Vizunah/Desolation/Seafarer (2.03-???) T1 EU
epic fail
if you want to troll do it well please…
75/75 Arrow Cart Mastery
124K doors and counting
So i dont get a troll medal?
just the pity chocolate medal.
As self proclaimed worst commander and worst mesmer EU id like to interupt your usual broadcast of flaming and trolling to say thanks for the last few weeks of wiping each other all over the borders.
Alynda Hawker [IRON]
As self proclaimed worst commander and worst mesmer EU id like to interupt your usual broadcast of flaming and trolling to say thanks for the last few weeks of wiping each other all over the borders.
Alynda Hawker [IRON]
That’s good mentality ! humility, humor, and respect. Cheers man
General of Grand Cross Knights [GCK]
This game will be much more enjoyable if guilds get their identities back. Atm it’s just a ball of randomness.
On a sidenote: How many weeks did Viz actually win (gold medal on mos site) vs an enemy with night and morning force since release? One, week 43 ‘12. You’re consistent, but only in the morning hours.
How many times RG did swap servers to bring Vizunah down to T2with success ?
Zero, at least you’re consistent, but in the fails.
You’re consistent, but only in the morning hours.
Sure , that’s why you lost 20+ golem two nights ago. Coz we were not their. Oh wait …
Eternalïa [OVER]
This game will be much more enjoyable if guilds get their identities back. Atm it’s just a ball of randomness.
good ! now SFR players know what RG think of them!
75/75 Arrow Cart Mastery
124K doors and counting
This game will be much more enjoyable if guilds get their identities back. Atm it’s just a ball of randomness.
On a sidenote: How many weeks did Viz actually win (gold medal on mos site) vs an enemy with night and morning force since release? One, week 43 ‘12. You’re consistent, but only in the morning hours.
Don’t worry for us. We all have our guilds identities on VS and I guess a lot of guilds on other servers do aswell. The thing you didn’t understand, hard to believe after 6 months, is that the WvW is server-wide and, to take the example of Vizunah, we are playing and organizing for the server.
So don’t make a generality of your feelings. You, as RG, need to get some recognition because of your ego. We are looking for recognition for our server.
You are maybe just on the wrong game.
You’re consistent, but only in the morning hours.
Sure , that’s why you lost 20+ golem two nights ago. Coz we were not their. Oh wait …
Read what I wrote and understand it, then post. The other way round results in stuff like yours.
This game will be much more enjoyable if guilds get their identities back. Atm it’s just a ball of randomness.
good ! now SFR players know what RG think of them!
Yes, this is my opinion of all guilds (on all servers) that stopped trying to actively avoid balling up. Nice try to stir things up by making me a speaker of RG while I’m just a normal member. You shouldn’t have missed trolling 101 lesson.
How many times RG did swap servers to bring Vizunah down to T2with success ?
Zero, at least you’re consistent, but in the fails.
Nice try. We never changed servers to take out Vizunah. Our first goal is always to get good fights (why you think we went to NA and t2 or lower servers with no chance of going t1?), if Viz goes down to t2 eventually that’s a nice sideeffect.
So don’t make a generality of your feelings. You, as RG, need to get some recognition because of your ego. We are looking for recognition for our server.
You are maybe just on the wrong game.
Random-quality is the secret of success. And i think you were come to us for that reason.
Long live the PUG! Hrhr!
For my part, i play gw2 for that reason.
On a sidenote: How many weeks did Viz actually win (gold medal on mos site) vs an enemy with night and morning force since release? One, week 43 ‘12. You’re consistent, but only in the morning hours.
Basically you are saying that every server with a better coverage have beaten us and it just make us consistent on morning ?
Trool aside, I guess that when we say we don’t have that much coverage, there’s some truth.
Because yep every server with a good coverage has a chance to beat us.
Arborstone (extra motivation), Deso@Ruin, Blacktide, Elona on holydays, SFR@Prx, SFR@Piken have shown it.
Arborstone and Elona didn’t sustained it, Blacktide coverage was out of reach.
But we won against SFR, Deso@Ruin.
And we are fighting for the win this week, which isn’t bad considering the actual coverage SFR has.
Because bôjeu or not, you guys actually have guilds running full raid on more than two primetime’s duration, guilds doing night or morning operation, and guilds having 5-10 players all day long.
