Charr – Ranger
Human – Guardian
I have come across this issue several times. When my character is CC’d and the CC has worn off, I am unable to move. I have to use a CC break to move even though there is no CC on me. This happens in PVE and WVW. If for some reason I don’t have my CC break enabled, I am CC’d forever. I have sat for five minutes with no roots or ANY type of CC and have been unable to move. This is especially maddening in PVP.
Known issue. Every single person that I have contact with in game has some rendering issues of some kind. The only short term fix that I have come across is to turn down the LOD settings and Character detail settings.
Any news on when the poooooooooooooooooooooooooor rendering is going to be fixed?
The trading company is a great idea except the fact that there is absolutely nothing worth paying actual money for. One hour upgrades? You will need to do much better than that for real world money. Please, by all means make this a good deal and get people to use it by offering ACTUAL things worth buying other than sunglasses for your stupid character and a whole one hour bonus XP.
after all these crap, including “Time Zone” (XD), you haven’t tell us what your GPU is.
GTX 480
1.5 GB on board
Physx Card
1 GB on board
NVidia drive WHQL 306.23
All that crap is just the MSinfo file in case you didn’t know. Like I said before, my system should have zero problem running two versions of this game at once.
In my experience with this game, I have found that the draw distance is extremely low. This is especially bad in PVP and WVW. There are two players and then there are fifty out of nowhere. I have my settings turned to max but my system should have zero problem with this rendering. I get at the least 45 fps in busy areas. Any suggestions?
OS Name Microsoft Windows 7 Professional
Version 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Build 7601
Other OS Description Not Available
OS Manufacturer Microsoft Corporation
System Manufacturer System manufacturer
System Model System Product Name
System Type x64-based PC
Processor Intel® Core™ i7-3820 CPU @ 3.60GHz, 3601 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 8 Logical Processor(s)
BIOS Version/Date American Megatrends Inc. 1104, 4/10/2012
SMBIOS Version 2.7
Windows Directory C:\Windows
System Directory C:\Windows\system32
Boot Device \Device\HarddiskVolume1
Locale United States
Hardware Abstraction Layer Version = “6.1.7601.17514”
Time Zone Eastern Daylight Time
Installed Physical Memory (RAM) 8.00 GB
Total Physical Memory 7.98 GB
Available Physical Memory 3.43 GB
Total Virtual Memory 16.0 GB
Available Virtual Memory 10.6 GB
Page File Space 7.98 GB
Page File C:\pagefile.sys
Use sword on your 2nd weapon set and win.
How do you hit nothing? They are invisible when they attack. I fail to see the win in this.
For the record Rangers do have a form of stealth in camouflage which does make you disappear in the middle of battle.
If a Thief disappears near you, get ready to use Lightning Reflexes and hope they don’t have an immobilize. Once you’re out of melee range you can avoid Cloak and Dagger which is what makes them disappear repeatedly and attempt to kite them. Pray they don’t have a shortbow equipped and have at it.
If the Thief is halfway decent, you’re probably not going to win. If you keep your wits about you and make good use of your utility skills (traps, Lightning Reflexes, Protect Me!) you’ll increase your chances of coming out alive substantially.
Well if the Ranger class can’t stealth at will, it does not have a valid stealth ability which iskitten Standing still while using stealth is next to useless. I like playing the class but it’s VERY underwhelming in WVW. In almost every other MMO, the ranger class is something to be reckoned with even in 1 on 1. I don’t find that in this game. And like almost every other MMO (in pvp) the thief type class is either entirely OP or useless. In GW2 they need some tuning to say it nicely. The level 40 thieves will gripe because they suck and when they get buffed it makes the level 80s even worse. I didn’t play beta, where the rangers nerfed? I should be used to this by now but I just wanted to vent.
So I am shaking my head after getting just baffled by this thief over and over again. I am a ranger and was with a group defending. A thief casts something (why a thief can cast is beyond me) and then disappears. Okay, then again casts something and disappears. Okay and casts something else and disappears. Then I die. So how in the world is that in any way a balanced class? There is no way to even respond. I realize they can stealth but CTFO. This is ridiculous. The Ranger class can’t even stealth at all let alone appear and disappear in battle . The thief class is seriously out of whack with the others. What is the defense against this crap?
Truthfully, I don’t even want to know how many tokens that I haven’t picked up after kills but I am sure that I would have more exotic gear by now than I do. Can we for the love of jesus please have a true auto-loot system. No tiny little glowing bags that you may or may not see and pick up. If you earn a bag, you just get it. Otherwise we don’t get coin and our tokens on a regular basis.
