Mounts [Merged]

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fievre.4510


when are people going to realize there’s no such thing as a lore conflict?

When there actually isn’t such a thing as lore conflict. For now, there IS such a thing as lore conflict.

is there anything in the lore that say mounts don’t exist? not that i know of, and even if there was they could say “oh look the asura bred a new breed of X animal” or oh look, new magic resulted in a bigger version of X animal"

that was hard.

Lore conflict exists, sure. But not here. “Mounts have no place in GW lore at all.” Really? Tell that to the dwarves, who rode dolyaks and giant ugly yeti-hamsters. Or the Junundu, who functioned as an enormous mount that ate you in order to get you from Point A to Point B. Or the giant devourers in EotN?

Like I said before, when it comes to lore: Please explain how miniature versions of characters exist and why they walk around following us when all we do is lock them away in our banks when we want nothing to do with them? Mounts make more sense than minipets.

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dualius.4916


Giant yeti-hamsters? Ill take two.

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fievre.4510


Giant yeti-hamsters? Ill take two.

They were quite adorable.

And then they spammed you with knockdowns and suddenly you wanted nothing more than to stomp on all of them and never see another.

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sarahphim.1308


No mounts in Tyria please.

POW! Right to the cranium!

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fievre.4510


Good reason. I love good reasons.

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Brannidus.4175


Mounts would ruin this game. If players had the ability to bypass mobs and events by outrunning them, there would be no sense of danger in the world. Areas like Cursed Shore and other Orr zones would suffer the most from this. All that would be left would be karma farmers at Plinx, players outrunning the undead around collecting material nodes, and one or two folks actually trying to do the other events for map completion. A lot of the friendly random help you receive from other players passing by would end, because they can just outrun whatever danger YOU are in.

Plus it would just destroy WvW

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Moser.3560


Hoping to see mounts in the future, with only a slight advantage of speed above general speed buffs and wit the dismount on combat features. I don’t want to see them in WvW or PvP, ofc, but it just feels kind of lacking to me without a horse to clop around on. That or auto-pathed NPC mounts we can ride from place to place so we can just sit back and enjoy the scenery along the roads, from waypoint to waypoint.

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: castlemanic.3198


when are people going to realize there’s no such thing as a lore conflict?

When there actually isn’t such a thing as lore conflict. For now, there IS such a thing as lore conflict.

is there anything in the lore that say mounts don’t exist? not that i know of, and even if there was they could say “oh look the asura bred a new breed of X animal” or oh look, new magic resulted in a bigger version of X animal"

that was hard.

Lore conflict exists, sure. But not here.

This was my point. There are such things as lore conflicts, but nothing in lore conflicts with the idea of mounts.

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Isslair.4908


there would be no sense of danger in the world.

danger in the world


Please tell me when do you ever feel danger in this game. People already run through mobs\events. Mounts will just make it less boring and will add new vanity options for that kind of players.

I’m yet to see a single real reason for all this “nomountsplz11” stuff.

EU Aurora Glade

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Azzrael Deathbane.4965

Azzrael Deathbane.4965

actually i dont think we need a reason, people just dont want mounts in this game..Get over it and lets move on

“Once more into the fray. Into the last good fight I’ll ever know.
Live and die on this day. Live and die on this day.”

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Devata.6589


“Mounts would ruin this game. If players had the ability to bypass mobs and events by outrunning them, there would be no sense of danger in the world.”

You already outrun all mobs on your normal speed but when traveling I use speed-boosts so I run even harder. Still if there would be a lot of mobs I would get in problems, Just if I was to use a mount with a permanent speedboat.

Besides, this threats is seems to go about if we need to introduce mounts or not but the first mount was already introduced with Halloween. The problem was that it did not have a speed-boost and it was only 1.

And when they introduce them please don’t do it like they did with the mini’s. Just buying them is boring. In other games I would collect them now I don’t really care. Same for ranger pets.

Hide them in the world, you can farm some, you can earn some with quests, jumping puzzles and so on. (some you can buy)

About the speed being a problem? Ever saw a thief combining all speed/ move skills? That is like roadrunner on speed.

“actually i dont think we need a reason, people just dont want mounts in this game..Get over it and lets move on”
You mean “some people”. Most seem to want it.

