Showing Posts For tarnin.1690:

WvWvW has been a complete, total, comprehensive failure

in WvW

Posted by: tarnin.1690


The bottom three tiers have competitive match-ups this week. The other tiers don’t.

The ability to zerg, the orb buffs, the queue system — all of that is the same mechanic for all the tiers.

So if you’re gonna blame a game-design element for “ruining” the wvw part of the game, you have to be able to explain why it’s not affecting the bottom 9 servers.

but it is, look at yaks. massive server transfer to SoR blew this entire bracket out for the week. so bad that SoR is moving up two brackets. keep smashing your head in the sand though, when you pop up to see the zerg being a max of 10 people you will can look back at threads like this to explain where everyone went.

WvWvW has been a complete, total, comprehensive failure

in WvW

Posted by: tarnin.1690


Allow me to jump on this bandwagon with the following:

Zerg will always win every online game out there. If one side has 50 ~ 100 more people than yours, you will lose. There’s no such a thing as a tactic to “overcome numbers” In online gaming. Simple as that.

With that said, OP….

Deal with It.

This post has been edited to remove a violation of the forum code of conduct.

That’s the silliest thing I have ever read. Tactics should always win over the zerg. In Eve online it works all of the time. In GW2, the game is explicitly designed so that the zerg wins no matter the tactics. Individual and group skill means nothing in GW2. It does it plenty of other games.

correct. with downed states, numbers win. You can outplay to your hearts content and all they have to do is throw bodies in front of you and rez up what you just outplayed.

(edited by tarnin.1690)

Sanctum of Rall vs Gate of Madness vs Yak's Bend

in WvW

Posted by: tarnin.1690


Next week shouldn’t be a problem for SoR. Our players are amongst the most skilled pvpers out there so I’m looking forward to dominate again coming week.

Until they transfer again because of “high queue times” Enjoy the bandwagon while you have it, you will be back down here with us Yaks soon enough.

dry toast pvp, harcore pvpers from daoc/warhammer bored. couple of ideas

in WvW

Posted by: tarnin.1690


@ Asilion
“— If you want to have more of that “instant infamy” as soon as you steamroll someone, consider ditching your 10 man Abyss dyed CoF armor and go for distinct and crazy visual customizations. “WoW that purple-yellow-teal Power Ranger looking guy is unstoppable”

Problem there is that enemies can not see your dye color. If you are red team you show red, green team shows green, and blue team shows blue regardless of the dye color you pick. Only team mates can see your real colors but they see your name so it’s not an issue with them.

Yup, Im in orange/black for halloween (did this in every game that allows armor dyes) and its pointless in W3 because you end up in a generic color. Probably doing it so they dont have to send color information too but it just leads to more of the bland taste of W3.

dry toast pvp, harcore pvpers from daoc/warhammer bored. couple of ideas

in WvW

Posted by: tarnin.1690


Keeping names unknown is a way to avoid:
Trash talk between players

It also helps keep people’s ego’s down, and makes it so the “SERVER” has to work as a full community to achieve success, instead of a few people.

If you want individual fame, go hop right into structured PvP matches.

Nailed it, Mishi…. Anet obviously doesn’t want WvW to devolve into an individual based match, they want to keep it at the server and guild level. Which I think they should, because WvW in GW2 is about the whole community and not just the individual. If you hunger for personal fame and recognition try s/tPvP. I personally like to anonymity factor in WvW cause it keeps the trolling to a minimum and when there is trolling it’s about a group, be it guild or server instead of an individual. After all GW2 is not DaoC or any other mmo.

No, no, no, and… no. You WANT the trash talking. You want the trolling. You WANT all that. That is what creates a fun open PvP world. See, the “elites” dont trash talk bads, they are just bads. No reason to even mention them. You roll them, you move on. The trash talking happens to others of the same level. It makes some terrific rivalries. In DAoC and heck, even in WAR you had hatred for certain guilds. Fighting them was usually epic and it was great when you won and horrible when you lost, but it was still fun.

This faceless enemy is boring boring boring.

dry toast pvp, harcore pvpers from daoc/warhammer bored. couple of ideas

in WvW

Posted by: tarnin.1690


I can sympathize about the anonymity of WvWvW getting some of the more competitive guilds / small squads / solo pvp elitists seeking rivalries down. While it would be nice if GW2 supported what you were looking for, I’d say they’ve decided to completely wall it off into sPvP, where precisely all of that exists and more.

