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I’m often having to leave groups because of this, since I like actually playing the game instead of just bugging everything. I have also started to report people seriously abusing obvious bugs (like the dredge fractal walking-through-walls bs).
Sorry OP but your judgement is rather ridiculous. People do what they are permitted to do with current mechanics. Because this does not harm anyone just make completion of certain fractals faster I don’t see anything bad in getting advantage of certain objects’ behaviour. In fact, most of pugs I’ve been running with know about these things and use them to advance faster. NO ONE ever complained about this saying “you nasty hackers do it the way I think it is designed or I’ll report you”.
When Anet “fix” this “issues” people will just adapt and do things “normal” way. No big deal. For now, players are doing what any intelligent man would do: running fractals as effective as possible.
And I speak mostly about the Seal issue as I did not even know about the thing with wall at Dredge fractal. Did this one “proper” way many times, even died there, not a big deal also.
(edited by zamrai.3784)
When I have started playing this game it seemed very strange to me there’s so little nice stuff in Anet’s Cash Shop. I was like “wth?! do they want people to spend their money or not, because there’s almost nothing worth buying there, no skins, no customization features”. Then I thought maybe the cause is game’s fairly new and they are working hard on new things. But it seems this is not the case. They just have no idea what to sell there.
Obvious troll is obvious
Actually, players were never so much divided like now, divided among 20 different fractal levels, struggling to find a party even in their guilds.
Well, they enforce players to group up in guilds rather than pug, and do things together, help guildies get to higher diff levels and so on. Not the worst thing.
In my guild, where’s around 40-50 people online the same time, finding full party for FotM is still very hard. People who already got above lvl 10+ are running with each other, making the separation from the rest even more distinctive.
There are some ideas to run lower levels with guildies but let’s be real: this is not a solution to the problem. You can’t push all people up to your level so fast, this can take weeks or even months for people occasionally being online. Not to mention players who have just started playing GW2: who will be doing runs with them?
Another thing is players ARE FEELING BAD. We all want to experience game on the same rights, not feeling handicapped by the level factor, not being people whom you have to help getting through stuff because we can’t find party by ourselves. I believe many players feel exactly like this, that’s why there is so many topics criticising current mechanics of levels in FotM.
Levels should remain but they should not exclude so many people from teaming up with each other. I’m waiting for Anet’s solution to this problem.
This FotM levels invention is only good for one sort of players: hardcores who play with each other all day long and have similar progress, around lvl 20 by now. All the rest is writing “lfg” endlessly. All want to go to FotM but no one can form a group because there is SO MANY levels on the way. Anet made one dungeon work as 20 different dungeons in terms of finding a party.
Well done! Good I have at least my alt to level up while I’m spamming “lfg” on chats.
Good question. I also think this needs some clarification.
And 250 T6 ingredient requirement for one piece of gear makes me wish there were tons of bots in GW2. At least prices of mats would be a bit lower. I have been playing GW2 for +300 hours and my TOTAL gold income wasn’t even 75g (and this would be a lot less after necessary expenses). Therefore I really hope there would be some ways to obtain these items with no sick grind for gold or mats. Just by running dungeons. Why so many grindy mats ANet? Why?
I know it’s getting really old, but it really is the solution – find a decent guild.
This is actually not a solution in long term. The segregation of players will progress deeper and deeper with every week. If you haven’t been playing GW2 for lets say a week for whatever reason, or been doing anything else like leveling an alt you will have a hard time finding a group, and this chance will decrease each week.
I’m very concerned about direction this game comes into. It was advertised as an MMO revolution and with recent content I see more and more WoW patterns have come into this game.
Fractals are generally fun but only few days after it’s been released it’s getting obvious playerbase has been strongly divided if it comes to accessing game content. Hardcore guildmates are now running dungeon only with hardcore ones at lvl 10+, rest is left behind. Time will only make it worse as there is absolutely no incentive for lvl 10+ players to run lower levels. They will become lvl 20+ soon, etc.
Since fractals release I realized I won’t get any chance to go there with 5-8 of my guildmates I ran dungeons so far, enjoying their company, as they are lvl 12+ already while I am still lvl 3. That’s very sad.
Guildchat becomes more and more like this:
A: lfg fractals lvl 3
B: lfg fractals lvl 5
C: we are doing lvl 12 atm
D: lfg fractals lvl 8
E: I could do lvl 8 with you but I need to do lvl 7 first can you help me
D: No, sorry mate, I dont have so much time
F: Hi guys, I just come back to this game after some break, could we do fractals lvl 1?
