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The broken "run away" warrior roamer

in WvW

Posted by: towerston.2790


OP’s complaint isn’t because ‘he sucks’ as some people want to tell themselves, it’s because it’s a fact of GW2: the Warrior is able to do things that entire classes aren’t, and more on top of it, and that’s a definite reason there’re thrice as many Warriors in PvP and PvE and WvW as there are Engineers.

This isn’t a shot at ANet, but… well, I hope they realize how bad it is due to the number of people comparing their playtesters to CoD’s 12 year-old squad of ‘em. They should make judgements based on their observations AND the community, as that’s how the best art is made. Using playtesters/the community or observations is an outright bad idea, and everyone who disagrees should very well study up on comprehensive MMO/RPG design before they try pointing out how wrong I am.
Or I can just explain it, which works just as well.

Actually some comments about his skill are directly brought from what he complains about and how he’s complaining about it. Additionally it’s coming from people who I know aren’t warrior mains so they don’t exactly have a vested interest distorting the truth. Many have pointed out with good reasons that the problem isn’t with the mobility skills but with the elite specs giving too much which is reflected in almost all the classes.

I don’t disagree with your last paragraph but I’m guessing you mean in respect to balance? A lot of people enjoyed and welcomed the community engagement with the HoT betas and many gave honest feedback on what was presented. Unfortunately it was also taken with a bit of “wow this instantly killed a guy, it’ll be balanced on launch, they won’t leave it like this” and guess what? Yeah they left revenant like that where CoR was ruining everyones day for quite a long time.

The heart of the problem is actually at ANet and how little they’re investing in balance not the community. There’s many in the community that are saying constantly that the elite specs are extremely unbalanced and causing the loss of risk in many classes. However ANet has gone with nerfing core traits rather than their elite spec side interaction as well as only pushing out balance patches about once every 3 months. That’s not cricket!

Weirdly, I have nothing to say. You’re pretty much right, overall. The Elite spec’s are a bit broken compared to anything else. It could very well be they want to encourage people to get HoT (which in that case flies in the face of the fact that everyone’s equal and useful) but, either way, it’s a truth that you can pretty much guarantee that if someone can use the Elite spec., they will use it.

Also, there’re nine classes and a good thirty variations per class [even if only around five of said variations are really viable]. That’s like saying that, because someone isn’t in the white-house they have an invalid or less valid opinion on the matter, even if they suffer because of what happens – although I do get the other side of that same argument too, a side that isn’t exactly false either due to the nature of the internet.

Finally, …that’s what ANet has been doing? No wonder someone trying to have fun without the Elite spec. is almost entirely useless, which pretty much leaves you, the player, with two full tree choices (things which vastly change playstyle depending on their mix-and-match) instead of three, and this is in PvP and PvE alike.

(ANet, this is for you: people don’t give a kitten about the Elite specs. It won’t make anyone buy HoT when otherwise they wouldn’t have unless said person is the same type of person you’re setting out to prove wrong with the existence of your casual-and-hardcore-friendly game and gear-is-equal skill-is-everything motto. People buy HoT because it’s awesome to look at, listen to, fight inside – your Elite specs are a blip on the radar, and your refusal to balance them is both a hypocritical action and a slap in the face to what you stood for/stand for. Hmph. Oh, and I play a Scrapper Turret Engie for my point of reference. I always lose vs. almost everything, though that probably IS because I genuinely suck.)

(edited by towerston.2790)

The broken "run away" warrior roamer

in WvW

Posted by: towerston.2790


The only real broken thing in wvw roaming is thieves. Condi, perma evade, paired with stealth, condi cleanse, etc.
It’s not fun to fight them at all. They either run and reset 10 times or they condi bomb you while being impossible to hit.

Which is why I think I can sum up this thread in a nutshell, as it’s also applicable to warrior/berserker, and this applies to pretty much everything:

Dealing enough damage to end a fight while at the same time negating enough damage to not be ended/pressured is just bad design.

That pretty much counts for all classes with any invuln/block uptime. Thief/necro not counted.

The amount of safe damage just needs to be reduced one way or another. It’s excessive and quite frankly is killing the game.

Mace Shield guard is a block build, does no damage and cant escape…its a build based on team damage negation, but it is balanced since has poor damage and no escape.

