Showing Posts For xEtherx.6127:
Guildwars 1 had very few bugs, glitches or broken dungeons/events in its entire history. GW2 has had more bugs, glitches and broken dungeons/traits/skills/events then every other game hosted by NCsoft combined.
Screw new content, creating a gear treadmill Fix whats broken FIRST and do it quickly or fail like many other mmorpg’s did like Diablo, Aion, Tera, etc… You cant make money if you lose all your customers.
@xEtherx Please read the post properly. The op is whining about ppl getting a virtual weapon which to him worth $250 green paper. . I know it is hard to swallow for ppl whose aim and direction in game is to make a legendary. Hey look on the bright side! Anet is gonna make it easier so sooner or later u will get yours!.
P.S I do not own a precursor too. And I did not exploit the event with alt chars. I only played it once.
Actually I was not whining at all
My post was well thought out, articulated for a wide audience, and had many examples and also how I arrived at my conclusion. It also had issues that were of a legitimate concern to players, and honestly A-net itself.
Oh, and I already covered that no, you cannot go out and sell this weapon for $250 physical real American dollars, but it does have a $250 in game currency.
I didn’t mention anything about the Op’s quote stating the drop was worth $250 Real dollars because that is just obserd to take it that far. My complaint is on the basis that about 1/3rd of the community either got DC’ed or like myself would get DC’ed when trying to log into lost shore which in either case cheated that portion of the community out of their loot or even the chance to participate to have a chance at the loot. As for the reports of multiple looting of the chest most of which was on the same character. I am guessing it was a bug due to poor programming on anets part. If they Looted the chest more then once on the same character then that should be delt with. If they ran the instance on more then one character then I say its fair.
The best solution would be to strip the loot from everyone who participated and rerun the event. Also the one time event isn’t fair for those around the world so to be equal I would suggest having the event 4-6 times thru out the day allowing the chest to only be looted once, wether its per character or per account I’d leave that up to anet.
This would be the only true way to make thing right and equal opertunity for the entire community.
(edited by xEtherx.6127)
Think the biggest issue have is even for those who didn’t get precursors and got lesser rewars, it was still fairly decent loot. And many were plain blocked from participation not due to their issues (work, life, etc…) but because the game itself couldn’t handle the people. So basically the rewards are more liek a first come first served reward or door prize. Probably wouldn’t be as much of an issue if they had actually posted participation was limited but it doesn’t appear they considered they weren’t anywhere near capable handling the number of people who tried to take part.
This is my point exactly. people were either blocked or DC’ed because anet was not capable of handling the amount of players. That in turn with poor programming made the multiple looting exploitable and that is where it becomes unfair to the community.
(edited by xEtherx.6127)
you can get the same stats as kilbrons armor from dungeon tokens and Karma vendors in cursed shore. Dungeon armor vendors that offer those stats are arah, HoTW and TA. Not sure which karma vendor offers which pieces but they all offer 1-2 pieces except for the boots.
Farming HoTW or TA is the easiest way to get this armor ( called Rabid BTW ) just make sure ya go in with a balanced group with either 2 alt healers like a water/earth ele and or guardian as HoTW has lots of High dmg and freezing and TA is full of conditions including a very strong poison.
I personally ran a high defense/toughness build for PvE and WvWvW. In pve it seems that high defense/toughness makes you an agromagnet but I have yet to find information confirming this, so I dropped my defense to 1868 from just over 2100 and I can say I dont pull agro near as much and take about the same amount of dmg. In WvWvW I built a pure conditionmancer set stacking toughness with just over 20k hp and it works well vs glass cannons who would otherwise 2 shot you. ( remember to take first hit, DS and fear to break their attack chain then heal. )
Everyone is right though its all personal preferance.
