Showing Posts For yummcha.9456:

What are leaderboards?

in PvP

Posted by: yummcha.9456


Formula for success in current leaderboards: “Amount of time played in MMR sweet spot”. The MMR sweet spot, where you get the fastest queue pops and gain a net amount of points, even though you went 50:50 W/L.

Exhibit A:

1) Lose 3 games, but still gained 1 point? (lol??? close games maybe?). Your MMR is now below what your true MMR is.
2) Crush noobs; gain points. MMR rises back to normal.
3) Rinse and repeat.

As always, Anet is hipster and has to do things their own way. A leaderboard that isn’t ordered on the basis of MMR is obviously not one that’s entirely based on skill.

For who doesn't know what is skyhammer farm

in PvP

Posted by: yummcha.9456



A lot slower than team queues (winning 50%), and probably even slower than actually playing and carrying hotjoin scrubs.

You can bring back the term “skyhammer farm” when people are jumping into glass panels and getting 10k rank an hour, kthnx.

Level 70 Finisher Pictures

in PvP

Posted by: yummcha.9456


It is cool now because of the prestige associated with it, but I think Anet could’ve done a better job on that finisher. It is less elaborate and less detailed than most of the other rank finishers.


The person depicted in that screenshot with the phoenix finisher has literally played no tournament games since the leaderboards reset.

But at least he’s got a “prestigious” finisher that many of the better players in the game don’t have, right? Nothing says prestige like hot-joining to 70.