Bryndle Slycere, Bryl Slycere, Flytes Slycere,
Shyde Slycere – Northern Shiverpeaks
I would just like to add my voice here and say that I too am bugged. I have finished 7 achievements as of this writing but the Dragon Bash Experience track says 6. I reported it in-game but it may be waylaid as there are no specific choices for reporting Achievement bugs in the current Support drop down menu. Hopefully this gets fixed before more achievements are made available.
Why are the new armor and weapons not salvageable? Why can it be placed in the Mystic Forge? For an exotic costing 2g + karka shells + player effort (4 camps), and with the almost useless apothecary stats on them, this compares poorly with 2g exotics from the TP or even crafted Apothecary items.
Is this intended?
Well in Northern Shiverspeaks all pre-events leading to the Karka Queen have stopped. All the settlements are overrun with Karka but there are no live events tied to it. On that note, the entire Southsun area is dead of activity as of this writing. On map chat, players seeking to finish their accomplishments were encouraged to guest on other servers by other players. All in all, it feels like a big mess.
Also take note that these exotic weapons and armor cannot be salvaged, nor can it be placed in the Mystic Forge. With those alone, the 2g exotics being sold in the TP is way better than these. Prices of 2g + karka shells should have been more carefully thought of before these were made available.
Evil as it should be:
Enticing, inviting and deadly…
Meet Syn Slycere
The first one was a mistake. It was two of them mashed together and misaligned. If you don’t notice that on the two blades then you can definitely notice that on the two guards and two pummels that show. If they were going to make a blade look like the top picture, doing it the way it was would have been an awful and lazy way to go about it.
If it was a mistake in the first place then why did the skin look like the above picture when the game launched and for many months thereafter? It was changed briefly to what it is now after an update but was quickly changed back to the double hilt in a quick patch (which shows their true intentions for the skin). Fast forward to today and it has reverted back again to the single hilt.
One of your previous updates must have messed up with Mist weapon skins, particularly that of the Vision of the Mists (greatsword). This is the second time that mist weapon skins have changed since launch. The first time you reverted it quickly back to the originals. Please see attached picture for the more obvious changes. Some of the changes can’t be captured by a screenshot but is still noticeable in-game. Will this be reverted back again soon?
May I know why you have again changed the Mist weapon skins? This is the second time this has happened since launch. The first time you reverted it back to its original, but with this latest update, it was changed again… for the worse. (For those that hadn’t noticed the changes in my attached sample, start comparing with the hilts).
I would just like to know if this is intended or, as with the previous incident, a bug which you will rectify soon? I know that players with Mist weapons spent a lot of effort to craft these skins and it feels unfair to change it now. Not only unfair, I feel cheated.
It is ironic that even with this system in place, gold sellers were still able to spam LA map chat with their wares (happened in NSP where I had to report-block the bot just to clear map chat. I was even surprised that those still exist). Before blocking the bot, I counted 6 map chats sent with almost the same (if not the same) content. It was clear that the bot was bypassing this filter successfully.
I too was a victim of this “3-strikes you’re muted” rule when I was calling out Instigator spawns in Southsun. I don’t believe this is intended and a tweak to the spam settings is definitely in order.
I prefered the enemies in GW1 that had nearly full skill bars, and fought in “packs”, but that was because GW1 it was more like a team v team encounter everytime, rather than actually feel like solo play.
That was much more engaging for me than simply swinging my sword, then swinging my sword again….hate to say, I actually think you can compare the blandness of enemies to games like early-game WoW and Aion
I agree with this. GW1 enemies were infinitely more challenging for the players because you had to have the right team composition and skills to counter mob teams whose skill sets grew more sophisticated as you progressed through the game. It is called synergy, and whatever team is more "synergized " comes out on top which, interestingly, was both true for GW1 PvP and PvE. (Solo farming builds in PvE would be an exception).
In GW2… yeah… “I swung a sword, hey, I swung a sword again!” pretty much sums up GW2 PvE combat. And the word “bland”, when describing monsters in GW2 compared to GW1, fits everything in one word. The mob mechanics are ancient and cliche: tons of hp, one-shot mechanics, non-removable conditions, cc spam… where’s the design revolution in that?
I’m sad that nobody mentioned Gwen as a major character in GW1. I loved the fact that I was there for her at all her major crossroads in life. I began liking her as a child in Pre-searing, up to when she met her dead mother in the Underworld, while accompanying me throughout EoTN, looking for Kieran and then attending her wedding. I related with her when her mother was captured and tortured by the Charr until she died, and I understood her absolute rage against that race. She was captured too and I got to play as herself in her escape. Her life was not without ironies. Her (our) teaming up with Pyre (which she didn’t trust to the end) eventually resulted in the fall of Charr Shaman influence over that race and paved the way to how we see the Charr today. I withstood her emotional outbursts (which was often) and her coolness towards many things, even towards his future husband. She was always warm to me, and I’d like to think she considered me as one of her closest friends. One of the highlights I had in GW2 was discovering her grave in Ebonhawke and me paying my respects. So many good gaming memories she gave me.
