Showing Posts For wcpemm.1497:
Is the fact that on female charr the tail of this outfit defaults to the male model a feature or a bug?
Hoping the former, I’d really like to be able to change the tail style for charr.
Can we please get a working Mac Client [Merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: wcpemm.1497
For more adventurous/advanced users, for the last few days I have been using wine-staging to play the game, as detailed here. If you’re familiar with the terminal/wine it’s well worth a shot. My launcher now loads instantly.
Caveats: I have to play with my graphics almost as low as possible, and it does crash every hour or two. I also haven’t tested out any resources-intensive content yet, mostly just running through the world. However, it runs perfectly with windowed-borderless, which is so much nicer than the forced Mac options of complete fullscreen only or windowed.
Can we please get a working Mac Client [Merged]
in Account & Technical Support
Posted by: wcpemm.1497
I’m also experiencing the issue where the launcher will not launch, or will only launch after a very long time. I’ve tried repairing, un/reinstalling, renaming gw2.exe and gw2.tmp, all completely without success. It is getting to the point where I don’t care enough to bother trying anymore, and it’s been like this for months. I’ve tried many permutations of Wine alternatives and none worked as well as the official client, despite many assurances of the contrary.
Very, very frustrated with the lack of support on this issue, especially since it seems to be affecting a lot of players.
I believe I’ve encountered this problem before, but I’m not sure since it’s been a while. Here is a list of things I can remember doing to fix it—probably not all of these steps are necessary, but try reopening the game after doing each one just in case.
1. Crashes. If you were previously able to play (as in, post-patch), open Activity Monitor and search for “guild.” You may have two identical processes running. I’m not sure what these processes are, but if I force-quit the bottom one the game will start for me again. Obviously if your issue is persisting across reboots this probably isn’t your problem.
2. Repair client. If you don’t know how to do this, refer to Anet’s official page for:
3. Corrupt folders. This sounds like what might be happening to you guys. Firstly, go to your Home folder (the one with your name, e.g., mine is called Pemm). From there go to Library and then to Application Support. (If you don’t have a Library folder, you can ask google how to enable it. It’s very easy.)
In this folder there will be another folder called Guild Wars 2. Rename that folder to something like Guild Wars 2-old. This way we still have the old folder should we need it, but the game won’t realize it and will create a new one from scratch, hopefully without any potentially corrupted files. Reboot before opening.
If after this your game still doesn’t work, go to your Applications folder (or wherever it is you’ve installed your game). Find the game file, right click, and choose “View package contents.” From there, go to Contents/Resources/transgaming/c_drive/GW2. In this folder, there is a folder called “bin.” Like we did with the Application Support folder above, rename this to something like bin-old, so the game will create a new copy when you try to boot it again. (Theoretically.) Reboot before opening.
If none of that works, the only other idea I’ve got is trashing your Gw2.dat file and redownloading it… something I’m probably going to have to do soon myself, since it seems to lower the amount of crashes I get.
Good luck.
Came back recently after about a month-long hiatus and was unpleasantly surprised by this. Even turning everything down to low doesn’t help and I have a beast of a mac. I was really looking forward to playing again but this might make me cancel my preorder.