Add New Species to Ranger Pets

Add New Species to Ranger Pets

in Suggestions

Posted by: Anariel.4809


I would really enjoy seeing more pets, perhaps some with unique looks ( Like Garm, the only BLACK wolf I have seen) or ones that may be harder to find/charm.

Examples would be:

Sea Turtles
Wargs (unless there is some reason in lore why this wouldn’t be possible)
More Under water pets (maybe even a whale or dolphin?)
Electric Fish

Add your suggestions! What pets would you like to see added to your stables?

Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.

(edited by Anariel.4809)

Add New Species to Ranger Pets

in Suggestions

Posted by: Brazensage.1328


Atm, I am quite satisfied with the number of pets they have in game. What I would like to see more is some sort of pet evolution. Maybe after you accumulate a certain amount of xp using a certain pet, it becomes bigger, looks more fearsome, and gains some sort of pet armor.

Add New Species to Ranger Pets

in Suggestions

Posted by: Anariel.4809


That would be pretty good to see, considering how much larger the “normal” versions of the pets are compared to juveniles. Armor would definitely be very interesting to see.

I just find I don’t really like the array of “water” pets…I mean, some of them are bears, cats and the like. Seems that part of the pets is also a bit lacking.

Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.

Add New Species to Ranger Pets

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mojo.2691


I’m happy with the selection of pets but I’d like to see a few more underwater pets. Brazensage had an excellent suggestion bout pets evolving, such as larger and more fearsome. Even juveniles grow to adults.

Add New Species to Ranger Pets

in Suggestions

Posted by: Prophet.6954


There is a massive amount of pets currently in my opinion…but I do agree that a pet evolution might be a neat enhancement.

Add New Species to Ranger Pets

in Suggestions

Posted by: Meiaka.2305


I think among the amount of pets there is not much variety. For example: stalker, lynx, jaguar and snow leopard are 4 pets, allthough they are all Feline and so they are not that different. So in my opinion adding new pet species would be wonderful.

I would like to see more new ‘groups’ of pets, for example monkeys (I would LOVE to see some lemurs and baboons =3) or some pets the ogres use, like griffons.
For underwater Arenanet could add pets like hippoes, dolphins and turtles (as suggested above too, I love the turtle idea). Also they could enlarge their exsisting ‘groups’, for example they could add some different sharks like a hammerhead shark.

Also I agree that pet evolution would be an amazing upgrade too. I loved the way Arenanet did this in Guild Wars 1. It makes your pets more impressive/special than any wild/juvenile pets you encounter in maps.

Add New Species to Ranger Pets

in Suggestions

Posted by: TheSwede.9512


There’s always Bovine pets, such as cows, bulls and Dolyaks too. They’re everywhere in-game and would be great defensive alternatives to Drakes and Bears.

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Thief – Duelist | Ranger – Strider | Engineer – Technician |
Elementalist – Spellweaver | Necromancer – Warlock | Mesmer – Trickster |

Add New Species to Ranger Pets

in Suggestions

Posted by: Electro.4173


Pet evolution would be great, having pets juvenile and stay juvenile forever is kind of lame, but I doubt it would ever happen. It’d be too much work for a single class. That’s why they didn’t go ahead with it in the first place (pretty sure it was planned to be in the game early-on).

I definitely want more pet families. Variety is nice, and there are still plenty of neat animals in the game that aren’t pets at all. Griffons, Skale / Shelk, Grubs, Shrimp, Electric Fish, Sea Scorpions, Deer, Cows / Marmox / Dolyak, Bats, Raptors…. and of course my most wanted new pet type, Wind Riders. And since they can just use creatures and animations already in the game (for the most part) its much easier to pull off, I assume, than adding whole new mechanics and such as would be required for pet evolution.

Can’t say I’m holding much hope at this point, though. Only 1 new pet in more than a year since launch, and that pet was just another “skin” of a type we already had. Doesn’t seem like something that’s really on the radar at all.

Add New Species to Ranger Pets

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shades.4572


Not sure about the pet evolution thing, but I like the idea of adding a couple more families in the game. If they did add a pet evolution thing to the game I think it would be neat to be able to choose the F2 skill for the pet.

As far as more pets go the underwater pets is lacking in my opinion. I would like to see more Shark or Armored fish to choose from since they are in families by themselves.

For the Shark family there could be the great white shark, hammerhead shark reskin, tiger shark reskin, zebra shark reskin.
The armored fish family can be renamed to just armored family and could include the armored fish, turtle, crab.

I don’t think it would be too hard to add those since the Sharks are really just reskins and they could just change up it so in Southsun those Sharks are now Zebra Sharks, Bloodtide Sharks are now Tiger Sharks, ect. Then we have the armored family which are already in the game.