Do we need new classes?

Do we need new classes?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sirendor.1394



Hello all, I’ve been playing this game since the headstart, and first off want to say I enjoyed (nearly) every moment of it. Though at this moment I feel like I completed a maior part of the game and it feels like something is missing.

I have leveled Guardian, Warrior (two characters), Elementalist, Engineer and Thief to 80 and tried leveling Necro, Ranger and Mesmer, but after a while they just grew boring. The content grows stale if you go over it as many times as I did and the class mechanics aswell. I feel we need new classes with interesting mechanics to choose from, to keep ourselves busy.

What do you think? If your answer is yes, what sort of class?

Gandara – Vabbi – Ring of Fire – Fissure of Woe – Vabbi
SPvP as Standalone All is Vain

Do we need new classes?

in Suggestions

Posted by: LoreChief.8391



This’ll probably get ignored since this thread is so big…. but whatever.

There are two ways we can go about expanding the individual player content in this game, preferably we would get both;

1. Skilling up every class. This means new healing, elite, and more importantly Utility skills. Re-working the trait system. Providing “alternatives” to the 5 skills on our weapon bars (for example; I don’t want my Thief’s #1 skill to cause bleeding, because I’m not a condition Thief, so I can toggle it to a short duration cripple instead).

2. Adding new classes that do not meet the current archetypes of our existing classes. Everyone has their own ideas on what they would like to see, including me. I don’t think they are all covered with just 8 classes, and regardless of that fact – adding new mechanics into the game and thematically making characters like Chronomancers, Dragoons, Bards, etc – are the end result of varied game play. If we were limited to just the types of skills we currently have, yes, it would make no sense to have additional classes added, as we would eventually homogenize them all. But again, we’re talking about adding new mechanics, and new ways of using, applying and interpreting them – that means new skills, skill variety, and room for additional classes.

As I said before, I would like to see both of these things. A lot of classes have kitten for utility traits (like Warriors with have 3 out of their 4 skill types which are either passives, or castable passives). Our trait system is incredibly kitteny, for lack of a better animal, and needs to be completely redone from top to bottom as a different system altogether. Weapon skills need a variety, otherwise there isn’t actually a point to “unlocking them” in the first place. You literally can get all of your weapon skills by level 5, wth is the point of unlocking them unless we can actually “UNLOCK” something cool. Weapon skills account for 55% of your gameplay, and then Utility skills account for an extra 40% of it. We need more of both of these first so that we can diversity builds and playstyles.

I’ve said my piece.

Do we need new classes?

in Suggestions

Posted by: castlemanic.3198


I think providing more weapons for each class would provide a wider variety of playing styles. I’m sure engineers would very much appreciate several new weapon sets, but as a whole providing new weapons and adding unique profession skills for them would greatly enhance the enjoyability of each class, providing alternative playstyles to what may be traditional. A guardian with two pistols would certainly diverge from a noble knight who protects his allies, while a shield and scepter goes out of the reach of what most would consider appropriate for thieves.

On top of that, new classes can be integrated into already existing classes. staves, scepters and foci for rangers would provide a druid class, offhand sword and rifle would provide a pirate, elementalist with dual swords would provide an alternative to the mesmer for a spellsword type character, on top of many others that can be imagined. The range of skills aren’t wide enough to truly give different builds more defining characteristics and varying playstyles for each class. Same applies to utilities, heals and elites too. They all should be expanded.

Do we need new classes?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sirendor.1394


I find that a very interesting suggestion castle. Would you make it a sort of horizontal progression in classes? Sort of a specialisation of one class in a certain attribute (take your druid idea for ranger?).

Gandara – Vabbi – Ring of Fire – Fissure of Woe – Vabbi
SPvP as Standalone All is Vain

Do we need new classes?

in Suggestions

Posted by: castlemanic.3198


Honestly, it wasn’t my idea Sirendor, specifically concerning having stakitten , scepters and foci making rangers into druids or turning thieves into pirates with an offhand sword and a rifle. Those were suggestions other people on the forums have made.

Concerning horizontal progression in classes, that’s really the only way to go in my opinion. However, i would avoid specialisation as the term. More like i would want to expand the umbrella that the class “ranger” would cover. From nature caster to shooting seeds from poisonous plants from rifles and pistols to swinging the mace using the power of the nature spirits to what the ranger currently is in the game, i feel like an expansion of what’s available to the class is the better way of going about it, rather than focusing on how to specialise a class to fit certain categories.

