Game Improvement - Suggestions
The ability to auto-reject duels if duels are added.
Let me just say I absolutely love this game and GW1. Good gaming community, great game, good job Anet! Who knows if this stuff even gets read, or if I have anything useful to say, but I’ll dump it here anyways.
Magic Find Stat
I’d like to see Magic Find be somewhere on the hero panel, like all the other stats are. And have it take into account not just armor/weapon/rune/etc stats but all the other things too (Sigil Of Luck, booster, banner, food). I just think it would be a really nice thing to have.
Sharing Builds, and Inspecting Players, ahh the Turmoil!
Also, it’d be cool if, like in GW1, we could save, and share our builds easily. And maybe take it even further! Have it so we can choose how much we show. Like maybe it’ll just ping in the chat showing [John Smith’s Build], like a weapon or armor piece, and you can click it and it’ll bring up a panel showing what he uses. But we can customize what we show. So we could just show our weapon/utility skills we chose, just one or both of our weapon sets, our traits, our choice of armor/weapons, everything important to our build. But we can decide how much we show. So maybe we come up with a really cool build, but we don’t want to show some of it so that it stays unique and doesn’t end up being used by everybody and their dog. We could JUST show the skill bar. Or maybe our friend is awful at coming up with a good setup, we can easily show him everything he needs, and he can save it and refer to it as needed. Just a thought, and it sounds like a lot of work and unnecessary things that will not actually be implemented, but it sounded pretty cool in my head! However sharing builds can bring up a problem. In a way it’s similar to inspecting, and I am very much against that because there are quite a few elitist people out there, who always think they know better, and try to force more casual players to play their way, and if you don’t have this armor stat set, or they don’t like your build, etc, you could get kicked from a party for a dungeon, or berated for being a “noob”, and junk like that. So in a perfect world, I’d be all for inspecting players/sharing builds. But there can be downsides to it. So if there were to be a way to somehow prevent that behavior, which I see no way of doing other than a new option under Report Player and I’m not sure that’d be a good solution, then I’d say go for it.
An Idea to Please Many Players Who want MORE SKILLS, without Breaking the Game
Also I’d like to point out something someone said about being able to have more skills at a time on their skill bar. I don’t think that is a good idea for general use as it would really mess with things probably, however, it could be implemented as a special kind of pvp. Perhaps at the pvp game browser npc, there could be tabs on the side where you can choose another type of pvp, game modes, though it would be important not to add too many, and just have a few solid ones so that the players aren’t too spread out. Like one where players can possibly choose to add more skills on their skillbar at a time than any other part of the game, maybe quite a few more who knows. Or could add that as one of the options in the new custom spvp lobbies or whatever they were that will be added within the next 6 months.
Necromancer Minions and Ranger Pets Really Need Some Love…
Well…nuff said there.
Make The Trading Post More Efficient
I think it’d be nice to have a bunch more search options in the Trading Post. Backpieces, precursors, specific tiers of materials, possibly stat set names, and any other helpful things I’m sure there’s plenty more. One I know who many have said, previewing items in the TP. And this is also sort of it’s own category, but the TP is becoming a market for the rich man. For the casual player especially it can be difficult. I know some people who when at one point I had 30 gold (whooptydoo), were in awe because they’ve never got past 4 and a half or whatever they were at. So possibly to make less gold sinks or lessen the ones in use, or add something that makes it easier to earn gold. Not in a game-breaking-market-crashing kind of way that makes these gold hoarders even richer, but enough to make a difference for the little guy with his precious two gold saved up.
WvW Woes
Last of all, it’d be nice to have some way to even up WvW. In my server, wherever we go it seems like there’s a massive zerg from one of the other servers. They have a large presence on every map a good amount of the time. We generally don’t have nearly enough numbers (anymore) to compete with that, and the other server doesn’t either. It’d be very helpful to make the Outnumbered bonus, actually useful to competing instead of just increased experience and whatever else it does, and possibly some other ways of aiding those who are outnumbered 10 to 1.
