Rock the Vote
I vote for Kiel because I care about current GW2 lore. Not some old has been dungeon.
Also to much of the story is revolving around Loin’s Arch.
1. It wasn’t a dungeon, it was a mission.
2. This isn’t even the same event, pay attention. Exodus* , Crystal Sea*
Fellow Evon supporters I know Kiel is ahead but while she has the numbers we have the determination, Join me this Sunday and lets buy, farm and steal every ticket we can and show once and for all that this do-gooder Kiel has no chance.
This aggression will not stand.
This message brought to you by Citizens of Tyira For a Better Tommorrow, Tommorrow.
My new fav Developer ;D
Fear The Crazy [Huns]
Go Team Gnashblade! We can do it! 70 votes today.
People voting for Kiel don’t really care of the future of Lion’s Arch they only care about the reduced WP travel and nothing else
I vote for Kiel because I care about current GW2 lore. Not some old has been dungeon.
Also to much of the story is revolving around Loin’s Arch.
The fractal dungeon that kiel proposes is in the future then?
Why is it hard for some to understand.
There is a current chaos rift in the open world.
The fractal will open one in the Mists.
This could make a portal to the realm of Torment. Or something big coming through into the open world. Could be anything.
I vote for Kiel because I care about current GW2 lore. Not some old has been dungeon.
Also to much of the story is revolving around Loin’s Arch.
1. It wasn’t a dungeon, it was a mission.
2. This isn’t even the same event, pay attention. Exodus* , Crystal Sea*
All of GW was a co-op dungeon.
Vote for Evon everyone. He’s my kind of pirate. Plus he’s focusing on some very important research on what is probably the most important character in the history of Tyria.
Also, Kiel smells of mouse droppings.
Vote for Evon everyone. He’s my kind of pirate. Plus he’s focusing on some very important research on what is probably the most important character in the history of Tyria.
Also, Kiel smells of mouse droppings.
I don’t understand why you know what either of those smell like. Not that I want to know, before you start explaining anything.
The reason Kiel is ahead is cus Evons bonus reward isn’t that great as it still makes us use more money. All my friends think that Kiel will reduce WP cost by 50% but im pretty sure it will be 10% max.
I’m only voting for Evon as i think he has better ideas than Kiel. Kiel doesn’t know anything about politics she should stay at the frontlines of the Lionguard as she is nowLucien Razorbow says Vote for Evon
What the hell does “politics” have to do with anything. This isn’t like we have candidates who are going to be making laws and motions to affect how we play the game. It’s a mechanic to introduce one of two fractals and either cheaper keys or waypoints. One has better ideas, the other should stay on the front lines. Crap. This isn’t role playing that has a point in what this event is going to introduce into the game. And even if it was, people who ‘know about politics" are the ones who milk it for it’s corruption, while patting on your head for being a good little mark, like the politicians we actually have irl.
All of GW was a co-op dungeon.
If you say so…
In any case, the proposed fractal takes place 1000 years before GW1.
The reason Kiel is ahead is cus Evons bonus reward isn’t that great as it still makes us use more money. All my friends think that Kiel will reduce WP cost by 50% but im pretty sure it will be 10% max.
I’m only voting for Evon as i think he has better ideas than Kiel. Kiel doesn’t know anything about politics she should stay at the frontlines of the Lionguard as she is nowLucien Razorbow says Vote for Evon
What the hell does “politics” have to do with anything. This isn’t like we have candidates who are going to be making laws and motions to affect how we play the game. It’s a mechanic to introduce one of two fractals and either cheaper keys or waypoints. One has better ideas, the other should stay on the front lines. Crap. This isn’t role playing that has a point in what this event is going to introduce into the game. And even if it was, people who ‘know about politics" are the ones who milk it for it’s corruption, while patting on your head for being a good little mark, like the politicians we actually have irl.
