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Tanky DPS Elementalist [Videos] 11/21/12

in Elementalist

Posted by: tarnin.1690


I rolled up this spec and I’m using the 42k gear from Orr and it’s standard set (5% extra dmg on enemies below 50%). It’s a beast of a setup. I win 90% of my solo fights, wipe out a camp in no time, and my survivability is up. I believe with the Dolyak runes it will increase more. Not only that, but is really really fun to play. Its a very active setup and you really have to pay attention to cool downs. As I played a bard in DAoC this style of play is pretty common to me (6 active hot bars in small man, 8 in 8man play).

If you can handle the switching and the combo sets, play this. You can play around a bit with the extra 10 points as thats really a preference and some of the skills can be messed around with (i switched out Arcane Blast for the Earth signet so I can root someone when my knockdowns are down). All in all a very fun and effective build. Thanks for posting it!

In my opinion, this game lacks challenge

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tarnin.1690


Wow is just dance dance revolution in PvE. Once you know the steps its face roll. You can macro up your rotation and mash one button over and over. The PvE in here isnt terribly difficult but its not one button mash at least.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tarnin.1690


Because that’s annoying. It fills up the whole screen with names I don’t care about.

Wish they’d do it like GW1. Name displayed under character, guild next to it and title under it. But displayed on close characters and anyone you click on/hover over.

Id take it on a close character. The titles not being visible except in the name plate when you click on someone makes titles pointless. I’ll put money on the fact that most people don’t even know that they are there.

Melee useless in WvWvW

in WvW

Posted by: tarnin.1690


Hrm… my direct to the point post got nerfed so ill try and be more round about. Don’t zerg around all the time. Try some small man (5 or less people) and beat around the map looking for stragglers going to the jump puzzle or the zerg. See your side attacking/defending? find the run route to that objective and hang around. I get tons of good small fights that way. You can even do it solo if you are careful enough about it and get some great fights.


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tarnin.1690


Why is it titles are only shown on the name plate and not over the characters head? Makes them pretty pointless. I’m not even sure why the guildname is directly after the character name either. Why not adopt the DAoC/WAR style and do:


In DAoC I had:

    Tarnin Sava
Bane of Midguard
 <Militis Mortis>

So this is it?

in WvW

Posted by: tarnin.1690


I hate when the reply to function doesnt work. Anyway…

WvW not having a set time makes your hard work seem pointless. Yes, the night people should have something to do, but they shouldn’t erase the hard work of the people from the day. During the day on my server you have to sit for an hour 1/2 just to get in, but at night it’s instant.

This is W3, it was supposed to be like this. Things change hands all the time. One thing I would like to see though is keeps/citadels being harder to cap even if undermanned. A fully upgraded keep in DAoC would like quite a bit to drop even if there were 0 defenders. Towers and other points, meh, let them drop quick.

Entire enemy raids not loading until they’re right on top of you.

100% agree, fix this. The culling is all goofed up and needs a proper fix.

Badges of Honor and Karma bonuses only reward damage dealing. I play a support Guardian (which has crap range anyway) and 80% of the time I’m sitting in the group healing, putting up reflect barriers, or blocking off choke points with walls of lining. I hardly get any badges of honor.

Agreeded. DAoC had this issue early on and fixed it by having healing/crowd control give realm points. Also, if you are grouped why not have badges group drop instead of single person drop. Would help with this.

Siege vehicles not being mobile and putting Catapults behind doors is stupid lame. Catapults completely stop pushes on bases in their tracks and forces the enemy to have to back away and use catapults which puts the defenders at a better advantage.

I would love this. Would help with ill placed stuff. Make it really slow to move if you want (like the speed that you run in some of the world events when carrying stuff) so you dont go pushing a ram or arrow cart around. Also, let us salvage out used up rams/siege. I hate seeing two rams, a cat, and other siege pointed at a tower/keep you own and you can’t do jack with it now.

Spawn points right up the roads. I mean really. You wipe out the enemy team and they’re back 5 minutes later.

Make the maps bigger! Leave the same number of points but increase the size of the maps. Not only would it make wiping a zerg useful, but it would give more room for us roamers who dont like to zerg.

Once we go to two week maps than the battles are going to be won in the first week and there will be no point to even try if you’re losing after.

Personally, I would love to see us fight the same two servers forever ala DAoC style. Stabilize the servers and bam perm rivals.

WvW guilds on Henge of Denravi are packing up and leaving because they effectively beat the game.

Ive said it before but got crap from the Fast Food MMO players. We need W3 progression. Period. People are already quitting because there is nothing to strive for. Server loyalty is a joke with free transfers.

Did I say grind? Log on every night, run around and capture some objectives. Go to bed and everything you’ve taken is gone and you rinse and repeat again.

This is a perception thing. I have a ton of fun small manning out in W3. I know thought that soon I will get bored because I will have a perfect set of armor and there will be nothing to strive for after that. Heck, even the titles that we get are only visible when you click on someone and read the template at the top of the screen. It’s not even over the players head! Stupid.

Looking for better WvW action? Transfer to Gate of Madness

in WvW

Posted by: tarnin.1690


Lol, gom. When we were paired with them they hacked all 3 orbs 20 mins after the pairing started. Go to GoM if you want cheat wins. I’m sure you will get plenty of server hoppers though, just dont ever start to lose or they will flee again.

The Importance of Roaming small groups in WvWvW(AKA Gank Teams)

in WvW

Posted by: tarnin.1690


Funny, when i run small man (max of 5) I really could care less about stalling a zerg or helping our zerg. I’m out there to find some fights and take objectives for money. Really, its a byproduct of small manning that it helps the main zerg at all. We like to take control points and what not to see if we can get a few zerg stragglers to wander by and cut them down. That’s about it.

