Charr – Ranger
Human – Guardian
The biggest improvement=Most ranger players feel disappointed.
Good job !!! Time to say goodbye my 80 norn&asura rangers
I seriously believe that I am being trolled by ANET at this point in the game. Go ahead and ban me.
Guys, guys guys.
Didn’t he basically implied in his post that he would release the upgrades on rangers in parts?
While we work hard to keep updates going on all professions, not very build us going to contain fixes for everyone due to the nature of software development. One problem with rangers is the lack of build diversity created by a number of sub par utility skills. Many signets, a shout or two, and spirits are all a bit lackluster. That is the first place to expect improvements. Second is trying to improve the feel/ pacing on some weapons.
Unless they did all the changes they thought was necessary in this one patch, wouldn’t they eventually release more fixes and buffs to ranger on next balance patch?
I’m really trying to have a level head about this but the ranger class update was the LEAST updated. Check the bullet points. At this rate, it will take a year to fix the page and a half list of bugs and issues with the class. This is foul however you look at it. Complete failure.
Wow, just wow. In what universe would someone consider this update significant?Thanks for making my pet less dumb I guess. Can we get someone else to manage this class. Facpalm.
ANET should just let Rangers use their fists. It would do the same amount of damage.
4 PM EST, no update notes?
Pretty sure it’s going to be Nov 16 @ noon with the rest of the update.
The Dev said the 15th. I would think that they would want to iron this out before the event.
4 PM EST, no update notes?
“I like turtles”
I have found that the DPS is really low with the one hander build. After switching to the great sword I would not go back. Maybe after the update, the one hander will be more viable in more than PVE.
No class should have a skill specifically made to counter another class.
I completely disagree since the answer from devs about an OP issue with a class is “try and find a way to counter it.” There is no way to counter 32k in three seconds against a thief. Since they are going to ignore the plain fact about that class, it’s the very least to give the lowly lovable loser Ranger class a tool that is actually useful to defend themselves. This is the ONLY MMO in history that I am aware of that the Ranger class is the worst DPS class.
That would be lovely. Perhaps this would give Rangers a chance against them.
Longbows are useful in certain situations. AOE damage in PVE and in WvW the longbow is great for siege.
It needs to be full size though
Oh so we’re kind of stuck being mediocre until the patch (and maybe even after)?
Hoping that this patch is going to fix 1/4 of what is wrong with the Ranger is dreaming unfortunately.
Maybe in SPVP but that’s it.
Well are you in WvW or PVE?
Depends what you’re expecting. I’m expecting some bugfixes, spirits and general utility skills (hello Signet of the Hunt) getting buffed up. Ideally longbow damage too, since the shortbow’s flat out better at the moment, but if anyone’s expecting something stupidly drastic that flies in the face of the class concept (Stow pet for buffs and matching warrior damage anyone?) then I expect they’ll be disappointed.
At this pace, the class will be “fixed” in ten updates.
-Spirit effect chance reduced to 15% base.
-Greatsword and longbow damage reduced by 5%
-Pet AI “improved”
Why would the damage ever in a million years be reduced?
-Completely nuke and redo the pet system
-Completely nuke and redo the spirit system
-Completely nuke redo the DPS abilities
-Add “Hide In Plain Sight” as an active ability
1113 badges out of 6153 kills. the ratio seems legit, but i have to say sometimes u get 2 badges from 1 kill.
I don’t know. Must be the ANET “mystery” ratio. It goes right along with the Mystic Forge.
In WvW, the Ranger is a joke. The damage is a joke. A guardian will do more damage.
Guys, Rangers are fine! Watch this:!
Again, Rangers are fine…..oh wait :-(
After watching that I don’t even feel like playing a ranger anymore lol…
I feel like someone punched me in the face watching this.
How about getting rid of free transfers. Pay for it and there will be a lot less.
What strikes me as odd is that ANet opted to have some player drop 2 Badges, thus increasing the RNG factor even more.
I’d rather have every 2nd or 3rd player drop one Badge than have every 6th drop two.
But in general, 1 Badge per kill would be perfect.
Boom. Nailed it. Add something for the support players and you have a winner.
You mean badges for all who participate in downing said player? A support character should be able to tag players before the down status.
No truthfully. Downing players twice needs to be taken out of WvW completely in my opinion as well as the jumping puzzles. I am speaking more building, repairing, healing and running supplies for the support players. I have almost zero motivation to play a support type build other than teamwork. Its a thankless job at this point but wins points for the world.
So backstab is getting nerfed in a couple of days and already people are crying about condition damage thieves? Priceless.