(edited by Gandalf.3516)
One thing I would like to have implemented is the possibility to exchange the tokens achieved from expl instances.
The only reasonable way to make it work would maybe make you use 5 tokens get 2-3 of the requested one (or even less, let’s say use 10 get 1-2).
Otherwise it would attract the speedrunners group even more.
So there is no name change for gems, At the begining of game I was trying to get my name “Mssg” but the name was already taken… so I made char named Dr Mssg. Now I manage to get my Mssg name but there is no option to change my thief name from Dr Mssg to Mssg =/ I did contact with support and guess what? they say that they dont even have tool to do that, name change for X gems should be done long time ago. Arenanet can put so many in gem market but they just dont, why?
Please upvote this so devs can see, making tool like that is like 2 days work and I ask my friend who is programmer.
And if any dev is reading this post, try to change my name somehow from Dr Mssg to Mssg. I save Mssg name on my engi.
I have 2 suggestions that would help with WvW.
1) a warning in your mini map when a zerg approaches you:
Show large groups of enemies on the mini map as they do in FPS games; not everyone shows up on your mini map, but if they’re shooting or making noise they do. So a thief running around isn’t going to show up on your mini map, they can still be stealth but a group of 50 enemies wearing metal armor sprinting towards you would. The mini map is supposed to be an extension of a person’s senses such as hearing and peripheral vision, to give the game a more realistic aspect and make the player feel as if they are in the game. I personally don’t enjoy being snuck up on by a whole zerg of enemies when in real life I’m pretty sure I could hear them from a long way off/feel the ground shake and know to start running away… There should at the very least be a warning that tells you to get ready to fight or to run away if there is a zerg coming.
2) make thieves only partially invisible when you are fighting them:
thieves and their invisibility. My suggestion would be that in WvW thieves invisibility abilities would function like the camo in Halo. Make it so that they are like 95% invisible but if you look really closely you can still sort of see them. This would enable thieves to still stealth and move around the map undetected which I believe is the intention of their abilities. The unintended consequences of their invisibility is that they can remain invisible in a fight. I’ve been in countless situations where my party of 5 ppl has attacked 1 thief and he’s been 2 feet in front of my face and I can’t attack him because he completely disappears. If you’re that close to a thief and looking directly at them you should still be able to sort of see them.
How bout making the stealthing abillity of thieves longer… the duration makes it hard to even get a back stab off in pvp because there is no real suprise since the enemies know ur coming, how bout given it enuff time that u can stealth out of view of enemies and truly sneak up on them?
Make those cool Champions/legendaries roaming around various zones actually drop something nice, or make them drop account bound recipe components towards future legendaries. Could stray away from the grind of legendaires and introduce a more exciting scavenger hunt with an actual reason to explore all around tyria.
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”
hey im wondering if there will ever be more races. i think it would be awesome to be a caromi!
With Guesting coming January 28th; would it be possible to allow players to Guest simply by right clicking someones name and click “Guest” akin to how Overflow works right now?
I’d like to suggest auto-rejecting guild invites for those not really wanting a guild on a specific character.
I would like to see a Random Dungeon tool, people are mostly doing Fracrals and CoF and the others Dungeons are left behind.
I’d like some features added to help users who have just made a horrible mistake.
I went to go trade my Deadly blooms I earned from TA in for some Armor. I previewed the armor, saw that I had enough, and then excitedly double clicked on the wrong one. So now I have a piece of soulbound armor that my class cannot even use. (Also, it’s still in my inventory if any developer wants to go in and help me out <3)
It would be nice if the dungeon armors were either account bound, or I had a way to undo an incorrect purchase from one of these dungeon armor people. Having to use 330 Deadly blooms for the wrong thing sucks, and no way to fix it sucks even worse.
