5/31 DragonWagon/Magummybears/SBI
Someone posted this on one of my YouTube videos and it really hurt my feelings. :’(
the maple story part killed it.
Come here Robocafaz! ‘Big Hugs’ ‘wipes tears’ ‘kisses forehead’ ‘pats bum’
~Milly from SBI
Lol that’s a serious hate comment on your video. Lol IP search him and take your guild to his house IRL!!
Blackgate – www.plexity.guildportal.com –
Founder of [CO] | Nov ’12 2012 – May ’13 2013
Someone posted this on one of my YouTube videos and it really hurt my feelings. :’(
That was just uncalled for. Teasing each other all in good fun is great. A little big talk is fine too. That is there was just low class. Embarrassing to me was the people camping SBI at their spawn on EB. I am really sorry guys that some of our people were doing that to you.
I’m so excited to come home today. I’ve been gone on vacation for two weeks and I can’t wait to fight
Blackgate – www.plexity.guildportal.com –
Founder of [CO] | Nov ’12 2012 – May ’13 2013
I’m seriously starting to worry about unable to complete wvw daily after day 1…
Anet wants lower tier to shows its strength?
According to what happened back then and right now, I just have one thing to say:
“Not a chance.”If they put ANY T1 into ANY T2 and below server, it’ll be even worse.
This is a problem that cannot be resolved unless they redesign the whole wvw thing, make it a scheduled battle instead of 24/7.
I completed my monthly midway through the first zerg confrontation last night. Was when DB tried to flip EK and ran into our Lord’s Room siege and zerg. Magical~~~
Boonprot 80 G
[Ark] Maguuma
Someone posted this on one of my YouTube videos and it really hurt my feelings. :’(
That was just uncalled for. Teasing each other all in good fun is great. A little big talk is fine too. That is there was just low class. Embarrassing to me was the people camping SBI at their spawn on EB. I am really sorry guys that some of our people were doing that to you.
No proof that it was someone from Dragonbrand. Could be flaming to point negative attention towards DB! That’s a pretty strong hate comment he posted. You don’t even see anything close to that said on Gw2 forums.
Blackgate – www.plexity.guildportal.com –
Founder of [CO] | Nov ’12 2012 – May ’13 2013
Youtube warriors, even worse than forum warriors
So silly~
Maguuma~ : 3
Someone posted this on one of my YouTube videos and it really hurt my feelings. :’(
That was just uncalled for. Teasing each other all in good fun is great. A little big talk is fine too. That is there was just low class. Embarrassing to me was the people camping SBI at their spawn on EB. I am really sorry guys that some of our people were doing that to you.
No proof that it was someone from Dragonbrand. Could be flaming to point negative attention towards DB! That’s a pretty strong hate comment he posted. You don’t even see anything close to that said on Gw2 forums.
Seems Legit.
Someone posted this on one of my YouTube videos and it really hurt my feelings. :’(
Blech, youtube warriors…
Sorry that happened to you Robo, that was seriously uncalled for.
I don’t know why I’ll never learn that if a solo DB player stops to fight me 1v1, it just means he saw a green dot or 3 heading his way.
Yeah..because only DB does this, no other server EVER does this.
“rolls eyes”
Instead of a week of WvW DB gets 4 more PvE maps to run around in this week. Our commanders keep yelling at us not to chase one player, but as a guildmate said, there IS only one player. Either chase that one player, or continue to spawn camp the skritt.
It will heat up in a few hours when FA and SBI logs back on.
Hopefully the lead wont discourage them from logging in wvw for some good fights.
Score Update from an airplane :
Blackgate – www.plexity.guildportal.com –
Founder of [CO] | Nov ’12 2012 – May ’13 2013
Well, I hope we can give DB some fights in NA evening hours…
At least this matchup has scared the pants off Maguuma’s fairweather guilds and we won’t have to fight them for queue space any more.
Logged on to 8 tags in LA and DB with a +600 tick. I don’t know how to get people motivated for this lol. At least reset was fun for while it lasted
It’s going to be really hard to please everyone. People want NEW matches, but they don’t want to face people immediately in their tier EG people they have recently played. That means it’s either going to be people higher or lower than you. If you make the range of variety too small (so as to get a more “fair” matchup) then we get stale matchups because that’s how it’s been done up until now. If we they add more variety you are more likely to get a disparity and “unfair” matchups.
