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Flamethrower need some changes

in Suggestions

Posted by: zIRaX.5362


As most of us know the flamethrower is AoE damage, and it applies burn to the targets. However the AoE damage it deals is limited to 3 Targets, Therefore if you are attacking a group of let’s say 6 Skritts, and you are using flamethrower you only hit 3 of them. Even though the 3 other Skritts were within the attack range and the visual flames, they are not being hit, To me it seems somewhat obscure that a “FlameThrower” have limited targets, it’s a bloody flamethrower.. Now a Warrior with Greatsword using will hit 3 Targets as well, even though it’s AoE, but with greatsword it actually make some sense. Because as you swing the sword, you have some power behind the swing and the more obstacles you hit the more power you lose, and therefore it does not have enough power behind the swing to hit more than 3 targets. That is if you have to put some logic behind the limitations and balance. However the warrior attack Whirling Axe are not limited to 3 targets, it goes above the limitation.
The flamethrower are also limited to 3 targets, and it makes no sense why that is. The flames do not lose power until they vanish into thin air. So I do not see any reasoning why that is, surely it cannot be for balancing issues, the flamethrower is considered rather weak, and several people have already suggested to increase the damage output of the flamethrower. Not to mention that you do not apply burning to targets unless they were hit by the last damage tick from the flamethrower, and then it is only 1 sec burning.
The 1 second of burning goes off before you start the animation to attack with the flame thrower again(AutoAttack 1).
If they added 1 sec of burning at the first hit, then it would make sense they they are actually “on fire” when you spraying flames all over their body.
I do not suggest to increase the over all damage of the flamethrower, however I do suggest to remove the target limitation of flamethrower, since the damage range is rather low, and for this to make actual sense. Also add at least 1 sec of burning at the first hit, as well as the current last hit. Since the attack animation lasts about 2sec that should leave 1sec where the target is not actually burning even though the flames clearly incinerate the target. This would mean that the target takes 2sec burning damage each time you press Attack1. I would even suggest that it should be 3sec of burning in total with a duration of 1sec each, instead of 1 sec on last tick.
But applying the “Burn” condition when the target is actually lit on fire, would make sense to me. =)

Please keep in mind that this topic is about the target limitation and the burning condition. Rather than the visual travel distance on the flames, which is a bit off on some races, Charr for instances.
Flames travels further than the range in which the actual damage applies. And this topic is not mean for that discussion. But the target limitation and burning condition.

I would like to hear what other people think about this, please note that the flamethrower on low level is rather strong compared to the damage output on high level, it is not up to par. So please do not make an assumption based on your low level flamethrower engineer.

Flamethrower extremely nerfed

in Engineer

Posted by: zIRaX.5362


At higher level the dmg is not up to par.
And it is NOT good aoe dmg either, it only deal dmg to 3 targets, while warrior axe spin deal dmg to either 5 or all targets. But flamethrower limited to 3 targets…

SPvP 8 Players is too many?

in PvP

Posted by: zIRaX.5362


I’ve been thinking that 8 players is too many for SPvP, I think the due to the map size it should be 5 Players instead of 8 players, some times it even feel like a zerg fest rather than actual Player VS Player.
I was told however that it is infact 5 players for Tpvp, and it’s the exact same maps, now that’s much more to my liking. However I do not wish to play TPvP since I know it’s meant for those who want to approach SPvP in a more professional manner, and I do not have a team of 5 players I can play with whenever I like to.
But based on that information I was given, I was quite displeased that they went with 8 players for SPvP so people who play SPvP will actually not get any idea about how actual 5 player TPvP would feel.
Then it hit me that this could actually be an approach they did to save money on servers, if they increased the player limit that would decrease the amount of matches the servers had to run, which in the end saves ANet & NCSoft money. Of course you could argue that this is not the case, but I’ve seen that the SPvP server list have been full a few times. Although that’s rare, it still add up with the idea about saving money, would make sense. If their budget can’t afford more servers. Keep in mind it’s nothing but theory, no one but ANet themself can actually confirm this.
Still I rather want a 5v5 match in SPvP than a 8vs8, because quite often it is me with some guy, against 6 players fighting for a node. I don’t feel like I am able to do anything because it’s obvious who is going to win that fight.
Maybe I am the only who feel about it that way, I’ve been playing SPvP now for quite a while.
I feel they should change the player limit to 5 instead of 8, that way it would also fit better into being equal to TPvP, so players can get a feeling of how it would be if it was TPvP.
Does anyone else think 8vs8 is a bit too many?