(edited by Vroum.2906)
Kitten you troll too much. I don’t even have time read all this kitten.
Seafarer’s Rest EotM grinch
yeah we’ve seen that last 2 nights. RG mixed with pug. Sacrx leading them till 6AM this night .It must feels horrible
75/75 Arrow Cart Mastery
124K doors and counting
Truth is like it or not Empyre has a point.
Multi guild-random blobs of 60+ people are far less enjoyable and impersonal than groups of 30 people clashing with each other.
Not to talk about the fact that 60+ groups cannot be faced by 30 man groups anymore due to skill lag… and at pressing “1” no one is better than the guys that have more people.
This are facts weather you like them or not.
Nice try. We never changed servers to take out Vizunah. Our first goal is always to get good fights (why you think we went to NA and t2 or lower servers with no chance of going t1?), if Viz goes down to t2 eventually that’s a nice sideeffect.
Is Sacrx anyhow related to RG ?
This thread should be freaking locked.
Show some respect.
All of the T1 servers have good guilds / a good community and great organisation , else they wouldnt be in T1 to start with.
Solo guard of the watergate
Seafarer’s Rest [EU]
yeah we’ve seen that last 2 nights. RG mixed with pug. Sacrx leading them till 6AM this night .It must feels horrible
actually not
Nice try. We never changed servers to take out Vizunah. Our first goal is always to get good fights (why you think we went to NA and t2 or lower servers with no chance of going t1?), if Viz goes down to t2 eventually that’s a nice sideeffect.
Is Sacrx anyhow related to RG ?
How exactly does 1 guild/server take out another if there’s always a threeway going on?
Many (myself and I guess also Sacrx (can’t speak for him) included) don’t like your playstyle, run when not outnumbering the enemy, pushing at hours the enemy is low (you lost all matchups but one where the enemy had same presence at morning hours), bringing everyone and their granny etc…
SFR can push for the win, but not for taking out Viz. That’s why I said it’s a nice sideeffect, but not a realistic objective in a game that is focused on pug coverage.
Basically you are saying that every server with a better coverage have beaten us and it just make us consistent on morning ?
Trool aside, I guess that when we say we don’t have that much coverage, there’s some truth.
Because yep every server with a good coverage has a chance to beat us.
Arborstone (extra motivation), Deso@Ruin, Blacktide, Elona on holydays, SFR@Prx, SFR@Piken have shown it.Arborstone and Elona didn’t sustained it, Blacktide coverage was out of reach.
But we won against SFR, Deso@Ruin.
And we are fighting for the win this week, which isn’t bad considering the actual coverage SFR has.
Because bôjeu or not, you guys actually have guilds running full raid on more than two primetime’s duration, guilds doing night or morning operation, and guilds having 5-10 players all day long.
You got it. Viz has yet to win versus equal or better morning/night coverage.
One thing you said about this week makes me wonder. Are you saying you don’t have queues from 18-22/23 (if that is true, why not run guild groups since there are no queues, all I heared so far was the “we have to blobb/play like we do cause of 16/7 queues”-excuse)? Or why is SFR coverage superior atm from your point of view? Wasn’t Troma running with 50+ at early hours a day ago trying to turn around the week after temporary burnout you guys had?
(edited by Empyre.2531)
SFR and Viz cant go T2 with their current forces.
Better learn to live together
What is love ?
Sorry Empyre, i must say it’s not true.
We didn’t loose all matchups but one when enemy has same presence, check the MoS site with more attention please. SFR+PRX lost more than one time, Deso+RUIN, Elona, etc…
and with all the fights i did, specially this week versus RG groups or others (i always change maps and play with everyone) you just cannot say we always run when not outnumbering, it’s not justice at all to say that.
Don’t take it for you or your guild (i have many friends in RG, specially the frenchys in, and i like Lyric and others too) but you are kittening wrong man.
And yes, i was with 50+ people and Gwelicia FM commander versus you 2 nights ago, it was the most epic night i haver had on the game, with face to face fights versus Sacrx in the melee which gave me goosebumps. But you had in the same time many forces and mass golems for Opération Baguette #3. So you see, we are not so different
General of Grand Cross Knights [GCK]
(edited by Troma.3250)
So Vz pr mashine broken?