One thing though, don’t give the small groups crap for not doing what you want NOW or they will completely ignore you can not take anything or take only control points just to kitten you off. I have switched borderlands because of catching crap from “commanders” who tried to direct us to objects in a not so… cordial way

Yak's Bend (US) needs more daytime guilds!

in WvW

Posted by: tarnin.1690


Yak’s only need daytime guilds now because of the massive daytime Goon presence. BTW, there are script kiddies on all three sides. Ive seen people from Yak’s, EBay and MG all using speed, z and teleport hacks daily. The most comon though seem to be speed and teleport hacks (usually in the form of jump ahead X units). It’s pretty obvious too when you are chasing someone and they jump out of click range. Sorry, no ingame ability has that far of a jump.

Intelligently Designed Realm Ranking System for WvW

in WvW

Posted by: tarnin.1690


“I put my time getting my ‘Ard Tiarna’ status in DAoC, and I put my time getting my gladiator title for WoW. You know what? Slapping around players because I have Ignore Pain 30, Master of Criticals 700, or my Vanquishers Gear of My Resillience is Too High for You to Hit Me is boring. Only people with serious life fulfillment issues need the sort of emasculation that comes with beating up people who can’t fight back at the same level as you.

I wouldn’t mind Realm Rank titles as a recognition reward, but I’ll vehemently oppose any sort of stat/power modification."

I was pretty surprised to even read this here. What are you even talking about? I said nothing about gear, in-fact gear advantages and things like resilience in WoW are terrible and certainly not good for this game.

But again, I must reiterate the fact that you didn’t seem to grasp or read what I was trying to explain. Everyone that plays would end up getting a reward, they would all have that very small upgrades. There would not be players that have an enormous advantage over anyone else, because the rewards would be balanced, and logical. Not stat upgrades that are going to make someone overpowered.

Also if everyone has them, there would only be a few % difference between players. And seeing as gear is pretty much completely equal in WvW.. it will make things a little bit more fun. But most importantly it will make it so that SKILL translates into larger fights. So that numbers don’t play as much of a factor as they do now.

Im almost thinking hes full of crap. WTF is Ignore Pain 30 and Master of Criticals 700? Looks like he went out and found a RR list and some abilities. As a matter of face, IP wasnt over powered at all. No way he has a clue or he would have called out MoC or Pain Spike on a Warlock.

There’s no “Vanquishers Gear of My Resillience is Too High for You to Hit Me” either. Ignore pain was basically a 30-100% heal you could spend realm points on that almost everyone took because it essentially an extra life. It’s also been too long for me to remember what the name of the permanent crit realm ability was. The point was the concept of “needing” and advantage. The OP keeps claiming it’s okay because things like 1%/5%/10% hp are only “small” advantages. The point is, why do you want these trivial gains if they won’t make a difference?

But most importantly it will make it so that SKILL translates into larger fights.

No. The combat economics of scale mean that these hypothetical bonuses would have to be fairly substantial to even make a slight difference in a zerg fight. And how would any accumulated past ‘points’ translate into SKILL in a present fight.

I say go with 1%/2%/3%, keep the numbers somewhere around food level and it would work out fine. Would still be progression but not overpowering progression. A rr10 would have what, 3% extra dmg? big whoop, with the hp pools and downed state thats not much. Hell, gems give more than that. I just want my toon to get better over time even if slightly.

Intelligently Designed Realm Ranking System for WvW

in WvW

Posted by: tarnin.1690


The issue is stealth. When you can go invisible you just camp all day. All you would have to do is hide out and jump and down over and over again (any programmable kb/mouse could do this) and rake in your rewards. The never ending nature of an MMO is what makes it near impossible to code correctly.

Sadly your misunderstanding scouting,let me break it down in MMO format close to another game with stealth classes and such.

Enabling a system much like commando title(but without the shiny blue shield) maybe a smoke/flare you could mark a clear/empty outpost or small group of players think of wars in 1900’s where smoke where to be set off admist a group or base and then mortar teams would fallow up with a shelling. same could be done here some marks a spot then if its attack/taken/killed within X time of mark they get assist/scout credits allowing a scout to mark empty supply camp within say 10 mins a smapp group attacks and takes it the scout/scouts who marked it would then get a small credit in its capping.

If i have to explain how to keep afkers from doing this so be it but this is not the thread for this topic its the thread for a logical analysis system that rewards players(witch it shouldn’t other then title maybe)in WvW

Hmm, i don’t play FPS games as you can tell. Sounds interesting and not sure why it’s never been implemented into an MMO with Open PvP before.

Intelligently Designed Realm Ranking System for WvW

in WvW

Posted by: tarnin.1690


Rewarding scouting isn’t hard its done all the time in FPS games planetside 2,battlefield 3 etc. but the sheer amount of programming and math needed for new systems like this and logical analysis systems is a bit out of the question unless included in a fairly hefty update anyone can jot down a idea but putting it into motion is another thing.

The issue is stealth. When you can go invisible you just camp all day. All you would have to do is hide out and jump and down over and over again (any programmable kb/mouse could do this) and rake in your rewards. The never ending nature of an MMO is what makes it near impossible to code correctly.

Intelligently Designed Realm Ranking System for WvW

in WvW

Posted by: tarnin.1690


No game rewards scouting. You are doing jack all that the game can calculate. If you got anything for scouting, you could just hide out somewhere and reap free <insert reward here>

Intelligently Designed Realm Ranking System for WvW

in WvW

Posted by: tarnin.1690


In DAoC you did get realm points for taking a keep/tower. So you would get it for yaks/camps/towers/keeps/garrisons/road points. Not sure what the issue is here.

Intelligently Designed Realm Ranking System for WvW

in WvW

Posted by: tarnin.1690


“I put my time getting my ‘Ard Tiarna’ status in DAoC, and I put my time getting my gladiator title for WoW. You know what? Slapping around players because I have Ignore Pain 30, Master of Criticals 700, or my Vanquishers Gear of My Resillience is Too High for You to Hit Me is boring. Only people with serious life fulfillment issues need the sort of emasculation that comes with beating up people who can’t fight back at the same level as you.

