Zeroes to Heroes [zH]
(edited by Phantom Pain.3602)
If you want great ideas look to GW1. The game had some flaws, but it did a lot of things right. I am a fan of new things, but sometimes the old way is great too! The main point of my post is to remind and maybe even introduce some of what GW1 had to offer in terms of PvP.
Game Modes:
Look no further than:
These are not all the game modes offered by GW1, just some of the modes I was a fan of.
Understandably, some of these game modes might not fit right with the mechanics of GW2. I believe, however, that GW2 could thrive with this structure if modifications are made.
Death Match Example:
For example, A criticism of a death match game mode is the long cool down of elite skills. It is very likely teams would spam their elites run in and immediately retreat until their elites are recharged which would lead to very boring gameplay. Another criticism is matches may only last a minute or so if its just one life with no resurrection and it becomes a DPS fest (due to the lack of a dedicated healer). These could be remedied via secondary mechanics (similar to the ones we are used to in GW2) in order to provide incentive to engage in combat. Elites could also be temporarily disabled (this may be controversial, but I personally wouldn’t mind) or maybe have a one use per match cooldowns. These one use per match cool downs could function like GW1’s resurrection signet and have a one-time usage ,but with the ability to be recharged via a morale boost or other secondary mechanics.
*I can delve deeper into specifics of other games modes this weekend when I have more time.
One of my favorite parts of GW1 PvP was the awesome rewards for your progress in PvP. The some of the rewards included, exclusive weapon skins (Ex: Wintergreen weapons), an exclusive Mini-Pet, prestigious titles, PvE rewards, PvP skins, exclusive access to PvE content, and efame. I was a hardcore PvPer throughout my years of GW1 and I played for years because I loved the combat and rewards. Eventually, I was able to unlock the most prestigious armor in the game (Obsidian Armor) and I had hardly stepped foot in PvE. Some people don’t like PvE rewards which is totally fine. There was so much to unlock for PvP stuff!
Here’s a link to some of the PvP rewards:
tl;dr: Ultimately, GW1 PvP provided incentive for both PvPers and PvErs to play PvP and earn rewards that were relevant to their respective interests and have a blast doing it. There were many formats that appealed to a wide audience of players so allowing many to could find enjoy whatever aspect of PvP they choose. GW1 PvP game modes created diversity among builds , professions and play styles. The lessons learned from GW1 can provide us with even better ideas for GW2.
Also, I wouldn’t mind if the speed of the game slowed down a bit by increasing cast times and reducing auto attack damage. This would increase the importance of skill usage, reduce clutter, make the game easier to observe, and provide longer, more meaningful fights, but that is a topic for another day…..
EDITS: Fixed typos
(edited by Phantom Pain.3602)
English from Google Translator, sorry.
Thinking about Game Modes (out of box):
Open PvP in PvE or:
1 )
Add new, improved, individual “PvE” quests into the WvWvW maps (new areas) linked only to the player or group. Those quests offer better weapons and armor than legendaries as loot. Guest players get more XP.
Explanation : lower population servers will attract players to fulfill the quests in less competitive lands, the “natives” can solve prevent quests from foreigners or not. : )
2 )
Over the head of each player put the very name (not the server name). It is more important to know the personal name of an enemy that its origin.
Explanation : Instead of the server name , the player’s name , its origin can be identified by the color of the letters of the name . This will make the PvP in WvWvW a personal dispute and no more a randomic fight.
3 )
So, when choosing the WvWvW the player can choose to:
a) WvWvW traditional – all the same
b ) WvWvW with individual quests in open PvP environment (alone or not), yes you can be killed a lot by other players
i – in the server itself – normal XP
ii – as a guest on another server – Extra XP more better loot
4 ) Chat channels between different servers, so players can schedule PvP fights and challenges
5 ) Map/server cap indicators (if devs cannot show numbers, show graphics in colors from full to empty) so the player can choose where to go.
6 ) Special XP points for guilds that help other servers. Entire guilds would transfer as guests to conquer points for helping other servers.
This “help mode” must work just for guilds.
In conclusion: Simple ideas, revolved worlds.
Good luck!
I think it would be epic to see more objective based games, so here’s a few:
Capture the Flag
I’d be fine with either the flag in the middle and both teams must fight for it. Or both teams having a flag and you need to steal the opposing. Or you could have it so that one Team is on the defensive protecting the flag and another team is attacking the flag. Then after the game the teams switch roles. Probably no longer than a 7 minute game for one role.
One team is charged with defending a dolyak as it leaves from a supply camp, and the other team has to kill the dolyak. Or maybe both teams have a dolyak, and they race to keep it alive so they can build a trebuchet that destroys the opposing teams base.
10 person game, one person gets a mark, everyone then has to try to kill that person. Person gets points for as long as hes alive. Enemies get X amount of points for killing the target.
And finally just a 5v5v5 game!
I would really like to see:
- 5vs5 MOBA would work REALLY great! Starting with a LvL 80 character with white equipment, no traits and only one skill. Killing enemies grants money which is used to buy skill-scrolls and trait-point-scrolls (for unlocking). Also you can buy better equipment and upgrade units. Just an idea.
I think this is a great idea for how to do MOBA-style, good thinking!
(sorry if my english is not great)
Guild Wars.
Well, it seems that lot of people miss the GvG.
In my opinion, if some GvG mods are developed, they must be between servers ONLY.
Why? WvW maintains the union of a server as the rivalry between servers, and increases the GW2’s competitiveness. Ladders, tournaments, all this stuff is great.
