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Shortbow Renegade

in Revenant

Posted by: tuvok.7806


I got you fam.


Jalis Brainstorming - Would You Change It?

in Revenant

Posted by: tuvok.7806


First, I would fix the health bug of Vengeful hammers healing for 2-4 hp instead of what the tooltip says. I’d like to see the hammers disappearing on ramps/walls fixed though I have no solution other than to at least stop draining energy when it does bug out. It sometimes stops, sometimes doesn’t.

I would reduce the energy cost of ROTGD to 40, move the stunbreak to Inspiring Reinforcement.

Honestly, the main issue I have with Jalis is not so much the legend, but Retribution. It doesn’t do anything positive for the legend except allow you to die a bit slower if that at all. If you want Jalis to do what it’s design to do(tank), you’re actually better off speccing Devastation to get the life siphon procs. Steadfast rejuvenation is laughably weak. For a Grandmaster, it’s ICD needs to reduced to 2 secs in order for it to even compete with Focused Siphoning. If Improved Aggression worked in PvP/WvW, I’d actually spend the energy to use it.

R.I.P. Revenant

in Revenant

Posted by: tuvok.7806


Tell us what you’ve heard ryn. Everyone is in the dark here. Kinda kittenty that the streamers only cared about pretty skill animations and didn’t even bother to mouse over the traits. The first trait was hovered over but even that looked like it was an accident.

Renegade Confirmed.

in Revenant

Posted by: tuvok.7806


the stunbreak is on the heal

[PvE][bug] Vengeful Hammers heal amount

in Revenant

Posted by: tuvok.7806


Since ANET has been known to ninja patch things, I logged in to test again. Unfortunately, this bug is STILL present in the game. My vengeful hammers are healing for 2 HP.

Returning player, Revenant dissapointments

in Revenant

Posted by: tuvok.7806


players who play diablo3 can see what ANet is doing with revenant xD

I’m out of the loop. Never played D3. Can you explain?

Renegade Confirmed.

in Revenant

Posted by: tuvok.7806


I’m very curious to see the F2-F4 skills. From what we’ve seen so far, I’m “Meh”. NPC’s are terrible things to add. I thought ANET learned it’s lesson with the mobile turrets aka gyros.

Returning player, Revenant dissapointments

in Revenant

Posted by: tuvok.7806


And lastly one of the most important things in this game is the ability to stomp downed players in pvp. There’s no safe way for Rev to do this.

You can Gaze of Darkness(Glint’s fury facet) to blind certain classes like engi, ranger and some others for a safe stomp. The downside is you gotta burn your cheap stunbreak.

As a whole, I have to agree with your general assessment and having logged in many hours on Engi, I feel your feelings of shield to be sadly accurate. Shield is considered a bad weapon on Engi, but it’s even worse on Rev.

As complex as Engi is, Rev can also be complex in a sense on how you play. The issue with energy is why glint in so easy to play since it’s facets are very efficient taking away the needed energy management skill you’ll learn as you gain experience. On Glint, energy is never spent, only upkeep. You can double tap Elemental blast and facet of Strength and never miss a beat in term of your energy pool.

Playing Shiro is kind of weird as it’s best used for defense with Reposting Shadows. Keep in mind to burn a dodge before you use it(unless you need the stunbreak) because it gives you back 25 endurance. You can cycle through your defenses pretty well with Shiro by Dodge, Reposting Shadows, dodge, Staff 3, RS, etkittenil you get back your legend swap. Impossible odds is a huge energy sink. I only use it to cleave and to superspeed out of a tight situation.

[PvE][bug] Vengeful Hammers heal amount

in Revenant

Posted by: tuvok.7806


If we are on hammer’s bugs, there is another one: healings does not scale with outgoing healing bonuses.
I don’t know if it is intentionnal or not, but if you use Invoking Harmony, you don’t get more heals.