Alternatively, why do we even allow people to buy soulbound armor they cannot use?
Let me preface this list by saying I like playing GW2 and spend a lot of time doing so. However, there are certain aspects of this game that are truly starting to bother me. I apologize for any redundancies already addressed in other threads, but I’m not going to spend hours scrolling and reading through forums. My concerns/suggestions are as follows:
1. Why can’t I stack ‘mitril mining pick’ x12 with ‘mithril mining pick’ x8 into one pile of ‘mithril mining pick’ x20?
2. After naming all of my hunter’s pets, why do they reset themselves to “juvenile x” when not in use. Do all hunters have Alzheimers?
3. Why does GW2 seems to hate the idea of dedicated healers, instead opting for minimal area-of-effect heals? Bad experience with doctors?
4. Why can’t elementalists swap weapons like every other class?
5. Why do some events show up on my mini-map, but then do nothing. Have no one to talk to, and simply sit there irritating me?
6. Black lion trading chests will not stack either in respective banks. You have to take them out to stack them, then put them back in.
7. When friends and guildies come online, they frequently do not notice messages in the chat window. Myself included. Can you create some kind of notification option when someone comes online?
8. Your colour system is totally messed up. I have noticed a number of truly “wth?” elements and strange effects, but I’m not even going to start on that one.
9. I tried playing a mesmer up to 20th level. I liked it for the most part, but couldn’t get past the pinkish butterflies. Consider making a slightly more, ummm … masculine version for male players?
10. The kittenty and somewhat sexist style of clothing for female characters has really kitten off some of my female friends who tried playing GW2. Just an fyi.
11. You should be able to filter your searches in the Trading Post according to light, medium, and heavy armors, usuable weapons, etc. or simply create a “usuable for player” filter so we don’t have to scroll endlessly through unusable items.
12. Why does my “yellow-level” bow look like a plain, ordinary branch some hillybilly picked up in the forest and strung a piece of twine across? Players love unique, amazing, even odd and bizarre looks and feels to rare or exotic stuff. Tell your designers to try harder please.
For the combat log i think there should be more options and stats. I would love to be able to look at my total damage taken and dealt for let’s say an entire dungeon run and then compare it to the next time i run that dungeon with a diff build.
Let me preface this list by saying I like playing GW2 and spend a lot of time doing so. However, there are certain aspects of this game that are truly starting to bother me. I apologize for any redundancies already addressed in other threads, but I’m not going to spend hours scrolling and reading through forums. My concerns/suggestions are as follows:
1. Why can’t I stack ‘mitril mining pick’ x12 with ‘mithril mining pick’ x8 into one pile of ‘mithril mining pick’ x20?
2. After naming all of my hunter’s pets, why do they reset themselves to “juvenile x” when not in use. Do all hunters have Alzheimers?
3. Why does GW2 seems to hate the idea of dedicated healers, instead opting for minimal area-of-effect heals? Bad experience with doctors?
4. Why can’t elementalists swap weapons like every other class?
5. Why do some events show up on my mini-map, but then do nothing. Have no one to talk to, and simply sit there irritating me?
6. Black lion trading chests will not stack either in respective banks. You have to take them out to stack them, then put them back in.
7. When friends and guildies come online, they frequently do not notice messages in the chat window. Myself included. Can you create some kind of notification option when someone comes online?
8. Your colour system is totally messed up. I have noticed a number of truly “wth?” elements and strange effects, but I’m not even going to start on that one.
9. I tried playing a mesmer up to 20th level. I liked it for the most part, but couldn’t get past the pinkish butterflies. Consider making a slightly more, ummm … masculine version for male players?
10. The kittenty and somewhat sexist style of clothing for female characters has really kitten off some of my female friends who tried playing GW2. Just an fyi.
11. You should be able to filter your searches in the Trading Post according to light, medium, and heavy armors, usuable weapons, etc. or simply create a “usuable for player” filter so we don’t have to scroll endlessly through unusable items.