Well, yeah. That’s how it works. He’s not talking about removing safe damage entirely (and, plus, that’s not ‘safe damage’, that’s just ‘safe’ as it can’t deal damage in return.) but instead about nerfing it to up the general flow of PvP and WvW.

For my two cents:
My experience in WvW gels perfectly with this thread. There’s a very good reason that the Warrior is still the most common class you’ll ever see in WvW and PvP alike, and the same goes for the Ranger and Thief.

The general philosophy of PvP and PvE design is that every class should be viable against everything, a golden rule games like this forget when it comes to PvP and WvW, and one people apparently seem to have forgotten.

Variety is a good thing, but not when it comes at the cost of playability to the subject of the variety. For as much as people bash WoW, the PvP is more balanced there and the class use rates reflect that: no class+spec has a 5% use rate, and instead all are equally used to a degree.

OP’s complaint isn’t because ‘he sucks’ as some people want to tell themselves, it’s because it’s a fact of GW2: the Warrior is able to do things that entire classes aren’t, and more on top of it, and that’s a definite reason there’re thrice as many Warriors in PvP and PvE and WvW as there are Engineers.

This isn’t a shot at ANet, but… well, I hope they realize how bad it is due to the number of people comparing their playtesters to CoD’s 12 year-old squad of ‘em. They should make judgements based on their observations AND the community, as that’s how the best art is made. Using playtesters/the community or observations is an outright bad idea, and everyone who disagrees should very well study up on comprehensive MMO/RPG design before they try pointing out how wrong I am.
Or I can just explain it, which works just as well.

(edited by towerston.2790)

I feel the WvW is missing two things.

in WvW

Posted by: towerston.2790


It aged poorly. There.

1v1v1 promise of “variety” only showed more issues, and persistence around the clock has led to even more issues…neither of which seemed to accomplish “fun” or “dynamic” and lastly… “rewarding tangibly or mentally.” It was a good experiment to show the gaming world however, and I hope the industry learns from it.

grand applause with no sarcasm intended
Sadly, you seem right – I was just looking at the “Broken Run Away Roamer Warrior” thread and… it almost purely points to you being correct. My experiences sure gel with it, seeing only ever Warriors, Rangers in roams, of which always kill me as a poor Engie.

(edited by towerston.2790)

I feel the WvW is missing two things.

in WvW

Posted by: towerston.2790


[This is an opinion. It has no impact on you or anyone else, just as yours does. Death threats are not needed, though I thank RIFT and WoW for making me paranoid about this stuff. It’s also a genuine question, so no need to accuse me of trolling for anything contained.]

I adore GW2’s PvE, I’m torn between loving and hating the PvP, but… the WvW feels like it’s missing something. Not once have I been able to form a successful roam to get that ‘dynamic’ feel, as me/my team have always been shot down by people in WvW with better gear than us, wasting time, effort, and pretty much being a fun-vampire.

The other thing to do? Mindlessly zerg with your… zerg. A thing decided in effectiveness by how many people are doing it at once on your server, or how coordinated your server (as a whole) is. The catch, though, is that you do the same thing in a zerg over and over and over, so you don’t exactly ever enjoy that ‘dynamic’ element.

I swear the WvW is missing something. It may have to do with me having to endlessly run back to where I was while my zerg heads on ahead due to being killed by some one roamer doing the same thing whose Lv80, compared to my pettance Lv11, but it’s just not fun or dynamic for me, and in turn not rewarding tangibly or mentally.

The PvP: Can it go any further downhill?

in PvP

Posted by: towerston.2790


Fighting games support smashing buttons as well, and often when it’s a new player vs. a new player, the person smashing buttons will beat the person who is trying to play. That doesn’t mean fighting games aren’t skill-based, it just means you have to practice.

You make a whole lot of “undeniable” assertions, without actually supporting them. I don’t believe you know what you’re talking about, almost exclusively because you included Heartseeker Thief spam in your original post. You have switched to typical Revenant/DH complaining, and the age old “particles and effect clutter”. Now it’s just another generic post that has already been created.

Yes. Thank you.

