Recent Market Shifts. Follow-up: Precursors
It is the absurd random chance of a lot of these things that pisses me off with things like this. I’m fine with grinding so long as I know I will get the item I seek. My favorite ways of getting an item are a steady grind (think zcoins from the first game) or some kind of long quest reward, such as the tokens you would get after completing a campaign in the original GW.
“Lucky” precursor-sellers mad. Legendary holders got “lucky” with a precursor and are now mad because they may not feel special. We don’t even know what the change is yet so chill. I <3 you Anet.
And what about those who farmed it all by themselves with no luck? Jealous people ruin every game after a while.. sigh
What about those who farmed for it all by themselves and spent all there money on the forge and got no precursor? People who want to be special try to ruin every game. sigh
Tough kitten better luck next time? Buy it off the AH? There’s more than 1 option you know…
No skill involved in having a legendary, only a long farm, and luck with the precursor… or more farming for gold to buy it at BLT.
No particular bosses to deafeat, or PVP rank to obtain
No hard modes to be done.
No particular skill, except completing the map.
Nothing… only farm for mats and more mats…
“Lucky” precursor-sellers mad. Legendary holders got “lucky” with a precursor and are now mad because they may not feel special. We don’t even know what the change is yet so chill. I <3 you Anet.
And what about those who farmed it all by themselves with no luck? Jealous people ruin every game after a while.. sigh
What about those who farmed for it all by themselves and spent all there money on the forge and got no precursor? People who want to be special try to ruin every game. sigh
Tough kitten better luck next time? Buy it off the AH? There’s more than 1 option you know…
There will be after next patch. There was always only 1 option in my eyes, and it was based only on luck.
The title of this post is “Legendary…luck”
clovers are kinda meh too…too much luck based honestly !
Gift of luck should be changed to my eyes…to many ectos wasted on it for something that doesn’t even work all the time… idk…remove it or change it…your choice…even with 1 gift less there’s plenty of other gifts to do…
Second is to change the way precursors work…i mean…it’s just like the clovers…pure luck.
I feel like I must criticize this post. The user is complaining that the gift of luck is based too much on luck… seriously? I know its frustrating as hell throwing expensive ingredients into the forge to get clovers but clovers are lucky. I feel ambivalent towards the RNG in this regard because it hurts when you ‘lose’ and get 1x vicious fang but its good when you get a clover or one of the expensive lodestones.
We’ve received a large amount of feedback about Legendaries becoming unreachable. This is actually a topic we’ve been tracking for quite some time. To ease your minds I am here to say that it’s something we’ve been watching and we’ve been listening to your feedback. You can expect to begin to see changes addressing the issue starting with our next build.
Could you shed some light on what exactly is being changed? For instance, I don’t want to craft Mystic Clovers this week if the chance of getting them is being increased next week. And I don’t want to buy Obsidian Shards if the price is being lowered next week. Ect ect.
If it’s just the Precursors getting more accessible then I don’t mind, since I’m miles from those anyway.
I guess you aren’t allowed to spill the details, but it would be appreciated
Will you also try to take some time to see who and why is manipulating per weapons market. So far I got over 10 offers for pre weapon for real money. Last 5 days for example there was like 20 Dusk under 380 g . Now there are only 2 for 445.
How is legendary , legendary , if you need to brainlessly grind one same event in Orr and even more grind insane amount of money ?
Will you also try to take some time to see who and why is manipulating per weapons market. So far I got over 10 offers for pre weapon for real money. Last 5 days for example there was like 20 Dusk under 380 g . Now there are only 2 for 445.
How is legendary , legendary , if you need to brainlessly grind one same event in Orr and even more grind insane amount of money ?
New to mmorpgs? Grind is huge part of every mmorpg and farming orr is not the only way to make money in gw 2
Solution: Make precursor 5 or x mil. karma, not bound and sell able on TP.
Price lower. More gems for u. Higher population activity, every event and dungeon run or w/e have an extra meaning.
Having the precursor is really just 1/4 of the battle for the legendary. Even if they make it slightly easier to get, it would mean you’ll still have to put a lot of gold and time into getting that legendary of yours.
I already have 6x 80 lvl … and nearly 900 hours played.
What the kitten!?