In this way, I think that it is about a good idea of building this mod (or more widely ANY KIND of mods) on these rivalries.
My 2 cents, I really hope people and developers will react about this.
Personnaly, I miss GvG and Random Arenas.
(edited by Epsi.2063)
First of all I am sorry for my bad English
I know it is crazy, but an Air Combat PVP map would be great. This three dimensional combat is certainly possible since Anet has already done a great job in underwater combat.
However underwater combat is widely discarded by the players, maybe because of the poor visibility or just because it is underwater.
With air combat, there is no problem like that, and people have been expecting for the “flying” feature or so long. So why not.
It can be a domination mode with Asuran airships involved as capture points, and we use jetpack to fly around and use regular weapon to fight ( maybe we can also choose to use underwater weapons 0_o).
Just imagine it, it would make the great Guild Wars 2 even greater!
Imagine a new style of PvP mixed with RPG but, in fact, is a game of chess?
A chessboard dungeon where players can take roles as pawn, bishop, queen etc under the same (almost) rules of chess.
It would be fun and a great appeal to more intellectual players.
There are a few game modes I would love to see in this game, and I think would bring many many more players into the sPvP realm.
When I think of these game modes, I am reminded of GW1 and the various popular modes they had, my personal favorite: Team arena and Random Arena.
Team Arena
Similar to GW1, a team would queue and then be matched with another team (rated or non-rated as a team). They would arrive at a random map consisting of a specific game mode. These game modes could be:
Normal Annihilation
It’s a straightforward destroy-all-enemies objective.
Annihilation with Spirit
The Spirit in this map will resurrect party members who have died no more than once every two minutes from the start of the match.
Annihilation with Flame Jet
Teams are given Fuel which is held as a bundle by players that carry it. When the Fuel is placed on the Jet, their team gains control over that objective. Enemies in range of the controlled Jet will take Physical and Burning damage every so often. When the Fuel is placed on a stand, or it is picked up by the enemy, the item will re-spawn at the team’s starting point.
Winning Conditions
For each game mode, there would be a time limit of 5 Minutes. If both teams were unable to annihilate the entire other team, the team with more Kills would win. If no players are killed, the team with more downs would win. If no downs were made, the team that was able to produce more damage would win. In the event that there are even kills and downs, the team with more damage would win. I suggest team sizes of either 3 or 4…. or w/e.
Random Arena
With the exact same maps, modes, and team size as Team Arena, Random Arena would consist of a single player that queues for the game mode and then be paired with other players to make a random team. They too would be pitted against another team of random players. Whichever team wins would continue to VS random teams until after 10 wins where they would the be placed into the Team Arena Queue and disband after that match whether or not they won. These too could be rated or non-rated for the individual.
Making a second post for GvG
(edited by Cheri Wolf.3056)
Guild vs Guild
The core objective of the game mode is to kill the opposition’s NPC Guild Lord before the opposition does the same to your Guild Lord. There could be various objectives similar to capture points such as the trebuchet, cannons, capture points, and orb of ascension. Players who are killed would be revived after 1 minute of death time in their home base (or however much time seems right). After a certain amount of time, the Guild Lords and Remaining NPCs will rush to the center to fight to the death.
Just like in the Battle of Kyhlo, each team has access to a trebuchet which can bombard any enemy or area on the battlefield. It causes massive damage to enemy players and causes knockback to players who get caught in the area of effect. It does no friendly-fire damage or knockback. It is able to be destroyed and repaired. With both teams’ repair kit spawning in the center of the map.
Cannons are mounted on top of each team’s base walls. These can not be destroyed; however, players must jump down and grab cannonballs to load their cannons to fire. Their range is not very far and are really only used for defense.
Capture Points
Similar to the WvW Capture Points, these would be used to Provide a Blood Lust Damage Bonus. For Each point held, the team would gain 15% More Damage. A Team holding all three points would do 50% more damage, a very nice reward for the ability to hold all the points. This affects NPCs as well.
Orb of Ascension
The Orb of Ascension which spawns in each teams base after a set amount of time, is able to instantly neutralize and stun all enemies within, or near a capture point for like 5 seconds with or without stability (dayuuum). Players may only hold the orb for a certain amount of time.
The base layout could be similar to that of Legacy of the Foefire. The cannons could sit atop the base at both gate entrances; the walls would have much more structural integrity though. Outside each gate would be 3-4 NPCs (like 2 Casters and 2 Soldiers). Within the base would be 5 More NPCs, the Guild Lord and his Body Guards.
Winning Conditions
Whichever team kills the other Guild Lord first wins. No if’s and’s or but’s.
I’ll attach a kittenty picture of what the map could look like. The purple dots are NPCs.
How to Play
Rated Automatic Match
Automatically pairs your team with another waiting team which fits your ranking best. The result of the ladder match will adjust your guild rating.
New Unrated Challenge
Allows you to request a battle against a specific guild. The result of the match will not adjust your guild rating.
New Scrimmage
This is pretty much like custom arenas. ’Cept for GvG.
Hope you enjoy my truly original sPvP game mode ideas.
GW2 version of DotA to bring back PvP with GW2’s awesome combat system!
I would like to see 2v2, and 3v3 arena. As in, two teams of 3, last team standing wins. On a small map. Picture a coliseum where each team is behind a gate on opposite sides. When the match starts, the gate drops and the two teams go at it. This would be amazingly fun to play and very easy to watch and understand. Conquest, although it is a good game mode, is just too hard to follow when watching.