This thread is not about the FoTM. With a few minor bugs i think FoTM was by far the best thing anet has done yet. This thread is about the 30% or more of the community that either got DC’ed and cheated out of their rewards or couldn’t even log into lost shore which was worse because they didn’t even get the opertunity to participate in the event to get the loot from lost shore. from your arguement I am guessing your one of the lucky one who got a a precruser and are holding onto it like Golem and the 1 ring.. " My precious…… "
there are several threads about this so I think the answer to your question is yes. The only ones not complaining are those who did not experience the bug or got the double loot glitch and are being childish by trolling this thread.
People need to stop trolling and realize that these are legitimate complaints due to a server issue for which anet is responsable and if they have any integrity at all need to currect it.
I tried logging in yesturday during the event and each time I would get disconnected when trying to go to the lost shore. I figured it was just a problem with the server and didn’t log back in until 9pm that night. You can imagine how upset I was when I found out I missed out on the chance at such epic loot. It was not due to my schedule, inability to play but rather just another one of Anets failures with event planning and programming. As I was a major fan of GW1 ,it hardly ever experiencing this amount of bugs, glitches and event failures that GW2 is and as a near 8 year loyal customer I can honestly say I am disatisfied with GW2 as a whole. I would expect at the very least Anet reroll the event and either strip the rewards from those who got them already so they could run it again or exclude them from the chest at the end.
All in all it prove my point that Anet was not ready to launch GW2 and needs to focus on completely fixing the bugs, events, profession traits and skill mechanics before going forward with new events or content.
If it was not for my GW1 and GW2 accounts being linked together I would have sold my GW2 account to an internet gold selling company long ago. That is how disappointed I am with the way anet is handling GW2.
(edited by xEtherx.6127)
I was also expecting more and honestly and quite disappointed in anets efforts in fixing our broken traits, minion AI and skill balance. Add in the fact that they took away a blast finisher and the nerf to lich for consistancy reason was BS.
Necro has gone neglected for far to long and at this point I’d ask only 1 thing from anet and they could profit from this one…. Add profession change item to gem store (800 gems) so people can switch to mesmer, ele, ranger, guardian or whatever they choose and let necro die or sit idle like paragon did in GW1 until they decide to fix it 2 yrs down the road making it a one trick pony like imbagon became.
I like your suggestion However it only addresses part of the problem. While true that if you buff power or condition dmg it will make necro unbalanced our cool downs for wells and many other skills is way to long for the 5-6 sec that the skills are active for.
As stated necro is a sustained dmg class and thus needs to stack the dmg ticks for a long period of time. I would venture to say we need to see more then just an extended fear before we can call necro balanced.
1: Fix our traits/Tree’s
2: Improve our sustainability
3: Add suggested fear changes
4: Decrease all well/signet cooldowns
5: Fix minion AI
Then I would consider necro balanced on condition, Power, Minion and support builds. ty for the video’s though.
I run a hybrid in pve. just over 1925 might, 1228 condition dmg, 3022k attack, 50% crit chance, 2086 defense, 20112 hp. Running Scepter/dagger and either Staff or Axe/Focus.
It does ok but does seem to draw aggro more then I would like in dungeons. I dont like Hybrid in WvWvW. sPvP Hybrid isn’t bad wether ya run 30/30/0/10/0 or 20/30/10/10.
For WvWvW I prefer staraight condition necro stacking toughness just over 2400 base and up to just over 2800 with axe/focus and Plague to counter the glass cannon theifs and warriors.
It all really comes down to your play style.
I am perfectly fine with repair costs. However the waypoint cost is rather obsurd. If your jumping from point to point helping guildies and doing events, dungeons or working on something like hearts or map completion way point cost can add up very quickly in an evening of play. I can honestly say they paying these costs for actively engaging in helping your Friends, Guildies and just plan group activity which is the type of gameplay Anet promotes is just wrong.
True you can enter heart of the mist, gate to Lions arch and then gate to the closest zone to keep cost down but do we really need to go thru the trouble?
1 suggestion I would make is introduce an asuran NPS selling asuran passports for say 75silver – 1 gold for a month of free waypoints or make it a gem store item were it would be 100 gems/ 30 days, 450gems/ 60 months, 800 gems/ 1 year.