Last stand?broken it is only thursday guys you know?or wednesday was your best shot even retake briefly the lead…
Or no wait you are gonna make super push in friday morning? really you hope it works?
So you lose again it must hurt your feelings I suppose I waiting for Troma explanation and why The last stand failed
The Last Stand goal was not to take the first position. The goal was to do our best, with our heart, to make maximum points, fights, and enjoy the game, and at least to be second. Because like i said many times, we lost many commanders because of burnout
Btw all your posts are trolling or not very nice messages, strange for a leader
General of Grand Cross Knights [GCK]
Be completely honest about this Troma. If all vizunah would have a normal life (go to sleep at night latest, sleep at least till 7-9 am, go to work, complete the day, go home 5 pm, and conclusively would stop your nightcapping team because they finally have a life again. In this case, can you state with 100% confidance that vizunah would remain in t1 (or first spot on EU list for that matter)? I don’t think so. Your political answer to this won’t change it
In the few hours desolation has their players online and active, vizunah is 90% of time BEHIND US in point. So nope wathever the score may tell you desolation rocks. When elona/VS/Deso battles where going, desolation even had 35k lead after the weekends, and it was only countered by morning capping.
You may be victorious because you discovered morning capping is META. It’s your right to follow meta. But it’s boring, without an actual fight, and without honour. If you still feel the superior Vizunah pride for winning. If score mattered anything, desolation would be so demoralized we wouldn’t be fighting anymore. We are still here because we like battlefields, having fun, having victories (real ones, on the battlefield). So if Vizunah wanna stay ‘number addicts’ (for lack of better word with all the filters around here), I make a good laugh. Knowing vizunah is imprisoned in their own number dependence, says a lot about how much fun you guys have.
Vizunah = most efficient server
Deso/SFR = best spike performance. Vizunah cannot beat other server in primetime This is a victory for sfr+deso/defeat for vizunah. No matter how you turn it. No matter how much you value the glicko point system. No matter how hard the next post will deny primtime importance. No matter how much pride you have. Go ahead and counterpost, it doesn’t matter. The fact is there
Stop having so much pride for ‘obvious’ victories.
If vizunah maybe finally can beat other servers as well in primtime, and have the leading ‘peak performance’, then we maybe can start admitting vizunah is nr1 in everything. (not just score that only values meta gameplay).
No excuse anymore for not giving ‘hide mounts’-option
No thanks to unidentified weapons.
(edited by Phoebe Ascension.8437)
Sorry Empyre, i must say it’s not true.
We didn’t loose all matchups but one when enemy has same presence, check the MoS site with more attention please. SFR+PRX lost more than one time, Deso+RUIN, Elona, etc…
and with all the fights i did, specially this week versus RG groups or others (i always change maps and play with everyone) you just cannot say we always run when not outnumbering, it’s not justice at all to say that.
Don’t take it for you or your guild (i have many friends in RG, specially the frenchys in, and i like Lyric and others too) but you are kittening wrong man.
And yes, i was with 50+ people and Gwelicia FM commander versus you 2 nights ago, it was the most epic night i haver had on the game, with face to face fights versus Sacrx in the melee which gave me goosebumps. But you had in the same time many forces and mass golems for Opération Baguette #3. So you see, we are not so different
Maybe you can link me towards the weeks that Viz won a gold medal on mos site where you didn’t peak points at 5-9.
I haven’t had the chance to fight you or FM with equal numbers yet. Two days ago FM + zone (60+) were emoting 20 (+5ish pugs) of us in a tower, in result Viz didn’t take the tower and lost a keep while trying to troll us. Afterwards we caught the FM force split from Metadone and the rest of zone, they got send back to warcamp and weren’t seen alone anymore afterwards. Events like that is why I have such bad opinion of Vizunah as a server (no doubt you got nice guys and blacksheeps, everyone got them). No worries atm another server is trying to take that spot from you.
I have no problem with morning or night cap. It just gets boring if that is your only sharp weapon in your arsenal.
I stop you right now : i’m not a politician, so no political answer. I’m just a passionate gamer.
We have no night teams. It’s night working people/some students/some nolife (hehe yes, there is some, like in your server) and some people who play a lot. It’s the Realm versus Realm, it’s not an instance ! when will you understand that? it was the same kitten in daoc.