I wouldn’t mind Realm Rank titles as a recognition reward, but I’ll vehemently oppose any sort of stat/power modification."

I was pretty surprised to even read this here. What are you even talking about? I said nothing about gear, in-fact gear advantages and things like resilience in WoW are terrible and certainly not good for this game.

But again, I must reiterate the fact that you didn’t seem to grasp or read what I was trying to explain. Everyone that plays would end up getting a reward, they would all have that very small upgrades. There would not be players that have an enormous advantage over anyone else, because the rewards would be balanced, and logical. Not stat upgrades that are going to make someone overpowered.

Also if everyone has them, there would only be a few % difference between players. And seeing as gear is pretty much completely equal in WvW.. it will make things a little bit more fun. But most importantly it will make it so that SKILL translates into larger fights. So that numbers don’t play as much of a factor as they do now.

Im almost thinking hes full of crap. WTF is Ignore Pain 30 and Master of Criticals 700? Looks like he went out and found a RR list and some abilities. As a matter of face, IP wasnt over powered at all. No way he has a clue or he would have called out MoC or Pain Spike on a Warlock.

Intelligently Designed Realm Ranking System for WvW

in WvW

Posted by: tarnin.1690


Sorry zerging is what arenanet has wanted, this game will die slowly. It’s free so the death will be slow. But, it will still die. The game promotes zerging, afaik there is no group mechanic of sharing loot or exp karma etc.. So they would need to recode some type of party splitting method. Sadly. I think this is not something they can do, unless it’s an expansion.I suspect an expansion might bring the stuff we want. But, it’s gonna be awhile.

This game hates guilds like us forthegz, they like the Zerg guilds and goonsquads and ruins where numbers = winning. There will never be a place for small man pvp in WvW, before someone else says it.. " go play spvp" because that’s the responses you’re gonna get, beyond the idiot like responses you’ve already received.

Me and my guild, we are a small guild on SF. [eels] We move in 5 man parties and take out camps, stop supply caravans, take smaller towers, and generally defend anything that needs defending using siege weapons.

There is definitely a need for small guilds in WvW. If you only have a giant zerg running around, the enemy knows exactly where you are at all times and can easily just retake everything you take from them.

Ya no, the map is so small even a massive zerg in all it’s slowness can turn and retake everything in minutes. That’s a HUGE issue with W3, the maps are closets. There is no way you should be able to set up siege and Treb from one structure to another. Too small, too boring. As small man, how boring does doing the horseshoe get? kitten boring, and you run into a zerg a ton. Even EB, while larger, its small as heck because so much is just crammed into the map.

Intelligently Designed Realm Ranking System for WvW

in WvW

Posted by: tarnin.1690


It just never ends with some people lol
Everyone is even period
So funny how people want to do whatever it takes to get an advantage over others
There is no individuals in WvW. A person who lets say tries to accomplish stuff with a small group and die alot for doing it would be at a disadvantage of an AoEr who just follows a zerg around lol
People are unreal

So sorry your mentality of progression is so bland that it kills off games. There is a reason all the WoW lite clones die. It’s boring. People play for a bit then quit because there is little substance. You cry out “I want it NOW, i want it MY WAY, I DON’T want to work for anything!” they listen, game closes up shop or ghost towns for a while before shutting down.

The saddest part is the developers listen to carebears like you and kill their own games.

Intelligently Designed Realm Ranking System for WvW

in WvW

Posted by: tarnin.1690


There is no “skill” really in this game though. the combat is really dumbed down. More so then even WoW. The idea here though isn’t to smash face after playing for a year, its about progression.

Outnumbered, Why do we get a PvE buff in a PvP area?

in WvW

Posted by: tarnin.1690


I don’t think they WANT casuals to play W3, I think thats what they thought would happen. More than likely they figured sPVP would be hopping and W3 would be limited to a few casuals and PvEers just looking for some quick PvP. What happened of course is W3 is massively popular and sPvP is cookie cutter fotm groups from WoW arena kittening and thats it.

Intelligently Designed Realm Ranking System for WvW

in WvW

Posted by: tarnin.1690


And here come all the carebears who want a bland game that they can smash buttons in a zerg and win. With no progression after 80 this game will be a ghost town and then you can pve gates and yaks to your hearts content.

Ballista hitting for 17.5k

in WvW

Posted by: tarnin.1690


the thing is throwing a telephone pole at you. In all reality, you should be insta dead and skewered into the ground.

WvWvW/badge gear has unfair price and time to get

in WvW

Posted by: tarnin.1690


The randomness and the loot bags makes W3 exotics a pita at best to get. Grinding out a dungeon or karma is faster… which makes 0 sense in a PvP oriented game. Not sure what they are thinking here.

WvW jumping puzzles and mesmers....

in WvW

Posted by: tarnin.1690


And yet they nerfed dungeons because of skipping content… ya, no clue either.

Analysis of GW2 WvW compared to DAoC RvR. [Long]

in WvW

Posted by: tarnin.1690


My main problem with WvW in guild wars 2, compared to Daoc has to be the zones. Not enough room to roam and mobs are spread out everywhere instead of small camps of them with empty spaces between.

Another problem would be having four different zones, and not one large zone like new frontiers had. Or if they have to stay separate, then the fast speed a player can respawn and return to a battle. Killing off a large number of players isn’t much of a victory when they can be back in 2 to 3 minutes, less time than it took you to kill them. Faster even if they have a keep with a waypoint to spawn to.

Agreed the zones need to be about 50% larger. It should take about 3-4 minutes real time at max run-speed buff between control points.