What did people expect when they were told there would be more variety? More variety means pulling from a bigger pool, and a bigger pool means a greater range in the “skill” of the servers, which inevitably means you’re going to face drastically harder or easier servers some times.
Just relax and enjoy WvW, and keep in mind that this first week will help in establishing the new selection system.
I for one choose the fresh experience than the same kitten every week, even if it means sometimes it’s easier, and sometimes it’s harder.
Not really. You put limiters on the up-and-down movement. No more than three slots up or down. No more than 6 ranks differential in the server rankings.
That way you don’t have #5 playing #13. Or, even worse, you don’t have #25 playing #13 and #20 playing #8.
It was a good idea. Just stupidly executed with an excessively large randomizer making too much movement.
I’ve never fought MAG before and haven’t seen SBI since waaaaay back in T1 when we were on SoS.
Missed reset, but excited to see what these servers bring tonight in NA prime! Can’t wait for some good fights!
I understand that DB’s SEA coverage makes this match up quite uninteresting in terms of points, but I hope NA guilds from all servers still come out during NA time for some good ol’ fashioned brawlin’!
It’s intellectually dishonest to say that it’s an either/or situation. The system implemented this week was a hamfisted attempt to do what players wanted. People should express outrage in hopes that it gets adjusted or changed entirely.
It’s not intellectually dishonest, because those are the only two choices we’ve been given so far.
We’ve known about this system for weeks and saw the potential of unbalanced matchups. Nobody came up with a better idea. Did you?
Yes. When you do stuff like this, you limit the potential movement. You can use a smaller randomization factor. You can keep the factor, but put limiters on the allowable movement such as your rise (or drop) cannot be more than three rankings. Your total match-up spread cannot be more than 6 rankings.
But what they did would get you in trouble in a freshman design course — a huge factor with no limiters allowing dramatic differences in ranking. You’ve got the #20 server playing the #8 server (Europe). You’ve got the #5 server playing the #13 server (US). You’ve got the #25 playing the #13 server (Europe).
That kind of result went from beyond silly to completely unthinking.
Honestly, gonna be hard to get people to push on these t3 keeps right outside of our spawn. You would have to be really stupid to subject yourself to arrow cart death circles. Im going to guess we’ll have some people tonight, but by tomorrow night should be a ghost town.
I’m glad of all weeks to have my PSU die, this was the week….
Perfect example of how to discourage even more SBI players to never get on WvW. Give us a beating for months and then make it even worse…just awesome…
Welcome back DB and hello SBI! I like the new system gives some variety that’s for sure. While I’m not looking forward to getting rolled by large groups it will be fun to evade and employ some tactics. NNK I’m coming for you, you guys are good but i’ll pick off every last NNk roamer I see this match.
Lokii we have a customer
Edit: but seriously, i am real excited by the roaming potential up coming over the next week when things slow down a little from the weekend.
(edited by eithinan.9841)
Poor rawnoodles and his predictions.
We could. Decide on a number and we can go from there. We are a newly founded wvw guild most of us coming from another guild here on mag that you may have heard of and are currently in the process of building our guild up. We currently have about 20-30 members.
You don’t want to GvG [Agg] until you have your group synergy down.
This. Out of all the guilds that DB got, Agg was the best hands down. My guild sparked to action and we played our best when the Agg zerg was coming. To top it off, they never came on the forums and talked crap or did any chest thumping. If you are going to fight Agg, you will need to be at your best for sure.
I don’t know why I’ll never learn that if a solo DB player stops to fight me 1v1, it just means he saw a green dot or 3 heading his way.
Yeah..because only DB does this, no other server EVER does this.
“rolls eyes”
Compared a server like Yak’s Bend, which has a very healthy roamer / 1v1 population, DB falls a little short. Don’t take it personally; each server has their own unique population distribution.
“You don’t want to GvG [Agg] until you have your group synergy down.[/quote]
This. Out of all the guilds that DB got, Agg was the best hands down. My guild sparked to action and we played our best when the Agg zerg was coming. To top it off, they never came on the forums and talked crap or did any chest thumping. If you are going to fight Agg, you will need to be at your best for sure, and have them out-manned 2-1, and hope they are the only ones lagging and have your finger on the win button.”