Anyway, you should all stop with this primetime bullkitten: the tick change and depend everyday, everytime, we have not all the same hours (hello russian primetime 3hours before us, while we eat baguette and fromage)
i explain it since 8 MONTHS now, it’s totally crazy that you cannot understand primetime mean nothings because of the different hours, culture, eating habits of all europeans.
Do you really want to know why we sometimes have to play the morning? because with all the coverage, all the goods guilds and different hours of all europe you have on SFR (i saw the list on before delete, very huge compared to us) we had to find something else.
Do you realise why you have almost no queue? because when we have 300+ french trying to enter in the same hour, you guys have guilds rolling and rolling in different coverage, and it’s very strong. You ask me to be honest? this is my answer.
General of Grand Cross Knights [GCK]
(edited by Troma.3250)
An honest post. I like that Troma the realist.
Fact is I work parttime, if i really want to, i can ‘morning play’ on some days as well, but I don’t bother with it, less fun, and it would interfere with my sleep rythm
No excuse anymore for not giving ‘hide mounts’-option
No thanks to unidentified weapons.
I stop you right now : i’m not a politician, so no political answer. I’m just a passionate gamer.
We have no night teams. It’s night working people/some students/some nolife (hehe yes, there is some, like in your server) and some people who play a lot. It’s the Realm versus Realm, it’s not an instance ! when will you understand that? it was the same kitten in daoc.
Anyway, you should all stop with this primetime bullkitten: the tick change and depend everyday, everytime, we have not all the same hours (hello russian primetime 3hours before us, while we eat baguette and fromage)
i explain it since 8 MONTHS now, it’s totally crazy that you cannot understand primetime mean nothings because of the different hours of all europeans.
Do you really want to know why we sometimes have to play the morning? because with all the coverage, all the goods guilds and different hours of all europe you have on SFR (i saw the list on before delete, very huge compared to us) we had to find something else.
Do you realise why you have almost no queue? because when we have 300+ french trying to enter in the same hour, you guys have guilds rolling and rolling in different coverage, and it’s very strong. You ask me to be honest? this is my answer.
No queue? We have up to 2h queue in the evenings.
Maybe I ate a decayed escargot today, but I don’t get it. You can have 20-30 of one guild ikittenone during prime, yet all (eg Meta, FM, WL etc.) run together with whole zone. That was my core point I made initially, which we derailed to night/morning cap discussuion. What happened to guild identity?
Additionally I read Vroum’s post which sounded like you have no queues in prime (since SFR have superior coverage according to him), why not run as a guild then? Everyone can get all guys in with a bit of effort during prime.
Sorry Empyre, i must say it’s not true.
We didn’t loose all matchups but one when enemy has same presence, check the MoS site with more attention please. SFR+PRX lost more than one time, Deso+RUIN, Elona, etc…
and with all the fights i did, specially this week versus RG groups or others (i always change maps and play with everyone) you just cannot say we always run when not outnumbering, it’s not justice at all to say that.
Don’t take it for you or your guild (i have many friends in RG, specially the frenchys in, and i like Lyric and others too) but you are kittening wrong man.
And yes, i was with 50+ people and Gwelicia FM commander versus you 2 nights ago, it was the most epic night i haver had on the game, with face to face fights versus Sacrx in the melee which gave me goosebumps. But you had in the same time many forces and mass golems for Opération Baguette #3. So you see, we are not so different
Maybe you can link me towards the weeks that Viz won a gold medal on mos site where you didn’t peak points at 5-9.
I haven’t had the chance to fight you or FM with equal numbers yet. Two days ago FM + zone (60+) were emoting 20 (+5ish pugs) of us in a tower, in result Viz didn’t take the tower and lost a keep while trying to troll us. Afterwards we caught the FM force split from Metadone and the rest of zone, they got send back to warcamp and weren’t seen alone anymore afterwards. Events like that is why I have such bad opinion of Vizunah as a server (no doubt you got nice guys and blacksheeps, everyone got them). No worries atm another server is trying to take that spot from you.
I have no problem with morning or night cap. It just gets boring if that is your only sharp weapon in your arsenal.