This game is in desperate need of an LFG pairing system. Set yourself to LFG and you get assigned to a group based on class. Please-please get something like this.
Thief class-
All you should get are daggers and swords. You can do everything the rangers can do except have a pet. Rangers can’t even stealth.
This only happens in WVW and goes away when the game is restarted.
OS Name Microsoft Windows 7 Professional
Version 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Build 7601
Other OS Description Not Available
OS Manufacturer Microsoft Corporation
System Manufacturer System manufacturer
System Model System Product Name
System Type x64-based PC
Processor Intel® Core™ i7-3820 CPU @ 3.60GHz, 3601 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 8 Logical Processor(s)
BIOS Version/Date American Megatrends Inc. 1104, 4/10/2012
SMBIOS Version 2.7
Windows Directory C:\Windows
System Directory C:\Windows\system32
Boot Device \Device\HarddiskVolume1
Hardware Abstraction Layer Version = “6.1.7601.17514”
Time Zone Eastern Daylight Time
Installed Physical Memory (RAM) 8.00 GB
Total Physical Memory 7.98 GB
Available Physical Memory 3.44 GB
Total Virtual Memory 16.0 GB
Available Virtual Memory 10.5 GB
Page File Space 7.98 GB
Page File C:\pagefile.sys
All of the latest drivers are installed. No it is not my system. Thanks.
Unlike SPVP, you can DEFINATELY tell who is geared and who is lower leveled and not. You have to grind PVE gear just to be competitive in WVW.
Not true. I bought 5/6 of my exotics from Orr karma vendors with karma earned strictly through WvW. The only piece left is my helm, which I will buy this week with badges.
Good for you. So instead of grinding PVE karma, you grind WVW karma whilst getting trampled by the high level players with exotic gear. Really, congats. So happy for you.
I was a level 30 Necromancer and able to single-handedly lock down keep tower swarmed by 10+ players. Able to team up with a Guardian and Elementalist and consistently maintain control of the entire engagement while the “zerg” (if you call 15 people a zerg in a map that supports 500v500 combat) beat down the gate, again by ourselves (each of whom were not even 30 yet).
As a level 80 Necromancer, I not only hold control of that tower… I decimate it.
This thread is witless crying for no reason. There are plenty of rewards (I got 3 golds yesterday in one hour of WvW… how did I do that? BECAUSE I AVOID ZERGS AND MOVE WITH MY GUILD TO CAPTURE AREAS OURSELVES IN SMALL PACKS). Our guild gets ridiculous amounts of Influence. Karma just blows up. Money is on par with end game dungeons. All the while, I get to PvP.
If this is not your experience, you’re clearly doing it wrong, which attests the QQs to mean absolutely nothing.
Obviously if this is your experience, you’re not QQing to begin with.
LOL, QQ. You’re doing it wrong. You should throw in “Go back to WOW” to complete the trifecta. So you REALLY believe that a level 80 PVE exotic geared player is on the same level as a level 40 wearing greens? Good for you, your little guild of “geared” level 80s can hold a tower. That completely blows my comment out of the water. I am speaking of lower level experiences though. So where exactly did you get your gear? Since ArenaNet is so worried about competition, offer gear to players. It doesn’t have to be PVP gear that drops.
I get a ton of karma from WvW and I buy the level 80 exotic karma gear from the PvE zones that way. I bought exotic weapons with badges. I see no need to do PvE.
I don’t quite get why games have to give advancements to be fun, though. Is it not possible to play a game just because it’s fun?
You need to get the PVE gear to be on the top end competitive level in this scenario. You can defininately tell the geared PVE grinders from the level 30 newbs. Since they want to “balance” things out for new players, give more gear drops.
This is really dumb idea. There should be warbands (large groups) formed by anyone. Anyone can lead it and there can be more than one per world. Please get rid of this expensive and useless idea.
Unlike SPVP, you can DEFINATELY tell who is geared and who is lower leveled and not. You have to grind PVE gear just to be competitive in WVW.
How about giving something other than very little XP, very little coin and maybe (just maybe) some good gear. From what I can tell, you have to PVE a ton to get PVP worthy gear. Doesn’t that seem a bitkittento you? At this point, you can tell who is geared and who is not since Thieves can kill you in three seconds and Guardians can take an ENTIRE team on. There is some class imbalance in the WVW side but that is another discussion.
Thieves shouldn’t even get bows. Be happy with your little knives and lurk elsewhere.
How about giving an actual incentive to play WVW instead of SPVP? You get a little XP and a little coin but it costs you coin as well.
Instead of neglecting the Ranger and giving the Thief class ALL of the stealth, why not be like every other MMO that has Rangers and at the least give them the standing still one. The thief can run in, pew pew pew and then stealth completely away.