Fixed the ending for ya :P
Agg is like the Energizer Bunny, they just keep going and going and going. Glad they’re on my side…
What I really find funny about all of this… Mag is a good server with some really good PVP guilds, players and commanders, and I have fought them several times on 2 different servers now.
SBI I don’t know much about them, but I have seen some really strong groups of them pulling off some smart squad tactics.
The thing that is very sad to see is people from Mag and SBI posting things about hackers to justify their losses. I would also like to say that It isn’t the people from the good guilds that I give full props to above. I guess there is always going to be someone that is just so uber the only way they could lose is because of a hack. I mean it wouldn’t have anything to do with them running a glass cannon build they got off Youtube and charging into AC fire…. So how does that go again… 25/30/0/0/15 then 22222 WTF im dead???? The guy on Youtube didn’t die must be a hack…
DB has been fighting servers with a full crew day and night with the same numbers that Mag and SBI can field for months. Through all of that there was very little accusations of hacking. Now bring in a new match up and suddenly all these accusations start popping up.
My question is simply this: Is it that there is actual hacking going on? Or are there just some people from Mag and SBI that can’t handle the fact that you are going to lose this week and, since you cant win in the game you have to come here and QQ to justify your loss? Yes this match-up is a very bad one.. Neither Mag or SBI has a night crew, and no matter how good your groups are every day you will walk into a map that is solid green, and honestly that is simply not fair to either of your servers.
If you see someone hacking by all means report them regardless of the server they are from, but don’t fill the match forum with QQ about it when every thing that all 3 servers have fought for and won or loss had almost nothing to do with anything but pure grinding of forces sometimes for hours at a time. Don’t take away the dignity of the attackers or defenders by crying hacker.
On a side note I would like to state that Anet screwed the kitten with this match-up. As well as the changes made to siege. Congrats Anet you have managed to change WvW from Squad tactics to a contest of who can turtle with 12 AC’s behind a choke point the longest.
DB Night Crew
Agg is like the Energizer Bunny, they just keep going and going and going. Glad they’re on my side…
Hahaha! I love that bunny!
This matchup is balanced.
Are there any players on DB or SBI that don’t run from fights? At first it was cute now it’s just boring.
I don’t run. Come and find me! =3
It’s just a troll post…this guys post the exact same thing almost every match up…..he needs a new bit IMO =/
… I need somewhere to akitten all night.Also, SBI? Hello server I’ve never even heard of before. Best of luck this week. =)
~ Kovu
SBI was once #1 server for at least 4 weeks in a row….maybe it was more…
welcome to the game =)
Someone posted this on one of my YouTube videos and it really hurt my feelings. :’(
Someone really is angry today in that screenshot
DB since Headstart
Congrats RE on joining DB the bandwagon server! now you can see how it feels to win again =)
You might get some fights if you move 100 people off of the spawn and let those 15 pieces of siege decay, just sayin.
But that would require a small shred of honor.
Congrats RE on joining DB the bandwagon server! now you can see how it feels to win again =)
We have an [RE] already on DB, are you sure it isn’t them??
DB since Headstart
One thing is for sure, a good number of us is not gonna take this week serious with capping and defending for obvious reasons. For the most part I’m just looking for some good fights.
I do find it funny that SBI is gaining rating on this.
Maguuma~ : 3
One thing is for sure, a good number of us is not gonna take this week serious with capping and defending for obvious reasons. For the most part I’m just looking for some good fights.
I do find it funny that SBI is gaining rating on this.
Yea Anet didn’t screw them over already…… Lets do a Zerg vs Zerg vs Zerg fight somewhere….
DB since Headstart
Just report, it’s a known exploit
DB since Headstart
I know, I was just kinda pointing out the cheap tactic.
Reporting that won’t do anything, fyi.
Reporting that won’t do anything, fyi.
we know but it’s Anet “policy”
DB since Headstart
TC WvWer here. Allow me to just say…
DB, we miss you. Please come back soon. You were always honorable and worthy opponents, who did your fighting on the battlefield rather than in the jumping puzzles.
Stay classy, and I hope to cross blades with you again. In the meantime we’re stuck with Fort Dorkwood and SoS…>_>
(edited by ElforTheLandStander.7052)
I’m so surprised so many keep thinking DB haxxxxx. Lol. That makes me laugh a lot.