All: LOL!
I was hoping GW2 is the first MMO I can like and play it for a long time. Recent changes Anet did made me doubt that.
(edited by zamrai.3784)
Well said OP.
It’s very unfortunate that this event created people who felt good and lucky and (much more) people who felt they got a LOT WORSE reward for the SAME effort.
Some people say “get over it, life isn’t fair” and fail to realize this is a game, entertainment and there is absolutely nothing entertaining in feeling like a looser of a lottery. I haven’t bought this game to participate in a lottery or to feel like a looser of one.
No MMO game can completely avoid rng elements and they can be tolerated but only to some degree. No one whines about people who occasionally get some expensive mats or exotics in dungeons because these items are worth a couple of gold so almost everyone can potentially afford them. Giving away items worth hundreds of gold to selected few is another thing. Its nice for few lucky people but makes whole rest feel bad, because their reward for this one-time event is not even close to possible. Welcome to the lottery, say goodbye to entertainment.
Unfortunately I have to agree with OP.
It’s not about being jealous because I believe gold doesn’t mean SO much in this game but gap between people who got item worth ~300 g and those who got 1 g is too HUGE, it’s very frustrating to players who constantly struggle with lack of gold. Is it what game should be about? Frustration? I believe it’s not.
And I know people lucky enough with RNG to already have 3-4 precursors…
That’s a very bad design idea, really.
I like fractals very much so far. They require good teamwork and executing certain strategies instead of afk dps. Fun!
This night only 4 of us (one got d/ced early) made our way through all lvl 1 fractals , including Swamp and Dredge so its not even too hard like some say.
Swamp was hard. Getting there for the first time we gave up after around 20-30 minutes. But when we encountered this fractal again we realized we have to do this… and we did it!
Swamp can be annoying for newbie but eventually everyone will learn how to complete this.
It’s perfectly ok. Do not give up.
It hurts me that people nowdays do not bother to take a brief look on the forums
I’m sorry I hurt your feelings. I did take a brief look on forum before posting my topic, must have missed yours then, when it fell down the site at that time. What a big deal?
I think Anet should be flooded with topics and posts about such things over and over again to remember we players are not happy with certain things and we need improvements to be done. It is for the sake of better gaming experience, for all of us.
Merging topics still functions, you know.
Hi guys,
in this topic I would like to bring to your notice a fact that ranger pet’s mechanics needs some serious improvements. I know there are changes to ranger coming up but I don’t know if they cover up any of issues related to pets.
I have spent more than 200 hours with my ranger character so far and latest runs through Arah made me see how much pet control options are lacking at the moment.
First, we need a way to hide our pets for as long we wish. Now we can hide it but it appears again as soon we get ourselves into fight. There are some places in dungeons with foes we don’t want to aggro, and our pet running carelessly around can be a serious threat to whole group.
Second, pet AI need some serious re-work. When I jump on some stair my pet doesn’t jump there with me, it just runs all the way around, aggroing all mobs on his way straight to me. Temporarily turning the pet off isn’t always a solution because this option goes on cooldown everytime when I switch my pets. May not be available the exact time I need it the most.
Third, when pet dies it shouldn’t keep aggro anymore, should become like invisible for foes. Last time my very pet got me killed because running to me after its death he still got mobs after him. I couldn’t do anything, that was most annoying.
Fourth, we need more options to control our pets behavior, not just “fight” and “don’t fight” but also “stay where you are”, “stay away from me”, “stay close to me” etc. This can also be replaced by one single option to turn the pet off.
All these issues I mentioned became a serious problem in difficult dungeons when in order to survive one needs to have maximal control over one’s character INCLUDING PET. Now we barely have any options for our pets, so they can be not only major source of annoyance but also a threat for whole group.
Best regards
(edited by zamrai.3784)
reasons people choose to play what they play can be more complex and layered than simply testosterone fueled lust.
In many cases it is “testosterone fueled lust” indeed, may it be concious or not. I’m curious how this tendency goes with player’s age and real life experiences with opposite gender.
For the rest of the cases I think only an experienced psychiatrist would be able to give a deeper answer to this. I’m pretty sure there were some studies on this sort of cross-gender role-playing but I haven’t got any insight to their results unfortunately.
This is the classic fantasy-or-identification dilemma.