As to Rurik I respected him in pre-searing and it quickly went downhill from that. That realization grew from when he constantly aggroed Charr parties in the Great Wall mission to the Shiverpeaks after which I was actually glad that I wouldn’t baby sit him any more. When I met him again as undead (where I can still remember typing in chat “Rurik, I respected you once!”) I actually felt pity but satisfied after putting him to rest.
Kormir. Ah my dear Kormir. I still can’t believe she ascended as a human god after all the headaches and heartaches she gave me doing the Nightfall missions. From the start of the missions when she will accompany the player, to the final fight against Abaddon, she was literally IN THE WAY, body blocking me at crucial times during battles while doing nothing but give me directions, complaining, and standing pretty (which she was not imo) while my party was being pummeled to death. In hindsight, i should have body blocked her into stepping into that dead Abaddon portal and get ascended myself :P
Logan I have mixed feelings for. Although his intransigence towards defending Queen Jennah at all costs is understandable, his actions and decisions borders on the cliche (which most of GW2 is btw). His sudden realization that he could not always be at his queen’s side to protect her while correctly stating that the elder dragons were the greater threat — to my eyes — only made him stupid and unfit for his stature in Krytan society.
Trahearne. Oh my, I could not even think of where to begin on how or when I disliked this chap. Since I have brought all my eight characters through the story line (representing 5 races and 8 professions) I believe that I have seen his character from all angles, including the Sylvari story line, and guess what: from any perspective, he is a boring one-sided character that is easier to hate than to be fond of. I’ll not even go through his horrendous voice acting, how he hijacked the story, and how useless he was in the actual missions. Suffice to say, and it is with great understatement, that I say that I didn’t like him.
Also having this problem… They need to fix this already.. I guess someone spilled their drink or something :p
More like they forgot to water some of their hamsters :p
If you are following, they have confirmed they have an issue with their hamsters and intense negotiations with the hamster labor union are ongoing. They also said they might have a problem with a lose snake tripping wires…
And a boy said something about a wolf.
Have you tried farming the periscopes (for the monthly) and while you are being constantly thrown back by the unblockabe periscope attack (even aegis can’t block it), a group of Molten spawns and a new event gets underway? If you don’t manage to pull the spawns away from the periscope range, or take down the periscope before a substantial number of “invaders” overwhelm you while you’re eating dirt every 2 seconds, then prepare to visit the repair man.
The knockdowns in that scenario is insane. And this scenario is frequent. Not only are there knockdowns but stuns (dredge) and blinds (flame legion). Also, the attack range of the veteran (similar to Braham’s instance) is the same as that of the periscope, i.e., beyond anything in the arsenal of players at the moment. This makes pulling tricky as you’re being cc’ed by both the periscope and the veteran and you have to move back a long way for the veteran to move out of periscope support.
This would be simpler if you don’t pull more mobs from the environment while falling back or, like what happened to me in Iron Marches, kite directly into a regular map event wherein you aggro more constantly respawning mobs, sometimes dangerous ones (veteran flaming effigies, I’m looking at you).
I have to admit that after surviving this encounter (I roam solo on my guardian for periscope farming), it felt fun and fulfilling, like a first-time dungeon run. The second time it happened, it was annoying. By the third time, a tinge of hate was forming against this constant and sustained knockdown game play. Dodging and stability can only do so much. Depriving a player of character control every 2 seconds is irritating. I would rather the scenario test my reaction times and skill timings and be rewarded or penalized based on my success or failure, and not fail because I have burned out my dodges while stability is on recharge and the only option is to retreat (shudder).
Same problem here. Mouse zoom (mouse wheel) doesn’t work after SAB. Porting to different maps don’t help. The FoV is awesome in vast spaces (see attached) but the inability to zoom in when needed is a game breaker.
I would just like to add my +1 to this suggestion. An option to hide other player titles should be implemented as it significantly adds to screen clutter specially during massive events. Better yet, the GW1 method of title displays could be followed wherein player titles are only shown if you mouse click/hover on the player.