We are 15-20 on regular prime and 30-40 on event (Only two for the moment : 13/03 and 15/03)
And as u say, you haven’t had the chance to fight FM with equal numbers yet.
@Phoebe Ascension.8437, as Troma says, we start (Deso and Vizu) the prime after you with T1 keeps, but we came back to an average score at 9pm UTC+1.
So yeah the MU is balanced : Prime is balanced (Maybe Deso and Vizu are better), early Prime you beat us, after prime you beat us, night and morning Vizu beat you, and the afternoon you beat us.
About the week-end, we have many guilds off cauz they can’t play everyday for all the week, so we have more PUGs against raid guild, that’s why we always have a bad week-end.
Oh man, some SFR friends told me there is no queue, who is right so?
Btw i agree for the guild identity things. Anet must kill the zerging, put guild names on the castles too, and toggle names on, and make a guild ladder, etc. So much errors from them to keep the PvP community…
No we have queue in primetime, a lot… and with the RvR patch, it will be an horror.
General of Grand Cross Knights [GCK]
Be completely honest about this Troma. If all vizunah would have a normal life (go to sleep at night latest, sleep at least till 7-9 am, go to work, complete the day, go home 5 pm, and conclusively would stop your nightcapping team because they finally have a life again. In this case, can you state with 100% confidance that vizunah would remain in t1 (or first spot on EU list for that matter)?
Why on Earth would VS have more people playing outside of “normal hours” (hours you conveniently decided, because you hold some superior power over the mortals probably) than any other server ?
Why ?
Would you please get that out of your head ?
And [RG], while I can say you are really efficient on the battle field though I really dislike your style and the meta you brought to wuvwuv, please : “not playing when outnumbering the others” and SacrX leading you for three consecutive nights till 4/6AM do not mix well together.
Lets all be honnest : no, VS does not win or dominate all the primes, but the score is fairly equal around 10PM (GMT+1), except sometimes, just like yesterday because Deso was really strong.
VS has nothing to be ashamed during prime, considering our pre-prime is really really weak.
But don’t come at us with the “normal hours” talk and the “only playing against worthy opponents” talk. You guys did what you have to do to win the matchups. Which includes, but is not limited to, playing off-peak.
Own it.
That you are a passionate player…..i can understand(goosebump-sarcx thing) and its nothing wrong with that ,players should be passionate with one or an other way.
But let me see if i got that right………Vz is playing morning hours because we have a good coverage and you are forced to counter?
p.s troll alert: No irony or sarcasm @ my post , ofc i have my own opinion ,but i would like to see if i undertood that right.
. If all vizunah would have a normal life
This is normal life for Vizunah. Whether you like it or not.
Any considerations about prime-time or offpeak hours just shows how little you’ve understood 3W after 7 months this game is played. There is no prime time. There are 24/7 plays and SFR is beating us fair and square.
And if you seek honesty, i can even tell you that whoever dominates the income is the server with the most people online at almost any given time. Give or take some fails during “EU evening” if that exists. Yep that’s it, the winner of the week is the one that had more people overall during the 7 days. Big mistery solved.
Do we complain about the organization SFR or Deso came up with ? Not at all. We’re happy to have such fierce opponents. It makes us better, it makes us improve our offpeak Pugs raids. You can call this a victory for SFR as much as you want, the score is the truth. But don’t call this a defeat for Vizunah, because we’re happy to be where we are and to give our best.
Now you can answer all you want, you can look at 95% of this threads answers to make a statement. Truth is this thread is just a kittenload of trolling and flamming, and some people are taking the game way to far.
So please, leave “Vizunah” out of your forum wars and start with namedropping your fellow forum warriors, because Vizunah is nothing like this thread shows and i’m pretty sure it’s the same way around for SFR and Deso.
Bring your skills on the borderland, kill or get killed and don’t forget to play it fair and respectfully.
Oh man, some SFR friends told me there is no queue, who is right so?
Btw i agree for the guild identity things. Anet must kill the zerging, put guild names on the castles too, and toggle names on, and make a guild ladder, etc. So much errors from them to keep the PvP community…
No we have queue in primetime, a lot… and with the RvR patch, it will be an horror.
I have yet to not queue since I moved to SFR. Highlight was 2.5h so far. Average is 20-30mins if I try to join on our guild raid during primetime.