Example ratios:

Time between any two control points: 3 times the time it takes to resolve a 5 v 5 fight
Time from default respawn locate to nearest control point: 6 times the 5v5 Resolve time.

If we assume 1 minutes to resolve a fight then the distance between any control point should be 3 minutes and 6 minutes from the border keep.

The key in DAOC was the distance from the entrance to any of the keeps was a haul. It made wiping a zerg… relevant. The zones in that sense are too small. Either that or we need to implement rez sickness to pad virtual distance\time.

Zone size is a huge issue. Small manning or 5 manning, while possible, is too tight. Wiping a zerg means nothing, they are back in a min, not even enough time to run supplies to repair. Increase the zone sizes 3 to 5 times and i’ll bet a lot of the issues we are seeing would lessen dramatically.

Analysis of GW2 WvW compared to DAoC RvR. [Long]

in WvW

Posted by: tarnin.1690


To your last point, The issue isnt killing people in water fights, its their ability to bob around like apples and get away. something is broken there for them to go from a downed states to death death. they pop to the top, invuln, you hit them they sink then backup. Over and over. Even chain hitting them they can keep this apple bob going for a quite a while and if its not 1v1 by the time you finish them off, you are either dead or their friends have caught up to you.

Analysis of GW2 WvW compared to DAoC RvR. [Long]

in WvW

Posted by: tarnin.1690


well Tarnin.. here

I think the people shooting this video obviously has all 3 OP orb bonuses, BUT those orb bonuses are no where close to how OP DAoC realm skills instances were. This is what a well played team can do against zergs. Without additional skills.

Holy CRAP the people they were playing against were horrible. They were playing a modified extension style and the enemy was just falling for it and getting chewed up by their machine. The warrior is charging in, poking away at some scrubs than rolling out. Scrub players give chance into their properly fanned out group and get machined.

Also, if you see, there are a ton of sub 80’s they are fighting. So they DO have additional skills as many of the scrubs dont even have full talent points yet.

Lastly, I never ever asked for over powered skills, I keep asking for progression. What part of that blows right past every ones head and lands behind them? I figure the ones arguing agaisnt any progression are either super casual or gen4 only players who have no idea what complexity or progression really is outside of “ugh, grind gear to grind gear”.

So... why do structural upgrades get lost on capture?

in WvW

Posted by: tarnin.1690


I agree with you on the walls “Hey, i blew though your gate, why did the walls all of a sudden turn into twigs?” It really is from a balance stand point though. Can’t really look at a game that as gerbil people running around smashing you in the face with a hammer very realistic though lol.

Analysis of GW2 WvW compared to DAoC RvR. [Long]

in WvW

Posted by: tarnin.1690


This IS a thread comparing this to DAoC though. That was the point of it. Also, with it using forced side v side pvp you can’t help but compare it. They were the first to do it.

At this rate, this is not an MMO but a fantasy RPG/FPS kinda hybrid thingy. which is ok I guess but it was billed as an MMO. Also, why is it everyone thinks anyone who wants progression wants the “HAHA im RR1000 you insta die!”. We are only asking for progression, not insta wins. They were annoying in DAoC, and they would be annoying here.

It’s MMO.

It’s Massive
It’s Multi-player
It’s Online

It’s a Massive Multi-player Online Game a.k.a MMO

You do realize that the what the letter mean does not constitute what it is actually billed as though correct? Perception means everything. when you think of an MMO you think of progression. If you don’t, you are flat out lying and you know it.

Maybe these Free to Play models just dont work for the long haul. Light on the content, no depth to the pvp, and the complexity is somewhere around fisher price. There is no skill in this game at all. Either make the fotm 5/8man for sPvP or zergroll everything in WvW.

Welp, guess we’ll see in about a month as they said they are recoding some of the core to make changes to WvW. At that point we will see if it has any sustainability at all. If not, I expect another aoc or swtor ghost town.

Analysis of GW2 WvW compared to DAoC RvR. [Long]

in WvW

Posted by: tarnin.1690


This IS a thread comparing this to DAoC though. That was the point of it. Also, with it using forced side v side pvp you can’t help but compare it. They were the first to do it.

At this rate, this is not an MMO but a fantasy RPG/FPS kinda hybrid thingy. which is ok I guess but it was billed as an MMO. Also, why is it everyone thinks anyone who wants progression wants the “HAHA im RR1000 you insta die!”. We are only asking for progression, not insta wins. They were annoying in DAoC, and they would be annoying here.

So... why do structural upgrades get lost on capture?

in WvW

Posted by: tarnin.1690


Well you did just blow though the doors/wall and probably destroyed the siege to get in. You will have to bring in your own soldiers and workers and replace that stuff. It makes sense mostly. I know its done from a fairness point of view but even realistically the only thing that should stay upgraded would be either the walls/door depending on what you knocked down to get in.

WvWvW Realm Ranks and Abilities

in WvW

Posted by: tarnin.1690


Except that WvW does end. Not sure how your argument works here. Once the match is over, one of the 3 sides is the winner. The other 2 are the losers. So your goal is to be the winner. Just like a board game.

But it still doesnt “end”. You go on again with the SAME toon. Thats where its open ended. Until an RPG, its not the end of the game. It’s still going. not sure how else to explain this…

The end of a power climb does not have to mean the end of the game. In skyrim, for example, I have maxed all the skills I want, and have gotten about the best gear possible. that doesn’t stop me playing and having fun. does this help?

Do you think you will be playing it in another 6 months or a year? This is an MMO, something that traditionally is played for years at a time (i did 6 years in DAoC, how many have 6+ in WoW?)

WvWvW Realm Ranks and Abilities

in WvW

Posted by: tarnin.1690


Except that WvW does end. Not sure how your argument works here. Once the match is over, one of the 3 sides is the winner. The other 2 are the losers. So your goal is to be the winner. Just like a board game.