Do we need new classes?

in Suggestions

Posted by: PwnsFroggles.7561


I feel like all of the archetypes are filled for now, I couldn’t think of a good profession to make.

Do we need new classes?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mist Y.5214

Mist Y.5214

Originally they planned to split ranger into 2 separate profession – warden and hunter – but then they merged them back to 1. I really wish they’d kept them separate.
I envision the warden with heavy armour, not much mobility but a lot of movement control skills. Give them mace, shield, hammer, the ranger’s greatsword skills, and bows for their ranged weapons. The ranger’s affinity with nature (spirits and such) would mostly go to the warden.
Meanwhile, the hunter would be mostly ranged, with a pet and a lot more mobility and ranged weapons (rifle, pistol). They’d still be using most of the current ranger’s skills (traps, survival skills) but they wouldn’t suck so much.

Sadly the decision was made and we just got the ranger, who can’t specialise in anything very effectively.

Do we need new classes?

in Suggestions

Posted by: smitty.2607


sounds like ocd, if u wanna play guardian with 2 pistols play it, if you wanna play the noble guardian play that. the more the better i think it would be great if they did more weapons and more classes.

Do we need new classes?

in Suggestions

Posted by: WarpSpasm.9721


Agree OP, the game as a whole now seems to have grown stale.
I’ve levelled 5 alts and seen just about everything in each map. I find I’m logging on less and less now; the patches provide short term novelty only. I would have expected at the very least a new permanent dungeon or map along the lines of Southsun Cove by now.
A new race, a new class – seriously, anything over and above the point and click efforts of recent weeks. But now I hear the lead dev has ruled out an expansion. A real shame, the bedrock of the game is fantastic, but it desperately needs to be built on now to keep me coming back.
I for one would be willing to pay for a significant expansion.

Do we need new classes?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sirendor.1394


sounds like ocd, if u wanna play guardian with 2 pistols play it, if you wanna play the noble guardian play that. the more the better i think it would be great if they did more weapons and more classes.

Only counter against this is that it might dissolve the barriers between the existing classes and we would loose the clear ‘outline’ and personality classes have at the moment.

Gandara – Vabbi – Ring of Fire – Fissure of Woe – Vabbi
SPvP as Standalone All is Vain

Do we need new classes?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Orpheal.8263


On first thought … no, GW2 needs not really new classes.
What GW2 needs is new Sub Classes 1st!! ANet needs to expand the current classes, as the current classes just use basically only like felt 40% of their maximum potential that the classes of GW2 could possess.

Sub Classes are perfect made for ANets new update politics, as such things like sub classes are very quick made and easily done implemented with updates every two weeks and they are perfect to finetune the character progression for the classes by just adding new mechanics or improve the existign ones slightly with some little new features, or by adding just different new weapons or existing weapons to those sub classes to provide this way easily to the classes some new weapon related skills.

I absolutely believe, thats exactly the way we will see in future, how GW2 will expand itself step by step slowly in regard of its class system.

Personally I like the idea behind sub classes ~ quoted from Chris Whiteside

Do we need new classes?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gabby.3205


I think they should balance the existing classes before adding more.
Warrior is still the underdog in PvP and people still don’t want Rangers in their dungeon parties. Until these issues are at least partially solved, I don’t think they should add more classes.
Adding more classes always messes up the balance in MMOs. Always. It is something that cannot be avoided simply because balancing takes time. The devs must wait and see how the players deal with the new mechanics since this is something that can’t be successfully tested in a small scale, by devs only. It requires a lot of people with different playing styles to make sure that the balance works.
After balancing the existing classes, sure, they can go and add more classes and let us test them for a while so that they can go and balance them too. I think it would be easier to balance new classes if the old ones were already balanced.

Tarnished Coast
Astrid Strongheart, Norn Ranger.
“I wish juvenile wolves were bigger”

Do we need new classes?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fiorrello.8126


i think giving every class a couple of new weapons would go a long ways towards spicing up every profession.

i know that the engineer has been lamenting the lack of a melee weapon, and the mace or hammer has come up many times as a suitable option

elementalist would be awesome as a spellsword

necro could definitely use a good direct damage weapon, because right now the axe just sucks. my proposal is a rifle for some van-helsing style gameplay.