So you have played 15 hours a day roughly? Everyday? Without even skipping one or covering for the one you have skipped? Seriously? Any real life going on?
If you include the 3 day headstart, that’s 900 hours divided by 80 days, which works out to about 11.2 hours per day. So, not that high, but still an incredible amount of time invested into the game.
The current legendaries are the most lazy and cynical way to add these weapons to the game.
Lazy because it’s easy for the devs to have it just be an RNG drop. Cynical because it potentially encourages people to dump hundreds of dollars down the gem->gold hole.
Everquest 2 had a far better system in the Epic Weapon quest lines. It gave a sense of achievement and story.
Legendaries are nothing more than gold farming and RNG luck. Not worth the time and not up to the standards ArenaNet have set for themselves in their own PR.
I’m sad to see games from the last decade beating GW2 on this. (That and the LFG system from the early 1990s needs to be fixed. Kthxbye.)
(edited by Grithan Soulforge.5726)
Thanks Anet – I’d say most of the entire community would appreciate any changes.
(The only one’s that don’t are the ‘elite’ few who would rather not see others with legendary weapons; likely because they already own them themselves)
Power to the people! I can’t wait to see what type of changes will be implemented. Exciting stuff!
This is projecting of the highest kind. I don’t have any legendary, nor am I in the path to get one, and I think that the harder legendaries are to get, the better. Yes, that includes gold.
I agree. It should be hard to get. And not hard to buy. I’m sorry, but simply amassing a lot gold isn’t hard. Giving a precursor as a reward for a very difficult and long quest line, now that is hard and people would actually have to do something beside farming.
Whole point of this game was to be fun and NOT grindy. I dont get how there are still ppl who brainlessly go into grind routine and be find with it. “Huge part of MMOs is grinding” – thats what GW2 was about to change, that is whats wrong with all MMOs.
And whoever thinks that grinding one event and same mobs for days/weeks is fun , should srsly get some help.
They had perfect way to provide precursor – story line. But no , its made to be easy and completely worthless, even do it was most fun thing in GW2.
(edited by kiranslee.4829)
My problem with legendaries/the game is that there is no middle ground in goals. The legendaries are a long term goal while map completion/dungeon completion are short term goals and don’t take all that long. There are no mid range goals which kills any motivation I have to attempt to get a legendary.
My problem with legendaries/the game is that there is no middle ground in goals. The legendaries are a long term goal while map completion/dungeon completion are short term goals and don’t take all that long. There are no mid range goals which kills any motivation I have to attempt to get a legendary.
I think the idea was: map completion is the short term (you’ll get the gift of exploration). Then the mid range goal is getting the precursor and the long range goal the legendary. However, the precursors are turning into legendaries and thus are becoming the long-term goal. But what about the legendary itself then?
Mid-range goal are clovers of crs.
What we are going to have when this change comes out is a lot of disappointed people i fear. Which will lead to a ton of threads that will be more upset and discontent people.
Some people have taken the words of John Smith and ran with them as if their precursor idea is the one chosen. Then those that are against the change or fine with current methods are wait and see because he said legendaries will still remain legendary.
Come November 15th the forums will be chaos. Someone is going to be highly upset because from reading this thread alot of people have their hopes wayyy up there that they will have a precursor come 5 min after the patch comes out.
What we are going to have when this change comes out is a lot of disappointed people i fear. Which will lead to a ton of threads that will be more upset and discontent people.
Some people have taken the words of John Smith and ran with them as if their precursor idea is the one chosen. Then those that are against the change or fine with current methods are wait and see because he said legendaries will still remain legendary.
Come November 15th the forums will be chaos. Someone is going to be highly upset because from reading this thread alot of people have their hopes wayyy up there that they will have a precursor come 5 min after the patch comes out.
No matter what you do, there will be people upset. Do nothing, and the people who simply are too unlucky or don’t have the hours upon hours of time required to even gather the materials that may or may not give you a precursor will be upset. Do something and the people who already have a precursor and/or legendary will be upset. As the rest doesn’t have to do what they had to do.
So much speculation going on. “OMG, they’re giving them for free”. Seriously? They will most likely ( i do not claim that this is what they will do ) increase the chance by a small number (ex: from 0.01 to 0.02). Stop being drama queens.
