Opening 1000 regular Dragon Coffers [Merged]
500 coffers : 0 ticket
A friend of mine opened 30 and got his ticket.
It’s the mini polar bear all over again!
If these are the normal coffers, thats very rare but it should be. Those coffers drop a lot. I got 60 coffers in about 30/60 min. If you keep doing that the whole month, the chance you’ll get a tickets is pretty high. Worst case you buy ‘em of tp in a few days when they’re cheaper. Or you try your luck with the rich coffers.
Bring back: ‘Gamer’ title + MAT’s!
Throw out: Hotjoin!
People, please stop buying these coffers. Send your money to a cool kickstarter project instead. This is such a waste of good dollars.
Its is simply online gambling.
Still same argument still stands that no one is forcing you to spend your gold on these skins.
If these are the normal coffers, thats very rare but it should be. Those coffers drop a lot. I got 60 coffers in about 30/60 min. If you keep doing that the whole month, the chance you’ll get a tickets is pretty high. Worst case you buy ‘em of tp in a few days when they’re cheaper. Or you try your luck with the rich coffers.
850 coffers. 1 ticket. Some people have done over 2500 and got nothing.
Maybe you want to spend 4 hours every day for an entire month farming in the vain hope you will get one. And when you don’t, because the drop rate is that marginal, your time will have been an utter waste.
What people like you are guilty of is the gambler’s fallacy. You think that because we might be able to farm for a month, that additional farming will increase the likelihood you will get a ticket. It won’t.
Its is simply online gambling.
Still same argument still stands that no one is forcing you to spend your gold on these skins.
Nobody is forcing you to do anything.
They could block off all the game past lv10 under a gambling paywall, and nobody’s forcing you to gamble for optional stuff. Because everything in a game is OPTIONAL.
This argument that because an experience is optional, that crappy practices are fine, needs to die already.
(edited by Zenith.7301)
I just got mine after farming, 1/300 and 2 mini’s. I must have good karma with the rng gods.
1 ticker out of 350 dragon coffers so far. That’s about 30g spent for one weapon skin thus far.
Out of 850 Dragon Coffers, 1 ticket.
GG CasinoNet
Lol yea CasinoNet, thats awesome name, because that’s exactly what me and my friends thought about the current state of Guild Wars 2: it’s just a big casino game.
My first 25 I got a ticket… I decided to buy 200 more, got nothing. I don’t even want to talk about the Southsun bs.
While I understand rng is rng, a better drop % for those of us that don’t mind shelling out some cash to keep this game’s income going, would be nice.
/shrug the rng dice really just suck in this game, from dyes to everything else. Always have, probably always will. A big lack in incentive to participate on that level.
JQ-80: Mes/Eng/Ele/Thief/Guard/Rang/Nec/War
Its a gamble.. if your silly enuff to spend so much real coin buying them and then complain cos the RNG God hates you.. you only have yourself to blame
Its a gamble.. if your silly enuff to spend so much real coin buying them and then complain cos the RNG God hates you.. you only have yourself to blame
Didn’t spend real coin. Spent like 65g. 65g is still precious time of farming.
I don’t mind if they put a silly grind that has me grinding for 15-20 days. I know I WILL get my stuff.
This, however, is a spit in the eye because you will see people ingame with the item you want despite your best efforts at acquiring it bearing no fruit out of sheer RNG.
I may have had to farm 4 months for my legendary because I wasn’t lucky with precursors or drops, but I GOT it. I want a way to GET those skins, even if it’s 4 months after.
(edited by Zenith.7301)
0/30 RICH Coffers. Stop whining, at least you got one -__-’
So quit buying the frigging things. How hard is that?
I would love to have that staff for my Ele, along with the wings but RNG is just NO!
…and apparently we need 100k Zhaitaffy for wings? I’ll go back to yakslapping thanks.
I got the Wings from killing lowbie raptors in Metrica… not even from a dragon coffer, just a straight up rare drop..