The PvP: Can it go any further downhill?

in PvP

Posted by: towerston.2790


Next thing you know frenzy-bull’s charge-100blades will be the new op.

You just use Lightning Reflexes/a stun break. I’m tired of people like you who pretty much deny anything wrong with the game and instead just try to make fun of the people that actually point issues out – you know, the people that make games better? People like QA’ers, critics.

The PvP: Can it go any further downhill?

in PvP

Posted by: towerston.2790


I won’t racially slurr you. I’ll just tell that an expansion (with the new Elite Specialization, with its new skills and mechanics) launched 2 weeks ago and that is not enough time for a meta-game to settle down, nor for ANet to correctly balance the game.

I’d advice you to give it some more time and don’t give up playing (i.e. try to have fun). I can tell you Thief is not the most OP thing right now, you will see by yourself if you keep playing.

P.S.: is a helpful site for newer players.

I wonder.

Most people here seem not to get exactly what I’m saying. Calling me out for not playing enough PvP, all of that bullkitten which is undeniably false, as I’ve been PvPing since I have bought the kittening game. I know what I’m talking about.

About the rank: I didn’t take any breaks at all. I got up, stretched every hour or so, but then I sat back down and did another match. It was mind-crushingly tedious, but I won a large sum of the time.

So, take the above for a grain of salt, but you have no right to deny that the PvP is illogically inaccessible due to the excessive particle effects and poor optimization. On top of that, both of those things, on top of Thieves/DH’s, encourage you to smash buttons on your way to victory.

Call me a ‘nub’ or whatever else all you want, but you can’t really deny that the game supports smashing buttons, and rewards it, far more than it should. This isn’t even an issue that plagues the XPac (Revenant and Dragonhunters have made it worse, however. Though I am glad they added in a healing class/healing classes.) and instead, it has plagued this game since 2013 – and hasn’t been fixed.

(edited by towerston.2790)

The PvP: Can it go any further downhill?

in PvP

Posted by: towerston.2790


I apologize for any sight of ‘QQ’-ing. I wouldn’t be complaining about something like this as-if it was factual unless all evidence would point to it being factual.

The PvP: Can it go any further downhill?

in PvP

Posted by: towerston.2790


So, after a long break from the game entirely, thinking “hey, maybe ANet will fix the balance issues. I’ll give them a half-year.”, I came back. I entered PvP, and, what do you know, it’s still the ‘nuke their kitten’ PvP that it was when the Specialization system came out.

Before you start racially slurring me for being ‘bad’, let me just say: I’ve seen enough PvP to know what is balanced and what is not, in both this game and many others. Don’t take my opinion as fact, but think about it at the very least – and do not post if you’re only posting to try and defend you and your button-bashing. We all know ANet won’t do a thing about it.

So, onto the topic: the PvP is going further downhill than I ever thought possible. You have countless Thieves and Necros smashing buttons in a random order to win: and guess what. It’s rewarded in full over skill.

An excellent example is how most Thieves in PvP constantly spam Heartseeker. It deals an insane amount of damage, at base, but it deals more if the opponent has less health. This is because Thieves, unlike any other class, are not constrained by cooldowns.

Another great example is… the typical Condi Necro. The counter for them WOULD be Condi-Cleanses, right? Wrong. They can inflict all of their Conditions on you, one-after-another, every five to ten seconds. If they kitten up, they have the Shroud to take up their burden.

Want to know a final, more-kitten ing example of ‘The PvP is Nothing But…’? It’s called the MetaBattle website. It’s full of builds, namely for Thieves and Necros, and a bit for the Revenant, that are better than all the rest. I wouldn’t mind this if every single player didn’t do it. The top-used builds are for the Thief and Necro, and conveniently, those builds allow you to smash buttons ’till victory.

Then you have a few arbitrary things that make such play rewarded, like the kaleidoscope of particle effects that block out vision of enemy telegraphs… and no, the ‘Limit Particle LoD’ option doesn’t do much. If you have any kind of mist on-screen, you’re screwed in looking for the telegraph of a Heartseeker spam.

Now, I’d take most of this for a grain of salt if I didn’t have to test the Thief out for myself. I did, for one single day. I went from PvP Rank FIVE to PvP Rank THIRTY in that same day, and I had a very, very high number of kills by the end of it. If you don’t believe me, fine, but hey, I did it.

