Showing Posts For wicket.2485:

No credit for fractal lvl completion

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: wicket.2485


On the third try it didn’t bug and gave me credit finally. However, I randomly got ported to some other part of the map while fighting jade maw boss and whole group had to die for me.

Also, the first time Jade Maw bugged for me it would not let anyone in the group pick up the crystals or finish the dungeon by just killing tentacles.

No credit for fractal lvl completion

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: wicket.2485


I’ve done scale 14 FotM 2×. First time Maw was bugged. Second time we actually completed the whole place and nobody in the group got credit to access lvl 15. WTF is the deal bro?

A response would be nice

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: wicket.2485


I’m frustrated with this game and I’ma quit. The way to get precursors isn’t fair. People getting disconnected or leaving my FotM group and screwing us isn’t fair. People running MF gear in fractals is not beneficial to the group. The entire Lost Shores event(s) was the worst experience I’ve had in the game yet. Bugged fights that make you leave fractals and have to start over after playing for an hour with bad players isn’t fair. This is the most frustrating game I’ve ever played and I’m done with it.

Jade Maw fight bugged - Scale 14

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: wicket.2485


We could not pick up crystals. We tried killing all of the tentacles over and over but he just reset the fight. Were we doing something wrong or is this just another bug? Also, one of our members got booted so we had to 4-man 2 fractals. Thanks.

and it has begun...

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: wicket.2485


I too hate when players use MF in dungeons, because it’s unfair to the rest of the party that has stats benefiting the group. Even using MF food in the higher level fractals is annoying. I run a balanced build that incorporates tankiness/dps and it works great.

Maybe MF should be capped in dungeons, affect the entire party, and be shown next to a players name for the entire party to see. Maybe cap MF at 45% so each player only need 9% MF. MF food shouldn’t count at all, because there are way too many good foods that give great survivability/dps.

Culling = Invisible effects

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: wicket.2485


I can’t see mobs that are close to me.

Best Dungeon Classes for high leve FotM

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: wicket.2485


I’m in a pug that reached lvl 11 difficulty in Fotm and I can say that all classes seem to work fine. I play an engineer with a balance between tankiness and dps. I suggest not going glass cannon at all with any build, but instead making a balanced build. When you have that balance, then you can start tweaking it with specific food/runes.

Karka hp keeps resetting to full

in The Lost Shores

Posted by: wicket.2485


The Karka was moved out of the orange circle and its hp keeps resetting to full. We can’t make people move it back into the circle, because they won’t listen. Thanks >.>

Recent Market Shifts. Follow-up: Precursors

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: wicket.2485


I’m not sure how this ruins the game or brings despair to the ~1% of players that have a legendary due to luck with a precursor. You sound like a crybaby yourself and we don’t even know the details.

from what you said I can assume you haven’t gotten yourself a precursor, by luck or enough effort or whatsoever. So yea, I can understand that why you’re not sure how changes on getting precursor may give unfair feeling to “the ~1% players” lol (but are you sure ? ~1% ? ) . Yea we don’t know the details yet, so we can only hope right ? And I hope Anet will do something smart this time,… not just because being pushed by crybabies.
Don’t get me wrong, the current system is flawed but I don’t want the precursor/ legendaries are too easy to get either. ( yes, except for the precursor, the others are not so hard, at least to me)

Yeah, I really don’t see the problem with any change. There are some people like myself who have spent a couple 100 gold on the mystic forge and haven’t got a precursor to show for it. There are other people that have there precursor within a few 100 forges. This rng system is unfair and some of us didn’t know the extent of the rng early on. I guess that’s just tough luck right? Well same goes for this patch, tough! I sure hope Anet does something smart and doesn’t listen to the crybabies.

(edited by wicket.2485)

Recent Market Shifts. Follow-up: Precursors

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: wicket.2485


please Arenanet, dev-ers,etc… please
please don’t make any changes for crybabies that would just ruin the game, or bring despair/unfair feelings to those who already got their legendary.
I don’t know what will come with this update yet but I hope you will do it right….
please and thank you

I’m not sure how this ruins the game or brings despair to the ~1% of players that have a legendary due to luck with a precursor. You sound like a crybaby yourself and we don’t even know the details.

Recent Market Shifts. Follow-up: Precursors

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: wicket.2485


“Lucky” precursor-sellers mad. Legendary holders got “lucky” with a precursor and are now mad because they may not feel special. We don’t even know what the change is yet so chill. I <3 you Anet.

And what about those who farmed it all by themselves with no luck? Jealous people ruin every game after a while.. sigh

What about those who farmed for it all by themselves and spent all there money on the forge and got no precursor? People who want to be special try to ruin every game. sigh

Tough kitten better luck next time? Buy it off the AH? There’s more than 1 option you know…

There will be after next patch. There was always only 1 option in my eyes, and it was based only on luck.