Do we need new classes?

in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaEd.3946


Many people have posted a suggestion on what they feel a new profession could be. However many professions fill most concepts up already so there isn’t much to build from.

Personally, I’d welcome a new profession simply because there are tons of games out there that were successful with more than 8 classes. I won’t name the games, but I will say that they could show how number of classes isn’t the issue, it’s their unique flavor that makes them memorable. Although difficult, a new profession is certainly doable in this game imo. (actually made a profession post myself. Reworking it still but it falls under the lines of a soldier who mimic’s enemy mobs’ abilities.)

“I’m waiting for the staff to get off their lunch
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”

Do we need new classes?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nurvus.2891


Nothing so far fills the concept of Dervish or Ritualist properly.
Check my Expension Concepts thread in my Signature for details, although there are plenty suggestions out there.

Do we need new classes?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sirendor.1394


After reading all this I kind of got an idea.

What about making a new expansion, that includes new classes, but each of the new zones uplevels people to 80. This would diminish the leveling grind and give us a chance at totally different content with different classes.

Options for creating extra customization of gameplay/unique class creation:
- Splitting classes into sub-classes, as Orpheal suggests
- Allowing the different classes all weapons (castle, smitty) or just more (fiorrello)
- Making totally new classes (NinjaEd & Nurvus)
- Adding more options for skill progression (Nurvus)

Personally I think each of these ideas has a certain appeal. Whether they make it so the original 8 classes each are able to be customized more, by weapons, by skills, by special attributes or just adding new classes with mechanics that are on par with the exisiting ones, yet innovating… they both work and they could both be implemented.

When I made this thread I was aware that a lot of people did have ideas for this, I just wanted to see what people in general really thought about the class system we have right now. I also hoped to synchronize ideas and I’m hopeful more comments of interest will drop in this thread and others, maybe inspiring ArenaNet to use them.

Gandara – Vabbi – Ring of Fire – Fissure of Woe – Vabbi
SPvP as Standalone All is Vain

Do we need new classes?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zaith.9132


I think more weapons would be cool. Here’s an idea (similar to Sirendor’s but less game-changing). Introducing weapons which give dramatically (or less dramatic in some cases) different flavours to the class. Weapons from other continents in the world, even if we never see those continents. A new weapon for the necromancer from Cantha could imbue a ritualist-type feel, focusing more on souls and spirits rather than the physical body – WITHOUT the need for a new class. Giving warriors and guardians a javelin might be interesting. And what about giving rangers a scythe >:3 (of course weapons would not be exclusive to -one- prof, just to be clear).

/me tips transmuted tier-3 crafted hat

Do we need new classes?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Henge.3907


As a warrior, I would give up my giant chainsaw to use a lance and shield combo…

Do we need new classes?

in Suggestions

Posted by: smitty.2607


sounds like ocd, if u wanna play guardian with 2 pistols play it, if you wanna play the noble guardian play that. the more the better i think it would be great if they did more weapons and more classes.

Only counter against this is that it might dissolve the barriers between the existing classes and we would loose the clear ‘outline’ and personality classes have at the moment.

this sounds like an lazy excuse to not add more content.

Do we need new classes?

in Suggestions

Posted by: kirk.7014


I’d honestly like to see a shapeshifter. They exist in the lore…hell, even the entire Nord race can shapeshift. I’d like to see a more permanent transformation, though. Doesn’t have to be called a druid; shapeshifter alone would suffice. Make the class abilities different animals, and make the trait trees similar to the elementalist. a different trait for for each transformation.

Do we need new classes?

in Suggestions

Posted by: quazboxxy.8672


I was thinking of a Monk class that focuses more on healing since i enjoy playing as healers

Do we need new classes?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dante.1763


bring back the ritualist and the dervish or something close to it, as well as give some of the classes throwing spears. because honestly very few people fight under water enough to make the underwater legendary weapons worth the time it takes to get them.

The pvp community reminds me of what Obi-kittenenobi describes Mos Eisley as from star wars.

