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Will Anet ever make Non-DPS role important?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tofumon.5924


And here we go.

The usual “very tolerant” and “open-minded” casual player group calling other people dumb and toxic.

Uhhh I don’t think it’s just one group or type of players calling another group or type of players dumb and toxic. Seems like everybody likes slinging mud at everybody else in these forums.

I’m just here because I want the old trait system back :/


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tofumon.5924


The new trait system is atrocious and almost makes me want to quit the game. There’s basically an entire thread here complaining about the new trait system:

It definitely is unfair to new players. Definitely slows the game down. And it is definitely NOT a good solution to just “go for the traits you want.” How the hell are you supposed to know for sure the traits you want?

Healing class

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tofumon.5924


ok..its just i have allways enjoyed healing

You can still be a healer/support without being a “healing class,” per se. For example warriors have traits that allow their shouts to heal and then another one that gives their shouts reduced cooldown. Guardians have stuff that grant regeneration to allies and remove conditions and all that good stuff. I think almost every class has a way to trait into a healing/support role.

Yes and they’re generally considered terrible builds outside of sPvP.

Well I guess it depends on how serious he wants to get with the game then.

Healing class

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tofumon.5924


ok..its just i have allways enjoyed healing

You can still be a healer/support without being a “healing class,” per se. For example warriors have traits that allow their shouts to heal and then another one that gives their shouts reduced cooldown. Guardians have stuff that grant regeneration to allies and remove conditions and all that good stuff. I think almost every class has a way to trait into a healing/support role.

Game Updates: Traits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tofumon.5924


They did not need to change the system, simply add onto it. They could have easily hit two birds with one stone by adding new traits and skills that would fill the void they had between level 60-to-80. Then they would have opened up new skills that everyone has been wanting and such.

This sounds like a great idea! Going after something after you are set up is fun and challenging. I sure do miss getting a point per level, because it felt like I was getting someplace.

Agree. They completely killed the sense of progress with this new trait system. Now it’s pretty much boring to level up for 5 levels and then you get a brief moment of excitement at that 6th level (that’s assuming you can even unlock the kitten things) and then back to the grind again. Point per level is much more rewarding and not having each trait locked was great.

Disconnects (suggestion)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tofumon.5924


I was getting a lot of disconnects last night too. Happened like 3 times in an hour or two I think. Wonder if maybe it was a combination of shoddy internet plus game servers?

Future Feature Pack Wishlist

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tofumon.5924


  • Traits unlock lvl reduced back to lvl 10, no other changes, since the current points reduced to 14 is ok.

But the unlock requirements still require you to go to like level 40 or 50 areas for an adept trait…

Well, I didn’t think about it much, but then after reading your reply, I think it’d be better, since we actually have points to spent when we do unlock the traits…

If you dig the 14 point trait system vs. the 70 point one, wouldn’t it make more sense to do away with the whole unlocking stuff and change the tiers back to the old system, but then give 1 trait point every 5 levels starting at level 15? Seems kind of silly to make people wait until level 30 just to start getting adept traits.

Why support this game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tofumon.5924


I just started playing this game at the beginning of summer and already hate the trait system. I just turned level 45 and I could’ve had 7 traits already with the old system but instead I only have 3 traits. I’ll get a 4th one when I get to 46, but then I have to level up another 6 times to get the next one, whereas with the old system I would’ve only had to level up 5 times. And also the stupid unlock requirements. Considering putting this game away until they change it.

Racial Change Impossible?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tofumon.5924


Why don’t you choose a different race AND class?

Future Feature Pack Wishlist

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tofumon.5924


  • Traits unlock lvl reduced back to lvl 10, no other changes, since the current points reduced to 14 is ok.

But the unlock requirements still require you to go to like level 40 or 50 areas for an adept trait…

Future Feature Pack Wishlist

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tofumon.5924


I want the old trait system back, but with the free refunds of the new one.

Game Updates: Traits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tofumon.5924


Oh wow Trait point i forgot they where even in the game after i spent my first point until i was level 80 ! did all the starting zones so had all the skill points i needed and no need to go to that section again

And other than 1 trait i was not really missing out on much they seem to be very weak

Traits are awesome and I don’t know how you’ve been playing this game without them. I didn’t even really start to have fun until I unlocked traits.

Game Updates: Traits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tofumon.5924


Bottom line is you can level to 80 with minimal traits and still do just fine.

Except it’s boring as hell. Point of leveling up is to get cool stuff like skills/traits and you got that feeling with the old trait system starting from level 11. Now you don’t even start getting traits until 30 and you have to level up 6 times before another trait point comes your way. Feels way too slow.

Game Updates: Traits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tofumon.5924


Casual players put money into the game to get what they want. They are the ones that buy the gems with cash, so unlocking stuff via gold is not that much of an issue for them.