But it still doesnt “end”. You go on again with the SAME toon. Thats where its open ended. Until an RPG, its not the end of the game. It’s still going. not sure how else to explain this…

WvWvW Realm Ranks and Abilities

in WvW

Posted by: tarnin.1690


Because MMO’s are open ended. If it “ended” people who just started wouldnt get to play the whole game. This mmo comes the closest to “ending” with new pairings i guess.

WvWvW Realm Ranks and Abilities

in WvW

Posted by: tarnin.1690


But it gets boring fast when you are just playing to play. Without an incentive there is no real reason to play for any long period of time. See board games work and other games because there is an end. In an MMO there is no end so you either continue to progress or you go to another game. The way it is now, there is no progression at all and of course, no end.

so the answer is locking all debate down about night capping

in WvW

Posted by: tarnin.1690


I’m a long time vet from DAOC and when our server was getting owned by Hib we used this tactic as well. We took all the relics one night. It was awesome stradegy in DAOC but here it is OMG WTF CHEATERZ!

The playerbase in MMO’s these days are so sensitive, nothing will ever be completely balanced in PvP and if someone managed to make a game that was it would be boring and predictable. Use this stradegy against them. If they are up all night get your guild to wake up early one day and take all their keeps while they are sleeping.

This is a virtual war, do you think in real life an army would wait for an enemy to wake up to plan a strike?

What I hate is most of the players complaining about this tactic come from my server. SBI.

We are better than this lets take this to the battle to the frontiers, not the forums.

Where did you play that Hib ruled? Man, i played on palo and it was alb heavy until the first clustering, then hibs ruled for a bit then another clustering and back to alb rule.

Analysis of GW2 WvW compared to DAoC RvR. [Long]

in WvW

Posted by: tarnin.1690


Why are threads like these so full of ignorance?

For example, GW2 already has “realm titles” (or whatever they were called in that old game).

Look under the WvW tab in achievements. There’s at least a dozen or more titles that can be earned through your performance.

Nothing is worse than MMO nostalgia, except when it is perpetrated in the forums of a new game.

Getting titles for beating on a door or mob sucks. You only get one title for killing X players, not even sure how many that is, 10k? Not much of an incentive. What happens after that? Also, pretty easy to farm up 10k total kills just sitting on a cannon/arrow cart.

Pls disable the Mesmer skill "Portal" untill you fix the server lode issus

in WvW

Posted by: tarnin.1690



honestly speaking the only time mesmer portals get used is to
1. get to otherwise unjumpable spots to put sieges down

If it’s an unreachable spot then how did the original Mesmer get there? Portals work like this. Mesmer lays a portal then goes somewhere else and lays another portal and Blink doesn’t work if the axis is at too great of a height differential.

Aye, its not a portal issue but its being abused. Player lags up a wall or flies up (nice z hack there) and drops a portal. People go though, bam, in an inaccessable place but didnt cheat themselves. Porting in a zerg and having them invisible isnt a cheat either. Just poor coding.

Analysis of GW2 WvW compared to DAoC RvR. [Long]

in WvW

Posted by: tarnin.1690


For example K/D ratio stat might have more effect compared to Repair Costs, when it comes to “mindless charging”

For sure, just like “solo kills” will encourage some to solo instead of zerg. You could also encourage group vs group type fighting if you structure a point system correctly. Even if points only let you climb some kitten title ladder people will want to do it faster and away from the zerg if players in proximity reduced your points.

If they want to go crazy, allow people to unlock visual skin stuff based on whatever point totals or stat ranks. Say someone gets a cool effect on a weapon for having over 200 solo kills. Maybe something that only shows up for people who have a >5/1 weekly K/D ratio. Always something to shoot for!

K/D ratios promote zerging though. Eaiser to survive in a zerg than it is out of a zerg. Add more open space and I think you would fix the zerg only issue.

True. Depends on how they give kills. Just for touching someone or doing at least a good chunk. All flexible. Zerg is also a factor of just howkittenawesome the exp is for doing it. If people are like me and not 80 yet, you really can’t beat WvW zerg exp just rolling everything in sight. That small incentive may get better when most are 80.

I’m agreeing with you those, those stats on the hearld were great. used to love using those to figure out where my weakness was (oh died 40 more times then usual since i redid my suit… better look into more defense) and it was great for bragging rights “Ya, #1 firby bard again this week!” (i think i was the only one left then lol).

Seeing as everyone is all pissy about rr’s, how about the old guild realm ranks? We could do things with keeps/towers once claimed depending on the points we had. They would tick off until you had none then it would go unclaimed. This way not everyone goes broke trying to upgrade it but it kinda forces you to stay active if you want to claim because your points get used once you claim.

If you don’t know what happened was a guild would get points into a general pool from their players. These points would go to claiming. Once claimed, it would start to take points from that pool every hour until they were depleted. The more upgraded the keep the more points/hr it took. Now, this isn’t take from the score. a guild with say, a 1.5billion rp score would still have that for things like we have now (larger guild bank, ability to buy X for 24 hours, etc..) but there was a separate pool of spendable points. IIRC WAR had something like this too but was implemented, like most things in that game, like crap.

Pls disable the Mesmer skill "Portal" untill you fix the server lode issus

in WvW

Posted by: tarnin.1690


At all oit works 100% of the time with a total amount of 100 players or more and with the current zerg tactics( which pretty much will stay if DAoC is anything to go by) it means if you sige anything you will get kitten over by this.

Wot? If all you did is zerg in DAoC i feel bad for you. The only time i was in a zerg was relic raids. Even then, most of the relic raids that happened my 8man or small man group would run around picking off people running to defend.