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Azzrael Deathbane.4965

Azzrael Deathbane.4965

well hopfully ANet will not introduce them. Where would we stop, first mounts then players would want flying mounts, and then come the speed issues etc etc. if you want mounts, then go and play WoW.

“Once more into the fray. Into the last good fight I’ll ever know.
Live and die on this day. Live and die on this day.”

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Eladriel.7295


I believe that adding mounts won’t draw people that are opposed to the idea away from the game, however, it will draw players with a drive to collect them to play the game more. What could ANet lose by adding mounts, even if they had to remove ~25-50% of the waypoints?

If mounts drew people away from the game then they weren’t fans of the game to begin with. Mounts in this game would be useless for the mere fact you always fighting and they will be really useless in Orr. You can’t go anywhere without a fight in that area; however if anet puts them in that’s fine too cause I don’t have to use them and I’m not leaving the game because of them. At the moment I don’t think you have to worry about mounts being added. If they do add them I’m not looking forward to the rude people standing on the darn Renown heart npc or merchants… rolls eyes.. At least they can’t stand on the darn mail box.

Together we stand in the face of evil!

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Devata.6589


well hopfully ANet will not introduce them. Where would we stop, first mounts then players would want flying mounts, and then come the speed issues etc etc. if you want mounts, then go and play WoW.

This seems to be the main reason some people don’t want mounts.. Then it becomes WoW. Of course there where mounts long before WoW and only doing everything different just to do it different is also not a good idea.

Sorry to break your idea’s but GW2 already is way more WoW then GW1 that’s because GW2 is a MMORPG and GW1 wasn’t really a MMORPG.

If you really dislike WoW so much that you want a game that does everything different then I suggest to go and play a single player FPS.

And yeah I would also not mind flying mounts.. in the future, but lets start with ground mounts.
Flying over an area is just very nice and beautiful and it will not brake the lore because I already saw some flying mounts… helicopters.

(edited by Devata.6589)

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Azzrael Deathbane.4965

Azzrael Deathbane.4965

lol whatever, mounts or no mounts, i couldnt care, coz the decision is not upto me, ANet will do whatever is for the good and benifit of the game, and we are but pawns in their bigger picture. Hopfully ANet wont screw around with it too much, it is alreday a great game

“Once more into the fray. Into the last good fight I’ll ever know.
Live and die on this day. Live and die on this day.”

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Azzrael Deathbane.4965

Azzrael Deathbane.4965

@Devata “If you really dislike WoW so much that you want a game that does everything different then I suggest to go and play a single player FPS.”

Seriously lol

“Once more into the fray. Into the last good fight I’ll ever know.
Live and die on this day. Live and die on this day.”

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Devata.6589


@Devata “If you really dislike WoW so much that you want a game that does everything different then I suggest to go and play a single player FPS.”

Seriously lol

Yes seriously. Go give it a try. It will be nothing like all the other MMORPG’s. Not a lot of other players (Thats so not unique), no or less fantasy (So standard), no mounts (So WoW), no crafts, grinding (all MMORPG’s have that), no custom armor (elitism), no mini-pets (so lore breaking). None of that all. If you really want something else, something truly ‘unique’ (coming from the MMORPG genre) and not ‘yet another WoW-clone’, a single player FPS is your thing.

I also like them, but I also like MMORPG’s.

Else don’t complain about an possible option because some other MMORPG-game also has it.

(edited by Devata.6589)

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vangy.7403


Mounts should be in not only for the speed travel but for the looks. put different kind of mounts.some of em that can carry other players. also what is better of see the world alive with people using the world/roads for moving… now if they teleport the world on certain points seems empty and stale.. mounts would give alot of life around the world. plus if you are worried about the can always put mount speed like swiftness currently in game. but all the time. and ofc you can ban mounts from bgs and WvWvW if you think that the competitive nature of the game wouldnt be fair for all. but i cant see why you wont do that in the PvE enviroment… more things to do…more things to see… more content is plus.always.

(edited by Vangy.7403)

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fievre.4510


I think Devata is possibly my favorite person to post here lol.

Mounts would ruin this game. If players had the ability to bypass mobs and events by outrunning them, there would be no sense of danger in the world. Areas like Cursed Shore and other Orr zones would suffer the most from this. All that would be left would be karma farmers at Plinx, players outrunning the undead around collecting material nodes, and one or two folks actually trying to do the other events for map completion. A lot of the friendly random help you receive from other players passing by would end, because they can just outrun whatever danger YOU are in.