12. Why does my “yellow-level” bow look like a plain, ordinary branch some hillybilly picked up in the forest and strung a piece of twine across? Players love unique, amazing, even odd and bizarre looks and feels to rare or exotic stuff. Tell your designers to try harder please.
1. Idk
2. Agreed, I just don’t even name them because I know they will reset eventually.
3. Becuase there is no holy trinity here. Dedicated healer would probably be best played by a Guardian or ranger who can group heal fairly well.
4.Because at one time you get access to 20 weapon skills, everyone else only has 10. You really think ele deserve 40?
5.Bugs most likely, unfortunatly many occur and not too much to prevent them. Can only reset the event (however that is done, beats me.)
6-10. No comment. Simply don’t have that issue but some may.
11. I agree, however over time it becomes less of a problem. You simply learn the names of what you’re looking for and its a done deal. Never the less for new players it would be nice to help them out a bit.
12. Its rare, not exotic. Can’t ask for amazing looks from weak pieces. And designing each weapon takes time, not something they can do over night. You may see a branch, others may see a long range tool of death because they know in 5 levels they will outgrow and move onto a new, better weapon.
On a side note, can ranger with SB get a slight range decrease? 1200 range across 5 skills vs a “longbow” with 1200 range on 4 skills is just off in my book. “Short”…. “Long”… the way it was done in GW1 was amazing IMO. They don’t have as many bow types here but the name of the various bows can say it all. Longbow in GW1 did in fact have a slightly longer range than shortbow while having the same travel arch length. Flatbow had high arch with a long travel time, Recurve bow had a low arch length and a mid level travel time. It was cool, and unique across the board. Also the damage increase against foes at lower elevation was awesome.
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”
(edited by NinjaEd.3946)
Account-wide dyes
TP preview
More endgame content
Fix those kitten bugs!!!
I would love to see when a friend or guild member comes online. There should be an option to enable / disable that.
3 things will make the diference
1 duels is a must
2 mount so there is fun and ways to obtain a mount for hardcore players or players who love this kind of stuff
3 more gear difernce so when someone really want to focus on a character then he could have something extra from the one who just made a lvl 80 :P i mean honestly thats what keeps every one into the game
Please give us the tab for minis. Every other game has it ! I just lack the motivation to spend money to buy them because I have to keep them in my bag. Hope it won’t take you to long until you put that feature online, because when it hits online more people will spend money to buy minis.
Please allow paid name changes! I’m not happy with the name I chose and I really want to rename my character.
Hi) Can you add Cyrillic to the game? I am not asking for some Russian localisation. I just want to have an opportunity to write in normal. Not this crazy russian) Thx in advance))
1 duels is a must
And the ability to auto-reject duels.
Please bring back previewing culture armor if it is not with your class.
Ok, this has probably been requested already, but I’m not going to read 27 pages of posts just to check it out… ;-)
So, my 2 cents:
ArenaNet, please give us a way to save (and retrieve!) a character’s “build”. I mean, it would be great if a player could distribute his trait points, click “save”, do some adjustment, try them out, discover that they suck, and get back instantly just by clicking a “load” button somewhere in his hero view…
Is there any chance we are going to see it someday in the future? I really hope so…
Thanks anyway for the great game!
Balance suggestion for mobs…
Skritt Bottle lobbers can throw stuff farther than a rifle’s reach and then some.
1) dyes changed to account bond not soul bound
2) private PvP area to fight against your friends
3) letting us selling the gifts for legendary on TP
4) letting us put karma in the bank
5) previewing armor and weapons on TP
I dont know if this was already written, but:
More interaction with the world would be nice, like sitting on chairs, some npc fun events like sing, dance etc…There are so much nice ambiental things but they look so dead because you cant do anything, like many houses with bars, chairs etc…
And Phasing, i dont know if i can name a game with phasing but i think you know what i mean. Example:
If I save that npc, only in my view he’s going to be saved, not in another player’s view.
