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To do list before tomorrow's update

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: willowthewhite.2985


  1. Pre-order HoT (not sure if the extra character slot will still be there after tomorrow)

About that: I’ve bought HoT a few hours ago (standart edition) and I have this account since launch. Does anybody know when I’ll get my character slot? People in my guild recieved it after about an hour.

both mine and my sisters came the following Saturday after purchase, but i would assume they’ll update the final pre orders at launch tomorrow

Ascended Accoutrement

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: willowthewhite.2985


The reward for the achievement is a grand weapon chest, that states in it’s description “Contains your choice of a unique exotic weapon”

Precursors are an exotic weapon, so does this mean that we will be able to choose one as our reward?

Hero of the People Collection

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: willowthewhite.2985


Does DR effect the rarity of the champ bags?


in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: willowthewhite.2985


Speed buffs work wonders.

In some circumstances, but can be a hindrance in others

Seriously ? Liberator of Lion's Arch chest

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: willowthewhite.2985


I would have liked it if you would’ve got a token to exchange for an ascended weapon/armour piece (account bound and un-salvageable) there would be no monetary value to it so the TP flippers wouldn’t be affected, and it would feel as if you had received some thing worth while and of real use. The spinal back piece is a nice addition that is close to this ideal but still requires huge (at the moment) sums of money.
Maybe something Anet can consider for future content.

Suspicions about AFK'ers in Lion's Arch

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: willowthewhite.2985


Note: It is possible someone could do this for an hour or two (like having a lunch break) but I find it hard to believe that someone would not play and be at the computer every hour just to move their character into LA to AFK.

It is very likely that this is what is being done, during wintersday in GW1 i did exactly this with one of the quests (the one to get the mini polar bear) ran my char threw to the end then left it to finish, collected rewards and then repeat, all while watching movies or surfing the net (never got the kitten bear)

(edited by willowthewhite.2985)

Escape from LA cinematic + Radioactive

in Community Creations

Posted by: willowthewhite.2985


That song just works with so many things, a little bit of editing and it would be perfect

How you get so much xp?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: willowthewhite.2985


I’ve taken my Ele from 40 to 60 in 5 or 6 runs just from the events and kills have 6 level scrolls sitting in the bank ready to be used, but may keep them to use on my necro as hoping to max the Ele later today and then move on to the necro, strting to wish I’d used my alts from the start of farming instead of my ranger.

Does LA count as a dungeon?

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: willowthewhite.2985


the daily is for explorable so guess LA must be classed as a story dungeon

Heirlooms found..

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: willowthewhite.2985


It does say rubble but makes no mention that they should be different piles

GW2 on PS4

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: willowthewhite.2985


I know there was talk before GW2’s release of a console game being made by Arenanet/NCSoft but don’t know if it ever progressed past just talk.
The combat mechanics of GW2 would work ok on the consoles but the none combat side of things could well be difficult/complicated to navigate with a controller

Gift of Blades cost imba

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: willowthewhite.2985


A better way for them to have done it would have been to have made it so armour would use metal for insignia, leather would use leather for insignia, and tailor would use cloth for insignia, that way the demand for materials would be spread across all crafting professions (I except tailors would still be slightly disadvantaged due to more light armour wearing professions)

Civilian saviors vs farmers

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: willowthewhite.2985


The citizens are on a spawn timer, so between rescues you can kill a few mobs eg: I’ve been rescuing citizens around the former BLT building then while waiting for them to re-spawn attacking mobs in the traders way point (AOE skills help tag multiple mobs) then going back and rescuing the citizens again, ok I may not get as many bags as the zergs, but I’m able to get a fare number and contribute to the ultimate bag. There are numerous spots on the map where this can be done, some do require a small group to manage the numbers of mobs. All that is required is a few moments at the start to organise and the goals are easily achieved. Equally those searching for rubble piles can rescue citizens as they pass through.
So far I’ve accumulated approx 20-25g plus two blue prints and crafted one back pack and sold 4 or 5 blue print sets on the TP not to mention a lot of crafting materials about seven stacks of shards and about 4 stacks of belongings, one endless black Quaggon tonic several rares one exotic a couple of recipes (one exotic and one ascended), greens that have been sold on TP or merched and blues that have been salvaged. The only achievement that I still require is triple threat

(edited by willowthewhite.2985)

Tempered Spinal Blades cost...

in Battle for Lion’s Arch - Aftermath

Posted by: willowthewhite.2985


Leatherworking is currently 20-22g* to level to 400 and a further 90-98g* to 500 (110-120g total)
Tailoring is currently 21-24g* to level to 400 and a further 84-93g* to 500 (105-117g total)
Prices according to as of 22/2 10.30am (GMT)
(* price dependant on return from selling finished items)

So overall not a huge difference between the two and tailoring is actually currently coming out cheaper.
But the cost of the damask will put tailoring at a disadvantage for the gift of blades suffice to say i won’t be making a gift of blades for some considerable time, the prices should come down eventually (i hope) and then the more casual player base will be able to afford craft

(edited by willowthewhite.2985)