Plus it would just destroy WvW

Um. If I don’t want to fight a mob, I run past it already. Karma farmers already exist. Escaping mobs is already not terribly difficult for certain classes/builds. All of the issues you’ve pointed out already exist in one way or another, and as a head’s up, like we’ve said a zillion times already: Mostly, we just want mount skins. Not speed increases.

well hopfully ANet will not introduce them. Where would we stop, first mounts then players would want flying mounts, and then come the speed issues etc etc. if you want mounts, then go and play WoW.

This is horribly close-minded. For one thing, WoW is not the only other MMO to exist, and it is certainly not the only one to have mounts. Not to mention, if we do see mounts it isn’t going to be any time soon. Plus, ANet isn’t dumb lol. I know people on the forums seem to think that they’re superior to all other people, even the devs when it comes to changing a game that those people have spent YEARS of their lives on, but seriously. I promise, if it won’t work, they won’t do it.

They’ve never outright said “no” to mounts, and it’s likely that any definitive answer won’t show up for a while yet. They’ve likely considered it but until they’re able to test it and see how they’d want to implement things like that, we won’t know. Also, nobody has even mentioned flying mounts other than when crying about WoW having them, which is silliness. This is not Warcraft, it won’t be. But in order for it to really thrive, people need to stop shunning any idea that might even remotely remind them of another game, that’s unnecessary and… just, dumb really.

Also I’m not convinced you’ve read any of the arguments and counters made here because you’re out of order already. The speed issue has already been brought up time and time again, because nobody is reading what’s been said. They’re coming, posting ‘OMG WTF NO NEVER TERRIBLE, CONFLICTS WITH LORE, WILL RUIN GAME, NO PROOF OR REASON BEHIND IT’ and leaving.

Yes, the caps were necessary.

PS, People who do not want mounts: If they’re added, don’t get them. I’m sure Anet isn’t about to throw in an enormous 3-person mammoth and let 500 people run around with them in LA, anyways.

And if they’re not added? Whoopdidoo, you win, go ahead and gloat like all (except maybe three) of the posters here would.

(edited by Moderator)

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Safer Saviour.9685

Safer Saviour.9685

It’s not that I don’t want mounts. Okay, that’s part of it. But the broader issue is that I don’t want to /see/ mounts. I do not want some obnoxious twerp sat at the very last beam jump of a jumping puzzle, preventing me from success. I don’t want some weird fancy pink bird strutting down the brand, ruining the scenery. I don’t want people in charr cars crowding all the NPCs in LA.

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: thealienamongus.1968


wow this thread just goes around in circles. I have been following it for a while (read, I think half the thread to date).

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nox Aeterna.2965

Nox Aeterna.2965

Fact is , people mostly come and say they want it , while other come and say they dont want it.

From time to time someone actually tells a reason … which the other side does nto care anyway and bash without thinking over.

Ofc the thread would simple spin.

I for one will again be part of the spiral , in my opinion , they SHOULD add mounts to the game.

In a game about being fancy , mounts fit quite well.

Gear Grind: Confirmed – Searching New MMO: Found – Changing MMO: Waiting Launch

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gummy.4278


what I find very fun, from time to time is one person jumps all over me, calls me three names and practically gives me a very rude run down.
I replied without name calling and actually reworded what was said to me in the same fashion back without the insults and get reported that my comments are rude and my comments is cut out of the thread.
Well now, what comes around, goes around.

And for the eternal circle, I could comment simply by stating “see previous posts!” I think I have made a lot of post already about things that are in the game that make a strong argument for and many suggestions on how it could be done and I don’t care if it looks like one of the many many competitors games, as I am sure anything anet will do will have some uniqueness to it.