Do we need new classes?

in Suggestions

Posted by: smeen.4237


The sub-classes idea is what I like most, especially after picking up Rift and trying out their class-system. Although I don’t feel we have a skilltree at all at the moment… We don’t need to unlock certain skills in order to get access to the others, so skill-diversity and maybe even class-diversity would have to be implemented otherwise.

Do we need new classes?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bolthar.7192


Sirendor, I feel the same way as you. The map is huge, lots to explore, the game is fun. But… it does get stale. One thing that I think is missing in this game is the progression that should accompany an RPG. There isn’t enough in the game that makes me feel like my character is progressing.

Leveling up, my character finds very few different looking armor sets to make it feel like I’m becoming more of a hero or more powerful. Same with crafting. By level 10 I could have every skill for every weapon available to my class and from then on nothing changes for my combat other than the utility skills. I could use weapons I don’t like and switch it up, but that defeats the “play your way” idea and doesn’t provide any feeling of progression anyways.

Adding a new class would be great, but it wouldn’t fix the progression issue. You’d play the new class and after a time be right back where you are now. I imagine a weapon system where the more you use a certain weapon, the more skills are unlocked for it. This would go on after you unlock your defaults and at a much slower pace than the defaults. Things like this where your class progresses horizontally are needed in games like this. Maybe each profession is represented by its respective organization where it can do missions and gain popularity with said organization and eventually buy profession specific gear from that organization at different popularity tiers. You get the idea. This is the kind of thing that I think is missing.

Do we need new classes?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sirendor.1394


That is a very interesting approach Bolthar. I would be all for professional progression in the way you describe it, something to keep us focused and that gives us a goal.

I have an idea that this emptiness in the world isn’t only caused by a lack of progression, but maybe also because of the world itself that needs a lot of refining (not enough dynamic events, too many repititive events with the same design, the inequality in profitability of events, dungeons, farming, grinding…). That however is another matter, but it became very clear in the last week, due to the underwhelming grind that is called the Crown Pavilion.

If I can go back on topic: would you make some sort of ‘guild’ specifically for a certain profession, with certain effects tied to it?

For example:

  • thief’s guild where you are initiated in the arts of theft? Complete special missions for your guild (such as burglary, theft, assassination) and you are awarded new skills/traits/???
  • engineer’s guild where you get to design your own unique devices, discoveries that result from combining random weapon pieces, adding magical components… which allow you to create new weapon trees (such as sword, staff, dagger, mace…).

Is that more or less the idea you have in mind?

Gandara – Vabbi – Ring of Fire – Fissure of Woe – Vabbi
SPvP as Standalone All is Vain

(edited by Sirendor.1394)

Do we need new classes?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sirendor.1394


Excuse me, just noticed you have your own post running about this! I’ll check it out! I’ll leave a link here too for people who are interested in the idea of class progression in the form of new weapon skills.

Gandara – Vabbi – Ring of Fire – Fissure of Woe – Vabbi
SPvP as Standalone All is Vain

Do we need new classes?

in Suggestions

Posted by: quaniesan.8497


If you can come up with one…. We got muscle heads, magical muscle heads, sneaky backstabber, bow and arrow, mages of all sort, even tech. What else is there? A samurai?

If ya no longer see me after this post,
it means THEY got me for " neg criticism in clever disguise".
Know that it has been fun and I love ya all.

Do we need new classes?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mistro.3059


Personally I’d like to see a heavy armored Dervish counterpart, along with new a new polearm weapon category, so they can wield scythes, halberds, lances, etc. (in addition to existing classes that they would work with). They could have avatar stances to activate for specific buffs/conditions for a limited time as the class mechanic. I believe the name “Revenant” would be appropriate, I have a document that goes into detail on design, but I haven’t had the drive to finish it and post it, plus there is the issue with the Charr not believing in any gods now, but I suppose that could change.

Do we need new classes?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dante.1763


If you can come up with one…. We got muscle heads, magical muscle heads, sneaky backstabber, bow and arrow, mages of all sort, even tech. What else is there? A samurai?

yea the dervish and the ritualist
dervish, a medium armored scythe wielding fast in your face person
ritualist, a mage who summons spirits from the mists to fight for them

The pvp community reminds me of what Obi-kittenenobi describes Mos Eisley as from star wars.