Recent Market Shifts. Follow-up: Precursors

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: wicket.2485


“Lucky” precursor-sellers mad. Legendary holders got “lucky” with a precursor and are now mad because they may not feel special. We don’t even know what the change is yet so chill. I <3 you Anet.

And what about those who farmed it all by themselves with no luck? Jealous people ruin every game after a while.. sigh

What about those who farmed for it all by themselves and spent all there money on the forge and got no precursor? People who want to be special try to ruin every game. sigh

Makes sense, you wanted to gamble instead of buying it from someone else. If you can get it on first try and be lucky. You also can get it after a thousand gold and be unlucky. Did you not know this when you wanted to gamble? sigh let’s not make non-sense posts to look smart. What if you got it on first try on forge? then you were just gonna say how luck you were to your friends and keep gold.. it goes both ways.

It’s simple as this: I see people reporting that they are getting multiple precursors within a few hundred tries. I see people reporting they aren’t getting any after thousands of tries. The precursor I want costs 300g and I already farmed 400g. Do I want to farm for 300g because I know it’s such an epic journey? No. I’d rather get lucky like most people or hope that Anet fixes such a garbage system. Anet sees there is a problem and I’m a happy customer. People that already have there precursor or are trying to sell theirs are just mad because they can’t profit off of there luck, whether it be kitten or gold. We don’t even know the change; it could be worse (you money) or much better (you mad) in some ways.

(edited by wicket.2485)

Recent Market Shifts. Follow-up: Precursors

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: wicket.2485


“Lucky” precursor-sellers mad. Legendary holders got “lucky” with a precursor and are now mad because they may not feel special. We don’t even know what the change is yet so chill. I <3 you Anet.

And what about those who farmed it all by themselves with no luck? Jealous people ruin every game after a while.. sigh

What about those who farmed for it all by themselves and spent all there money on the forge and got no precursor? People who want to be special try to ruin every game. sigh

But wasn’t that the entire point of the Legendary, to make people feel special? If not why not just call it “Just Another Weapon With Flashy Lights and Purply”.

That’s all it is but called a legendary.

Recent Market Shifts. Follow-up: Precursors

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: wicket.2485


“Lucky” precursor-sellers mad. Legendary holders got “lucky” with a precursor and are now mad because they may not feel special. We don’t even know what the change is yet so chill. I <3 you Anet.

And what about those who farmed it all by themselves with no luck? Jealous people ruin every game after a while.. sigh

What about those who farmed for it all by themselves and spent all there money on the forge and got no precursor? People who want to be special try to ruin every game. sigh

Recent Market Shifts. Follow-up: Precursors

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: wicket.2485


I think any change to the way we acquire a precursor is a good change. I feel like the other parts of the legendary-making process require enough farming/time/effort. I hope there is some kind of quest chain that is really hard or something that is totally different from farming, but any change is a good change at this point. Of course, people who are trying to sell precursors are mad because they may lose out on alot of profit. However, the luck-system or farming 300g to get precursor needed to be changed because some players don’t want to farm 300g after farming 400g for every other legendary component. Therefore, we were left with playing with the Mystic Forge where some people got more than one precursor in less than 100 tries and others got no precursor in thousands of tries.

tl;dr: Any change is a good change. “Lucky” precursor-sellers mad. Legendary holders got “lucky” with a precursor and are now mad because they may not feel special. We don’t even know what the change is yet so chill. I <3 you Anet.

Recent Market Shifts. Follow-up: Precursors

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: wicket.2485


Thanks so much for listening. I can’t wait for the change!

The secret about Legendaries & Money Making

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wicket.2485


Grats, you got lucky 3 times and you started off with 20g. I haven’t been lucky once and I used 160g. I wish I had your dedication, skill, and talent to take on this most difficult challenge. I have enough jelly to make 200 jelly samiches, so who wants one?

Will we evr geta direct way of getting precursors?

in Crafting

Posted by: wicket.2485


I doubt it and I doubt we’ll even get an official response. Legendaries are for lucky people and not legends. I’m not playing the game as much and my friends are quitting left and right. We really hate the Korean MMO direction this game is going in. It would at least be nice if we got responses on if the precursor system was ever going to change.

then feel free to go back that super awesome US-made MMO, World of Warcraft… LOL.

No, this is pretty much the only MMO I like. I just dislike one thing about it that is ruining the experience for me and some of my friends.

Will we evr geta direct way of getting precursors?

in Crafting

Posted by: wicket.2485


There will always be people that will not be content.
I do understand Anet’s position, and I hope you guys do too – if they change the way a precursor is obtained, a bunch of people already having them will jump on the forums to cry, because they feel they put more effort to get theirs and should somehow be “refunded” for the extra effort put.
There is no golden middle here.
I’m sad to say this(Zap…I won’t see you for many many months…) but the best right now is for the precursors to stay as they are.