Good thing with culling patch, you can see the people queueing with you
SFR has good coverage yes, no denying that. But, Vizu still has better coverage. Especially between 6am-2pm. I was playing at 6am and we were with 4-6 players on entire borderland till 8 am. We tried to defend bay and hold of a 15 man attack from deso. We managed to destroy their siege. But after this 20+ vizu came with 6 golems and took bay. Don’t say I am lying because I got it all recorded.
We gained few players after this and we went into alarm fase into my guild so we grew to 15 players at around 10am. We got 2 commanders online to keep Vizu zerg bussy be attacking bay with golems and hills with golems on the other borderland. As soon we spotted the zerg we ported the golems to safety, wait till zerg leaves and attack again. We did this till we finally managed to get bay, and tried on garrison :p. It wasn’t untill 2pm till we could counter your mini zerg.
Got to say vizu has some pretty amazing response times. You guys sure are kings of defense. Can’t say anything about deso, haven’t seen them much this week. But haven’t been playing in prime time either.
First troll to receive 10/10
Best golem driver EU
Heh…. no, we have not better coverage at all. Do not forget we are in a special week, for the Last Stand…
General of Grand Cross Knights [GCK]
Surely VS has more players between 6AM and 2PM this week, but SFR, for example, has more players between 2PM and 9PM. Or scores wouldn’t be what they are at given times.
It’s the game
(edited by Leorcyn.1063)
Heh…. no, we have not better coverage at all. Do not forget we are in a special week, for the Last Stand…
Could you plz answer, if i got your previous statement right(look my post above).
“Vz is playing morning hours because we have a good coverage and you are forced to counter?”
Yes, it’s mainly to counter our daily suxy afternoon when french are making baguettes, perfume, art, berets and kitten like this (like now you tick 400) and because we have some morning players too
General of Grand Cross Knights [GCK]
(edited by Troma.3250)
As the night, we don’t play cauz we can, we play cauz we must (this last week).
You are playing to counter your weak afternoon. Thanks for your straight answer…..i too have the same opinion and i respect that you answered honest
So i agree with your states , lets have a nice shutdown battle:D
Heh…. no, we have not better coverage at all. Do not forget we are in a special week, for the Last Stand…
Bad excuse, I respect you Troma, you put a lot of effort in a hopeless thread. And yes I admit SFR has the best afternoon coverage, no denying that.
But, the golem rush each morning at around 7am is a vizu habit and I got many recordings of it. It is not just a “last stand tactic”. I am not blaming, just stating. On average you got the most players all around the clock. You got less people than us in the afternoon perhaps, but the difference ain’t that big.
Anyhow, got to say RG is a nice addition to SFR. They really aren’t that elitists and they really are the best. And I say this without being a fanboy. Sarcx is a great commander with good calls and tactics. He knows where to be when. I ran with RG in EB 2 nights ago. They rolled double their numbers without losing 1 member. And yes, I was almost hoping for one of them to die :p. Sure they get rolled sometimes, but a lot less often than all the other guilds and it takes a much bigger effort to do so. So I don’t really get the hate against them.
First troll to receive 10/10
Best golem driver EU
Heh…. no, we have not better coverage at all. Do not forget we are in a special week, for the Last Stand…
Bad excuse, I respect you Troma, you put a lot of effort in a hopeless thread. And yes I admit SFR has the best afternoon coverage, no denying that.
But, the golem rush each morning at around 7am is a vizu habit and I got many recordings of it. It is not just a “last stand tactic”. I am not blaming, just stating. On average you got the most players all around the clock. You got less people than us in the afternoon perhaps, but the difference ain’t that big.
U must have some commander for this morning cap, and our commander is here for this week, but probably not the next one.
Depends with who you raid anyway.
But globally I know when Deso is up and full that we gonna have a harder time than against your full server.Maybe you can see or feel that…. some days on prime time -like yesterday- because we are forced to cover different time zones all the big guilds ,cause of VZ night-morning action. For example, yesterday prime time some guilds had day off.
This is correct. Sfr’s primetime presence lately is a direct result of counter capping vizunah, which probably means playing in off hours etch.
Lets be honest here, positive comments about deso from vizunah are an indirect result of sfr’s attitude towards their server.
