The NA Bronze League Thread
I’m telling you guys we only became “Very High” randomly during that free trial week back in October and haven’t went down since
It fluctuates, I know when I came back from BG the last time SF was “very high” and that was before October I think.
Sorry, but the only server that pulled out T8 by themselves was GoM. (I’m not counting DR and Kaineng that became bandwagons to leave)
SF pulled out when Anet increased the rating for both ET and FC
HoD pulled out by draining rating from even higher ranker servers when the random matchups startedI like your story bro, but don’t add things that aren’t true.
hahaha GoM has no right to talk about T8 yet. They were T8 for what…. 2 weeks before leagues started? We Fergs were T8 for almost a YEAR! Until August our total match wins was TWO! Then, without any transfers, we recruited PvE’ers from within and restructured TS and other changes while other servers imploded, leading to us winning 4 out of 6 matches prior to season 1 and pull ourselves up out of T8… for good.
The only other server that can claim to have done so with no significant transfers is ET however they went right back to T8.
It used to be ET was the only server we could beat. Now we are comfortable against ET, AR, DR, GoM, and KN. We also beat SF and DH before season 1 but we’d already heavily recruited our PvE base and don’t have a big one to begin with, so once SF and DH took advantage of that same opportunity it definitely gave them a leg up on us. For now
Jeknar isn’t even from Gate of Madness so not sure which of us are talking about tier 8.
We’ve been in tier 8 a couple times and not for very long either. I’d say it has a lot to do with how the winds are blowing and how much our PvE folk wanna show up. We didn’t get transfers, we’re still the same server with the same people that a month ago lost to ET, AR, FC. There isn’t anyone that we’re not capable of losing to if our morale is bad enough.
Of course, I dunno how much morale is in anyone’s control so I feel like how the server does is mostly out of my hands ankitten ot really to give out credit to anyone, haha.
I didn’t understood his post, thus why I simply ignored it… I just said GoM left T8 without help from outside (which is true), and suddenly the reply is about how amazing FC is…
This forum sometimes is weird…
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing
Sorry, but the only server that pulled out T8 by themselves was GoM. (I’m not counting DR and Kaineng that became bandwagons to leave)
SF pulled out when Anet increased the rating for both ET and FC
HoD pulled out by draining rating from even higher ranker servers when the random matchups startedI like your story bro, but don’t add things that aren’t true.
haha. such bull Skritt. you can keep your sorry, and your “bro”, and your ignorance to yourself. I and everyone else who pays any attention at all knows that GoM is the one server who didnt pull up by themselves. The rest of us know exactly how GoM got out of the Glicko T8 trap, and that it involved many guilds transferring to GoM including one who could queue a whole map on their own. Go peddle your usual skritt elsewhere.
Sorry, but the only server that pulled out T8 by themselves was GoM. (I’m not counting DR and Kaineng that became bandwagons to leave)
SF pulled out when Anet increased the rating for both ET and FC
HoD pulled out by draining rating from even higher ranker servers when the random matchups startedI like your story bro, but don’t add things that aren’t true.
haha. such bull Skritt. you can keep your sorry, and your “bro”, and your ignorance to yourself. I and everyone else who pays any attention at all knows that GoM is the one server who didnt pull up by themselves. The rest of us know exactly how GoM got out of the Glicko T8 trap, and that it involved many guilds transferring to GoM including one who could queue a whole map on their own. Go peddle your usual skritt elsewhere.
Not that it matters at all (T8 bragging rights? lol), but Zombieland transferred to GoM that Thursday… the night before we were already set to move back to T7. I remember that specifically because someone made the joke that everyone would say ZL carried us to freedom. The rest of the transfers came after because the ZL thing sparked a lot of our players to start advertising for guilds to come to GoM, whereas before we were somewhat opposed to the idea of recruiting.
But, like I said, none of that matters because pretty much all of our transfers (plus many of our old core guilds) transferred off because leagues and dolyak finishers are serious business.
Sorry, but the only server that pulled out T8 by themselves was GoM. (I’m not counting DR and Kaineng that became bandwagons to leave)
SF pulled out when Anet increased the rating for both ET and FC
HoD pulled out by draining rating from even higher ranker servers when the random matchups startedI like your story bro, but don’t add things that aren’t true.
haha. such bull Skritt. you can keep your sorry, and your “bro”, and your ignorance to yourself. I and everyone else who pays any attention at all knows that GoM is the one server who didnt pull up by themselves. The rest of us know exactly how GoM got out of the Glicko T8 trap, and that it involved many guilds transferring to GoM including one who could queue a whole map on their own. Go peddle your usual skritt elsewhere.