I put in alot of time and effort into making one, but I am not lucky enough to get a precursor. All we know is that “everything in the game is based on several factors and that they are looking at everything closely”. Yeah, they aren’t changing anything and are ignoring these threads.

November 15th Massive Update: Precursors Addressed?

in Crafting

Posted by: wicket.2485


Get a grip and learn2think.

….or just get really lucky. You can’t possibly tell me farming for 100s of hours is fun; tell the truth.

Will we evr geta direct way of getting precursors?

in Crafting

Posted by: wicket.2485


I doubt it and I doubt we’ll even get an official response. Legendaries are for lucky people and not legends. I’m not playing the game as much and my friends are quitting left and right. We really hate the Korean MMO direction this game is going in. It would at least be nice if we got responses on if the precursor system was ever going to change.

November 15th Massive Update: Precursors Addressed?

in Crafting

Posted by: wicket.2485


Good Luck with trying to sell your Precusors everything will change on 15th November sell it till you can.

I don’t understand. What did I miss? What? What? Explain!

November 15th Massive Update: Precursors Addressed?

in Crafting

Posted by: wicket.2485


@ArcTheFallen: I think it’s safe to say that when people want a legendary that they are primarily doing it for the skin/effects.

Like SteepledHat said, “We need a legitimate and hard-work-rewarding way of obtaining precursors. Gambling is just fricking stupid.”

November 15th Massive Update: Precursors Addressed?

in Crafting

Posted by: wicket.2485


I find this kind of sad that we haven’t had an official response about the state of acquiring precursors (unless I missed it). If there isn’t a change coming in the future, then I might as well stop playing this game all together. I don’t want to be a part of future RNG systems to obtain items. I’ve only wasted 150g on the Mystic Forge and there aren’t many good ways to make money anymore. I’ve reduced myself to only doing 3-5 mystic forges per day because I don’t play as much. The system sucks the life away out of the game for me because I want to complete an ingame goal but it feels impossible.

Well, the only major items that require RNG is the legendary, you have what…like everything else to choose from? And if you just want to complete an ingame goal, then what?—quit the game? Which is what you were going to do now anyways. The change shouldn’t be necessary. IMO, the best thing to do is make a new set of “legendaries” that have more definite recipes—that way, people can stop complaining about not getting a legendary and we can keep the current set of legendaries…well, legendary. And let’s face it, plenty of “heros” are legends because they were fortunate and born great, not because they worked hard for it.

Again, watch Naruto and learn about Neji and Rock Lee; two sides of different legendary origins. I totally support people who want the legendaries for the ingame completion. It’s pretty satisfactory. I do not support people who just want these specific legendary skins—it’s just a skin; it wouldn’t be legendary if everyone could get it easier (aka more definite, b/c if you take out RNG, people will have it all over the place); it’s just a skin and Anet made it the way it’s supposed to be—be a game designer yourself if you want to change things, but seriously don’t expect to play a game and want to change something that by no means affects anyone other than their “wants”.

TL;DR Yes, we need a better way to get the legendary achievement—but through more legendary options so we can have variety not make the current set easier to obtain.

We already have fake legendaries in the game with definitive recipes. I’m not watching Naruto; it’s just bad. I’m not asking the devs to change the skins or change the whole game. I and many other people are just asking them to take most of the RNG out of the precursor creation part. Why would I want to be a game designer and how does this have relevance? I think you are trolling me, but I’m not even sure.

November 15th Massive Update: Precursors Addressed?

in Crafting

Posted by: wicket.2485


I find this kind of sad that we haven’t had an official response about the state of acquiring precursors (unless I missed it). If there isn’t a change coming in the future, then I might as well stop playing this game all together. I don’t want to be a part of future RNG systems to obtain items. I’ve only wasted 150g on the Mystic Forge and there aren’t many good ways to make money anymore. I’ve reduced myself to only doing 3-5 mystic forges per day because I don’t play as much. The system sucks the life away out of the game for me because I want to complete an ingame goal but it feels impossible.

November 15th Massive Update: Precursors Addressed?

in Crafting

Posted by: wicket.2485


I tend to try to be a little nicer about it, but it’s occasionally difficult. I recognize that ANet needs to keep the game population large. Their profit margin is individual transactions, thus it is a boon to have a larger, content population.

The “skill” argument is funny. sPvP is skill. WvW is coordination.
One is completely unrelated to PvE, the other is only minimally related.

If we were given a series of difficult quests comprising of dungeons, jumping puzzles, champion mobs, etc., then it would at least be more fun and have some sort of adventure rather than killing the same mobs over and over for farming. I’d at least have to pay attention instead of being brain-dead from killing the same circuit of mobs over and over.