Outgoing % modifiers only affect allies that you heal, not yourself. Vengeful Hammer, AFAIK, only heals you so this is intentional. There’s a mega-thread on reddit that might get more attention than here. . Pass an upvote if you can.

Feedback: Pip Acquisition [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: tuvok.7806


I’m also far from alone in thinking this is dissuasive to continuous wvw play. Here’s gw2 veteran “that_shamans” opinion of it:

Then don’t play WvW? It’s that simple. You want the chestpiece? Put in the time. Is it that big of a deal for you to complain about on the forums? If you’re going for the backpiece, you only need 350.

from the tweet:

“If I want to hit the 175 ticket cap I would have to play WvW for about 7 hours a day 7 days a week.. That’s called a job not a game.”

keyword there is “cap”. No one is forcing him to max out. If he wants to make it a job, then that’s his issue. In any case, he can accumulate those tickets at his own pace. Same for you. They’re not going anywhere. It took me 4 years to make my first legendary. Instead of whining, “Aint nobody got time for that.” I just did it.

Pip / Reward track farming abuse

in WvW

Posted by: tuvok.7806


Nice investigation /s. Since when do WvW’er care about what other are doing? Oh right, since PvE’er flood the game mode.

Feedback: Pip Acquisition [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: tuvok.7806


Yeah, its true that a Veteran player have more AP then a new one…but if a Vet do a Jumping Puzzle, for example, he will get twice or more AP’s just for the fact that he is a Veteran?
You said you are silver players(so am I by the way) and you finished your diamond chest for the 3ยบ time?! A simple question, how many hours per day you spend on GW2 WvW?

You’re comparing AP to reward. It’s not. I’m comparing AP to rank(experience). So to answer your question, no.

3-4. IDK, I might be on my 5th. I stopped counting after I hit the limit. 2,535 total pips. I don’t know exactly but I played the most the weekend and managed to get it when I logged in monday. After that, I realized I’ll max it next week and so forth by normal playing. That’s the thing, if you love the game mode, you’re not going to count the hours. You’re just going to play. Instead of playing and see how far they get, they just complain, or afk outnumbered.

And before others saying my outnumbered is a little high, I just play and if I get it, I get it. I was even accused of map hopping by some dude waiting at spawn when I logged in with 0% participation. Like really? I don’t need any more pips. These extra chests are just horded now. Instead of roaming or zerging, pve’rs are now filling a new role: spawn gatekeeping. It’s pathetic. Just play the game.


Feedback: Pip Acquisition [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: tuvok.7806


Wrong, new and old players who step on PvE will get the same number of AP for completing some achievement, will get the same reward for finishing a Dungeon, Fractals, Raid and other events on general.
WvW players allready have a advantage that the new players dont have, they can use the old WvW tickets from the past tournaments.
People have the right to complain when they see something wrong as this, we all bought this game, so i am just doing my right as a custumer…if you really believe that somone have to play for 40h+ during the week(a second job basically) while other person have to play for way less then 20h to complete the weekely rewards(Wooden to Diamond chest), then theres something really wrong with you.
You say that WvW veterans should be more awarded then new players….as a veteran myself (been playing since 2012) I honestly dont find that to be right or fair, reason is, no other game mode follow that same principle. But if Anet really wanna reward its true veterans and all the Edge of the Mist farmers, then to hell with it, they can do it…but dont do it in a way that gonna affect everyones rewards as well…i dont care if since day one of the patch “vets” would be running around with legend backpack or the new shiny armor, because Anet would think that those players deserve it for whatever reason. But what I do care is when Anet say that my play time is nowhere near as worth as other player.

Wrong, new players don’t have the same AP, magic find, etc as vets regardless if they can do the same achievements. New wvw’rs can grind the same ranks vets did. This argument is about pips but if they got the ranks, they would get the same pips(extra gold from kills, chance at better loot) as vets.