For WvW there are a few tools / methods at your disposal to create a “bleed over” effect:

Keep doing what you do, and when your small squad all have “Ultimate Dominator” titles clearly visible with their HP bars, people will remember your guild name.

barelly visible add on. It’s in light gray and im pretty sure im not looking for titles on their hp plate but instead.. you know… their hp

Use that in conjunction with Forum sigs so that people can tie individual players to your guild infamy.

Meh, after two weeks (max time for pairings) who cares about XYZ guild, you have moved on to another pairing

If your guild is able to, claiming towers/keeps flies your emblem from its banner, which can be matched with emblems you can purchase for armor/weapons.

again, barely visible. I’m seeing a trend here

If you want to have more of that “instant infamy” as soon as you steamroll someone, consider ditching your 10 man Abyss dyed CoF armor and go for distinct and crazy visual customizations. “WoW that purple-yellow-teal Power Ranger looking guy is unstoppable”

As of now, because of the crap culling, half the time color doenst render. Good idea though. Rite now my 5 man is running black/orange for halloween

In your forum sigs, put your guild name, player name “That purple-yellow-teal Power Ranger” so people go “ahhh, so that’s who it is”.

again, forum. Useless with the speed of pairing changes.

If you want to know who just killed you when no one else has before, target them (likely already do if you were going down fighting them), right-click > report gives you their Forum ID, which is the primary identifying info on the forums, where you say you reserve your trash talking for anyways. Should be easy to find them and start a conversation if they visit here at all (you can PM them and wait for a response if they merely lurk, too).

what? Talk about having to do WAY to much extra work for that. Also, who has the time in W3 to do that?

I know this isn’t the facilitated method you are hoping for, but like I said, I think sPvP is really the place Anet intended for things to get… “personal”. If WvWvW lives up to its “larger-than-life” scale, it will be the combined effort of a servers dominant guilds and the competence of the militia they organize that will claim the lion’s share of credit for achievements; and the kill ratio of a single foot soldier, while they have every right to be proud of, is only a small part of that.

s/tPVP are junk. Same few maps over and over with the same fotm builds over and over. Open PvP, while its the same maps, is wildly different. It’s what a lot of us xDAoC/WAR players like. Heck, this thread isnt even asking for progression in W3, just the ability to have an actual rivalry!

dry toast pvp, harcore pvpers from daoc/warhammer bored. couple of ideas

in WvW

Posted by: tarnin.1690


sPvP is the place for primarily individual rivalries, and also guild rivalries.

WvW is the place for primarily guild rivalries, and also server rivalries.

I also agree with the fact that we are only two months out of the gate here, and servers aren’t even stable yet. People are still moving around (for whatever reasons), and it’s going to take time before things get steady enough to form real emotional opinions.

How will there every be any? Every week (or two in the future) it will shuffle up. That gives you no time for any good rivalry. Sad to say but I’m pretty sure with the lack of any W3 vision this game will slowly lose more people to the point of a “zerg” being about 10 people.

Because free transfers are going to last forever?

Transfers have nothing to do with it. Unless it settles into perm server vs server vs server the enemy will continue to change. This is pretty simple. Lets say i get a good rivalry going with [XYZ] for two weeks. We go back and forth, some trash talk, etc… At the end of that two weeks we are no longer fighting [XYZ], they are in a different pairing. You just killed that style of community that made DAoC and WAR so appealing to people who like the open style PvP.

dry toast pvp, harcore pvpers from daoc/warhammer bored. couple of ideas

in WvW

Posted by: tarnin.1690


sPvP is the place for primarily individual rivalries, and also guild rivalries.

WvW is the place for primarily guild rivalries, and also server rivalries.

I also agree with the fact that we are only two months out of the gate here, and servers aren’t even stable yet. People are still moving around (for whatever reasons), and it’s going to take time before things get steady enough to form real emotional opinions.

How will there every be any? Every week (or two in the future) it will shuffle up. That gives you no time for any good rivalry. Sad to say but I’m pretty sure with the lack of any W3 vision this game will slowly lose more people to the point of a “zerg” being about 10 people.

dry toast pvp, harcore pvpers from daoc/warhammer bored. couple of ideas

in WvW

Posted by: tarnin.1690


Hopefully these devs will listen, there is alot of good basic framework here.
If Warhammer had this framework it would be alive and well still.

