Mounts [Merged]

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dominura.3657


Piggybacks! I would be cool to add this in downed mode, so that downed team mates could be moved out of dangerous areas by their loving team mates. Also, I want to carry norns around on my asura.

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Steven.9803


Piggybacks! I would be cool to add this in downed mode, so that downed team mates could be moved out of dangerous areas by their loving team mates. Also, I want to carry norns around on my asura.

Lol this would be an amazing idea XD

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: castlemanic.3198


Piggybacks! I would be cool to add this in downed mode, so that downed team mates could be moved out of dangerous areas by their loving team mates. Also, I want to carry norns around on my asura.

I love your imagination XD

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zakka.2153


No mounts please, I don’t need that kinda of money sink.

I’d rather them either.

1) Make way points free (like they should be)
2) Make the price of a way point half off if you discover the whole map in that area.

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fievre.4510


No mounts please, I don’t need that kinda of money sink.

I’d rather them either.

1) Make way points free (like they should be)
2) Make the price of a way point half off if you discover the whole map in that area.

Waypoint costs are fine if you do anything in PVE besides sit in a city. All I do is sit in LA 9/10 times and even I don’t have a problem affording them. Waypoint costs aren’t a problem, they’re maybe, at most, a mild annoyance when you realize you ran the wrong way or have to go back to somewhere you’ve already been.

PS: Mounts haven’t been discussed by devs, you have no idea what sort of “money sink” it would even be. Other than a completely voluntary one.

PPS: Waypoints don’t allow anyone to see the scenery, so they really aren’t encouraging travel by foot unless you’re broke/saving up.

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: castlemanic.3198


PPS: Waypoints don’t allow anyone to see the scenery, so they really aren’t encouraging travel by foot unless you’re broke/saving up.

you’d have to walk across the scenery first to get to the waypoint in the first place.

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: tom.7468


I’d love to have a stallion that run 33% faster that can jump over fences and and some friends can sit on also

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lutharr.1035


PPS: Waypoints don’t allow anyone to see the scenery, so they really aren’t encouraging travel by foot unless you’re broke/saving up.

you’d have to walk across the scenery first to get to the waypoint in the first place.

running past something til the little blue light lights up aint exactly immersing yourself in the enviroment. One idea could be that your only able to use a mount in an area you have completed. That promotes both the gold sink that would be a mount and exploration.

Go back to WoW. Most overused brainless arguement 2012-2013

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: castlemanic.3198


running past something til the little blue light lights up aint exactly immersing yourself in the enviroment. One idea could be that your only able to use a mount in an area you have completed. That promotes both the gold sink that would be a mount and exploration.

But once you have all the waypoints in an area, a mount is obsolete because waypoints are near enough to run to most things relatively quickly.

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lutharr.1035


running past something til the little blue light lights up aint exactly immersing yourself in the enviroment. One idea could be that your only able to use a mount in an area you have completed. That promotes both the gold sink that would be a mount and exploration.

But once you have all the waypoints in an area, a mount is obsolete because waypoints are near enough to run to most things relatively quickly.

Once you have an exotic weapon you dont need a legendary.

Go back to WoW. Most overused brainless arguement 2012-2013

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: castlemanic.3198


Once you have an exotic weapon you dont need a legendary.

and yet, legendaries don’t provide a 33% increase in speed permanently.

there is no need for mounts to have a speed boost.

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lutharr.1035


Once you have an exotic weapon you dont need a legendary.

and yet, legendaries don’t provide a 33% increase in speed permanently.

there is no need for mounts to have a speed boost.

plenty of people said they dont mind if they are normal speed. Alot suggested 33% since some classes can have that up permenantly anyways. Levels the playing field for all.

Go back to WoW. Most overused brainless arguement 2012-2013

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: castlemanic.3198


plenty of people said they dont mind if they are normal speed. Alot suggested 33% since some classes can have that up permenantly anyways. Levels the playing field for all.

I’m on the regular speed mount boat, i have no issues with them except for a perma speed increase inducing abilities.

and perma swiftness abilities only grant 10% speed increase. Unless you’re talking about having basically a ton of swiftness granting abilities, which means that they choose that over other abilities.