With this game mode, games would be fast and queue times would not be a problem. I GUARANTEE if you decide to do this, and send out emails to everyone who used to play pvp, they will all come back to check it out. Arena is what everyone has been asking for since this game started….we got custom arenas and I thought that would be the first step towards it. Well, it sort of was, but custom “arena” is really just custom conquest. A potential problem though would be if people stacked 3 bunkers. To prevent people from stacking bunkers, put a 10 min time limit on the match and if the game isn’t over in 10 minutes make both teams lose rating.
My guild and I have been doing 3v3 and 5v5 arena fights like this lately. We did them on the center point in legacy of the foefire; each team starts on the opposite end and we counted down before we would go. Last team alive is declared the winner, and it was honestly a blast. We would have someone lay down a smoke field, go stealth, and it would be on! It was so much fun, we all had a blast. We were on voice communication, and we would set up for our burst. It actually took a lot to win the 3v3s, we would get a cc off on target and then try to chain ccs. We had to swap targets multiple times, and time our burst with each others. The amount of synergy that we had was just amazing. Think of all the different possibilities for potential team comps. I could see this getting bigger than WoW arena ever was.
3v3 is honestly the perfect amount of people for this because 5v5 can be a bit hectic and harder to tell what is going on. 2v2 could be imbalanced with bunker/glass teams that would have the bunkers job to be reviving/crowd control, but honestly I would rather just have the game mode and be able to try it for ourselves. I think 3v3 would be the perfect sweet spot. Maybe allow us to have up to 5 per side, but make 3v3 the competitive bracket.
Please don’t make a new variation of conquest, or conquest with more nodes like some people have asked for. That game mode is part of the reason why spvp numbers are so low today.
I would really like to hear J. sharps opinion on 3v3 arena gladiator style (last team standing). Also please let us turn off capture points in custom arena and still have the match go (so we can have a gvg type match just for fun on legacy of the foefire)
(edited by piffdaddy.8014)
No Deathmatch mode please.
In GW1 RA, there is always a tank troll griefer that exist only to stay alive forever.
getting focused by 4 people in gw 2 u will die a lot faster than gw 1, especially with no healer. so that wouldnt be a problem.
Perma stealth thief.
I want some polymock arena. It was awesome!
good old gw1 gvg, no other way around it. Theres a reason ALOT of people ask for it.
Also, the moba idea someone said, its aweful, it would be an aweful snowballing game mode. More than conquest already is.
GvG Piracy / Naval War!
(Players can be pirates now! Aye!)
-Each guild can have / build / buy from 1 to 3 ships
- Specifc maps apart for the war
- A guild in a ship can attack another guild in a ship or in a fort / castle
- if a guild is having her castle / fortress attacked by a guild in a ship the guild must defend the fort / castle from the ships attack
- Piracy / Naval battle can happen 3 times on a day or 1~2 times on weekends in specific times.
- Guild Leaders can build or buy ships and forts with material (wood, iron, etc)
Win and Lose conditions:
- The guild that have all her ships destroyed loses
- If a guild leader (captain of the ship or fort) dies his guild loses instantely
Combat and Gameplay System:
- 1 player can control the ship (W,A,S,D movement)
- 10~30+ players can stay in the cannons to fire at the enemy ship / fort (mouse to direction the cannon and left click to fire)
- 2~8+ players to set sail to gain or lose speed (keys must be pressed in sequence or mouse buttons can be pressed in an certainly time)
(edited by solidsnake.3906)
So first of all i think we would need some arena type modes to increase the number of players in PVP. I would say both 3v3 and 5v5 to give the players enough room for build and meta development (cause 2v2 warrior + mesmer anyone…). I also think that instead of an elimination system arena should be about a number of respawn (with a minimal cooldown) maybe with respawn management?
Last arena is all about map design and with gw2 combat plain grounds should be avoided the map should not even be symmetrical, to create great maps messing with layers, environmental hazard, and spawn point location would create great potential.
More features to support roleplay immersion and crafting or gathering for profit would be most appreciated, I don’t want to have to fight all the time.
But another mode to consider that I would love to see would be like the board game ‘Diplomacy’, where several teams plan a strategy to move to and occupy certain areas in a map, and then they gain control of those places more by simply outnumbering others who attempt the same land grab rather than by having to actually fight them. It may not sound as exciting to some people, but planning the strategy and then using messages to coordinate what to do, and what to make the enemy think your team will do requires communication and planning skills that make the board game very entertaining. The map to be contested should have places that teams could get blocked in, so that a move requires more planning. There could be for example, only one move per ‘day’ by each player, (perhaps at normal reset time) allowing most of that day to plan and coordinate with the rest of your team and to mislead the opponents. It could also involve special roles such as assassins, messengers, spies, as seen in games such as Total War. GW2 would be much better though, as it’s multiplayer and all ‘soldiers’ could be real players. The difference with this and WvW would need to be the structured communication between enemy teams (perhaps only by ambassadors/commanders), and within single teams (for everyone), the number of ‘capture points’, and their significance (e.g. no one can move into any other area except automatically at the ‘move time’. If real fighting is to take place that would take some of the rest of the ‘day’ but would need to be resolved before tactics for the following move could be discussed. People deciding on their move/action for the next day would need to know what others in their team (or allies) were going to do to have any hope of success. Subordinate campaign leaders within a team (or world) could gain temporary titles (or even special temporary armour and insignia to show off as town clothes) according to the areas they ‘owned’ each day.