Except it was confirmed that which one you vote for will have far reaching consequences on future living story updates outside of “whichever fractal I think is awesome and the other one is kitten / kitten and mabie kitten ieherp.” So choose carefully who you vote for. Do you want the strait arrow or the business man to be deciding living story from now on, think about it and choose what you like best.
(edited by Singer.8740)
There isn’t much information about these two guys in the actual game.
I’ve seen numerous of people asking what they should vote for and what’s the difference.
Plus, lets be honest, no one likes Charrs, if Evon was human, we would have already won.
Like 50+% of the population in game uses human race, I’ve literally played for hours not seeing a single char or norn player character.
A vote for Evon is a vote for bookahry.
Vote Kiel, support Asuran engineering!
Asura Quagganmancer
heh.. sweetness.. FIRST!
First to get slapped…. Down with Arya! Err I mean Kiel!
Asura engineering. Don’t you mean faulty asuran engineering? Lions Arch is the center of the world and the source of commerse for our heroes. Before the Black Lion Trading Company went up I could not save the world from the evils that skulk in the shadows. (TP was down at launch) Gnashblade is the true hero of Tyria. Where would you be without him?
Gnashblade is a good Charr with good intentions. He has my vote.
A vote for Evon is a vote for bookahry.
Vote Kiel, support Asuran engineering!
I think you mean Asura failed engineering!
A vote for Evon is a vote for bookahry.
Vote Kiel, support Asuran engineering!
I think you mean Asura failed engineering!
Explosions that destroy cities are far from failure little bookah.
Asura Quagganmancer
Fellow Evon supporters I know Kiel is ahead but while she has the numbers we have the determination, Join me this Sunday and lets buy, farm and steal every ticket we can and show once and for all that this do-gooder Kiel has no chance.
This aggression will not stand.
This message brought to you by Citizens of Tyira For a Better Tommorrow, Tommorrow.
I love you man.
I have been insulting (of course without swearing) all those Kiel supporters as much as I could, especially Charrs and Norn. They look so kitten while supporting Ellen!
Even bought a pack of support banners for Evon and placed them at World Bosses making fun of Ellen supporters who obivisously like kittens and pink flowers and give away our gold without reason to the poor people we actualy never see anywhere.
And acutally those Asuran that support giving money away to an anonymous mass of people they dont know without keeping a reasonable amount for themselves to support the citizens infrastructure (even if indirect) are actually the biggest Bookahs lorewide!
Click to apply for Daily EU Tequatl Kills here
My Guides: xPvP Mighty Stealth Bomber
(edited by imaginary.6241)
kiel annoys me very much. “we must return this treasure to its rightful owners! the power of the holy light compels me!” like, chill with the lawful-good overkill. 100+ votes for evon so far, and only more to come
She’s clearly too goody goody. She must be up to something, I just know it.
I just spoke Kiel and asked why she was gone reduce the waypoint costs and not give us free gold or something?
It makes sense. She only thinks about herself… While Evon reduces his own shelfprices and does something for the people on his own costs. Go EVON!!!
(edited by Sligher.6043)
Fellow Evon supporters I know Kiel is ahead but while she has the numbers we have the determination, Join me this Sunday and lets buy, farm and steal every ticket we can and show once and for all that this do-gooder Kiel has no chance.
This aggression will not stand.
This message brought to you by Citizens of Tyira For a Better Tommorrow, Tommorrow.
I dont steal. I simply find what you lost or drop.
I just spoke Kiel and asked why she was gone reduce the waypoint costs and not give us free gold or something?
It makes sense. She only thinks about herself… While Evon reduces his own shelfprices and does something for the people on his own costs. Go EVON!!!
Isn’t that just about how most little princesses behave? Reasoning: Utter nonsense nobody understands (and shouldn’t). So there you have it guys, don’t let you manliness be taken by Ellen just because she looks somewhat good …
Click to apply for Daily EU Tequatl Kills here
My Guides: xPvP Mighty Stealth Bomber
…okay, i’ll just keep going my 50/50 way and get all achievements before the 2 weeks are over.
nice try though.