And excuse me if this makes me glad, but I have everything i need except the precursor which costs 420g at the moment. I’ve lost all interest in the legendary as I cannot afford to pay that much and so far, i’ve been unlucky when it comes to the forge.
And again, sorry, but world first legendaries and a lot of legendaries were made with precursors bought for 9-20g and precursors obtained via the exploitation method that was fixed (godskulls for example), not 400g.
So stop trolling, kittening and wait for the patch. It will not be as dramatic as you all expect. Legendaries mean more than just a precursor.
On second reading, I have to say that the wording of this announcement is somewhat vague.
Does this mean precursors will be addressed or the cost of legendaries in general?
I really hope that ‘the change’ will be that there will be a more second more skilled approach to get your legendary.
Doing extreme hard jumping puzzles (like the Halloween one but harder and maybe with random moving blocks so it will stay hard (can’t learn the trick)).
Doing a whole list of such things and maybe some multiple times would then earn you a legendary.
I once started a topic about that so instead of explaining that here again I just give a link:
It would be nice because it would mean the Legendary will stay a legendary weapons but also give access to more people. Now it is something for people willing to spent a lot of time (and have the time) farming or putting money in it.
Then it will also be something for very skilled people and to be honest, I think that would be a more honest method of earning the legendary.
So much speculation going on. “OMG, they’re giving them for free”. Seriously? They will most likely ( i do not claim that this is what they will do ) increase the chance by a small number (ex: from 0.01 to 0.02). Stop being drama queens.
I’m afraid they might do this as well but I really really hope not. It’s the worst possible change. It doesn’t remove the RNG (which is what we wanted) it just makes it easier (which is what we didn’t want).
At least make different/another precursors and totally different legendary weapons with this new build.
I’ve already spent TONS of gold for getting 80 Rare GS’s for Mystic Forge, Lodestones, Globs, T6 Mats and i’m nearly done, i just need a lil badges of honor.
It would sadden me and a lot of people who already farm halfway or more getting the precursors and legendaries IF Anet apply this changes on the same precursors and legendaries.
This is just my opinion and i’m sorry if my English sucks :p
Stormbluff Isle
This whole update (or whatever) of the system is just lame.
I saved up money to buy precursor and now I dont even know If i should put the order or just wait because of this mess.
So tell me John Smith, will you make precursors easyer to obtain so I should wait for your update, or should I act like nothing is happening and buy precursor.
Because I dont wanna be pi*** off after i buy it and then realize its 3x cheaper now …
You gave us almost no information .. All you did was mess with out heads, you could atleast say .. we gonna give you fixed recipe, etc. Dont see anything hard about that.
(edited by Dogblaster.6713)
Dogblaster: In my opinion, it would be downright insane to not wait. Clearly, they’re going to make something about the process easier. You’d either not hurt yourself (doubtful) or greatly hurt yourself by buying it now.
can some one make a Infinite Light? i need so badly its not needed in making a legendary i just like it willing to pay 150 gold
Are those less “Legendary” then the other ones?
Yes, of course. They’re 200g easier to get, thus less prestigious.
and yet last night in LA I saw 7 people in LA with Twilight, yet not one person with the “less” legendary items.
In fact I see more Twilight’s and Sunrise’s then I do any other weapon in the game.
691311 kitteno.8103:Are those less “Legendary” then the other ones?
Yes, of course. They’re 200g easier to get, thus less prestigious.
and yet last night in LA I saw 7 people in LA with Twilight, yet not one person with the “less” legendary items.
In fact I see more Twilight’s and Sunrise’s then I do any other weapon in the game.
so i take it no one in your server likes AC weapons ? i see those a lot. but kidding a side i think people like it because you can combine Twilight and Sunrise to make a better Legend
Dogblaster: In my opinion, it would be downright insane to not wait. Clearly, they’re going to make something about the process easier. You’d either not hurt yourself (doubtful) or greatly hurt yourself by buying it now.
Okey mate. I think I can wait few more days before I decide what to do with the golds I have. Thanks.
please Arenanet, dev-ers,etc… please
please don’t make any changes for crybabies that would just ruin the game, or bring despair/unfair feelings to those who already got their legendary.
I don’t know what will come with this update yet but I hope you will do it right….
please and thank you
please Arenanet, dev-ers,etc… please
please don’t make any changes for crybabies that would just ruin the game, or bring despair/unfair feelings to those who already got their legendary.