Some people go towards maximal identification with their avatar/character. They want to play a character of same gender as their own, making him/her look how they look or would want to look.
Other people tend more towards a fantasy aspect of their avatar. Majority of these players choose an opposite sex to their own, often due to subconscious sexual motives (very large group are teenagers). This gives them feeling of “having” an object of desire (more than “being” it). They see this character like a doll rather than a representation of their own ego.
Some people have a capability to play both fantasy and identification based characters, of different gender and race. This is how I see it.
As a 27 y/o male, I tend to choose male characters over female ones because I want to focus on game’s content, not how sexy and hot my female character would look for me. I don’t have a need to include another object of desire into my gaming experience.
Hi guys,
just wanted to report an issue I got with this game for quite some time. My PC is i5 2500, 8 gb ram and gf 460 gtx. I’m running the game on medium settings with no AA for best performance and usually I got around 40 fps.
Problem is sometimes while exploring the map I get random FPS drops to like 10 FPS making the game unplayable for a while. It can happen anywhere on the world map, most often in Black Citadel, but not only there. It may or may not fix itself, sometimes I need to restart whole game.
I would like to know if more people experience this strange thing and what can cause this. (No other background programs are running on my computer).
Best regards
Nice! I’m at step 18 at the moment. Just 2 more to go! LOL
zamraiThis means you don’t even have the easiest things required to get a legendary yet and you say its easy. Add to this very rare mats worth hundreds of gold you need to farm.
I play several hours a day, not farm – just play, and I got only 12 gold now. Would need to have at least 50 times more to make an legendary. I just can’t see this happen if I don’t farm or play Trading Post. And even if I had so much money I wouldn’t spend them for a skin, legendary or not.And yet I’m well on my way for most things. You didn’t understand what I’m saying. It is easy to get, it just takes a bit of time. If I could get all that stuff without playing much, then how could it be difficult for people who actually have time in the day? If I were still a student or between jobs, I would have it by now. I’m 100% positive on that one.
I think you may have missed my point too And my point is: it is impossible to get legendary without farming hard/playing TP. You can’t get thousand of ultra rare mats in a matter of months just by casually playing the game. You need to farm them hard or farm gold – both are boring and not enjoyable. And I bought GW2 to actually play it, not to grind weeks for one skin.
After many tries I think I will give up too. I’ve made 3/4 of the way to top but I either miss a jump and fall or get out of time. It’s more stressful than enjoyable experience. To go top one needs to make a perfect run, fast and precise.
I feel I could do it eventually but it’s going to slow to spend more trying this.
I will tell you guys how I imagine requirements for a legendary that make sense:
100% world exploration
100% dungeons completed (Dungeon Master title)
Maxed all craftings (Master Crafter title)
Some WvW titles gained (e.g. Combat Healer, Ultimate Dominator)
Some sPvP achievements
If someone complete these things we may say he played the game through. PLAYED is a keyword, not farmed. Currently legendary weapon must be farmed and gambled for. It is opossition to things devs have been saying about killing the farming factor in GW2. Not only this factor exists but also has been made ridiculously high. I don’t like this that’s why I ignore legendary weapons.
I’m leveling my alt now and I have to say it’s a bit depressing experience and I’m from very high populated server (full most of the time). Several weeks ago leveling was lot more enjoyable and fast with 10-20 people running around in every place of every zone.
I think thats because very few people make alts. Most farm Orr, fight in WvW, do some dungeons or they just left to other games. Pretty normal I guess.
It’s not difficult to get, and that’s coming from a casual. Already got 200sp, 200k karma, half the badges from wvw and dungeon, one profession on max, 85% explored.
This means you don’t even have the easiest things required to get a legendary yet and you say its easy. Add to this very rare mats worth hundreds of gold you need to farm.
I play several hours a day, not farm – just play, and I got only 12 gold now. Would need to have at least 50 times more to make an legendary. I just can’t see this happen if I don’t farm or play Trading Post. And even if I had so much money I wouldn’t spend them for a skin, legendary or not.
Thank you for sharing your experience with making a legendary weapon.
Some people may want to work towards this altough this is just a fancy skin and “a carrot painted on the moon”. I’d rather buy some exotic set for my alt, enjoy the game a bit more than go into this farmfest, grindy nightmare.
As for the rendering issue I experienced this myself doing some regular WvW fights, not only with thieves, when I basically ran into large group of enemies not knowing they are there. They rendered a while later and when I realised they presence it was already too late. Died several times due to this.