The subject of a map a lot like Fort aspenwood has come up several times.
To me this is awesome, but I suspect that the recently announced WvW overflow map will fill this role quite closely. This is just based largely on rumors and my own readings into what some of what they’ve announced will entail.
Although just to speak in general about what such a map would be like for sPvP, I just imagine it being similar to WvW with a series of points of interest which accomplish specific things (gates, guard posts, some kind of siege camp, etc). But with a lot more PvE like elements with dynamic events which change based on what each team manages to complete.
This would be awesome, and again is what I sort of expect from the new WvW map so I don’t have that high of hopes for seeing it in sPvP. I guess there is a question of whether sPvP would make use of game modes that are very similar to things we might see in WvW with series of events and capture points with lots of NPC guard like entities
Because of this I don’t have high hopes for seeing something like fort aspenwood, but I would still love to see it if only because having a more structured version of that is appealing. I prefer sPvP specifically because when I lose I know its purely because of the build or skill of the other person, rather than how much they’ve grinded for WvW levels, PvE gear, or bloodlust buffs.
So even though there may be some overlap between a PvP map like fort aspenwood and WvW content, I would still love to see it for sPvP, but I realize its only advantage is for the sake of fairer competitive play.
I’m gonna wax lyrical about GW1 GvG. It was perfect in so many ways! You had your big group fights, you had your secondary objectives, you had multiple paths to the enemy base and the central flagpost area, it was basically as sophisticated and open-ended as chess, but fast-paced and brutal too! The multiple routes to victory (DP-out the enemy, gank the guild lord, VOD) encouraged a huge amount of build variety, and meant for an active, constantly changing game with a lot of activity and fighting (as opposed to sitting on a point like in conquest…), where even if you won the initial fight you had to constantly stay on your guard in case the enemy changed their game up.
Obviously a large part of GvG relied on the DP and morale mechanics: if you killed them enough times, they stayed dead. Most games were won by killing the guild lord instead, but this was still a valid form of winning, it’s what made the game “team deathmatch” in its most essential form. GW2 actually features something similar in rudimentary form:
However, it rarely comes into play in pvp, as it’s unlikely for anyone to be downed 3 times in the same fight and manage to avoid getting stomped every single time. So a GW1-style death penalty that persists throughout the whole match unless mitigated by morale boosts would have to be introduced. Let me be clear that it’s not essential to start off with less health as you accumulate DP like you did in GW1 (although I think it’s a good idea): the essential thing about it is that after you die enough times you stop coming back. The respawn mechanics would therefore have to be implemented in one of the following ways:
1. Instead of the original resurrection counter, where all the dead respawned at 2’ intervals, you could retain GW2’s individual respawn timer, but have the respawn interval get longer as DP gets accumulated and stop completely if you have too much DP, at which point you just lie there unless someone revives you the slow and painful way. Morale boosts would reduce your respawn counter back to normal as in GW1.
2. Alternatively, you could keep GW1’s wave-revive system (though you don’t have to keep the 2’ interval, it could be shorter if you wanted), where everyone on the team who hasn’t reached maximum DP respawns. In that case, however, you would need to introduce a faster way to revive people who can’t respawn automatically, as the manual way is too slow, and because GW2 is so much faster-paced than GW1 the first full wipe would be game over. Therefore a rez signet-style skill would have to be introduced (3" cast time, automatically revives an ally even if they are completely defeated, does not recharge except with a morale boost) to give teams the chance to make a tactical choice: do we wait for them to come back or do we res them now to avoid getting completely wiped in this fight? This would make a good elite skill, in fact, as the long recharge serves a similar role.
Morale boosts could be accomplished the same way as in GW1 (carrying a flag/orb/whatever to a flagstand and keeping it for 1-2’) to encourage big group fights in the centre. If that’s the case, for the love of Balthazar please make it so you drop the flag when you teleport or stealth! OK possibly not stealth, as thieves would make natural flag runners, but at least put in a short commune time to capping so thieves can’t just always cap the flag while stealthed with complete impunity. Alternatively you could have a conquest-type point instead of a flagstand (holding it for X’ gives you a morale boost) but I think that would be a mistake, as we’d end up with the same bunker abuse we have now.
Having said that, there’#s something to be said for variety too, and I admit I used to also love Heroes Ascent back in GW1 (though it was still called Tombs of the Primeval Kings when I got into it… ), and I think the format of multiple different game modes strung together would work really well for GW2. There’s something really exciting about each game being slightly different (there were CTF and TDM and king of the hill and even 6-way TDMs!), and something really satisfying when you finally reached the final map – it felt like a real achievement to fight all the way to Hall of Heroes, and it fell perfectly in between the very casual kind of pvp (arenas) and the properly hardcore (gvg), because it was both difficult rewarding without having a ranking table attached to it, so you could try silly things without worrying about your rating.
This is what won? Game Modes? Cuz ya know, Rewards being the reason why people keep playing, and balance which makes things fair and fun.
I enjoy conspiracy theories so here we go! “It’s all a ploy so A-net doesn’t need to work on fine tuning the community and hopes more features like this will draw more people.”
But fine I’ll bite!
Duel mode! Make a duel arena 1v1 fights, maybe with pillars and slightly inclined ledges for for LoS and mobility skill Z axis plays. after 3 min a point in the middle opens up and one person needs to cap it or kill the other player (so people can’t just run around all game)
Then even though the game isn’t balanced around 1v1, perhaps things will get a clearer look at classes through A-nets numbers.