You can stand on your argument from authority fallacy all you want but as a lowly silver rank, I can do the same. I don’t have a problem with gold/plat/mithril/diamond getting faster pips. Why? Because even as a silver player, I got my 6/6 diamond chest on monday and have since finished it 3 more times. The point is, just because these veterans wvw’rs get pips faster doesn’t take any pips away from me. The system is not a zero-sum game. Vets are not stopping me from maxing out for the week. All these people spending, what seems like hours, arguing and writing essays about what’s fair? Imagine if they took this time to get their pips.

Feedback: Pip Acquisition [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: tuvok.7806


This is an MMO. Past achievements/efforts carry over. You’re a new player? Get grinding. Imagine buying GW2/HoT and complaining that vets in PvE have more gold, higher AP, and cool legendaries.

“NOT FAIR!!! I do the same work! I kill the same mobs! Why should that guy get more loot?!”

And by that^ I’m talking about veterans having higher magic find, +% gold from monsters, hellfire/radiant armor skins, zenith/pinnacle weapon skins. At the end of the day, legendaries and the T3 skins are in no way “better” than what you can craft/farm in open world. At the end of the day, they’re skins. There’s nothing “unfair” about it. You don’t kill mobs faster. Face it, you guys want to look like WvW’ers without doing WvW. Well, instead of spending all this time complaining, why don’t you get to WvW’ing and stop QQ’ing?

Feedback: Pip Acquisition [merged]

in WvW

Posted by: tuvok.7806


Also i hated when students studied before tests to get good grades when i just want good grades.

Also if your using the word discrimination like this wouldnt that mean that WvW players have been discriminated for like 5 years !!!!!!!!!

This exactly.

It’s like these students prepared for said tests. Hmmm, haven’t ANET been telling us for what seems like over a year about skirmishes and changes to WvW? It became a running joke, “Skirmishes LOL”. But when it finally came out, you PvE’rs are crying that you didn’t prepare? Why didn’t you rank up when they said skirmishes were coming? It’s like you guys weren’t PREPARED for this test even when devs told you way in advance and now you’re crying about it not being fair?

Impossible Odds: Deserves a change?

in Revenant

Posted by: tuvok.7806


The biggest problem with IO is the monopoly of skills Revenant has that ignores quickness.

While some skills make sense to ignore it such as crystal hibernation, offensive evades like Unrelenting Assault and Surge of the Mists should be affected IMO. If I want the UA evade to last it’s full duration, I would not have popped Impossible Odds.

Condi buffs.

in Revenant

Posted by: tuvok.7806


Toxic Sylvari? You mean these guys?: Please tell me you’re joking. I’m talking about a HoT elite skill that is, AFAIK, is only useful in 1 scenario in the entire HoT xpac. Not lvl 11-28 maps.

I’m aware of the powerful rezzing ability of the function gyro which, in PvE, is outclassed by ever minor rez trait in the game due to it’s 20 sec cooldown. Meanwhile every rez trait gives a flat % rez speed increase all the time. Interestingly enough, function gyro’s rez is very powerful in PvP/WvW allowing you to double rez or rez/cleave in clutch situations. Hmmmmm…..

You use Mesmer runes on scrapper?! Okay, I’m convinced you’re a troll. What are you doing? Leaping in every 12 secs for that LEET breakbar dmg? Haha, for a second, I almost took you seriously. Good1

Condi buffs.

in Revenant

Posted by: tuvok.7806


Unfortunately, he’s real and in denial.
Minor Adept – Function Gyro “You gain access to the function gyro, which can be used to finish a foe or revive an ally at range.”
Half of the ahem function of this gyro is to finish a foe. I highly doubt they built half of this skill to finish the downed NPC at the bottom of AB meta.

Minor Master – Decisive Renown “When you successfully revive an ally or finish an enemy, you grant boons to nearby allies.”
Same as my point above.

Minor Grandmaster – Impact Savant “The duration of your outgoing stuns and dazes are [sic] increased, and the duration of stuns and dazes applied to you are [sic] decreased.”
Increase CC for is useful for breakbars…. I guess…

The whole Elite spec is designed for sustain(protection, toughness, regen) and anti-cc(Stability) which is extremely valuable in PvP/WvW. Not so much in PvE.