It strange they hit so many good things, but missed on the most important thing a sandbox needs which is community

I’m not trying to be inflammatory here, but I really don’t understand this.

“Community” must mean different things to you and I.

What I can gather from your post, is that you view community as a group of individual allies and enemies who respect each other and enjoy fighting against one another.

From what I can gather about GW2, they seem to view community as primarily your guild (cooperative), and then secondarily your entire server (who are permanently allied, thus cooperative), finally the server vs. server with all of those guilds (whom we know by their tags), which is competitive.

So, when you say community, how can you discount these three layers of community in just the WvW game-mode alone? I mean… sPvP has it’s own community based around guilds and tournament teams. Granted, both are still in their infancy with transfers wide open and no rank system, but both are quite clearly there and ready to be built upon.

Ill answer this from my perspective as a long time DAoC player. There was a love/hate thing on servers. You trash talked each other on boards. You hated each other. If someone outside of your server put you down, people from the other realms came to your defense. That is the kind of community we are referring too. You loved to hate them, and complain, etc… but you loved the battles you had. This game in W3 is so… bland and already stale. No rivalries at all. No progression. Just zergs and door beatings.

You cant play extend for crap because of the constant rezing due to downed states. Trying to stomp takes too long on some classes (thief/mez) and even then having to stomp makes extension non existent as you have to rush INTO them to stomp.

"your downed state is better than mine"

in Elementalist

Posted by: tarnin.1690


Does the pull from the engi if someone is mid stomp interrupt the stomp though?

"your downed state is better than mine"

in Elementalist

Posted by: tarnin.1690


Engi downed 2 does still interrupt a stomp though. That’s the important point. Yes, it’s still pretty bad, but put both characters in the same scenario about to be stomped, one profession can do something about that, one can’t. That can be all the difference between backup arriving and saving you, or not.

downed state 2 does NOT interrupt a stomp. It’s a root, thats it. It might prolong it if the stomper isnt ontop of you but that’s about it. At least the engi can knock people away.

"your downed state is better than mine"

in Elementalist

Posted by: tarnin.1690


turning to mist actually counts as another death, so ya… it’s crap.

Downed players disappearing (not invisible bug)

in WvW

Posted by: tarnin.1690


Just die like a man…..if you get beat the guy deserves to get loot from you and deserves to emote and corpse jump your body a little bit. Bottom line, get better and you wont have to worry about repair bills….

not sure zerging over a solo with 30 guys has anything to do with my ability to play. Usually goes “Oh look a fight i can get int…. oh culling, it’s actually 30”

Downed players disappearing (not invisible bug)

in WvW

Posted by: tarnin.1690


I prefer with my engnieer to fight near the edge of a cliff and when I am about to die just rocket boot off the edge and tactical suicide off of it to keep from repair costing and prevent credit. Its the more manly way to go than raging off your client as well as actually taking a bit more effort to pull off than just Alt + F4 (also known as Alt+FU to them using it.)
If I am gonna die I will off mah self than wait for a botched execution thank you very much.

That’s what I do, suicide. Logging out is just pathetic. Not sure why they don’t do like every other mmo that has pvp in it. 1min timer or so from being in combat before you can log out.


in WvW

Posted by: tarnin.1690


Didn’t need radar to find where people where. There were popular xp spots, the bridges (in NF, MG’s in old), the island, etc… plenty of places to find people. Not my fault a bunch of you were zergers out there. Hell, i was successful playing a solo eld, duo in OF with a Bard/Warden or Bard/Hero, and in NF a Bard/Vamp. Did successful 8man also.

Really, it was only unused by the zerging pugs who didn’t have even have suits built.


in WvW

Posted by: tarnin.1690


BS. It made DAoC BETTER if you were not a mindless zerg hound (sounds like you were). Also, it didn’t take 30 seconds to get back to a wipe. That’s what makes W3 crap. Can’t roam with a small group and wiping the enemy is nothing more than a 30 second to a minute pause.

These maps are way too small. They need to be much much larger. There are too many objects crammed into too small of an area. You can’t turn around without hitting some objective.

[BUG] 10/7 patch - stuck on loading screens in spvp [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: tarnin.1690


4 days, no update, still broken. REVERT THE OLD PATCH. Pretty easy, just roll back ONE version. I mean really, if I pulled this at work I’d be fired.

