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LF active guild on SF

in Looking for...

Posted by: snowywonder.2496


Hello, I am looking for an active and friendly guild that will run Guild missions weekly to get Guild Commendations. If possible, would like to join an EST time zone based guild so I can enjoy most of the time with my guildies =). Have a few lvl 80 but main is mesmer and working towards my ascended armor. most of my time has been contributed to World bosses and WvW.

Please leave me a message here or Mail in Game if you think I would fit in your guild.

Fractal skins droprate

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: snowywonder.2496


I think this is purely luck, just ran FotM lvl 20 for the second time and got a GS fractal skin. Although I was wondering if not eating MF stuff really helps, I usually get better loots without those MF (which means less quantity, but higher quality).

Dungeon Loot, Experience and Dungeon Finder?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: snowywonder.2496


I still think Dungeon Finder is necessary. For people who say it will ruin the game or match you with random noobs, you can refuse to use it and stay the old finding-dungeon way you are having now. Dungeon Finder will be a great help to people who don’t really care about PUG group or if party members are lvl80.

When we gonna get back "partial" tokens

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: snowywonder.2496


I think this is necessary, so tired of running the dungeon just to realize there is a new BUG. If you can’t fix or make sure all the bugs won’t be showing or reappearing, at least reward people with something that they have finished.

Dying over and over

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: snowywonder.2496


I think it depends on the time, my first character’s AC story run was horrible, didn’t even complete it because we couldn’t pass the couple boss. But now, I can run exp mode without dying or just a few times.

You could be next!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: snowywonder.2496


Seriously I don’t think they care about if you realize they are botting or not. First, think about all the bots running around on the map, I am pretty sure ppl report them, I do. Do you see them getting banned? Not always. If reporting them won’t get them banned, I don’t think anyone could scare them off. I know a few ppl who get frustrated on names and just randomly type one like 123fasd12. And some bots do have normal names. You won’t realize it until they stand together and there is a pattern between their names. Some bots even have guilds.

I think it takes them more time to find a group than just running around and botting. Besides, the stuff they get from dungeons, they can get elsewhere, except for tokens. However, things you get with tokens are account-bound, what is the point of them botting in dungeons for something they can’t sell? If they want to sell the account, why would they make a character with this kind of crappy name?

(edited by snowywonder.2496)

"Your message has been suppressed due to excessive messaging"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: snowywonder.2496


We definitely need LFG channel or function. I don’t want to spend money to waypoint to the dungeon entrance just to find out no one is around and waypoint back. I don’t want to stay in LA for 30 minutes just to find last few members for dungeon. I don’t want to be suppressed because I use the same LFG/LFM sentence once every 5 minutes. Last but not least, I don’t want the dungeon to reset simply because the first enterer leaves the group or we kick him out for AFK.

Cost of waypoints [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: snowywonder.2496


I totally agree with you. However, right now, there are not a lot of ways to spend your money to the system. (Repairing, waypoint or buy cultural sets?) Trade Post is not one option because money just goes from you to another player, it doesn’t disappear but creates more money. If making waypoint to be free, you are expecting to see the gem prices sky-rock and your gold basically worth nothing. I think Anet should think about other ways of spending the money than charging waypoint. Like OP said, it really prevents people from moving around because you may have to pay 6+ silver for just one round trip. Maybe when you use tokens to exchange the exotic set, pay some money in addition to the tokens?

mesmer/Ele, if you never take direct hits from foes, you are bad?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: snowywonder.2496


This thing happened two days ago. I was on my lvl 45 mesmer trying to look for a CM exp group. Another person on LA map was looking for CM group too, so I invited him. Then he was asking me if I have a lvl 80 character and I said yes, but told him I already used those two to run CM for today, so didn’t want the reward to go to 20 tokens. He said the tokens are account-bound. After explaining to him it’s because of the reward diminishing, not account-bound, I exited the group. I thought that was the end, but later it proved that I was totally wrong.

I was really surprised that he even willing to spend a few minutes to find where I was standing in LA and told me that “it was ok if you don’t have a lvl80, just don’t lie”. I was enraged at that point. I invited him into the group again and showed him my 80 elementalist and asked him if he wanted to see my 80 ranger too. He then said, “so what, you will still be one shot by snipers in CM”. I asked him does he know Mesmers have reflecting projectile, illusions and stealth skills to survive? Not to mention that I am not in a glass cannon build so I won’t be one-shot at all.

Then he said “so you never take hits? You are bad”. At that time, I didn’t know what to say to him, first he didn’t even know Mesmer’s skills before making comments and second he was making a comment, which if you don’t take hits directly from foes, you are bad. If we can use aura to reflect projectiles or use our illusions to take the damage for us, what is the problem with that? As an ele or Mesmer, you are supposed to take hits directly if you are good?