I don’t know what will come with this update yet but I hope you will do it right….
please and thank you
I’m not sure how this ruins the game or brings despair to the ~1% of players that have a legendary due to luck with a precursor. You sound like a crybaby yourself and we don’t even know the details.
last night in LA I saw 7 people in LA with Twilight
And you, guys, are whining that making Legendary is impossible? Hah.
Nothing should be changed in acquisition but the precursor. Its a pointless grind fest that breaks your game play. Everything other parts are obtainable with just playing a game. You have to try out yourself in WvW, in dungeons, in PvE so its pretty much balanced. But precursor with its price is just madness.
I would really reform the meaning of precursor. What if you get an unusable weapon at character creation what you carry with yourself during your character evolution. It gets stronger and stronger while you explore the game. It gets first blue than green rare, exotic etc with reaching major points in game. When you reach 80, when you finish all dungeons all path, you kill 5000 ppl in WvW, when you hit 1-2-3-4 …. crafting to max etc etc etc. And when you completed all you can turn that into a precursor by an npc.
Desolation – [TEU]
We’ve received a large amount of feedback about Legendaries becoming unreachable. This is actually a topic we’ve been tracking for quite some time. To ease your minds I am here to say that it’s something we’ve been watching and we’ve been listening to your feedback. You can expect to begin to see changes addressing the issue starting with our next build.
Thank you, the most important thing to hear is ‘we are together on this’. The Tyrian gold valuation process is the most important measure of what you consider together.
Can we get back to the discussion of surveying and data-mining as quantum causality tennis?
edited for spelling and syntax
They’re special! They got aspirations.”
Finn the human
Please tell me more about how this game is supposed to be played. I’m sure you know best despite the dev post on the top of this thread telling us that changes are already on their way. Clearly something was broken. Obviously something about the legendaries can be made better. The popular legendaries were made too unreachable because of the precursors and now this is being adressed. Not everything in an mmo is perfect from day one. We gave feedback and they listened. That’s how it works, that’s how progress is made and a better game is developed.
But you can live in your bubble if you want. You can think our collective whining twisted their arm, because they just can’t take criticism or they’re afraid they’ll lose too many players over a feature that the majority of players probably doesn’t even care about. God forbid the idea that the popular legendaries like Twilight actually became far more problematic to obtain than their original intention.
Never complain about anything and you’ll walk through your entire life being treated unfairly, no one will appreciate you more for it and you’ll never make progress of any kind.
See that’s the thing, I am not here to tell anyone how to play it. By all means, QQ all you want and I say it that way because that’s the truth. I just wish you guys would take a moment and think about how ridiculous your reasonings are. That’s it, using a brain of some sort or whatnot. Just because a dev fixes something does not always mean it’s broken—sometimes it’s because they care about a particular population of people. And I admire that because I for one cannot appreciate the way certain groups of people are handling the design of the legendaries.
I’m pretty sure I do not live in a bubble given that I come on these forums often and come across various legendary debate posts on various threads. But good job you guys, they are listening.
And complaining is for the unworthy in most parts. The only time you can declare something as unfair is if you played it the way it was supposed to be and never got it. If I were to put the guaranteed recipe for the sunrise, and got a random exotic—that’s unfair. If I bought the precursor on the TP and it gave me the wrong item—that’s unfair. If I got the precursor and it didn’t count towards the legendary even though it worked for some other people—that’s unfair. BUT if I did stupid things to get the precursor like gamble more than its cost on the TP in the Mystic Forge, that’s fair because you knew what you were getting yourself into. 1million people playing and trying the mystic forge once in their gw2 life have better chances at yeilding a precursor, those who are generous put it on the TP.
John Smith/or whoever said that they’ll look at the prices is because they want the precursors to be affordable for those who can work hard to afford them. It’s because of the fact that a precursor can be put on the TP is for a guranteed supply for the unlucky. But the devs know how much a precursor should be worth. And thus the comments they made about watching prices.
