Showing Posts For something.6457:

Time to suicide[Back to D/P]

in Thief

Posted by: something.6457


Build Name: full beserker stealth
Reason for using it (i.e PvE, SPvP, WvW): wvw mainly
Changes applied: beserker armor changed to knight armor, beserker weapons changed to valkyrie

I was full beserker armor and trinkets, but invested in some defensive gear. Now using power/precicion/toughness armor with divinity runes, beserker trinkets, and valkyrie weapon for more hp. This gives you more defense and hp, and still sustaining about the same critical rate. Critical damage goes down a bit however, for me went from 111% to 95%. This gives you more defense for when you are out of stealth, which you are way longer now, and still sustaining great backstab damage.
Build: 0/30/30/10/0 playing with d/p

How did you adapt to the changes?

in Thief

Posted by: something.6457


Okay guys, enough of the QQ fest, ANet won’t listen to what we have to say in the matter with thieves anyway. Now I’m here to ask you – how did you adapt to the nerf in PvE, sPvP and WvW? How did you change your build and playstyle?

I’m especially eager to hear the opinions of people using Valk/Berserker armor, since I’m using that build, but others are welcome as well.

I was full beserker armor and trinkets, but invested in some defensive gear. Now using power/precicion/toughness armor with divinity runes, beserker trinkets, and valkyrie weapon for more hp. This gives you more defense and hp, and still sustaining about the same critical rate. Critical damage goes down a bit however, for me went from 111% to 95%. This gives you more defense for when you are out of stealth, which you are way longer now, and still sustaining great backstab damage.

Build: 0/30/30/10/0 playing with d/p

PvE doesnt matter, still pretty easy with full beserker armor.

Uncontested Temple of Balthazar

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: something.6457


Looking for a EU server uncontested

Dungeon Builds

in Thief

Posted by: something.6457


I play d/d in dungeons full beserker gear, except 2 or maybe 3 valkyrie accessories for some hp. Build: 0/30/30/0/10. I cloak and dagger a lot for losing agro for a while as I take it alot considering damage. Also the shadow arts gives a lot of healing. I never actually invested in defensive gear, and will never do so. I mean thief is made for damage, just play smart and you’ll be fine in most dungeons.

Uncontested Temple of Balthazar

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: something.6457


Any european server has a uncontested balthazar?

Does only 1 Sigil work if you have 2 weapons?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: something.6457


Yes, for flat bonus sigils like 5% damage and critical hit both work when applied to two weapons. However, 2 of a kind will not stack.

For other sigils, check the link kokocabana suggested.


Shadowstep, Shadow Refuge, Singet of Shadows

in Thief

Posted by: something.6457


I like SoS, just being faster makes me happy:). Also, ofcourse shadowrefuge found its spot on my bar. As my third skill, I use haste. It can be usefull offensive and defensive, as it breaks stun enabling me to quickly stealth with my d/p set up. Or I just simply use haste to stomp someone really hard.

Critical Damage % Cap. Is there one?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: something.6457


Does it matter? Why are stats so important?

I dont know man, I guess to determine damage, defense and health and stuff. All very unimportant…

Critical Damage % Cap. Is there one?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: something.6457


I managed to reach 110% base critical damage on thief, and 120% with nourishment, so add 10% of banner results in 130%.

Sigil of accuracy + sigil of force

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: something.6457


Ah thanks I have been trying to test it, and sigil of force I have been able to confirm. However, sigil of accuracy is harder to determine:p

Sigil of accuracy + sigil of force

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: something.6457


Not sure where to post this, but i will try here.

If I put sigil of force on my offhand weapon and sigil of accuracy on my mainhand weapon (or possibly the other way around), do they stack together, so I get 5% crit and 5% damage?

Lets see some stats pic!!

in Thief

Posted by: something.6457


With precision (best one) and vitality (+70) nourishment


Uncontested Temple of Balthazar

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: something.6457


Vizunah Square [FR] has balthazar uncontested as of 1 min ago

Uncontested Temple of Balthazar

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: something.6457


Any Uncontested Temple of Balthazar on an EU server? Please let me know, thanks in advance.

100% map completion bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: something.6457


Update: it worked to teleport to random areas, I got it in Rata Sum.

100% map completion bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: something.6457


Thanks for the reply, I will try that on every area now. Hope it works:).

100% map completion bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: something.6457



This has been brought up many times, and I have read through a lot of topics regarding it, but nothing works. I have every poi, vista etc.
What works:

  • Been there, done that achievement
  • Medal at login screen

What doesn’t work:

  • Medal above my head
  • reward chest/medal (no gifts of exploration nor an email regarding 100% map completion)

What I tried:

  • Relog
  • Chantry of secrets
  • Teleporting to random locations, including Black Citadel, LA and some random maps.

Will this be fixed in the patch of 28th of January?


(edited by something.6457)