Not that it matters at all (T8 bragging rights? lol), but Zombieland transferred to GoM that Thursday… the night before we were already set to move back to T7. I remember that specifically because someone made the joke that everyone would say ZL carried us to freedom. The rest of the transfers came after because the ZL thing sparked a lot of our players to start advertising for guilds to come to GoM, whereas before we were somewhat opposed to the idea of recruiting.
But, like I said, none of that matters because pretty much all of our transfers (plus many of our old core guilds) transferred off because leagues and dolyak finishers are serious business.
Yes, but the deal was struck earlier. it was the dirty trick ZL and their buds did the 1.5 weeks before that was the memorable part – with out that you would have had your points sucked down and you would have been trapped forever like SF was.
I blame ZL karma for why we got to play you guys so infrequently since, they were so denied!
dolyak finishers are serious business.
Yo mama’s so fat, Arena Net released her as the ultimate Dolyak Finisher.
dolyak finishers are serious business.
Yo mama’s so fat, Arena Net released her as the ultimate Dolyak Finisher.
They even deleted my suggestion of selling publicity on keep doors, like a coca-cola door to increase revenu to make it worth it for them to have a team dedicated to WvW only
– goes to show their faith in WvW.
I’d proudly stick a few Natty Light logos on our keep gates. Maybe add a Papa John’s logo on our dolyaks and little pizza boxes on their backs.
We’re very classy over here on GoM.
That’s a great idea for dolyak carrying pizza boxes, didn’t think of it. That idea would totally work, I wonder why they hate it so much.
When he reaches the coca-cola gate, a guard could say, “that Papa John’s pizza tastes great with Coca-cola” [type /ordernow to order at a Papa John’s near you!]
There was some game that had /pizza as a command and you would get a pepperoni pizza from I think it was dominos. There were some sort of insane legal issues with it which is why you are probably getting knocked off on that idea, they don’t want to borrow trouble.
Edit: OK I looked it up, it was EQ2 and Pizza Hut, Cant remember what the issue was and cant find anything by googling it, but something happened that stopped other games from instituting Ingame advertising and products.
Gates of Madness Community
DUI Co-Founder
(edited by Easterbunny.6170)
They even deleted my suggestion of selling publicity on keep doors, like a coca-cola door to increase revenu to make it worth it for them to have a team dedicated to WvW only
– goes to show their faith in WvW.
I’d proudly stick a few Natty Light logos on our keep gates. Maybe add a Papa John’s logo on our dolyaks and little pizza boxes on their backs.
We’re very classy over here on GoM.
That’s a great idea for dolyak carrying pizza boxes, didn’t think of it. That idea would totally work, I wonder why they hate it so much.
When he reaches the coca-cola gate, a guard could say, “that Papa John’s pizza tastes great with Coca-cola” [type /ordernow to order at a Papa John’s near you!]
There was some game that had /pizza as a command and you would get a pepperoni pizza from I think it was dominos. There were some sort of insane legal issues with it which is why you are probably getting knocked off on that idea, they don’t want to borrow trouble.
Edit: OK I looked it up, it was EQ2 and Pizza Hut, Cant remember what the issue was and cant find anything by googling it, but something happened that stopped other games from instituting Ingame advertising and products.
I remember when that /pizza became a thing haha! Well after i left eq and started playing daoc.
But that was nothing compared to what EA did in daoc when mythic merged with EA.
In a fantasy world, over night, billboards and signposts for other EA titles littered the maps. It was like EA diarhea’d all over the servers.
Not sure how the other tier 8 servers are doing but this league has caused us (DR) to go from a low populated wvw server to a ghost town. We had a mass exodus to servers that were destined to win their league before leagues started. Then countless people transferred after leagues began cus we are outmanned buff pretty much 20 out of 24 hours of the day in every matchup we been in. Bascially we have a queue on eb for an hour or so on reset. No queue anywhere else. Then outmanned buff the rest of the week other than a couple hours at primetime. If that gives u guys an idea of our population.
Welcome to every t8 server. I like the outmanned buff. Who doesn’t want more mf?
Welcome to every t8 server. I like the outmanned buff. Who doesn’t want more mf?
GoM was a T8 server when leagues started. Clearly there is more than one possible outcome.