A vote for Evon is a vote for Tyria.
I’ll see you Sunday!
People voting for Kiel don’t really care of the future of Lion’s Arch they only care about the reduced WP travel and nothing else
I vote for Kiel because I care about current GW2 lore. Not some old has been dungeon.
Also to much of the story is revolving around Loin’s Arch.
The fractal dungeon that kiel proposes is in the future then?
Why is it hard for some to understand.
There is a current chaos rift in the open world.
The fractal will open one in the Mists.
This could make a portal to the realm of Torment. Or something big coming through into the open world. Could be anything.
Whatever happens in there will only happen in the mists not the world.
Go Evon!!!!!!! GO ABADDON!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’ll be spending all the tokens I have on Sunday 3pm est
Join me~
The reason Kiel is ahead is cus Evons bonus reward isn’t that great as it still makes us use more money. All my friends think that Kiel will reduce WP cost by 50% but im pretty sure it will be 10% max.
I’m only voting for Evon as i think he has better ideas than Kiel. Kiel doesn’t know anything about politics she should stay at the frontlines of the Lionguard as she is nowLucien Razorbow says Vote for Evon
What the hell does “politics” have to do with anything. This isn’t like we have candidates who are going to be making laws and motions to affect how we play the game. It’s a mechanic to introduce one of two fractals and either cheaper keys or waypoints. One has better ideas, the other should stay on the front lines. Crap. This isn’t role playing that has a point in what this event is going to introduce into the game. And even if it was, people who ‘know about politics" are the ones who milk it for it’s corruption, while patting on your head for being a good little mark, like the politicians we actually have irl.
Except it was confirmed that which one you vote for will have far reaching consequences on future living story updates outside of “whichever fractal I think is awesome and the other one is kitten / kitten and mabie kitten ieherp.” So choose carefully who you vote for. Do you want the strait arrow or the business man to be deciding living story from now on, think about it and choose what you like best.
So.. a crooked politician looking out for his own interests instead of a “straight arrow” politician trying to do what’s right is what we really need? Because that thinking works out so well in real life, let’s drag it into our game world as well.. am I right?
Thanks, but no thanks. I’ll stick with Kiel. I like my fantasy games to have as little real-life nonsense in them as possible. If I want to see bad politics in action I just have to look toward congress.
as a serious note, what can we learn from the thaumanova fractal that we cant from just raiding inquest bases? isnt it a failed inquest experiment? where did the talk of “OMG DISTROYERS!11!” come from? its been on a few talk pages already
Kiel Replacement Movement
Let’s go EVON! Time to put these Kiel Peeps in their place
Could any reputable users host a Ron Paul-style “Money Bomb”?
Hey Isaiah, you’re pretty reputable. Why don’t we host an event where all Evon Supporters give you 1G, and then by a certain date you convert the melting pot of gold to evon votes?
Evon is the obvious no brainer choice.
Not sure what’s making people vote Kiel, when a reactor explosion is not nearly as cool (or important) as is the rendering of Abaddon in GW2.
If it wasn’t for Abaddon, most of the big events in GW1 would have not even happened.
Which, might I remind, those events make up what GW2 is in many ways.
there arise among human beings—
People, who seem to exude love as naturally as the sun gives out heat.”
Evon is the obvious no brainer choice.
Not sure what’s making people vote Kiel, when a reactor explosion is not nearly as cool (or important) as is the rendering of Abaddon in GW2.
If it wasn’t for Abaddon, most of the big events in GW1 would have not even happened.
Which, might I remind, those events make up what GW2 is in many ways.
Doesn’t seem so no-brainer to me.
..I’m hoping for Kiel.
But I have a vested interest because my team will probably be working on the fractals. I had nothing to do with this content though.
To shed some light on my bias, our team brainstormed up a bunch of fractals for you guys to pick from and then we settled on the best two. I got pretty excited about Thaumanova, given what we intend for it to entail so I’m Kiel supporter all the way.