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gummy.4278


running past something til the little blue light lights up aint exactly immersing yourself in the enviroment. One idea could be that your only able to use a mount in an area you have completed. That promotes both the gold sink that would be a mount and exploration.

But once you have all the waypoints in an area, a mount is obsolete because waypoints are near enough to run to most things relatively quickly.

You still forget that waypoints can be and are contested and there in lies something I might want to run to quickly, and have tried getting to and came in at the last second to find well I came there for nothing.

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gummy.4278


I don’t really care one way or the other for speed, if I am allowed to be fully protected by my armor and protect myself from enemies while mounted , if not I think they should have a speed buff but used more like a charge type skill.

But what if the mount had “Speeds”, which in RL they do.
A horse goes from a walk, to a trot, to a Canter/Lope, and to a Gallop. Just like a car changes gears.
I don’t see them adding four different speeds but a walk they could do all the time and the gallop they could do only for short boosts, kinda like Epona in Zelda games, if you timed the speed boosts correctly you could maintain them if you went overboard you be walking from burning the poor animal out.
I think something more like the swiftness we have now would be the best option with maybe a bit longer than most of the current length of run times.

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jazneo.8213


They could make mount like item when you use it give you speed skill just travel area much faster without using waypoints

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: castlemanic.3198


running past something til the little blue light lights up aint exactly immersing yourself in the enviroment. One idea could be that your only able to use a mount in an area you have completed. That promotes both the gold sink that would be a mount and exploration.

But once you have all the waypoints in an area, a mount is obsolete because waypoints are near enough to run to most things relatively quickly.

You still forget that waypoints can be and are contested and there in lies something I might want to run to quickly, and have tried getting to and came in at the last second to find well I came there for nothing.

while that does happen, it’s not enough to warrant an entirely new feature for the game.

The way i think mounts should work is similar to a permanent environmental weapon that is in your bag. Open it up to hop on to the mount and you’ll have 5 skills related to the mount (and possibly profession, but that’s more hopes than realistic). This gives mounts a meaningful purpose in the game and adds a little more depth to combat. Add a skill like call of the wild, a 15 second swiftness on a 35 second cooldown and that would cover the issues people have with speeds.

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Varmyr.4253


Having mounts is something that sounds really cool, specially after we’ve seen them in every possible MMO out there. However, I am not sure if they would work as well in GW2, first of all because of the WP system which allows you to fast travel everywhere and second of all because every area seems to be packed with monsters, events, crafting nodes, points of interest etc. I, for one, wouldn’t find them very useful, because as soon as the "mount"animation is done I would take three steps and then watch the “dismount” since I just found something to do.

However, I would have a suggestion: use mounts as end-game rewards. Some people have been complaining about running out of stuff to do once they hit the level cap and they would be willing to grind for something, if need be. I don’t like for that something to be gear, but maybe some reward needs to be there for somebody who’s playing this game more time than I am, why not mounts? Looking in retrospect from level 80, you could travel Tyria on a mount just to brag, passing by points of interest without stopping by, because you’ve already been there. And say you’re hunting for events or want to farm something more quickly, there you go, you now have a mount to do this. Or you could just take cool screenshots as a mounted warrior, whatever works.

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zoid.2568


Add mounts for lvl 30, 60 and 80 would be a good idea if they won’t reduce the travel cost and different types of mounts with different options how to get them.


lvl 30 mount – 90% increased movement speed
lvl 60 mount – 180% increased movement speed
lvl 80 mount – 250% increased movement speed
Land Mounts
Underwater Mounts
Land + Underwater Mount


Racial Mounts – 3 mounts for each race, 1 for 30,60 and 80. 15 racial mounts in total.
lvl 30 mount cost 1g (Land)
lvl 60 mount cost 3g (Land)
lvl 80 mount cost 15g (Land + Underwater)

Dungeon Mounts – Traded for tokens by completing explorable mode.
All level 80 mounts. Cost 10 000 tokens.

Black Lion Mounts – Purchasable in the gem store and dropped by Black Lion Chests.
lvl 30,60 and 80 mounts. Land and Underwater. Event-special mounts.

