Showing Posts For the boss.7308:

Kaineng: Let's Complete the Journey

in WvW

Posted by: the boss.7308

the boss.7308

As the title says friends, when we left T8, Tier 1 was our goal. Now, not withstanding we do not choose T1, we still have to reach it. T1 is the conclusion of a truly epic voyage. No server in this version of this game has risen from T8 to T1. We’re almost there, despite many predictions of our impending failure. Those crystal ball gazers are what we like to call…wrong.

SO…come on Kai, complete the journey…then continue to have the fun.

All things are the same until they change…and we have changed it.

What journey is this ? the pvd you guys did all the way to tier one? The only reason you never failed was because you guys have wm pvd all night against weaker servers. As i can recall the journey was over in tier 2 when you couldn’t beat blackgate and the only reason your going to tier 1 is because another server drops off. There is no way you guys are ready for tier 1. TBH i think foo would wipe the floor with wm. and there is no way you will counter bg na and euro

2013 - BG-Kain-TC

in WvW

Posted by: the boss.7308

the boss.7308

BG did you like the way we took SM off your hands?

oh cute is this during your PVD hour ? when you and door machine go around dooring everything to death? see what i did there ? good match up so far

2013 - BG-Kain-TC

in WvW

Posted by: the boss.7308

the boss.7308

jesus i have never seen such blatant spying by a server until this match up. Kaineng attacks sm opens the se door and as soon as the commander is alerted and porting to lowlands they run away from the wide open door. I dont blame them for runing though after getting wiped so many times.

(edited by the boss.7308)

11/2 BG vs. SBI vs. JQ REMATCH

in WvW

Posted by: the boss.7308

the boss.7308

Very nice little trick that JQ did tonight to take the hills from us without even breaking down a door. You guys talked so much smack on BG last week for being hackers . We caught you red handed screenshots, videos were taken. I hope everyone in the screen shots and video that we took tonight of you guys gets banned. Get ready to get beat down like the ugly red headed step child of tier one that you are.

(edited by the boss.7308)