I think adding something like DAOC's RA's ..

in Suggestions

Posted by: tarnin.1690


“I’m against anything that would give you a boost in power the longer you played.
That would just feed account selling and deter new players from ever picking up the game if they missed the chance to start at release because they will perceive they can never catch up.
Titles on the other hand…or strictly visual upgrades = Totally would be awesome and should be in the game. People DO deserve recognition for being awesome in WvW and being good at it. Maybe titles for Kill/death ratios and not strictly just kill counts would be a good idea. But titles none the less need to be in!”

I’m pretty sure all of you think RA’s were the end all be all of DAoC. They were not. ToA (a PVE expansion) had more of an impact in RvR than RA’s did. A RR1 could beat a RR11, I should know, I soloed on a visible caster up to RR9 and killed plenty of much higher RR’s than myself.

Stiv's ultimate WvW progression system

in Suggestions

Posted by: tarnin.1690


I like the OP idea. I just don’t see ‘cool looking stuff,’ as actual time worthy character progression.

What would be, then?

Well, people don’t like my answer. lol. but I’ll say it anyway I guess…

Get points based off of: Kills, Supply used (both building and repairs), Siege placed, Healing done. Balance the amount gained between all things.

If you have 50 people kill 1 guy, the amount gained is diminished. If you kill 50 people with 1 guy (unlikely, lol) you get a larger amount of points.

If you die alot, you’re worth a less amounts of points (this is to keep people from farming points off newer players and friends).

Doing the average point worthy task, is worth about 10-35 points.

These points, can either be traded in for w3 badges, for exotic gear, prolly 2-3k points would be enough for an average 1 piece of gear.

Or, you can save these points, and after about 10k or so, get a small ability buff. Not a new ability, Not added permanent points. But a buffed ability of some sort.
For example:

Shadow Refuge (for those who don’t know, this utility skill heals and stealth in an AoE effect).
Spend 10k points, and now Shadow Refuge heals for a little more. Or maybe stealths you for another second… etc.

Something small, but nice to have. Not easy to get, and not game breaking, but people want it.

You’re right, I don’t like it… lol.

I stand opposed to any mechanical advantage given to senior players over less senior players, outside of simple player skill & knowledge.

My side is… If someone can’t overcome a 50 extra healing… Then they weren’t that skilled to begin with.

Sure, that might be a valid thing to say.

But think about it the other way. If you have an extra 50 healing, how can you ever truly brag about winning or being skilled.

I would rather we have a level playing field, and wins or losses hinge on skill instead of possibly a smattering of little stat boosts which may or may not have contributed anything.

I played DAoC for 6 yrs man. On my 4th yr I rerolled. Went from RR1 to RR7 mostly solo.

The reason you’re not gonna convince any of the DAoC vets, that what you’re saying is true, is because we’ve all done it. Killing a rr12 wasn’t much different than killing a rr5. Those small gains get easily overcome with skill.

So to answer your question…. yes, I’ve spent yrs being the guy on the other side, lol. It’s not a big deal. Hardly noticeable watching someone heal for 1050 rather than 1000.

I did the same. My main was a bard, got to RR9 then made a solo eld. Got him to RR9 also and was fighting RR10+ players at the time. TONS of solo kills on that guy (assassin title). I did fine, on a visi soloing. Pretty sure any one that says it was a huge power difference was either one of the zerging bads or is really a gen4 player who never played and just wants it ezmode.

Stiv's ultimate WvW progression system

in Suggestions

Posted by: tarnin.1690


Stiv, Some great ideas here. But I am betting it won’t happen. Wv3 feels like an ANet afterthought. Really to bad too, because for myself and scores of others it is THE GW2 endgame.

It’s endgame for me as well. I’ve read around that Anet was surprised at how popular it is. It that’s true, maybe it will get some focus in the future.

Sadly I think that will come too late and many of us will be off to other games.

Well it’s not like you’re paying monthly so if you leave, it doesn’t really matter…you can always know…come back when they’ve fixed it to your standard?

The issue there is that they will look at the much smaller numbers and will just decide to NOT do anything as it won’t be worth it. It’s a vicious circle. This game makes money on in game sales (need people playing for that) and expansions (need people playing for that too).

You’re being such a negative nancy. In fact, every time I see you’ve posted something it’s always kittening negative.