I for one did not care about a continuous speed buff on the mounts(IF) until I started trying to do events for the dailies and after many attempts to just get to an area that was contested, only to not get any reward for my efforts, it kinda changed my opinion on that factor. I have been in an area and every possible waypoint was contested except for one near the crossover to another area.
I want mounts that are useful as well as beautiful, and I can concede to many things for the opposition, but I would do a slight bit different. Like I want to use mounts in towns but should not have to look at Professor Yakington’s door bell to talk to a npc(even though u are blocked just by the other toons and F button can see past the blockage) so if you get near a Npc or go inside a housing you dismount automatic. Jumping games are out too. And as for scenery, my mount will not look outta place as they will be running around in the wild anyway. Anyone who says they don’t let you see the game (and waypoints don’t do that at all you can skip so much scenery the way it is now) or you will not stop to help others have not seen some of the kittens I have. I would still like to see mounts have combat abilities and rez skills so I can help you out by using the mounts special abilities if you are in trouble and then turn and get back to what I was doing quickly.

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: takaos.6409


This game need mounts he is right lol ? dont like waytpoints and also this game have 33% extra speed only where is the less

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nemo.6295



That’s the only argument brought to this discussion, aside the lore one which was just dumb but someone took the time to break it.

But the way I see it, waypoints are the worse here, sure it’s a nice way to travel, but there are just too many of them that it’s starting to look like Star Trek, or whatever sci-fi that involoves too much teleporting around. Besides, they built this big world, why not let players stride across it on mounts, which not only makes it more fun but it gives players, at least those who like this stuff, something else to focus on.

Contrary to what some people suggest here, mounts will not destroy the game especially if you make them purely cosmetic or increase movement speed silightly. How stupid is that?

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gummy.4278


Another little thought just ran through my head …what if the mounts were not racial but were professional…
for instance the Necro would summon a MEAT Horse. A Mesmer would make a Illusionary Moa. The Ele would Ride the Lighting. A Eng would make a buggy or something to that effect. Rangers would ride a pet. A thief would just Steal one from the other people near him.
Not sure what a Guard or War would do …I am sure, you all can figure out something for them to ride. What would it be?

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: TheMagickDoll.7594


If you really into mounts.. why just make them combat mounts with their own set of skills when you ride them. One of which temp speed boost like other powers do. Otherwise, same speed as everyone else and all that. It would be like an item people would use instead of using for traveling fast, which I think the game doesn’t need. That way people have their mounts and yet keeps the game balance.

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Tempest.1254


This isn’t World of Warcraft.

It basically is now.

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fievre.4510


Another little thought just ran through my head …what if the mounts were not racial but were professional…
for instance the Necro would summon a MEAT Horse. A Mesmer would make a Illusionary Moa. The Ele would Ride the Lighting. A Eng would make a buggy or something to that effect. Rangers would ride a pet. A thief would just Steal one from the other people near him.
Not sure what a Guard or War would do …I am sure, you all can figure out something for them to ride. What would it be?

Meat horse… xD Lost it. I want this.

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Agustus Ceaser.3582

Agustus Ceaser.3582

I saw yes to mounts.

Given the fact that most content in the game is meant to be explored I understand the fear of content being bypassed because of mount speeds. GW2 Tyria is a beautiful place and should be seen by everyone. But seeing that waypoints can cause a hole in players pockets and most high level areas waypoints are normally contested (point and case CoF gets contested regularly) it causes a difficult time for players to explore/revisit areas.

I am a casual gamer who loves the way my character looks in game. Being that there is a lack of variety in armor skins as of right now there really isn’t much I can do to enhance my looks. I love cosmetics. Having the option to buy a mount that would look amazing and can be customized like buying a horse as a human and being able to go out and farm mats or buy certain mats from the gem store to take to a armor smith and create some armor to place on my horse would be awesome. Having different looks for the same mount would be great. It can be a tool to not just help travel but to bring a new way to represent your character and expand on the social aspect of the game.

I don’t think in anyway should mounts be used in combat or in WvW.

Again mounts would be awesome as a cosmetic tool and maybe a small boost to speed. Like 30% in PvE areas.

Marcellus Quintus
Guild Leader Syndicate of The Shadow

Marcellus Quintus
Guild Leader. Syndicate of The Shadow

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gummy.4278


Another little thought just ran through my head …what if the mounts were not racial but were professional…
for instance the Necro would summon a MEAT Horse. A Mesmer would make a Illusionary Moa. The Ele would Ride the Lighting. A Eng would make a buggy or something to that effect. Rangers would ride a pet. A thief would just Steal one from the other people near him.
Not sure what a Guard or War would do …I am sure, you all can figure out something for them to ride. What would it be?