I also suggest a wager system, or a risk reward type of thing. Perhaps you bid 500-20k glory per match, and winning determines the reward, be it skins, gems, or even PvE exotics or rare dyes. all depending on the bid rate.
With this I also suggest a casual mode for people who just want to log in and kill some ppl, kinda like the way chivalry does it.
3 – round 1v1 arenas. Use a similar system that was in place with 3 -round tournaments. If you keep winning then move to the 2nd round. To elaborate more on this concept, just picture the 3-round tournaments. Now picture doing that but 1v1s all the time, with no rating, no ranking.
King of the Hill, or Deathmatch (with a side objective ). Make a new map for the KotH, and literally make a hill or mountainside and teams of 5v5 or more, have to control the hill or mountainside for certain period of time. The first team that does, wins that round, and it will continue to another round of king of the hill. The standard could be set to best of 3. If it ever gets set to a draw scenario, which ever side had to point capture longer just wins, and moves on to the next round.
Deathmatch is pretty self-explanatory. You kill enemy players, but to avoid a giant zergfest, or spawn camping, or people standing in the middle of that map waiting for thier elites to come back up, there should be side objectives that benefit more towards TDM. So maybe something like the ferocity side buffs would actually be nice, and side damage buff increases. “Increases damage of team by 10%”
Capture the Flag. Only other game mode I can think of is CTF, and with out saying how horridly imbalanced it would be I want to say the good things. It is similar to both KOTH, and TDM, but pulls a different audience. CTF in this game would have to changed that classes do not get insane speed boosts. The flag should be 100% separate, or make a map that is very long, that insane speed boosts do not even matter. Ideally, you would be going into the enemies base, and that should not be remotely close, and if an engineer is kiting someone (or an entire team) all day, and has rocket boots with super speed, I wan to hop that he can’t not already be at his flag.
I believe this is called bombing run (but dont want to be mistaken)
Will pop in to suggest a look at this videos as some sort of inspiration ~ your own keg brawl ~ The reverse idea. Pushing the primary objective into their base instead of bring it back to your own. The “energy” bar decreases passively for the ball carrier instead of steadily replenishing, resulting in them being more vulnerable to assault and requiring protection.
Or a couple of sports with a similar premise; Soccer, football, basketball, hockey, lacrosse, handball push the objective towards them, not away from them.
Why would I think this works?
GW2 has a lot of emphasis on area, from skills like marks, traps or wards or denial effects like Swirling Winds and smokescreen. Like Football controlling space is important and GW2 has tools for that on every profession to start. As well while Keg brawl isn’t really defined it to me says that GW2 can support that particular style of play, however bringing the objective back to your base is kind fairly easy given the tools available. To push forward towards threat instead of away from it puts more pressure on the runners and requires a team be used as well. Finally you can have multiple roles.
Oh and From a FA side I liked playing Luxon and breaking into the base to kill the 3 architects. Something about infiltrating their space is pretty fun.
(edited by ensoriki.5789)
The conquest game mode we have is good enough. This mode should be the official tournament game mode.
Any other game modes you guys come up with, I’d suggest clumping them all up into 1 thing like Tomb of Primeval Kings from GW1. To advance to Hall of Heroes (whatever mode this may be) you will have to win the previous game modes against other teams. The winning team of HoH should then be broadcasted to the global chat + whatever rewards.
I disagree, if anything the new game modes need to be nothing like conquest in any way shape or form. The game needs to have more variety, not the other way around. For one, I personally would not mind 1v1, 2v2, or 5v5 deathmatch. But to be quite honest the reason I quit the game in the first place is the lack of progression. Adding some type of progression with the new game modes will bring back the community in a HUGE way. People, “myself included” would come back in a heartbeat and support this game the way they used to.
The way the game currently is now, I can literally come back to the game at any given moment and not technically miss out on anything from me being absent progression wise. Because there is not anything to strive towards as a player. Leaderboards are broken obviously, so spending time to compete with people who haven’t played for months is meaningless. And of course there is no gear grind, which has it’s pros and cons about progression. But when you take away that kind of progression when it comes to gear and you add nothing in it’s place.
Then you have what the game is now for most people, which is very, very stale. and adding game modes remotely similar to conquest will not change anything other than a illusion of choice. Balance is a whole other topic in which I will not divulge in, because I certainly hope you know what’s wrong with the game currently.
TLDR: New game modes, nothing resembling conquest. Some type of progression, either fix leaderboards or add something new to strive towards. If you do I would come back to play “Other than 1 hour every other month”.
Payload Map!
If we add another game mode, I think the SAME meta should have the same effectiveness.
That way, balancing will not overly affect one game type more than another.
My idea is to have a Payload map where you have the Offense trying to escort the payload on rails across the map, and the other side is Defense trying to keep it from reaching it’s destination.
Payload only moves if nobody is defending, just like points capture based on defenders not being on the point.
This will also satisfy, to some extent, the 5v5 death match that some people would like to see.
Another option would be to have a double Payload map; one payload to escort for each side. This will allow some more strategy with how you divide your forces.
(edited by Tracker.6483)
Orrian Apocalypse
5 players total in game. One player starts as a “zombie” from Orr. Give that player a green aura or something.
Everyone else is on a team against the Orrians. When a Tyrian is killed, he becomes an Orrian. If the Tyrians survive a certain time limit, they should receive a reward. If the Orrians destroy the Tyrians, the first and second to become Orrians should receive a reward.