(edited by xEtherx.6127)
Yet again it seems we are talking past each other, as some are talking PVE, some WvW, and yet others sPVP. The focus of the game balance so far appears to be the latter, sPVP. And no wonder, as it is designed to be highly level playing field in terms of gear and stats, leaving the outcome more to player skill than anything else. PVE and WvW is more gear based, as you bring what you have scavenged or bought.
I understand what you mean and the few added stacks of bleed and ability to spam blind a bit more would not break spvp in favor of necro. Minion and death tree in pvp in general isn’t very viable and never has been aside from a minion wall for body block.
Necro in arena is best as condition or hybrid specs. Buffing wells and signets along with some traits in the blood line will only make power necro’s a viable build as well.
If your worried that much about necro in pvp I would suggest as a necro anet make stacking double sigils of earth work as a single sigil so we can’t wand #1×3, Roll MoB, #2, #5 weapon swap for geomancer and puff 15-18 stacks of bleed. I’d much rather see the ability to throw more blind, frozen and cripple making it a battle of timing and skill and making the necro the class you cant escape.
You make some good points there xEtherx….. I agree on every front.
I really like the idea of having 5 jagged horrors running around (if they don’t die so easily)
I would also like to see some overall increase in damage for Necro’s…. Not condition damage, but burst damage…. Take Scepter number 1 ability for example, it does almost no burst damage at all, it relies on the condition damage…. If your target can remove conditions, then you do zero damage basically…. of course you can’t remove conditions all the time, but it still hinders a lot…
You would have to leave scepter alone aside from maybe adding 1 additional stack of bleeding to Grasping Dead. The reason being is scepter is your condition weapon. If you want more burst dmg you have to go dagger or axe. Staff has a decent #1 skill but its very slow and easy to dodge.
Dont get me wrong I want to see GW2 succeed but I honestly dont feel they are making an honest effort. They Either released the game way earlier then they should have or They are spread to thin " having different teams doing different thing" and should be focusing on fixing what is wrong and broken before even considering adding something new. Its like having a car that keep breaking down on you but your going tp spend a large portion of your resources to repaint the car because you would rather it look good then run smoothly. I.E Priorities come first.
The thing about necro is for GW2 we are designed to be masters of CC, condition manipulation and boon removal. almost everyone will agree necro needs a major revamp for fix its issues and make them as powerful and versitile as other classes.
The Issues Necro has:
1: condition stacking vs other classes.
2: well and signet recharges
3: Minion AI
4: Bugged or useless traits mostly in Death and soul reaping tree’s.
5: Vulnerability when fighting warriors, theifs and mesmers.
Thing I would suggest to make necro balanced and more builds viable.
1: increase conditions stacking ability either by adding extra stacks of bleed/ vulnerability to skills or increase their current duration to support the idea of the longer the fight the stronger necro’s get. This would also increase our CC ability.
2: increase well durations to 10 seconds or reduce recharge to 20-30 seconds. This would allow for stronger power builds and increase the utility with combo fields, Boon application/removal and condition removal support. All Signets recharges should be cut in half.
3: Minions AI needs to be made to attack our targets period. Trait wise many could use a buff one of which is death nova which I would make it so when any minion dies it does a putride explosion for dmg and add the 3 sec applied poision. Also jagged Horror should live longer and we should have more of them ( say summon 1 horror on kill for every 6 points in death (allowing us to have up to 5 max) jagged horrors up at once. This would fit in with the GW1 traditional 10 minion cap, allow for a self sustained minion bomber effect and thus minion builds would be viable.
4: Give us increased access to a blind spam to help counter Warriors, Theifs and guardians. This could be done by reducing cooldown on deathly swarm, well of darkness, adding blind to either Wail of doom or Locust swarm. We should not have to rely on our elite Plague just to be able to spam blind for defense.
5: We are the masters of Death, The thing you have nightmares about, The thing you fear in the dark so why do we have the weakest fear. we should have either the longest fear or the most spammable one with at least 2 second duration.
