Showing Posts For vengeance.3509:

Whats the focus of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: vengeance.3509


atm is blob the adversary or hide somehwere karma training some empty bl, and play tower wars…
There is no point or no value in holding besides ppt, or chest farming, since tower can be fliped even before RI ends..


You sound new, would you like a translation? :P

“At the moment its all about mass-outnumbering the enemy or waypointing to a borderland with no enemies on it to steamroll through objectives with no defenders while avoiding fights, and bunkering in towers with 100 arrowcarts even though you have enough of a zerg to fight back with.
There is no point in defending objectives except for points per tick or farming world exp because every tower can be re-captured before the lord’s invulnerability buff ends (? :S).”

Thanx, i guess I like the outnumber part…

Whats the focus of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: vengeance.3509


atm is blob the adversary or hide somehwere karma training some empty bl, and play tower wars…
There is no point or no value in holding besides ppt, or chest farming, since tower can be fliped even before RI ends..


Whats the focus of WvW

in WvW

Posted by: vengeance.3509


Is it sieging key points, or is it just and enlarged version of pvp.

Personally I want a big battle with catapults and one day I want to see a stonemist castle go down.

Why is Anet so protective?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: vengeance.3509


I suggest you go to WoW. it would be perfect for you…

Can PvE give you an advantage in PvP

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: vengeance.3509


I assume you mean sPvP and not WvW. No, they are completely separated. You can’t bring any consumables or gear to sPvP. PvP has its own gear (top of UI while in the PvP lobby). The game is more oriented towards PvE than sPvP. A lot more players doing that.

WvW: you use your regular gear in there and most, but not all, consumables, such as food. A fair number of people play it, but I couldn’t tell you the numbers. Probably less than in PvE.

So I am assuming that PvE is the most played, then PvP and last WvW

Can PvE give you an advantage in PvP

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: vengeance.3509


Can anything in PvE give you an advantage in PvP. Also, is the game mainly about PvP or PvE. Given the size of the map in PvE, I would guess it’s quite PvE focused.

Leveling is too slow

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: vengeance.3509


O_o Troll? I am not sure…

I’ll bait if so…

In PvP level does not matter.
So look at this:

If you mean WvW you will be scaled to level 80 but without skills and Traits so if you wanna do WvW but still wanna “feel” usefull I advice you to start at Edge of The Mists.

All and all about leveling. GW2 is one of few MMO’s where you level up realy quick. Don’t do Tasks(Hearts) if they are booring, do Events and Skillpoints (You will need them) vistas and PoI’s and more. Do Dungeons they give you 80% level up and Exp during the dungeon usually gives you the other 20% so you will level one level per dungeon.

Sorry never knew that

Looking for PvE focused guild

in Looking for...

Posted by: vengeance.3509


Looking for PvE focused guild that focuses fast leveling and resource gathering. Preferebly medium to large sized EU based guild.

Leveling is too slow

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: vengeance.3509


It’s painstaking slow to level. All you do is run around doing hearts. The only part of the game I enjoy is PvP, but I get stomped because every-one else is lv 80

Possible steam release

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: vengeance.3509


Surely anet would be able to reach out to more customers and generate more revenue. I wonder why this hasn’t happened yet.

Do older people play this game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: vengeance.3509


So many people say playing video games is wasting my life, but I say what else woudl you do?




These things make gaming seem healthy

Can't get my friends to buy this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: vengeance.3509


Guild Wars 2 is a lot more “casual” than League of Legends, lol.

If they don’t like the game, there’s not much you can do about it. If you think they have the wrong impression, just show them what you like about the game and what it’s like to play it.

Who exactly do I play with in the mean-time

GW2 leveling is way too fast.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: vengeance.3509


after you get lv 80 its all about pvp

Can't get my friends to buy this game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: vengeance.3509


While I think the game itself is fantastic, I just can’t get my friends to play because they prefer league of legends and CoC and all these casual kitten. They also say this game is “dead”, even though I find all the server population are medium to high.

Can you have an actual guild war

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: vengeance.3509


As the title suggests….

Just brought the game today.....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: vengeance.3509


Having played WoW from vanilla to cat non stop before switching to GW I’ll say that this game will come off as either amazing or trash depending on your level acceptance of the game’s gemstore, lack of loot, and lack of endgame.

The game is beautiful but it’s driven by the gemstore (something they swore it wouldn’t be) I hope that now that they’ve switched focus to expansions they’ll return to the GW model and rewards will be earned in game and not from the store.

No sub is great, but it comes off as a FTP feel when you’re constantly reminded that new skins are now in the store!

I’d say play the game, take it slow and look around, then make up your own mind. Welcome!

They should just go F2P and push their gem store. Anet’s biggest problem is it does things in half measures. They have some kind of crazy hybrid between B2P and F2P. Plus they sell gold (so its P2W) and removed all the drops.

I don’t feel this is ok for any game let alone a classic like GW. I strongly disagree with the model so much that I refuse to buy the expansion.

Sorry OP, didn’t mean to rain on your parade. Some of the game play can be fun. You’ll probably have some fun before the frustration sets in. Good luck.

Gemstore? doesn’t that make it P2W?

Why i very lag and delay?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: vengeance.3509


anet servers screw up,

your isp screw up,

geographical distance,

some fish bit the undersea cables,

lightning fried some components,

Or it could just be your wi-fi connection is poor.

Player base: rising or falling

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: vengeance.3509


unknowable since no one besides ANET has access to data. If you are worried just starting the game that there are not enough players around you, don’t be. You down-level so the early zones can be more popular than mid and late, but you still see people in the least likely areas.


Just brought the game today.....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: vengeance.3509


Got tired of WoW subscription fees and decided to buy this, is it any better?

Welcome! I would say its better simply because WoW follows the same pattern for each expansion, 5 to 10 new lvls, new gear tier, new maps/pvp/raids and so forth. At least in GW2 you have 1 set of gear that is the standard (exo/asc) and once you obtain it you dont have to worry about being lesser because of gear difference WoW has. Also in the structured PvP everyone is on equal footing in terms of gear, as it is seperated from the rest. And as a new player itll be a nice change for you leveling through hearts, and not the traditional quests.

You have to pay for the expansion or are they free?

Player base: rising or falling

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: vengeance.3509


I just wanted to ask about the player base, I am seeing a lot of low population servers and I am wondering if it’s starting to fall now.

Just brought the game today.....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: vengeance.3509


A question, perhaps, better asked before purchase, but….

It is better, if you like what the game has to offer.

Welcome to Tyria, and happy adventuring!

What is Tyria

Just brought the game today.....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: vengeance.3509


Got tired of WoW subscription fees and decided to buy this, is it any better?