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Isslair.4908


Some ideas:

1) Mounts should have +33% MS
This is somewhat of a middle ground between mounts being best way of transportation and mounts being useless pieces of vanity.
So people will be able to travel at a slightly faster speed and won’t just zip through location in a second.
Also, people who dislike mounts shall have an alternative of using their own swiftness buffs and avoid using mounts, without feeling themselves at a disadvantage.

2) Make mounts an utility\elite skill
This way mounts won’t clutter up interface with new slots and will add some choices regarding them. So you would need to actually pick mount as a skill on your hotbar, thus refusing yourself some other skill. And this “mount skill” should not be useable during combat.

3) No mounts in sPvP\WvWvW\dungeons
These modes were designed to be played without mounts and it should stay so.

4) No mounts in cities
I think all of us agree on this one. Cities already have free waypoints, no need for mounts there.

5) Mounts should be available at early-mid levels
Because mounts only for lvl 80 are mostly useless. If you’re 80 already it means you’re probably just sitting in one location doing nothing. And you can afford using waypoints 2 times a day.
Mounts are mostly needed by low-level players who are forced to run miles and miles around same old locations.

EU Aurora Glade

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Pristix.6890


The idea of mounts seems interesting, for achievement purpose. Though, I don’t like mounts in MMORPG’s for traveling. Before you know, all you see in the world are just people sitting on horses, lions, dragons, and whatever weird creatures some people can think of. But that, is of course, my own opinion. Unless my human may use a charr as mount, I would gladly try it out.

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: castlemanic.3198


2) Make mounts an utility\elite skill
This way mounts won’t clutter up interface with new slots and will add some choices regarding them. So you would need to actually pick mount as a skill on your hotbar, thus refusing yourself some other skill. And this “mount skill” should not be useable during combat.

This. this. this. this. this. this.
Making a mount a utility skill is a perfect idea. Skillpoints for a mount, and then a mount with combat abilities would make mounts doubly useful and worth the investment, even for level 80 players.

Having a swiftness granting ability instead of a perma swiftness would also make things neater, but with lower cooldowns and higher upkeep times. Say a 20 second swiftness on a 30 second cooldown, and the swiftness is removed upon dismount to keep things from stacking rediculously (like how currently temporal curtain doesnt stack every time you run through it.)

Each class having not only their own class specific mount, but class specific abilities as well would be so awesome.

You sir, are a genius.

Edit: Ideas for mounts:
Warrior: Dolyaks seem reasonable for a warrior class. Big enough for norn and charr and ferocious enough to bring a fight to the table.
Guardian: This one would be tricky. Seeing as how guardian abilities can be seen as magically adjusted warrior abilities, i think they’d share the dolyak, but the guardian would be able to enhance the dolyaks ability with preservation magic.
Thief: Probably not a mount per se, but a sort of shadow sheathe that covers the thief. swiftness granting skill would use 5 pips of initiative.
Engineer: Come on. This is too obvious. A mechanical mount with an ‘overdrive’ type ability for speed. Fits right in with the engineers other kits.
Ranger: I’m hesitant to make anything that would be rediculously large, so no oakhearts. And having each pet become a mount would cause rediculous amount of balancing issues, because they’d have the largest number of mount skills available. Also dolyaks shouldn’t be too heavily used either. Currently the only thing i can think of is the griffon, but you’d run into the complaints about how rangers would be able to ‘fly’. this one will take some time.
Necromancer: Undead horse anyone? Probably add an ability thats an aoe fear on a heavy cooldown to bring the ‘death is coming’ aspect to it.
Elementalist: No one is riding elementals here. This would have to be a glyph skill so that it would work with the different attunements. Probably would have some aspect of becoming one with the elements. Fire = traveling fireball, air= traveling lightning bolt, water= traveling mist form and earth= rolling rocks.
the elementalist needs a lot of work.
Mesmer: A phantasmal mount would be the perfect thing. It wouldn’t interact with the shatter system so people could still use shatter builds when riding their mount.