No they don’t. Not this one. I will happily buy gems for vanity items and skins that give me no advantage. If I have to pay to progress that is out.

Exactly this. I understand the game creators gotta keep earning their money somehow after the initial purchase because they’re always updating things and fixing things. I don’t mind buying gems once in awhile to buy awesome / cool items. But when you’re literally paying somebody so that you can SKIP parts of the game, you know there’s something kittened up with the game.

Game Updates: Traits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tofumon.5924


The big thing is that I don’t think I can face leveling another character through that progression wasteland up to 60.

Exactly. It’s a snooze fest now because it takes so kitten long to unlock traits. The old system was way more exciting.

Game Updates: Traits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tofumon.5924


Simply put: this is not a poorly thought out design choice by Anet or NCsoft.

Simply put: this is a very well thought out design choice for one reason – Goldsink!

I sorta disagree. Seems the new trait system slowed the alt assembly line. Wasn’t that a gold sink? Turned alot of newer players off to the game. (few friends moved on after the change) Wasn’t that potential “Buy Gems”? My gut tells me this had something to do with China and we suffer or move on.

Yep. I only started playing recently and I’m already thinking about putting it down until they change the trait system because it takes FOREVER to get traits now. I bought 1 gem card and I would’ve went on to buy more, but not like this.

Brother who I also introduced to this game is also getting bored of it.

Game Updates: Traits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tofumon.5924


be thankful because they could’ve made it worse. It’s not as bad as you’re making it out to be as its not hard to make gold in this game.

Being thankful that they didn’t make it worse than they already did does not really help the argument for this new trait system at all… in fact it just makes it sound like you’re saying this new trait system is worse than the old one (which it definitely is).

Sure making gold to buy a few trait skills here and there isn’t that big of a deal. But when you want to actually experiment with a bunch of different traits suddenly you either have to go do a bunch of level 60 to 80 areas for a few ADEPT level traits or you have to grind a massive amount of gold AND skill points.

They basically slowed the progression of the ENTIRE game with this new trait system. You used to be able to start getting trait points at 11, and enough points to unlock a trait skill slot every 5 levels. Now you have to wait until level 30 to even see the trait interface and then you only get 1 point every 6 levels. And then on top of that you have to go and buy each individual trait or earn it with some bs mission that has nothing to do with the trait. The only good change that came out of this is the on the fly trait point refund, but that doesn’t make the other changes worth it at all.

In regards to the whole “casual” player thing. I’m pretty sure a casual player isn’t going to go out and buy gems to convert them into gold to unlock the traits. They already spent $40 to buy the game and if they don’t like it (because it’s not fun without traits, seriously) they’ll just quit. They’re not going to pump money into the game hoping it’s going to get better.

Gw2 still bad??

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tofumon.5924


The new trait system is terrible. Everything else is great but the new trait system means that the first 50 to 60 levels are a huge drag.

Game Updates: Traits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tofumon.5924


so I don’t have to go through that horribly awful first thirty levels where I am not only hindered in stats, but also have no customization choices whatsoever.

Like most say; the appeal of Guild Wars 2, so as to look past all the repetitive content, was to rely on its gameplay and customization. Now I am locked out of customization until I reach max level because, you know, I may just have too much fun and do the content too quickly then start to notice how little there is to do, which I am pretty sure is the point behind forcibly prolonguing gameplay through toilet’ing money for traits.

If it is annoying for me, as a player from launch and therefore economically apt, I can only imagine the burden it must be for new players or casual players.

Seriously. The first 30 levels are slow as hell. And even after hitting level 30 you still only get 1 trait point every SIX levels, so it’s still slow.

Improve Trait unlocking - Simple guidelines

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tofumon.5924


I think both traits and utility skill slots should start unlocking at lower levels. Waiting until level 30 to finally get a trait point feels too long. My brother’s not even level 20 yet and getting bored already because nothing really changes as he levels up and it feels like it’s taking forever to really reach a point where the game starts to get fun.

Game Updates: Traits

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tofumon.5924


I just bought this game a few months ago during the sale and luckily created my character before the huge update so mine came with all traits unlocked. I’ve been reading up on how I would actually go about unlocking these traits if I make another character now, and how unlocking traits used to work. Just reading about it is making me feel angry at the new trait system. The new trait system seems stupidly slow and the objectives to unlock even adept traits can sometimes be ridiculously high level. I don’t understand why somebody thought it would be a good idea to make the whole trait process slower, and therefore make the whole game progression feel less rewarding. I convinced my brother and a couple of friends to buy the game with me too and they all find it too boring because they don’t feel satisfied when they level up, and I’m starting to agree with them.

Lets see your Warriors!

in Warrior

Posted by: tofumon.5924


Am I sexy? (I’m only level 27 so I don’t have super fancy armor yet)