Niniyl (Ele) | Barah (Eng) | Luthiyn (War) | Niennya (Thf)
This is
Not sure how the other tier 8 servers are doing but this league has caused us (DR) to go from a low populated wvw server to a ghost town. We had a mass exodus to servers that were destined to win their league before leagues started. Then countless people transferred after leagues began cus we are outmanned buff pretty much 20 out of 24 hours of the day in every matchup we been in. Bascially we have a queue on eb for an hour or so on reset. No queue anywhere else. Then outmanned buff the rest of the week other than a couple hours at primetime. If that gives u guys an idea of our population.
At least you got rid of the rude people on your server with those xfers
Welcome to every t8 server. I like the outmanned buff. Who doesn’t want more mf?
GoM was a T8 server when leagues started. Clearly there is more than one possible outcome.
No, no, no. There is only one possibility. Once you go T8, you never go back!
Welcome to every t8 server. I like the outmanned buff. Who doesn’t want more mf?
GoM was a T8 server when leagues started. Clearly there is more than one possible outcome.
No, no, no. There is only one possibility. Once you go T8, you never go back!
Once you go tier 8, it’s forever your fate?
A year from now, every server will be in tier 8.
Welcome to every t8 server. I like the outmanned buff. Who doesn’t want more mf?
GoM was a T8 server when leagues started. Clearly there is more than one possible outcome.
No, no, no. There is only one possibility. Once you go T8, you never go back!
Once you go tier 8, it’s forever your fate?
A year from now, every server will be in tier 8.
T8 scars never fade… You’ll be marked forever!
You can even become the next Blackgate, but the burden of your past will carry you down to your origins (hello Kaineng).
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing
Bronze League players had AR last in Bronze League. With a little teamspeak and defense we managed 2nd place two weeks in a row. If we can keep this momentum up for the next two weeks, I am thinking more like 6th, maybe even 5th if Kaineng can’t pull off 2nd place for the next two weeks.
Bronze League players had AR last in Bronze League. With a little teamspeak and defense we managed 2nd place two weeks in a row. If we can keep this momentum up for the next two weeks, I am thinking more like 6th, maybe even 5th if Kaineng can’t pull off 2nd place for the next two weeks.
Unless AR get a second on the next two weeks, or if ET can’t beat Kain next week, you going to be last along with ET anyway. But I still don’t expect AR to be able to beat DR. So I belive ET/AR/Kain will all be tied on last with 11pts each.
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing
FC also thought the were going to beat DH. They assumed that their previous victories preseason had any factor in the outcome.
So if AR really wants it they have a shot at beating dr.
FC also thought the were going to beat DH. They assumed that their previous victories preseason had any factor in the outcome.
So if AR really wants it they have a shot at beating dr.
Well, I’m not asuming victories of DR over AR in pre-season. I’m assuming the victory of DR over AR on week 1 (GoM/DR/AR).
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing
What happened with FC? Seems like someone forgot to put the Zerg in the Ferg today. You guys seemed a little less Zergilicious last week too.
What happened with FC? Seems like someone forgot to put the Zerg in the Ferg today. You guys seemed a little less Zergilicious last week too.
FC doesn’t zerg much outside of EB, despite what you may have heard.
What happened with FC? Seems like someone forgot to put the Zerg in the Ferg today. You guys seemed a little less Zergilicious last week too.
FC doesn’t zerg much outside of EB, despite what you may have heard.
F-F-F-FERG FERG FERG. FERG IS THE ZERG F-F-F Ferg Ferg Ferg Ferg is the zerg
Haven’t you heard about the Ferg?!? Everybody knows that the Ferg is the zerg!
Bababa boo mao mao baba ba mao bababa boo mao mao boomaomamo
What happened with FC? Seems like someone forgot to put the Zerg in the Ferg today. You guys seemed a little less Zergilicious last week too.
FC doesn’t zerg much outside of EB, despite what you may have heard.
Nuff said:
Tifa Ran/Ranger with a Pet
Commander WvW – Henge of Denravi
What happened with FC? Seems like someone forgot to put the Zerg in the Ferg today. You guys seemed a little less Zergilicious last week too.
FC doesn’t zerg much outside of EB, despite what you may have heard.
Nuff said:
A wild group of 30 appeared on a weekend! Oh noz. You can just queue the BL to clear that up. Nuff said.
What happened with FC? Seems like someone forgot to put the Zerg in the Ferg today. You guys seemed a little less Zergilicious last week too.
FC doesn’t zerg much outside of EB, despite what you may have heard.
Nuff said:
Because anecdote = the norm, amirite? That’s still nothing compared to the HoD zergs we see on a daily basis. My favorites are the blobs running away when they don’t have a 10:1 advantage.