Meat horse… xD Lost it. I want this.

Its not often that someone agrees with me on something but yeah thanks for the high five!

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Devata.6589


I saw yes to mounts.

Given the fact that most content in the game is meant to be explored I understand the fear of content being bypassed because of mount speeds. GW2 Tyria is a beautiful place and should be seen by everyone. But seeing that waypoints can cause a hole in players pockets and most high level areas waypoints are normally contested (point and case CoF gets contested regularly) it causes a difficult time for players to explore/revisit areas.

I am a casual gamer who loves the way my character looks in game. Being that there is a lack of variety in armor skins as of right now there really isn’t much I can do to enhance my looks. I love cosmetics. Having the option to buy a mount that would look amazing and can be customized like buying a horse as a human and being able to go out and farm mats or buy certain mats from the gem store to take to a armor smith and create some armor to place on my horse would be awesome. Having different looks for the same mount would be great. It can be a tool to not just help travel but to bring a new way to represent your character and expand on the social aspect of the game.

I don’t think in anyway should mounts be used in combat or in WvW.

Again mounts would be awesome as a cosmetic tool and maybe a small boost to speed. Like 30% in PvE areas.

Marcellus Quintus
Guild Leader Syndicate of The Shadow

I don’t really like the buying part. Then it would be just as boring as mini’s are at this moment. I prefer earning them (with events, quests and so on). Would you also be oke with that?

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Mad Queen Malafide.7512

Mad Queen Malafide.7512

when are people going to realize there’s no such thing as a lore conflict?

When there actually isn’t such a thing as lore conflict. For now, there IS such a thing as lore conflict.


Devourer Siege
Devourer Bite
Siege Devourer Swipe
Siege Devourer Feast
Dismount Siege Devourer

What lore conflict?

“Madness is just another way to view reality”

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: PHANTOM.7246


Ok so i have been thinking about this quite a lot since launch, and i have to say that most of my friends who i have introduced to the game are very surprised by the lack of mounts. Most people I know won’t really consider the context, GW’s history or how mounts should/should not be used. Just that riding a fictional beast/horse/dragon in to battle comes pretty much hand in hand with any major RP fantasy experience.
When i look at the areas in game, i have to consider the feeling i have when i travel through them. I am (after all) on an adventure. I am exploring the world, and uncovering it’s secrets. ANet have crafted this world for us to uncover and travel through, the artwork and detail is incredible! i think we all agree on this. But i have to wonder at the moment how much i am really going to remember about the areas, how much of that “experience” is going to stick with me in the months to come – as i feel i will never “travel” through any of these zones again.

Once i have unlocked all the waypoints, i will simply “teleport” from point to point as and when i need to. If i am farming, i will likely port myself around the map from one batch of nodes to the next. Why run when i can teleport?. But already, i feel like i will never run up the path from say Queensdale to Davinity Reach again, taking in the stunning view of DR’s gate. I will simply port right in to the city, straight to crafter or bankers NPC (or wherever i need to be). The sweeping hills and winding paths of say Kessex Hills, or Gandarran Fields.. I feel like i am never going to follow that road again because now i will simply jump around to within feet of wherever i need to be.
And after a while, Teleporting from one point to the next will all start to feel very similar.. you either arrive next to grass, trees, lake – you don’t consider where you are in the world or what the journey though that area was like when you first explored it. Now, you just click to teleport right to some random space that happens to exist next to the node or NPC you need to be at.

The shatter dragon for example. How many people now will simply portal right in to the camp every 3 hours when it spawns, instead of travelling up the ruined scar on the land, watching the dragon fly above glimpsing it through the shadowy clouds. It all adds to the atmosphere of the area, and reminds us of what a cool area that is. I believe we simply won’t remember these things. I’ll likely remember how cool that big purple dragon was, and that to get to him i had to click somewhere around the top right area of the map.
I am probably rambling now, but i think the travelling element – running/riding through a zone helps to build a picture in our mind of the area, and the adventure we had exploring it.

I would rather teleports exist at the start and end of the zone, and maybe one in the middle for some of the bigger ones. Then we could ride mounts through the area, around the winding paths taking in the landscape the way Anet intended forever more. And we can all collect awesome mounts as we go.

TLDR: Mounts help us remember the areas in game, instead of symbols on a map to be clicked on.