Abbadon will also be great if Evon wins though.
Sorry, but he sounds way more excited about the Thaumanova Reactor. I like the obligatory consolation prize pep-talk at the end.
(edited by Edge.4180)
I’m pretty sure ya’ll Evon ppl have nothing to worry about. I can definitely see a “surge” of votes “magically” appearing at the last moment to make Evon win.
That aside…..what are we voting for?
Evon’s impact on the future of gw2? We have no idea what that might be.
Kiel’s impact on the future of gw2? Again no ideas.
Keys? We don’t know the discount, but this will only effect a potion of the players
Way point cost reduction? We don’t know the discount, but this will effect everyone.
Fall of Abaddon fractal…We already know what happens
Reactor Fractal….We have no idea what might happen.
That said….my personal votes go to Kiel for 2 reasons.
1) I will in no way, shape, or form show any support for rng. As soon as I saw rng attached to Evon, my vote was not going there. The current trend in rng implementation is one of the worst parts of this game.
2) Since I already know what happened with Abaddon, I am not as intrigued by it. I already know how it’ll play out, thus it’ll be sorta like replaying the story line again. On the other hand with the reactor fractal, I have no clue. Just from other si-fi as reference, my mind abounds with possibilities. It’ll be a completely new experience. That excites me more.
Evon is the obvious no brainer choice.
Not sure what’s making people vote Kiel, when a reactor explosion is not nearly as cool (or important) as is the rendering of Abaddon in GW2.
If it wasn’t for Abaddon, most of the big events in GW1 would have not even happened.
Which, might I remind, those events make up what GW2 is in many ways.Doesn’t seem so no-brainer to me.
..I’m hoping for Kiel.
But I have a vested interest because my team will probably be working on the fractals. I had nothing to do with this content though.
To shed some light on my bias, our team brainstormed up a bunch of fractals for you guys to pick from and then we settled on the best two. I got pretty excited about Thaumanova, given what we intend for it to entail so I’m Kiel supporter all the way.
Abbadon will also be great if Evon wins though.
Sorry, but he sounds way more excited about the Thaumanova Reactor. I like the obligatory consolation prize pep-talk at the end.
Oh yay, so let us just vote for yet another Asura themed Fractal/dungeon and kill more golems and mess with security systems and…. yawn.
I don’t know how anyone in their right mind would choose that over the revisiting of one of the most important points in GW history.
there arise among human beings—
People, who seem to exude love as naturally as the sun gives out heat.”
This message brought to you by Citizens of Tyira For a Better Tommorrow, Tommorrow.
Colbert is backing Gnashblade?
Well, this is over then.
I’m pretty sure ya’ll Evon ppl have nothing to worry about. I can definitely see a “surge” of votes “magically” appearing at the last moment to make Evon win.
That aside…..what are we voting for?
Evon’s impact on the future of gw2? We have no idea what that might be.
Kiel’s impact on the future of gw2? Again no ideas.
Keys? We don’t know the discount, but this will only effect a potion of the players
Way point cost reduction? We don’t know the discount, but this will effect everyone.
Fall of Abaddon fractal…We already know what happens
Reactor Fractal….We have no idea what might happen.That said….my personal votes go to Kiel for 2 reasons.
1) I will in no way, shape, or form show any support for rng. As soon as I saw rng attached to Evon, my vote was not going there. The current trend in rng implementation is one of the worst parts of this game.
2) Since I already know what happened with Abaddon, I am not as intrigued by it. I already know how it’ll play out, thus it’ll be sorta like replaying the story line again. On the other hand with the reactor fractal, I have no clue. Just from other si-fi as reference, my mind abounds with possibilities. It’ll be a completely new experience. That excites me more.
We do know what happens. The reactor blows up. Chaos magic spews everywhere.
I don’t care about the “future impact” of Evon winning. It’s a video game. This isn’t a real world election. I don’t care about BLK discounts, but I’m sure there’s plenty who do. I don’t care about waypoint discounts, and anyone who does has got to be dirt poor with like 20s to their name or something. Which is sad.