So tell me… do you think the PvP will get any better, any worse, should I quit doing something I love simply because of this? I certainly don’t want to, but if this is all PvP has to offer, I don’t want to see any more of it.

PvP Debate? Thoughts on it?

in PvP

Posted by: towerston.2790


Still disagree, only mesmers are crazy op atm and burn damage that doesnt make anything you said right. Also im yet to see a mesmer dominate in team play so though they are the op there not the game changer.

What’d you call a Shatter Mes’ that blinds, confuses your entire team at once?

PvP Debate? Thoughts on it?

in PvP

Posted by: towerston.2790


thats fine you can jump in with me, i will team with you and you can be the judge of whether its a good build. Your talking about something else now completly different now. Your like nba teams talking analytic’s when the most cohesive team with the most talent/skill didnt just win.

Except now, as my main point goes, it’s not talent, skill, knowledge, observation that win the game: it’s pure math.

PvP Debate? Thoughts on it?

in PvP

Posted by: towerston.2790


I guess, you misunderstood, as usual.
By “shoutbow shouldn’t get killed by… Ranger” I haven’t meant that Ranger shouldn’t have enough damage to melt Shoutbow, but that Ranger is probably the only class that doesn’t have enough damage to do so ;-)

Well, it was mostly an example, but I’ve seen a few classes that logically shouldn’t be able to easily melt a Tank do just that. I’ve had a Mesmer hit me with Mind Stab for 12k when I have 3.5k Toughness. The issue with that is that the Mesmer is supposed to be Supportive, not a frontline, offensive class.

Hell, the Guardian has become less of a Tank and more of a Warrior in that same way. HP nerf, power buff.

PvP Debate? Thoughts on it?

in PvP

Posted by: towerston.2790


your talking to someone who runs a pure bunker and has over 2k wins. Yeah im good and if you want add me in game and i can show you. No need for people to get mean but grab your burst player and we go into a 1 vs 1 room and i say it takes at least 1 min for you to kill me if i dont kill you with my slow condi dmg.

Do Ranked. I don’t need to prove myself when you can disprove yourself. If you don’t want to, fine, but don’t tell me I don’t know what I’m saying if you’re unwilling to prove me wrong.


PvP Debate? Thoughts on it?

in PvP

Posted by: towerston.2790


i disagree, you really didnt make any points and you were very vague threw out most of it. Also bunker builds are viable and the best they have ever been since the launch. Its not anet fault players dont want to make bunker characters and support players for solo ques. Ive literally ran into guardians/necros/eles that need at least 2 people to kill or else it would take 3 minutes minimum.

Also build diversity is the best its been in a long time aswell. You do realize we just got out of the every player runs cele ammy right? I run bunker shouts on my guardian and a bunker life force necro and there are matches that people see me and literally just turn around. Also with that said offensive guardians and necros are still useful in pvp so your argument on build diversity is gone to poop.

Lastly you talk about support characters that are eles and yes thats there job and the fact you name 2 other classes that help with that shows there are multiple calsses that can support and you didnt even mention guardian. A warrior camping a spot should die to a ranger who is free casting and warriors have stun breakers 1 utility skill endure the pain and a trait skill called endure the pain and thats just for stances. Please relook your post and actually think it threw since it just seems to be a aimless rant with no direction or point other then you being frustrated.

Until you actually take a look at things. Use a Guard or Warrior to run a pure defensive build. Use whatever means you deem ‘perfect’ for it. Blocking, healing, just massive HP, whatever you want. Enter Ranked.

Believe me now? Only once in my entire twelve Ranked matches have I seen a somewhat unique build, them being a Thief focused on healing, stealthing allies and buffing them up with sadistic amounts of Might.

and about the variety… you’re right. I was wrong about that… there’re many, many builds you can use! The question is, are they even half as effective as the builds most people use, now? There was always many things you could do with your class in PvP, but… 90% of them aren’t worthwhile in any way.

Also, your final paragraph: thank you. It does support “You run exactly this or you die.”, which isn’t diversity. It’s linearity, forcing people to use ONE specific setup or being shot down. That isn’t diversity.