Please oh please ruin this game with constant cries for nerfs because you don’t know how to deal with something. Because asking for a change is easier than adapting..
Wow, adapt to instakill. Spoken like a true believer. I have a post and video that shows me getting hit for 28K in three seconds. That class needs a huge nerf. Maybe then the good players will look good and the bad will look bad. At the current state of things, the bad players look great and the good players look like gods. Something needs done.
What strikes me as odd is that ANet opted to have some player drop 2 Badges, thus increasing the RNG factor even more.
I’d rather have every 2nd or 3rd player drop one Badge than have every 6th drop two.
But in general, 1 Badge per kill would be perfect.
Boom. Nailed it. Add something for the support players and you have a winner.
It is a lot of badges. I’m on the fence about the drop rates. Agreed they can be hard to get in all aspects of the game other tahn direct player killing.
Just not sure if I want to see everyone running around in max gear so soon after the games release.
Another one of my concerns are the “double kill” scenarios. You don’t get anything if you can’t finish the other player off even though you took them to zero health. That needs to change as well. You have to kill the player twice essentially.
Get rid of the jumping puzzles in WvW. Problem solved.
You don’t since the animation is BROKEN. Roll a thief and smash your hands on the keyboard. You will get kills. Baddies are abound with that class. Get used to it since ANET isn’t going to do anything about it.
With that calculation you will need-
2285 Tokens which is 15240 kills
That equals the complete WvW set with ONE weapon. That is too many in my opinion. I WvW a lot and that seems very far away from me. Unfortunately those that run supplies and support the effort get nothing other than worthless XP. Maybe that can change.
(edited by swilkers.5938)
Why would you want it changed? It would change the effectiveness of a lot of builds. Since if they were changed to a CC they would no longer be affected by the Condition duration buff.
You are correct. It would most definately change a lot of builds. I play the Ranger and unlike most of the other classes, we don’t have a “get out of jail free” button like most of the other classes. We have “stability” that is supposed to “ignore CC effects” but clearly does not work like the others classes. So yeah, you are right. Or as an alternative just make the “stability” ignore CCs and conditions since ANET wants to make it complicated.
I calculated that my token drop rate is 1 for every 6.67 kills. Is this an average rate? It seems like I am getting a lot of kills and not many tokens.
How about chilled? Immobilize? Fear is both. Who knows… it is what it is.
I don’t accept “it is what it is” for anything. It is easily changed or in this case, corrected.
How is a cripple condition not considered a CC?
Ranger + GS (pretty much any melee) = Death for Ranger
I just use my pet in PVP and get loads of kills. This is especially true in WvW.
Hide In Plain Sight needs to be an active ability in my opinion. Just make it have a long CD.
How about removing the pets from the “tab” targeting? Also how about removing NPC’s from “tab” tageting? Also, how about removing NPC’s from WvW? Once more thing, how about the ability to remove pet names from the GUI?
How about just take the Thief CC outs and put them into the Ranger? The Thief class has 12 and the Ranger class has 4.
Why limit the Ranger to the bow? There is a meh burst build available but it does have everything to do with the mechanic if you break it down. Why should the thief and others get guns and we don’t?
(edited by Moderator)
Since there is a Ranger update due out, how about a glass canon high burst build? A sniper type build that could include rifles.
You need to edit the title—
SBI + JQ vs. BG.
That would appear to be more accurate.
How about once a month or just make players pay gems for it?
So the Blackgate server is getting double teamed by Jade and Stormbluff. Yes, there are screenshots. Yes there are videos. Wasn’t this part of the whole three faction deal though? Also, that pretty much means that neither Jade nor Stormbluff would beat Blackgate in actual WvWvW. Instead it is WvWs which is multiple worlds against one. This isn’t the first time that this has happened and won’t be the last.
There are 100500 themes with bugs. Answer in all just huge vaste of time.
Perhaps there would be less bugs if there were more answers.
I posted this in the Ranger Bug thread but can we get an updated list please? Either in this section or in the Ranger Bug thread.
Can we please get an updated list of the outstanding bugs please? I know that ANET released a response to them but a new list would be lovely instead of the mess that is currently listed.
This spell just give your pet about 10-15% dmg.
This is a section about bugs. You write – devs take note. No one will answer you here.
Well but that is unacceptable. Some feedback should be given as to whether it has been added to the ever growing list of Ranger bugs. Thanks for the report, we are looking into it.
How hard was that? Zero.
Thanks for some good news. Hopefully sooner than later though.
The game is fun but you are correct about forgetting the most basic of features. The WVW group feature is a prime example. There is none.
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Contact /u/e-scrape-artist on reddit if you encounter a bug.