Dodge in a Jumping puzzle

in Suggestions

Posted by: zIRaX.5362


Thanks, but it’s not a matter of where it is. But about having a double-tap function which is not up to par in therms of customization and personal preference.

I’ve Elite on middle mouse :P and Dodge on Shift, due to games like Darksiders.
However I got a friend who play GW2 with a controller, and he much prefer to double-tap. I myself have been thinking about getting a controller for PC, but dunno yet. But still the option to activate it in combat should be there regardless.

Why does the server keep going down or is it me?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: zIRaX.5362


If you are experiencing that you PW is incorrect, that might be because tons of users are login in on the same time, so login server can’t handle that many requests.
The order in which things might be.
0 – Ingame, and playing.
1 – Ingame, lost connection.
2 – Ingame, could not connect to server.
3 – Launcher, could not connect. (Blame firewall message lol…)
4 – Launcher, incorrect PW.
5 – Launcher, lost connection, please wait a few minutes before restarting client.
These are the order you might experience them.
When server goes down you wont be able to reach 0, and depending on how far you gotten you should be able to find yourself on this list. :P

Flamethrower AutoAttack?

in Suggestions

Posted by: zIRaX.5362


I am glad to hear that.

Dodge in a Jumping puzzle

in Suggestions

Posted by: zIRaX.5362


The 2x tap for dodge is really nice for those who wants to use it, but it seems tedious and in some cases it even causes Death! followed by anger and frustration.. Sure one can disable this, but what if one does not want to do so, what if one prefer to use 2x tap to dodge and not a dedicated key for it. However One need to disable 2x function every time one wishes to go on a jumping puzzle..
Surely this could be fixed simply by making it so that the 2x tap to dodge only is in effect while in combat. Pretty please? =)
Edite: I am not using Double-Tap to dodge due to this, I’ve gotten use to the dedicated button, however I would still like the option of this, without being in need of going into the options each time I come across a jumping puzzle.

(edited by zIRaX.5362)

Flamethrower AutoAttack?

in Suggestions

Posted by: zIRaX.5362


Whenever I switch to my Flametower, I’ll be needing to press Ctrl+Mouse2 every single time on Button1. Otherwise I will not autoattack, it seems odd that it’s not by default on autoattack. Especially for the flamethrower, I can understand why it is not so on other kits, but I don’t ask for this on other kits, just the flamethrower. However I do not know if people feel like this with other kits as well. Surely medkit doesn’t..
But I really want Button1 on the Flamethrower to be on AutoAttack by default!
I hope you understand. =)

Diablo 3 loot system fix

in Suggestions

Posted by: zIRaX.5362


How bout some loot? Some reward for effort? How bout some exotic drops from enemies. Or from a chest! How bout a few unique skins i can sell for money. You know like the old dead sword farming and ele sword. Something to keep me engaged. That would be great. Just something. 287hrs in game and not 1. and i mean not 1 drop or story item i could use. And have never seen an exotic drop. or unique skin that would sell for more than vendor price.

What is a Diablo 3 loot system??
I don’t know, did diablo3 invent some new loot system
?? Never seen before??

Please.. come on.. diablo3 loot system?…
Well from what I read you whine about not getting the drops you want, well wasn’t that the case for diablo3 as well? Never getting anything good.. Aint that the whole idea about diablo3? To farm for hours and hours to get gear? I know you talk about skins in this case, which did not play any major role in D3, which makes all the more obscure that you are trying to ask for higher drop chances of gear.
The very notion of this topic seems out of place at this point of time, too early to ask for this kind of thing.
FYI: I am 227 hours in, and I have no problem with this at all, and I doubt the next 60 hours will change anything.
I am sorry I do not agree with you at this point of time, but we all have our own opinion.