(edited by towerston.2790)

PvP Debate? Thoughts on it?

in PvP

Posted by: towerston.2790


You’re right and so wrong.
Your diagnosis about too much damage is correct, however e.g.:
-> Shoutbow shouldn’t get killed by… Ranger.
-> Guardian is superior compared to Engi or Necro in terms of support/tanking.

Yes, but the thing is that offensive Guard is so much more effective, what reason is there to play SupportGuard? I mean, after all, 10 burn stacks complete with the 5 second nigh-guarenteed Immobility to LAND those stacks, usually ends up with the burn ticking for 3-5k per SECOND for 7 seconds or so. You can despell the Immobility, Burn, but they can redo that combo within a real short time.

Combine that with the fact that Scep grants massive Might bonuses and that those bonuses can be applied to ALLIES, and that’s not paying mind to the Greatsword… what reason is there not to stack Precision, Condition Damage, and whatever other stat fits their whimsy?

PvP Debate? Thoughts on it?

in PvP

Posted by: towerston.2790


I’m a bit tired, so I’m sorry if I repeated the same point multiple times. I still can’t believe PvP’s come to this. Well, it has in my eyes. It’s relative.

PvP Debate? Thoughts on it?

in PvP

Posted by: towerston.2790


Alright, so I’m just creating this as yet another reference point to PvP’s balance. If you don’t like my opinion, feel free to say so and to post yours, but personally… mine with current PvP is a bit negative.

So, we have three separate sides in this matter: “PvP Is Perfect Now!”, “PvP Is OK, Needs Balancing…”, and “**** THIS. THIS **** IS ****ing UNACCEPTABLE! **** YOU ANET FOR ****ING PVP RIGHT IN THE *!”, which I’m personally in the mindset of the second one.

PvP, like everything else in the game, is designed to enjoy, right? Que up, ready to have a somewhat tactical and fun fight with foes (and sometimes friends) alike.

But, wait… when you get there, you with your 3.5k Toughness, you find that your entire party is killed within five seconds by a team of three Thieves. You wonder what happened, opening your “Death By <Skill>” window up. You find out that you took 10k Poison Damage within five seconds, and brush it off as “balancing issue.” or “maybe they’re l33t.”

Except, that isn’t exaggerated. Before I get into exactly why I PERSONALLY feel like the PvP is now more ‘easy-mode’, as is the game, I will say: I suck, but I suck less than the people I go up against typically.

So, onto the main point.
You know how most of the people that play PvP, if you ask them, say that “PvP could use a bit of balancing” without flipping out? These are the people that actually play PvP. I took time after each match to ask people what they thought. You have three guesses. Wait, I just posted it above.

PvP is becoming nothing more than dumbed-down, tactic-less, DPS ***ring. Have you seen one, single healer that wasn’t an Elementalist, that was effective? Or, how about a single Support that wasn’t an Elementalist/Engineer/Necromancer? I’m guessing you actually haven’t, and neither have I.

Every game I enter post-patch, I find nothing, and I mean NOTHING but damage/condi-damage stacking. Around. Every. Corner. ANet may have tried to make PvP more “newbie-friendly” through this, but I really doubt that’s the case.

You may say “oh, there’re active blocks” or “oh, active condi-cleanse exists!”, but you forget not every build can viably implement that. Hell, you can only really do that IF you build on that specific active block/cleanse. PvP was dumbed down to “press button for cool explosion/many numbers.” I hate to see it become like WoW, especially when it is such a good game.

Some of you may defend it as “becoming like it was in the past where bad positioning ****s you over”, but honestly, even YOU know that’s wrong. A Banner/Shout Bunker Warrior, with 3.5k Toughness, if perfectly-positioned, will still die to that Ranger who has 4k Power. There’s also the argument that the particle effects get in the way of actually doing something about that Final Thrust headed your way, and they kind of do even on minimum settings, but that’s not the point.

The PvP is becoming more and more… skill-deficit, as people put it. The skill ceiling for PvP that everyone is gaping, or was gaping in awe about is very quickly coming down on the playerbase. It’s becoming more about playing ONE build, or being screwed over. ANet wanted to create diversity in the builds? Well, then, why is it that the only really viable things are now:
Hammer/Greatsword Warrior, Greatsword/Scepter+Torch or Scepter+Torch/Hammer Guardian, Shatter Mesmer, Crit-For-Life Thief, or Celest/Cleric’s Elementalist
- as opposed to, you know, the large plate of builds you could just eat the **** up to satisfy your hunger for a Support/Tank Warrior?