In that way there are so much options to make for private storyline and so on. Or there is another example if few players did save some npc, they have availability to do a secret event that only they can see.
And i totally agree with @Wolf.8432 post about fishing, hunting, bar brawl etc….
(edited by Hec.8413)
I don’t know if it is systematically possible, but I would love it if players were replaceable in an instance. Real world takes precedence, and it would be wonderful if the party could just nab another player without having to be a man down for the rest of the dungeon run. Great job on this game by the way! I’m so happy to be free of Holy Trinity H-E-double hockey sticks!
Option to reverse mouse cursor/look. Hold to use cursor instead of camera.
- When your in zones make it more like:
A “road / pathway” to keep going forward. I would be at level 18 or 8 or whatever for example and I seem to wonder around the zone, It would be better if the zones/area/environment was more “put in place” and more kinda “clean” even.
- Update some of the animations please?. Some animations seem unfluid/choppy/etc.
- Sit on Chairs/etc in the GW2 World.
Add duels and arena’s. I would love to go out of a city and see 2 people dueling have having a load of fun, that is why i played woW, duels and arena’s were so much fun. You could make an area in heart of mists that only 80’s could access and you could get into an arena, que up as a party, and go in with your accual gear not spvp gear, and fight them to the death (no armor dmg) and the winner could get something useful. also you could have tournements every other month for each realm and the winners get precursors or something
id like to see…
1 – spell effects filters example – show mine only/show group only/show all
if not filters then a way to adjust the spell effect separately2- make story rewards scale to you actual level not your adjusted level.
3- the ability to reposition all skills on the hotbar to my liking.
4- allow us to set status to invisible by default.. or invisible to all not onf riedns list or in guild.
The bolded one is the one I beg for its implementation.
1. More weapons, or alternate skill sets for existing weapons: This would add more diversity in the game instead of most professions running similar builds with just different stats and traits tweaked. On land spear for another weapon? I would love that.
2. More bug fixes, especially in dungeons. i admit i am one of the bug exploiters(pretty much all pug groups are). But id honestly like to see dungeons and other bugs fixed so that they are played as they were intended to be.
3. More new content added more frequently: i was really excited to see lost shores added. It would be awesome if we got more content like this every month. This might be a lot to ask for but still would be awesome.
4. More gem shop content: i would like to see more gw1 armor skins and new costumes make it in.
5. Gem shop consumables created in the mystic forge: i know what you are thinking, it might take toll on your gem shop profit. But if you add more content in the shop like costumes etc. you can make up for it. Also you can make the recipes for most of the consumables use expensive mats or rare items. It would be great(for example) if i could create fine transmutation stones using 4 regular ones in the mystic forge.
6. More customizable armor: I’m waiting for the day when power, toughness, conditions(condition as main) gear becomes available. I really want this for my nec. Maybe i can see this one day with the release of more content, like lost shores and apothecary’s gear? There is probably a lot of people wanting other stat combos as well, but they r just not available yet.
7. Guild halls: It could help with bringing the gw2 community more together. Having them in gw1 was just kool in general.
8.Skirmishing: not the most important thing to me but it would be fun to battle my friend once in awhile without going to wvw or pvp mode to do it.
The rest of the things i would like to see added im expecting to see in cantha expansion when it comes out(like tengu). So i didnt add everything
Moar titles for existing acheivements no point in killing 5,000 baddies with a greatsword if you don’t get an awesome title like Greatsword Slayer or something. Or the “Overkill” one (300,000 damage ha) even something simple like “Master of Overkill” … the only one I have is from my GW1 account and I haven’t gotten any to switch around for fun. I can’t remember the last time I saw someone with a title I hadn’t seen already
I know that one of Anet’s goals for this next year is to strengthen the core game before the first expansion. With that said, one of the best ways (IMHO) for players to explore the beautiful world of GW2 could be tied to improving the economy and crafting disciplines. As simple as it sounds, fishing provides that reason to explore the map (looking for a good fishing spot, etc.) and could help with diversifying the crafting component requirements for all specialties, which in turn stimulates trade.