Thieves are very annoying, I agree. But they are far more annoying in sPvP than in WvW. In WvW you just dont want to be caught alone by one, staying in group makes this issue lot less painful.
Seriuosly the luck factor starts to put me off this game. Its not your effort and skill decide about what you gain, just plain stupid luck, like this was some kind of lottery.
12 runs:
- 2 cheap exotic weapons (around 30 silver on TP each)
- Lots of blue and green random stuff
- 2 repair canisters
I farm Orr events occasionally when I need a bit of gold for repairs & small expenses, having around 100% mf I haven’t had any exotic drop so far. I think only world boss event chests have a chance of dropping exotic.
The funny thing is this game’s mechanics try so much to fight unfun activities like farming, by killing gear progress and making diminishing returns but some people still farm whole days for a bit of gold coins they spend on some silly things. Funny, just funny.
The real question is why would you like to run in mf gear? Luckily there are no items in this game that require huge amounts of gold and grind, besides ridiculously expensive legendaries which most of the players don’t even bother with. When you get your easy exotic set there is really nothing to spend money on, besides repairs and teleports.
I wear my rare mf set only for farming CS, so I can get 1 gold for repairs maybe a bit faster than usually.
And tbh I think this game would be better off without mf stat.
(edited by zamrai.3784)
What you are proposing is a bad fix, to a real problem. You should not need to use gemstore items to fix an imbalance.
Well, as long you can easily buy gems with your ingame gold I don’t think it’s a bad solution. 1 hour of farming CS (=gold for gems) giving a whole month of free transportation? I think that’s perfectly alright.
I would like to support the idea someone here has already mentioned.
Anet, please keep teleport fees as they are but introduce new item into gem shop. This would be sort of traveller ticket which offers free teleporting for 1 month. If you think thats too much let it be 10 free teleports a day (basic ticket) and 30 a day (premium ticket). If you keep cost reasonable enough so most players could afford (at least with their gold), like 100 gems per basic monthly ticket, I’m sure this would be a bestseller = profit for everyone.
I hope you will also support this idea.
I meant they are considered junk statwise. Some just have problems accepting that “skins and cosmetics are everything in this game”, they want stats and why shouldn’t this be given to them as well, after long, long questline? I can’t find any reason.
Giving people exotic weapons outright defeats the entire purpose of making players craft/buy Pearl weapons.
I agree with you sir but the problem is exotics are so easy to get that everything below this is considered a junk/salvage item. So people feel like getting junk for completing very long questline.
The moment I saw a purple color of the token I was sure the reward will be something big, exotic weapon at least. But now it all makes perfect sense to me. If one looks at GW2 he can clearly see this game is not rewarding. Its all about fancy skins and colors. There’s no gear progression after lvl 80 when we can get best gear with almost no special effort.
This is just how this game is. We can like it or not, but that’s the fact.
I see some people here mistake playing the game to achieve something (lets say fancy skin) for spending hours and hours grinding for it. You say “work hard for it”. Sorry but I work most of my day and play GW2 in order to have fun, not “work hard”.
If Anet said they don’t want GW 2 to be grindfest they should make all items obtainable without days and weeks of boring grind. ESPECIALLY the festival content.
Things like skins could be obtainable in form of a reward for doing many various events so everyone, not only rich or no-life, had a chance to get it. Then I would just be playing, not grinding CS for 100g+ to buy mats like Ori or Shards.
“We just don’t want players to grind in Guild Wars 2. No one enjoys that. No one finds that fun.”
Colin Johanson, Game Designer
This sentence is basically true but only to the point one gets his fairly accessible exotic set. Getting resources for this is easy for anyone who has discovered most of the world locations and I like this way of “getting nice stuff just by playing” very much. If it comes to legendary weapon its insane gold/time requirements make it completely useless thing to do for anyone who has a life besides GW2.
What I don’t like is you have applied the same grind-for-fancy-stuff philosophy to the festival, which should be time when people have fun doing some weird stuff and get appropriate rewards. This is not a right direction I’m afraid.
250 ori…
100 lodestones…
Seriously guys, think it over.
(edited by zamrai.3784)
Same thing on Desolation server.
In addition, skill point in Metrica Province has been bugged for weeks now.
Due to these issues we can’t complete World Map and can’t finish personal story. Fix this please.