Cheer up. The games been out a month. Is it annoying this isn’t fixed yet? Sure. Is it going to get fixed? Yep, it is. Patience is a virtue and while I understand WvW is really annoying to play right now (only if you follow the zerg, in my experience) it’s not going to be that way for ages and you should just go play something else if you’re really that frustrated with it.

Judging by the things I’ve seen you say you must REALLY hate GW2. So, why are you still here?

Yeah, it’s not cool it’s broken. Yeah it’ll get fixed. Just shh and let them do their job. What, do you just think they’re all sat twiddling their thumbs about this?

Plus, I think you’re wrong. I think if they do something and they fix it even if there isn’t many people playing at that time (I doubt it’ll ever get THAT bad), word of mouth will spread and do you know what will happen? “Hey, I’ve totally still got that game, let’s just log on and see if it’s fixed. Oh it totally is, awesome let’s play!”

I’m calling it like I’m seeing it. Never hit over flow anymore except in LG when the W3 resets. Barely any queues to get into W3 if at all. Right there you know the numbers are down. Unfortunately with no hard numbers we are not sure (no monthly subs) and we only have xfire which is sketchy at best to know what the numbers are.

What I want to know is, with 0 progression in a very popular area, how do you expect it to continue? I already hear people saying they are getting bored with it and its been out a month. One month and bored already? That doesn’t bode well and you know it. I know most of you gen4’s and anet fanbois will down play anything but you can’t deny the population is down on all but the 3-4 top servers where tons copied too. Even if it’s just a perception that counts as it will make others leave simply due to feeling like its empty.

Stiv's ultimate WvW progression system

in Suggestions

Posted by: tarnin.1690


Stiv, Some great ideas here. But I am betting it won’t happen. Wv3 feels like an ANet afterthought. Really to bad too, because for myself and scores of others it is THE GW2 endgame.

It’s endgame for me as well. I’ve read around that Anet was surprised at how popular it is. It that’s true, maybe it will get some focus in the future.

Sadly I think that will come too late and many of us will be off to other games.

Well it’s not like you’re paying monthly so if you leave, it doesn’t really matter…you can always know…come back when they’ve fixed it to your standard?

The issue there is that they will look at the much smaller numbers and will just decide to NOT do anything as it won’t be worth it. It’s a vicious circle. This game makes money on in game sales (need people playing for that) and expansions (need people playing for that too).

Stiv's ultimate WvW progression system

in Suggestions

Posted by: tarnin.1690


Stiv, Some great ideas here. But I am betting it won’t happen. Wv3 feels like an ANet afterthought. Really to bad too, because for myself and scores of others it is THE GW2 endgame.

It’s endgame for me as well. I’ve read around that Anet was surprised at how popular it is. It that’s true, maybe it will get some focus in the future.

Sadly I think that will come too late and many of us will be off to other games.

Excellent Elementalist WvW Build!!

in WvW

Posted by: tarnin.1690


this isnt rocket science here. If you like d/d, just hoof around a staff for zerging. There ya go, all the aoe needed to pve down those doors/walls.

Excellent Elementalist WvW Build!!

in WvW

Posted by: tarnin.1690


i love all the nubs saying 1) solo/small group wvw is useless and 2) d/d is useless in W3 and PvP. Wow, you guys make this class look horrible. You are the ones in sPvP that stay in one attunement then whine in /m that ele’s suck.

Elementalist PvP vid

in Elementalist

Posted by: tarnin.1690


so many noobs standing in earth 5 its not funny. Wow, easiest ability to avoid/interrupt and you are slamming them with it. I need to fight dumber enemies lol. Nice placements of the gtaoe spells too.

[BUG] 10/7 patch - stuck on loading screens in spvp [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: tarnin.1690


If it takes 3 days to fix something like a loading screen, this game is dead in the water. This is pretty pathetic. Im alt tabed out now waiting to kick back to what ever as im at a perma loading screen.

Stiv's ultimate WvW progression system

in Suggestions

Posted by: tarnin.1690


Stop projecting, IMO.

Lol I played DAoC for years. Even when we were outnumbered and had 0 relics, I was out there playing. Wanna know why? Realm Points. See, when i quit this game because of no progression, i wont try to fool myself into thinking it’s another reason. I’ll know that’s why I did.

Stiv's ultimate WvW progression system

in Suggestions

Posted by: tarnin.1690


What gets me is people like mcl here will be gone in a while once he gets bored with the play because of… no progression! Oh, he wont admit that, even to himself. He will just say “I found another game” or “I got all i wanted out of the game”. Its so typical too. Most of the “i dont need rewards!” players are not even posting here anymore. Who wants to put money on the fact that they went back to WoW to play gear grind?