Congrats, you took your anti-PvP agenda and derailed an otherwise good thread.

Condi buffs.

in Revenant

Posted by: tuvok.7806


To say PVP doesn’t matter is pretty narrow minded. People will theorycraft on the best DPS builds, sure but that’s already done a week after balance patch. Then what? You just remember your rotations and get orgasms killing pocket raptors and chaks? PVP/WvW meta shifts makes things interesting. Many people, including myself, enjoy PvP and how it shifts playstyle. Obviously PvP does matter or else ANET wouldn’t update the sigils or split skills.

What you mean to say is PVP doesn’t matter TO YOU. Whether you like it or not, the condi buff has a positive impact in PvP and people are talking about it.

Why is Jalis not considered for sPVP ?

in Revenant

Posted by: tuvok.7806


Jalis Elite is 40 energy since the up.
I have done several games with Jalis and Ventari, and Ventari is far more efficient in term of tankiness. Switching to Jalis reduces your ability to survive compared to Ventari.
It is not necessarily due to stunbreaks, in my opinion. The Elite should be anticipated and not used after the burst has started. It is best used in team fight and not when bunkering alone. It may be good for 2v2. In 1v2 or 1v3, you still take too much damages. Keeping energy for blocks and evades is better.
I have tried Shiro + Ventari, and it is the best I found. Better for disengagement and more spike damage. And the heal is hard to interupt and gives you enought survivability for Ventari to be up.

I stand corrected. I didn’t realize the skill was split in WvW/sPvP.

Why is Jalis not considered for sPVP ?

in Revenant

Posted by: tuvok.7806


jalis meant to be bunker on point.

RotgD – cost 40 nrg last for 5 sec – when you use it? on team fight to have 5 sec burst dmg while taking 50% less. bunker use it as breakstun and to handle condition burst.
so how you handle conditions burst…. you cannot spam it as its cost 40 nrg so after 5 sec conditions will kill you

Correction. RotgD costs 50(!) energy but your point still stands. It’s the most expensive stunbreak on Rev. To put it in perspective, if you switch to Jalis and RotgD IMMEDIATELY, your legend cool down will be up before you have enough energy to use it again. And that’s IF you don’t spend energy on anything else and just wait for it to build up. This means it’s better to take invocation for the stunbreak on swap than to take retribution, and rely on a random short duration stability on evade with ICD.

This is a pretty clear design flaw as Inspiring Reinforcement doesn’t give you stability instantly so you have to wait what seems like 1.5 seconds in order to get that stability you asked for.

To answer OP, Jalis is good to mess around with against niche build, especially cleaving minion master necros. Shiro’s Reposting Shadows is more energy efficient(30 energy vs 50), instant(RotgD’s stunbreak is instant but the effect occurs at the end of the cast), is an evade, and refunds you 25 endurance for more dodges. Basically, the idea of actively mitigating damage with Shiro is currently better than Jalis.

Ghost thief exploit, working as intended?

in WvW

Posted by: tuvok.7806


. FYI, I was a mythril Herald and actually said no way he’s gonna kill me.

As a Herald/Mallyx myself, I’m actually one of the few classes completely immune to ghost thief. Wait for the burst, then hit pain absorption and I have 12+secs of resistance. The trick is don’t heal unless you need to in case the thief strips resistance with steal. In that case, you simply reapply pain absorption. Just let your energy build up and you can freely /dance, /laugh or help your group out by pulling conditions. you can tick heal with both shield 4 and 5. Granted I’m virtually 100% boon duration(97-99%) a standard durability rune herald should fare just as well.

edit: I didn’t build my rev to be immune to ghost thief, it was just a side effect. My goal was to build a group, anti-condi class to help the commander/front line. Here’s the build.

(edited by tuvok.7806)