Obviously, 1v4 is not going to be very easy… so, grant Orrians a stacking buff similar to borderlands bloodlust. It could be stacked every time an Orrian dies, or for every 10k damage done by the Orrian, or for every 30 seconds an Orrian is out of combat. This buff should reset every time an Orrian scores a kill.
King of the hill would definitely work in GW2. PvP is basically designed for that.
Probably with a new map or existing maps with only the middle point enabled.
An other possibility would be an Orb so the fight is more mobile and not focused on one point the whole time, because i think that could get boring after a short time.Capture the flag could be a possible game mode as well.
- Every team gets a treasure, Gold coins, Orbs, …
- There need to be some people defending the treasure (bunkers)
- Others have to get the treasure from the enemy (DPS)
- If the enemy breaks through, CC could be use stop them.
MOBA Same as Dota/LoL, with minion waves etc.
- Level is fixed 80, you receive trait and skillpoints instead
- You start the game with a blanc white armor and you have to buy new stuff with the gold from your kills.
- You only have weapon skill #1 just like a lvl1 character
- The only thing that is free of charge are those basic weapon, so you can get every weapon from the beginning
Smaller Scale battles
- 1v1 (duel) and 3v3 would be nice
larger scale Battles GvG – Castles
- Every Guild has their own Castle with a Guild lord.
- You have to kill the enemy Lord to win
- There are Quagan Camps to support you, etc.
- Castle could be the Guild-halls and you are able to modify the castles so they are unique.
Just like a small WvWlarger scale Battles GvG – Ships
- There will be a new Science Tree for the guild
- Every Guild has their own Ship (probably some different designs to choose from faster+weaker vs. slow and heavy)
- It is possible to build jollyboats so you can have smaller squads and different tactics
- One person has to steer the ship
- The ships are full of canons etc. and you have to destroy the enemies ship
ookk this is so goooood!!
I personally would love to see a return of HA and HoH from GW1 or something very similar.
Bring on the free for all game mode whereby the players are placed on an arena and have to kill each other off.
Player with the highest kill count (say 50) wins the round.
I would like some arena style games. And by that I mean people fighting each other to their death (and while we’re at it maybe allow 1v1 duels atleast in the mists). Yes capture points is fun but we’re missing a good old arena, Plus its easier to watch a battle in a relatively small arena. As for 1v1/duels-they will allow people to practice more for arenas and also test the class balance (because the amount of information generated in our present PvP mode is too small.. people only care about the points and fight if they have to.. and when they do they use CC /defensive strategies to protect/capture the points and that’s not really profession vs profession.
And this mode would help with esports too in my opinion. Arenas are easy to get into /watch for people who don’t really know much about Gw2 competitions etc.
An easy to implement game mode would be to take the current structure of the Conquest game mode, turn on only 1 capture point, and create a rotation king of the hill game mode with secondary objectives like shrine stat buffs or boss kills for points and etc spawning in set locations across the rest of the map depending on which “hill” is active.
If a very literal comparison is made, take a game that has just recently entered the limelight of esport turnaments; call of duty: black ops 2, and take from it the “hardpoint” game mode (this example is also being made in order to represent the “ability to watch” as a competitive game mode).
I would LOVE to see a dueling mode. 1v1 2v2, and 3v3 modes would be cool.
GvG would also be a nice addition, but it would be even more awesome if you made it more extravagant. With guild halls inside of guild bases that we can build up, upgrade, and improve with resources collected in the open world or bought on Trade Post. Then when we want to fight another guild we sort of que up our base with another guild we choose to fight or have an open list of guilds who want to fight, and our two bases are moved to an open field to duke it out.
You could even make it two rounds of only one base at a time, one guild attacking and the other defending. The next round vice versa, and make it based on points like in WvW.
Then after each match of course we will have to repair.
GvG Piracy / Naval War!
(Players can be pirates now! Aye!)Mechanics:
-Each guild can have / build / buy from 1 to 3 ships
- Specifc maps apart for the war
- A guild in a ship can attack another guild in a ship or in a fort / castle
- if a guild is having her castle / fortress attacked by a guild in a ship the guild must defend the fort / castle from the ships attack
- Piracy / Naval battle can happen 3 times on a day or 1~2 times on weekends in specific times.
- Guild Leaders can build or buy ships and forts with material (wood, iron, etc)Win and Lose conditions:
- The guild that have all her ships destroyed loses
- If a guild leader (captain of the ship or fort) dies his guild loses instantelyCombat and Gameplay System:
- 1 player can control the ship (W,A,S,D movement)
- 10~30+ players can stay in the cannons to fire at the enemy ship / fort (mouse to direction the cannon and left click to fire)
- 2~8+ players to set sail to gain or lose speed (keys must be pressed in sequence or mouse buttons can be pressed in an certainly time)
I would like to see this but based off the pact ships in Arah and flying in the air would be 100 times more epic!
no more capture points gamemode! :P no more pls no more..
one of the thing I miss is, GHOSTLY HERO!!! :P he is leet!
The game modes from GW1 are a great idea: Alliance Battles, Jade Quarry, Fort Aspenwood and Guild Battles should all be implemented.
Similary Elite PvE modes/areas like Underworld of Fissue of Woe should exist.
PvP wise dueling would be excelent.
Instanced Duel.. why not?
Im not exactly sure, why you guys do not give us duels.
Why dont place an mini arena… 2ooo yards in diameter is way too maximum then.