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: PHANTOM.7246


You sir make an awesome point, and Anet should take your advice!

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: ArcTheFallen.7682


I say if mounts are put into the game, they should be limited. Basically, what most people dislike about having mounts in game is that it’s ridiculous to see so many people on mounts roaming about the place. So what’s the best way to do this? Have an NPC have a ranch of a limited number of mounts and it’s first come first serve.

If you leave the map, the mount appears back on the ranch, if you get off the mount, it has a timer of 10-20 seconds before it runs or teleports back to the ranch. That way, we have mounts, but they don’t look as silly with tons of people riding them. Maybe throw a 10 min limit on riding mounts ontop of another 10 min cd before you can rent one again to avoid mount campers.

[VZ] Sky Avalon – Guardian (Main)
Master of all Professions
sPvP Rank Dragon – 8 Champ Titles – Ruby Division

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Torguish.4786


I believe that adding mounts won’t draw people that are opposed to the idea away from the game, however, it will draw players with a drive to collect them to play the game more. What could ANet lose by adding mounts, even if they had to remove ~25-50% of the waypoints?


People here only saying no ‘’because they have no place in tyria’‘. Gw1 and Gw2 are 2 completetly different beasts. Not to mention that wouldn’t change the game. I’m frikken bored of using only the teleports. I want to get a nice horse. A frikken chopper for the charrs or whatnot.

For all you ‘’If i want mounts i’d play WoW’’. Wrong. Skyrim, GTA’s, Everquest. Pretty much every single sandbox, rpg, mmo or not has ’’mounts’’. They are just cars, motorcycles etc. They don’t brake the game. Skyrim has fast travel and does not need ’’mounts’’ But it has them and they are awesome.

Stop whining about ’’Doesn’t fit the world of Tyria’’. IMO, neither do teleports. In GW lore they have no talk about teleports, they just are there for fast travel.

Just top hating boldly. Taking out mounts of a game like this is just a huge step backwards. The more content the better, not to mention it would add helluva lot more immersion to world of Tyria. Grow up people. This wouldn’t ruin the game, it would only make it more beatiful.

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Torguish.4786


Mounts would ruin this game. If players had the ability to bypass mobs and events by outrunning them, there would be no sense of danger in the world. Areas like Cursed Shore and other Orr zones would suffer the most from this. All that would be left would be karma farmers at Plinx, players outrunning the undead around collecting material nodes, and one or two folks actually trying to do the other events for map completion. A lot of the friendly random help you receive from other players passing by would end, because they can just outrun whatever danger YOU are in.

Plus it would just destroy WvW


I’m passing by ’’Danger’’ because i don’t have a mount.

An even is going on far away and i’m too lazy to run there, specially when the kitten waypoint is contested.

Your paranoia is just stupid, people skip more now because you lose rediculous amount of time into traveling by foot. Not to mention it’s kitten annoying to spam my speed buff every once in a while when i could just run with a horse.

Not to mention, people would still help each other. There’s not reason not to even when you have a mount. Sometimes i’m in a hurry to somewhere. And i don’t usually res someone randomly lying there. You know why?

Because they are prolly AFK. And they can teleport to the nearest WP.

And hey, if it’s not a problem to run, why don’t you do it?

And yes, they would fit the world of GW2.

If you think logically, having mounts would have no effect on people in GW2. It’s like yer afraid that someone gets a horse -> INSTADOUCHIFIED.

Just think man. THINK. ALL OF YOU.

Ps. For you lore freaks: The game has teleports, guns, siege engines, ballistas and catapults. Basically this game would have frikken cars for all we know, the the technology. Suddenly these races can’t even tame a horse? Get real.

(edited by Torguish.4786)

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Agustus Ceaser.3582

Agustus Ceaser.3582

I saw yes to mounts.

Given the fact that most content in the game is meant to be explored I understand the fear of content being bypassed because of mount speeds. GW2 Tyria is a beautiful place and should be seen by everyone. But seeing that waypoints can cause a hole in players pockets and most high level areas waypoints are normally contested (point and case CoF gets contested regularly) it causes a difficult time for players to explore/revisit areas.