This right here is a technical issue on all front. One, it can be used to get to normally inaccessible area’s. Two, it causes the zerg invisibility because of their craptastic culling code/netcode. Sadly, turning off abilities because their code isnt up to par is really really unfair to the player. May as well just turn off PvP until everything is fixed thus killing the game out right. i agree there is a huge issue but this is not the solution.

Analysis of GW2 WvW compared to DAoC RvR. [Long]

in WvW

Posted by: tarnin.1690


For example K/D ratio stat might have more effect compared to Repair Costs, when it comes to “mindless charging”

For sure, just like “solo kills” will encourage some to solo instead of zerg. You could also encourage group vs group type fighting if you structure a point system correctly. Even if points only let you climb some kitten title ladder people will want to do it faster and away from the zerg if players in proximity reduced your points.

If they want to go crazy, allow people to unlock visual skin stuff based on whatever point totals or stat ranks. Say someone gets a cool effect on a weapon for having over 200 solo kills. Maybe something that only shows up for people who have a >5/1 weekly K/D ratio. Always something to shoot for!

K/D ratios promote zerging though. Eaiser to survive in a zerg than it is out of a zerg. Add more open space and I think you would fix the zerg only issue.

Analysis of GW2 WvW compared to DAoC RvR. [Long]

in WvW

Posted by: tarnin.1690


i see posts like this in

surprise! this game isn’t daoc 2 either.

few people ever played daoc because for it’s time it wasn’t that good. other games were better at everything it claimed to be good at.

daoc vets are very very very vocal, but we can look at simple numbers (ie the number of daoc managed to hold) to find out that daoc vets are a very small minority of people.

i didn’t want to play daoc in 2002, and i don’t want to play it now. please for the sake of dignity, stop demanding every new game become daoc 2.0. campagn ea bioware mythic to make that game for you as those are the people most capable of making what you want.

however i suspect that if they did make daoc 2, that was nothing more than a gfx update of yoru favourite daoc patch, you people would still be unhappy.

I’m not sure what you are talking about. The numbers of MMO players before WoW made it extremely popular were low in genreal. Before DAOC the popular games that I knew about were UO, AC, EQ and then DAOC. After UO you basically had the MMO player base split between PvP (DAOC, AC (one server really) ) and PvE (EQ). DAOC was plenty big until WoW Roflstomp’d everything out of existence. Other fun games were around too like City of Heroes and stuff but really nothing at that time would have had the sub numbers you see now even in failing games for the first few months.

I’m sure DAoC was nice, I honestly never bothered with it. You’re forgetting a couple games though. Lineage, Lineage II, AO, Shadowbane, Star Wars Galaxies, …

Point is, this is gw2, not daoc2 and while yes some daoc features would be great this is not supposed to be a daoc clone. I think earlier posts have already shown some of the things that were wrong with it.

Yea, not sure why I forgot those. I played most of them. Planetside as well but that may not count. I don’t really want GW2 to be DAOC2 (I’d play the crap out of DAOC2 though). I just want some sort of Stat tracking and titles and stuff like that to keep it interesting. I especially want stats like “solo kills” where you only get a count on it if you do 100% of all damage to kill someone. That will encourage some people to stop zerging and get some lone wolfs etc that add to the fun.

You forgot those because they were horrible. Linage and Linage II was a Korean grind fest of epic proportions. Shadowbane was broken and one guild would own everything. AO… ya, no. It was beta launched and stood beta still death. SWG… sony killed that.

why no WVW rank + titles / reward armor / weapons?

in WvW

Posted by: tarnin.1690


Zergy nature of WvW is another story, its because there is absolutely no reason to roam when you can control whole map with a zerg. My kitchen is bigger than EB.

This is the issue rite here for the lack of real WvW skill. You can try to small group but good luck on the puney map not hitting the droolers zerging around. You take 5 steps and smack into a tower/keep/garrison/camp. Needs MUCH more open space. To combat an issue of not getting to defend, allow porting to the port points as long as the first wall isn’t breached. Bam done. Now you can defend AND do real roaming. roaming now is like walking in a circle in your living room trying not to hit the tv.

Analysis of GW2 WvW compared to DAoC RvR. [Long]

in WvW

Posted by: tarnin.1690


i see posts like this in

surprise! this game isn’t daoc 2 either.

few people ever played daoc because for it’s time it wasn’t that good. other games were better at everything it claimed to be good at.

daoc vets are very very very vocal, but we can look at simple numbers (ie the number of daoc managed to hold) to find out that daoc vets are a very small minority of people.

i didn’t want to play daoc in 2002, and i don’t want to play it now. please for the sake of dignity, stop demanding every new game become daoc 2.0. campagn ea bioware mythic to make that game for you as those are the people most capable of making what you want.

however i suspect that if they did make daoc 2, that was nothing more than a gfx update of yoru favourite daoc patch, you people would still be unhappy.

I refuse to stop asking for the better parts of a game that this is based on to be added. You want a bland mmo? wow just launched kung fu panda, have at it. It’s my understanding you dont even need to spec anymore! There ya go! FOTM build in!

BTW for the time DAoC had some impressive numbers of people playing. This was a gen2 mmo, before wow turned all mmo’s into ezmode grandmother games with a billion timers, limited spec options (none now i guess) and the most forgiving death systems ever.

Analysis of GW2 WvW compared to DAoC RvR. [Long]

in WvW

Posted by: tarnin.1690


I think 2-3x is plenty. And totally fair they can’t even whine about it because you beat them with SKILL alone and not some BS instant cleanse/root.

Yes, its possible to chew through an entire zerg in DAoC 8man. … entire zerg of lowbies. Because

1. realm abilities were totally OP at the higher levels.
2. AoE limitations GW2
3. downstates and resurrection even from dead.

GW2 is a different game – that can and will improve over time. And I suspect, even if DAoC has the same playerbase as it use to, I’d still be playing here. Simply because I’d HATE to grind through RR12 while getting beat on by the so called “elite” simply because they were there before I was, all my abilities null and void because of their OP instants, and only way to get RP was to kill them for it, when they can roll over 5-6x our numbers.