ANet wanted to diversify the builds. The only thing they diversified is the concept of build linearity, and it was among the people that loved PvP.

All relative to me, but I hope I was able to somewhat convince you of my conviction to the idea that the builds are no-longer varied. Also, for the people that say “Oh, now it’s only the best man wins!”, that is not it. It’s not the best man. It’s about pure damage and a stunlock-combo. No Hamm/GS build has the ability to break out of stuns, so whoever strikes first wins. There’s no strategy in it. It’s Burst Wars 2, Condi-Burst or Power-Burst.

stuff that should be nerfed

in PvP

Posted by: towerston.2790


I ran a condi d/f build on my ele and I DIDN’t do those huge burn numbers on players that people think it should do. It seems that players take less damage from burns than mobs do plus the burn damage is a terribly spikey number with no consistency. It seems toughness and armour does affect burn damage somehow, so please post some videos of huge burn damage on players in a proper pvp fight where survivability and mobility have been added in before claiming burn needs nerfing.

Problem is, though, ‘survuvability’ doesn’t exist. ANet buffed the hell out of everything else, and as I said, ruined the entire concept of “Tanking” with these insane one-shots when you can tank a Champ in WvW with no issue whatsoever.

stuff that should be nerfed

in PvP

Posted by: towerston.2790


I can’t find any videos at all from this recent patch with those search terms

Anyway was it by chance a Diamond Skin ele against a condi mesmer, condi ranger and condi engineer? Because Diamond Skin is supposed to a be total hard counter for pure condi builds.

I’m at least sure that the Ranger and Engie weren’t Condi-based. The Mesmer, yeah, but the Engie was a Turret Bunker and the Ranger was apparently a pet-mancer.

stuff that should be nerfed

in PvP

Posted by: towerston.2790


But that’s a 5v5 team fight not a single ele suriving an entire team and wiping 3 people while doing so. Just being around a Guardian up’s everyones survival rate hugely, even DPS guardians.

I’d really like to see that video just for studying some more ele fighting if you can find it.

It wasn’t really 5v5. The first Guardian, the Warrior and the Ranger were all at Mid while the final Guardian was holding the Home point. Brawl was going on at Mid, 3v2, and the Elementalist was bombing Far, fighting three people. The Ele won. The fact that the three people the Ele was fighting were the Engineer, Ranger and Mesmer might have something to do with it. The fact the Engineer was a Bunker might have also had something to do with it.

Just look up GW2 Elementalist PvP. I think the video’s on the forth or fifth page. A friend of mine showed it to me and then created an Elementalist because of it.

stuff that should be nerfed

in PvP

Posted by: towerston.2790


Yeah I’d really like to see a video of something even close to this happening. Because in my experience both playing as and against eles they now have to use all their defense against a single heavy burst spec like thieves, and they can’t survive 1v2s not nearly as long as they used to before the patch.

I actually think there’s a video on Youtube of something like that happening, post-patch. It was the Ele, a Guardian, Warrior, another Guardian, and a Ranger versus an Engineer, something, something, Mesmer, and a Warrior.

I do admit, only the Ranger was playing a Burst-DPS build, but the fact you’d have to to even counter most of the other Burst builds proves my point. It’s less about tactical and defensive play and more about nuking the enemy team before they nuke you.

(edited by towerston.2790)

stuff that should be nerfed

in PvP

Posted by: towerston.2790


Warriors seem a little over the top to me. I don’t know why or how, I’m a newb. But I’ve noticed any time there’s a good warrior on a team it’s an instant win and it seems to be pretty systematic. I’d say even more so than with mesmers.

I don’t mean to counter you, but by any chance, were they using a Greatsword or Hammer? Maybe both? From what I’ve seen for myself and in-game thanks to other people, those two weapons are the most “viable” for the Warrior. The worst part about it is that they require no skill to use. The fact that they also manage to inflict 12 stacks of Bleed on me and 19 stacks of Might on themselves with one use of Hundred Blades makes it so much more annoying.