I am a casual gamer who loves the way my character looks in game. Being that there is a lack of variety in armor skins as of right now there really isn’t much I can do to enhance my looks. I love cosmetics. Having the option to buy a mount that would look amazing and can be customized like buying a horse as a human and being able to go out and farm mats or buy certain mats from the gem store to take to a armor smith and create some armor to place on my horse would be awesome. Having different looks for the same mount would be great. It can be a tool to not just help travel but to bring a new way to represent your character and expand on the social aspect of the game.

I don’t think in anyway should mounts be used in combat or in WvW.

Again mounts would be awesome as a cosmetic tool and maybe a small boost to speed. Like 30% in PvE areas.

Marcellus Quintus
Guild Leader Syndicate of The Shadow

I don’t really like the buying part. Then it would be just as boring as mini’s are at this moment. I prefer earning them (with events, quests and so on). Would you also be oke with that?

Yes of course, there could be various ways of attaining them. I’m open to any way they can. Just threw the buying idea to entice players to invest a lil back into the game.

Marcellus Quintus
Guild Leader. Syndicate of The Shadow

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: ImagoX.4718


Mounts (IMHO) would be a GREAT addition, but only if the following things were true:

1. No flying mounts – as it is, WvW relies VERY heavily on walls and gates, and even if you allowed mounted combat (see next point), it would be far, far too easy to blitzkrieg an attack force over the walls using flying mounts. The entire concept of WvW would need to be re-thought, making them far to expensive (in development time).

2. Mounted combat is a MUST – if (as was suggested earlier), “mounts” were simply a new form of mobile combat, with added lethality and movement speed, then that would actually give rise to different tactics in PvP and WvW.

In WvW, to be a useful strike force, players would have to form “cavalry” units with unique strengths and weapons (lances, trample attacks, etc.) that would have to be weighed against specific weaknesses (perhaps increased damage from bow attacks, special counter skills designed to panic mounts or even a % chance for mounts to “spook” when attacked with something as simple as a fire-based attack, etc.).

In PvP, certain areas (with rocky terrain, or with sharp height changes) would basically be impassible by mounts travelling at anything faster than walking speed. Combine this with the “weaknesses” listed above (to archers, to spook attacks) and you’d definitely have an effective counter to a mounted player.

I can DEFINITELY see that working, and being well-worth the increased development time, since it would be much, much more than simply a way to get from point A to point B.

(edited by ImagoX.4718)

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: xCrusadentx.2784


My say on this is no; the only thing that I would budge on this topic for is if the mounts were to be used in the race homelands as a cosmetic item (like town clothes). IMO mounts have no place here game mechanics-wise. Just my two cents, feel free to disagree.

Royal Blood Oath:
We are sworn together by our blood…

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaEd.3946


The biggest concern for Mounts is; Movement speed or aesthetic. If they offered nothing else but a town clothing I don’t think there would be too much of an issue but anything outside of town clothing is too game breaking. It takes too much space and should offer no movement speed of any kind.

“I’m waiting for the staff to get off their lunch
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fuz.5621


This isn’t World of Warcraft.

It is, after Lost Shores.

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: D I V A.6018

D I V A.6018

NO! Please don’t add them. It is not enough for me to avoid having a mount, but I want that other players can’t have one.

I really hope that Anet does not add them.

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: DarksunG.9537


Honestly, mounts have always been a fantastic horizontal progression feature. People love to earn & collect them, and they make your character more personalized. Unfortunately it creates a bunch of content skipping issues & town rendering fail.

I’d still love them..

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Bluetempesta.1784


Mounts are a good idea. Much like mini pets or customs. I like even paying for them.

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: selan.8354


no and no and no again.plz no mounts this is not wow and eventhough my mesmer is a slow walker …id rather walk…imagine a char on a mount….yeah that just doesnt work. so noooooooooooo!

Lv 80 glamour Mesmer Triforce Mesmerpower PU mes,Lv 80 power necro
Isle of Kickaspenwood

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Eladriel.7295


We beating this dead horse again? Try riding a mount in Orr you will see then how useless they will be.

Together we stand in the face of evil!

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Batlav.6318


there are enough waypoints which makes runing from point A to B very easy so we don’t rly need mounts pls stop with the attemts to make the game wow like


Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sjadi.6589


I actually think that mounts for the looks would be awsome, but should be without any movement advantages imo, would add another think for ppl to collect and strife towards .