I cant see how any of this would make a necro OP or IMBA. It would just give us good solid build options. I dont want to see us gain boon buffs as we are the one role that is not ment for heal/prot support.
I appreciate the new free content but can we please for the luv of god fix the current events and bugs first please. I bought this game because GW1 was a very good game and i enjoyed it for over 7 yrs. GW2 although good in its concept has been riddled with bugs, exploits, unbalanced/bugged traits and skills. I would really like to see Anet live up to GW1’s reputation with GW2 Which as many of the game’s review clearly state it is not. Anet please step up to the plate and make things right. As it stands right now if my GW2 account wasn’t bound to my GW1 account I’d sell my GW2 account in a heartbeat.
ATM Conditionmancer is the most viable and balanced build we have which could only be improved by a slight duration increase to our bleeds to allow a more sustainable stacking and either an increase to blind spamability or make blind last for say 3 seconds on all attacks.
Condition/Power Hybrid builds are decent for pve and pvp but due to the recharge on wells and signets its not the strongest build and its value really lies in its combo field utility and slightly weakened condition dmg output. Hybrid is deffinently not for WvW.
Minion master can be meh and is mainly a solo pve build. It could be improved by a major upgrade to minion AI and a few Death traits could use an upgrade to make the attribute more versital.
Power necro is very strong but the cooldown on the wells, signets need to be cut in half to even think of using it on a regular basis. ATM its a build for one vs one that if you dont spike your target down your running for your life for the next 60-90 seconds.
So we have several builds its just none of them are 100% complete and balanced.
I like how they dont fix the bugs and events but they remove my post and issue me a warning for speaking the truth. GG
EU must be different because I did the math before posting and the price was76 silver per key and rising. To me aside from getting the occasional instant repair kit, Black lion salvage kit the chests are useless. So I’ll wait til the halloween event and sell off the 225 chests I have when the prices go up. Cheers
You can buy keys with in game gold already.
Buy Gems with Gold > Buy Keys with Gems.
Currently works out about ~67 silver a key if you buy the 5 key pack for 450 Gems.
Press ‘O’ in game, then click the second tab down for the Gem <> Gold Exchange.
(edited October 20, 2012 09:12 by Tindahbawx.5317)
actually your wrong. sinse Anet has been pushing the price of gems up 453 gems is 3g 8 silver thats 76 silver a key atm and the market is down slightly from yesturday. I’m not asking for free keys ( unless I was paying a monthly premium ) but I do expect to be able to obtain them at a reasonable price thru multiple sources.
With the current rate of inflation keys will be about 1gold each in a week or two. To be Honest is 1 gold worth 2 random items and 3 useless trasmutation tonics?… I dont think so.
(edited by xEtherx.6127)
I know there are a few Black lion keys awarded from zone completions, lvl and quest rewards but these need to be a little more obtainable in game not just a cash shop item. GW2 has turned into a cash cow MMO and if they want to keep this game going in the long run they need to make Black lion keys avalable as rewards either via dungeon tokens, karma, or silver ( for a fairly high but not outragious price ) or introduce a ( Premium subscription option where you gain access to say free asura waypoint transfers, 50 free Black lion keys a month and maybe some other benefits )
ATM with all the bugged skills, events, dungeons and lack of customer support its the least they could do to say hey were sorry help support us and in return we will give you benefits and fix our unresolved issues sooner as we will be able to hire more and better qualified programmers to fix these issues.
A good example of this is DC Universe online. There premium gives you unlimited unlock to promethum chests, expanded storage, ah slots, inventory, character slots and sinse they added it there player base has gone way up and bugs, hacks and glitches have gone way down due in part to the increase in support staff.
think about it.
The hexes I suggested was part 1 of the suggested fixes. The trait and skill changes were the second suggestions to fix what we have now. ATM we have the weakest condition stacking ability but have the power to manipulate conditions others placed on foes. Our wells, signets and specral skills have entirely to long a cool down for their effect. Weapon skills although somewhat decent need a a bit more spamability especially blind, cripple and frozen sinse Necro seems to be the core role of CC.