Do we need new classes?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Unholy Pillager.3791

Unholy Pillager.3791

I feel like all of the archetypes are filled for now, I couldn’t think of a good profession to make.

An archer class which doesn’t rely on kittenty, bugged AI companions? I do want to see a ‘weapon expert’ archetype light-armored profession with longbow and some melee weapons. A medium armored spellcaster has already been suggested, although I would think a new class would be better than giving rangers staves and scepters (after all, you can’t really give them tridents as well).

For a dervish-like class, I was thinking a medium armor spellcaster/melee class which has the option to remove boons from itself for other beneficial effects.

(edited by Unholy Pillager.3791)

Do we need new classes?

in Suggestions

Posted by: stale.9785


I feel like all of the archetypes are filled for now, I couldn’t think of a good profession to make.

An archer class which doesn’t rely on kittenty, bugged AI companions?

This – 1000000x this. Give them Preparations as their unique mechanic, also stances, signets and traps , Longbow, Shortbow, Dagger mainhand, Dagger offhand, (dual dagger ftw!) and Sword for main and offhand.

Do we need new classes?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Unholy Pillager.3791

Unholy Pillager.3791

Personally I’d like to see a heavy armored Dervish counterpart, along with new a new polearm weapon category, so they can wield scythes, halberds, lances, etc. (in addition to existing classes that they would work with). They could have avatar stances to activate for specific buffs/conditions for a limited time as the class mechanic. I believe the name “Revenant” would be appropriate, I have a document that goes into detail on design, but I haven’t had the drive to finish it and post it, plus there is the issue with the Charr not believing in any gods now, but I suppose that could change.

The change would be dervishes no longer relying on divine magic for their spells. After all, guardians are the successors of monks and paragons, both of which are linked to religion; despite this, their magic is arcane and thus available to charr.

Do we need new classes?

in Suggestions

Posted by: thefantasticg.3984


I feel like all of the archetypes are filled for now, I couldn’t think of a good profession to make.

An archer class which doesn’t rely on kittenty, bugged AI companions?

This – 1000000x this. Give them Preparations as their unique mechanic, also stances, signets and traps , Longbow, Shortbow, Dagger mainhand, Dagger offhand, (dual dagger ftw!) and Sword for main and offhand.

I agree going with preps more so than I know words to describe said agreeing.

RNG is a bell curve. Better hope you’re on the right side.

Do we need new classes?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Unholy Pillager.3791

Unholy Pillager.3791

This – 1000000x this. Give them Preparations as their unique mechanic, also stances, signets and traps , Longbow, Shortbow, Dagger mainhand, Dagger offhand, (dual dagger ftw!) and Sword for main and offhand.

Thanks. I was hoping for it to be light armored (as in my edit), since we don’t have a light armored class with a bow. I was thinking of a weapon master class which, in place of the warrior’s strength and heavy armor, relies on agility, skill and extensive study. They’d be, essentially, the ultimate martial duelists: instead of the mesmer’s illusions or the thief’s powders and stealth, they would rely on their skill with weapons and knowledge of martial techniques.

Do we need new classes?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dharmz.8205


I think what everyone is saying here is (and I’m not being sarcastic) is we need the Final Fantasy XIV class and job system. Where a sub-set of different classes once mastered can become a greater and powerful class called a job. And that keeps the game play fresh. Which actually sounds pretty good and could make the game combat system pretty awesome.

Do we need new classes?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zoid.2568


No. We need new weapon/weapon skills, elite skills, utilities,healing skills and new traits to chose from.

Do we need new classes?

in Suggestions

Posted by: imagangsta.1349


I definitely think there needs to be new classes, especially a heavy armor class. I don’t know why Arenanet skimped on a 3rd heavy armor class but it’d be nice if Guild Wars 2 had one.

Crystal Desert Kingswood Brotherhood [KWBH]
Percivel: Guardian, Vayne Silverjaw: Warrior, Varon Aren: Elementalist

Do we need new classes?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zoid.2568


If there’s going to be a third heavy armour class let it be something dark and use scythes and two-handed axes.