If you people wanna keep spending ya real cash on gambling then complain when it screws you over.. sorry but blame lies on you not ANET or NCSoft.
Nowhere does it state that buying X number of rich coffers guarantees you anything.. its a random chance just like anything else in this game… don’t like it don’t buy it, simple as that
Figured I’d start and see what we all get, pics/vids welcome I haven’t been on much today to get a big sample so I’ll just start with 104. make sure to include whether they are drops/ingame or from gem store, there is(should be) a difference in rates.
I will edit as I get more.
1st run
104 coffers (drops)
211 Pieces of Zhaitaffy
2 Dragonfish Candies
2 Dragonsbreath Buns
21 Fireworks
2 Kralkachocolate bars
3 Koi Cakes
3 Mini Holographic Risen Knights
1 Slice of candy dragon roll
1 Dragonfly cupcake
2nd run
100 coffers (drops)
203 Pieces of Zhaitaffy
18 Fireworks
1 Kralkachocolate bar
4 Dragons breath buns
1 Slice of candy dragon roll
1 cold potion
1 warm potion
Total coffers so far 204.
Nvidia GTX 650 Win 7 64bit FFXI 4+yrs/Aion 4+ years Complete Noob~ Veteran OIF/OEF MY GW2 Music
(edited by Geotherma.2395)
Apparently, if an event doesn’t leave a large portion of the playerbase disappointed, frustrated or annoyed then they haven’t done their job.
They’ve gone from one of the best development studios to being groan worthy in less than eight months…
0/30 RICH Coffers. Stop whining, at least you got one -__-’
It’s not whining, it’s the sharing of information so others can make an informed decision whether or not they want to chase the dragon.
u didnt get a ticket?… well I guess lucky me than cause got a ticket from one of the coffer drops in metrica province
Well they aren’t going to make it easy, if it was really easy, everybody would have it cheap .
Nowhere does it state that buying X number of rich coffers guarantees you anything.. its a random chance just like anything else in this game… don’t like it don’t buy it, simple as that
Yea it’s like the dude who tries to sell a precursor through mail. There’s about 10% chance that you actually get it after sending the moneys. You know, they are called scammers
u didnt get a ticket?… well I guess lucky me than cause got a ticket from one of the coffer drops in metrica province
Not yet ^^ I need to farm more but have a lot of homework to catch up in college… Darn school always ruining my gaming :P
Nvidia GTX 650 Win 7 64bit FFXI 4+yrs/Aion 4+ years Complete Noob~ Veteran OIF/OEF MY GW2 Music
Figured I’d start and see what we all get, pics/vids welcome
I haven’t been on much today to get a big sample so I’ll just start with 104. make sure to include whether they are drops/ingame or from gem store, there is(should be) a difference in rates.
104 coffers (drops)
211 Pieces of Zhaitaffy
2 Dragonfish Candies
2 Dragonsbreath Buns
21 Fireworks
2 Kralkachocolate bars
3 Koi Cakes
3 Mini Holographic Risen Knights
1 Slice of candy dragon roll
1 Dragonfly cupcake
Opened 160ish, I got a bit “worse” result than you, only 2 Mini, a Warm and Cold potion, some of the listed food and candies, no ticket sadly =/
People, please stop buying these coffers. Send your money to a cool kickstarter project instead. This is such a waste of good dollars.
Yup. Vote with your wallet.
Additionally, spread the word about what is going on here. A company is nothing without its reputation.
2 tickets from 75
Got one in 2 boxes. Sorry to all those who aren’t me.
Got 1/2 boxes. that’s a 50/50 strike rate so far. don’t give up hope lolololz
Additionally, spread the word about what is going on here. A company is nothing without its reputation.
What do you want to spread, that they make a buck from extremely irresponsible (and perhaps borderline maniac) customers who desire stat-less vanity skins?