Make it instanced multiplayer. I believe there will be parties of 2 people who want try things up. Just 2 players inside.I know, there is possibility to duel in custom arena. This is just a compromise for who are not that rich.
Lets pump this up.
– a meta-achi, i.e. Mists Cleanse ..
– make it 5 pvp achievments… or since rank 10, or 20.. or 30… (decide)
– award with an OBJECT
- the OBJECT, can turn the Heart of the Mists into NPC free Deathmatch party zone instance.
– 5 players max.
– all players are enemy. hostile.
- maybe kind of channeled – confirmable alliance can be established, so 2v2 or 4v1 can be established.
- NO RANKS, its for fun. Just meta award for fun.
this is quite more powerfull than “arena” Players can choose the environment in heart of the mists lobby, and just roam there.
The player awarded with an OBJECT is condition,that party must have.
Hi all kind people!
I have few suggestions which most of us, hardcore games would agree on.
First of all, what I would really love to see is “Duel” option, in other word “1v1” while in PvE.
Now, I should add that new map only for PvP, available trough PvE would be really nice idea. Just entering it, and making some sort of “Guild Surviving mode”. I think it would be really fun
HOUSING! Oh yes, something AION had, I remember
It would be awesome if guild could get their own castles or even houses
Thank you on your time for reading all this
Have a nice day!
What can the current maps accommodate?
King of the Hill and Deathmatch seem easy. Capture the Flag and Bomb seem like they might be doable in a pinch.
If there is ever anything like Heroes ascent with a tournament style series of different maps in a row against different teams, I would like one significant change from GW1…
That those who lose aren’t necessarily booted out immediately, but rather dropped down to fight another team who lost recently. Basically have a losers bracket for HA so they aren’t booted back to lobby immediately. Make it like any standard tournaments these days, where despite losing they can potentially work their way back in and keep going.
In any PUG for GW1 90% of the time the moment a team lost they would disband right then and there, making team formations all the harder. Something like a losers bracket would help keep teams together, and give people a chance to play against a different team who also lost, hopefully leading to a slightly better pairing.
GvG obviously. GvG would have to be structured differently simply due to the fact of there being no “healer” therefore you cant have a lasting stand battle as you would in the previous game. Would need to introduce 2 or 3 new bigger maps that emphasize a central flagging spot & your 2 side paths to the base (think Warriors, Hunters, Wizards, Frozen)
I Think a neutral item such as a Miniature Treb or some form of player controlled device on that map would work well in GW2. (similar to GW1 Catapult on Warriors.) Any type of Map similar to Meditation & Uncharted would work well due to the choke points and structure of the base. Those unused areas of the map could actually be used, even if you brought back Meditation/Uncharted/Frozen or updated it and used the same map in GW2 would work in my opinion. (How awesome would It be to have introduce GvG in GW2 with a revamped Gw1 Map).
The Main issue is finding an appropriate end game for GvG which has always been a problem in GW1. VoD could work because the game doesn’t have a “dedicated healer”. (For those that don’t know Victory or Death, aka VOD, all NPCs at a specific time walk to the stand and fight with the Guild Lords @ flag stand and force the teams to fight to the death.) Death Penalty would return along with Morale Boosts. I think the introduction of a 3rd objective would balance out GvG for GW2. You would have your flag stand, the enemy teams base, and a side NPC that spawns that could be taken down by 2-3 players. Forcing skirmishes and tactical decision making. Killing the “Special NPC” would grant a team wide buff that is valuable enough to force teams to take into consideration the rewards.
Just some thoughts I felt I’d share. I’m excited to hear about the new game modes upcoming updates for PvP.
Team Deathmatch
- Both team get a couple of points.
- if someone die’s they lose points
- fixed time
- Winner with the most points
Conquest Mode version2
- conquest with more capture points
- bigger maps
Capture the flag (like alemfi.5107)
- Capture the enemy’s flag
- defend your own flag
Is has to be more variety/offensive. Conquest is just no fun anymore… always the same.
Maby implement some new rewards?
The conquest game mode we have is good enough. This mode should be the official tournament game mode.
Any other game modes you guys come up with, I’d suggest clumping them all up into 1 thing like Tomb of Primeval Kings from GW1. To advance to Hall of Heroes (whatever mode this may be) you will have to win the previous game modes against other teams. The winning team of HoH should then be broadcasted to the global chat + whatever rewards.
I disagree, if anything the new game modes need to be nothing like conquest in any way shape or form. The game needs to have more variety, not the other way around. For one, I personally would not mind 1v1, 2v2, or 5v5 deathmatch. But to be quite honest the reason I quit the game in the first place is the lack of progression. Adding some type of progression with the new game modes will bring back the community in a HUGE way. People, “myself included” would come back in a heartbeat and support this game the way they used to.
The way the game currently is now, I can literally come back to the game at any given moment and not technically miss out on anything from me being absent progression wise. Because there is not anything to strive towards as a player. Leaderboards are broken obviously, so spending time to compete with people who haven’t played for months is meaningless. And of course there is no gear grind, which has it’s pros and cons about progression. But when you take away that kind of progression when it comes to gear and you add nothing in it’s place.
Then you have what the game is now for most people, which is very, very stale. and adding game modes remotely similar to conquest will not change anything other than a illusion of choice. Balance is a whole other topic in which I will not divulge in, because I certainly hope you know what’s wrong with the game currently.
TLDR: New game modes, nothing resembling conquest. Some type of progression, either fix leaderboards or add something new to strive towards. If you do I would come back to play “Other than 1 hour every other month”.