I think adding something like DAOC's RA's ..

in Suggestions

Posted by: tarnin.1690


There’s a ton of back-and-forth silly arguments in this thread.

Good suggestion for GW2:

1. Add “realm ranks”.
2. Cosmetic finishers.
3. Bonus titles inherent in the player’s display name in WvW (e.g. no longer just “Jade Quarry Invader”).
4. Bonus armor/weapon skins.
5. ??


RAs that actually give you power are pretty dumb, unless you really want to see Thief burst combos start to land for >40k damage.

That’s why you do it like Champ levels. Those were a very side ways upgrade. Like the bard got a slow casting disease and str/con debuff and a ton of useless slow casting dd’s.

Also, why do we only see titles in the name plate when you click on someone? In DAoC it was like this


So for me it was:

   Tarnin Sava
<Militis Mortis>
Bane of Midgard

I think adding something like DAOC's RA's ..

in Suggestions

Posted by: tarnin.1690


This will never happen. Know why? No one today will play a game with the depth of DAoC. They like their scaled down noob friendly games. I keep stealing this line from someone else here but its like fast food. Kinda crappy but quick and easy to obtain.

Could you imagine if most of these players had to bust out a specially coded calculator to make their suit of armor? It would end up in the largest whine thread ever.

Small scale WvW

in WvW

Posted by: tarnin.1690


“This. You don’t find small fights by looking for other people who are looking for small fights.
You find them by raiding yaks and supply camps quickly until the enemy slowly catches up with 2, 4, 8, 10 players.
You’ll probably wipe eventually, but the point is to see how much rickroll you can execute before you go down”

The problem here is that when you nail a camp a zerg usually shows up to reclaim it, not a few stragglers or a small group. So you can either pve all night and avoid the zerg or hit a few camps and get mugged looking for people coming to check it out. It’s pretty rare to find another small group at all. The only times we find that are near zone in area’s and then its just this constant wave of people coming back from being dead.

And forget about trying to cut “supply lines” because the keeps are literally
within a stones throw of each other.

I liken the current borderlands and even EB to running in circles in your living room trying not to smash into the tv or chairs.

"endless loading screen" in spvp [MERGED]

in PvP

Posted by: tarnin.1690


the worse part of this is they are trying to promote this as an eSport. Ya… good luck with that when players get booted for “being idle” because they are stuck at the loading screen.

World Completion Star Showing Through Objects

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: tarnin.1690


Was kicking around W3 the other day and noticed that the star you get when you world complete shows though at the very least, the ground. An enemy player had a high point and we were below it, I looked up and he backed up down the hill a bit and he was out of view and his name plate was out of view but I could see the star plain as day. Was really easy to track where he was off of that little symbol alone.

Tanky DPS Elementalist [Videos] 11/21/12

in Elementalist

Posted by: tarnin.1690


i see no issue in teleporting churning earth. The build time on it is silly and so easy to stop. If they nerf that you pretty much negated earth 5.

[BUG] 10/7 patch - stuck on loading screens in spvp [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: tarnin.1690


this is getting plain silly. 3 days, same game stopping bug. No fix. If this is the future of this game can’t say I’ll be playing much longer.

Small scale WvW

in WvW

Posted by: tarnin.1690


actually the maps are tine. They need to be 3 to 4 times as large as they are with the same number of objectives. As it is now trying to roam with a 5 man is painful trying to avoid the zerg.

Hydrospike - New defensive Spvp D/D build

in Elementalist

Posted by: tarnin.1690


That war was horrible. He never interrupted earth 5. Huge cast time with that and he just lets you get it off over and over again. Wish i played against bads like that.

[BUG] 10/7 patch - stuck on loading screens in spvp [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: tarnin.1690


first reported at 4am this morning, still happening. Wow. This should have been fixed within the hour. Now an entire section of the game is unplayable.

[BUG] 10/7 patch - stuck on loading screens in spvp [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: tarnin.1690


If i die, and repawn, I’m suck at the loading screen forever. I have to alt-tab and kill the game. Tried rebooting, same thing. Different toon, same thing. Only happening after the patch.

Tanky DPS Elementalist [Videos] 11/21/12

in Elementalist

Posted by: tarnin.1690


If this build gets nerfed I guess i’d have to go to a spike build. Kinda hate that though because its really hard to roam in spike.