I complain about what’s unfair. Not about what actually in reality is fair, but you are too thoughtless to understand the system. I’m glad you guys get the legendaries, i don’t mind if you do, just have more truthful reasons. I don’t care if it’s “I just want a legendary” Just don’t be making stupid “justified” reasons. Just tell the truth, “I’m lazy and I don’t want to work for the legendary so I want it to be handed to me.” or “I just want to have something more adventurous in the creation of the legendary.” not “This system is brokenn qq RNG qq I can’t ever get one because there’s no way for me to make money qq i need it in the next day or im gonna quit qq but im gonna quit anyways when i get one qq.” The integrity of people who want the legendaries disappoint me.
Master of all Professions
sPvP Rank Dragon – 8 Champ Titles – Ruby Division
(edited by ArcTheFallen.7682)
I’m not sure how this ruins the game or brings despair to the ~1% of players that have a legendary due to luck with a precursor. You sound like a crybaby yourself and we don’t even know the details.
from what you said I can assume you haven’t gotten yourself a precursor, by luck or enough effort or whatsoever. So yea, I can understand that why you’re not sure how changes on getting precursor may give unfair feeling to “the ~1% players” lol (but are you sure ? ~1% ? ) . Yea we don’t know the details yet, so we can only hope right ? And I hope Anet will do something smart this time,… not just because being pushed by crybabies.
Don’t get me wrong, the current system is flawed but I don’t want the precursor/ legendaries are too easy to get either. ( yes, except for the precursor, the others are not so hard, at least to me)
I complain about what’s unfair. Not about what actually in reality is fair, but you are too thoughtless to understand the system. I’m glad you guys get the legendaries, i don’t mind if you do, just have more truthful reasons. I don’t care if it’s “I just want a legendary
” Just don’t be making stupid “justified” reasons. Just tell the truth, “I’m lazy and I don’t want to work for the legendary so I want it to be handed to me.” or “I just want to have something more adventurous in the creation of the legendary.” not “This system is brokenn qq RNG qq I can’t ever get one because there’s no way for me to make money qq i need it in the next day or im gonna quit qq but im gonna quit anyways when i get one qq.” The integrity of people who want the legendaries disappoint me.
Ye, you just keep on judging, cause you really know everything there is to know about me. We gave feedbak and Anet listened. That’s all there is to it. If you want to call that QQ to make yourself feel better (or whatever bizzare reason you have to insult people’s integrity on this forum) then go ahead.
I’m not one of those people who threw crazy amounts of gold into the MF because I did know what the system is and while technically working properly that doesn’t make it a good kittening idea. Hence the feedback. Personally I don’t mind working really hard or really long. When the entire recipes for legendaries were first revealed I didn’t so much as flinch. If Anet felt this was the amount of work that had to be done than that was fine with that. But then the precursor fixes arrived and I started realizing that there is no real basis for how much work I have to do for a legendary. The RNG factor was completely off the charts. And the TP? Well, unsurprisingly the market for the more desired precursors just became a lot more exclusive. Usually a high demand would result in a higher supply because people would realize it’s a great way to make money and this would create at least some sort of balance. But since the supply is so completely random, most people will not want to make money this way.
The RNG for making precursors may technically fair but it IS BAD. RNG is not the kind of fair we want. I want a visible and stable progress on my work and neither the MF neither the changing TP prices offered this. How is this ridiculus reasoning? If the ONLY thing you could read from my post is that “I want things easy” and “I’m not willing to do the work” than I’d say you ARE living in a bubble. Can you give me one good reason why we can’t have a fixed recipe as long as it’s around 350 gold? That’s about the same pricing as the most expensive precursor. Or at least it was untill it rose again and would probably rise even more in time.
You want my truthful reason? This is it, exactly this: “I don’t know if I will always be able to play this game as much as I am right now. GW2 was ideally designed on a principle that you could stop playing it for a month or so then come back without feeling like you’re falling behind. So what I want is for precursor prices to be at least somewhat secure from rising uncontrollably, so that if I stopped playing for a while I can still pick up from where I left off without significant losses from my absence.”
That’s all there is to it. You can believe me or not but that was the only real fear I ever had with legendaries. I just wanted to take my time kitten
I complain about what’s unfair. Not about what actually in reality is fair, but you are too thoughtless to understand the system. I’m glad you guys get the legendaries, i don’t mind if you do, just have more truthful reasons. I don’t care if it’s “I just want a legendary
” Just don’t be making stupid “justified” reasons. Just tell the truth, “I’m lazy and I don’t want to work for the legendary so I want it to be handed to me.” or “I just want to have something more adventurous in the creation of the legendary.” not “This system is brokenn qq RNG qq I can’t ever get one because there’s no way for me to make money qq i need it in the next day or im gonna quit qq but im gonna quit anyways when i get one qq.” The integrity of people who want the legendaries disappoint me.