For me it’s not so much the rampant zoom hacking and the flying robots. It’s the fact that fighting against bandwagon servers means we encounter way too much skill lag for big fights to be very much fun. If all I get to do in WvW is auto-attack it’s not really worth playing. I honestly don’t know how you guys who play in the blob tiers can stand it.
Malzerius – Thief
Dark Covenant (SBI)
One thing is for sure, a good number of us is not gonna take this week serious with capping and defending for obvious reasons. For the most part I’m just looking for some good fights.
I do find it funny that SBI is gaining rating on this.
Yeah it’s a wierd system if you asked me.
I have a healthy respect for [DERP] and [SM] on Mag because your skill level when we met briefly in the lower tiers was beyond that of the tier you were in.
I’ve been trying to raise the level of play on SBI from what I have learnt. Progress is slow but steady.
With nothing to lose this week, we’re taking the fight to the Green. Those on DB bl on reset, ya know what i’m talking about.
continue with the SBI motivational video and pics
i felt like this one really should deep since this is what SBI has to fight plz dont give up treat this as a learning curve watch what we do and maybe u can use even some of these tactics in other fights
I’m so surprised so many keep thinking DB haxxxxx. Lol. That makes me laugh a lot.
For me it’s not so much the rampant zoom hacking and the flying robots. It’s the fact that fighting against bandwagon servers means we encounter way too much skill lag for big fights to be very much fun. If all I get to do in WvW is auto-attack it’s not really worth playing. I honestly don’t know how you guys who play in the blob tiers can stand it.
Even without transfers this match-up would still be in favor for DB…
DB since Headstart
I just think SBI needs to push a bit more. There are definitely times when you guys outnumber DB.
Hearing talk about numbers makes me shake my head.
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe
I’m so surprised so many keep thinking DB haxxxxx. Lol. That makes me laugh a lot.
For me it’s not so much the rampant zoom hacking and the flying robots. It’s the fact that fighting against bandwagon servers means we encounter way too much skill lag for big fights to be very much fun. If all I get to do in WvW is auto-attack it’s not really worth playing. I honestly don’t know how you guys who play in the blob tiers can stand it.
Even without transfers this match-up would still be in favor for DB…
That’s not the point I’m making. I’m saying that there’s so many of you in one place that the game ceases to work properly I don’t care about the score but I do care about being able to use my abilities. Again, I honestly don’t understand how the people in the higher tiers can stand this nonsense. Do you guys enjoy pressing 1 all the time? In my opinion it leaves a bit to be desired lol.
I’m not blaming all of Dragonband. You can’t keep people from bandwagoning onto your server and dooming the rest of you to massive skill lag. Also, Arenanet is why we’re all in this matchup anyway so they flat out suck a kitten for ruining our WvW experiences in general.
Malzerius – Thief
Dark Covenant (SBI)
I just think SBI needs to push a bit more. There are definitely times when you guys outnumber DB.
Hearing talk about numbers makes me shake my head.
I’m sure they outnumber DB until a tower is taken, and then a zerg hops over to take it back because there’s probably nothing else for them to do. Then the choice is defending a paper tower against 40+ or throwing yourself at a 1700/1700 keep that’s pre-sieged with bored DB players watching the place.
Also, how are you in 8 guilds?
I’m so surprised so many keep thinking DB haxxxxx. Lol. That makes me laugh a lot.
For me it’s not so much the rampant zoom hacking and the flying robots. It’s the fact that fighting against bandwagon servers means we encounter way too much skill lag for big fights to be very much fun. If all I get to do in WvW is auto-attack it’s not really worth playing. I honestly don’t know how you guys who play in the blob tiers can stand it.
Even without transfers this match-up would still be in favor for DB…
That’s not the point I’m making. I’m saying that there’s so many of you in one place that the game ceases to work properly
I don’t care about the score but I do care about being able to use my abilities. Again, I honestly don’t understand how the people in the higher tiers can stand this nonsense. Do you guys enjoy pressing 1 all the time? In my opinion it leaves a bit to be desired lol.
I’m not blaming all of Dragonband. You can’t keep people from bandwagoning onto your server and dooming the rest of you to massive skill lag. Also, Arenanet is why we’re all in this matchup anyway so they flat out suck a kitten for ruining our WvW experiences in general.
i usually don’t catch that kind of lag unless all 3 servers are fighting in one spot.. some lag but not the i can only press 1 lag.
Elephant Ambush [EA] , Sea of Sorrows