(edited by castlemanic.3198)

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sinifair.1026


Actually, I think that mounts might not be such a bad idea.
- I know that with waypoints there is really no need for mounts since instant travelling is accessible. However, those exact same waypoints makes the world seem smaller. We barely even notice the environment which Arena Net has put so much effort into creating.
- Not only mounts, but I would also suggest ships that are more than just buildings. Ships that actually sail. There needs to be more than one way (or two, if anyone takes the time to walk) to traverse Tyria.
- We miss out on so many beautiful sights in the game (because Guild Wars 2 IS visually stunning) by instant travelling around the place. I do not suggest to remove the waypoints, but instead of, as so many others have already suggested, reducing the cost of using waypoints, make alternatives to travel instead.
- Having made such a huge and magnificent world, Arena Net should make it attractive for players to revisit and experience places again, but I don’t want to make the journey only on foot.

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fievre.4510


Add mounts for lvl 30, 60 and 80 would be a good idea if they won’t reduce the travel cost and different types of mounts with different options how to get them.


lvl 30 mount – 90% increased movement speed
lvl 60 mount – 180% increased movement speed
lvl 80 mount – 250% increased movement speed
Land Mounts
Underwater Mounts
Land + Underwater Mount


Racial Mounts – 3 mounts for each race, 1 for 30,60 and 80. 15 racial mounts in total.
lvl 30 mount cost 1g (Land)
lvl 60 mount cost 3g (Land)
lvl 80 mount cost 15g (Land + Underwater)

Dungeon Mounts – Traded for tokens by completing explorable mode.
All level 80 mounts. Cost 10 000 tokens.

Black Lion Mounts – Purchasable in the gem store and dropped by Black Lion Chests.
lvl 30,60 and 80 mounts. Land and Underwater. Event-special mounts.

No, no, no, no, no, no. Absolutely not.

For the most part, nobody cares about the speed increase. The most anybody has wanted was 33% in order to balance out the fact that some classes are able to have permanent swiftness already, and that’s the speed they move at. Anything above that is too much, and not the objective.

Mounts, generally speaking, haven’t been desired for their potential speed increase. In fact, seriously if it makes people feel better, don’t even call them mounts since everyone already assumes ‘GO FAST WEE’ when what most of us want is to just sit on something pretty and frolick around.

No combat, no speed boost, no towns.

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lutharr.1035


Add mounts for lvl 30, 60 and 80 would be a good idea if they won’t reduce the travel cost and different types of mounts with different options how to get them.


lvl 30 mount – 90% increased movement speed
lvl 60 mount – 180% increased movement speed
lvl 80 mount – 250% increased movement speed
Land Mounts
Underwater Mounts
Land + Underwater Mount


Racial Mounts – 3 mounts for each race, 1 for 30,60 and 80. 15 racial mounts in total.
lvl 30 mount cost 1g (Land)
lvl 60 mount cost 3g (Land)
lvl 80 mount cost 15g (Land + Underwater)

Dungeon Mounts – Traded for tokens by completing explorable mode.
All level 80 mounts. Cost 10 000 tokens.

Black Lion Mounts – Purchasable in the gem store and dropped by Black Lion Chests.
lvl 30,60 and 80 mounts. Land and Underwater. Event-special mounts.

you seem to have left out the Zhaitan 350% speed increase mount.

Seriously? You think mounts with that much speed increase would ever be considered? People want mounts, not formula 1 race cars.

Go back to WoW. Most overused brainless arguement 2012-2013

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nadakuu.6827


this serves no purpose aside from promoting elitism and adding another useless gold sink. it would also increase lag on the server.

mounts are not needed since there are many waypoints to use to travel.

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lutharr.1035


this serves no purpose aside from promoting elitism and adding another useless gold sink. it would also increase lag on the server.

mounts are not needed since there are many waypoints to use to travel.

Oh look another one who only read the title.

How the hell mounts promote elitism? Please educate me on this one cos after 8 years of playing mmo’s this ones a 1st for even me.

Go back to WoW. Most overused brainless arguement 2012-2013

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: The Demonic Spirit.3157

The Demonic Spirit.3157

Add mounts for lvl 30, 60 and 80 would be a good idea if they won’t reduce the travel cost and different types of mounts with different options how to get them.


lvl 30 mount – 90% increased movement speed
lvl 60 mount – 180% increased movement speed
lvl 80 mount – 250% increased movement speed
Land Mounts
Underwater Mounts
Land + Underwater Mount


Racial Mounts – 3 mounts for each race, 1 for 30,60 and 80. 15 racial mounts in total.
lvl 30 mount cost 1g (Land)
lvl 60 mount cost 3g (Land)
lvl 80 mount cost 15g (Land + Underwater)

Dungeon Mounts – Traded for tokens by completing explorable mode.
All level 80 mounts. Cost 10 000 tokens.