The changes I propose to the traits were to either fix broken mechanics or make things like minion builds more viable and a bit stronger. I understand what your saying about simplifing the hex vs condition issue but they also need to make it so its more effective. having a 5 sec well with a 40-60 sec recharge is not balanced, signets with a 5 sec benefit and 60 sec cooldown is not effective. That is why many of those skills are not used.
A good example of this is ranger traps. very similar to our marks and wells yet they have 20 sec cooldowns and can have ground targeting where our wells have more then double their recharge.
Also if you notice on the weapon skill changes I propose a nerf to the dmg in exchange for the recharge because its not the dmg that is the problem but access to the utility of then with all the long recharges.
Necro Suggestions
I played Guild Wars 1 for 7 yrs in PvE, PvP , competative missions and even Hero battles. Necro was always the anti-Physical class as well as the master of condition manipulation.
The problem with necro in GW 2 is they took all the punishment hexes away from the traditional GW1 necro making mesmer the only class with punishment hexes.
This greatly reduces the role of a necro as necro hexes was anti- physical and mesmer was always anti-caster. With all the bugged or useless traits I would propose the following suggestions in 2 parts.
I would add several punishment skills ( Hexes ) like…
1: Insidious Parasite ( 33% of incoming dmg is converted to Stolen health per attack while hex is in effect 10 sec duration.. 30 sec cooldown).
2: Price of Failure (25% chance to miss. 25% of Dmg done is directed back to attacker while hex is in effect 10 sec duration.. 30 sec cooldown).
3: Spoil Victor (Causes confusion or 100% retaliation 5 sec duration…20 sec cooldown).
4: Barbs (1 additional bleeding 5 sec per attack while hex is in effect 20 sec duration.. 20 sec cooldown ).
5: Defile defenses (1-3 Boon Removal 1 stack bleed self for 5 sec per boon removed. 15 sec cooldown ).
6: Faintheartedness ( 33% reduced attack speed on target 10 sec duration 10 sec cooldown ),
7: Reckless haste ( 25% target increased attack 50% chance to miss 10 sec duration 20 sec cooldown ).
8: Ulcerous Lunge ( cause 3 stack of bleeding when target uses a shout ),
9: Vocal minority ( Deals dmg to target and nearby foes everytime target uses a shout 10 sec duration 20 sec cooldown ).
10: Weaken armor ( applies 10 stack of vulnerability for 10 sec 20 sec recharge ).
11: Virulance [NEW ELITE] ( if target foe is suffering from a condition Apply 3 stacks bleeding 9 sec, poison 7 sec and weakness 10 sec…45 sec cooldown).
Suggested fixes to current skills and traits.
1: parasitic Bond: triple the health gained upon killing a foe.
1: Summon bone minion: change name of putrid explosion to death nova, same effect.
2: Reanimator: Change to summon 1 jagged horror when a foe dies per 5 points in death ( max 5 ). Double their health and add effect causes bleeding for 3 sec on attack.
3: Dark Armor: Change to 33% of dmg you take is diverted to nearest minion.
4: Spiteful Vigor: change to trigger on applied regeneration as well.
5: Deadly Strength: Change to 5% of toughness is converted to increased minion dmg.
6: Death nova: Change name to putrid explosion, change effect to when a minion dies it creates a death nova dealing dmg to nearby foes and applies poison for 3 sec.
7: Ritual of Protection: Change name to Ritual of Curruption. Change effect to wells cause 1 stack of vulnerability for 5 sec per pulse.
1:Ritual mastery: move to curse Major Trait in Grandmaster.
Soul Reaping: Rework this entire trait to be useful.
Utility Skills
1: Change cooldown on all wells to 30-35 sec.
2: Change all signets to 30 sec cooldown except signet of spite which should be 45 sec.
3: Change all spectral skills to 30 seconds cooldown that are already not at 30 sec.