That or Anet is using some of the servers to test out the new patches, n whenever they are not using those servers, we wont feel the lag. Also noticing that the lag happens during non NA prime time so player experience not affected so much (which may explain why all SEA folks are feeling the brunt of it). So just guessing they turn it on to run test (we feel lag), they turn it off (everything feels normal again since more servers to handle pings)
This. It seems ANet allotted a week of testing for the incoming major patch and is using existing server resources rather than deploying more (cost-cutting, but at what expense?). As many have noticed, the crippling latency comes almost on schedule, like a switch is thrown and everything suddenly lags. This occurs at evening hours (PST) and continues until the following morning. Come prime time in the US, the lag suddenly disappears, like nothing is wrong, perhaps to accommodate the expected influx of players from North America. It comes back later in the evening (PST) and the cycle continues.
It is frustrating for us adversely affected, further aggravated by the utter silence from ANet. I, for one, will give this game the benefit of the doubt and wait for a solution to this problem after the March 26 patch. If after the patch this problem persists, then it is time for me to move on to other games that are at least playable.
I already posted in the Network lag merged post hoping for any answer or action on this packet loss problem.
I would just like to reiterate in this thread that it has been 3 days since this strange lag occurred (immediately after the 3/20 maintenance) and there has been no improvement. NCSoft Technical Support suggested I contact my ISP, which I did, and even talked to a senior network engineer after pestering their Customer Support to talk to a technical person on their side. I submitted the same PingPlotter report NCSoft requested me to generate and he pointed out that the packet losses were specific to two servers, the IP address of one belonging to NCSoft. It was clear that the signals were strong (0% loss) up to the mainland US. Losses started occurring when the traffic hit the server farm in Dallas ( coming from a Los Angeles router.
Also, it might be of interest to note that this type of lag I am experiencing is different from the intermittent lag I had prior to the 3/20 update. Before, if I ever lagged (which was rare), my character would freeze at moments, actions would stutter and panning the camera is jerky even when just moving around a town. You clearly know and feel that lag is present. This state does not last long however, and it always subsides if I wait a few moments.
Now, actions, as well panning the camera 360 degrees, are smooth. You see other players and NPCs move about smoothly. Effects and animations are normal. However, upon entering combat and fire a skill, there’s a 1-2 second delay and tactical positioning is way off. After being engaged in combat, my character starts to rubber band together with mobs and/or players around me. In all of these, animations and effects are still smooth (if it gets to fire) but everything seems to be all over the place and the combat is messy to say the least. On my D/D ele, which I use to solo even champions prior to the 3/20 maintenance, I died on 3 moas since I lost all skill coordination and timings. I shudder to think what would happen if I play sPvP or WvW.
As with others before me, I hope a solution to this problem comes soon.
I would like to chime in that we are experiencing this problem too. Me and my son are veterans of GW and actively play GW2.
I contacted support about this problem but was only told that I was having packet losses and was advised to contact my ISP. I did, even talking to a senior network engineer of theirs and he told me that based on my Ping Plotter report I submitted to NCSoft technical support, the problem is not theirs but starts on the server farm in Dallas with the IP of having a DNS entry of This IP, as well as (which belongs to NCSoft), is where packet losses occur — sometimes as high as 30% loss. All these happened after the 3/20 update/maintenance.
Perusing this thread as well as other threads in this section, I can see that this problem is prevalent at the moment. The game is totally unplayable. Because of the massive packet losses, we experience rubber banding, skill delays, freezes and other latency issues that undermine game experience at the least. As with others posting before me, we have no problems with other MMO games or site on the Internet. We stream high definition movies with no hiccups and download and upload files with no issues. I believe this is not a problem on our part, nor on our ISP, nor on a freak internet routing issue, but on your end which I know can be rectified (As me and others have said, we didn’t have this problem prior to the 3/20 maintenance).
Please help/advise.
I have 8 level 80’s representing all classes and races. All are decently geared (full exotics – my guardian gets the ascended). Only four of these are full master crafters (lvl 400 in their respective crafts, all crafts). I leveled all of them the “old-fashioned” way — doing things I felt like doing and not really thinking about levels. Much like in GW1, I wanted to learn how all the classes play out in the game which, to me, offers a broader understanding of what the game is all about.
With these characters I am satisfied that I am enjoying the game more because of the flexibility and variety of game play that I experience. There’s a warm satisfying feeling I get when looking at the character selection screen and having the choice of playing any class I feel like playing. It keeps me in the game.
This is really sad… considering the effort I exerted gathering the materials to make my Mist weapon it feels so unfair. And a stealth update at that (no mention whatsoever in the release notes nor in any pronouncements prior to the update). If I had known they would be implementing this in this update I would’ve had second thoughts crafting mine. I feel sort of cheated….
I understand that it may be a step towards refining some of the game’s particle effects for increased performance but why these weapons? There are tons of particle effects in other areas of the game where you could have started. This move — directly impacting a player’s effort and stealthily applying it with nary an explanation, while not really answering any substantial game issue — simply leaves a bad taste….
I really hope this was unintended.
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Contact /u/e-scrape-artist on reddit if you encounter a bug.