Ye, you just keep on judging, cause you really know everything there is to know about me. We gave feedbak and Anet listened. That’s all there is to it. If you want to call that QQ to make yourself feel better (or whatever bizzare reason you have to insult people’s integrity on this forum) then go ahead.
I’m not one of those people who threw crazy amounts of gold into the MF because I did know what the system is and while technically working properly that doesn’t make it a good kittening idea. Hence the feedback. Personally I don’t mind working really hard or really long. When the entire recipes for legendaries were first revealed I didn’t so much as flinch. If Anet felt this was the amount of work that had to be done than that was fine with that. But then the precursor fixes arrived and I started realizing that there is no real basis for how much work I have to do for a legendary. The RNG factor was completely off the charts. And the TP? Well, unsurprisingly the market for the more desired precursors just became a lot more exclusive. Usually a high demand would result in a higher supply because people would realize it’s a great way to make money and this would create at least some sort of balance. But since the supply is so completely random, most people will not want to make money this way.
The RNG for making precursors may technically fair but it IS BAD. RNG is not the kind of fair we want. I want a visible and stable progress on my work and neither the MF neither the changing TP prices offered this. How is this ridiculus reasoning? If the ONLY thing you could read from my post is that “I want things easy” and “I’m not willing to do the work” than I’d say you ARE living in a bubble. Can you give me one good reason why we can’t have a fixed recipe as long as it’s around 350 gold? That’s about the same pricing as the most expensive precursor. Or at least it was untill it rose again and would probably rise even more in time.
You want my truthful reason? This is it, exactly this: “I don’t know if I will always be able to play this game as much as I am right now. GW2 was ideally designed on a principle that you could stop playing it for a month or so then come back without feeling like you’re falling behind. So what I want is for precursor prices to be at least somewhat secure from rising uncontrollably, so that if I stopped playing for a while I can still pick up from where I left off without significant losses from my absence.”
That’s all there is to it. You can believe me or not but that was the only real fear I ever had with legendaries. I just wanted to take my time kitten
Don’t know how to put it in the best words because you deserve it—very great explanation and I believe more people should think the way you do, but I still feel like a majority of people who want it changed are for more petty reasons. But I totally agree with the mindset of hitting a for sure 350g benchmark and having a definite stability in that sense. Sorry about earlier, read wayyy too many legendary posts and just wanted to let loose. But I agree I’ve given no credit to the people who seek this change in the best manner, I apologize. I hope Anet changes it exactly to what you mentioned just not the other suggestions thrown around that people do not realize makes legendaries way too attainable and could imbalance a lot of things.
Master of all Professions
sPvP Rank Dragon – 8 Champ Titles – Ruby Division
(edited by ArcTheFallen.7682)
I’d like to point out that contrary to what you might believe the percentage of player-base that frequents the forums of a game is so minuscule and bias on various topics that Arena Net knows fine rightly facts and figured regarding all aspects of the game; they designed and programmed it.
As such, should a particular aspect of the rewards system (the RNG factor of precursor drop for instance) be unrewarding or becoming an unbalanced tool for coin gain they will have no problems adjusting/reconfiguring the system. Remembering its most likely the result of internal data-mining and not forum complaints.
It appears this thread has gone wildly off topic forgetting that the original post was specific to Market shifts in relation to the precursor. Not how full of kittylitter the system is attain a legendary.
P.S I’m very interested into why the current system has failed so miserably to the point of actually discouraging people from even attempting to get a legendary. As mentioned there are a small percent that want a legendary and an even smaller percent that have one. But we’re forgetting the majority of the playerbase who simply don’t have any motivation to begin the “journey”, which as a game designer I know I’d start to question exactly where I went wrong in my design :/
Hopefully I’d like to be able to answer/support that with some significant data…
Great! With precursor easier to get I would expect all ecto, t6 materials will price skyrocketed. And should 50% of the people wielding a legendary is pretty awesome legendarily dull.