What happened with FC? Seems like someone forgot to put the Zerg in the Ferg today. You guys seemed a little less Zergilicious last week too.
FC doesn’t zerg much outside of EB, despite what you may have heard.
F-F-F-FERG FERG FERG. FERG IS THE ZERG F-F-F Ferg Ferg Ferg Ferg is the zerg
Haven’t you heard about the Ferg?!? Everybody knows that the Ferg is the zerg!
Bababa boo mao mao baba ba mao bababa boo mao mao boomaomamo
Who takes that guy seriously? He’s more full of kitten than the crappers at Taco Bell.
What happened with FC? Seems like someone forgot to put the Zerg in the Ferg today. You guys seemed a little less Zergilicious last week too.
FC doesn’t zerg much outside of EB, despite what you may have heard.
Nuff said: anecdote = the norm, amirite? That’s still nothing compared to the HoD zergs we see on a daily basis. My favorites are the blobs running away when they don’t have a 10:1 advantage.
Cause they saw yo mama in the front, yo.
(Insert other useless !@#$ here)
AR slums down low. Defense FTW!!
What happened with FC? Seems like someone forgot to put the Zerg in the Ferg today. You guys seemed a little less Zergilicious last week too.
FC doesn’t zerg much outside of EB, despite what you may have heard.
Nuff said: wild group of 30 appeared on a weekend! Oh noz. You can just queue the BL to clear that up. Nuff said.
Not to mention all the zergs from FC on Friday. Just quit saying you don’t zerg that much. Every server you’ve gone up against knows different. There’s a reason your nickname is Zerguson’s Crossing.
Tifa Ran/Ranger with a Pet
Commander WvW – Henge of Denravi
Love FC though I may, (I’m a fanboy) you guys do zerg a lot lol. And I’m from Darkhaven!
Darkhaven Commander
Co-leader of [Sold]
(edited by Arius.7031)
What happened with FC? Seems like someone forgot to put the Zerg in the Ferg today. You guys seemed a little less Zergilicious last week too.
FC doesn’t zerg much outside of EB, despite what you may have heard.
Nuff said: wild group of 30 appeared on a weekend! Oh noz. You can just queue the BL to clear that up. Nuff said.
Not to mention all the zergs from FC on Friday. Just quit saying you don’t zerg that much. Every server you’ve gone up against knows different. There’s a reason your nickname is Zerguson’s Crossing.
You act as if HoD is any better! Of course we will have a zerg on reset! We queued two maps, 1 for about 15 minutes and the other for 4 or so hours. You queued all 4 maps. QQ about zergs more please.
For the record, I didn’t say we don’t have zergs. HoD members showing a 30 man group as evidence of FC zerging is laughable.
HoD doesn’t zerg.
The best player in the game
“I’m better than all of you!”
FC does Zerg a lot and everyone knows HoD doesn’t Zerg.
[url=https://] [/url]
Only SF zerg… You’re all wrong…
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing
What happened with FC? Seems like someone forgot to put the Zerg in the Ferg today. You guys seemed a little less Zergilicious last week too.
FC doesn’t zerg much outside of EB, despite what you may have heard.
Nuff said: wild group of 30 appeared on a weekend! Oh noz. You can just queue the BL to clear that up. Nuff said.
Not to mention all the zergs from FC on Friday. Just quit saying you don’t zerg that much. Every server you’ve gone up against knows different. There’s a reason your nickname is Zerguson’s Crossing.
You act as if HoD is any better! Of course we will have a zerg on reset! We queued two maps, 1 for about 15 minutes and the other for 4 or so hours. You queued all 4 maps. QQ about zergs more please.
For the record, I didn’t say we don’t have zergs. HoD members showing a 30 man group as evidence of FC zerging is laughable.
Actually nobody was QQing about zergs, I was actually doing the opposite wondering where the ferg zerg went, I havent seen the ferg zerg in EB since reset.
Not sure how the other tier 8 servers are doing but this league has caused us (DR) to go from a low populated wvw server to a ghost town..
The leagues has lost every bronze server at least one guild into the silver and gold leagues, when it’s been repeatedly reported to Anet of population imbalance and they themselves have acknowledged it. Seems like any remedy they come up with only further damages the issue. If I were working there I would suggest hiring new minds for rethinking the balancing of servers.
If current trends continue this looks like it will be Season One Bronze League at wrap up. Congratulations to all the winners, I think.