Black Lion Mounts – Purchasable in the gem store and dropped by Black Lion Chests.
lvl 30,60 and 80 mounts. Land and Underwater. Event-special mounts.

33% increase speed is enough !!!

It should be a utility skill and mounts shouldn’t have a skills too. There should be a command panel that allow us to call on/off them.

All 80es > MM necro is my best ,cleric
guard ,nades eng ,Trap thief \ranger ,signet\shout warrior, zerk mes\ele & shiro rev.

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kreslin.6832


It’s a very bad idea. There is no place for mounts. We have waypoints, we have skills which increase speed. With mounts it would be ruined. The whole system would be collapsed.

Even without any speed boon. Just stop asking mounts and think, just think. You are doing jump puzzle. Norns and Charr cause some… inconvenience. Think how it would be horrible, when someone will do this puzzle on his mount.

And again. We have waypoints. We have skills which increase run speed. There is no place for mounts.

Seize the day.

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: TehPwnerer.7215


All you people wanting mounts that increase speed, I wouldn’t hold your breath. Having personally talked to some of the Devs previously about various topics including mounts, if they ever see screen time in GW2 they will be done right and not add a speed increase.

Purely cosmetic gold sink if they’re added in at all. Things can change, and he couldn’t say for 100% that it would end up that way, but he said that was the word at the time.

I vote, again, no on the mount subject.

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lutharr.1035


It’s a very bad idea. There is no place for mounts. We have waypoints, we have skills which increase speed. With mounts it would be ruined. The whole system would be collapsed.

Even without any speed boon. Just stop asking mounts and think, just think. You are doing jump puzzle. Norns and Charr cause some… inconvenience. Think how it would be horrible, when someone will do this puzzle on his mount.

And again. We have waypoints. We have skills which increase run speed. There is no place for mounts.

So your arguement against mounts is that some people will be kittens if they are allowed them near jump puzzles? Easy solution. Anyone proven to be doing this is reported for griefing and any mounts summeraly removed even if they had to use Rl money to buy them with gems (thats just an example). I dont see people acting up when they see and hear about people getting their butts kicked for acting like plebs.

Go back to WoW. Most overused brainless arguement 2012-2013

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kreslin.6832


The main argument is: Mounts doesn’t fit with this game. What will you do with waypoints? Why do we have skills which give us speed boon?

What is YOUR argument against NOT heaving mounts?

Seize the day.

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lutharr.1035


They dont fit in the game? I guess u either cba to read the posts where that so-called fact was proven wrong or just plain ignored the fact. Waypoints would remain as they are. Dont think there is anyone who has asked them to be changed. Speed boon aint there to get you from A to B faster. They are there for combat purposes.

Dont need an arguement against not having mounts. Since its a suggestions thread.

Go back to WoW. Most overused brainless arguement 2012-2013

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mad Queen Malafide.7512

Mad Queen Malafide.7512

I’m not concerned with HOW mounts would work, because the design team has shown before to be quite creative in regards to implementing mounts. But I know that I would love to parade around on a skeletal horse. I don’t even care that much about travel speed. But sitting on a mount just sounds really fun.

On a side note, the siege devourer mounts in GW1 were a lot of fun. Slightly faster than players, with devastating siege attacks. They helped other players clear tricky areas. But there was usually only one available, and in a limited number of maps.

“Madness is just another way to view reality”

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: ragnarockww.8473


In the end it wont be up to us if there is or isn’t mounts we only play the game not make it just enjoy what we have instead of what we dont.

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: DreamDrop.1596


No we don’t need mounts. Guild Wars 2 actually looks better without the crappy Mounts mechanism, however, there could be Swift Shoes made available at the Gem Store for say around 200-300 Gems which would double the running speed (outside Combat that is). Swiftness skills could become useless but I’m sure ANet can figure out a solution for that too.