Weapon skills:
1: Putrid Mark: reduce dmg 15% & reduce recharge to 15 sec.
2: Reapers Mark: remove dmg from skill & reduce recharge to 25 sec.
3: Chilblains: reduce recharge to 15 seconds, reduce chill duration 1 sec.
1:Deathly swarm: reduce recharge to 10 sec.
I know these changes to many would seem to be OP however it would put the necro back into its role of not only being the master of condition manipulation,
but also put it back on track as the anti – physical class.
I have build a fully exoticed out necro that I use 3 builds on, either a Heal/Support conditionmance build specing 20 curse, 30 death, 20 blood, or a burst dmg/condition dmg staff hybrid speced 20 spite, 20 curse, 30 death. both offer protection 3x 4s long, constant condition removal and perma regen along with cripple, freezing, weakness, 15-20 stacks of bleeding, vulnerability and blind. My 3 build uses minions with the same 20 spite, 20 curse, 30 death. all I use staff and scepter/dagger on.
The debilitaing effects seem good for dmg mitigation, CC and keeping Dots up thru epidemic but the 2 boons I apply along with the 2 moderate hoT’s just are not cutting it for support in dungeons. So I want to build a support class based around longer duration of boons, sheilding, reflect and stun/dazing.
I usually run with a DPS warrior, DPS guardian, Turret engineer, and usually a necro being a either a MM or hybrid spec . This leave leaves 2 slots for support heavy builds.
Which would do better to fill in as support?
Water ele
Please state your choice and give an example as to what it has to offer and why it would be the better support choice.
Tnak you.
all fields have a combo effect interaction wether its ranged or melee. I stagger my wells to maximize the effect of protections and center my healing well over the majority of the group so its basically automatic. Most people arent bringing support for the party to the table thus is why I say using combo fields is the least of the problems. Bring some support and learn to dodge/evade, learn to read an up coming massive attack, learn to not over aggro or leeroy into 100 mobs and things might turn out for the better.
The issue isn;t combo fields the issue is lack of understanding this game is a combined team mechanic not a solo glory hound.
at least it can be seen. I just checked out penetant and Shelters waypoints and there are 3 times as many bots as there are players trying to do this event. which goes to show Anet needs to get off their but and take action on this matter rather then consider closing a legitimit thread.
Normally I could care less about bots but For the past 2 weeks I have seen the number of bots growing and camping event areas in Cursed shore, Malchors leap, and Straits of devistation. This has become so profound its to the point that its near impossible to get any loot from these events and they are even showing up in lyssa and grenth events.
It is bad enough that we get deminishing rewards farming karma but now were losing out on the loot from doing these events as well due to the bots wiping the mobs in 1-2 seconds giving us little or now window of chance to get enough dps in to warrent a drop from a mob.
Can we please get a stronger response to getting rid of these offenders as its not only ruining the enjoyment of the gameplay but will have devistating effects on the economy of the game due to gold sellers and market inflation.
Combo fields are the least of a group of issues in dungeons let alone pve in general. the majority of people build their characters to be strictly dps looking for the highest numbers possible wether it be single target or a small aoe. Very few look into support for the group like regen, protection, retaliation, swiftness, condition removal. If they do take these into mindset its strictly for themself and not the group.
Its this mindset that I run my necro in dungeons ( dispite being unbalanced ) to apply 4 4sec protections, perma-regen, 2 heal over times and consistant condition removal along with the effects of poison, dark and light combo fields. all this while keeping a 50% crit rate, 105 dmg bleeding ticks x10-15,Blinding, crippling, vulnerability, 2 poison skills to keep it up constantly and the ability to do a small burst with well of suffering and life transfer with just over 20k hp, 2185 defense, 1700 might.
I could spec to do much more dmg but I sacrifice my dmg ability for healing and support to make up for others mindset of ZOMG I GOT TO BE TOP DPS.
Peaple really need to learn the meaning of teamwork.
(edited by xEtherx.6127)