Fit Warrior more closely to the Warrior ethos/description

in Suggestions

Posted by: zIRaX.5362


First of all, I agree some Burst Abilities are way too weak, compared to our other attacks, the burst don’t really feel like a burst, but just another auto attack in come cases.
Next. I do NOT want to be a a Stance Dancer, which your idea will bring into the game. And yes, While I think that is bad, some might like it. But I don’t like to dance my night way.
The idea about gaining a perma buff per bar, seems a little overpowered. Especially if you are not going to use your Adrenaline, as for my current build I am trying not to use Adrenaline, for 1 reason, It’s just not worth it.
You mention that Adrenaline does not help your survivability? I disagree, “Defense – Trait 15” And for some weapon it gives a stun. Of course these are nothing major, but it is something. However I like the idea about adding 5 bars instead of 3, if it scale appropriately it might be worth using some Burst abilities.
Overall I agree with you that Adrenaline does not feel like anything special, and that it need some tweaking. But I do not want stance dancing in this game. (Why?: No macros) It’s a chore, and not fun.

a few bugs : human noble storyline *contain spoilers*

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: zIRaX.5362


The storyline quest where you have to break into minister Zamons house, when you open the doors the door-opening sound goes on loop.

In the storyline-quest “The trial of Julius Zamon” there is missing voice acting on Logan and Countess Anise when you first meet up with them.

When fighting Minister Zamon and Eitel the unloveable, if you defeat Zamon first, he goes into down state, then Eitel stops fight and becomes a living beeting bag. It looks as if the AI is trying to help Zamon up from the downstage, even though Zamon does not gain health. But Eitel stops fight as soon Zamon is down.

Also the item “Recovered Heavy Leggings” seems bugged on human female when kneeling/Revieving dead players/npcs.

More NPCs who tells me about nearby DEs?

in Suggestions

Posted by: zIRaX.5362


I don’t know I am the only who feel this way, but I feel like there is lacking info about DE’s(Dynamic Events) in certain areas, mostly lower level zones.
On my alts I experience same problem as I did on my main, that I cannot get enough exp to level in the zone, I need to move to another starting zone.
Reason for this I suspect is that I miss the indirectly required numbers of DE’s to keep my level to the zone, I have even spend time waiting in areas where I know multiple events can trigger, and teleported from waypoint to waypoint to search for events.. I find this a really big problem at low level, and I feel forced to go to another starting zone because the experience I gain per zone is not enough for me to remain in the zone. I have not experienced this problem at all around lvl40+ zones. I aim for completing the zones to 100% before moving on, I know Hearts should be considered “fillers” and I treat them like that, because DE’s is so much more rewarding, but I cannot find enough at the lower levels to keep my level up to the starting zone.
There is NPC’s who runs up to you and tells you about an event going on, that’s great. I just feel like there needs to be more of those.
I believe it works like this.
When you are within X range of the DE you will see the message “Nearby event..” and you see it on the minimap.
When you are longer away than X range of the DE a NPC will run up to you to let you know about the DE. I think this npc range should be increased, at least for lower level zones. I don’t mind doing the same DE I just did 5min ago, but I do mind that I have to “grind” mobs or teleportal around the map just to drag out time.. I find myself lvl3 when I am doing lvl6 mobs. And I’m lvl5 when I am doing lvl15 mobs. Which kills my characters, so I feel forced to another zone.
Like I said before, I only see this problem at the lower level zones. Mainly human starting zone. I think there is plenty DEs in Charr starting zone however.

Any one else feels like this is an issue?

I think there should be more NPC’s which alerts you about nearby DE’s.

Is it a Bug, placeholder or intended? (Flamethrower Attack Animations)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: zIRaX.5362


Will you fix the animations or not? simple question that requires a simple answer.