1st Henge of Denravi
2nd Sorrow’s Furnace
3nd Darkhaven
4th Gate of Madness
5th Ferguson’s Crossing
6th Anvil Rock
7th Kaineng
8th Devona’s Rest
9th Eredon Terrace
If current trends continue this looks like it will be Season One Bronze League at wrap up. Congratulations to all the winners, I think.
1st Henge of Denravi
2nd Sorrow’s Furnace
3nd Darkhaven
4th Gate of Madness
5th Ferguson’s Crossing
6th Anvil Rock
7th Kaineng
8th Devona’s Rest
9th Eredon Terrace
Second place will be decided next week (11/29 – 12/6) with Darkhaven facing off against Sorrows Furnace while Eredon Terrace gets a front row seat. It will be a lot of fun to watch it unfold. Last time these two servers faced off (Season 1, Week 1) SF won by only 40k points ( ). Who has learned more this season? How does each server prepare to best the other? I, for one, wish [MU] was going to get in on that action next week.
Oh I wanna join in on this fact spreading!
IoJ doesn’t pvdoor.
If current trends continue this looks like it will be Season One Bronze League at wrap up. Congratulations to all the winners, I think.
1st Henge of Denravi
2nd Sorrow’s Furnace
3nd Darkhaven
4th Gate of Madness
5th Ferguson’s Crossing
6th Anvil Rock
7th Kaineng
8th Devona’s Rest
9th Eredon TerraceSecond place will be decided next week (11/29 – 12/6) with Darkhaven facing off against Sorrows Furnace while Eredon Terrace gets a front row seat. It will be a lot of fun to watch it unfold. Last time these two servers faced off (Season 1, Week 1) SF won by only 40k points ( ). Who has learned more this season? How does each server prepare to best the other? I, for one, wish [MU] was going to get in on that action next week.
I am so excited. Darkhaven has been preparing and organizing. Darkhaven is currently the underdog as everyone realizes, but don’t count us out yet! I also don’t think we’ve faced ET since the beginning of the season, so it will be good to see them again.
Darkhaven Commander
Co-leader of [Sold]
How I feel after reading all the of the predictions about AR not beating anyone
-Third Vanguard Driver
-“We have Cannons we dont need Cloths”
If current trends continue this looks like it will be Season One Bronze League at wrap up. Congratulations to all the winners, I think.
1st Henge of Denravi
2nd Sorrow’s Furnace
3nd Darkhaven
4th Gate of Madness
5th Ferguson’s Crossing
6th Anvil Rock
7th Kaineng
8th Devona’s Rest
9th Eredon TerraceSecond place will be decided next week (11/29 – 12/6) with Darkhaven facing off against Sorrows Furnace while Eredon Terrace gets a front row seat. It will be a lot of fun to watch it unfold. Last time these two servers faced off (Season 1, Week 1) SF won by only 40k points ( ). Who has learned more this season? How does each server prepare to best the other? I, for one, wish [MU] was going to get in on that action next week.
I am so excited. Darkhaven has been preparing and organizing. Darkhaven is currently the underdog as everyone realizes, but don’t count us out yet! I also don’t think we’ve faced ET since the beginning of the season, so it will be good to see them again.
SF will certainly come out swinging with Cosa being the biggest punch. I look forward to seeing how DH brawls against the punches when the bragging rights of second place are on the line.
I am so excited. Darkhaven has been preparing and organizing. Darkhaven is currently the underdog as everyone realizes, but don’t count us out yet! I also don’t think we’ve faced ET since the beginning of the season, so it will be good to see them again.
I don’t think you’ll be seeing much ET around… SF zerg/blob will problably blot out every red dot from the map, just like this week.
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing
HoD doesn’t zerg.
Nope, they swarm instead.
Please give us a keyring…
Season one was a boring failure
[url=https://] [/url]
Season one was a boring failure
I get the impressions that leagues are better when you’re the middle of the pact. Gate of Madness has been lucky in that sense.
Just wanted to share the fun battles we have had in bronze. We were originally from FA and joined the gank scene. Before the season started we transferred down to bronze league because of how zergy upper leagues were getting. We have never been happier on our home of Darkhaven.
We usually run with a condi necro, condi thief, and hybrid S/D ele. This group make up synergizes well in small gank/group combat.
Season one was a boring failure
I am having a blast. I think 4 leagues (Diamond, Gold, Silver, Bronze) and a shorter season would have created more competition, but overall I think people have enjoyed the league system. Naturally there is room for improvement next season as we have all discussed, and you wont please everyone. However overall I think season one was a success.