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: vespers.1759


In the end it wont be up to us if there is or isn’t mounts we only play the game not make it just enjoy what we have instead of what we dont.

uh no. things get improved when people make suggestions. if all just accepted everything and never tried to improve anything we’d be extinct.

Bristleback can’t hit anything? Let’s fix the HP bug instead.

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: castlemanic.3198


I’m not concerned with HOW mounts would work, because the design team has shown before to be quite creative in regards to implementing mounts. But I know that I would love to parade around on a skeletal horse. I don’t even care that much about travel speed. But sitting on a mount just sounds really fun.

On a side note, the siege devourer mounts in GW1 were a lot of fun. Slightly faster than players, with devastating siege attacks. They helped other players clear tricky areas. But there was usually only one available, and in a limited number of maps.

Why don’t we have missions for which we could ride a seige devourer mount? That would be sooo awesome.

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Crossplay.2067


To everyone against mounts, I have one situation that will kill your waypoint argument. There have been times (yes, plural) when I was in the Straits of Devastation and the only two waypoints available were the ones next to area portals. The rest were contested. I wish that was an exaggeration. Some I have never seen available! Ever. I have even ported into the map and have literally been moved to a several waypoints away because ALL became contested before I arrived. This has happened on several occasions. I hated it so much that once I completed that map, I never went back.

Now to be fair, I hit 80 8 days after the prerelease so I was certainly way ahead of the leveling curve. However, I was not alone. I’m on Crystal Desert which has a fairly high population and there was a good amount of people there but we could not keep even half the waypoints clear to save our lives.

Now imagine the nightmare those on low population servers go through.

Mounts would alleviate some of that pain. I would be a lot more willing to travel around maps with constantly contested waypoints because I won’t have to slog past 5 to get to where I want to go. I don’t even need to be riding something. Just give me a power that I can turn on and consistently move 33% faster. No, warriors don’t count. I main a Mesmer and if I can’t use this power equally for every profession, that’s a problem with the game.

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: castlemanic.3198


that’s one zone out of the entire map, and i know how frustrating it is, i’m at orr right now. for there to be an entire feature based on a single zone is far from reasonable.

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: The Demonic Spirit.3157

The Demonic Spirit.3157

that’s one zone out of the entire map, and i know how frustrating it is, i’m at orr right now. for there to be an entire feature based on a single zone is far from reasonable.

It’s not a single zone !!!!! Many maps have the same issue !!

All 80es > MM necro is my best ,cleric
guard ,nades eng ,Trap thief \ranger ,signet\shout warrior, zerk mes\ele & shiro rev.

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: LOCO.1785


It’s a very bad idea. There is no place for mounts. We have waypoints, we have skills which increase speed. With mounts it would be ruined. The whole system would be collapsed.

Even without any speed boon. Just stop asking mounts and think, just think. You are doing jump puzzle. Norns and Charr cause some… inconvenience. Think how it would be horrible, when someone will do this puzzle on his mount.

And again. We have waypoints. We have skills which increase run speed. There is no place for mounts.

I was going to write something similar, but I think you summed it up.

Mounts just don’t fit in with how this game was designed. I can’t see how they would be implemented without screwing it up.

Personally there’s too much other stuff I want fixed before they even consider looking into stuff like this.

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: LOCO.1785


that’s one zone out of the entire map, and i know how frustrating it is, i’m at orr right now. for there to be an entire feature based on a single zone is far from reasonable.

It’s not a single zone !!!!! Many maps have the same issue !!

Really? I can’t think of any.

Also, are you guys just ignoring speed boosts or what? Most classes have some form of speed boost, which is essentially what your claiming you need a mount for.

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: The Demonic Spirit.3157

The Demonic Spirit.3157

that’s one zone out of the entire map, and i know how frustrating it is, i’m at orr right now. for there to be an entire feature based on a single zone is far from reasonable.

It’s not a single zone !!!!! Many maps have the same issue !!

Really? I can’t think of any.

Also, are you guys just ignoring speed boosts or what? Most classes have some form of speed boost, which is essentially what your claiming you need a mount for.