Don’t forget the best place to get these is in low pop servers, in places that aren’t often visited by players. Some etiquette is nice to have as well- taking a moment to look around you for anyone close before activating, keeping the max players at each activation to less than 3 will allow better results especially in low level areas. The coffers and candy are available on broker from other players, as are the minis. Good luck to everyone who farms these or buys them from players/gems, just try to be considerate so it doesn’t ruin the fun of others.
Nvidia GTX 650 Win 7 64bit FFXI 4+yrs/Aion 4+ years Complete Noob~ Veteran OIF/OEF MY GW2 Music
Additionally, spread the word about what is going on here. A company is nothing without its reputation.
What do you want to spread, that they make a buck from extremely irresponsible (and perhaps borderline maniac) customers who desire stat-less vanity skins?
No. I think he wants to spread a word of warning about the relatively small, yet extremely zelaus fanboy population we have here.
I haven’t kept count of how many normal dragon coffers dropped for me but no skins so far. I don’t think I have enough luck left for this round. I mean, I did get both a Sclerite skin and a Fused skin on a very reasonable ratio too! But o man! That longbow and shield and sword and dagger and hammer… T.T
When you say, “I just spent $2ØØ and got nothing! This is stupid and I’m never buying your boxes again!” what they hear is, “I just spent $2ØØ” and then cash registers going off…
Especially since a huge chunk will say that and then go, “Well, maybe the next event will be different… In fact, I’m so condifent, I’ll buy even MORE stuff because it’ll surely pay off!!!”
It’s the same crap that cropped up in Scarlet Blade, only there, the outcry was enough to get them to put some of their costumes up as direct buy… With the compromise being that since you didn’t have to gamble, you’d have to front $2ØØ (and that’s not hyperbole). And honestly, that’s the price point they’d actually have to sell it at for it to be more lucrative than gambling. Because if they don’t charge that much, the one guy that blows his bank account on the lottery will handily destroy the sales they’d get from the bulk who’d directly buy the items for a low price.
A shame fun things could not simply be fun.
Don’t forget the best place to get these is in low pop servers, in places that aren’t often visited by players. Some etiquette is nice to have as well- taking a moment to look around you for anyone close before activating, keeping the max players at each activation to less than 3 will allow better results especially in low level areas. The coffers and candy are available on broker from other players, as are the minis. Good luck to everyone who farms these or buys them from players/gems, just try to be considerate so it doesn’t ruin the fun of others.
Cool thx for the info, why didnt I think of that before. i was farming on populated server and pretty much u have to be fast or no kills or drops for u… I will guest to less un populated server later.
No. I think he wants to spread a word of warning about the relatively small, yet extremely zelaus fanboy population we have here.
“He disagrees with me, therefore he is a fanboy”
Also know as
“Us vs them”
There are at least four different logical leaps in that thought process alone. Please try again.
Don’t forget the best place to get these is in low pop servers, in places that aren’t often visited by players. Some etiquette is nice to have as well- taking a moment to look around you for anyone close before activating, keeping the max players at each activation to less than 3 will allow better results especially in low level areas. The coffers and candy are available on broker from other players, as are the minis. Good luck to everyone who farms these or buys them from players/gems, just try to be considerate so it doesn’t ruin the fun of others.
Cool thx for the info, why didnt I think of that before. i was farming on populated server and pretty much u have to be fast or no kills or drops for u… I will guest to less un populated server later.
The first thing most people do in these events (which is a bad idea) is run to the low level areas for easy kills. People do this not realizing that everyone and their quaggan cousin will also be doing the same thing ^^ Always best to run to higher areas as low levels as well as high levels will swarm populated servers with overflowing amounts of people. You can even switch between at least 2 other less populated servers to see if the same map is more available, while allowing 1-2 people who may be around you to join in, you make it easier for everyone to get at least some drops. Higher the level the activated mobs are the harder they are, so the numbers can be higher at those levels. Stuff in queensdale is going to get 1 shotted by the wind of your greatsword before you can say dragon ba…
Nvidia GTX 650 Win 7 64bit FFXI 4+yrs/Aion 4+ years Complete Noob~ Veteran OIF/OEF MY GW2 Music
No. I think he wants to spread a word of warning about the relatively small, yet extremely zelaus fanboy population we have here.