But, most of all, it’s an enjoyable past time, weather in real life or not. The possibility of catching something or not, is reason enough for folks to really explore the map. I know other posts have mentioned this, but I’d just like to second it. Thanks.
1) Guild WARS + Guild TOWNS:
2) Weapons:
3) New class ideas:
I think the WPs in the game are very unique – they especially don’t need to be removed if mounts are added. I think it would be fine if very minor WPs were removed, leaving only ones major cities and a few in zones. Arenanet could definitely develop beautiful mounts. :) I’d be willing to do special events or other things for an exclusive or rare mount in the game. I do like the idea of each race having a native mount – it would keep the uniqueness of each race!
I think the WPs in the game are very unique – they especially don’t need to be removed if mounts are added. I think it would be fine if very minor WPs were removed, leaving only ones major cities and a few in zones. Arenanet could definitely develop beautiful mounts.
I’d be willing to do special events or other things for an exclusive or rare mount in the game. I do like the idea of each race having a native mount – it would keep the uniqueness of each race!
yes but i dont want them to get like, super special, like all have some sort of form of a horse. humans could get a flame horse
fix the catapul of the cow to get the undiscover vista. also a great improvement of crafting item, show the ingrediente need to unlock the recipe please
→Player Houses
→Guild Wars
→New Class (Spiritualist)
→More weapons
^see all the big posts out there.
I would like to see the option for transferring characters between accounts on the same server. I purchased a copy of the game and was sharing it with one other person until I was able to purchase a second copy for them. Now their their main character (level 60) is stuck on my account and there is no currently way to transfer it to their account so they don’t lose all their hard work.
Mounts in this game would be great. I have a thread on this topic actually if you guys would like to check it out.
Mine will be short’n’sweet.
- Fix DR (remove it preferably)
- Less emphasis on using the TP
- FIx loot/RNG
Do not click this link!
1. Jumping Puzzles. JPs have no place in WvW. Either a) delete them completely or b) move the jumping puzzles out of WvW so that people who are in the JP (and thus are not directly and immediately contributing to the war effort) are not clogging up the queue. This can be implemented simply by relocating the entry points from WvW maps to other locations in the PvE world (possibly into/near existing JPs).
2. Waypoint Contention. I spent 2 hours the other night watching and reporting two different bot scripts involving 4 thieves who kept Hills permanently contested. That simply running up and tapping a wall can disable an expensive upgrade for a long period of time is, by itself, kitten beyond belief. A castle/keep/tower should not be ‘contested’ unless there is a real danger that ownership will be lost. To fix this make it so that players cannot directly damage fortifications (walls and gates) in any way whatsoever – only siege weapons should be able to damage fortifications. Only siege damage against fortifications should contest the waypoint (indicated by solid crossed swords). Any player damage against defensive siege or troops should be classed as harassment (indicated by outlined crossed swords) but would not contest the waypoint.
3. Income. You can’t earn a living in WvW. That means you can’t live there. The income you get from loot bags is insignificant unless you happen to be frontline dps with massive spike damage. Everyone else suffers. Everyone else is forced to muck about in PvE grinding silly instances to get the income they need to keep playing WvW (and do crazy, unexpected things like buy arrow carts, for example). And yes, I know you can use badges to buy those, but they come in the loot bags that you’re not getting anyway. There’s a million and one ways to fix this, but here are three: 1) reduce repair costs significantly or eliminate them entirely, 2) allow players to ‘salvage’ enemy siege weapons instead of destroying them, and 3) give each player a ‘repair allowance’ each time they play or each round – repairs up to this amount are free but beyond that you have to pay.