And the details on the Fall of Abaddon are far more vague than you are making it seem. There wasn’t even so much as concept art depicting this point in GW history. I want to see it materialized.
It’s funny you say “completely new experience” when in reality I’m sure it’s really not going to be that different from what we’ve already seen of Asuran magic and technology.
there arise among human beings—
People, who seem to exude love as naturally as the sun gives out heat.”
Lion’s Arch needs the growth that Gnashblade can provide; like Yomm before him, Gnashblade holds the right talent to make Lion’s Arch thrive.
Evon dodges taxes by stashing wealth in off-shore Xunlai bank accounts. How could someone vote for that?
Kiel 2013. Right for Captain’s Council. Right for Lion’s Arch. Right for Tyria.
Also, check out Hardcore Adventure Box: World 1, World 2, Lost Sessions
Main Character: Dathius Eventide | Say “hi” to the Tribulation Clouds for me. :)
Fellow Evon supporters I know Kiel is ahead but while she has the numbers we have the determination, Join me this Sunday and lets buy, farm and steal every ticket we can and show once and for all that this do-gooder Kiel has no chance.
This aggression will not stand.
This message brought to you by Citizens of Tyira For a Better Tommorrow, Tommorrow.
Source please.
Honestly, if your lives hung in the balance, and someone had the power to authorize a rescue operation which would, unfortunately, cut into profits and the bottom line.. would you want that someone to be the business savvy Evon Gnashblade? Or a tried and true soldier/hero like Ellen Kiel?
Ellen Kiel, bad for business in all the right ways.
Could any developers tell me if after the final votes or during the final vote will you be showing a chart representing what candidate that each server voted for most? I think that would be a cool thing to see.
Crowd chant: E-VON – E-VON – E-VON – E-VON – E-VON!
Lets push Evon past Kiel folks!
Go Evon!!!!!!! GO ABADDON!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Because why vote for the lesser of two evils?
Mike Obrien, President of Arenanet
If you ask me, better nerf Bunny Thumpers, lol jk, gogo EVON !
If Evon wants my vote, he needs to start promising Hammer as a weapon for Ranger.
Nah, scratch that, nothing’s gonna sway me.
Evon isn’t evil.
Just ask yourselves if you really want to elect a fancy cat with a lead designer in his pocket. We’ll just have double up our support for Kiel on SATURDAY.
Brought to you by the people against smelly animals in office.
This man speaks the truth.
Evon is the obvious no brainer choice.
Not sure what’s making people vote Kiel, when a reactor explosion is not nearly as cool (or important) as is the rendering of Abaddon in GW2.
If it wasn’t for Abaddon, most of the big events in GW1 would have not even happened.
Which, might I remind, those events make up what GW2 is in many ways.
A reactor explosion that changed the very fabric of Tyria…. you know… the very thing that make up what Gw2 is….
Jumble Akimbo
Jahiliyya Akimbo
Have you ever wondered what does Death look like?
Bleached bones, gaping, empty eye sockets hidden behind the gloomy hood… and scythe – Grim Reaper’s inherent attribute. She comes to put out the Flame of Your Life and erase your presence. In fact… only a few, chosen mortals met her in person. She comes personally only after the most important beings, leaving the rest for her subordinates – The Archons. Nine Archons weigh lives and guard the world order… and each one is just as dreadful as the Death herself. The War – ruthless commander of Death’s troops. The King – guardian of secrets, cults and sower of fear… and the seven Judges – hunters of souls, executioners.
Forgotten Scriptures, 48BE
We came here centuries ago and whoever wins should remember – we will be watching.
~Archons of Death
Just ask yourselves if you really want to elect a fancy cat with a lead designer in his pocket. We’ll just have double up our support for Kiel on SATURDAY.
Brought to you by the people against smelly animals in office.
This man speaks the truth.
Remind me which Edge of Destiny member screwed over the others…oh right…the human -_-