But, nvm, there would be new legendaries come in our way for the new grindings and people will keep complaining about the grind. yay~~
P.S I’m very interested into why the current system has failed so miserably to the point of actually discouraging people from even attempting to get a legendary. As mentioned there are a small percent that want a legendary and an even smaller percent that have one. But we’re forgetting the majority of the playerbase who simply don’t have any motivation to begin the “journey”, which as a game designer I know I’d start to question exactly where I went wrong in my design :/
I’m one of those people with no desire to work toward a “legendary.” After looking over what would be required on the wiki, i don’t see anything fun or challenging about it, just a grind for gold and karma.
I figure if in a year i’m still playing this game i might have enough mats to make one, but by that time the system might be changed anyway, so i’m not too worried about it.
I am however going to try to work toward one of the more achievable mystic forge recipes requiring “only” a metric crapload of ori and lodestones.
[TSFR] – Jade Quarry
I’m not sure how this ruins the game or brings despair to the ~1% of players that have a legendary due to luck with a precursor. You sound like a crybaby yourself and we don’t even know the details.
from what you said I can assume you haven’t gotten yourself a precursor, by luck or enough effort or whatsoever. So yea, I can understand that why you’re not sure how changes on getting precursor may give unfair feeling to “the ~1% players” lol (but are you sure ? ~1% ? ) . Yea we don’t know the details yet, so we can only hope right ? And I hope Anet will do something smart this time,… not just because being pushed by crybabies.
Don’t get me wrong, the current system is flawed but I don’t want the precursor/ legendaries are too easy to get either. ( yes, except for the precursor, the others are not so hard, at least to me)
Yeah, I really don’t see the problem with any change. There are some people like myself who have spent a couple 100 gold on the mystic forge and haven’t got a precursor to show for it. There are other people that have there precursor within a few 100 forges. This rng system is unfair and some of us didn’t know the extent of the rng early on. I guess that’s just tough luck right? Well same goes for this patch, tough! I sure hope Anet does something smart and doesn’t listen to the crybabies.
(edited by wicket.2485)
I’d like to point out that contrary to what you might believe the percentage of player-base that frequents the forums of a game is so minuscule and bias on various topics that Arena Net knows fine rightly facts and figured regarding all aspects of the game; they designed and programmed it.
As such, should a particular aspect of the rewards system (the RNG factor of precursor drop for instance) be unrewarding or becoming an unbalanced tool for coin gain they will have no problems adjusting/reconfiguring the system. Remembering its most likely the result of internal data-mining and not forum complaints.
It appears this thread has gone wildly off topic forgetting that the original post was specific to Market shifts in relation to the precursor. Not how full of kittylitter the system is attain a legendary.
P.S I’m very interested into why the current system has failed so miserably to the point of actually discouraging people from even attempting to get a legendary. As mentioned there are a small percent that want a legendary and an even smaller percent that have one. But we’re forgetting the majority of the playerbase who simply don’t have any motivation to begin the “journey”, which as a game designer I know I’d start to question exactly where I went wrong in my design :/
Hopefully I’d like to be able to answer/support that with some significant data…
The telling of “GoldSellers, GoldBuyers and GoldSinks! Oh MY!” should have a happy ending, but will indeed need telling.
They’re special! They got aspirations.”
Finn the human
I think they already have something in-place. I wish whatever they come out should at least cost a player 200 hours to complete for the precursors. Otherwise legendary would be a joke
I just bought my Dusk a few days ago. Now, this comes out, which could drastically lower the cost of a pre-weapon….. Should I just sell my Dusk and buy other mats needed or just keep my Dusk?
This is some BS.
I just bought my Dusk a few days ago. Now, this comes out, which could drastically lower the cost of a pre-weapon….. Should I just sell my Dusk and buy other mats needed or just keep my Dusk?
This is some BS.
I dont think they will somehow reduce the prices .. by giving us easyer way to obtain precursors. That would be like screwing over every dedicated and HC player they have.
(edited by Dogblaster.6713)
Please DO NOT make them easier to get. Make it harder!
I don’t have one, but I’m (slowly but steadily) working on it.
Please, please, don’t take the epicness away by making it somehow easier.
I would find it very attractive, though, to make the precursor obtainable through completing a hard dungeon for which you need a very good group of players.