4. Fairness with Rewards. Which player’s actions are more important, the guardian standing in the green circle when a keep was captured, or the mesmer that ported them in but died in the courtyard? What about the trebuchet operator that spends 2 hours bringing down walls but can’t rejoin his team fast enough for the capture? WvW is littered with examples of unfair rewards. One possible step in the right direction: A guild upgrade which, when enabled, distributes all of the gold, karma and XP earned by every member in a given WvW map amongst every guild member there. Finally, a way for defenders and scouts and support players to get a piece of the action that, up until now, has gone disproportionately to frontline dps. This would generate fresh new guild dynamics and politics.
5. Thief Stealth. The way that ArenaNet ‘imagined’ stealth is the same, broken way that everyone else has ‘imagined’ stealth. Tweaking sprite opacity to achieve invisibility and pretending that that is stealth is completely the wrong way to think about it. Not being able to see a player 1m in front of your face is broken. Not being able to detect a player when they walk through you is broken. Not being able to track a bleeding thief by looking at a trail of blood on the floor is broken. If GW2 is supposed to be an mmoRPg then the class should encourage the player to play a certain way. Players who play thieves completely and utterly ignore playing ‘stealthily’ in favour of in-your-face-suck-my-balls-nyah-nyah-invisibility. If you want to encourage stealthy play then simply do this: turn off the name tag and outline which normally appears when you face towards, mouse over or select a character. That’s it. That’s all you have to do. Now an intelligent player could position themselves in terrain which matches their clothing colour and not automatically be seen by passing enemies because of the stupid big red sign above their heads. A moving player would be more easily detected than a stationary one. Dark, shadowy areas could be traversed by a player without being seen. Gosh! It’s almost… like… what you would expect a thief to do!
(edited by tim.8127)
Amazing new class suggestion by Redrex:
I posted this suggestion in another thread, but decided to repost it in hear. It is an idea to balance the idea of mounts (ground mounts only) in the game
Here it is:
1) Reduce the amount of waypoints in the zones. Instead of having 12-20, have like 3-4 that are far apart. This encourages exploration as well as a need (or more desired) for a permanent speed boost in some way.
2) Add ground mounts that grant a speed boost (like what swiftness gives) and also cosmetic value (pretty much implied)
3) Restrict use in cities (personal opinion, i hated when players in WoW would block the NPC in cities with the mounts)
I believe that this is a great option to extending the life of the game as well as generating revenue for Anet.
1) If the some mounts where drops in a dungeon, then it would encourage activity on the PVE side
2) They could also allow them to drop randomly in just the world environment or zone boss which would cause a lot more activity in the world (i’m all for that)
3) Sell some in the gem store. Blizzard makes a ton of extra money from the mount/pets in their store (along with their much hated subscription).
It’s a win/win- people get the cosmetic mount with a more “permanent speed boost”, encourage exploring with the drops, and (more importantly) added revenue.
Please find an alternate way to obtain the “Moorwatch Tower Vista,” the cattlepult seldom works and has to be the most glitchy thing in the game. Back during the BWE’s it didn’t work, and it’s still not working. Turn it into a jumping puzzle, or a series of stairs inside or out, or remove it from the zone completely. We’ve had people hanging around all day trying to keep tabs on it, but it’s never been active once in the seven hours I’ve been in the zone.
If nothing else, How about giving “Mad Mardine” a dialog option to “demonstrate” it, thereby giving players a way to get the vista without waiting around for it to trigger. As an event/vista, it’s terrible as is.
(edited by Warzog.6315)
I really miss many options in the menu. For example
-names of mobs on/off
-mouse move/view marking of npcs, players etc on/off (these red/green edges over every mob/player etc. are really ugly, ruins the atmosphere completely). Why not simply allow marking by click?
-resizing of the UI elements like Map, quests etc.
-disable the digits spam from dmg, heal or whatever.
(edited by CaesarAvgvstvs.7805)