November 15th Massive Update: Precursors Addressed?

in Crafting

Posted by: wicket.2485


The only problem I have with the current system is the RNG for the precursor weapon. There is no part of the legendary-making process that takes skill because it’s just a grind. I honestly don’t care if they change the RNG system or not, but I’d like an official comment if they are going to change the legendary precursor system. I think the current system is garbage just like Korean MMOs but this is really the only goal that takes time in this game even though it’s boring.

Halloween Event Feedback

in Halloween Event

Posted by: wicket.2485


I was pleased with the Clocktower and pvp because they added some difficulty and fun into the mix. I was displeased with the loot from the labyrinth, clocktower, and Mad King. I ran the Mad king over 50 times and didn’t get anything of value. I think I would’ve been happy with a token system to get permanent loot because I didn’t get anything from this event at all.

November 15th Massive Update: Precursors Addressed?

in Crafting

Posted by: wicket.2485


I farmed all of my legendary items in 2 weeks and all I need now is my precursor, The Hunter. I dropped about 130g into the Mystic Forge so far without even a Charrzooka coming out of it. I hear stories of people getting multiple legendary precursors with little effort and it makes this rng system so unfair. I’d be happy about this system if I got a precursor on my 2nd forge, but that is clearly not the case for me. There is no step of the legendary-making process that requires any skill; it is all farming. I would hope that in the future there would be a part that requires some kind of skill rather than mindless/tedious farming.

Why Not Make Lodestones Buyable For Dungeon Tokens?

in Suggestions

Posted by: wicket.2485


I don’t agree with this change because I want the legendaries to be legendary. It seems that players want to nerf every step of the legendary-making process because it takes so much gold/time.

Chest Cooldown nerfed to once per day?

in Halloween Event

Posted by: wicket.2485


This zone wasn’t fun after they nerfed the chests because all of the mobs drop garbage loot. This is the only thing I didn’t like about the Halloween event so far. I still think Anet is doing an A+ job on the Halloween event as whole. Also, the Clocktower puzzle is alot of fun but getting more Trick-or-Treat bags for completing it more than once is sad. Thanks.

I'm looking for a server without this. (pics inside)

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: wicket.2485


I’ve been farming for a legendary for a while and I can’t seem to find a server that doesn’t have this problem:


I’ve tried Tarnished Coast, Sanctum of Ral, Ehmry Bay, Fort Aspenwood so far. If you could give me the name of a good server that doesn’t have those problem, then I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks.

[Edited by CC: Links removed, name call-out]

(edited by Moderator)

Will legendary rifle make my kits look legendary on Engineer?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: wicket.2485


I think the worst part is that we always shoot from the hip and it’s a sniper rifle. I think we need a legendary rifle variant that suits an engineer.

Will legendary rifle make my kits look legendary on Engineer?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: wicket.2485


I just started the tedious farming for my legendary rifle and I really want to find out if it’s worth the time. Will the legendary rifle make my kits look legendary? Will my flamethrower, grenades, elixir gun, tool kit look legendary? If the answer is no, then what is the point in an engineer going for a legendary since we switch kits all the time?


Gates of Madness

in WvW

Posted by: wicket.2485


Our WvWvW match is still not fixed. This is kind of a big deal to WvW players. If we could get some kind of post, then it would at least let us know that they’re aware of the issue. Thanks and kittens.

Gates of Madness

in WvW

Posted by: wicket.2485


It hasn’t been fixed yet. Please get the kitten on the road.

Gates of Madness

in WvW

Posted by: wicket.2485


The player from [SW] was teleporting everywhere and stole the orb twice from unbreached keeps. This player has been blatantly hacking for too long. GMs or Kittens please help.

Engineer explosive shot is way too weak

in Engineer

Posted by: wicket.2485


Explosive Shot total bleed condition dmg = 0.1000 dmg/(condition dmg stat)

Condition dmg does not scale well with any pistol ability.

Something needs to be done about retaliation boon during sieges.

in WvW

Posted by: wicket.2485


Yeah, I would also like to know if retaliation boon and feedback bubbles are working as intended against siege equipment and players. I’ve seen an organized team have a feedback bubble set down one after the other and they were untouchable.

Can we get an answer regarding server alliances?

in WvW

Posted by: wicket.2485


Maybe anet should care because it’s an unfair advantage over the server that is being handicapped. Strategy isn’t even a factor at that point. It makes WvW worthless and boring.

How do I get to southern half of Ruins of Orr?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: wicket.2485


I can’t figure out how to get to the sourthern half of Ruins of Orr. I’ve traveled all over trying to get there but I just can’t seem to find a portal or any route. Thanks.