Dungeons are quite hard

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: zIRaX.5362


I am only happy that you find it hard. I would be disappointed if you completed the dungeon this early. If a dungeon is this hard, it only gives you that much more prestige from completing it.
I honnestly do not want the dungeons in this game to be easy farm-able or anything remotely related to that, if dungeons are too hard for you, then maybe you and your team is doing something wrong. I had no problems thus far with any dungeon. Infact I find some dungeons too short, after you completed them you are left with an empty feeling, was that it?.. So making them hard is only a good thing, I don’t want Dungeons in this game to be like Dungeons in WoW, they are not the same thing at all.
Of course bugs are never intented as a part of the Dungeon experience. :)
We all have our own opinions, thus came the forums to be.

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: zIRaX.5362


a minor issue, though quite annoying.
I went to buy some stuff, and after my first purchase it said Success.
I thought I had to confirm or something, but no, just success. Alright now I know what to look for then.
Then I continued to buy some more armor, and it didnt said Success, it said nothing. No matter how many times I clicked “Buy”, nothing happened.
Then I tried with some other items, no change.
Then I noticed I’ve spend on my gold, but I haven’t :S
It seems that for each time I clicked Buy, it bought an item, althoug it never actually told me that. So I waste 1g on this silly issue, which is infact not silly, but annoying.
Now I’ve learned my lesson, but I am sure I am not the first one to fall into this trap.
Is this intentional or?

Is it a Bug, placeholder or intended? (Flamethrower Attack Animations)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: zIRaX.5362


This is quite crucial for me.
Flamethrower attack animations.

They seems bugged for Asura & Charr (haven’t tested on norn)
But they work on human & sylvari.

When you move forward as an asura while using attack button 1, they do not aim the flamethrower at the target, it goes to the side. Same goes if you move side ways.

It really annoys me because I dont get the feel that I am actually attacking the mob, even though I see the damage numbers. This is because of the way they hold the weapon/flamethrower, and I want to know if arenanet want to fix this or not, because if not I do not want to be engineer on anything else but Human/Sylvari.

Furthermore something else is bugging me, the visual flames travel distance are not accurate for the flames damage distance. This fault lies within the size of the race, and size is depending on the race you pick, but the actual damage range is not changing for obvious reasons. As an asura you see the mobs taking damage even though the visual flames do not hit the target, and as a Charr you see the visual flames obviously are roasting the target, but it takes no damage(miss spam), this is somewhat emerging breaking for me. The fix would be for flames being smaller for some races, and seem larger for smaller races. I believe the only race in which the flames visual distance and the damage distance is matching is for human and sylvari, as well as it seems they share flamethrower animations, they are also the only ones who actually hit their target.
This would be somewhat difficult to change I believe? But since all races got the same hitbox size, why cant flames visual size be so as well?
As a charr when in close combat with flamethrower the charr point the flamethrower down, so there is no flames because they are going down through the ground, this is of course due to his size, I believe same goes for a Norn. It looks silly that mob takes damage from flames which is not there. This would be harder to fix than the animations if flames were to bounce/follow the terrain, but a simple fix to the animation so they did not point the flamethrower down into the ground would fix it.

There is 3 complaints within this topic, and I’ve adressed all of them.
The only one that annoyes me the most is the one about Asura flamethrower, where flames goes to either the left or right side of the mob, but the mob is taking damage from invisible flames. You know what I mean if you read it, and if that ain’t enough go test yourself.

1 extra bug, which is for sure a bug. storyline spoiler alert
In the Vision of Orr where you walk with Therane or w/e his name is, and you see the vision about the Heroes that argues, and you need to talk to them. If you sit too long on the chat with them Therane starts to speak, and as he does so you cannot proceed with the quest, because you haven’t finished talking to the Heroes, so you need to exit the vision and start all over. I belive that is what caused it, since it triggered correctly next time I rushed it. Was able to speak with the Avatar of the Pale Tree to continue, wasn’t able to before.

But I really want to know if the attack animations with the Flamethrower is intended for Asura or not, because I picked asura due to the flaw about flames visual travel distance were off on Charr. But on Asura the flames are going on all sorts of directions. Only seems right on human, though I already got too many human characters >_>.. Intened or not?
If required I can record ingame footage of the issue.
1 more thing, make Attack1, auto-attack by default please, kinda annoying I have to do it every single time I switch to flamethrower kit.

(edited by zIRaX.5362)