Unable to delete characters

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: tarnin.1690


Ok either its fixed or i found a work around. I logged out, logged into another toon which made all toons move in position and I was able to delete.

I think the combat in this game feels very stale.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tarnin.1690


Part of the problem, I think, is that many lock down on 1 weapon set (or 2 if you toon can swap) and call it a day. I have started to carry different weapons to switch them around for diff situation. Also combos are nice to pull off and give variety since they change depending on how you accomplish it.

I think the possibilities are there.

This is a horribly annoying system. If the game was meant to be played this way, give us more slots to equip weapons of kind. If not, we need to do inventory management every time we want to switch weapons around.

Try playing and ele, one weapon set, thats it. Running around d/d and want to help defend/take a keep? bust open the ol back pack, hope you are not in combat, and switch in the staff. Love then trying to hunt down my other dagger that is now no where near my first one because of the drops from loot bags. This is annoying at best.

Some improvements I'd like to see to D/D Ele

in Elementalist

Posted by: tarnin.1690


my issue with d/d are the cone abilities. They seem… flakey at best. maybe change them to dd’s with pierce so this way it can, like now, hit multiple enemies but wont suffer from going off in a wrong direction, not going up any kind of incline and would negate any issues coming from lag (either personal or server lag).

Realm Ranks

in WvW

Posted by: tarnin.1690


People in here HATE the idea of any WvW progression. Look though some of the past DAoC style threads. They are all Fast Food MMO players. They want it bland and they want it now.

I played a firby bard till RR10 and an eld to RR9 solo (post MoC nerf). Not a day one player but started well before DF was out. I would love love love to have progression. Give me Champ Level progression and I would be happy. Anything to have a drive to WvW besides karma/kill count. Give me 1%/2%/3% passive buffs or something like that. As it is now, I am really enjoying doing small man in WvW. That will get old really fast though.

1) the zones are WAY TO SMALL
2) 0 progression. Even if i get the title for WvW kills, it only shows up on the name plate when you click on someone, big deal. Not even sure the enemy can see that.
3) 0 realm pride. Why? Servers swap out every week so there is no rivalry and the free transfers mean you might or might not be playing with the same people on your own server.
4) Because of the limited space you either just run around taking camps/points (pve oh boy) or run into a freggin zerg of droolers. not fun either way.

My suggestions:

1) Increase the zone sizes but leave the same number of objectives. Now I wont feel like im running around my living room bumping into stuff all the time.

2) Progression. There has to be something to strive for character wise. Humans are conditioned to expect some kinda reward and in a game there is no difference. Once your character no longer gets better or even changes, what is the point.

3) Fix the bugs and ban the hackers. This z axis crap is stupid. Love getting someone to a downed state and they float into the ground so they can heal up (seen ele’s do this and I know for a fact that all they have is mist form, rock throw, and craptastic root)

(edited by tarnin.1690)

WvW forum showing EU German

in Forum and Website Bugs

Posted by: tarnin.1690


Like the dev tracker board, wvw is in german. Can’t follow any of the links. yes, i made sure i have EN selected, it even says forum-en.

how to punish dagger storming thieves?

in WvW

Posted by: tarnin.1690


and all of this just shows how broken they are in pvp. They have too many get aways with the high dmg output they have.

time to share the OP dps ele build

in Elementalist

Posted by: tarnin.1690


well thats pretty squishy and is really only good if you can burst some sub80/new 80 down to a downed state right away. No sustainability in that what so ever. After you shoot off your initial you are left with no defense and will just be chewed up.

If they nerf the ele I will...

in Elementalist

Posted by: tarnin.1690


ill just roll a fotm thief and use my one button wins i guess. then that will get boring in about a week and i’ll end up quitting =\

Does anyone know exactly or estimated HP of walls and doors?

in WvW

Posted by: tarnin.1690


It’s really an estimate due to not have percentage shown. 400k to 500k on a normal door? Reinforced then would be maybe 1.5million? Seems to be about 3x as strong.

Does anyone know exactly or estimated HP of walls and doors?

in WvW

Posted by: tarnin.1690


kinda hard to figure out. You would have to basically have one person or siege on the door, have it only auto attack, then time it. Ya, pretty sure thats not going to happen. Maybe on a very dead server where you wont get interrupted for a min or so.