Players should specialized in power/conditions instead of swiftness build , it’s a waste of skills and traits !!! .

All 80es > MM necro is my best ,cleric
guard ,nades eng ,Trap thief \ranger ,signet\shout warrior, zerk mes\ele & shiro rev.

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ceder Of Tyria.5079

Ceder Of Tyria.5079

I also would like mounts just for the fun of it and it will not stop me from using way points as I’m not likely going to “ride” from Orr to LA. There is no horses in GW so the moa’s would be a good choice

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Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kreslin.6832


You just don’t want to think. Or don’t want to admit, that mounts will ruin mechanic in the game.

Waypoints, we have many of them. You can travel from one location to another.

Jump puzzles. With mounts, with their speed boon, you can throw vista and jump puzzles through the window.

With mounts waypoints will be forgotten, you know why? Because they cost money. Who will spend money when he can simply ride on the mount?

Lets imaging Nonrs on their mounts, standing on the Trading Post. It’s hilarious.

You just don’t wanna see the facts. You think, or want to think, that mount won’t ruin the game. That mounts are suit with GW2. Cause you don’t care, you just want them.

But I don’t want to argue with you, cause it’s useless. know what they are doing, at least I hope. I doubt they will add this mounts, highly doubt that.

And even mounts without any speed boon. In this case they are useless.

We don’t need this mounts. You just want them, and don’t wanna see the facts, which are against this mounts.

It looks like you just don’t care and don’t wan to see the facts. That’s it. But I hope, developers know what they are doing.
I hope that if I see facts, why there is no place for mounts in this game, they see that and understand that too.

Otherwise we would have this mounts in GW1 and we already would have them in GW2.

The mechanic between GW1 and GW2 aren’t different. In fact. In GW1 you cannot teleport from one location to another. You can only teleport from one city or fort-post to another.
In GW2 you can teleport from one location to another. Which means, in GW2 you can travel to place you want even faster than in GW1. And you tell me that we need this mounts? I don’t think so, and hope, so do

Seize the day.

(edited by Kreslin.6832)

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: TravisTrout.6803


Mounts just wouldn’t make sense in this game. It’s not like other games where you have to travel across half a continent to get somewhere. We don’t have enormous, sprawling outdoor areas. Such games are obviously designed with mounts in mind. But we don’t have that. We have little nooks that are saturated with instant waypoint teleporters. That is the travel system.

I have to ask: You guys insisting that you “need” mounts, have you even been to Orr yet? You might as well carve up your horse for rations because you won’t be riding it anyway. Saying “find me a zombie in Orr” is like saying “find me a crater on the Moon.” Close your eyes and point in a random direction. Oh look, zombie.

You (some of you, anyway) aren’t even concerned with the facts of the matter. You just want a horse. Or a goat. Or a lobotomized Centaur. Something. Ok, I get that. Mounts are cool — in games where they make sense. This is not such a game.

Anyway, I’m pretty sure we don’t need to be the Defenders of the Plan here because obviously the developers felt the same way. You don’t think they simply forgot to put horses in and accidentally dropped waypoints all over the world, did you?

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lutharr.1035


Notice how the people who are against the idea always seem to play card that the one for it aint thinking. Oh really. So your I dont want mounts (insert rant) is indepth, thoughtful and so intelligent that those on the side of mounts are probably just to dumb to work out. God you people are condecending prats.

Mount runs at the same pace as your toon and only difference is the aesthetic of it. If your against asthetics then why even play GW2 since thats it WHOLE focus.

Go back to WoW. Most overused brainless arguement 2012-2013

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kreslin.6832


Ask yourself, why don’t we have them right now? As I sad, you just don’t care about facts, you prefer not see them, because you want this mounts so badly.

You just don’t want to listen. This argument make no sense, cause you don’t listen.

Seize the day.

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lutharr.1035


Ask yourself, why don’t we have them right now? As I sad, you just don’t care about facts, you prefer not see them, because you want this mounts so badly.

You just don’t want to listen. This argument make no sense, cause you don’t listen.

Thats the extent of your arguement? Cos they aint in now? Your in the wrong part of the forum then aint ya.

Go back to WoW. Most overused brainless arguement 2012-2013