I understand perfectly, i dont like sfr anymore either, too many whispers of “effing kitten #8221; and “kitten” on top of various colourful posts.
Case in point :
" Cipaku.9675:
Deso solid community?P) MHaha they have been FULL to the brink since open beta week-end days..they never amounted to anything. Placed to T1 by default because of numbers they proceeded to lose all the time. Then dropped in tiers and one guild IROn canibalised all other small medium guilds there:) Deso is just a Blacktide with lasy people. IROn is an Xaoc of loosers that have no drive to win so they claim they play for fun and live in t1 on VS wellfare because we know we can farm them for Wins. Sure in theory Deso could be dangerous IF this and IF that..wake-up call is been months and months since launch Deso still fails:) is not gonna heppen..they dont have 1 basic ingredient: Will to win!.. VS has it..SFR may have it…Deso has less will to win than Vabbi. "
But i do not delude myself in thinking we in deso are the “better” players.
Quality and quantity can be found on all 3 servers , as well as flaming.
It is my opinion that sfr holds the lead, on all fronts.
Desolation has been full since the 1st beta weekends and that for the sole reason of being the first unofficial English speaking server as well as the unofficial Spvp server.
How that has anything to do with WvW presence idk.
What’s this afternoon capping SFR is currently providing ?
We are working and/or sleeping during that time :o
Welcome to Guild Wars 2 Tier 1 WvW, please read the FAQ :
- Some otherwise inoffensive words or terms are considered insults in WvW, because they’re here loud innuendos and personal attacks. Therefore, words like coverage, server warfare, community, guilds, fairplay, timezones and primetime for example, should not be written or said lightly. These words have a loud meaning here, please use with extra care.
- It is strongly suggested to imply server population shortage as soon as you’re running out of arguments. It is fair to state than any servers having victories over the course is winning because their population have a lot more free time than your server’s. Having people playing the game during the night or morning is also a unfair privilege, as soon as you’re making assumptions please consider involving these people in the conversation.
- How the game is meant to play isn’t how it should be played : every guild should meet and fight in open field with even numbers. If a group of individuals is caught trying to get advantage of terrain, walls, buffs or anything involving game mechanics, you must immediatlely get his guild name and accuse the whole guild of blatant cheating / exploit.
- Any grouping of 12 or more individuals is considered a blob and should be heavily despised because it voluntarily degrades people’s gameplay by creating lag and culling. If you see someone running to you in WvW, please immediately make a quick count at how many people you have around you right now, alert him and advise him to move along.
- Some guilds are more important than others. If a person bears a “famous” guild name in his forum signature, you must adress to him with respect, deference and use Sire as a sign of allegiance. If you’re in an important guild, be arrogant, pretentious and pretend everyone should know about your awesome guild’s reputation and fame over the ages, otherwise you won’t get any respect.
Welcome to Guild Wars 2 Tier 1 WvW, please read the FAQ :
- Some otherwise inoffensive words or terms are considered insults in WvW, because they’re here loud innuendos and personal attacks. Therefore, words like coverage, server warfare, community, guilds, fairplay, timezones and primetime for example, should not be written or said lightly. These words have a loud meaning here, please use with extra care.
- It is strongly suggested to imply server population shortage as soon as you’re running out of arguments. It is fair to state than any servers having victories over the course is winning because their population have a lot more free time than your server’s. Having people playing the game during the night or morning is also a unfair privilege, as soon as you’re making assumptions please consider involving these people in the conversation.
- How the game is meant to play isn’t how it should be played : every guild should meet and fight in open field with even numbers. If a group of individuals is caught trying to get advantage of terrain, walls, buffs or anything involving game mechanics, you must immediatlely get his guild name and accuse the whole guild of blatant cheating / exploit.
- Any grouping of 12 or more individuals is considered a blob and should be heavily despised because it voluntarily degrades people’s gameplay by creating lag and culling. If you see someone running to you in WvW, please immediately make a quick count at how many people you have around you right now, alert him and advise him to move along.
- Some guilds are more important than others. If a person bears a “famous” guild name in his forum signature, you must adress to him with respect, deference and use Sire as a sign of allegiance. If you’re in an important guild, be arrogant, pretentious and pretend everyone should know about your awesome guild’s reputation and fame over the ages, otherwise you won’t get any respect.
I love You