I quit when both my mains were RR10. i brought my eld up from 1 to 10 when there were 11 and 12’s and never had an issue. Not sure RR’s were a disparity but no where near as huge as people are making it out to be. ORIGINAL rr’s yes. 100% MoC was just wrong. The downed state imo is kinda dumb. You kill the person but they really not dead. You have to kill them AGAIN then they are dead. Makes burst dmg kinda poinless when you burst down or train someone then have to kill them again or stand around for a few seconds trying to plant on them and hope their “haha you cant kill me” death ability isnt up.

Sky, you can and cant. an 8man cannot chew them up for very long because of the aoe onto walls that chews up the cannons and the person running it (you cant use abilities while on seige so you have to leave the seige, heal, pop back on). Also you cannot repair seige. Any nub can spam up aoe on the walls with ease.

That’s true, AoE on the walls is dangerous. In a lot of places though there are spots you can stick carts and ballista and cats that can’t be easily reached by such horrible “scrub” players.

Arrow carts as a primary example. Most people don’t even try to place them properly, but if you put them near the back of the wall preferably behind a parapet most AoE won’t reach it and with a little camera angling you can decimate anyone near the door or walls.

Ya, what is with that. I see people planting arrow carts RIGHT next to a cannon or on the edge of a wall. You KNOW its going to get AoE’d down in seconds. No thought at all, but thats not a game issue, thats a player issue.

Analysis of GW2 WvW compared to DAoC RvR. [Long]

in WvW

Posted by: tarnin.1690


Have you ever seen a zerg break themselves against the strength of an upgraded and wisely fortified tower? I have, and it is delicious.

That is one things GW2 has much better than daoc ever did. Siege is actually very powerful and to be feared. In daoc other than oil it was pretty underwhelming. I love the anti infantry type of siege GW2 has.

I agree on this. DAoC had the start of a good idea but only the rams and oil were effective, the rest was like “oh a balista hit me for 50dmg” which was baffling. It’s throwing a telephone pole at you and your character ignores it like a lv1 mob lol. I love the anti-personal style here and and usefulness of all the siege.

TBH, I think Sky brought this up too, I think they didn’t think WvW would be this popular. Pretty sure they figured “welp, everyone is gonna do sPvP and some might to WvW” where it turned out the other way around. Let’s hope they can do something with WvW for progression and complexity.

Analysis of GW2 WvW compared to DAoC RvR. [Long]

in WvW

Posted by: tarnin.1690


I think 2-3x is plenty. And totally fair they can’t even whine about it because you beat them with SKILL alone and not some BS instant cleanse/root.

Yes, its possible to chew through an entire zerg in DAoC 8man. … entire zerg of lowbies. Because

1. realm abilities were totally OP at the higher levels.
2. AoE limitations GW2
3. downstates and resurrection even from dead.

GW2 is a different game – that can and will improve over time. And I suspect, even if DAoC has the same playerbase as it use to, I’d still be playing here. Simply because I’d HATE to grind through RR12 while getting beat on by the so called “elite” simply because they were there before I was, all my abilities null and void because of their OP instants, and only way to get RP was to kill them for it, when they can roll over 5-6x our numbers.

I quit when both my mains were RR10. i brought my eld up from 1 to 10 when there were 11 and 12’s and never had an issue. Now sure RR’s were a disparity but no where near as huge as people are making it out to be. ORIGINAL rr’s yes. 100% MoC was just wrong. The downed state imo is kinda dumb. You kill the person but they really not dead. You have to kill them AGAIN then they are dead. Makes burst dmg kinda poinless when you burst down or train someone then have to kill them again or stand around for a few seconds trying to plant on them and hope their “haha you cant kill me” death ability isnt up.

Sky, you can and cant. an 8man cannot chew them up for very long because of the aoe onto walls that chews up the cannons and the person running it (you cant use abilities while on seige so you have to leave the seige, heal, pop back on). Also you cannot repair seige. Any nub can spam up aoe on the walls with ease.

Analysis of GW2 WvW compared to DAoC RvR. [Long]

in WvW

Posted by: tarnin.1690


With cooldowns, a pug zerg will win 100% of the time unless you run. They will eventually over run you. You can only dodge so much, you can only hit your abilities so often, etc… Cool downs even the playing field, which ANet wants. no matter how good you are a mass of slobbering scrubs will just eventually steamroll over you.

It sounds like you are talking about a situation where you are vastly outnumbered.

I think you should lose in that type of situation. If the numbers are somewhat close to even, I have a strong feeling you are going to inflict some major pain on that pug-zerg, and may even fracture their cohesion.

If the numbers are closer to equal, it isn’t the same situation.

20 very casual players dabbling in W3 vs. 10 W3 veterans who spend nearly everyday fighting for their homeworld

I almost garuntee the 10 vets will win that everytime. Even outnumbered 2:1. Even without any major mechanical advantage.

This has been my experience in RvR as well. I cannot claim to be great at this game yet as I’m an old man now and no longer game as I use to. But when I’m on comms with a small group of 5 we can usually take out 8.. maybe 10. You can tell who is skilled and who is not straight away. And we have been only at RvR together for a week as we have jobs and kids. 3 of 5 are DAoC days all the way from beta DAoC.

If you’re being run over by mass of slobbering scrubs because you’re on cooldowns, it is your fault and you’re just as scrubby as they are for failing to properly assess the situation. You’ve taken on more than you can chew.

Learn to burst 1 down, kill him off, back up, swap weapon, pressure and heal up, swap to burst, and re-engage and repeat. Properly made roaming-killing team of 5 made to for a nice team romp will not have problems killing 10 “generic WvW solo” PUGs. If you do, learn to play better GW2.