“He disagrees with me, therefore he is a fanboy”
Also know as
“Us vs them”There are at least four different logical leaps in that thought process alone. Please try again.
Me ? Where did I say anyone was a fanboy? I merely said that the particular person perhaps wants us to spread a word of warning about this oh, quite vocal fanboy population. It was your own idea to think I try to suggest you are one of them. Perhaps for a reason, hmm ? (:
ps. The irony is here (though I doubt you can see such a thing in yourself):
What do you want to spread, that they make a buck from extremely irresponsible (and perhaps borderline maniac) customers who desire stat-less vanity skins?
See, there you define people who feel they were ripped off by Anet as irresponsible maniacs and whatnot. Now that I call you a fanboy it’s a logical flaw.
(edited by Master of Timespace.2548)
2/50(normal coffer) but then again it’s all RNG.
That is 50€ for some candy…
Screw this!
Wow, lol… and this time is even worse than ever, with Black Lion chests you usually get things that you can’t get anywhere else but…
I hope you like candy.
another money-grabbing RNG box, the cosmic ballet… goes on.
if your happy to lose and get nothing, then buy as many as you can fathom. otherwise be content with missing out (again perhaps) and make do with what you can get.
People who keeps saying try more have no idea how the RNG works. You have the same chance on your 10,000th coffer as you did on the first.
(edited by loquacious.2915)
You guys still haven’t learned your lesson.
They’re making ridiculous amounts of money off of this, the only way they’re going to stop is if you stop buying them. It’s going to be the same insanely low drop percentage every time, every event until it stops being profitable.
And how does that happen?
Stop buying crates.
I’ve already mentioned the gambler’s fallacy, but people don’t seem to understand it.
It isn’t about hard or easy either. There’s no such thing as difficulty when it comes to sheer RNG.
Bought 200, 1 Ticket after 80th opening.
Personal I’m gotta give anet some credit here, yes the chances are very slim of getting a ticket but the fact that it seems so many are dropping just says they are giving us a chance. nothing for sure but you’re chances of finding at least 1 over a month period if you try is pretty decent.
I think the rich coffers are anet test drive of a high chance RNG
I got a ticket after opening like 10 dragon coffers. Too bad I didn’t have this luck with the karka weapons.
I haven’t kept count of how many normal dragon coffers dropped for me but no skins so far. I don’t think I have enough luck left for this round. I mean, I did get both a Sclerite skin and a Fused skin on a very reasonable ratio too! But o man! That longbow and shield and sword and dagger and hammer… T.T
Shortly after making the above post I decided “what the hey” and bought $40 worth of Rich Dragon Coffers… wooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!
sob I am so happy!
The regular dragon coffers you get from PvE mobs or the gemstore one? Eitherway it’s bullkitten, i’m waiting for them to put those skins on TP
Umm… please do not buy these and just farm for them in instead
All these threads, seeing these percentages, are making me ill
Gambling can be defended — when you know the odds of winning. That’s because you can make an informed decision as to whether it’s worth it to play.
But gambling when you don’t know the odds of winning is just insane.
TLDR: don’t gamble when you don’t know the odds of winning.
Eh if they keep those RNG chests with each new event that just means that people are buying them a LOT. Shame, i think it’s a stupid waste of money on gamble
Just out of interest, did any of you who bought chests and are now disappointed consider waiting and checking these forums for an avalanche of complaints? Also, have any of you purchased copious amounts of RNG chests before, in pursuit of some other skin?
While knowing the odds is not possible, it’s plainly apparent that whatever they are, they aren’t particularly good. Any reasonable person would be put off these things simply by reading this forum, which is hosted by Anet themselves.
Now if only people would think before throwing away their money, maybe this wouldn’t be the best way to monetize skins. But we’re on round… Four or five now? Fool me once, etc etc.