Do we need new classes?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bane.9317


Some sort of Sniper/Sharpshooter class, with long range rifle skills, use of small blades, ie swords/daggers use of fire arms ie pistols/rifles with their main class tree revolve around rifle damage. with swords/daggers/pistols to be switched to while running into the fray for more survival/evasion tactics… This class already doesnt sound like rifle warrior, which is an in fray fighting style, (as the skills suggest) or rifle engineer, who is a mid range at best fighter, still with more cc and kite ability then damage ability. dont say that high power from FAR range is op… Anyone tried a great sword mesmer lately… alot of times i find myself wrecking stuff before it even STARTS to get close to where i am… i would find myself playing and GREATLY enjoying this class. Heck talk to me anet, i would be willing to brainstorm stuff, i will take your current slot skill system, and current “long” range classes, and balance something off of available skills and weapon skills.

Do we need new classes?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bane.9317


Also i agree with zoid… IDK some sorta of soldier of Grenth or something. from his last and prior post.

Do we need new classes?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gorman.4372


We need a 3rd soldier class. A very good addition would be located here

forewarning, its a long read, but very well thought out and made.

Do we need new classes?

in Suggestions

Posted by: oranges.9031


i think we need a new class or a revamp of skills and weapons the classes just get boring to play sometimes because of repetition and rudundancy

Do we need new classes?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Adine.2184


Need no but it couldn’t hurt either

Do we need new classes?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Have No Faith In Me.1840

Have No Faith In Me.1840


Rangers still need to be made.

New classes and skills always hurt Pvp modes. Just look at any MMO/online game (even GW1) with expansions that release new classes and skills, the PvP always turns to crap.

From a pve perspective it doesn’t do anything negative. Pvp ALWAYS gets crapped on by it.

Edit: great didn’t even realise someone dug this up from the forum abyss.

(edited by Have No Faith In Me.1840)

Do we need new classes?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Brother Grimm.5176

Brother Grimm.5176

Obviously it would pump some life into the game, but keep in mind that the Devs themselves have mentioned that they feel one of the major mistakes they made with GW1 was NOT planning all the classes out when they first developed the game…..i.e. tacking on new “cool” classes to the existing game. Since each class introduced an entire new set of skills, they were soon overwhelmed trying to balance them all and I I don’t think the Devs want to repeat that mistake here. BTW, the sort of fixed that problem when they split all skills between PvE and PvP but it took quite a while and basically doubled the skills they had to manage.

I agree that a few new weapon sets per class would be a nice addition, but I’m not sure new classes are going to happen.

We go out in the world and take our chances
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances

Do we need new classes?

in Suggestions

Posted by: videoboy.4162


I read about halfway down, so apologies if this has been said:

I want the classes that didn’t make the transition from GW1 to be included in GW2 (Dervish, Paragon, Etc.). If ANet feel that the Primary Archetypes are already covered, then that is fine, just bring in those past classes as Secondary Archetypes/Blended Archetypes.

Do we need new classes?

in Suggestions

Posted by: ssassin.1349


i do wish for a full weapon list for every class so there is no limit on the way to play

Do we need new classes?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Umut.5471


New weapon types, new traits and new utilities and you have a new class from your old one. For example death knight from necro, elemental archer from ele etc..

Do we need new classes?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gnashor.9287


I agree about that game needs new classes and new races in the upcoming expansion and also agree with the fact that builds/weapon sets and playstyle going boring after a while and if one build/weapon set looks great to you and you like it isnt viable for most of the cases so you are going back to the one you know it is.I think a great add except all other mentioned allready will be a subclass that you could pick from level 30 for example.And compine 2 classes into one and pick the most interesting traits for each class.Builds as they are now are too straight forward and simple you cant arrange them as much you want.And as I said the fun builds and interesting arent viable.And the thing that even with 3k armor melee is taking the most damage from whole group is a bad mechanic itself on attacks that you cant dodge or get away.Anyway lets get back on the subject now.Games needs new classes thats a fact.And as I said a subclass with more freedom on arrangement in traits would be awesome.And Imo ranger cant be a druid sorry.Ranger is a hunter that know how to survive in forest with hes faithfull pet.Druid is something different.Druids are elders who protect the forests and taking forms from wild and trees.Wish Guild Wars 2 had a druid cause they are awesome.But dunno maybe blizzard copyrighted druid haha.

Do we need new classes?

in Suggestions

Posted by: Carnius Magius.8091

Carnius Magius.8091

I’m all for a pet-less Ranger class.