So please, not every who disagree with you about RPs and realm ranks are scrubs or WoW kids. Now there are problems right now that makes the 8v8 or small man days hard to accomplish here.

1 – Maps needs to be bigger. about 2x distances from one objective to another at least. Right now its hard to roam without running into the zerg, outside a handful of out of the way places. fighting at those places is getting boring.

2 – Invisible peoples! A few times we’ve engage thinking that we can take them, when they are actually 3-4 times the size. Now we tend to face off and circle for quite a bit (maybe 30 – 45 seconds) to wait for everyone to load before we engage. This sucks and we lose the surprise -shock troop advantage.

3 – hackers. stop the speedhackers. Due to our team composition and skill choice we know when some are abnormally fast because our team is made to Roam FAST. The hackers have it on a 10%-15% speed increase so they are not noticeable but they are noticeable to us.

I said it was possible to kill 2x or even 3x your numbers, after that forget it. they just slobber on you and you are done. If you played DAoC you know a good 8man could extend out 5x to 6x their numbers and chew them up. You cannot do that here. Not sure it was realm ranks either or the weird downed state this game uses because of no direct healers. It’s even much harder to play extend when anyone can dodge roll though snares.

I think being able to kill 2x or maybe 3x your number is impressive.

I think being able to kill 5x or 6x your number is imbalanced.

You said before (I only played DAoC for maybe a week) that a good 8 man group could hold off 100 “scrubs”. You don’t see a problem with that? I do.

I see no issue with that at all. Want to know why? The scrubs were bad, really bad. Just run head long into you as you extended. It was a meat grinder. like every other mmo there is a range to healing. they would just run out of that range into your extending group and die. if you had enough room behind you, you could extend forever and they would contently just run out of tether range and get chewed up. It wasn’t over powered at all, it was good players killing people who really had 0 clue how to play something team based. in this game, you run into the issue of cool downs and people being able to dodge roll though snares/traps/etc… Even a noob can go “oh red circle, dodge”

An idea to balance WvW

in WvW

Posted by: tarnin.1690


4 people is unbalanced, one side would get one extra. 3 max, one from each side. Everyone else has to wait their turn. Oh and they can only play from 7pm est to 10pm est, after that, well… tuff, its not in a proper time zone. That’s my play window and outside of that it’s not fair to me because others can play more/different time.

Analysis of GW2 WvW compared to DAoC RvR. [Long]

in WvW

Posted by: tarnin.1690


With cooldowns, a pug zerg will win 100% of the time unless you run. They will eventually over run you. You can only dodge so much, you can only hit your abilities so often, etc… Cool downs even the playing field, which ANet wants. no matter how good you are a mass of slobbering scrubs will just eventually steamroll over you.

It sounds like you are talking about a situation where you are vastly outnumbered.

I think you should lose in that type of situation. If the numbers are somewhat close to even, I have a strong feeling you are going to inflict some major pain on that pug-zerg, and may even fracture their cohesion.

If the numbers are closer to equal, it isn’t the same situation.

20 very casual players dabbling in W3 vs. 10 W3 veterans who spend nearly everyday fighting for their homeworld

I almost garuntee the 10 vets will win that everytime. Even outnumbered 2:1. Even without any major mechanical advantage.

This has been my experience in RvR as well. I cannot claim to be great at this game yet as I’m an old man now and no longer game as I use to. But when I’m on comms with a small group of 5 we can usually take out 8.. maybe 10. You can tell who is skilled and who is not straight away. And we have been only at RvR together for a week as we have jobs and kids. 3 of 5 are DAoC days all the way from beta DAoC.

If you’re being run over by mass of slobbering scrubs because you’re on cooldowns, it is your fault and you’re just as scrubby as they are for failing to properly assess the situation. You’ve taken on more than you can chew.

Learn to burst 1 down, kill him off, back up, swap weapon, pressure and heal up, swap to burst, and re-engage and repeat. Properly made roaming-killing team of 5 made to for a nice team romp will not have problems killing 10 “generic WvW solo” PUGs. If you do, learn to play better GW2.

So please, not every who disagree with you about RPs and realm ranks are scrubs or WoW kids. Now there are problems right now that makes the 8v8 or small man days hard to accomplish here.

1 – Maps needs to be bigger. about 2x distances from one objective to another at least. Right now its hard to roam without running into the zerg, outside a handful of out of the way places. fighting at those places is getting boring.

2 – Invisible peoples! A few times we’ve engage thinking that we can take them, when they are actually 3-4 times the size. Now we tend to face off and circle for quite a bit (maybe 30 – 45 seconds) to wait for everyone to load before we engage. This sucks and we lose the surprise -shock troop advantage.

3 – hackers. stop the speedhackers. Due to our team composition and skill choice we know when some are abnormally fast because our team is made to Roam FAST. The hackers have it on a 10%-15% speed increase so they are not noticeable but they are noticeable to us.

I said it was possible to kill 2x or even 3x your numbers, after that forget it. they just slobber on you and you are done. If you played DAoC you know a good 8man could extend out 5x to 6x their numbers and chew them up. You cannot do that here. Not sure it was realm ranks either or the weird downed state this game uses because of no direct healers. It’s even much harder to play extend when anyone can dodge roll though snares.

An idea to balance WvW

in WvW

Posted by: tarnin.1690


Okay, a second plan then.

What we should do is scale everyone to 80, and give them full access to all traits, gear, runes, skills, etc.

Okay so then, we need to eliminate the effect of zerging – so change it to a 5v5 or 8v8 format.

Finally, since we don’t want this affecting PvE in any way, we need to put this in an entirely separate place from the normal map and turn off all XP/Karma/Coin gains.

It would be truly fair, and structured. It could even be used to conduct tournaments.

Thats CRAZY talk! What is wrong with you. Come here, i have this nice jacket to keep you warm.