Sales Tax in Tyria?

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: stpetemermaid.5947


Don’t forget The Vigil, The Order of Whispers, and The Priory folks. They must get funding from somewhere. They probably have pretty powerful lobbyists.

Age of GW2 Players

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: stpetemermaid.5947


Just turned 54.
Husband is 58.
We both play the game.
Couldn’t wait for GW2 to come out, and we are enjoying it very much!

Line of Warding Moving Friendly NPCs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: stpetemermaid.5947


Guild Banker and Vendor outside the bank have both been moved (not sure where to yet), in Divinity’s Reach on Tarnished Coast.

Don't you dare touch Backstab

in Thief

Posted by: stpetemermaid.5947


I have played my Thief some in sPvP, and also my Necro and Guardian. I have played other classes in other games as well. IMHO it comes down to how to counter. And it comes down to how to counter not just a class, but the build, and the player themselves. All of which comes with experience, and some very quick adjustment (or not) on my part during the tournament.

I do not have a BS build in GW2, but have in other games. Hubby and I have brought BS rouges to a BG together. You think one is bad? Try to counter two playing together. Or one BS and the other autofiring arrows at you. Did we choose our targets on purpose. Yes! Were they mostly casters? Yes! Were they alone or busy concentrating on another target. Yes! Not going to waste our time/stealth on someone who can counter us more easily, like Warrior, or in this game, Guardian.

Should you run/dodge from a Thief? I would like you to. Can’t tell you how many times I have had persons run away from my rouges, when they could have beat me. I often don’t shadow UNTIL the person sees me. And it amazes me how many times they just stand there. Like, where did she go? They often don’t move, don’t dodge, just stand there. Can I shoot pistols at you when I am shadowed? Yep! Does it last long…no. But if the person hasn’t moved, put up shield, done something…then those were free shots to me.

But I have weaknesses. I would not even consider trying to hold a node with my Thief. My Necro holds them very well. Can my Necro run around the BG looking for a good target to take on? No. Has she taken out Thiefs that try to take her node. Hell yes! And enjoyed it.

But all this is based on my playstyle and my build and my preferences. I don’t expect to win against everyone. But also, there should not be 1 hit kills either. It’s a lot to consider when balancing. I DO think that being able to dual persons would hlep everyone learn how to counter different builds, if you don’t want to roll an alt and try it yourself.

Gw2 ingame community is awesome

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: stpetemermaid.5947


Tarnished Coast is nice. Hubby and I play on TC, and people are helpful. If I make a successful entrance into Sharkmaw, I’ll wait and see if the next person makes it or needs rez, and same has been done for me. Recently had a person show me the vendor there on the way out. yay!

Majority of people are helpful and friendly, and are willing to help with a group activity if it is advertised in chat. I don’t do dungeons yet, so can’t speak to that.

As for the RP, I kinda like those guilds being there. It’s rather amusing to ease drop on what they are doing sometimes. Some of them are really very good with their scripting!

FIX Breaking The Blade..... Unbelievable

in Personal Story

Posted by: stpetemermaid.5947


That’s what situational fighting is all about. My Guardian had to switch to using a staff for one step in her story (so far), and trust me, she does not use a staff in either of her weapon sets. Did I have to make sure she had a good staff before proceeding…yep! Did I have to check out YouTube to see how the fight could best be accomplished…yep! The next time I tried it, it was a piece of cake.

I have tried all the weapon choices on my Thief. She has two weapons sets she likes to use for PvE and two that she likes for sPvP. But will she change based on circumstances? Sure Will!

I will say that I would not change out traits. Just the weapon if it was needed temporarily.

And you can have other persons help you with personal story tasks. Perhaps someone in your guild would be willing to help with that one step?

(edited by Moderator)

Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: stpetemermaid.5947


Ticket 120904-001280 First submitted 9/3/12.

(Posting here for my husband spartyfiftyfour.1456)

9/3/12 – Opened ticket. Items bought from Gem Store were not delivered via mail. Requesting either items sent or Gems restored. Gems were puchased with real money, not in-game coin.
9/6/12 – Arenanet email reply by Mitch – Mass Message
9/9/12 – My husband responded to the email that the problem was not fixed.
9/14/12 – Arenanet email reply by Taredia – problem should be fixed in 72 hours.
9/19/12 – Resubmitted ticket. Problem has not been fixed. Also posting here in the forum.

Checked Support Case 9/25 and it states closed. Last reply from Peter on 9/20, stating Gem Store was down for maintenance and may be another 72 hours after it comes back up. Reopened the tickect 9/25, stating that no mail from the Gem Store has been received.

Authenticator Questions/Concerns [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: stpetemermaid.5947


I can verify that when the updated authentication was put into place, it did ask me to verify through email sent, and this was due to dynamic IP addressing through my ISP. This happened for the first time Monday night, and it happened again today.