(edited by towerston.2790)

stuff that should be nerfed

in PvP

Posted by: towerston.2790


Most of the offensive **** needs a light-to-heavy nerf, imho. You know when that tank with 25k Health and 3.5k Toughness gets one-shot by an Engineer, when said Engineer only has 10 stacks of Might? Yeah, that’s been happening an awful lot.

Another issue is with the Guardians not being… well, kittening Guardians! They had their Health pool reduced, and they had their offensive stats go through the roof! They were tanks, not Warriors! “They lead the charge and bash faces” was one thing a good friend of mine said when she saw this, and I wholly agree. It’s sad.

Then you have these… gods. These… “Elementalists”. Somehow they can tank out your entire team and wipe three people. Same with Hammer/Greatsword Warrior. Defensive and tactical play? Why have that when you can have a REAL contest: who can have more digits when they hit with the Burst skill or Fire Grab?

…because “fun” wasn’t good enough. Because “variety” wasn’t needed.

Yes, I’m VERY salty towards ANet right now. They’ve taken a bushwhacker to my favorite ways to play. I hate, and I mean hate, playing as a rampaging Warrior doing nothing but mashing buttons. I prefer clever positioning, tactical banner placement, and calling complete and utter team-wiping nukes when the enemy team stacks together for buffs. But read above. I guess mashing buttons is more worthwhile.

(edited by towerston.2790)


in WvW

Posted by: towerston.2790


This is definitely a l2p issue. You have dodges for a reason. Use ’em.

Again, it’s an AoE attack that inflicts the Stop/Immobility on you every 0.5 seconds for 5 seconds straight. Two dodges in a row wouldn’t stop it from being applied, as it’s immediately applied after the first dodge.

Or, simply put: you can’t dodge it.


in WvW

Posted by: towerston.2790


I think you posted in the wrong forum. Eotm isn’t WvW.

It’s under the WvW tab. I thought that I was being accurate in posting this here. Eh.


in WvW

Posted by: towerston.2790


Took me a while to realise you were talking about EoTM, not wvw…stop soloing champs on a zerk ele, simple.

It’s not really a solution. You shouldn’t be able to solo Champs, but not because of ******** attacks that completely destroy you with nothing you can do about it. If you manage to solo one, then good for you… the Stoneworker’s attack is just… overpowered even for a Champ meant to defend an area from multiple players of all races and classes alike.


in WvW

Posted by: towerston.2790


So… I know the game isn’t supposed to be played solo, but why exactly do enemies have the ability to ‘exit combat’ so-to-speak and then to regain ALL of their health within 2 seconds, then to re-enter combat and repeat the same process if you are trying to kill them alone? I know they have a confined space they fight in or else they reset, but they do this if I don’t take all of their attacks to the face… as an Elementalist with 1,024 Toughness and Vitality. Really…?

These classes are made for kiting, and so far, I don’t even want to partake in EoTM because of how frustrating it is sometimes. It’s made me rage at how a Champion enemy with an automatically-hitting stun that takes control fully from the player, brings you TOWARD the enemy (which is frustrating in itself, VERY much so) can walk back to his spawn even if he’s only 1-2 steps from the capture ring that you can see after killing him, regenerating every last point of his HP and voiding your last five minutes’ work since there was no commander in that EoTM match.

If somehow a mod/dev sees this post and responds, I really hope you can make the aggro system more forgiving to classes that can’t be hit, and for the love of god PLEASE remove the Champion Grawl Stoneworker’s infinite-range damage-per-tick + stop-per-tick + pull -to-the-Grawl-per-tick Swirling Sands attack. It’s incredibly irritating, solo or Zerg, because it removes all movement control from the player and it gets reapplied every 0.5 seconds, making Stability useless unless stacked five times or so.

It could be supplemented with an aimed attack of the same vain (or even somewhat rebalanced: just remove the pull!) that does the exact same thing, but again, it has an infinite range, so he has to change his target for it to NOT be applied to you. An attack that strong shouldn’t be unable to miss via range or evade, so why is it? It’s very hair-tear-out-esque.

(edited by towerston.2790)