Well with what I am suggesting would work for broad searches, such as.
Medium Armor
Just show what I can wear.
Pretty much every other game that I have played has this option. It would just be nice and save time.
Can we PLEASE have an option to search the auction house that is “usable only” for the class that is looking at items. That way I don’t have to plow through dozens of useless items.
ALSO, you get slowed when running away from something if your pet attacks, or gets attacked. Can’t outrun some mobs even with 33% speed buff with warhorn. Only gripe about rangers!
That doesn’t seem to fit the ability description to me. If your pet is inactive and you use this ability, it should IMO, break all CC’s and give the speed boost regardless if you are being attacked or not. Otherwise, it doesn’t fit the description. So fix the description or fix the ability. The Ranger class is very fun to play but underwhelming. You pretty much can’t stealth, you aren’t especially powerful and you aren’t fast at all.
Rampage As One-
Does not ignore all CC affects in WVW. Many, many times tonight I have demonstrated that it doesn’t work all of the time as it should. According to the description, it is not working.
1: you’re doing it wrong. On average I got a level every 20 minutes in WVW. If you’re looking to grind levels from WVW alone, however, that’s not the point of WVW.
2 and 3: You get tons of money in WVW if you’re playing it right, and therefore gear costs money to repair. I always leave with more money than I entered. You need to stop following the zerg.
4: This I have no comment on; grinding for gear in WVW was never advertised, though I’d like to see some nice items once in a while.
5: This would be a bonus, but right now I actually enjoy WVW as it is, though the queue times should be shortened, I agree.
You’re doing in wrong may as well say “Go back to WOW.” I enjoy WVW, as listed in my posting, and I don’t die very often. I 100% do nothing wrong. Maybe the key to this ENTIRE thing is that I am not getting my loot. How about just giving the loot without having to find the tiny loot bag??
I’m not sure what you’re doing in WvW but I think the XP is fine.
Just like PvE the main XP doesn’t come from killing mobs or players. It comes from completing events, like taking keeps, towers, defending territories, taking sentries.
Doing those things I get anywhere fomr 5%-25% of a level. I usually get money for doing those things as well.
I will agree that the gear drops aren’t great. I get a lot of basic white items.
The PVE XP is good but….when the game was being hailed by NCSOFT and ArenaNet, they bragged that PVP XP would put you at 80 without issue and then you get the current rate, that is foul. I get MANY kills with WVW but virtually zero XP. Seriously take a look at kills VS. death and getting gear repaired in regards to money. So you get 35XP per kill for WVW with a ZERO assist XP. So if you don’t get the kill shot (from what I can tell) you get ZERO XP. I play a Ranger and get huge amounts of damage on multiple players but virtually no XP comes from it. I can level in PVE every 30 minutes but it takes hours and hours to get a level in WVW. That seems very wrong to me since they claimed you can get from 1-80 in WVW.
1. The WVW XP is too low, waaaaaay too low.
In the original pitch for this game, it FEATURED that you can level completely in WVW. That is true is will take 2 years to complete at the current level of XP.
2. The cost to repair gear in WVW should be ZERO…….
This promotes play for all levels.
3. There is ZERO money made in WVW yet you charge for gear repair? WTF?
4. The gear drop is WVW is laughable
5. Please come up with SOMETHING other than just the joy of playing PVP for people to wait an HOUR in ques for WVW. How about rare drops of who cares what. Rare eye liner, who cares? SOMETHING.
You have done so many things right in this game, please don’t get lazy now.
To have to pay to be a “leader” is absolutely a crazy idea. There should be a “warband” or large group option for all of the WVW areas. For example see every other PVP game ever made. To have to pay (really??) 100 gold just to lead a group is stupid dumb. Promote the game play and not just economy of the game, please do this.
The cost of traveling and equipment repair is entirely too much. I have seen some other posts about this but it seems to elude those that matter.
1. Repair costs in a PVP game should be (wait for it) zero.
This promotes PVP play and general play of the game even in PVE.
2. The cost of player transport is crazy ridiculous.
Decrease if not get rid of transport cost OR actually give some coin in PVP. I truthfully feel that there are ZERO rewards in PVP other than tokens. Please fix this and give a reason to play PVP other than grinding. It’s such a good game.
When double clicking items to move to the bank, the items aren’t auto magically stacking. It would be a nice time saver to do this and also will save space.
In WvW, it would be great if we had a true auto loot system in place. The bags that you have to see and pick up are tiny and are often obscured which makes you lose out on your loot. When a bag would be dropped, you just get the loot.
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