Totally agree with this! Got the same problem
This may have been said but I haven’t been able to read all of the great ideas above. However so I don’t forget I’ll lay out the idea I have in my head.
Let me first start by saying I fell in love with Guild Wars 2 because of WvW. Living Story is cool, spvp is cool, and all of the other content besides WvW I really like, however…. WvW is what makes GW2 stand out and everyone knows that. The problem is, you always have to run with a zerg or at least 5-10 people to get anything truly productive done or otherwise it is just random running around killing who you can….but wait…that is the idea!
IDEA: What if their was a game mode in the likes of WvW, where you could enter a map/maps according to your server and fight for little areas…alone! Every man for themselves. A massive battle royale where everyone fights each other to the death for a week long time period. Your kills is your score-count…also adding to the score count could be things you do within the map as well, such as steal little camps of others, etc.(ideas could be brought up on what else besides killing each other you could do). Think about how much fun it would be to randomly spawn in a map and just start fighting people in massive numbers. People could “team up”, turn on each other… etc. all for the fun of it!
Rewards: At the end of every battle royal cycle(a week or two), the top person/s would get a very nice worthy prize. Something of value, whether it be like 10 black lion tickets for a skin or something, or just something worth of value.
It would be a new style of WvW, but warring within your own server for fun.
Continuous global tournament with diffrerent game types in it,
like GW1 :
1v1 dueling will be great, i recently joined gw2 with my fiends, our first thought was to duel, and we really look forward for that.
Mini 5vs5 Task Arena
1. The team completing more “random” tasks in 15min wins the match.
2. As rewards you get a mini treasure for each win and a bigger one for 5 wins in a row.
3. Tasks have a time limit before the next tasks starts.
4. Each team can interrupt the enemy, but for some tasks you need 2-3 player while the rest is trying to defend.
With tasks i mean e.g building a asura golem where you need to collect the parts in the arena. The finished golem is attacking or stunning enemy players for 1 minute.
There are achievements for compleating tasks, participate with different classes etc.
5vs5 God Mode Arena
1. The first team defeating the enemy god statue wins
2. Each team has a random picked player who is playing the god.
3. The picked player can choose between the gods in gw2
4. Gods are the “commander” of their team and support the them with skills, effects, arena influence areas for each god
5. The picked gots have different skill e.g buffs, debuffs
Achievements: Playing x games as god x, defending god statue, ….
There are a lot of ways to implent new modes, but i think its important that they are unique and interesting.
These modes shouldn’t be interesting for pvp players only.
I know a lot of pve players who wont play pvp , because they dont get anything that will help them in pve.
You can convert pve items in pvp so why not the other way?
PvP should be more profitable, not with gold but other items that show what a hero you are in pvp.
I think GW1 modes, especially GvG (for hardcore part) and AB (for casual), have good potential in GW2 if they could be adapted for it.
I would just love a simple Deathmatch Mode with the following:
- NO Capping or Stuff. Just Fight.
- NO Hot Join
Match is either won after whole enemy team is dead (no respawn then) or after a set score or timelimit is reached (here, respawn takes either about 1 minute or is only possible, if no teammember is in fight (as it is in dungeons)).
This may not be new, nor may it be very special. But it is the pure form of PvP which i miss heavily in GW2. ATM, sPvP consists of fleeing, hiding, capturing points or outnumber roaming enemies. Real teamfights of team vs team (5vs5) never take place.
This does not require player skill, it just requires intelligence. When you know, how and where to move, you win, no matter how bad you are with your character.
3v3 arenas – enough said by others already.
murderball – team only generates points from kills by holding the ball ( holder has aura, kills must take place within aura, life siphoned slowly while holding ). no mobility penalties for holding, same penalties as Spirit Watch for ports / invis.
MOBA/GvG Hybrid
- MOBA map setup ( 3 lanes + jungle ) without any leveling or shops.
- Towers are replaced by destructible player controlled siege.
- Last hitting/denying a creep gives 1 Might stack for X seconds.
- Last hitting/denying siege gives AoE Might stacks + Blast finisher.
- Svanir / Chieftan type mobs in Jungle for last hit team buffs.
- Individual buffs spawn at various points on timer, similar to bottling buffs in MOBA.
- Big Boss Spawn on a timer similar to triple buff on Temple ( could grant a stored free resurrect to last hitter, similar to MOBA ).
- Base with guards + Guild Lord ( win condition ) on each side.
( pmuch combining Niflhel, Khylo & Legacy w/o Conquest & some MOBA mechanics )
conquest update – change node capture to toggle ( 4-5 second channel ). more active play, less pressure to remain in the circle if you can interrupt cap from outside it ( indirectly nerfing AoE ). CC plays for node control can make for more exciting turnovers.
Chain quest mode.
Give us more to do and develop the lore of GW2 further.
Sorry in advance, english isn’t my native language.
I dont like the downed status in pvp, the reasons for this is that it just prolongs the fight, and it’s to easy to zerg resurrect the downed player.
My suggestion to this would be to make this procces harder (risk for reward) as in gw1 with the ressurection skill wich took time, could easily be interupted and made you a target.
Pure deathmath
No capture nodes, just a battlefied.
Remove the downed status, 0 hp= death. The winner moves up a round as in the gw1 random arena system and gains more points/rewards.
Return of Heroes’ Ascent, this was such a challenging thing. Fighting your way up to the hall of heroes and keeping control. I would love to see something like this in the game.
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